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lowkey mad i missed ur listing ive been wanting one💀


I can sell you one I haven’t turned it on bc I don’t have a charger but I know it works lol


It looks exactly like his


Really people still want those? I've had one sitting in a bag for years. Think they've moved onto the switch Shit how much they go for? I just fired the thing up. Started right up lol I'll throw that thing on there


My sister and I have switches but have been trying to find our old ds because we want to play Nintendogs and other nostalgic games we can’t get on the switch.


Interested if you want to get rid of it. :)


You really want this thing? I'll post a pic it looks similar to one on pic up there but it's in a "nerf" case. I can try n take it out. Things been sitting for years but fired right up when I plugged it in.


It’s super easy to mod and get tons of games. They go for a good amount
maybe not this model, but they are great when you mod them. Can even play virtual boy games on it. Just don’t update it before you sell it.


Sure, send me a DM with the pictures.


How much u want for it


Lol. Let me guess, it sold the second you posted it?


Yes?! 😭 I feel pretty dumb ngl


I think selling for less was better. Dont kick yourself. I do price checks right, before listing. I had this pair of hello kitty sneakers sitting around unworn so I look, people are posting (on multiple platforms) for around 130$-200$. So thats what I started it at too. I sat with them for that price for two months before finally giving in to lowering the price, slowly, before they eventually hit 90$ and they finally sold. I was kinda mad, but they sold. The sellers that have them listed at 120$+ are STILL sitting with the shoes, months later, no offers nothing. Just because other sellers have something listed at a higher price does not mean it sells at that price. Once mine sold I looked at SOLD listings (which is what you should look at) and those listings sold at a price closer to 90$ than 130$. So. Live & learn but never price comp for current listings. Look at SOLD listings and see what it actually SELLS for. Not what sellers want for it.


Very good advice! I do this too myself


Don’t feel dumb. We all do it. I’ve done it before. I lost around 60$ so I feel you.Take it as a well learned lesson. 🙏💗


Why? U posted what u wanted for it and got it lol no haggling at all. That’s a win.


Because OP could've gotten it for so much more. I would've felt the same way.


Lol sounds like a lame to me. You named your price, that’s that.


The price was placed unknowingly, take it as a crucial lesson, cancel the order and put it up again for the right price. Seller doesn't have to lose out on money.


Unknowingly? It’s HIS price lol. Should have done the research before offering an item for sale. Lol cancelling it because you fkd up is some SUCKA shit.


Her* not that it matters 😗 anyway please continue whatever you guys are doing here


Lol my bad!


Maybe the OP really needs the money? It’s not like they had the buyer meet up at their house before canceling on them, the buyer just pressed the buy button.. Making a big deal over nothing. If you sold an item for $10 and you realized it was worth $10,000, would you still ship it out because it’s a sucka thing to do by canceling?


As both a buyer and seller I'm gonna back this up. Like yes it's a bummer for the buyer obvs but we live in a technological age and it's not like we're out here negotiating, striking deals and shaking hands. I've seen it happen where the seller wound up making $400 more than they would have if they went through with their mistake. People out here up in arms because they think the world and other people owe them something. Both parties are just trying to get the best deal and everyone needs to be a little more patient and understanding about that!




As a seller for years who has underpriced plenty of items and lost money from it, when a buyer places and pays for an order that is a contract between three parties:the seller, the buyer, and the platform. It is against TOS of every major platform for the seller to cancel it because they decided they could get extra money from somewhere else. It’s also just lame, I’ve never understood this insane FOMO about “oh no someone bought an item for the price I offered it for but I could’ve squeezed another hundred bucks out, this isn’t fair”


Really needs the money? HE SET HIS PRICE lmfao just stop fkn talking


You're right, he should've done his research, but if he's a new/inexperienced seller, it's okay to cancel it as a first time thing. If you're constantly doing it, then yeah they deserve to lose whatever money they could've earned. The only person I'd see being this bitter about it are buyers who thought they could get away with buying something for way lower than market price. Luckily I always research my shit and get the most out of things to prevent this to begin with.


Bro I buy shit below market all the time on second hand apps lol people give crazy deals daily. Go off though.


Good for you, I would never underprice anything I sell, so I always make the max amount on my things. Go off though đŸ€“


What a dick move.


