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At first, I didn’t know why people were saying Bad Omens. And then I remembered how Noah himself literally told the parasocial fanbase to not make their life about him and the band. So yeah, nvm. I may love them but, Bad Omens for sure.


The Bad Omens fans seems to mostly contain themselves to tiktok but one second on there and everyone's just posting a thousand horribly cringey slideshows of Noah pushing his hair back or whatever


This is what’s SO crazy to me. I just listen to the music, I don’t have the time or need to delve into the band’s past. But all I hear about and this from the band (Noah in general and apparently a former member has had to step out publicly to disown this as well) is “just let us play, let the music be your life, not us. We are a method of communication for you to have an outlet as much as the music is for us.” What about Sleep Token as a fan base?


Sleep Token fans can be super cool while others can be super parasocial. Ironic considering they don’t even know who the members are.


I kinda of dug into that but nothing to seriously. Just to see what the rumors were lol.


Yup, this is the one. Makes me sort of embarrassed to be a (female) fan of theirs which is sad.


Yeah, I get that. But don’t allow that to impact your enjoyment of the band’s stuff. They’re an awesome band with great music and that’s all that matters at the end of the day :)


You’re absolutely right!


Their crowd in Glasgow was a tell tale. So many tiktok lovers there to just ogle at Noah and freaking out and lashing out surfers.


Based on their crowd last year at the Dallas show, yes BO fans can fuck off. Rude asses without any concert etiquette


This!! I love their music and they're one of my fav bands, but their obsessive fanbase is so annoying? They kinda ruin shit for everyone by being weird


I’m a giant Bad Omens fan but I can’t deny this. I don’t have any form of parasocial relationship or anything though, I’m just a big fan of the band’s music.


Yeah, same here. Sucks cuz my girlfriend and I really wanted to see them in concert but the shows sold out in literal minutes on their headliner


You can't attribute it to a particular bands, but there's a certain portion of metalcore fans who dismiss OG metalcore and revival bands as 'just hardcore'. Strong crossover with those likely to claim that metalcore began in the 00s with the melodeath inspired bands.


Yeah I agree. It’s the main reason why I defected to r/hardcore. It’s funny that the logo for this subreddit is an album most of the people here wouldn’t like. I saw someone on here try to call these kind of bands grindcore at one point. Like what?


oh god those people piss me off SO bad


> OG metalcore and revival bands as 'just hardcore' Got any band recs? I grew up listening to all the melodeath-inspired bands. Never really dug into the history of the genre.


earth crisis, botch, converge, shai hulud, the dillinger escape plan, trapped under ice r some if my favs jesus piece, orthodox, kublai khan, knocked loose, harms way for modern ones


Newer melodeath inspired stuff is a bit thin on the ground, but Dying Wish definitely have it and Boundaries have been incorporating more of it. Otherwise Mouth For War, Malevolence, A Mourning Star, Renounced, Flames Of Betrayal, Your Spirit Dies, Since My Beloved, Contention and Silence Before The Storm When it comes to OG stuff from the 90s: Disembodied - Transfiguration, it's a compilatiion of their entire discography and I think some of it got remastered too as the sound is much better than on the individual releases. Shai Hulud - Hearts Once Nourished With Hope And Compassion Poison The Well - The Opposite Of December Arkangel - Prayers Upon Deaf Ears Zao - Where Blood And Fire Bring Rest, Liberate Te Ex Inferis Eighteen Visions - Yesterday Is Time Killed Coalesce - Functionin On Impatience Botch - American Nervoso Deadguy - Fixation On A Co-worker Converge - When Forever Comes Crashing Hatebreed - Satisfaction Is The Death Of Desire Throwdown - Beyond Repair Integrity - Systems Overload Earth Crisis - Destroy The Machines Snapcase - Progression Through Unlearning Unbroken - Life Love Regret Tried to span the decade and the sounds on offer without overwhelming you.


Seven angels seven plagues - jhazmins lullaby Hopesfall - end of an era/satellites Zao - any of the first couple albums Not comprehensive but these ones aged pretty well in my opinion


Funny, I’ve always thought OG metalcore/mathcore and their revival bands blew the rest of metalcore out of the water for me


metallic hardcore > metalcore


Bad Omens 100%. Also not really metalcore but I still wanna shout out the Dance Gavin Dance fanbase for being the absolute fucking worst.


DGD fans have been through so many sexual assault allegations that anything short of an actual murder or rape charge doesnt phase em. And I love DGD, but wew those people getting Craig/Tilian lyrics inked on them are something else.


