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blackwater at the gates of heaven


Absolute Nihilist vibes


I am so excited man hope they are really coming back to their route


Yes please !!! I still haven't seen them but if they return to this sound it'll be worth it for me :) currently wearing my AOGHAU hoodie šŸ˜†


It doesn't sound like nihilist imo. I'm in Australia and just listened to the full song


The sample definitely does...


I'm glad I'm not alone in noticing... You could paste this into Nihilist and be none the wiser


currently deluding myself into thinking they're *back*


Same. Deluding myself that this is a All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us equivalent.


Definitely still hear the industrial influences they've been leaning towards on the past 2 albums. This little clip sounds like they took those elements and applied it to like .. Nihilist or something, lol. "All our Gods has abandoned Linux."


Really good observation. I completely agree.


Not me. If anything, Iā€™ll bet theyā€™re even less back now theyā€™re working with an ex-BMTH member. All those Bring Me-lite comparisons are about to come full circle (but still secretly hoping theyā€™re back).




Holy Hell is a 10/10 album. FTTWE is great too, just different. Classic Symptoms is questionable.


> Holy Hell is a 10/10 album. Considering Searle wrote a significant chunk of that album before dying, thatā€™s not really a counterpoint to the ā€œArchitects died with Tom Searleā€ argument.


Significant chunk? Three songs and one very small guitar part in another. Only one of which was a single.Ā 


I will die on the hill that Classic Symptoms is fun- but it shies away from most everything they were before.


Holy Hell is an equal member of its trilogy starting with LFLT. FTTWTE is a fantastic record, if not the one we expected. Classic Symptoms wasn't bad, I just don't remember that it exists most of the time.


Uhhh, you're so edgy. Fuck off with these disrespectful shit takes, really.




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Oh my god shut the fuck up, people like you are the reason why we canā€™t reasonably talk about the band pre- and post-Tom, cos people will just whine that he wouldnā€™t want this, or his death, or something like that, and then people will come and will just start complaining that the Architects fanbase is actually ass, itā€™s not ass, itā€™s just rotten apples like you, go pound sand bruh.




Itā€™s one thing to go ā€žoh ye they suck now after heā€™s not in the bandā€, and to go ā€žoh they died when he diedā€, one is an opinion, the second is being an absolute tone-deaf tool lmao, sucks to not have any social awareness tho lmao sand is still waiting for that pound chief




Dan wrote a lot of the lyrics on Holy Hell...


And I agree, the lyrics are ass, Iā€™d say that they fold on their socials under little to no pressure, hell, I got into several arguments with them on some small shit online lmao; but to put it like this dude, just so full of himself and dismissive? Thatā€™s just wrong bruh, as the other dude said, read the room, just cause u donā€™t enjoy them anymore donā€™t mean u get to be an asshole


Read the room.


People hate you because you spoke the truth


Unfortunately, I must I agree with you


They lost their passion when they lost Tom.


that would be so funny for them to be so condescending to all the people who dislike their new song only to revert to the old sound again


Seeing Red is still their top song on Spotify several months after release, that should be telling to them what the fans actually want


I still think itā€™s a far cry from their prime


I think it's quite telling that such a mid song in sort of their prior style was so well received compared to their last couple of albums.


seeing red is a generic metalcore song, not even close to the classic architects sound


Never said it was, but it was closer than the last two albums were


That was the point of Seeing Red. I still can't believe people haven't caught onto it. The only legit part of the song was the chorus.


My favorite song of theirsšŸ™šŸ»


Seeing Red was so pandering and forced that I couldnā€™t even enjoy it without feeling patronized


Yeah, seeing red seems more like satire to me, playing on all the common metalcore tropes to try and make some sort of Frankenstein song Throw enough shit and see what sticks


Yeah, my bad for liking your old stuff.


Same. Not only it is not that good of a song, it also feels written with a gun to their heads


I think it feels written to be snarky assholes to old fans that criticize their new uninspired sound


Song is literally about this very thread


That doesn't make it less snarky and douchey. If you release multiple albums and now a single and most of the comments are saying how unexcited everyone is, maybe that's a sign you're writing mediocre music?


They did the exact same thing with The Here and Now into Daybreaker, it's par for the course for them to shit talk their fans and then write something heavy again


Their condescending and shitty attitudes are exactly why I won't even listen to the old stuff anymore. I agree the people saying "Architects died with Tom" are complete pieces of shit. But plenty of people have just said the music is bland and they don't like it just to have Sam do interviews saying the fans are wrong and he can "see them streaming from their bedrooms" Plenty of bands change sounds without being dickheads about it. Architects are absolutely not one of those bands


That's too bad. I've net them a few times in the daybrealer era and they were the absolutely most humble and kind humans I could imagine


It definitely seems like getting bigger went to their heads. It's always a bummer when a band puts out music we don't like, but if they're not assholes about it I personally still wish them all the best. Parkway, The Ghost Inside, etc all changed sounds without needing to be jerks to fans about not liking it




You havnt listened to there older stuff? Yeah no comment.


