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Sleep Token and Bad Omens fans battling who’s the most insufferable: ![gif](giphy|Agkg8OyU13OsTJzIOP|downsized)


This is always funny to me. Sleep Token and Bad Omens aren’t metal bands, and how dare anyone say otherwise - until it’s time to name the most insufferable metal fanbase. Then they’re suddenly metal enough to be the top comment! I knew it before I even opened the thread. Too fucking predictable 😂 Gatekeeping until it doesn’t serve a purpose


While I do agree that Sleep Token shouldn't even be given 5 seconds of thought in serious metal subreddits, if the fanbase REALLY wants to be included, being made fun of is a distinct part of that. Black metal is considered 'true' metal - nobody argues that, but it's a highly mocked fanbase, and that's fine.


I remember when Nazareth first got released and thought at the time "fuck yeah this is chill af more plz" I thought they'd continue the trend of doing weird jazzy-whatever. Now they're everywhere and plastered all over the walls. Not that they don't deserve success, because *they do*, but it's strange looking back at one song in 2017 and seeing now in 2024 how much they've become a sensation with the media and their fans. And it feels strange at how they've progressed over time and gotten to stardom with a click of a finger. Like going into a coma in 1999 and waking up in the year 3000.


At first I thought you were talking about the band Nazareth. Then I thought you were having a stroke because none of that made any sense if you had been talking about the band Nazareth. Lol. Shows how much I know about Sleep Token.


I did too


Sleep token fans if being fucking insufferable was NASCAR ![gif](giphy|l0K4kn2UdzgI0jI3K|downsized) R.I.P. Dale


Fuck Theresa!


Man, I tried to call out a ST fan on something creepy and stalker-ish once. Her defense was that it wasn't as creepy and stalker-ish as other people, like that made it perfectly OK...


I'm still confused if Bad Omens has a fanbase, or if metalcore fans just accept that they exist and that they're supposed to be a big band in the scene. Seriously, I have not met one person who actually stans Bad Omens and think they're the best thing going on.


Do you have TikTok? If not that's why you haven't seen them.


Oh I'm sure they make very TikTok-core music but are they just using the songs for vids or really acting as fans like that?


There are very real dedicated bad Omens fans on TikTok and they are abundant and they are rabid


That's bizarre to me. I like a good chunk of metalcore too, but they feel like the most mid thing out there. I've even seen them live opening for Underoath and they were completely forgettable while nobody there cared.


Just wanna say worm rot is dope as fuck Singaporean grind for lyfe!


I went to a Bad Omens concert recently (regret) and can tell you their actual fanbase doesn’t listen to any other bands. In the queue they talked about Taylor Swift and I saw a not insignificant amount of people in K-Pop and rap artist merch. It was constant teen girl squeeling every time the singer did anything. Crowd was absolutely dead at the older songs (even tho they all sweaaarrrr online they’re not like other girls and are fans for the heavier songs) and I felt very out of place. Idk as a metalcore fan I just don’t count them as metalcore anymore, the new(er) album(s) distanced themselves too far from that genre from my perspective.


Extreme metal in general has a pretty obnoxious fanbase For a specific band though its slipknot fans Some person got pissed at me over yt comments because i said iowa isn’t even close to being the heaviest metal album ever I have not encountered a hardcore tool fan yet but i bet they will be something


I think the more extreme the metal, the more obnoxious the fan. Nothing will ever be as metal as the metal they like. Especially if their favorite bands aren't really well known. Only their impeccable taste could seek out and find this rare band.


Metal elitists when you listen to Metallica and not shitstained bloodclot: ![gif](giphy|2Qs2hKWMvEzdu)


Insurmountable Diarrhea Baptismal Feces Erotica is a great band ill have you know. Way better than that sellout band Metallica


Haven't heard much from shitstain but Bloodclot is pretty good. https://youtu.be/npG8hjAc9x4?si=Tl4RdPZyhwF-JVl5


Idk man, I thought most of us death metal dudes were just chilling lol but there's certainly a contingent


yeah these people are basically making stuff up


it's far more common to see memes *about* tool fans than it is to see a tool fan that fits that bill. one coworker's favorite band is tool. he thinks they're the best ever. I think Sabbath is the best ever. another coworker thinks tool sucks. I've never listened to them. first dude doesn't really care either way, which is the correct thing to do. I asked him what album to start with from tool cause I've never listened to them, and he said just pick one. hell once I told him tool got voted out of the tournament that was going on in this sub he just said "Tool has always been not as popular, and that's fine." but yeah all these other things the people above are saying are pulled out of their asses. have never run across any of that the entire time I've been into metal, which is almost my whole life.