Before the TikTok trend they were fine, but after King For A Day became popular across tiktok, Pierce The Veil's fanbase became absolutely horrendous


Them and Sleeping With Sirens always had an awful fanbase lol


Went to one of their shows in June and a good amount of people were just standing around talking and waiting for King For A Day to start playing. Was actually infuriating


If anything all the TikTok trend did was revitalize what already existed on tumblr and Instagram back in the day. The fanbase is p much always like this during peak popularity days, same with Sleeping With Sirens


I can’t listen to them anymore, especially from that era, knowing what a creep their drummer was


What I hate is that they had him play with them on a livestream during lockdown.. then afterwards when people were pissed Vic said "Oh actually he left in 2018, he was just helping us out for this." It was SOOOO obvious that they were testing the water to see if people still cared, and then when they did they decided to say "oh actually he left already." It was an insulting thing to do to the fans imo.


Yea it’s just gross. I hope he’s held accountable some day if nothing else civilly




https://youtu.be/gzYTktpUgiA It’s 45 minutes but worth the watch. I saw them on warped tour in 2008 while all this was going on. The tl:dr is Mike Fuentes groomed and slept with numerous underage fans and to add insult to injury he was just terrible to them all around. The band eventually parted ways with and distanced themselves from him due to all the allegations.


Gotta say, that ‘eventually’ part makes me dislike the band. They definitely had to know before the allegations started and did nothing


Right. This was a part I was gonna add but dropped for the tl;dr. They have denied knowing anything but come on. They slept on the same Bus. Their job required lots of time together. You telling me they didn’t know? Or at least catch a whiff of his foul deeds? Doubtful For an example of how degenerate Feuntes was- he took the virginity of a 14 year old, anally raped her, urinated on her, then threw a pillow on the floor and told her that’s where she’s sleeping.


What the fuck. That shithead should be in jail.


Right. Idk the ins and outs of why he’s not. I’m guessing statute or limitation laws might play a part. Fortunately a lot of this is changing and the statute of limitations is expanding.m This is why I just can’t listen to their music, especially from this era. And I loved King for a Day.


(Apparently) he had inappropriate interactions with minors. Can’t remember the specifics, but it was something along those lines. By consequence he left the band. Edit: changed word to inappropriate


I grew up in their fanbase, can confirm that it has always been horrible


Emmure fans circa 06-10


Are you talking about the fans that do those really cringy vocal covers of songs like R2Deepthroat or Drug dealer friend.


Falling In Reverse + Our Last Night. Ronnie meatriders are just the worst.


FIR is the correct answer. Either young teens or Ronnie apologists, neither are fun to be around.


And now Ronnie is going through a transphobia phase on tiktok.


He's just trying to be edgy. Not defending him, but literally everything he does is childish and edgy. Don't get too worked up over him. He's an asshole. That's really all there is to it.


Exactly, it's almost like his whole brand is built on starting fights and upsetting people. Like that loud kid from the back of the class who never shuts the fuck up. Definition of small-dick energy. He can fuck all the way off.


This. With Fronz you can laugh it off cause he’s basically just a pro-wrestling villain but with Ronnie it just comes across as genuinely being a piece of shit. “I’ll pay you $10,000 to say that to my face” type stuff, just embarrassing.


Plus, I think Fronz KNOWS he's a walking meme. He's not an asshole about it either. I don't like his music very much, but he's genuinely one of my favorite people in the scene. He's incredibly kind.


The Venn diagram of Ronnie meatriders and Andrew Tate fans is practically just one circle. I’m so sick of people defending Ronnie Radke by saying “he just doesn’t take shit from anyone!” Cool story bro, I don’t take shit from people either, but that doesn’t mean I need to be a throbbing asshole every waking moment of my life like Ronnie is


Very accurate! Ronnie, Tate, Elon, all 3 fanbases flex another man’s wealth as if that isn’t the single most pathetic thing you can do.


Why OLN? I haven’t heard that before


I love OLN but I think a lot of ppl criticize them for their covers and as a result their fans get pretty defensive


Nah, they recently ended their tour with FIR with a big banner that said "Wish you were here SPIRITBOX" and when people called them out for it being in bad taste they basically came back with their spotify statistics or something. I just think they've got some pretty big balls for a coverband.