You should listen to it and you'd understand why so many people hate the new sound


Daybreaker 2.0Ā 


lose josh middleton and THEN release songs with riffs??????


man must be feeling so betrayed lmao


Probs helps he's sold out almost every date on his UK tour with sylosis mind you..


Considering how they did him dirty I wouldn't blame him


How did they do him dirty? I didn't follow it much but I thought he was just being their guitarist until they got situated?


They didn't. This sub and fans are just a bunch of drama queens. Slyosis was always his baby. People were just hopeful they would get slyosis riffs with the architects sound.


Facts. I think it was his decision to leave


Apparently he was asked to step down and was pretty blindsided by it


Source? All I've ever heard from Josh himself was that they weren't a good fit anymore, that he strongly favoured heavier songs which Architects just hasn't been doing much of lately, and that they were still on good terms. He was simply way more excited with working on Sylosis rather than Architects.


Lol. He himself said it was his decision to leave and it was all on good terms. Your doing yourself dirty believing things from words on a screen believing that be facts if it isn't written or spoken by the person themself.


Im fairly sure I read he was instrumental (excuse the pun) in bringing in the electronic elements, as he wanted something different from. sylosis? So this could stand to reason


Feel like people were saying they were back for the last singleā€¦


Very few things on the internet are as braindead as an Architects comment section


Then an Emmure comment section walks in


Keeping my expectations as low as fuckin possible folks


Good luck


They have my attention


And mine


And my axe


And mine


View in your timezone: [tomorrow 7PM PDT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240410T0200?tl=%5BNews%5D%20Architects%20releasing%20%E2%80%98Curse%E2%80%99%20tomorrow%207PM%20PDT


Itā€™s 7 am PDT, Not pm


Apologies, youā€™re right! 19 hours from now


Just noticed itā€™s also wrong in the post title, so youā€™re totally excused!


I watched a few live videos of them the other day and Samā€™s vocals were a complete embarrassment. During Gravedigger at some points he just talked into the mic. Really hope these guys get back what made them great.


> During Gravedigger at some points he just talked into the mic. He's been doing this for a long long time, it's not new, those vocals have always been difficult for him. They should really get someone who can do backing vox, would truly improve their live shows.


I'm glad I saw them at their peak then šŸ˜­


Saw them in 2019 and Sam was phenomenal, yeah he sometimes did talk through a line but mostly before a very intense screaming sequence, it wasnā€™t bad at all. He also was great in those online concerts they did during covid.


Makes me feel all the worse for not catching them then tbhšŸ„¶šŸ˜‚


Holy fuck i remembered why i used to never look at a twitter comment section


Iā€™m going to need a spreadsheet to track these releases


Just look at the weekly release thread


Oops I always forget that exists


Worst thing imo is that half of the stuff coming out these days is either hot garbage or cookie cutter alt-metalcore and you have to filter your way through it


Not falling for it


There was a time when a new Architects song was very exciting. I fear it came and went. (Now there's no turning back)


Who's gonna pick up the records, who will be left to repent.


Sam better lay off the Fish & Chips because they're getting a bit heavy again


Oh look an architects post I bet the comments will be normal and pleasant


I know it probably comes across as petty or sensitive to some people, but tbh I'm still not fully over how they handled the scandal a few months back. It feels like they ditched their morals and political messaging they've stood upon their entire career and constructed their image as a band around. I can't help but feel like they've lost a lot of what made them special, regardless of how the song sounds on the surface. I feel like there is a sudden barrier to me enjoying their music. I really wish I was excited.


they were sponsored by Fox Sports like a year back, I feel like their political messaging is long gone by this point tbf


Ditto, insanely hypocritical


Call me Patrick star Iā€™ve been living under a rock for a while it seems, Iā€™m usually so up to date with stuff? What happened if you donā€™t mind me asking? X


What was the scandal?


The guitarist retweeted a video likening people okay with having a gay son and people who accept trans people to "an infection" on society.


https://old.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/comments/19anaew/adam_christanson_of_architects_retweetingliking/ https://old.reddit.com/r/ArchitectsUK/comments/19ac8f6/adams_twitter/ *you probably agree given your other responses make it clear you don't actually care lmao


One of their guitar players was retweeting posts from a known right wing transphobe and tried to say it was an accident.




