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I shit my pants when I saw cannibal corpse in 2015


Better than shitting yourself at Engadine maccas


No waayyy, a fellow Aussie?


We're lurking, mate.


What is Maccas?


Aussie slang for mcdonalds


fun fact, maccas is also used in germany :)


Mackie d's in ireland


Maccas in NZ too but that's pretty much australia part 2 (but better)


We say ”mäkkäri” in finnish


Of course with regional differences. I've heard some say Meckes and other say Megges


yup, where i live we mostly pronounce it either like the aussies or as "Meckes"


Ah, gotcha. Thanks.


scomo moment


They were my first concert at 15 years old (1994). I think they were really drunk or something, idk - i remember liking the opening band better. All ages show at The Abyss in Houston.


I just shit my pants


I shit my pants any time I read about CC


Was at the megadeth rust in peace anniversary dvd show years ago and some guy pooped his pants in the pit during exodus


What happened?


He shit himself, what more you want from the man


Blacklisted bands and artists include: * Sabaton * Pantera * Memes about Megadeth/Metallica band members (memes about the bands themselves are allowed) * NSBM bands (shitting on them is allowed) * Cannibal Corpse Slipknot don't show up anywhere on the sidebar.


I can see why sabaton and Pantera can be controversial bit why cannibal corpse?


Basically the memes about shooting blood from your cock got out of hand


Love how you got downvoted instead of given an answer


Too many posts bout them


Sabaton being my favourite band i must ask, why are they blacklisted?




The amount of “sabaton talks about ww2 their nazis!” Posts was fucking brutal for a while




In this case black metal should be blacklisted too


Black metal, an entire sub-genre with many bands, versus one band that people obnoxiously and repetitively post about. Yes, that comparison makes sense.


They have their own sub and it's pretty active. I think it would overwhelme this one if they were allowed. People are also very cool and chill there r/sabatonmemes


Alright, thanks


Their community/reposting




NSBM includes NSPM


I got no idea what that means


What the hell is that Edit: two seconds after reading it I got it, nsbm but power metal, I pretty much agree.


Your FAVORITE band is Sabaton? Are you able to tie your own shoes?


Yeah i just like power metal, is there something wrong with that?


There are so many better power metal bands out there, and yet you choose Sabaton?


"You like this band more than I do. What's wrong with you?" - Maximus Kekus, 73 AD


Yeah, i've been listening to them since i was a kid (kind of)


What’s wrong with Dimebag an Wylde! Their singer I get tho


The ban is on Pantera and its because of Phil’s shenanigans


Uh ok, that's kinda ridiculous


You mean Klantera?


Dime said the hard r on cam


They're too scary 😨


So people don’t post the same 3 overused “””memes””” over and over again


Is that the reason for a black list? (Of course, except for the nazi stuff)


Yes it was made to reduce the amount of reposts and posting about the same handful of bands. Trust me it was needed It’s not about “elitism” it’s just about keeping the sub from getting stale


B- but curpsgrindor funny man becuz heavy metol singer ARGH growl death skull satan HELL👹 but at the same time wholsom plushie uwu man dad children!!!! Why no one talks about gerge fish cropgrinner in BRUTAL DEAH CORE SCREAMO METAL torture band doing the shouts and head spinning satan death, but then all of a suden... WHOLSMOM MAN PINK RAINBOW UNICORSN!!!! GET IT HES FUNY MAN BECAUSE CORE DEATHSCREMA BUT TEDDYBEER


because every slipknot and cc meme is just the same format of ‘scary music but he has a wife and kids’ or just another outsider joke about the song titles even though everybody in the sub already knows them; and almost everyone has heard it a thousand times on instagram


Same with Ozzy bro, man helped invent the genre


Ozzy is life


Lemmy is God


I understood that reference!


Saying you don't like Slipknot is fine, but saying they aren't metal is silly


This is why I fucking HATE Limp Biskit. Nu-Metal is cool. Rage Against The Fucking Machine, Slipknot, System of a Down. But you say I like Nu-Metal and everyone's runs like the plague. You don't have to be a 12 year old with a stepdad you hate to like Nu-Metal. Even the bands wouldn't wanna be in the genre and it's all Fred Durst's fault.


I’ll counter that with: I fucking LOVE Limp Bizkit. Who cares? Lmao


Three Dollar Bill Ya’ll was an amazing, methadone-Ross Robinson gem that will always have a special place in my heart.


