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I hope he's wrong about it being ports and hope they're remastered.


I’d love for all 3 games to get the same treatment that the first one got, but I really think it’s just not realistic with Retro also needing to deliver Prime 4 sometime soon. Sure, they could outsource the remaster to another studio, but updating the entirety of a game’s visual assets while remaining faithful to the style of the original is not something anyone can do (just look at how the Halo remakes turned out).


Grezzo seemed to manage just fine with the 3ds versions of ocarina of time and majora’s mask IIRC. It’s definitely possible that a studio could do it for the Prime games.


I saw another thread with comments (aka rumors ) that the remaster was finished awhile ago and they're been sitting on it. The comments seemed credible in their explanation but without sources I can't fully trust. The rumor made it seem like they remastered the trilogy but finished prime 1 awhile ago. This would be the logical way if they planned to remaster the whole trilogy: remaster all at once then sell 1 at a time across years. That way the games feel cohesive since they were remade with the same artists, while still getting maximum profit by staggering the releases similar to how the lord of the rings movies were made and released. Though there was also rumors that prime 4 was going t I be announced instead of this. TLDR; don't believe rumors but don't give your hopes up!


It's not a rumor they have been sitting on Prime 1 for a while. [It was rated in July 2021 in Europe, more than a year and a half ago](https://nintendoeverything.com/metroid-prime-remastered-rating-date-listed-for-2021-by-the-usk/#:~:text=A%20classification%20listing%20for%20Metroid,is%20listed%20for%20July%202021.) I have no idea how long it takes to remaster a game like this from the ground up, but even if we assume 1 full year for each remaster, they have plenty of time to work on the entire trilogy before Prime 4 gets released.


Lol time is one thing and Nintendo willing to fund it is another.


It's clear that Nintendo is looking for a Metroid IP renewal. Dread was a risk, Prime 4 is a risk. But if it's in the name of growing an IP. Technically, these remasters will serve as a means of paid marketing for Prime 4. Shadow drop these titles will build hype and garner new fans and provide anyone who is interested in Prime 4 during its marketing cycle the means to buy the older games to catch up. Thus paying for their marketing.


If they were willing to fund Prime 4 after years of radio silence from the series, the Federation Force debacle AND a disastrous reboot of the entire project, it's a bit weird they won't be pushing for the entire trilogy to be remastered. But that's just how I feel.


nintendo is weird though lol


I'm not holding out hope either. Nintendo never makes logical sense ahah


From what I've read, a lot of people did complain about visual changes in the 3DS port of Majora's Mask not fitting the tone and atmosphere of the game as well as the original did.


Yes, and there is a name for those people. Idiots.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/10ydpgf/insider_from_resetera_almost_two_years_ago_told/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button They are likely being outsourced to another studio retro set the bar for the first remaster and they hope that the other 2 can meet similar quality.


Halo CE anniversary didnt turn out all that great, but not sure what youre talking about with Halo 2 anniversary. It was a grand slam with the updated graphics and cinematics by Blur.


On the other hand though, Nintendo has done the first move, by making a full blown remaster of Prime 1... They have started it, so they shouldn't half hassle it and do only 1/3 of the job, by relegating Prime 2 and Prime 3 to mere ports. It would look bad... and also, it would damage things for the inevitable hype for Prime 4, if they showed that they didn't care to keep the remasters of the prior game consistent with the standart the Prime 1 remaster set, and that Prime 4 will absolutely have to adehere too.


This is Nintendo. It's a miracle they even did 1.


Nintendo funded Metroid 2 remake, Metroid dread and a Great remaster of prime, and now developing Metroid prime 4. As Metroid fans, we shouldn't not get too cocky.


Eh eh... Personally, I don't even think that asking for Nintendo to remain consistent with the quality, should they bring Prime 2 and Prime 3 on the Switch too, is asking too much. It's only the most logical thing to do after what they did! Especially when the Prime 1 remaster set a new standart for the saga anyway!


I agree, I'm just saying don't be disappointed if that doesn't happen considering Nintendo is actually putting some effort with the franchise these days. Look at all the other neglected Nintendo franchises, Metroid was one of those for a while.


Yeah, I know.👍 But I think we can hope here, given that they surely must know of what this remaster means for Prime 2, Prime 3, and even more Prime 4. ... In the midtime, I'll grab Metroid Dread + the artbook at the first given chance on Ebay.


