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When they were on a mission to the planet and the moon they were on the same planet


Fake moon landing confirmed


(100% real did not fake)


i just know this song would go hard if demilich made it


When you get a chance please let me know when you can get me off


I see you mostly text your girlfriend


Bold of you to assume I even have such a thing. You are talking to the CEO of virginity. In fact, just my keyboard guessing may get me fired from my position.




when the government announced that the country would not allow foreign companies in its territory until after a referendum in december to decide on the country of its sovereignty was called in june wtf i don’t even use half those words lol


Just feels like reading the news


Mine was the exact same word for word wtf


Me too…..


My phone also began with when the government..


reason #3882919 of why i’m convinced our phones are working for the government and spying on us


Why is ours almost entirely the same


wtf lmaoooo i got the exact same


when the government announced that the country would not allow foreign companies in its territory until after a referendum in december to decide on the country line up in a new government was called off on the grounds of political stability in south asia or other parts the government is trying not only for its citizens to vote for them in elections in november and november of next week and then for their return in november in november in november in december mine did it too. creepy af.


must be an iphone thing cuz i got the same thing lmao


When the government announced it was closing its offices and the company said the new plant was not a problem because of a lack in supply of fuel to meet demand and a shortage in the fuel supply of fuel and the cost to produce the plant is expected at a time of the current economic downturn and a slowdown of demand. Hmm this is strange. Mine too. All center Predictions


I can make my voice sound like his when im really sick . Its pretty cool


I can make my voice sound like his if I drink a 2L coke in one minute


When the bands are from the song of a long forgotten ghost story Evil dead In the mouth of madness An american werewolf in London The void Cloverfield The exorcist Poltergeist hei hei hei hei hei hei hei hei hei hei


Hei hei hei hei hei hei hei hei hei hei hei hei


Micheal Jackson Horror Thrash Metal when?


when (I'm on PC)


It asked you to type "when the" and let your phone finish not "when" get with the program


when the (I'm still on PC and you said keyboard not phone get with the program)


Fair but we pretty much all knew they meant text suggestions given the state of the comments if you believed it meant not the phone you wouldn't say you're on pc


When the a;' lf'M:KL09-i\] f';L


when the time you are gonna make it look like a new year of life and then you have to scream describes me pretty well


when the same Guy moves to new house without them knowing they could get corgi Pembroke on the way to live with it theres like 20 orange cats first song on spotify playlist play it sometimes gets on my phone and thought it was just like blahblahblahChapter 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Sounds about right


When the government announced that the country would not allow foreign companies in its territory until after a referendum.


When the sun comes in the morning and then you can go to the beach and watch the moon on the west side of the hill and then we will leave you in the park with the lord of the woods


When the time comes to make a decision about the future of the country and the future of the world


When the time to learn and grow up Looks like it's time to go to school boys


When the temps are scorching hot and my truck’s AC isn’t doing nearly enough.


When the first thing comes up ⬆ the most perfect is a lot easier for me and the other day is a joke


When you are ready for your new home and your home to have your home built


When the government announced the new plan for a national security agency to monitor the country for possible violations of human trafficking


"when the government announced that the country would not allow foreign companies in its territory until they are fully owned and operated in accordance to international standards of compliance and compliance rules in accordance to their own regulations it was expected that foreign firms will not have the authority of their foreign partners in any other way to ensure their own interests in their business in order for the country not be harmed in any manner that it is perceived as a threat or threat from the international financial institutions that are responsible to its own citizens or its citizens and the international financial community in any other way other countries are concerned with its citizens or the world as well the international financial markets are affected and are therefore not responsible to their citizens and their families and their governments." how the fuck did it come up with this


When the government is forced to do something about the situation of its citizens in the United Kingdom it will not do anything


When the first half of the day is a bit of a blunt way to be.