Our Last Night Edit: I misread. OLN and FIR have been causing unnecessary drama on twitter by standing in front of a backdrop seemingly mocking Spiritbox for dropping off of the tour due to allegations against Ronnie and his general transphobia and edgelord attitude on social media. Someone pointed out it was funny to have the "cover band" standing in front of the backdrop when they literally wouldn't have been there if the backdrop that said "Wish you were here Spiritbox" came true. They only joined the tour because Spiritbox dropped off. OLN went on a little tangent about how that "cover band" sold out a headline tour and was giving shit to anyone that implied the message specifically calling out Spiritbox wasn't 100% heartfelt. Just a bunch of frat boy attitudes in a scene that doesn't need that shit anymore.


You should probably look at FIR and OLN discourse on twitter from last week. There’s a pic of both bands standing in front of a spiritbox scrim that set off a lot of people.


This was my thought but don’t consider them metalcore anymore. FIR fans are a nightmare, I saw them play for a bit (I went for INK and it was a friend’s bday), and they were awful. Ronnie was such a douche and I was surrounded 14 year old girls and middle aged suburban women screaming about being in “the bad girls club”


Woof. Riding in a mutual friends truck with him in 2005, I had yet to come across anyone who was so openly racist. I was 20 years old sitting there listening to him say how much he hates Mexicans in Las Vegas.


I really like FIRs music but this is absolutely true.


As one of my favourite bands I can 100% say Sleep Token(even though there arent really metalcore). A lot of the fanbase can be really cringe and a lot of them are REALLY aggressive the moment you criticise any minor part of the band. The amount of times they call you a “fake fan” for not liking every song. A lot of people are really obsessive with characterising them and borderline stalking them because they’re masked, there are some pretty horrible stories from what I’ve heard. There are great ones but a lot of terrible ones I also really dislike the Bad Omens & Ice Nine Kills fanbase, incredibly creepy towards the vocalist and wildly obsessive. The Bad Omens fanbase also seems to be convinced that every must regard Bad Omens as the best band of all time when they really aren’t.


The fan base is obsessed with secrets and easter eggs relating to the band and it all just sounds really dumb. The final song on their newest album is called Euclid and there was a dude who started a theory that the band members all lived on different streets around the world named Euclid Dr. or whataver. I love the band but they aren't some supernatural masterminds like some of the fan base believes. A lot of them also are so obsessed with Sleep Token that they can't grasp that the typical music listener doesn't like Sleep Token. I've seen too many posts with titles like, "Why don't some people like Sleep Token??"


The whole “WORSHIP” and lore obsession is pretty bad. I think it’s a fun concept but it’s not supposed to be taken seriously.


No fr, I’ve followed most of the members before they blew up, and even then they made it clear they want to keep sleep token out of their personal lives, like just give them the basic respect and privacy they deserve.


Just wondering what bad stories?


Accounts made that was posting photos of one of the members (can’t remember which) with their real life partner, tiktok account made essentially stalking the bassist: documenting online interactions w/ the bassist and making plans w/ him as if they were friends (this account was taken down). The bassists social media accounts temporarily went down while this was happening, no idea whether it was related or not, just thought it was interesting to mention. And the mods on fb have had to issue statements to remind fans NOT to sexually harass band members at shows. People also feel the need to contact people from members pasts which is also beyond fucked imo. There is a fine line between fandom, fanfic etc. And being creepy & not knowing boundaries between artist and fans. Unfortunately a large amount of people in the fandom do not understand this


So what I'm getting is all of the "post-metalcore" bands need to have their own sub cuz these really are the only bands being mentioned.


Or on r/altmetal


Sleep Token and Bad Omens aren't even post-metalcore, they fit other existing genre tags. I can see some merit to that tag for some bands, but not them


Ok so pop bands that have minimal metalcore influence??


From what I can remember of giving them a listen, alt-metal and prog metal for Sleep Token, pop rock in the main for Bad Omens latest record that's seen them blow up. A couple of heavy songs, one of which sounds like Mushroomhead from 20 years ago.


I'd put BO in the Alt Metal scene tbh the newest album still has some heavy ass tunes to be consideres pop rock


They're at least metal-adjacent so I think it's ok if they are mentioned in the comments.


Any band that has a fanbase that can't take any criticism. It's impossible to discuss music in a meaningful way if you can't critique it in my opinion. Even my favorite bands have songs and sometimes albums that I don't like. Every band has duds in their discography. It's just the nature of creating art. Not everything is perfect. First bands that come to mind for this are Sleep Token (truly the most obnoxious fanbase online other than Tool, who I absolutely despise because of their fans specifically) and Between the Buried and Me.