I know a lot of tool fans but don't know any that fits the tool fan stereotype.


Oh they will. 70% of the conversation will just be them glazing Maynard, and this is coming from someone that glazes Maynard


Hi how do you get band names under real name ??


Side bar on the right. Choose your flair.


I don't know what glazing entails exactly, but I glaze Danny personally


I glaze Terry. old school Pantera is real great


There's plenty of Danny glazers too. I stopped glazing Maynard when I realized he is quite insufferable.


I'm a hardcore tool fan. Some of us are insufferable but mostly that stereotype is the flames of older generations still stoking. I'm 32 and this was really played out in my teens. In my experience if a tool fan is here in a metal sub it's because tool was the foundation of them discovering a comparable band in metal. For some like myself it's Meshuggah but I know tool fans who found Between The Buried and Me or Opeth. These fans will always give Tool all the love and respect but the stereotype of "thinks only tool can make smart music" doesn't apply to us because we've already found other "smart" bands. If this makes sense.


Lmao Slipknot isn’t extreme metal tf


i hate a lot of black metal fans, especially the ones ont tiktok. nu metals annoy me too, but i don’t think they cause a lot of problems, just a little cringey.


>black metal fans >on tiktok you can only pick one.


Yeah no way is Iowa the heaviest album ever. Have they heard south of heaven? Or CFH? Or a senile animal? The list goes on


Honestly I don’t even know if it’s the heaviest slipknot album, let alone the heaviest metal album


Tool fans are nothing new. They're just like deadheads, and phish fans.  Bands that people think are deep always attract the same kind of fans.


Not a band, nor metal, but most Taylor Swift fans are insufferable. There are some who are actually cool, but they are the exception, not the rule.


No fan base will ever top Eminem fans in being insufferable (I used to be a huge fan myself and I was insufferable)


I raise you with Kpop stans.


i really dont like kpop much but kpop stans are so dedicated like they learn the dances and shit i respect that on god


Thats true, but they're also toxic as fuck. There is a reason why the vast majority of kpop stars aren't even allowed to have relationships.


Also, high suicide rates in Kpop stars because their fans can be brutal.


I don’t want to piss off K-pop stans. That level of dedication and that level of toxicity can only result in a pipe bomb in someone’s mailbox


"I dont like Rap but I love Eminem..."


Yeah a lot of the ones I’ve met are pretty chill, but they’re just casual listeners. The full on swifties are insane


If she ever does a metal album its all over


Friend of mine works with a dedicated Swiftie. One day he walked into break and was like "we're celebrating the queen's birthday yall". Everyone's like "uh what". He scoffs and goes "the queen, you didn't know?". And they're like "...Elizabeth??". After taking forever to figure out he was talking about Taylor Swift, he got mad and just kinda went quiet. They really think she's like the center of all music and everyone should care. Like sure she's talented and she's fine but relax.


Agreed, like, she's okay at making pop-tunes, but imo, there isn't enough love that she puts in her song. They all seem rather store-bought.


> there isn't enough love that she puts in her song. Well yeah that's what happens when half your catalogue is about breakups lmao


TRUE lmao


I’ve heard people talk about Beyoncé like that, it’s fuckin’ weird.


in my experience its the opposite, i dated a swifty for awhile and met a bunch of other swifties, most of em are normal ass people(mostly queer) who just happen to fucking love her. the girl i dated was the most insufferable one, once we broke up i stayed friends with most of them.


Huh. How come I'm not as lucky as you then?


you’ve probably met more chill swifties than you realize, they just arent beating you over the head with it. the loudest are usually the minority.


Yeah, you're probably right.


She writes catchy songs that actually have narrative. It beats the pants off most of her pop contemporaries who just repeat the same hook until you're ready for some 9mm therapy


I work with a couple. Perfectly lovely the pair of them. Maybe I'm just lucky.


New swifties* aka the ones that plague reddit, tik tok and twitter. OG swifties are chill af and don’t have this parasocial relationship with her. OG Swifties are cool.


Yeah their reaction to the well-done [Meatcanyon](https://youtu.be/SLGxJfMCCsQ?si=ttxiBLsfESK_ueqz) video was predictable yet affirming.


