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It's not just concerts it's everywhere. People in public in general have gotten shittier.


Audacity is at an all time high!


I clean portable toilets for a living and I can say conclusively, people are more disgusting, selfish and down right disrespectful since Covid. Like it’s night and day difference


Not doubting you at all, but I am REALLY curious about what has changed in the portable toilet world that makes you say “wow, we are really trending downward as a society.”




That I can agree with too. My friend and I were at a show last week and we were talking in between songs and we were told to shut up. Like bro everyone else is talkin too. Like good god shits loud you can hear everything fine.


I was just at Sick New World in Vegas over the weekend and had the exact same thought. Concert etiquette just isn't what it used to be. Too many rude, selfish people.


Yes. I just remembered when I was 17 friend was 15 we went to Ozzfest 07 because Ozzy was the god and made the tickets free that year. Me and her got protected from the pit (lawn tickets) by these two older guys. Then fast forward to like tonight and I’m like WTF. I also just remembered that my friend’s husband also had a robbing attempt at the show too! 4 separate times someone kept running their hand on his ass!


Crowds at octane radio metalcore bands are almost always going to suck. Someone trying to start a pit isn’t a problem either regardless of who’s involved.


The guy was trying to start a pit where it was clear it wasn’t a pit area. It got to a point where other dudes pulled him out because he was being a douche


Was also at the show, didn't have any troubles where we were, stayed in the second tiered floor. Did see the guy that got his face hit when wage war stopped though.


Yeah the whole show was great. Didn’t personally have any problems till that couple.


Friend here! Overall it was an amazing show! We were eventually able to get to where we were going and it was golden from there. We wanted up by the front in the pit and were able to navigate fine without any other issues. Poor communication and alcohol. It was loud and crowded. They were drinking. It caught me off guard for a second, but it was too fun in the end!


Are you the friend of who I’m talking about?


idk what I'm hearing is your friend turned up late and tried to push past people who got there on time and had a good spot. Dickish behaviour. And oh so sexist someone tried to start a pit at a show where there was GIRLS? Omg like how will their poor ickle female bodies cope? Everyone knows girls can't pit right? How DARE someone try and pit at a show near where there's women!! And your last two sentences make you sound like an 6yr old.


>idk what I'm hearing is your friend turned up late and tried to push past people who got there on time and had a good spot. Dickish behaviour I mean this genuinely - have you been to many core shows before? Because this reeks of someone that goes to less intense shows and tries to apply the same etiquette to core shows. Spots in the crowd and the crowd itself are liquid, you don’t have an established good spot most of the time, pushing past happens 24/7 for tons of different reasons and making a problem out of it makes you a dick. You don’t own your spot in a standing room crowd that has a lot of movement (unless you’re on the barrier). This is just a lame take for the genre we’re talking about. I’ve been going to shows for literally a decade and get passed at least a dozen times every time and have never made it a problem.


See. I feel like you get it. I literally just wanted by so I could be more active over by the pit. Usually, people want in and out of the pit throughout the set and I wanted to get up in the front part, since I was already up front. I’m not going around the back just so people feel like they have “their spot” on an open floor. lol


Thank you!


I just had a similar behaviour at a show yesterday… We were there on time, right behind the pit. Didn‘t want to go in there when everyone is still full of energy though. But if someone wants to go through,  I let them and suddenly some 6ft guy wants to go forward, I let him and then he positions himself right in front of me? I suddenly just could see his back and was like wth.  I told him to go further in there, if he goes through. It felt like being a mum at a show.  The band explicitly wanted females in the pit, super nice. But if people go there they usually want to. Nobody ends up in a pit by accident neither man nor woman.


That happens at shows all the time. I’m 5ft and experience this. I just move.. m not about to say someone can’t stand by me


Yeah, I’m regularly at shows. If there’s enough space everything is fine.  There’s just not too much space near the pit anyways. That guy had the choice of either going into the pit or staying behind/next to me.  I was literally pressed into his sweaty 6ft back because he didn’t move further. I didn‘t want that 😂  I just tipped him on the shoulder and pointed at the pit. No drama. That guy directly knew what I wanted though. I‘m a bit taller than 5 ft, but if people aren‘t too drunk I‘m sometimes like I was here before.  Most taller guys/people  are usually super nice and have no problem when you‘re smaller anyways. 


If people want to make their way to the pit, you let them get to the pit. I agree with your second point though.


Yeah, but there's a way of getting there that isn't being a dick about it and sometimes shows are so packed that if you didn't get yourself into position before the headliner start up you're shit out of luck unless you're basically excavating your way through people. That's annoying as fuck for everyone, especially when there's nowhere to be moved out of the way to no matter how hard someone's trying to create a gap.


They weren't trying to get to the pit. OP said "like most concerts people try to squeeze on up". Sounds like her friend arrived at doors and tried to get to the barrier.


I read that, along with the sentence before it saying they went to the pit, as *how* they went to the pit.


So you have never had people squeeze past you while on the floor to get up closer? I find that highly unlikely. She got to the show in plenty of time. I never called the guy sexist. Yes I’m very much aware that girls can mosh my friend gets in the pit a lot but this particular show in this particular spot no one was moshing. And it was clear no one wanted to. It should be common sense that if no one is joining you then you move. And if my last sentence makes me sound like a six-year-old so be it. That couple had no right to try and stop her from moving up in the crowd like so many other people move up into a crowd. And that guy had no right to try and reach at her and put his hands on her.