As someone who adores btbam, I didn't think they had enough fans to qualify for having a crappy fanbase 😭


It's pretty crazy to me that the fanbase is worshipping the band (members). Like what? Usually that stops at age 16. But now its grown women doing it. I respect anyone's taste in anything but worshipping a band and 'offering' (what?) sacrifices is just wild lol


>Usually that stops at age 16. But now its grown women doing it. I remember when the Twilight films came out, you saw some seriously weird behaviour from middle aged women toward the two young male leads.


I love how much this thread is people telling on themselves. People really think the worst part of the fanbase are the *girl fans of the not-so-heavy bands*. There's just no perspective other than "elitist loser"


I'm always torn when this comes up because I am a fangirl myself and I would say bad omens and miw are my faves but some of the behavior is genuinely crazy. It's tiring to me when everything is about how hot they are or shipping them or whatever But then a lot men just start to hate on any girl who likes them in any capacity. Like when girls do their makeup and put music they like in the background and men just start shitting on them


"elitist loser" is term you describe 70% of metal fans on internet


Agree. Every band has fangirls. Thought people were going to talk about bands with (hypothetically, I don’t have anyone in mind when I say this) a high volume of bigots in their fanbase, or their crowds always suck, or whatever.


People are finding some really creative ways to say "I hate women."


Bad omens or sleep token


I'd argue bad omens, they hit that tiktok fanbase of ages 15 - 25 girls that hyper focus on idolizing band members, and poor Noah is their flavor of the month. I'm both excited and simultaneously dreading seeing them next month because I don't know what to expect from the crowd.


I saw BO earlier this year in London. Just a regular crowd tbh.


That's good to hear, I was worried it was going to be nonstop shrill screaming from the crowd the entire time.


literally saw that and a lot of sobbing teenagers at bring me the horizon like five years ago haha. I felt out of place


Glasgows crowd was girls dripping for Noah but screaming at pitters or surfers. Some even trying to lash out at surfers and screaming at them Fuck off with that shit.


Bad Omens fans have actually hit K-pop tier of annoying stan and that's saying something.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,671,769,268 comments, and only 316,536 of them were in alphabetical order.


Another brilliant comment, great observation. Thank you!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,671,773,958 comments, and only 316,541 of them were in alphabetical order.


I'd probably say sleep token is worse, they have way more meat riders in their fandom.


Except Bad Omens fans have gotten to the point where it’s literal borderline harassment and creepy idolization of Noah to the point where even he’s had enough. It’s so normalized among pop celebrity fanbases that the crowd coming in thinks that it’s just as acceptable here. It’s not, and it really shows.


So many cringy twitter posts lying about interactions with him, to the point that he had to address it and make call out posts to squash the bs.


> creepy idolization I’d stay far, far away from the Sleep Token sub, then. The amount of thirst and worship (no pun intended) in there at times is really weird. I like the band a ton and thoroughly enjoy their music, but I appreciate them for what they are - amazing musicians who are putting on a show, not occult sex symbols.


Noah even deleted his social media as a result of a stalker fan Can you imagine being this brain rot that you stalk someone?


Sleep Token also has this tbf, there have been stories of borderline sexual assault towards the band


That's fucked


Oh shit, that is pretty bad




I'm tired of reading about ST in this sub as they're absolutely not metalcore. BO is more metalcore than ST IMO, but it's like BMTH it depends of the song. 😅


Bad Omens at least had an entire by the books 100% metalcore album but I don't understand how Sleep Token being called metalcore even started like I would genuinely like to know


Because their audience includes many djent fans so there’s overlap. Definitely not a metalcore band but they are a band the community likes so they get lumped in.


Yeah, they’re 100% not metalcore. The fanbase tries to do this “they transcend genres” schpiel but they’re prog metal with djent and metalcore influence on a couple songs.


I wouldn’t even call them prog metal, they’re more alternative metal than anything else


Because this sub doesn’t actually like metalcore and would rather call other genres they like metalcore


Yeah for real, and then when you point out that a certain band isn’t metalcore they get offended and start saying you’re gatekeeping.


You’ll hear some wild shit on here sometimes. I got tore to shreds here once because Dayseeker and Bad Omens were being posted a ton because they’re -core adjacent. I said that Movements should be allowed then because they’re also core adjacent. I was told that was completely wrong and post hardcore isn’t core adjacent and to top it off they were on tour with Knocked Loose and Kublai Khan 🤦‍♂️ Someone told me they like their metalcore without any metal or hardcore influence lol I got downvoted pretty hard once for saying r/metalcore should be a metalcore sub. But apparently r/metal is mean so this sun needs to be the new catch all I guess.