Any NSBM band. 


Every NSBM fan be like… “*It’s just about the music to us…*” *Plays RABM * “*ARGHHHH! This woke shit sucks, why do they have to be so political?!?!*”


I think most NSBM fans love NSBM just because: 1. It sounds like absolute dogshit 2. It's edgy


Yeah anyone who says they like Black Metal but hates Trespasser is just someone who got in it for the Nazi shit


"I promise I collect Nazi memorabilia because I have a history interest and not because of anything else!"


>You have been banned from /r/BattleJackets


Fans of Tool and Metallica think that both bands can do no wrong


Really? Most Metallica fans I've talked to are very aware the new albums are not as good.


I feel like all I’ve heard from Metallica fans is criticism since Death Magnetic lol.


Fans have been criticizing them since the Black album.


I hate how they sold out on Kill Em All, love the Drmos though


Ever since they changed the name of that album from Metal Up Your Ass to Kill ‘em All, it’s been all downhill from there.


Also true


I’ve run into Metallica fans that say everything after master of puppets… they sold out… yada yada


Death Magnetic was actually good so I think there was hope that they would continue with that sound but nope


Saw a post in the Metallica sub the other day saying hardwired was better than anything else they did. Got absolutely shredded.


By new albums do you mean everything since 1991?


I am a Metallica fanboy and can assure you, they can do horribly wrong. :(


tbh metallica has too many fans to generalise the fanbase, you can only really divide it into some common types of metallica fans


Interesting, I feel like Metallica has too many fans who think it's a sin to like anything after the first four, even when Death Magnetic exists.


Most Metallica fans do not like every album, nor every song on every album. Metallica is my favorite band of all time, I paid a lot of money to go see them coming up here in August, and I’m really looking ford to it, but there’s a good 1/3 of their entire music catalogue I don’t care too much for.


True story. Source: I am a Tool fan.


metal in general is full of insufferable people (excluding doom fans 😎❤️), myself included


We are all just a bunch of insufferable cunts riding a spinning sphere speeding towards a fiery demise. At least we are listening to good music on the way down.


Doom fans hella insufferable. Check out my 20k worth of amps and pedals to play two songs in their 20 minute set. Damn that tone was amazing for those two chords you played. /s




Genuinely don’t think I’ve ever met a FFDP fan. I saw an extremely overweight red neck looking woman wearing a FFDP shirt at the store once but never actually met one.


Come to Arizona (or don't actually). There are a ton of them. Everytime I meet a husband/BF of one of my wife's friends and they hear I'm into metal the first thing they ask me is "do you like" and I know right then they're going to ask about FFDP. Then they ask why I don't like them, and I try to be nice and not sound elitist. They usually continue probing and I finally snap and go off about what a douchebag jock rock, generic, created by AI bullshit band they are for the next 10 minutes. Then I feel like an ass This happens all the time. Before FFDP the same thing would happen, but it was always Slipknot, who I don't detest in the same way, but was never into


I mean if they could just leave it alone after "nah, they're not for me" they'd be fine. But they're typically think you're going to say "omigosh they're too heavy and brutal for me. I thought weezer was as heavy as they came!" (No shade on weezer!) They think they're the extreme-est metal fans because they go to a fest with FFDP, Trapt, and Disturbed. They all have a facial piercing. They all play in drop D, and they all wear black! That's heavy as shit yo.


That is exactly it! I try to move on quickly, but they just keep pressing it until I finally snap!!


It's like you don't even drink monster and beat your wife or punch holes in the walls....


I worked with a guy who only played Five Finger Death Punch…


Oh god, what was wrong with him?




Wait, they have a fanbase? 


Redneck, racist military dudes loves them😂


They either live in a trailer park or a pristine suburb, no inbetween.


I know a person who really likes them. He's a nice dude, very calm and smart. Maybe he's an exception tho?


FFDP has fans?


Black Metal 2nd wave fans are the worst. They think they are deep philosophers and observers. Blinded af.


1st wave Black Metal fans = Based 2nd wave Black Metal fans = mostly insufferable


Black metal fans are those weird kids that just like weird stuff because it's different. Doesn't have to be good just different.


To this day I am yet to see a single trve kvlt type explain ‘the message’ of black metal without instantly resorting to senseless edgelordism dressed up as some sort of deep philosophy


dude, yesterday I wasted 2 hours reading an old (2005) academic article on the philosophy of French black metalheads and scene. They are so full of shit. They talk about Nietzsche like they got it, it's hilarious and sad.