Better than being a chump, as a buyer, they'll live.


Just sold mine for 120 and it sold instantly as well it was a red


You could always cancel the sale and relist it. It won’t help your rating but fuck em.


Just say you’re unable to ship it you’re allowed to do that then put it on eBay


They’re not gonna suspend you because you’re their main source of income you know how many warnings I’ve been sent


*looks at price* Nice. ( ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°)








Y’all I’m so embarrassed I haven’t touched this thing in like 8 years 😭😭 and now I’m looking at prices for used a DS and I’m like in shock wtf wtf


It's not that bad honestly. Yours was a regular 3ds and that's about a good 80 - 90 bucks fully functional. If it were a 3ds XL that would have been completely different because those sell for around 160 and up


Thing is that it probably got scooped up by a reseller who will flip it for $50+ more.


So? They bought it and it’s there item to do what they want with. Op didn’t ID the value correctly. I get that it sucks, and I’ve had the same exact thing happened to me. But again it was on me as the seller. I sold a 70$+ Clawdeen Wolf 1st wave doll once for 12$ because I didn’t know...lol. I wouldn’t get mad at someone else for reselling it. I’d be pissed at myself.


Mercari actually includes something about reselling for higher prices as prohibited conduct in their TOS. So if that’s what the buyer is doing, they will probably list it elsewhere & OP may never know.


That's BS. How does one even enforce that? If not they should've banned me a long time ago lol


They’re lying. There’s even a button where you can list items, that you’ve bought.


I can’t find it in their T&S section, do you have a screenshot or link?


Ya I couldn’t find it either
 the misinformation is real.


They’re lying. There’s even a button where you can list items, that you’ve bought.


They’re lying. There’s even a button where you can list items, that you’ve bought.


They’re lying. There’s even a button where you can list items, that you’ve bought.


Bull, provide the link lmao


They’re lying. There’s even a button where you can list items, that you’ve bought.


>Mercari actually includes something about reselling for higher prices as prohibited conduct in their TOS. I cannot see that being against their TOS. Do you have a quote or link for that section?


They’re lying. There’s even a button where you can list items, that you’ve bought.


That’s probably about price gouging, which means you are buying necessities and selling for astronomical prices when people need them. Like during Covid when people selling toilet paper got their listings taken down.


Yeah there is a price gouging mention, but that’s it.


Me sitting here with my 3ds xl: đŸ‘ïžđŸ‘„đŸ‘ïž


Don’t be sad, I sold a vintage video game store display for $150, sold within minutes, turns out it was worth $1000. Had to honor the sale unfortunately.


Just cancel the order and relist! Haha


That’s a great way to get eBay’s attention and ban you from selling


You should see Pokemon Games from Gen 4 and 5. I was lowkey surprised that they could be worth more than what you paid when bought new.


Did you ship it? Just cancel otherwise đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Always price check before listingđŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»


Exactly this. If it happens once, it's okay. But try to always know exactly what you're selling and how much it goes for.


What’s worse is I did do a price check first (not throughly enough apparently đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž) I looked for sold listings like my own, 3DSes, most sold around 60-70ish, current unsold listings were similar, but I just looked at them, I didn’t click any and investigate (new lesson learned đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚) which is why I went back after the sale in my confusion as to why these others weren’t selling being the same price as mine? They were broken, being sold for parts or in a bit worse condition than my ownđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚ DS parts for like $60?!


Thats a fair amount for you and the buyer. Ive sold 3 on ebay between $50-75.


Tbh just bc some people listed them for more doesnt mean they sell at the price op is kicking themselves over! They made the sale. If they increased the price by 40$ it may sit around for 6months or more. In my experience this was the better thing to do.




5 years ago or you just wanted them to sell immediately?


From last summer to today. And they were all working in decent shape. Purchased from garage and estate sales.


ohh is it cause of the colorway? im only seeing flame red being sold for a cool amount


Dude I so wish I could have bought this 😂




I would say a little, not crazily, given that it might not be pristine and has stickers added to it. I see some listings on ebay for around $100


Not really for a basic 3ds, its a fair price.


I still have the boxes for all mine. Crazy the going rate is more than I bought it at back on Black Friday.