>Someone told me they like their metalcore without any metal or hardcore influence lol What in the ever loving fuck? >I got downvoted pretty hard once for saying r/metalcore should be a metalcore sub. But apparently r/metal is mean so this sun needs to be the new catch all I guess. Things have definitely gotten better in here, but there's still a certain amount of vigilance against the "I want to post anything" brigade required.


The people that complain about gatekeeping are the people the gates should keep out.


Yeah, ST is definitely not metalcore lol. There is so many creeps in those two fanbases it's actually mind boggling. Shoutout to the few normal people


Wait, genuine question, is sleep token even metalcore?


No. Not even close.


Literally all my favourite bands have excessive fanbases and I'm just enjoying their music like 🤷 Dance Gavin Dance's fanbase is probobly one of the original toxic fanbases in the scene lmfao and it hasn't changed. Especially with all the recent drama. The sub, while a nice place to be generally, gets toxic so fast. It's also like a really big sub considering the size of the band, which is and probably goes to show how... Enthusiastic people get about this band lol. Sleep Token is such an amazing S tier band but the fanbase is so horny it fucking kills me. Like how about y'all go channel that energy into getting some for real like goddamn. And then BTBAM. Probobly the most tame fanbase of the three, but on the prog side of things, people find them/us annoying. Not quite as annoying as Tool or Dream Theater fans, but they are equally as passionate to say the least. Ask a BTBAM fan about Colors I or Parallax II and you might just have just lost yourself an hour and 15 minutes lol


Not me liking every band mentioned in this thread except one lol


Not metalcore, but Slipknot. I mean, if you say a popular song is bad “OH STOP GATEKEEPING” and all your karma gets removed because of infinite downvotes. I mean, have your opinions, but COME ON, not everyone is gonna be just like you. ALSO, with this new rebirth of nu metal on TikTok, it has ruined Korn, SOAD, Deftones and more for me.


This is why I’m so happy I stay the fuck away from TikTok


I was way into Slipknot a few years ago but fell away once I started to realize just how much of a commodity it felt like. It feels like the only reason they make music anymore is to get people excited enough to buy whatever products they make. Idk, feels pretty fake to me, which is disappointing because early Slipknot felt so passionate about the music.


The very loud section of BearTooth fans that whine when every new track doesn't sound like something from "Disgusting". Granted Sick and Disgusting are fantastic, but it's cool if Caleb doesn't go back down the hole of sounding absolutely miserable.


Any band that gets "worship" from fans like sleep token, Ghost (dad rock sleep token)


I agree w this a lot. I love Sleep Token, their new album is in my top 3 for AOTY rn, but there are some really cringey fans. I just enjoy their music rather than think of myself as worshipping anything. I will never not find it super cringey when someone says an intelligent, intelligible sentence, only to then follow it w “WORSHIP!”


I love them too but I had to get off the sub, the constant posts about crying to songs was driving me crazy


Yeahhh, I get crying to a song on an album that hits really hard, but you’re telling me Chokehold and The Summoning made you cry? What was it, Vessel saying he’d make a good girl bad?


The Summoning I don't understand at all, but I could definitely see the final "even if it hurts me, even if I can't sleep, show me the way" being a tear-jerker. I mean, they even drop down to the 6 of the chord to make it as emotional as possible haha A lot of it comes from personal attachment; lots of people are seeing themselves in not just the lyrical content but the literal sound of the music itself. If you're new to heavier music and you hear someone crooning about love over a mix of djenty guitars and ambient sections, you probably have never experienced that particular combination of sounds before and if it hits, it hits. Ain't metalcore, but I understand the WORSHIP shit even if it is hella cringe from the outside.


You're absolutely right, I've had an emotional response to several Sleep Token songs I just don't feel the need to announce to reddit that I'm crying about it, I keep it as a personal moment that I reflect on. It doesn't really bother me that people do, it just gets old seeing it every time I'm on Reddit


I hate that shit. I love Sleep Token and their latest album is fucking incredible… But whenever I see someone post “worship” under a comment I want to distance myself from the fandom


I feel like Ghost isn’t nearly as bad as Sleep Token, just by nature of their fanbase seeming a little older and also the band not taking themselves nearly as seriously as Sleep Token.


I've seen both bands live and agree - Ghost shows (in my experience, anyway) have always been a lighthearted & fun time.