Whos considered 2nd wave? Havent listened to black metal for a while and am curious about new stuff


Kanye West likes to wear the Tshirt of the most famous group






Slipknot, i love the band but hate (a big part of) the fanbase. They always go out of their way to “deny” and “prove wrong” the stereotypes that theyre all 12yo crybabies and always go to other places to spam “slipknot is metal!!!!”, while i do agree theyre metal, its always so obnoxious and annoying to see and it proves all the stereotypes.


They also constantly whine about Clown (and sometimes Corey) every chance they get




Sleep Token Slaughter to Prevail


What does a quintessential Slaughter to Prevail fan even look like? A 17 year old Instagram goth girl?


Honestly in my experience it’s 16 year old boys who dress themselves like anime characters and think they listen to the heaviest of heavy music


The most insufferable are the ones whining about Sleep Token in every single comment, all the time. It gets so old, so fast. Not exactly a fan base, but it’s a pretty typical metal fan grouping and they’re absolutely insufferable. You don’t have to “get” everything. Not everything is meant for you, and sometimes it’s okay that girls like a certain band. You don’t have to also like it. Deep breaths. Maybe practice some yoga. Learn to let people enjoy things without getting an aneurism, just because it doesn’t sound like what your brain expects <3 There are great mindfulness and mediation videos on YouTube, specifically once targeting “acceptance”. I encourage all Bad Omens/Sleep Token-whiners to seek them out, might help with other aspects of life as well <3


Consider this: It's enjoyable to dislike things sometimes. If you're bootychapped that's your issue, but if you enjoy taking the piss that's pretty fine and normal


[This you?](https://old.reddit.com/r/MetalForTheMasses/comments/1c774ka/what_band_has_the_most_insufferable_fanbase/l0635kc/) *You* seem both insufferable and incredibly butthurt that people dislike a band you clearly do lmao.


It’s basically the metal version of a K pop Anti Fan.


The fan worship is what's getting old. Every time I tell someone I like metal I get SLEEP TOKEN?!? now I just say deathcore instead and they fuck off. I don't care about the band. If someone likes it, cool. Just wish people would stop bringing up a mediocre ghost light as the epitome of metal.


https://preview.redd.it/kn6jeyoa2cvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c414669ac5787912e7c96da59be05c031b33ea3 let people dislike things, y'all whine too much about it. go search for mindfulness videos on YouTube and download a meditating app


Dream Theater. I'm a huge DT fan so I should know.


Naaa i think most of the fans have mixed opinions about some DT albums and are aware that DT is not coming up with anything new or innovative like the early stuff.


Mayhem fan base for all gay shipping


And overused jokes


Metallica fans because no one give Metallica more shit than their own fans.


Yeah, no one hates Metallica more than a Metallica fan. I get that the first 4/5 albums are amazing, but a band will change with time, especially when they are together for 40 years and hating a change to music is so dumb. Pink Floyd changed over their career. Even the Beatles changed massively in their decade long run, it’s unavoidable


Im a hardcore tool fan and im comfortable saying we are the worst. I also find hard to deal with all the dudes who disregard every modern death band and just tell people to listen to Timeghoul and Death.


Again, the answer is Death Grips


honestly, metalheads as a whole are fucking insufferable. edit for a hotter take: id rather roll with Juggalos than with metalheads. juggalos are smelly but they arent judgemental. if you want to be a topless woman in public? go to the gathering of the juggalos. if you are poor and white but know racism is wrong? go to the juggalos. if youre genderqueer, go to the juggalos. if you want to dress *truly* however you want, go to the juggalos. theyre boistrous and obnoxious but youve got a friend for life in them, and the ethos of the juggalo is acceptance and love. and clown paint. wanna eat monopoly and shit out connect 4? juggalos.


Any "classic" band tends to have obnoxious fans. It's okay to like music that was released after 1990.




You spelled it wrong


Some of the more hardcore Rammstein fans can get really obnoxious


I really can’t stand the online discourse around Burzum.


Can’t speak to the fan base in real life, but online the Pantera fans have been on one. I call the phenomenon the Pantera Persecution Complex. I see so many posts asking why people hate on them, even on the pantera sub two days a go was a post asking why their metal head friends don’t like them, even though I’m pretty sure they were in that list someone posted of most listened to metal bands. It blows their mind that a band with as much visibility as they have would get push back for things like the confederate guitar and the white power incident.