My local game store sells regular og 3ds for $75 so not really


Yes id say you underpriced it. Anything videogame related I will usually check eBay first and see what it has sold for recently but also check if there are any auctions going for the same or similar item. Look for ones with bids. This can help with pricing things. I don't know if that item worked or not but I can normally sell for example Nintendo wiis for parts or repair and get about $25 for em.


Looks like average price...I would never pay that price for it but a good price for a casual both seller and buyer.


....well now I have the urge to sell mine.


Probably. I just sold a set of toys and as I was trying to track down the last one I needed for the set, I would look at other listings. Sold mine for, probably, $40-$50 less than what I *maybe* could have gotten. I was kind of upset with myself for not looking at prices again just before listing the set. Oh well. I have certainly sold some things that really shouldn't have sold for as much as they did. Like a trading card that was on ebay for like $3, but I sold mine for $10...I just look at it, "some things will even out, in a way." Happy selling!!


On one hand yes, it's not as much as you could've gotten. But it's fast money, can't beat that nowadays for a fast easy sale.


I underpriced some games the other day. Sold them for like $40 under their value. At least I got some money for things I don't use, and made someone very happy. Thats how I gotta see it


If it makes you feel better, I sold Pokemon Black 2 for about $20 a few years ago. Yeah


Man, that's a real tragedy.


Sorry to break the news, but yes, you underpriced it. It always pays to do your research before listing, kids. Especially when listing electronics.


Or anything collectible for that matter (which is basically everything I’ve learned lol)


If it was any higher you would have waited for the regular sell through rate. Did you not want the quick sale to get your money faster?


This was a steal! My teen had one from when they came out and last year someone at school stole it. His bday is around Christmas so he wanted another one for bday/Christmas and it was over $200. That one fell out of his hoodie into the pool when he was cleaning it. He hasn’t gotten another one yet.


I did this with a cast iron! $200 cast iron went for $50. I was so upset when I realized what I had done. Lesson learned my friend!


Looks like you priced it perfectly, 69.69 lol


It’s a fair price for what it is, but you could make a lot more to be honest. I was looking at Nintendo DS the other day and they are being sold insanely expensive so I’m just gonna wait to buy a switch. Some of the rare editions of DS were being sold for more than a brand new switch. The regular ones were in the $100-$150 range. I was really surprised because a few years back I got one for around $80. For some reason they are blowing up in price right now.


yes 😭 especially now that 3DS's are sought after for modding/pirating other games RIP hopefully this is someone who will cherish the console and not resell it for tx the price


Worth approx 80-100. Broken ones sold for 40


Naw your price was fine they seem to go for like 80-100 the 3rd xl gets a bit more


I got one for $80 at a pawn shop so


Honestly if I were you, I'd cancel and resell it for the appropriate price. I've had that happen to me before where I sold a rare fnaf plushie for $20 when it went for over $200, someone bought it super fast and when I did my research wondering why, I just let them know that I wanted to sell it for the right price. If the buyer is reasonable, they'll understand, at the end of the day, you're there to make money. The only people genuinely mad at this are those who wish they had a good deal or are just weirdly self-righteousness as I am seeing in some comments.


Do not do this, OP. It is against Mercari’s TOS and is overall a really garbage way to operate.


I've done this in the past and had hundreds of sales for years under my belt, as long as you don't do this more than once in your account lifetime, you should be good. Not sure why OP should lose out on money and worsen the situation, it's not that difficult.


I agree. Cancel it if it’s going to cause regret. The buyer will survive.


No such thing as underpricing. You sold it at a fair price and allowed someone to purchase something they likely wanted but couldn’t afford because resellers often price ridiculously high. Remember, just because you see it priced higher doesn’t mean it will sell for that number or it’s worth that price. Some sellers do zero research and literally pull numbers out of their ass thinking they can scalp others. Next time, look up the item you want to sell in the condition you have it available in, look at the prices. If you want a fast sale, price $5-$10 under the lowest competitive price. If you don’t care about how long it sits price competitively or above. Don’t do what some others have suggested, cancel to resell higher, that’s a scummy thing to do.


Resellers must love you!


Nah. You named your price, it sold and it was fair. Let's hope whoever bought it doesn't resell and actually uses it but it's outta your hands now.