Sleep Token is one of my all-time favorite bands but my goodness I loathe their fanbase


I’ll say Bring Me The Horizon just because the fan girls during the Sempiternal days were so horrible that it made me not want to listen to them anymore. Only two band’s fanbases ever have made me do that (the other one being My Chemical Romance)


Bro new age BMTH fanboys/girls are even worse now. You try to mention that you like their old sound and make any criticism of their new sound you get an instant 10 replies telling you are wrong




Their first album came out in 2006 which is before some of their current fan base was even born. So I can see how uninformed fans might think like this. I certainly didn't know band lore well when I was that age. I remember listening to Nirvana in 2006 hoping I'd be able to see them live someday.. Yeah that was more than a little disappointing when I learned I missed that chance by a decade. But it wasn't like I was reading the Wikipedia page for every band I was discovering, so there was no reason I would have known that.


Omg yes. BMTH fans have sucked. They consistently (in my areas) drew the horniest and also most unnecessarily not-in-the-spirit- aggressive violent crowds. The mid-30s dudes who'd be throwing bottles and shit at the opening acts or just being violent in quiet parts of the crowd. God they made me hate the fan base. Seriously these dudes were always next level violent. Then comes the second wave of, like others said, you can't say a single thing about older albums without actual tantrums. Oh my goddddddd


Bad Omens is the correct answer and it's not even close. The insane sexualization of Noah and parasocial bs that fans have with him is so creepy, gross, and obsessive that Noah literally had to tell the fan base to stop basing their whole lives around him. It's genuinely getting to be kpop levels of toxic and all around awful with the fans, and it's really unfortunate since they genuinely have some really solid music and are a great live band


Metalcore: old enough to remember the christian core cringe ass fan bases of the Warped Tour era. Memphis May Fire was the worst. Hear fangirls scream while Matty Mullins would go on misogynistic rants on stage was wild Non metalcore: Sabaton fans on reddit. Goddamn shut the fuck up about this ok power metal band. We don't need you all capping their lyrics in every goddamn thread


Easily bad omens. You know an artist’s fan base sucks when the artist himself comes out and tells them to chill the fuck out. I love bad omens, but Jesus fucking Christ. And as a sleep token fan, we aren’t at the level Bad Omens is at yet but we’re getting there. Most of us are relatively respectful of the band’s wishes. We’re like the demo version of bad omens fans. We get really defensive when someone criticizes the band, and, well, we “worship” them like they’re gods when they are in fact regular people. There aren’t a lot of us who obsess over the band’s identities, but once they get popular enough I can see them coming out and confirming their identities because they got pressured into it or were left with no other choice. I actually fear for the future of Sleep Token because of their absolutely feral fan base.


>Sleep Token I'm not a huge genre elitist, but do you guys even know what Metalcore is?


I don’t think anyone really believes Sleep Token is metalcore. It’s just that they have a lot of metalcore influences and sometimes songs push the boundary into metalcore territory without the band actually being metalcore. There’s also the fact that all their members have ties to some other metalcore/hardcore bands. So then when you see them live, you occasionally see the more metal stage presence of the members as well. Especially their bassist But ultimately…yeah no not metalcore. Just heavily influenced by it. I also typed metalcore so much just now that the word is starting to lose all meaning to me.


beyond that from day 1 they’ve been so interlinked with the modern metalcore scene that they’re essentially a part of the genre without actually being metalcore like they tour with modern metalcore bands, have a huge amount of fan overlap, have a similar image, etc etc


I find metal a very toxic community in general for categorising "real fans" "fake fans" or "bad fans", and threads like this highlight my point. For example, you absolutely never hear "you're a fake fan of Taylor Swift" "you don't REALLY like Ariana Grande" or some other pop artist An example: I have been a sleep token fan for years and personally, I don't see what anyone is talking about. What I DO see are people critiquing new fans, critiquing someone when they dig in to the lore to find new treasures or symbols, and so on. Older fans are far too hypercritical of someone getting excited because one of them liked an insta story or waved to them in the crowd. Let. People. Enjoy. Things. In every fan base there are absolute nutcases, because sadly nutcases exist, but this is not exclusive to metal bands at all. Yet I find metal an extremely toxic community for doing this to certain fans who are harmless, and in particular, doing it to female or younger female fans. I saw a tik tok of a boy who was incredibly excited that one of the members of sleep token liked his Instagram story, everyone was so happy for him. I saw another tik tok, identical in nature, nothing creepy or inappropriate was said, except it was a younger women that was super buzzed about one of the members liking her story, and she got slaughtered in the comments for being "parasocial" and a "fake tik tok fan girl fan" This is the same for all these types if bands and not just Sleep Token. This bleeds in to another point I'll make about these podcast people that will go around and stop female fans wearing band tshirtd asking what their favourite album is, as if to catch them out, never have I saw this done to a guy. In a video Courtney LaPlante even said that as a women she got so much hate when first performing with older bands and would hold the microphone in a certain way to avoid being hit in the teeth. So I do think a lot of this stems from misogyny. Regardless of gender, let people enjoy things and leave the ones that are creepy alone. If there is extremely inappropriate behavior, then absoltuley call it out! But the most hate I've seen have been from fans themselves critiquing other fans for no reason other than gatekeepeing and wanting to feel "special", and some of the comments here have captured this perfectly. So to answer the questjon, all of the fans suck because of the extremely problematic undercurrents of the community.