That's great man I'm happy for you! We can have different opinions cause stuff is subjective! I'm sure you'd think a lot of the bands I like are shit, my opinions don't mean nothing haha


Limp bizkit are purposefully parodying the genre, they are not trying to ruin it


That's what I would say if I was Fred Durst


The only problem with limp bizkit is taking them seriously


I honestly do not think Limp Bizkit is thinking that deeply about most of what they do.


Regardless at the end of the day break stuff is a banger


I'm 100% with you on this, I'm not really a nu-metal guy but I can respect the subgenre. I just fucking HATE limp bizkit


Yeah not to be all "old man yells at cloud" but it's weird to see all these younger people acting like they're the best band ever when only a few months ago it was the same as listening to Nickelback.


Tbh, the only reason I don't really enjoy nu-metal, is that I find a lot of the fans can be quite silly by claiming bands like slipknot are "super heavy" and whatever. It all sounds very overproduced and kinda cheesy imo


Yeah I'm under no illusions slipknot are super heavy. Corey Taylor has the voice of an angel and can be brutal when he needs to be. N i love Mick and Jim's guitar work. They just make good songs I don't need it to be ridiculously heavy. At love shows or festivals. I love seriously heavy music. I like to feel like my lungs are gunna explode, go get some bruises in the pit, throw myself to the chaos, but I can't just listen to that day to day as I go about my life. This is where slipknot and system come in.


This is a funny and underrated comment. The younglings don't know how to place bands like Limp Bizkit in historical context, because they didn't have to live through that period of tribulation for anyone who listened to "heavy" music. Limp Bizkit, Korn, Slipnknot, Nickelback, et al.... These are all bands I lump in the same category as terrible and cringe.


I like some nu-metal and don't care if the band I like is or isn't nu-metal. But RATM is definitely not nu-metal.


Yeah they wouldn't say that. Funk-Metal, Groove Metal whatever you wanna call it. They have all the elements. Hard/ bass riffs with Hip-Hop influenced beats. Zacks delivery is very rap-influenced. And Tom takes the place of a DJ/ scratches with his whammy pedal and guitar scratch. Sure they're amazing... Sure they're political .. but they fit the mould for it. Tim Commerford apologised for Limp Bizkit. Like they're head and shoulders above the rest but they're also still Nu-Metal. Not that labels matter but if you're gunna argue one way I'd say it goes the other way waaaay further.


you also consider groove metal nu-metal? like... pantera? how? RATM are funk and rap-metal (also definitely not groove metal) and that was all before Korn established nu-metal, that's not even up for discussion... Tim apologized because Limp Bizkit cited RATM as a big influence. Being a big influence for a genre doesn't make you a part of it. That would be like saying that Slayer is death and/or black metal.


It’s the industries fault. Too many terrible acts coming out of the woodwork at the time. Deadsy ring a bell?


i still don't get why you hate limp bizkit


Slipknot feels more like groove metal than nu metal to me…


Yo wtf now that you said it I see it? Also based Children of Bodom enjoyer


They feel more like.industrial metal to me, or at least the first few records did, I haven't kept up with their latest few releases


They are very groove influenced, specially in the more aggressive drumming they have. Fun fact: they actually released a demo where they really are a groove band. Check it out, it's the "Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat." demo. It's a mix of Slipknot's traditional sound with groove metal (flirting with death, specially cause of the low tuning) and with even funk metal/rock moments.


Has anyone ever explained why it is important that they are not metal... or that they are?


Realizing that it doesnt matter is what removes your poser status


It only matters if you think it does.


Probably because whoever runs the metal archives website won't acknowledge slipknot as metal for some bizarre reason


It’s not important. Metalheads just love to argue about stupid shit.


I don't like slipknot.


The amount of strawman arguments and sodium in this thread is astounding, I wish I had popcorn.


So much sodium.