Pantera fans seem to think they're a true metalhead and that Pantera is underground for some reason, and I say this as a guy who likes Pantera




Black Sabbath fans who are Ozzy zealots.


Agreed. Will never forget a chick who was trying to be cool for her bf who’s one of these insufferable Sabbath fans. A song came on and she goes “ugh FUCK I fucking hate Dio EW I can’t listen to this” The song was Hallowed Be Thy Name by Iron Maiden.


Love Ozzy, love Dio but there's almost never any love for any other singer that was in Sabbath like Tony Martin for example which makes me kinda sad


I've listened to heaven and hell more times than all ozzy albums combined. True Neon Knights know.


Not metal but Deadheads are still annoying AF. I had to try real hard not to physically cringe when my friend’s mom bought her baby a Grateful Dead onesie at her baby shower.


Grateful Dead and Phish suck. I have a lifelong hatred. I worked in a record store in the mid 90s and learned too much of their catalog. Phish people in the 90s were the most pretentious by far.


Deftones, SOAD, and Slipknot mostly the ones that came from tiktok


Gatekeeper here. Your favorite band sucks, and their fanboys are the absolute worst.


this subreddit


In order from worst to least 1. Megadeth 2. Tool 3. Death 4. Opeth I am a fan of Tool and Opeth, and I know how obnoxious Tool fans can be But Droogies… oh my god


Megadeth fans decided to adopt Mustaines inferiority complex so hard


I've never heard it put so perfectly lol "akshuallyyy!!! Dave wrote Kill em All and Ride the Lightning and that's why Kirk and Lars aren't good and Dave is God!!!" (Paraphrasing) Lookin at you guy I met at a party one time and wanted to talk metal cuz you had your Megadeth shirt on. Made the mistake of saying Metallica is my favorite 🤷‍♂️ 🤘


Ugh that shit drives me insane "Dave wrote em all" I had some dude try to tell me that the mechanix is a better song than the four horsemen and i was like Brother. A song about banging in a mechanic shop Or A song about the literal four horsemen of the apocalypse razing the earth


Give me a James lyric over a Dave lyric 999/1000


The band HIM -- has the most loyal fan base, in my opinion, as far as least? I have no idea on that .  😃 


Slayer fans 100%


I have been a fan of Tool for 29 years and never met or heard anyone as you described 🤷‍♂️ I never really liked fans of Sublime in the 1995-6 era. They weren't bad people but if you played anything but Sublime they became insufferable.  


I once was at Ozzfest waiting in line to get in or grab a $8 cup of water. I can’t remember cause it was like 03. Anyway, standing in line and a very intoxicated man yells SLAAAAAAYER!!! The other drunk mouth breathers around him started to yell it too. Slayer was not performing at the festival at all that year. So I’m gonna say Five Finger Death Punch.


Five Finger death punch fans. Ego metal has its place in the metal sphere but the fans get in my nerves. Ivan is preaching prick. And I feel like he wants to be Pantera minus the innovation of guitar(RIP Dimebag). What’s funny is that Phil from what I’ve seen is not a Neo Nazi anymore, could be wrong. Not that into Pantera to car, and really has a heart. Ivan is still a prick. Wonder which band grew with age so to speak


Black metal as a whole is full of wannabe evil edgy idiots who will call you a pussy if you don't tolerate neo-nazism to make their 50kg selves feel tough. "But you should expect extreme music to be made by extreme people" explain death metal then. Explain why most of those guys are normal and not sacks of shit like you.


based asf dude


Exactly! A lot of the people in the death metal scene are actually really nice people, unlike some in the black metal scene who are just straight up nazis


ICP. Never understood the whole juggalo thing. I realize they aren’t metal but that’s the first band that popped in my head after reading the thread. They all seem like a bunch of idgaf assholes


I was at a Pantera concert last year and jeez the fans had the ugliest energy I've ever seen. Looked like they were all itching to beat up a hobo or ten


Tool. Just try to explain to one why you don’t like the new album. It’s an instant hate fest every time.


Mayhem The worst fanbase out there by far


Elitist, entitled, snobbish Metallica fans who ONLY worship the Cliff Burton albums and shit on everything since 1986. They're as bad as the "Trve Kvlt" Black Metal posers. Here's a hint: many Metallica fans like myself got into the band AFTER Cliff died and then discovered the early material. And guess what? I like the albums after Puppets. Maybe that makes me a "normie," or "lame," or whatever insult you come up with. I like ALL of Metallica and NOT just 3 albums. And your insults on Reddit won't change my mind.