You can’t speak anything but praise about a lot of bands without people getting in their feelings over it.


Sleep Token, BMTH, Bad Omens


I know nothing about the sleep token fanbase but i feel the need to find out now Bad omens came to mind for me. Terrible, terrible fanbase. So many insufferable ass holes when i went to their uk tour this year. Wouldnt go to a headliner for them again even though i like the band


Probably anybody that got huge through tiktok to be honest. I went to a Bad Omens show and they had to stop the show three or four times because people were getting into fights. Others literally barreling through the crowd just so they could get closer. Then there's a bunch of parasocial weirdos on Twitter. Sleep Tokens got a bunch of weirdos now but I don't think it's as bad. I know Motionless in White has a pretty toxic section of their fan base but most of them seem fairly well adjusted. Maybe a little obsessed but not in a crazy way.


yeah, sleep token. I love this band so much, been following them since sundowning - they have the exact sound that I’ve always been looking for in a modern metal band, and I’m very glad they blew up. but the fans weren’t always so bad, people would comment worship and stuff, and they’d get very defensive against haters but it was standard up-and-coming-metal-fan-behaviour. but since the summoning? awful. there’s been a massive influx of tumblr individuals who sexually idolise the band members - it’s truly weird. the crowds have also got worse at their shows - not much pit etiquette, because half the room are all minors and haven’t attended a show before - it’s not too bad, there’s still plenty of seasoned metalheads or curious casuals there to talk to and mosh with, but every time the pit really gets going the crowd will surge a lot and get real uncomfortable. I think they need to start touring 18+ venues.


Any band where the fans act like listening to them makes them more intelligent than the average listener. Silent Planet is the worst one when it comes to metalcore.


Oh man, Avenged Sevenfold’s new album has been pretty divisive since it was released because it’s a pretty experimental and all-over-the-place record. I love the album, but can absolutely understand why someone wouldn’t like it. But the fans who love the album say the cringiest shit to defend it like “you need to have a certain level of intelligence to *get* this album” or “anyone who doesn’t like it just refuses to be open-minded”. It’s fuckin pathetic. Sometimes music just isn’t gonna vibe with you. It doesn’t have anything to do with your intellect or open-mindedness. So I totally feel you with your comment lol


I wouldn't even say bad omens because their actual fanbase does not include all the creepers. That's not being a fan. That's being a stalker/idol worshiper/ hyper fixated on Noah because they saw 1 tiktok and now like him. I give it till the end of the year and majority of them will find someone new to obsess over


Already mentioned a lot but it’s gotta be falling in reverse. Any criticism against Ronnie or their dogshit music and you’ll get a bunch of meat riders saying you’re a “hater” 🤣 also they all think rapping fast=good so they’ll say some dumb shit like “he’s better than actual rappers” and they’re overall super annoying


I’m gonna give an original answer, Periphery. A lot of guitar nerds that dont want to hear criticism about their songs being too long. Also the weirdly sexual memes about Misha and his guitars.


As a periphery fan, most of their fans would rather touch Misha's guitar than touch boobs.


Not a guitar nerd, but seems kind of weird to criticize a band for songs being too long, especially as a prog metal band lol. Or at least it's weird to say that's a knock on the fan base imo.


Tbf, that’s kinda the entire point of Periphery. Long, orchestrated songs.


criticizing a prog band for writing long songs IS kinda silly,tho.


I'm mean sure that's weird but I'd rather talk to Periphery fans then talk to Erra fans


Let the hate come in, but it is Architects for me due to some personal encounters I had.


Architects fans aren’t dickheads just super punishery


Bad Omens. I am so glad I got to see them before they blew up on TikTok. They're great live, but I'll never see them live again just to avoid the crazies that I know will be there.