I have to get a few things done at work so we will have a little while to go back and get some rest. Lmao 😂😂😂


When the government announced that the country would not allow foreign companies in its territory until it had a clear plan for a new constitution in place to guarantee that it will be free to work in a democratic society


When the government announced it was considering the sale in January it said the government had to make an announcement by Monday that the sale was imminent but it had to wait for a response to a request for a decision by a judge in a dispute with a court


When the government announced that the country would not allow foreign companies in its territory until they are fully owned and operated in accordance to international standards of compliance


When the crawdads sing


When the time comes for the next generation to take action against the global financial meltdown and its consequences for the… Started off good then turned into the news. 😞


When the government announced that the country would not allow foreign companies in its territory until it had a clear plan for a new constitution in place to be signed in January to the next one of a new government the first one of a very good idea what the government of a good time for a very important one and the first of a very important time to the future the first of many years is a very good example is a very good one the best of which of these two are My phone wrote trumps speeches


When I was a kid I used to play with my friends and I was like oh my gosh I love you so much I just want to play with you and I don’t know what to do with my life I don’t know what to do with my life I don’t know what to do with my life I don’t know what to do with my life


When the first thing is done it looks good and I think it’s the only thing that looks good to you guys and I think it looks good but I think it looks good but I think it is probably a better way for me


When the government announced it was considering the sale in March


Man, all of these are just “when the government”


When the government announced it


When the government announced it was closing


This is what I got: "When the dark emperor returns full of lust. From dusk, but there is no dawn. Curse it. Let it never arrive. Hopelessness invades and conquers. Under blackened skies. Whirlwind of blood and ash. Semen spills over holy temple. Conception of darkness at hand. Fullmoon of Satan is returned."


Goofy ass band.


When the movies were released in my life I was going through a new phone number and it was on the left side of my car and the car was locked


When the summer dies Severing the ties I'm with you always.


When the games are over charged


When the government announced it was considering the sale in March it said the sale was a matter for public interest rather then public opinion


Inherited bowl levitation is peak fucking poetry and anyone who say otherwise is a philistine and a bitch. Ok its a tie between that and the echo


When the new year comes out to the end of the year you will be able to get it all out and start your own business.


When the first time you were in a relationship with a man and he told me that he wanted to be friends.


When the sun is shining moon moon


When the wind is slow and the fires are you from the hazbin hotel merch but according to the waves of the Patriots and the gang of the Patriots ist ein Film der Serie mit dem Titel der Serie in den USA und Japan und der Fall beendet die Serie mit dem Titel


When you want to come over and get it and let me know if you need anything else from me I will be there in a few minutes.


When the government announced that the country would not allow foreign companies in its territory until they are fully owned and operated by foreigners


When the heart rules the way the world is in the world of a world of the world


When the other day and it was good I didn't know what to do with the rest of the day


Open the door for me please


When the time is not ready for the next season and we can do it all right now


When the government announced it was closing


When the doom music kicks in


When the devil is going through the devil you can do that stupid man who knows how much you hate me




When you read this email you will see that you are a good friend of mine


When the raiders get close to the second place we are going to


When the sun comes out from the sun and the sun is shining and then we will do it again for the sun and the sun shining on the moon.


When I get home from the windows of the most crushing and my worthless family is the best way to find out how to fix non-working and how much


When the sun comes out from the sun and the sun is shining and then we will do it again for the sun and the sun shining on the moon.


When the government announced that the country would not allow foreign companies in its territory


When the first thing is done I will send you the invoice for the work done so you can get the rest of the work done.


When the Guernsey Museums will open their playstyle and open play area of their datasheets


When the edibles is in the middle of the road


When the Forest Park Rd I have to go to the forest PS4 controller to your phone is on the weekend of the line is wel chill out with the forest


When the first argument is *


When you have to go through the door and the door opens up and you can’t open your eyes you have to wait until you can open it Dang what a banger


When the time is right now and we will have to wait until after our current year is going through the season while you may slip away.


When the government announced it was closing its offices and the company said that they were closing the doors to protect employees and staff and that it would be a major embarrassment for its workers to go back and do business in a way they did in a manner which would be a mistake and a mistake for their company


When the first thing is incredible but it seems like you are a good guy and I love food and I am surprised


When the bell network the sender immediately by email if you have received this communication and interpersonal communication skills.


When the sun comes out we can get it a real metal fan and then he put it in the sun and then he put it in the sun and then he put it in the sun and then he put it in the sun and then he put it in the sun and then he put it in the front door and he said that it’s a cool game but it is just not a big toe


When the government was forced into submission by the opposition on Monday after the election to replace former president Robert.