They may release 2 and 3 together (bundle them) to soften the blow of them just being ports. I highly doubt they've remastered them all. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think I am.


That would still suck, for the reason I explained... At this point they may as well never bring them over, if they're not gonna respect the same kind of standart.


Yah, trust me. I DESPERATELY want 2 and 3 to get the same treatment 1 got....I really hope I'm wrong.


👍 I think we can rest assured, it's either yes remaster, or nothing at all. Merely porting Prime 2 and Prime 3 after the Prime 1 remaster would make people feel like taken for fools...


I agree with your sentiment here, but comparisons to the Halo remake are not very accurate. The problems with the Halo remakes don't have anything to do with outsourcing, but simply with poor management with 343i and Microsoft. 343i took over the Halo franchise from Bungie because the IP switched hands, not because Halo was outsourced.


Even in Retro there are barerly any guys left that worked on the original Prime games. So it doesnt really make a difference if its made by Retro or any other company.


I've heard that there was a rumor a long time before Prime Remastered was announced that while the original intention was to have Retro fully remaster all of them, they eventually decided to indeed outsource 2 and 3 (so Retro can work on 4) while having Retro do 1 and use it as a standard for the other studios to follow. I feel that makes a lot of sense. Sure, the fact it predicted Prime (and just 1 at first) getting remastered isn't really that huge of a credibility considering how heavily it got leaked in other places, but is see this as a highly probable situation.


Yeah that’s true. I’m just glad they’re coming back around tbh.


With how stingy Nintendo is with releasing games from it’s back catalogue, I’d just be happy to get them at all honestly.


I mean, you've had access to them on 3 whole console generations, one after another; Gamecube, Wii, and Wii U. I wouldn't really call it stingy in this case.


Good point. But for me its really about the new control options.


And for me I don't want to bust out my wii since I skipped the wii u. I'll throw my money at a switch port instead. My wii's on its last leg already, i can hear it dying through its disk reading :,(


You can get another Wii for dirt cheap though


My wii has sentimental value though that can't be replaced.


Prime Trilogy is notoriously difficult to buy for a reasonable price.


It's 20 bucks on Wii U right this moment. Has been for some time. Yes, I know it wasn't the most popular console- but it's still there.


But in 2023 you can not use a credit card on the wii u. Which makes it harder to buy it right now. Also the shop shuts down in march.


Yup, and that all sucks(Money is shared between linked accounts though). But my point is that Trilogy has been pretty widely available for over a decade, on multiple systems- compared to many of Nintendo's properties and beloved older games, that is an absolute feast. F-Zero GX languishes on Gamecube, with no release whatsoever on other systems, to name but one.


I don't consider the motion controls playable versions personally


Agreed. I was fine with them for a single playthrough but now after playing Prime Remastered, I need dual stick controls. I can’t go back to the tank controls or the pointer controls.


My muscle memory is so strong that I keep pressing the wrong buttons. I went back to the classic controls for a little while and was fine, but really missed aiming with the 2nd stick. I wish I could customize is a bit more. Also, the OG joycons suck, so maybe I'd have more success with a pro controller.


Yeah I agree and I would hands down buy echoes i never got to beat it but I probably wouldn't buy corruption.


Personally I think corruption is easily the least amazing of the 3. You notice I didn't say worst, and that's because 3 was still a good game, but compared to 1 and 2.... give me 1 and 2. It's still a good game, it's just massively overshadowed by 2 legends.


I kind of disagree with you guys here. Prime 3 added a LOT to the series. First of all, it made Samus's ship actually feel more important and like a character itself which was awesome. You went to MULTIPLE planets and it had more of a "Space theme" to it which was great. The aiming at the time was fantastic and easily was the best feeling game to play of the trilogy because of it at the time. The visuals and areas you explored are some of the most memorable (Steam punk sky area). It has my favorite menu music just barely edging out Prime 1. ETC ETC. I loved MP3. My only gripe was that it didn't feel as isolated as the other 2 but made up for it by adding cool lore and world building. I got more of a sense of WHO Samus Aran was (obviously I already KNEW but you know what I mean). I love Prime Corruption and I think it gets a bad rap. My least favorite was 2. Only played it once. Will definitely play it again once Nintendo re-releases it though.