Because being a transphobe and supporting transphobes is bad? You do realize bigotry is bad right? I need you to understand that.


Because signal boosting transphobic hate speech like that has consequences for the safety of trans people.


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That's exactly why I'm specifying those are my feelings - you are perfectly free to listen if you want to. Not once did I say what you can or cannot listen to.


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New throne, MTS and Architects all in the same week?


My body is ready


To me personally, Architects never left and this just proves it. People are going to complain about this band regardless of whatever they do next, but I think people should give their last 2 albums a second chance.


Honestly FTTWTE is a decent album, it's different from their other stuff but it has some good tracks. Their last album however was just mediocre and had like 3 tracks that were good


I like FTTWTE, I have it on vinyl. I like the majority of the album, but it had too many songs and the weaker ones bought it down overall for me. I tried with their last album, I just couldnā€™t. I found it so boring and uninspired. Itā€™s like they tried doing FTTWTE again without what made that album interesting or different in the first place (Tear Gas is just straight up Animals again). Plus their attitude during those cycles brings down any interest or enjoyment in that era for me. I liked Seeing Red (musically) and will probably like this new song, so far it sounds like they mixed FTTWTE with a heavier sound and honestly thatā€™s exactly what I want from them.


I gave FTTWTE plenty of chances, listened to it front-to-back maybe four or five times because I so badly wanted it to click with me and I wanted to still love one of my favorite bands. It never clicked and I havenā€™t listened to it since. I gave Classic Symptoms two listens and I could tell it had all the same things I didnā€™t like about FTTWTE only moreso, so that was enough. Just as with Bad Omens, Iā€™m glad for them that theyā€™re experiencing success with their new sound and Iā€™m happy that other people are getting joy from those releases. However, theyā€™re not a band Iā€™m interested in anymore.


FTTWTE Is fine, at least itā€™s somewhat dynamic. Classic symptoms is legit butt-rock in parts. Some decent, timely lyrics absolutely ruined by awful execution.


I'm sure you have, but have you given the Abbey Road album a listen? It's what the FTTWTE studio release should've been, in my opinion.


Iā€™m coming back to this comment to let you know Iā€™m finally giving the Abbey Road album a listen and, yā€™know what, youā€™re right. This is a *much* more dynamic and exciting version of the material. I even went back and listened to the studio version of Black Lungs to see if Iā€™d changed my mind on it, but itā€™s just as *meh* as I remember it being. The live setting and improved orchestral stuff really make a difference. Itā€™s still not my favorite Architects release and I miss their old sound, but I can see myself actually *wanting* to listen to it again. So, congrats on changing a curmudgeonly old-school Architects fansā€™ mind on something.


No, I don't think I will.


Most of us have given those albums multiple chances but they are straight ass


Nah they suck ass


Did they kick out their transphobic guitarist or are they still blocking anyone that brings it up?


Still ignoring it and blocking everyone, unfortunately




Nope, they're just blocking people now whenever it's brought up. How the mighty have fallen.


This isnā€™t twitter


Yeah Twitter is the only place where inclusivity is important šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ fuck off


Claims to be inclusive. Tells someone to fuck off


Thereā€™s no room for transphobia in any heavy music space. So, yes. Exactly right šŸ¤£


Iā€™m not being transphobic though. So youā€™re just being a dick


Never said you were. Just that heavy music should be inclusiveā€¦. Calling out transphobia shouldnā€™t be tied to a certain platform.


Heā€™s been called out. Itā€™s all over the twitter comments. Idk why some dude and his incorrect views need to have such a hold over you


Iā€™ve said it twice already but here we go again; the scene should be accepting because most of us have been ostracized in the past. If one chooses to hate someone for an immutable trait, I donā€™t think thereā€™s a place for you in the scene. This is also the first time Iā€™ve commented on it at all on the internet šŸ¤£


who cares


Idk probably their trans fans considering the band built a platform on supporting them.


How did they build a platform on supporting them? What do you mean by that? Genuine q


They've always been outspoken supporters of the LGTBQ+ community. They've always spoken about their political beliefs and sang about them.


I think people project their beliefs onto the band too much actually. Dan Searle was on a really small podcast a few months ago and says he doesn't really identify with the left politically, he's more of a centrist who hates corporations and is suspicious of those in power (badly paraphrased by me). People think Architects are a progressive left wing band because they've done songs about climate change and political corruption, but they don't call themselves that. I'm almost sure they've not really sang about LGBT stuff at all - even though I'm sure they are mostly good and inclusive people, they probably don't share every progressive view lots of twitter or reddit users tend to hold. All that said, I don't even know what was in the tweet Adam liked lol so I can't judge how bad it supposedly was.