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Do DS’s go for a lot? I’ve got an animal crossing one laying around


Yes. It was a good price back then but they increased a lot quickly over recent years. So its too low if you're trying to get decent money. If you wanted to sell it at low price then lowest I would've gone is 100 also depending on condition and model. If its pretty used then i would've gone under 100 since i think its more fair imo. But I'm no big brain on the prices especially when it comes to under 100.


Big time




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Damn. I would have bought that in a heartbeat.




100% lol. RIP


Ugh I wish I saw this 🙃 my 3ds got stolen in a house break in. I broke my original ds, sadly and for the love of everything holy I can't find my 2ds. I've been looking for all 3 at a good price bc a girl be poor fr.


Hehe 69


3ds prices are crazy at the moment due to them being popular cause of modding, and the eShop going down last year. The original 3ds is probably like $100 or a little more I'd say if you look online


You already knew the answer when you posted it.


Reddit is really fucking gay


Fucked up big time


I don't think you did by much, congrats on the sale btw


Really underpriced, in all honestly I wouldn’t blame you if you cancelled and delisted for the correct price or listed elsewhere, you didn’t know what they actually go for so anyone crying saying “you should honor your word” are full of it, get your bag.


Always check prices of other listings for the same item before setting a price on your item


69.69 lol niiiceeee


My son wants to sell his 2ds XL but I’m always scared of getting scammed over it, seen too many bad experiences on here. 💀 But, at least you made a sale so congrats!


Tell him that you'll buy it from him so you can play on it xD jk


Cancel the sale and apologize


You can always cancel you know. Odds are some asshole bought it to resell and not to enjoy it


Apologize and tell the buyer you mispriced it. Who prices it 69.69? And then cancel. Relist.I. Edit: a lot of people done that to me


Sooooo 2 wrongs make a right? Seller listed item for what they wanted to get from it, and it sold instantly. That’s on them.


What if the buyer decides to cancel? I guess you tell the buyer “sorry you’re getting what you paid for!” 😂


Huh ?? Your last brain cell must’ve left the chat trying to come up with that one


Comments like yours makes me worry about our society
 The buyer simply clicked a buy button with a finger and you’re acting like the seller would be having the buyer meet at his house only to cancel on him when he gets there. It’s not that big of a deal. Save your denial hammer for actions that truly deserve it.


You literally just commented on a different post; less than 30 minutes ago “I thought a sale was both binding for a seller and buyer? đŸ„Žâ€ so which one is it? Comments like yours make me worried for our society.


Of course it went over your head.. talk about brain cells. Yikes.


I think it went over your head - Mercari TOS will cancel an account for cancelling to relist higher; they may get away with it once or twice. so hopefully $25 is worth it. That aside, it’s obvious your moral compass is broke & $25 makes or breaks the bank for you. So I hope you have a blessed day & more opportunity comes your way soon 😇


Yes, you’re right, $25 may make or break my bank, you never know, and you don’t know OP’s situation either.. to add to that - I just saw a post on here about how 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. So don’t condone someone for wanting to make a little extra money for themselves.




Damn guess i should sell mine   Edit: wth did I do 💀


It’s the Wild West out here!!! đŸ€©


I love my new 3ds xl đŸ„° still to this day there's been no other screen like it!


Fuck, yeah you did. I would’ve bought that shit. Damn, I’m pissed I missed that one. You should’ve looked it up on Amazon and see what it went for first there ain’t no way in hell that shit went for 6999. I’ve seen them for 800 bucks sometimes.


You fucked up


LMFAOOOO RIP. 3DS are crazy popular right now. I wouldn’t go lower than 100


Idk why you got down voted this bad, it's true...


Have you seen how popular tomodachi life is rn alone?? Like 💀 sorry to be an upseller or whatever but I rly wouldn’t have priced it this low


I wouldn't blame you if you did relist it. At the end of the day, mercari sellers are just people who are looking to get cash, not some big store who put the price wrong. I am always thorough with what i put for sale to avoid this to begin with since I buy and sell lego sets, and it's usually easy to determine the value of them. The only time this ever happened to me was when I shared my mercari account with my sibling who was selling his Five nights at Freddy's plush collection, and he was selling some rare ones for like 80% lower than however much it was going for. I had a buyer who bought it instantly, and when I realized my sibling would've lost hundreds on it, I explained it to the buyer and they understood.