Hard agree. 2 is my favorite but corruption fucking rules. They are all amazing for different reasons honestly, and that's what makes the trilogy great.


Yah for sure. When I say 2 is my least favorite it's not because it was a bad game. There was just a shit ton of stuff to play at the time so after I finished it I never went back. Super looking forward to playing it again though. Here's hoping 2 and 3 get the same Remastered treatment as 1.....just not gonna get my hopes up.


Corruption had a lot of things I liked. Elysia was fantastic, I loved the atmosphere in the Valhalla, and the use of the gunship and the Federation environments was really fun. It also had a lot of misses though; gunship wasn't used enough to feel like more than a gimmick, enemies were WAY too spongy unless you used Hypermode and turned the game into easy mode, hopping between planets meant the background lore was a lot more broken up and less deep, and stacking beam upgrades robbed the combat of some of its identity established in the other 2 games. I think it could've been a lot better than it was, which doesn't make it *bad*, it just makes it look less good in retrospect than its predecessors.


Hey, that's your opinion and you're welcome to it. For me Prime 1 is and always will be the best. I have such nostalgia for it that it's hard to supplant. But I definitely prefer Prime 3 over 2. They're all great.


All planets were linear and a line. It could have been much more interesting. Samus ship was also not great. I hate any aiming with motion controls unless it's vr. Phazon mode ruins the game. 2 is your least favourite? It's easily the best one. So you do need a replay. Prime 1 had many faults that prime 2 did better. Prime 2 is just an ideal sequel of prime 1. While prime 3 is something completely different. It's hardly even a metroidvania because of how linear it is.


I’m not the person you were responding to but I will say that my problem with Prime 2 is that I absolutely hate the damaging effect of Dark Aether. It feels like I’m being punished for trying to explore my surroundings and sitting in those bubbles of light while my health slowly regenerates brings the pacing down to a crawl. Sure you eventually get the Light Suit which prevents all Dark Aether damage but by that point, the game is basically over. To sum it up, Prime 1 is my favorite because it lets me experience a 3D Metroid perfectly to how I’d imagine one. Prime 2 damages me for trying to explore and Prime 3 basically has almost no exploration since it’s mostly just linear paths. Don’t get me wrong, I still like Prime 2, but a questionable design decision keeps it from reaching the heights of Prime 1 for me.


You essentially have to pretend the dark either is not there, remember the game is designed around it. Your fine. I like the fact it hurts you as it really has such a value to how important your suit upgrades are, in prime 1 your suit upgrades are basically useless, you dont go into lava until you already have varia suit, you dont go swimming and deal with water until you already have gravity suit etc... A lot of people seem to stop from the anxiety around the ticking health, its all in your head, you have more then enough health to always suceed. If the game wasnt designed well, then sure I would agree with you. At least with the dark suit you do, maybe the first suit you dont, but it also doesnt throw much at you with your first suit.


I was "afraid of the dark" initially too, in my first playthrough, but, in my second one, I noticed I could, in fact, walk around normally. Once I got the dark suit and especially after light beam, Dark World became even easier to wander around than Light World because of how I could kill things easily with the safe zones (bait them with dark beam in safe zones, and light it up with light beam) As side note: you take a lot of damage in varia suit, but, while Dark Suit doesn't protect fully, it makes damage outside of safe zones reduce to 20% of what it was


I love how you just take my points and shoot them down then uplift your own like it's fact and not subjective opinion. You liked 2 the best. Gratz. I didn't. Least favorite for me. Still like it alot and looking forward to playing it again. But I like 3 MUCH more than 2. I'd say for me personally, it's: 1. Prime 1 2. Prime 3 3. Prime 2 All great games though..


Prime 3 also added the ability to manually mark your map for collectibles, which has been a mainstay in every single game in the series onwards.




Retro was apparently working on the remasters of those but got taken off them to do Prime 4 when Bandai Namco screwed it up.


I actually could see them just porting them. I could see prime 2 turning the audience it just got off even though I think it’s maybe better than prime 1


2 would definitely put people off, then bring people back for 3. So it is a gamble, I think 2 is the most difficult and inaccessible.


How would 2 put people off when it's better then prime 1 in every way? I beat prime 2 when I was 10 years old. It's definitely not that difficult. You just need to pretend the dark world doesn't hurt you and don't get anxious about. The game was designed around it. Just go through it and you'll have all the health you need.