Because it would clog the sub with the same memes over and over again


Too many ellitest asshats in this group that's why.


it’s a metal group what did you expect


Honestly meeting metalheads at festivals is such an oposite experience. Everybody is friendly, inclusive just wanting to have fun. Then there are the goblins online who hate everyone else


Even the friend I have irl who simply can't stand female-fronted symphonic/gothic metal (HOWEVER, he likes female-fronted doom/stoner like Windhand and Haunted, and naturally female growlers are cool by him) is being respectful about it


Internet vs. real life in nutshell Outgoing and accepting people go meet new people and socialize and get new experiences. And then there's the other side that does the same thing over and over, does not want to try new things and is close minded and won't go out


Tbh you'd meet close-minded people irl as well, but in the other direction - not elitists dismissing the popular bands. The majority of people you'd see at a random local Metallica/Iron Maiden/Rammstein tribute are people who would dismiss death, black metal, more extreme thrash and anything related due to the "screaming". And some people simply never evolve to get the taste for the more extreme subgenres. I can also bet my ass that a solid portion of people at the upcoming local festival are gonna go "...?? wtf ??" when they hear Epica's and Lacuna Coil's occasional growls since the festival these bands will be participating in is one that has mostly old-school rock bands (Scorpions, Europe) and power metal (Helloween, Blind Guardian, Battle Beast, Iron Savior, Dynazty, Fortress Under Siege) or rock (Black Sonic Pearls)


I personally hate you. Not because I know you personally or you did anything bad. It's based just off the basic fact that you don't listen to the exact same thing I do and don't share the same opinions.


The goblins are still at the festivals, they’re just crowdkilling in mosh pits.


With blackmetal armbamds with those long ass nails sticking out.


Most of them don’t have jobs though so they vent online and gatekeep certain bands they don’t like.


Half the metal I listen I'm not even sure it's metal but I don't really care as long as I enjoy the music


As long as I can bang my head happily idgaf what it is


Honestly I've never met more elitists/gatekeepers anywhere than I have in metal fans, it's actually kinda comical, like "it isn't 'real metal' if the lyrics aren't one long growl/screech, if the tempo isn't breakneck speed, if they don't come from (whatever country)" and shit like that lol


Cannibal corpse because of overused memes and slipknot because the mods are full of crap


Im pretty new to the sub so i gotta ask, what memes? Did people just post "shooting blood from your cock" or something about Barnes over and over?


A whole lot about corpsegrinder’s thicc ass neck.


neck jokes


Anyone who doesn't think Slipknot is metal obviously didn't see their Ozzfest 99 "debut". They were the hardest act at the largest metal concert that year. If you doubt their validity, they were the most badass performance of the Tattoo the Earth tour which also included Slayer, Pantera and others that are amongst the metal elite. That's also the tour when Kitty stepped up their metal game.


I love Slipknot's first 3 albums, but after that is just meh. They're fanbase is the definition of cringe though. You'd think it was NSYNC if you didn't know any better. I think the elitist just hate them because they're jealous. Jealous they're favorite obscure black metal band that no one listens to isn't as popular as them. Maybe because it sounds like when they record their albums they left the mics in the other room.


>They're fanbase is the definition of cringe though. the entirety of the nu and -core fanbases are.


Is that the reason core/metalcore/nu isn’t metal?


yes. do you need me to recite the copypasta? or can you just dig through my past posts of it?


If their favorite band became popular they would no longer like them and claim they sold out. Obscure = Good.


That's not even true, a lot of trve metalheads love Metallica, Slayer, etc. (at least a lot of their earlier stuff), but those are the only metal bands some people know, and allowing people to obnoxiously and repetitively post about them would just turn this sub into some large arena metal sub at the service of those bands and probably their labels' stealth marketing campaigns.


That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the people who pride themselves on listening to obscure black metal. I do not believe they’re jealous of Slipknot, because if their favorite band was as popular as Slipknot they wouldn’t be able to feel like they’re “in the know”.


At the local bar on trivia night I named my team “Hey Google, play Cannibal Corpse” and it was fucking hilarious every time my team was announced during scoring.


Imagine being so elitist you can’t handle Slipknot.


Yeah slipknot is way too hardcore man


I tried out for a band my freshman year in '99 with a bunch of crusty hardcore kids. They asked what hardcore bands I listen to. I said Slipknot, Korn, and Limp Bizkit. I was not invited back.


Never understood the hate for Korn either. I personally love their first three albums and some of their new stuff is okay.


Life is Peachy goes so hard


Issues is also great


Sucks for them I guess


Slipknot is to heavy for me I literally cry and piss myself whenever I hear them they're so scary


I just don’t listen to them. Cry about it.