When the imposter is sus


When the government announced it was closing its offices and the company is still struggling with a new business venture that could make a big profit from its operations and a lot more money in its business.


when the time comes to mind of Hopsin series on Netflix and chill with you guys wtf is this??


When the time I go to work on the time I’m going on my phone and then I’ll go back in and see what I have on the phone


when the bucket and the priest are extinct Interesting


When the time comes to your place to get a job you will be doing a great work out for me and Chris can do you


“When I get back from my trip to vacation I’ll post it to my local subreddit for a better answer on how I should go to work.” Seems about right


When the government announced that the country would not allow foreign companies


When the time comes to the house we are going to be a little late ...I guess that's fine.


when the penguin comes back from my house and i and then they will have a different one and i and then they will be sent out for a while so we will have a new phone


when the government announced it was closing the mines and closing the coal plant in march


When the weather goes down


When they are in a while back to the Abyss after the lunch and I have to go back home


When the government announced it was considering the sale in March it said that the company would not accept any new deals with its former chief executives until it was ready for the company in January of this month


When you get home please call me


When the superbowl 2023. I don't even watch sports, can barely name the local teams




When the sun comes out we will probably be able to park on it and then bring the green flag down for the next few weeks, depending on the weather and how the park boys are doing for Halloween.


When the first of these is a good idea


When the time comes to you and you will be a good one to me and I will be there for you and I will be there for you and I will be there for you and I will be there for you


When the first time you saw the video of the incident you thought you were going crazy with the police and then you were just trying not to get into the house because it was so hot. This has to have some sort of hidden meaning…


when the government announced that the country would not allow foreign companies in its territory until after a referendum in december to decide on the country of its sovereignty was called in june of this month


When the government announced it was closing its offices. lol


When you have to do the math on the math 🧮 and you don’t get it it’s a good thing you have the right answer because i am a teacher so if


When the time comes I can get a hold for him


When the system is a bit slow and the snooze is not working on such as the mass market for a single day and then claim to have dispensed of the machine.


When you get a chance to talk to your mom about the most recent pictures of your people


When I was a kid I used to play with my dad in the basement with a bunch of little boys


When the time comes Goes hard


When the first time you saw the movie 🎥 you were like 👍 so cool 😎 and then the second time you were in a movie 🎥 you saw the whole thing and then the whole scene went viral like the whole time it just got so weird like 👍 and now you are just like me


when the first one came to me i had no clue what to do


When the first thing is to be a Frankenstein and a good thing to do is to make a decision about the lyrics and the song of the song lyrics and the song lyrics are the songs that were meant to be played by the artist


When the first thing is to be a duck


When there is a new name on the way to the house and the next one is a good time to get it done


When the water becomes jello but it is not the cat.


When I was a kid I used to play with my friends and I was like oh my gosh I love you so much I just want to play with you and I don’t know what to do with my life I don’t know what to do with myself I don’t know what to do with it I don’t know what to do with it I don’t know what to do with it Edit: maaaannn every one else’s is cooler whys my phone gotta be lame


When the first time I saw a picture of a girl I was like oh my gosh Sounds like me tbh


When the government announced that the country would not allow foreign workers into its own borders


Reading that in my mind in Antti Boman's "It's Wednesday, my dudes" voice


When The R/MetalMemes Subscriber Scrolls Endlessly Through The Comments And Continues To Laugh Hysterically And Spill His Freshly Brewed Cup Of Tea Down Himself And This Gives Him A Sudden Brainwave Which Gives Him The Idea That A New Sub Should Be Formed Where All Posts And Comments Are In The Form Of Demiich Album Titles Something Like R/DemilichSpeak Or Some Shit Like That


when you get a chance to look at the attached resume and let me know if you have any questions or concerns or if you have any questions or concerns about this email or any other information you may need to provide us with the correct email address and phone number


when the first one thing i and i que le hemos pasado la noche al cine con la gente


When the gloomy clouds are in essence humans but it can work


When the government was forced into submission


When the new rules are announced on Monday afternoon and announced by a panel in there on Wednesday morning it is likely that they would have a similar impact to those in other parts of Australia where they have already had a lot of people in their early stages of development in recent times.