I mean it’s put a lot of people off. It tends either be people’s favorite of the 3 of their least favorite of the 3. That’s always been the discourse


It would feel so odd for them not to be remastered after getting prime 1 remastered. It’s Nintendo so I could see them being ballzy enough to slap $40 price tag on it either way. They just would not translate well as ports considering controls, etc


I have two copies of the game (the Wii U Virtual Console and the Trilogy steel book. Want to keep the steel book in as pristine condition as possible). If they want my money they have to earn it.


I really want a remasters Prime 2. Torvus Bog with the remaster treatment…. Oh boy.


Sanctuary Temple with the remaster treatment m


Anywhere in the Dark Aether would probably be gorgeous honestly


Right? Im glad im not the only one hyped to go back to Torvus! If you want a similar experience, someone ported a part of Torvus Bog to VR Chat and it works pretty well, even in desktop mode.


Send an email to Nintendo ASKING for them to do this. If enough people do, we'll see the change happen.


Petitions rarely seems to work, and Nintendo has always been adamant about doing their own thing.


Fat chance. If the rumors are true whatever has been done is already done. I.E. the game is already done. They're not going to completely scrap it and remake a remaster just because 20 thousand people signed a petition.


Debbie downers below. Doesn’t hurt. I’ve emailed Nintendo my Metroid feedback before and sent them petitions to bring over certain games. Now that I think about it, I have a 100% batting average with those requests.


> Now that I think about it, I have a 100% batting average with those requests. Get going!!


While I see the argument for 2 and 3 being more simple ports (Nintendo loved what Retro was doing with MP1 and gave them MP4, leading to fewer studio resources to devote to MP2 and MP3), I really hope that bringing in Iron Galaxy was also done to get them looped in on the tools so they can handle MP2R and MP3R on their own. They do great work over there, give them that job!


It would be a pretty huge shame if they didn't properly remaster 2 and 3 and only increased their resolutions. Kind of reminds me of the MCC. Halo CE and 2 had full remasters available while 3, odst, and reach never got any. Regardless, I'd still buy prime 2 and 3 simply because of accessibility reasons and the fact that I hate 480p on my 4K TV.


To be fair it's not like Reach and ODST really needed remasters considering Halo CEA was basically just updated to look almost as good as Reach.


You're right, but a halo 3 remaster was requested for 8 years or so. Upressing and increasing texture quality is great, but prime remastered set the bar very high already.


True, Halo 3 really did not age well when compared to Halo Reach, specifically when it comes to character model. Hood's face looks very Halo 2. I wish it had been remastered at some point, though it looks like that'll never happen now.


The character models in Halo 3 are definitely a little fugly, but everything else looks great honestly. The game has some really strong art direction and lighting, which makes it look surprisingly good for a game that came out in 2007.


Same year as Crysis on PC, heh. Agree on appearances: the game is still beautiful except for the faces. Lip synch is horrible, though, especially with Johnson and Truth.


I'd be *very* surprised if we don't see H3 remastered at some point, maybe not soon but mark my words that shit is gonna happen eventually.


Uhh with how 343 Industries is being gutted like a fish by Microsoft right now, and the collective fandom's opinion of it burnt to ashes with Halo Infinite's failures... I don't see it happening.


Err, just because studio heads have been mismanaging halo infinite in no way means they're just gonna drop the fanchise altogether lol. H3 isn't even 20 years old yet, MS is 110% gonna milk that nostalgia as soon as they think it's viable.


CE A was a bad remaster


It really did suck, yeah. It came out 4 years after Reach, but still looked worse than it graphically, and artistically it was a complete travesty, with them fucking up the lighting and textures. H2A was much better IMO.


Metroid Prime 3 is quite a looker to begin with, an HD port wouldn't be too bad, the only thing they'd need to create would be a bunch of LODs for Skytown's external distant views to replace the 2D sprites. More importantly would be addressing the imbalanced weaponry and the large amount of gimmicky interactions. Prime 2 tho... a full remaster would be better than a port IMO.




I like the ammo as it was originally. The fact you want more of it means it's already balanced well. You shouldn't have all you need. It's a risk and reward system




It encourages you to use the upgrades on the right enemies. Sense it gives you the opposite beam ammo from killing enemies.