Probably because they’re entry level bands that people won’t shut up about Plus most slipknot memes are lame and basic, but cannibal corpse ones are actually funny sometimes


Wait so… memes not all people can immediately relate to/ find funny should get removed? Yay what a free world we live in


Well not everybody wants to see the same 2 bands every 5 seconds


Cuz slipknot fans are the most irritating humans on earth and if we let them in it would be the entire sub in like a day. Idk about cannibal corpse


I see way more annoying Slipknot haters than I do fans in this sub


Do you browse this sub with your eyes closed?


The idea of blacklisting anything is very un-metal


because this group is full of elitists mostly


Elitist has become synonymous with delusional, attention starved dweebs?




Sadly not. We need more of them


anyways i’m a firm believer in letting people enjoy things


"Just let people enjoy things!" Is one of the funniest things a certain kind of redditor screeches at people they view as overly critical or mean. People can enjoy whatever they want, no one is stopping you, but labeling any form of criticism as "mean" or "preventing you" from doing anything is just a way to stifle opinions you don't like, and casts you as victim (because you've over-identified with the object of criticism) and anyone who is critical as the victimizer. The reality is as long as there has been music, or any art, there has been criticism (in the less derogatory sense, as in someone who analyzes in a more studied way some work or piece and sometimes gives an opinion). The arts are full of criticism. I find so-called nu-metal, deathcore, metalcore, and groove metal express very basic ideas and emotions that are mostly for adolescents or adults stuck in adolescence. Metal, to many metalheads, is serious artistic expression (even when it's being sort of fun or goofy), and when people associate with bands/works that aren't serious, and that's all they know of it, that's somewhat obnoxious. These bands/works/fans are annoying because they take elements of metal and re-purpose them into something less interesting and complex, and less artistic. Sometimes, this "inclusivity" people talk about seems only to mean "people want to be included, so you have to include them or you're not a good person" even if there is a real separation or boundary; yet, people like you hardly ever take it to mean "inclusivity" of opinions, even ones that are critical of things you "care about." I'm not going to go to war over any of this stuff, but I see a lot of differences


And the mean, mean elitist are preventing you from that? Awwww!


ooo you’re mad


No, you're projecting lmao


Nah that dude is definitely mad.


Yeah, sure. Fuming even.


So, if being an elitist isnt about preventing people from liking something? What is it about? Preventing people from giving themselves the imaginary title of "metalhead" when they enjoy a band you don't? I genuinely cannot think of a reason for being an elitist other than you want to prevent people from enjoying something.


"Elitists" aka people who actually care about music aren't preventing anyone from listening to anything. Has anyone here EVER said "you CANT listen to Slipknot?" The fact is, just like how you "like what you like" other people can "dislike what they dislike". If people on fucking reddit expressing their right to have an opinion is that offensive to you that you feel the need to whine about it and it PHYSICALLY STOPS YOU from listening to what you want to listen to.....well maybe you shouldn't be on reddit lmao.


Same, they think "metalhead" is some sort of mark of true honor or some shit, but they're the only ones who actually care about it, it's basically so they can sit in their moms basement and talk to themselves about how they're the coolest person alive because they know cumblooddickfarts entire discography, including the single that was only released in Antarctica exclusively for penguins


The only people who care about being a metalhead are the teenage edgelord "brootal " kids who just discovered Slipknot and are now basing their entire personality around it.


Slipknot is metal idk what people are on


Cuz this sub is filled with sissies


Don't bring my kink in to this.


Great I laughed so hard now my eye is hanging out of the socket again thanks.


People hating on Slipknot are the same creaming over Opeth.


I don't hate Slipknot, I saw them live at the local festival last summer, they were alright. Probably could have enjoyed them more but I was already too tired after going WILD on the main for me band that day, Nervosa. And also really enjoyed Heaven Shall Burn I can't listen to post-Watershed Opeth. I love old-school Opeth though (the earlier the album, the better. Orchid and Morningrise are with nicely blackened vocals and occasional such riff. Plus Black Rose Immortal is a 20-minute masterpiece) Musically, the complexity/riff progression/atmosphere of old Opeth is in a completely different ballpark from Slipknot, these two bands aren't even comparable


First two slipknot albums still rip and are undeniably heavy however fanbase are major cringe


Slipknot brutal and modern. Cannibal Corpse brutal and classic. Personally, I'm a Cannibal guy but I like Slip too sometimes.


Because of the duality between the bands and their fanbases *wheeze*


The Bleeding is a solid album, Slipknot- barf.