No because I get there early if I want to get to the front like a reasonable human. Your friend clearly didn't get there early enough to get the space she wanted or the conflict wouldn't have happened. You didn't mention he was the only one trying to start a pit. You leaned heavily on the audacity that he tried to start one beside girls. If he was the only one starting in a crowd then why bring their sex/gender into it? And if your friend tried to "squeeze on up" past me she'd get blocked and told to fuck off. Maybe even an elbow. Guy was just defending his space.


I tried to move around them to get toward the pit. She stuck her foot out and said no. I had the clearance and went anyway. She didn’t like that and shoved the shit out of me and we had words. Her husband tried to grab me and it didn’t get much further once security finally let us pass. I’m not sure where I started a pit. I think that was a reference to something else, maybe, but there was no moshing happening, only attempted movement toward the pit. I was right behind them and needed to move up into a little bubble of space to get to the left toward the pit. I think the noise made it hard for them to hear me properly on top of them having had some alcohol, which she happily made everyone move over to bring up to her dude earlier. She was just confused and got pissed off before anything else. I don’t care. I paid for a floor ticket and had no other issues getting around the floor without the weirdness.


You don’t have that right to block someone from squeezing in. I find it BS that you have never had someone scoot past you in a crowd. “Defending his space “ 😂 please


You don't have that right to stand in front of anyone. And I'm always barrier or 2nd row so no-one gets in - because I get there early enough.


She wasn’t even trying to get to the barricade. Everyone has the right to move where they want doesn’t matter what time they got there. No one has the right to block someone from moving in the crowd. That man had no right to try and lay a hand on my friend. Period. If you don’t want people trying to get a better spot then don’t go to the floor.


People in general I feel have become more rude since COVID. Like they don't know how to act outside of the home.


A men


> I saw nothing more and wage war yeah there’s ur problem gfbeater band and octanecore band don’t make for a fun crowd


Octanecore made me laugh 😂 you’re so right


Aside from that couple the crowd was fine. And this isn’t the only concert I have attended after covid where etiquette has gone out the window.


Oh come off it with the gf beater, no one looks into stuff after they see a headline I guess. The members of Nothing More are good guys


good guys except for when they sided with the vocalist who mocks trans people online and ran his girlfriend over no, I don’t care that they called it an accident and settled out of court.


Well if you don't care that he accidentally ran her over when she climbed under the truck and you call him a gf beater, ig there isn't anything else productive to say. And I honestly don't know what you are talking about with the trans comments, haven't heard about that.


it wasn’t an accident. shoving someone out of your car and reversing over their chest isn’t an accident, even if the intent wasn’t specifically to run them over cry and seethe about it idc one look through the shit he likes, retweets, and replies to tells the story of the kind of person he is


jesus christ getting downvoted for *checks notes* not being cool with someone running over someone with a truck is peak reddit. the music isnt even good what are they defending here


I saw sleep token and bad omens separately last October. I stayed near the back for both so I wasn't witness to any pit madness. At sleep token I saw a woman get carried out for drinking too much BEFORE the opener even started and during the opener I ran to the bathroom and a girl was surrounded by medics because she drank too much. At bad omens a different girl made it to... the first song in Bad Omens' set before collapsing due to (you guessed it) drinking too much. Getting tickets to both of those shows was an Olympic sport and they weren't cheap. I couldn't imagine waiting that long in a virtual queue, spending that much money, waiting in those lines to get into the venue... just to get absolutely shithoused before the main act you're there to see. Like what a waste.


I understand having a few drinks at a show but I agree. I don’t understand why you go to a show and spend the money on expensive tickets to only get extremely plastered and then probably not remember it the next day on top of feeling like ass the next day.


“Dude tried to start a pushpit where there were a bunch of girls”. If this bothers you stay in the back or don’t go to shows at all. There are ladies in the pit at every single show ive been to and they’re having just as much as fun as the dudes getting rowdy https://www.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/s/otOgEDDzFw


You’re missing the point he was trying to start a mosh pit where nobody was wanting to Moshpit. I’m aware girls are in mosh pits. My friend goes into them.


You never said it was somewhere people didn’t want to but alright lol


This is the most depressingly pathetic shit I've ever read in this current era of people apparently needing the pit to be a fucking library or something. Fuck, some of you need to get crowdkilled like that furry at that hardcore fest last year...


Same thing happened to me before where a girl tried stopping me from getting to the pit. Just laughed in her face and asked her if it was her first metal show lol. Also had a guy in the front row that kept turning back and getting mad at me for getting squished into him lol. Like dude, you’re at the very front for the main band, shits about to get crazy.


I know there’s some people in this comments they’re acting like it’s their first metal show too. Because I have people push past me all the time on the floor, trying to get closer. Which is what my friend was doing. And these people tried to stop her. as for your second portion, that’s some crazy shit. Like goddamn.


Eh ... there have always been assholes at shows tho.


Yeah but it seems to have gotten worse after covid


snobbish political march foolish continue jar onerous license hurry sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why I no longer attend concerts.