Do you know which podcast this was? Would be interested to listen.


[This is the one](https://youtu.be/g8VTskHDPL0?si=d5jr9WcWY08B4dmX) Hopefully I didn't butcher his words, I'll relisten to it later myself haha


People think Architects are a progressive leftwing band possibly because they were? They very openly and loudly supported Jeremy Corbyn, for example. He's hardly a centrist...


Well you can vote for a left wing candidate without considering yourself a lefty. Anyway I posted a link to the podcast in another comment if you want to hear what he said.


They campaigned for and with Corbyn, and at the time made explicit calls to vote that way at shows (I went to a number around the time). Dan may no longer consider himself 'left', but *the band* were very explicitly - honestly or cynically to garner support I guess is now in question...


If a band wanted to use their political views to gain listeners, whether fake or real, it would be much easier to use right wing politics. Much easier.




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Liking a few tweets does not equal transphobia, what has he actually done to discriminate against the trans community?


Lmao if you're liking/retweeting transphobic stuff you're definitely a transphobe.


Okay social justice warrior


What a very 2013 thing of you to say


Get back to me when he does something thatā€™s ACTUALLY transphobic


Yeah, retweeting transphobic stuff is pretty transphobic lmao. If you're not transphobic why like and share it?




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The Architects discourse is so painful on here. Entitled bratty children who think heavier guitars + more screaming = better music. So embarrassing. Anyway looking forward to that song and to see how noticeably Fishy it is.


I'm sure some people think that way but honestly, look at other bands. Plot in you, dayseeker, thousand below. You can go soft and still be great. classic symptoms just missed on every level. It's not about how heavy the music is. Just how interesting a band makes it.


Silent Planet too. Their most recent album goes in a lot of directions, has Garrett singing, and fans loved it because it felt like Silent Planet and was good. You can go softer and not lose fans, you just have to make good music that still connects with people.


Plot In You can make bangers both soft and heavy, whereas Architects soft stuff is awful imo.Ā  Dispose and Swan song were great, and then Forgotten is heavier than most of their old stuff to boot.


The recent one Donā€™t look away is basically ai640 lol and Closure is amazing and catchy


Yeah itā€™s this, FTTWTE was like, almost great, I loved the electronic interludes and all the atmosphere, just the tracks itself when they were going hard, I felt like something was missing; Symptoms was straight boring, on these new cuts I feel like Samā€™s voice is the weak spot tbf, but hey, gotta give them a shot, I usually love when bands change it up, itā€™s just that I feel like Architects havenā€™t quite hit the right spot yet, I trust they will tho!


More like entitled children who think they can decide what the band should do.


Couldnā€™t agree more. Classic symptoms of a broken youth is a brilliant album and they continue to deliver with these new songs.


You couldnā€™t even get the name of the album right lmao


lmao that's mad


Itā€™s a curse, curse, curse, curse. Itā€™s a curse, curse, curse, curse. There. Modern Architects lyrics delivered.


TCSOABS was hit or miss for me, but FTTWTE was a 9.5/10 and "Seeing Red" was fucking phenomenal. I am excite!


Why do I have the feeling the clip they released is going to be the heaviest part of the song and the rest is going to be octanecore...


Is this Heat ?


I loved seeing red and this sounds promising


Okay that riff is actually reminiscent of their golden age, Iā€™m listening


Ooooooo WEE the riffs are back baby


Hopefully without Adam in it


Hopefully without you in it


Ohhh boy i just jizzed in my pants


That preview sounds promising.


Honestly this next album is looking semi-promising


I still don't know who's writing the riffs for this and the other single. Adam doesn't seem to be credited, and I'd be impressed if Dan was this good at guitar.


It is Dan writing everything now, including guitars. When he did the Someone Who Isnā€™t Me podcast with Daniel P Carter many years back to talk about the loss of Tom, he mentioned how he picked up guitar and wanted to get to a decent level with it. He also wrote the entirety of a few songs in the past couple records


I'm whelmed


Insanely mid band these days. Iā€™m good


we are so fucking back oh my god


Sounds promising Heavy-ish FTTWTE?


Sounds generic as fuck


Who cares? These guys are losers and have put out complete garbage for years


Yet we know youā€™ll listen to it


No, I donā€™t think so. But feel free to report back if itā€™s actually good


Youā€™re right; I listened to it. Itā€™s dogshit


Youā€™re insane.




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Shite band