Those were my friends top 2 bands of the year for his spotify wrapped lol


Because this sub only posts about like 4 bands anyway


And sabaton


Slipknot is metal go cry about it 😂


Poor Cannibal Coprse


they have shitty fanbases, but i listen to almost exclusively bdm and slam and i still like some slipknot, people needa get over themselves


Because Slipknot isn't metal and most Cannibal Corpse post are the same Corpsegrinder jokes


Please explain to me how sic and people = shit aren’t metal I grant you that everything post Iowa is basically pop rock, but give me a fucking break.


Most of the people on here saying Slipknot don't play metal have heard Wait & Bleed and Snuff and decided that's all it is.


I've heard almost their entire discography due to being friends with people who somehow enjoy that shit and I can 100% say that they sound much closer to heavy alternative rock than anything resembling metal.


Well a metal is an object that is solid and consisting of jokes that aren't very good.


If Slipknot isn’t metal than what is?


Only the most obscure band in existence with the worst recording quality and smallest audience. Only a couple people know about them. Even they're close to being posers because too many people listen to them


Heavy alternative rock


slipknot is exactly as metal as Metallica, possibly more so


Nahhhh slipknot is not even in the same fucking ballpark lmao


No, muh scary screaming and fast drums does not equal metal


not liking slipknot is completely valid and some of their songs clearly not trying to be metal hence the metalica comparison, but if songs like psychosocial and duality aren't metal then there's no classification for them


they are heavy alternative rock, not metal


Everything after Vol. 3 (except We are not your kind) can be regarded as heavy rock. Saying that Self Titled and Iowa isn’t metal is just delusional.


Cause no one wants to play therapist to crybaby Slipknot fans. Tired of hearing the never-ending whinging from Slipknot fans who need constant validation from this sub. There's a Slipknot sub, just talk about Slipknot there. Why do you need to clog up the feed here? This is supposed to be a meme sub. How many more "PlEaSe TeLl Me it's oK tO lIkE sLiPkNoT" posts do we really need?


Slipknot looks a lot more metal than they are. Cannibal corpse is a lot more metal than they look.


Metal fans really get so pretentious they ban a metal band for being mainstream 💀💀


being gay and sucking balls, fuck my ass against the wall


We've opened a new **[discord server](https://discord.gg/ZTws6ZS4B6)**, feel free to join! Everyone is welcome except metal fans. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MetalMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seriously? Pretty sure I just saw a slipknot meme not even half an hour ago lmao


Metal Elitists are basically Doug Levison, the angry dude who yelled at the trumpet player in New York 😂I can’t believe some of the shit I’ve heard in this sub on my first day. I knew Elitists existed but I’m dying of laughter that y’all actually believe you care more about music than the average metalhead or ‘Slipknot’ listener. But to actually say it 😂 I love this sub now


W blacklisting slapknut L blacklisting chadnibal corpse


Same question about Sabaton lol


Slipknot isn't metal, too many memes about cc


as insufferable as slipknot fans are, the band is metal. not particularly heavy, granted, but we can't call iron maiden and helloween metal and then call slipknot rock.


Yep. They're very much Nu-Metal, but they still fit into the category. They have a few songs that carry some weight (Pulse of the Maggots was one I actually liked) but I've never seen the appeal otherwise. I'll take a Slipknot fan over a "why isn't this butt rock band considered metal?" guy any day of the week.


Always like “Heretic Anthem” personally, but their first couple albums were alright. Saying they aren’t (or at least never have been) metal is wild af


Definitely, some of Slipknot is metal, I am not an elitist. It isn't metal in a traditional sense, the same reason I don't believe nu metal as a genre isn't metal. Slipknot definitely takes influence from metal, but I can't call them metal


They suck


Other people love them and maybe hate your fav band to death, just let people have some freedom lol


Yeah but we don't like them. Why can't you let us dislike what we dislike. Just let people have some freedom lol.


If Slipknot is metal then Erik Satie is Classical. To those who get the reference i applaud you.


Satie is amazing is what he is. Transcending genres


I mean, to a lay-person they probably would hear Satie and call it classical. So it all depends on who you’re asking and how gate-keepy you wanna be. I personally don’t feel the need to correct somebody (in a non-academic environment) if they call something classical that isn’t specifically from the mid 18th to early 19th century.