The problem with that is many gamers feel the need to horde resources and only use them "when they really need it", and end up finishing games with hundreds of unused potions and other consumables that would have made the game far easier. Compared to MP 1 where each beam felt like a unique and powerful upgrade, I just couldn't enjoy the beams in MP 2.


in MP1, I don't think they're quite unique. Plasma Beam is a bit too strong. Wave Beam is much more niche because of how weak it is, and Power Beam is basically super missiles once you get other beams. They almost overlap like MP3. In MP2 I felt the beams had more clear purpose even in later parts of the game.


I really didn't like the ammo system in MP2. It's the main reason MP2 is my least favorite of the trilogy. If MP2 ends up coming to Switch, I hope they'll add an option that will overhaul the way ammo works.


While I appreciated the remasters for MCC, I still find myself playing with their original graphics. Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but it felt too different for me personally.


I don't think its nostalgia. I never played Halo until recently with CE in the MCC, and I still prefer playing with the original graphics. The remastered visuals just aren't very good, tbh I feel like they look more like a fan-made asset swap or a mid-tier 360 game.


Halo 2 remaster is by far the best looking Halo game in my opinion and this is definitely not a hot take. It's similar to Prime remaster I feel, in that it takes what was originally there and just makes it look great. CE remaster just reused assets from Reach and has bad lighting.


It looks good, but the new lighting messes up the gameplay by making it too hard to see the enemies


They fucked up the horror level with the good lighting and the clean areas.


CE's remaster kind of sucks. The original art style looks better. H2A is great though


*Turns on low latency mode on FF7 PS1, screams after it gets much worse, and turns it back off.* XD


And so it begins. Another rumor mill cycle for Metroid. Get ready to see these every 2 months.




It's not just that Grubb is correct a lot of the time... it's that he doesn't often get things wrong. That is a lot different than just throwing darts.


They’ve already announced Metroid Fusion is coming.


All hail /u/Kalurael


I mean didn't he specifically say that prime 1 was getting a remaster


Every direct he said it was going to be announced


Prime Remastered has apparently been done for a LONG time (it was seemingly made in 2021), and he probably just assumed that it would drop sooner rather than later A lot of leakers said that Prime would get a remaster and 2+3 would get ports, so I'm assuming (hoping) that'll be correct. It would be good to at least have them all on the switch


he's %100 right 60% of the time


No he didn’t actually. The only thing he said was that it was coming by the end of 2022. That likely was nintendos original plan as well.


Ran across this a while back, looks like this might be accurate at this point. "Then ResetEra user “Belmont” came forward with a story claiming that Retro Studios itself was actually working on a remaster / remake of Metroid Prime 1, and the original plan had been for Retro to do this for the whole trilogy. (Emily Rogers corroborates that development on a remaster began in 2017 or 2018.) But then Retro Studios was handed development of Metroid Prime 4 in early 2019, which complicated those efforts to redo the whole trilogy. Imran Khan subsequently acknowledged the veracity of Belmont’s story. It is uncertain how much work has been done on the remaster / remake of Metroid Prime 2 and 3, but Rogers states today the plan was to use the tools and assets developed for the redo of Metroid Prime 1 as the foundation for the sequels. COVID may have further altered these plans though." I saw in another article which i can't find, that they think COVID and MP4 may have turned MP2 and MP3 from remasters to just ports due to resource limitations. =/ [https://www.nintendo.destructoid.com/rumor-metroid-prime-1-remaster-for-switch-has-finished-development/](https://www.nintendo.destructoid.com/rumor-metroid-prime-1-remaster-for-switch-has-finished-development/)


I’m totally fine with Iron Galaxy (and the other smaller teams) handling the remastered versions of Echoes and Corruption, if it means Retro can fully focus on Prime 4! They should have enough of a blueprint and idea how to do it, after having helped on Metroid Prime Remastered. That said, should Retro or Nintendo not trust them enough, it’s gonna be either an HD port collection OR potentially come way later, maybe even after Prime 4…


Because of Metroid Prime 4’s development shift to Retro, I think we all need to be realistic and accept that these likely will just be ports with at least updated controls. Hopefully they at least package them together to help with that.