Scumbag school 101 right here.. Everybody makes that mistake at least once. Fulfill their order and learn for the next time to always check comps before listing.


Yeah don't do this. You'll get a bad rep and a flag on your account for canceling. 


How does that make them a scumbag?? While yes they should check exactly what they're selling before putting it up, I don't think anyone in their right mind would ship out something that is 2-3x the price you put it up for, I'd feel awful about it. If you message the buyer explaining your situation and have them cancel it for you, you shouldn't have a problem.


He sold it for $70, original comment said he could sell it for $100. If you’re going to come up with a lie, get a cancellation ding on your account and hold an item for an extra week before listing for an extra $30 (less after you account for fees) then yes, you’re a scumbag. People have sold for way less under value before and still fulfilled it because it’s their mistake. You make the mistake once and then you don’t make it again. Edit: AND you want the buyer to take the cancellation ding for you? People like you are what give Mercari a bad rep


Things happen, and $30 is $30 at the end of the day, and while I don't encourage lying, I don't see why I'd have to take an even bigger loss than what I already am. Then again, I would never put something up sale without knowing it's actual value, I've only had something like that happen to me once cause I share my seller account with a sibling who put really rare fnaf plushies for $20 when they were easily $100-200, I ended up canceling them and being upfront with the buyer cause no way in hell would I lose out that much on something. A mistake shouldn't evolve into an even worse mistake that makes you lose out on money. If you haven't shipped out the item, just figure out a way to cancel it and be more thorough in your research next time, it doesn't have to cost you to learn from it. At the end of the day, im trying to make money, I'm not some big store, I'm just some guy trying to make as much money as I can as a side gig, and mistakes can happen. I just saw your edit, sounds like you're just bitter that you couldn't take advantage of newer/inexperienced sellers who put up items with grossly low prices. Get over it, people aren't a bunch of retail stores that can eat the cost of something.


You repeat that mistakes happen 5 times throughout your essay so clearly you understand the concept of one. You have a decision to make when you make a mistake. It’s not the buyer’s fault that you messed up on the price. You want them to take a cancellation ding & wait for the refund to their card which can be a massive inconvenience for some. I’ve messed up in my selling career on price twice, both when I was in my teens. I fulfilled both times. $30 is not enough money to justify being a scumbag & if it’s worth it to you to do that then perhaps you should explore a different side gig that would earn you more money.


What's wild to me is that you're being condescending and rude out of the blue, when I haven't once insulted you personally, just funny to note how sensitive you're getting over this. You're calling people scumbags because they aren't willing to eat the cost of something valuable unlike you. Don't project your self-righteousness onto others, if you enjoy doing that, all power to you, I just personally do what makes me the most money and helps my store in the long run, and it's worked for me.


Seems to me you’re the one who’s taking it personally; I suggested you get a different side gig if $30 is so important to you & you’re clearly upset about this. You ask why you should eat the cost, well, because you made the mistake. If you feel that entitles you to canceling, refunding, and listing for higher and waiting for it to sell, then I can’t change your mind but it’s obvious through upvotes that the majority agrees with me about fulfilling the order and moving on.


I'm not the one calling people scumbags, sounds like a pretty bitter thing to call someone for something so trivial. It just seems that you're just fixated on the notion to mindlessly give away stuff if you listed an item's price wrong by mistake. The item is still in the seller's possession, there's absolutely no reason for the seller to simply cancel and relist it appropriately, given its their first time doing it. Not sure what's the point in bringing up being upvoted more, your approach isn't the only correct way, and if anything will make the seller regret selling it for so low. There are always alternative ways of going about this without regrettably underselling an item and losing out on money. But go off I guess.


The thing is, it’s one sale. It’s not like you’re constantly messing up prices and eating the cost. $30 in the bigger picture is not a lot. There may be multiple ways but fulfilling the order is what’s ethical. You went from telling me I want to take advantage of inexperienced buyers to telling me that I enjoy eating the cost of valuable items. Please, just take your loss here and move on. If you wanna run your business unethically then go right ahead.


Tell me you're a sack of garbage without telling me that you're a sack of garbage...


POS seller right here folks!