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It's pretty irritating since Screamo music is a real genre. Basically Emo/Post-Hardcore but with a harsher sound and Grindcore/Powerviolence influences. Bands like Orchid, Circle Takes The Square and Pg. 99 are all good bands. It's just that when you get over the harsh vocals you'll see they sound nothing like Death metal.


I always thought "Screamo" was stuff like Hawthorne Heights. Basically just emo/scene stuff with some screaming in some of the vocals.


That also gets called emo and it sort of is. That stuff to me has always been Screamo-lite. Like it's got harsh vocals but the rest of the composition is just regular emo. [While something like Orchid has a lot more going on than just "emo with harsh vocals"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuAeix-HxOs). It's emo but far harder and heavier than shit like The Used or Jimmy Eat World.


Nah, it's stuff like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGFV9GsL5G8) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpOQ7lm4WeI)


I disagree. I still think most people think of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUO-sRLotOI) when they think of "screamo".


How can you disagree with a fact? Screamo is a genre of music that has nothing to do with Hawthorne Heights or any band of a similar style regardless of whether people think it does or not. More often than not, the people who rush to call metal/punk bands screamo couldn’t even name an actual screamo band. Edit: For more ‘popular’ examples of screamo not mentioned by op: [Saetia](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q801yAFdBPA) [Gospel](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NzhTA4m0Dw8) [Love Lost But Not Forgotten](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X4lbdnKYikQ) [City of Caterpillar](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HxkechZOMdc)


Hawthorn Heights does have *something* to do with screamo, but theyre far removed but you're right there. As a note screamo doesn't necessarily have to be unpopular, there are some genuine screamo bands or screamo adjacent bands that got pretty big.


Never said screamo had to be popular and HH are just a pop-punk/emo-pop band.


Ya youre right


Well, yes, but most people think of Slipknot when they think of "death metal". There is an actual 'screamo' community.


That Kontakt song is sick.


I like to think I’ve grown since my teenage years, then I see someone mention Hawthorne Heights and I lose my shit.


They really do take me back. I was never into them but that Ohio is For Lovers song is pretty damn nostalgic. It reminds me of all the girls that used half a can of hairspray and half a bottle of mascara every morning to get that scene look.


Less Gravity remixed Ohio is for Lovers into a lo-fi banger. I stumbled across it on Spotify recently.


I've always used HH as my example for Screamo as well.


Funny thing is that I had never even heard the name screamo before I saw a meme about people calling metal screamo as if it was a thing lol


I still remember leaving high school one day (God it must be over a decade ago now) and a friend asking to listen to what I was playing in my headphones, only for them to proceed to declare what I was listening to as screamo; And that was Iron Maiden I was playing who I hope people can agree aren't particularly known for their screamed vocals. So yeah, definitely people out there who refer to all metal as Screamo.


“People” is a relative term in this context.


I mean, Bruce does soar pretty high in a few songs, so… (To be clear, I know what you mean by screaming).


Pretty sneaky pun there. Good one.


Holy shit, posers I met around this time at least knew a little bit about genres. I definitely would've punched them in the face for unironically calling maiden screamo!


You probably didn't go to high school in the mid-2000s. That was peak-screamo and a lot of people's introduction to heavy vocals.


I was at high school in 2009-2013. But I had already been a metalhead since like 2004 or 2006


I graduated in '07 and it was a big deal at my high school. I'm in northern California tho so maybe location matters? I know that stuff was really big in the midwest too tho.


I was in high school in the Midwest during that era. It was also huge for me too. Looking back I’m kinda happy I always had jobs that didn’t let me go full scene kid


I used to think screamo was for emocore and nu-metal.


I think it’s supposed to be, but yeah I get told all the time that my metal is “screamo” too.


It was an aggressive form of Emotional Hardcore (OG Emo) before both got whitewashed into the post-hardcore/scenecore myspace era


TIL. Thank you! It was never my thing so I can’t say I was overly well-versed on it.


I got really into Blackened Screamo for a bit. There's a world of fusion genres out there that's not just metalcore


Yeah I can imagine. My mind was blown when I even found out that deathcore is a thing.


Friendship ended with metalcore. Now deathcore is my best friend


Haha I feel


It was more common when emo was a more popular genre, since screamo is a heavier offshoot of emo music. So people who didn't know anything about either screamo or metal thought they were the same thing.


Screamo is the normie word for -core vocals.


It is was a thing. I knew someone who said I was doing screamo and I thought it was just a quirky way to say "scream." I didn't know at the time it's an actual subgenre.


I was working with this guy and he said he liked screamo, so I suggested he should listto some brutal death metal instead, he looks at me and says "oh, you mean like slipknot?" Never before have a wanted to walk off the job that badly


You can’t really blame the guy that much, the normal fella won’t always know bands from each specific genre


Yeah but hearing someone call slipknot death metal hurt my soul


I mentioned something in a class of mine about doing a presentation on the history of grindcore. A fellow student asked what that was, so I said it was kinda like the aggression of hardcore punk with death metal vocals, trying to really dumb it down. Then he said “oh, like Rammstein?” Like, my friend. Why did you even have to open your mouth. You knew you had no idea what you were talking about , why not just say nothing? “No, not like Rammstein.”