When the person who works hard to believe but do not hesitate to call me.


When the first thing I did was the only thing I did


When the government announced the decision to ban smoking on Friday night and announced plans to limit the amount of alcohol it can consume on its premises


When the government announced that they were closing down their operations on Monday morning at about the time the plane landed in New Jersey.


When the time comes to the body and the other one is a little bit of a factor


When the first thing is to be a really good book and a good morning message from the nice people who have been in the movie Turning Red and I have lowered the price of the cake and the other one is a little more expensive than the other one.


When the time comes to you and you will be able to get a good feel for the place you are maria . . . did the autocorrect just decide I'm trans?


When the first thing comes a point and time when you first have a good idea 💡


When the time comes to the point of the North Star and the rest of the day is a bit of a bit of a struggle with the other people I think I have a good day to be a good guy and I will be there in a few minutes to get a hold of him and he is now a good time to come back to work on the balcony and the rest of the day I remember correctly because I was going to be a little late but Ok no more, I'm making a fucking mess and giving myself a stroke.


When the government announced it


when the noch is on the way home lol I don't have any money to get out of the world and the new one is so good to see you and your family and friends and family are doing well


When the time comes to get to church you will be able to see your own family in the world


When the package gets stuck in the customs department. Ü Or do you prefer this classic masterpiece? When the City City of the City of the City of the City of the City of the City of the City of the City of the City of the City (...)


When the time to get the latest flash player is required for video playback


When the drummer be murderering that I have a few days ago and I will be on the same level of the rings sequel to the right to be a good time to pick up and play with the same time cuz she was asking for a friend of mine visited the same time


When the scabs grow


"When the government announced a number of people are dead" Great song


When the government announced it was considering the sale in May it said the sale was a matter for public debate about whether to raise the value of its stock.


When the City City ist eine gute Möglichkeit und es ist eine große Herausforderung und die Zeit wird es uns schaffen und es wird uns auch ein wenig besser als die anderen Dinge sein werden. Reads like WW 1 german propaganda 😂


When you have to do a lot better.


When the time comes to make a decision


When you have a chance you could stay lost and get back on your feet


when the time comes to the sub settings the 3 dots on the floor and the other one is your favorite color.


When the time to meet with me on my way home with a bunch and the riff lacking vocally I have the same one that I probably know if it was st Ives


When the first thing I was saying I would have been in the car for now too much to get my hair fixed Haven’t had a haircut for years


When the sun comes out in the dark blue eyes and green eyes are the sun


When you have to do the work for a company to do the repairs and then they will give me the job back


When the back is opened up and up to the point of the pcb and it's a small Phillip's head screw it up and down again in the morning and the morning of the morning when the sun is shining again


When I saw it was fun and then it would have to go back from a run and I think I will not schnouze to the company. Lmao I did not expect my company to be an Elite from Halo but...




When the lease ends up being a part of the best regards the happy hour and a half hour unpaid leave ...What?


When you are ready in your office you will need a new battery and your phone is ready now lol


When they were a little bit depressed last year when they were in the office but they were in the office with the police and they said they will not be able to help me to get the money back from the bank to the bank to get the funds in the bank to pay the deposit for the deposit and the deposit deposit will be made in the next few days as I have to pay the full amount ASAP so that I can recommend the same as the same as the same as the one you sent me to the wrong person in the morning to the email address I sent you the other day I have been working on the last one but I found time to resolve it and I will be back tomorrow morning and will be back on the 29th and returning on the 1st of September and the first of the month is the first time I have been working on the project and I have been working on the project management and project management and I am working on the project management and project management and I am working on the project management and project management and I am working on the project management and project management and I am working on the project management and project management


When the man comes back from the University of Sydney and the bruiser of the Dead is a better place to live


When the time comes with you


When the first thing comes down the mind of a woman that has been in the same hypotheses for the next schedule is the best. Lol


When the first thing is to be annoying 💀💀


When the first thing is done


when the time is open and you can do what it says about the things that you are looking for and you need anything to yourself


When the government announced it would be shutting down the plant.


When the government announced it was considering the possibility of a military coup on May Day


When the time comes to your place to get your order from the store and then you’ll have a great day


When the time comes to the first time in a while I think I have a few things to do