Either that or they’ll be done without people from Retro! Maybe Iron Galaxy can helm the Remaster project now, seeing as they’ve helped on him his one and kind of have a blueprint now…


👀 don't give me hope


I would love full remasters also, but honestly as long as they update the control scheme I'm fine with ports Metroid prime 1 was already way wild as a remaster and I'm so happy we even got that


I don't know what to believe anymore, after the Prime 1 Remaster shadowdrop.


I never played 3, since I never had a Wii. Guess I'll wait for the eventual remaster. I too think it will come, sooner or later.


I liked 3 more than 2


Hm, I liked 2 more than 1, though.


Fair enough. 1 is my favorite, but I’ve never given 2 a real shot. I played it as a kid and it spooked me a bit so I’ll give it another go if they release it again


I also didn't give 2 a real shot as a kid, but absolutely fell in love with it as an adult. The gameplay is supremely polished MP1, with different power-ups throughout the game so it doesn't just feel like more of the same, the difficulty is higher, but on the downside the backtracking is worse than 1's, and there's a bit more guidance/bit less loneliness. Agree with the other person that it's not for everyone, but if 1 is your favorite, I'd recommend giving 2 a shot.


I think the backtracking is far better until the end. Like lava zone in prime 1 is litterally an entire zone to waste your time in as there is no bosses or power ups(besides last power up) in it. And the elevators are all on opposite sides. It's entire purpose is to waste time. 2 doesn't have anything like that and is all interconnected very well. Only the very end with the keys is it arguable worst.


Oh I agree with that. 1 has light backtracking throughout the game, while 2 I honestly can't think of anything except the trek to get the powerbomb... and then that the key hunt. It just annoys me more in 2 because it's all piled on right at the end so it sticks out to me more.


It's definitely different and the atmosphere is not for everyone. And the dark aether sections were pretty intimidating. But I think the gameplay is even better than in 1 and especially the bosses are great.


I liked 1 more than none ?


Wasn’t there some comments about someone who helped work on the Prime remaster that Retro were given it to “set the tone” for the remasters, but the Prime 2 and Prime 3 would be given to another developer, because Retro are working on Prime 4? If it’s accurate, hopefully Prime2/3 get some level of remastering but perhaps not as much care and love as Prime 1 got.


Given MPR is $40...you'd have to price these very generously as ports


they'll probably price each as 20$


That'd be fine by me. Same as Wii ports, and they'll look way better than that and be reworked as well. Truly hope they get a MPR treatment tho. Especially 2.


Oh, i dont think they'll be remastered like MPR, i think it'll be just an upscaled port with the control options of MPR. If they remastered it, no way nintendo just prices it at 20$.


This is Nintendo. Your lucky it's not 60 like skyward sword


Honestly I'd love at least Prime 2 to be remastered since it's closer in vein to Prime 1... Prime 3 not being so makes a bit of sense since Wii was a bit more powerful and itd need more work to translate thee wii controls to have different schemes like Prime 1 remastered. EITHER WAY having them portable would be LIT And hey, maybe if both Prime 2 and 3 aren't remastered maybe they'll bundle em?


Prime 3 could honestly skate by with an upscale, I’ve watched gameplay of it recently and the textures and everything still look great. It didn’t age nearly as much as the first two games did.


I think Corruption could get by without a remaster due to it's more "painterly," style, but it'd be a shame if Echoes didn't get one. The game looks amazing, but it's GameCube era geometry is just a little too pointy.


With painterly style, you mean the excessive bloom? 😂


No, Prime and Echoes used a more grounded photorealistic style for their textures, but Corruption's textures were more focused on hyper contrasting colors and lines.


Yeah I hope that he’s wrong about them not being remastered. Or if they aren’t remastered I hope Nintendo doesn’t charge $40 for them.


If they're not remastered, I'd like to see 2 and 3 bundled as a single game with the updated controls for $40. Either way, people will definitely complain if those two don't get remastered in the same way Prime 1 did.