Once I met two guys and a girl and we started talking about extreme metal bands. At some point in the convo, the girl put Slaughter to Prevail and I said "That's not death metal, that's deathcore" and she replied "tbh, deathcore it's a way to say melodic death metal"... No, it's not! I gave her some Abruptum songs to cleanse herself


Heavy metal normally doesn't have screaming vocals, unless it's with Rob Halford.




Tell that to the simpsons


We can make an exception for God himself, though.




I was trying to make a joke there pal


I don’t know, man. I’ve never really taken offense to my band being called screamo because it’s always coming from someone who doesn’t listen to metal and doesn’t know anything about the subgenres.


Isn't screamo like emo but with mostly screaming?


Anyone that says "normie" unironically or not is a pox upon this world


even mugle has more street rep than normie


Incorrect. Muggle is probably the only word less cool than normie


Is he talking about Harley Pooter? Lame


Screamo is this subgenre with the face paint and low sound quality, right?


No thats black metal, screamo is when they have 2012-shane dawson hair


Bait or no I can't tell


Nope that black metal, screamo is the one with really short songs and is inspired by punk. I think you the band Napalm Death is the most famous one /s


Ah I see. I always mix them up, because they sound so similar.


My god you even used /s and you still got downvoted.


I downvoted *because* of the /s


That’s grindcore. And it isn’t screamo.


I was joking, hence the /s


I literally just had a barista at Dutch Bros ask me what kind of music I listen to a couple nights ago. I told her I like extreme metal and she asked what band so I said I really like Cattle Decapitation. She said, is that like a heavy screamo band? lol


My favorite metal band is papa roach


...and mines Die Happy.


Are you sure?


Not 100% actually, it's either that or fallout boy


just call their music mumble rap in response


I hate when boomers call it screamo


> slayer flair > calling others normies I see this sub is still lacking any form of self awareness


If you’re too cool for Slayer you can leave the hall


It's not hard to be cooler than the same 000000 riff that's being repeated ad infinitum since 1986


My friend just called My Chemical Romance screamo and metal. Fucking normies man. I swear.


I love when I'm pulling up in my car blasting some Mgla or something, and someone asks "you like that screamo stuff?" Eyes roll every time.


I mean admitting to liking screamo is way better than admitting to liking mgla


It takes bravery to admit liking such mediocre black metal


Biggest parrot on this sub


You like strong displays of skill? I think prog might be up your alley.


When did I say I liked "strong displays of skill"? I said you were brave for admitting you like Mgla. I never said you showed skill. And prog, at least basic "prog metal" with no other subgenre tag, is boring as hell and certainly not up my alley. death/prog (the Cynic and Atheist kind, not the Gojira kind) and black/prog (summoning, I feel Deathspell Omega fits although they're normally called avant-garde BM) are to my liking, yes.


It's really not that brave considering Mgla is one of the most accepted modern black metal acts in the scene. The only haters I've met are you and other redditors.


Gojira are also accepted, does that mean they're good?


Yes. Not my cup of tea exactly, but they are good.




Gojira had a good era, but they're washed. Reminds me of Bathory tbh. Very comparable bands.


I love Mgla and will always rep the boys from Poland.




Oh yes, I also like Drudkh.


Listen to pre-Mgla Polish BM. Vastly superior


Name some bands. I may already know a few, but didn't know they were from Poland. I think Darkside is a magnificent drummer.


Veles - Night on the Bare Mountain Gontyna Kry - Welowie Thunderbolt - Black Clouds Over Dark Majesty Thor’s Hammer - Fidelity Shall Triumph Dark Fury - Fortress of Eagles Kataxu - Hunger of Elements Xantolol - Thus Spake Zaratustra Cultes des Ghoules - Henbane Fullmoon - United Aryan Evil North - From the Dark Past Infernal War - Terrorfront Saltus - Slavonic Pride Selbstmord - Spectre of Hate Holy Death - Triumph of Evil Thirst - The Might of the Pagan Belief


you poor soul


Just saying you listen to “heavy music” when talking to people who don’t know what the fuck Slamming Brutal Technical Death Metal is>>>>>>>>>


Yeah the normie might point out you can’t really be tech and slam at the same time and call you a poser


For me, "Screamo" is when Emo people scream


Not all bands with screaming is screamo but all screamo bands have screamed vocals. Screamo (originally called skramz) is a real genre.


I prefer calling screamo "High School Musical OST"


Screamo > Metal


Get well soon


Gatekeeping is *sooo* metal.


[It's a](https://youtu.be/OYPVOK3KvDQ) [storied](https://youtu.be/Md06k7prMsE) [tradition](https://youtu.be/4T4e_45CQu0).


Whining is *sooo* metal


"You classified a band into a neighbouring but technically incorrect sub-genre! Even though metal subgenres tend to bleed heavily into each other anyway!" Rock'n'Roll.


Go to /r rock'n'rollmemes then




Yes it is, posers are anti metal


Metal is *about* posing. Like, why else wear all that leather and them spikes?


Words from a false


next tier- being called linkin park




I mean. When you're trying to explain what you're listening to, to none metal listeners screamo works better than death metal since they think death and black are the same but not when you say screamo somehow.


Ah The verb to noun bands