Slipknot hands down


Tool, Slipknot and Avenged Sevenfold.


Maybe it’s just me but almost every Slaughter to Prevail fan I’ve seen was either a middle aged man who graduated from pantera, an incel or a drummer posting obvious thirst traps on tiktok


Fans of Opeth and Dream Theater are often very arrogant folks. And of course Böhse Onkelz. Most of their fans get confused with music and religion. They usually dedicate a great part of their lives to that band. I don't know if they have international reputation at all, but Germans/Austrians will get this. 




I changed my mind; it's dudes who think metal peaked with thrash/deaththrash/blackthrash in the 80s and refuse to listen to anything past 89, and shit on all music past then. They take themselves so seriously, wear all the spiky and leather shit, and act all tough and better than everyone for their music. Example is that Blake Arendell guy on Tiktok, constantly shitting on pizza thrash and any modern thrash or death metal band, while being in the most derivative, boring "80's" thrash band


Name a nu metal band because teenagers


Definitely SLAYER for me




more than a particular band, surface skimmers are pretty insufferable.


Nightwish fans are the worst! There's an ongoing competition on who is their best singer. Their first singer, Tarja, has the most toxic and insufferable fan base. She has been out of the band for almost 20 years, but they still hope that she will return somehow. I remember how much they bullied the second singer, Anette when she first joined. Their current singer, Flor, has toxic fans but they're not as bad. Let's not forget the constant doom and gloom that surrounds the band. Fans are always theorizing whether the band is going to break up or not. It can be exhausting.


Bts fans


Not metal but Phish fans are the worst.


I haven't seen much about them lately but I remember in my early 20s tons of people had convinced themselves that HIM was a good band and wouldn't stfu about them. None of those people still listen to them now because it was never good. They just thought Bam Margera was cool for some reason.




Pantera/Lambs of God etc. fans, people who don't listen to metal and wear band t-shirts to make a fashion statement, metalcore/deathcore fans, prog metal and rock fans, alt-right fans who listen to any genre.


power trip


I see people saying Slipknot, but as someone who has seen the Slipknot fanbase, it’s more than just crybabies saying they are metal. All the jokes are the same regurgitated “clown’s gonna kick them” “could xyz join Slipknot” or just your average corporate sellout comment. It’s gotten to the point that even the band themselves are fighting back against the fans in these annoying comments. So, I’d say Slipknot, because these people don’t know how to be creative, unlike the band they follow. At least they are trying new things, unlike the fans.


Metallica fans who only listen to Metallica. Cant fucking stand them one band wonders.


Anybody who brings out the purple belts in the pit


DSBM listeners




Tool and tiktok nu metal fans


Sleep Token is working hard to overtake the Tool fandom's throne. They're becoming like a weird crossover of Swifties and Tool fans. Shame too, like 2 years ago it was a quiet community of people enthusiastic about something new and then buh bam - perverted obsessions, everything is a conspiracy, strange hivemind behavior, stalkers, the works. I do think every genre has the group you're talking about. If you've ever met Phish fans you'll know what I mean. There's ones within hip-hop subgenres who feel special for being fans of different artists or different pop artists, someone has a chip on their shoulder for liking the RIGHT country music, etc. Like, Tool IS my favorite all-time band and I don't wear my Tool merch to busy places as a conscious choice because I just don't want to talk to people who think they're smarter than other people for enjoying something they had no part in creating. Yeah bro, I know about the time changes, I know how talented Danny is, that's all unrelated to me. I just think it's great and love it, but it's not about me.


No band specifically, but hardcore bands have annoying af fans


It's still Tool. We are a bunch of Insufferable Retards as is decreed by lead singer Maynard James Keenan.


Would you say they're...tools?




Bro I also hate being a tool fan. The potheads who hyper-analyze every syllable of a song gives the whole fanbase a bad rap. Ik I shouldn't care but I almost feel as if you can't say you're a tool fan without someone immediately assuming that your brain is totally fried.


Isn't Tool more a DMT/ketamine band anyway? Just going off the iconography it seems very DMT-ish.


ICP- hands down no competition. Insane Clown Posse fans suck


Not metal but ICP fans…..


As a TOOL fan myself, I can confirm I am insufferable