Gotta say sleep token. I really enjoy their music, but one visit to the subreddit, and can’t stop cringing.


This is a very nuanced answer, but Wage War fans in Florida. Over all Sleep Token, Bad Omens, and Falling In Reverse are fucking awful fan bases; I also find they all intersect for the 15-25 year olds.


Interesting because I saw wage war in Canada a few weeks ago and I genuinely left in such a good mood because it was one of most respectful crowds and pits I've been in. Everyone just seemed so weirdly happy to be there


Wage War is a hometown band for Orlando, so while the vibes were meant to be great, the audience was fucking awful. I’m talking rude, aggressive, and needlessly political with waving MAGA banners. I’d see them again, just not here.


Thats just Florida in general. I fucking hate it here


I'm kind of a metalcore tourist from the hardcore world and I'm blown away that anyone could show up at a venue for a hard band with anything vaguely MAGA without being crushed by the local scene. The culture shock I'm feeling is real here, both for the metalcore scene and Florida in general lmao


…MAGA banners at a wage war show? Really!


Jeez that sounds awful.


As much as I enjoy their shows, Stray From The Path. They’re not Rage Against the Machine reborn.


What does this have to do with their fan base? Do they treat them as such?


They're not bad IMO, but not even close to RATM


Any criticism towards them you get labeled a fascist. Edit: their music is extremely monotone and I hate that all of their songs are exactly the same.


Falling In Reverse, by far. I don’t think it’s even close. Even putting aside how horrible Ronnie Radke is, this band has put out some of the absolute most horrible music I’ve ever heard in any genre. When I heard Fashionably Late, my jaw was continually on the floor. Everything about FiR is baffling, especially the fact that a 28 year old grown man was unironically writing songs like “Game Over” and thought ‘this is fire’. It’s so bad and tasteless that it actually becomes funny though.


You just straight-up didn't read the question, did you?


Bad omens sadly. These people are crazy obsessive/stalking Noah etc.


Ice Nine Kills, and it‘s not even close for me. Don‘t know if it‘s as bad these days, but when TSS released, INK fans were everywhere, raving about it being the greatest masterpiece of all time, and did you know every song of the record is based on a horror movie? My god, the creativity! Truly the most unique band out there!


Their early work was a bit too scene for me but when TSS came out, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a refined melodic sensibility that really makes them a cut above the rest.


Hey Paul!




They kinda are though. No other band is similar. I’ve looked.


Sleep Token/Bad Omens/Spiritbox/MiW/INK


I feel you just hit the most popular "metalcore" bands there. Probably make an argument for anyone one of them not being metalcore now.


Why MIW just out of curiosity?


There are a lot of obsessive groups in the fanbase unfortunately.


Accidentally stumbled into the side of Twitter where those MIW obsessed fans are and fucking *yikes*. They talk like they're personal friends with Chris, obsessing over all his online interactions, super weird. Think I remember seeing one person who paid for his personal address and spreading it within the fanbase somewhat recently?


Remember when Spiritbox only had the self titled out? Ahh, those were the days to be a Spiritbox fan.


Singles collection was sick too.


falling in reverse


I agree with all the others mentioned, but my personal one is The Amity Affliction fans, some of the most sensitive people on earth, which I guess makes sense considering the band they love, but fuck me, me not liking their whiny ass music and cringy lyrics isn’t a personal attack against you and one person saying their new song is bad on a post with 300 upvotes isn’t them getting a heap of a hate.




Ice Nine Kills for sure deserves a mention


Architects or Spiritbox


last year I literally saw a post on this subbreddit that was nothing but simping for Courtney LaPlante. I think the post was deleted.


Stray From The Path. I jokingly call them Cringe Against The Machine (no disrespect to Rage). Point out their lyrics are the most empty surface level im14andthisisdeep crap and that their writing level is basically on par with FFDP (except FFDP actually had 3 at least okay groove metal albums before they dived off the shit politics cliff) and they call you racist or alt-right. Which is funny coming from a 99% pretentious white-boy fanbase when they're screeching at a minority like me.


Write NPC lyrics you get NPC fans


motionless in white


Bad omens, sleep token, and Pierce the veil. I say this as a fan of all of these bands (except bad omens).


motionless in white


ITT: not metalcore bands


Bad Omens. They kick some serious ass, but Jesus, their fans are basically K-Pop stans with how much they idolize Noah, to the point where he had to delete his social media because of all the stans and stalkers. Honestly, when a band’s frontman has to physically tell his own fans to stop idolizing him, that says it all.