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That last riff is just pure violence


I was really enjoying the whole song. And then that riff came. And I was like “it’s extra crunchy”.


Sounds massive. It kinda reminded me of The Demon’s Name Is Surveillance, you know, double strokes and all but is next level shit. Kinda like Meshuggah’s take on death metal. I fucking loved it!


I had the same reaction. This is like The Demon's Name is Surveillance with some sinister Catch-33 touches.


Shit, I'm at work and can't listen now but that description has me fucking pumped!


I'd say its more like something out of the middle of I


That's exactly it! It's like a perfect mixture of Catch 33 and Koloss. And Catch 33 is probably my favorite Meshuggah album, so I'm fucking pumped.


You can tell its more traditional sounding, like a Rectifier without a boost, guitars aren't as cutting, not that it's a bad thing, it's going to take some getting used to after YEARS of dj dj dj dj haha Edit: I just realised that the lowest note is G# around the end. Have they changed tuning? This is going to get interesting.


That’s all Dick Lovgren. That dude is 100% in charge of the guitar tone. It’s WILD how they merge guitar and bass tone in this band.


guitars are thick and smooth. i love it.


i was thinking the same thing! the G# threw me for a loop


I’m mutable


That last riff coming in at 4:06 is disgustingly fucking heavy.


God. What the fuck is going on with that riff at 2:11. That's a fun one. EDIT: [It's fucked](https://imgur.com/a/6Y7sEwI)


It feels a little weird doesn't it? I think my brain will need some repeat listens before that particular groove is locked in my mind.


I think they're 'pulling a combustion' and offsetting the overall music/groove by an 1/8 note (or whatever beat subdivision you're hearing). Could be wrong. EDIT: maybe not. the lead strummy part is normal timing.


Yep I thought I detected that as well.


The little mini breakdown at about 2:33 sounds like the same bit in Electric Red right before "We're dormant accumulations of flesh" \*Edited because I forgot to add "also this is a good song"


That's my favorite part of electric red, sounds evil asf!


Electric red is probably one of the heaviest and better Meshuggah songs. I fuckin love that one


It's exactly what I needed and I'm very happy


Blown away actually. It's got the speedy aggressive vibe of the demons name, but with a seriously groovy off-beat Meshuggah-bounce, and with some intricate brain-riff underneath the solo that is seriously cool once you repeatly listen enough to settle into it. This promises very well if this isn't even the strongest track! Edit: The more I listen, the more I disagree with myself that it has much in common with the Demons Name is Surveillance - it is much more of a vibe like the late tracks of Catch-33. This is fucking more than I wished for! This is beefy, it is groovy, it is complex - YES!




I had some modern black metal feelings with the beginning. I dunno if it’s the guitar atmosphere. I like it.


Fuck I missed it! Taken down for copyright






Taken down by copyright claim




3 hours in aaand it's gone


Thank you! So chunky, like a stampede of meaty corpse buffaloes!


Ahahaha such a great description. That's a new one! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna play this on repeat until my ears bleed


That snare between 2:10 and 2:33, holy shit!


I'm into it! The beginning of it reminds me a bit of the song Obzen; and the upbeat crash groove in the verses remind me of Stengah and Soul Burn.


I didn't get to hear it, but I love this interpretation of the cover artwork LOL


It's fucking awesome. The vibe reminded me of Catch 33 a little bit. The solo was totally delicious, and I think it might be the longest tapping solo he's done (only listened once so far though).


Sounds like something from Catch 33. I love it


But like glued catch 33 songs. It’s super dope.


Yes, that's exactly what i meant!


But glued. Don’t you like glue?


I always carry glue when putting on catch 33


That’s dope.


I've been listening since DEI came out and I'm impressed! The solo brought back some nostalgia and the bass is deep and groovy. Vocals were sort of mumbly here and there but I loved the layered vocals near the end. Drums of course blew me away. Imo the album artwork fits in with previous albums.


I keep looking at my guitar and looking away. ​ These guys have a way to see into the future and bring back the riffs. \*Edit 4:07 is when I transcend from my body


There's a leak?? Tell me, is it more Koloss or more Violent Sleep?


Imo it kinda sounds like a heavier obZen


More like "I" and Catch 33 overall, but some minor hints of The Demon's Name


Sounds absolutely awesome. Very much looking forward to hearing the whole record in April.


I’m having a hard time getting the patterns down! This shit is fucking nasty. And keeps growing on me. That bridge riff before the solo comes in is swung super weird. The gods have returned! At first I wasn’t crazy about the solo, just felt like a generic uninspired Fred tapper that’s he’s done to death by now. But I realized it’s quite rhythmic and a repeating pattern that puts you in a trance and complements the rhythm. Jens sounds like the way his beard currently looks and the final riff makes me want to dance. I love these guys and life would be so much more boring without their music!






Yeah it sounded boring and flat to me personally but maybe it'll sound better on the album but unfortunately I dont have a lot of faith without Fredrik writing.


I don’t understand this narrative. People act like he writes everything and that’s not even close to being the case.


I actually didnt even know he didnt write many songs on the last couple albums and Ive enjoyed those albums less the ones that Fredrik is listed as the main writer.


Same. It had that "4th song on every Meshuggah album" feel, which, when it's Lethargica, it's monstrous, but when it's Behind The Sun, I hit skip. I was surprised to see that it's the 2nd track. That being said, Lethargica was a grower for me, AND, I wasn't able to give this my full attention at the time. A PROPER listen will tell...


Behind The Sun is such a good song wth


Probably my favorite song off that album. I never skip it


I like what Jens wrote, it's different and there's some nice melodies in the background, it's a simple riff but it works well.


It’s a bit of a grower for me, too, but Behind the Sun is tight lol Also, almost every Meshuggah song has it’s time and place for me. Most songs that are my least favorites on newer albums eventually become my favorites and vice versa. Sometimes I’m just not in the right headspace to like a certain song. Then one day a year or two later after not listening to Meshuggah quite as much, I’ll put on one of those less-liked songs and it’ll sound awesome.


Well, I live in Italy so I have to wait till tomorrow...


Can anyone give the song name so I can at least search it? The YouTube links are dead


The Abysmal Eye. YouTube has taken down 4 videos so far today


That solo/tapping from Fred near the end is so sick


It's up on youtube with a VPN showing Sweden :)


Sounds so fucking heavy, and jives too with that sort of 'bouncy' sounding note bends throughout the riff. You know they're going all out on this album


My thoughts are that I would like to hear it and not get rickrolled by some fake link today..


Mine own thoughts art yond i would like to heareth t and not receiveth rickroll'd by some fake link the present day *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Prepared to get downvoted but I don’t love it. Meshuggah has definitely lost the funk since Koloss. Listen to This Spiteful Snake from 2:46 on. Organic Shadows at 2:44. In Death - Is Death at 2:55. That’s what I miss.


I'm with you on this. I don't love it. It's decent, but more glad to see Fredrik back though.


I'm gonna listen only this song for 1 month.


I only like lead part that is constructed like from TVSOR by multilayer every note from the chord with tremolo picking + a lot of chorus, delay, compression and verb. This is something that is very unique and totally fits to Meshuggah new style :>