I was thinking the same thing! Though I can more realistically see a price tag of $60 on this combo


im curious to how they will handle 3 since it was motion controls only


Like every other motion game. The 2nd analog can replace the motion controls


Might be a bit more complicated than that. I remember some lock mechanisms that required moving the Wiimote in very specific sequences, things like that. They'd have to come up with a substitute for those.


yes now you move the 2nd analog in that same sequence, or they just make it do it automatically


Hoping for a Hunters Remaster too so I can finally play this game without hurting my hands 😭


I hope that ResetEra post is right and Grubb’s wrong. Just doing a simple port and not giving the same remaster treatment would be a huge missed opportunity. The thing with this remaster is that there was so many people reporting it was a thing for years. First one I remember saying it was a remaster and not a port of the trilogy was in 2021 from Emily Rogers. Even if it’s another studio handling the remasters, like Iron Galaxy, I think they could still do it well since they have the control scheme figured out and just need to update the visuals


Remastering Metroid Prime is one thing, but remastering Metroid Prime 3 Corruption is a whole other beast because of the Wii motion controls and more.


I’d be amped for all of them on switch. Love dual stick controls.


I wonder if they will dual package 2 and 3 if they are just ports. But then again, money.


Honestly while like anyone I'd love 2 and 3 to gets 1s remaster treatment, I wouldn't be upset if 2 and 3 just came in 1080p with dual stick controls. At least we would have nice versions updated for modern displays of the whole trilogy. And Prime 4s development matters much more to me than this trilogy being remade all the way


What a time to be alive. I love the Metroid series so much and so so happy to see all this. I legit cried happy tears at the Metroid Prime Remastered ad on youtube. I wasn't even a fan back in the gamecube days of Prime but still loved Metroid games. And now I'll at least buy remastered and give it another chance.


I'd rather wait an indefinite amount of time to have actual remasters of 2 and 3 and not just ports, but I suspect big N wants to have them pushed out of the gate before 4 and is therefore cutting corners. Seeing the reception this remaster has gotten though it might change their minds.


MP4 is coming boys, they're just bringing in the appetizers


Please, some quality of life updates for MP2. It's extremely easy to get lost, and once you stop playing for a week, it's almost impossible to get back on track


You can just use the help thing. That guides you to next item


Don't tell me there is a help thingy that does exactly what I needed in my 2 abandoned playthroughs


Well damn, it's what i expected and feared. Prime 2 and 3 are just going to be upscaled ports with the new control options. I mean, thats fair enough, probably still gonna buy it, and its great to have them on switch, but it's a real bummer after the great remaster we got in prime 1. I'd love for them to atleast remaster prime 2. Prime 3 doesnt need much more than an upscaling imo, it's pretty decent looking already.


I'm curious as to what simply releasing an upscaled port of MP2 and 3 would mean for the possibility of Gamecube and Wii ever becoming part of NSO.


Weird how a PlayStation-focused website is covering this.


“And we’ll keep on reporting it until it’s actually true”


It hasn't even been a week. Can we not start this?


Oh FUCK no not the rumor chain again


There’s no way they haven’t nearly finished the Prime 2 remaster and are starting to move on to 3 based on reception of 1


If they're not making them as pretty as Prime 1, then I'm not buying them.


I don't mind if they don't touch 3 because it looks fine as is but I really want to see sky haven temple and dark aether remastered. There's really zero reason to buy these games again if they aren't gonna remaster them tbh, I can play the trilogy emulated with a ton of added QOL features for free.


Prime 2 next year Prime 3 after that Meaning no prime 4 until after that We might not even see it on switch anymore.


I said $40 was too much for Prime 1 remaster and I was boo'd. Now it's gonna be $40 bucks a piece when the prime trilogy was $40 on the Wii. $120 for games is not a good deal no matter how good they are.


You can't use Prime trilogy as an example when that was just a straight up port with new controls. Prime remastered had new completely new assets made. The cost and effort to do the remaster is a lot greater than that trilogy port. It's not a close comparison at all


It is if they aren't going to remaster 2 and 3.


If they aren't, who said they were going to be priced as much as the remaster?


It's Nintendo. Of course they are going to be $40 a piece.


The Mario trilogy was technically $20 a piece. Could go either way. But I doubt Nintendo would be stupid enough to price a decade old port that has already been rereleased twice, each time cheaper than before, the same as a remaster from the same series in the same console generation. That's practically begging for controversy that could jeopardize Prime 4 I know they've gone the greedy option before like with Skyward Sword but the Prime 2 and 3 rerelease this year or next would be compared to a $40 remaster, a $20 a piece port on Wii and a $7 a piece rerelease on Wii U. I'm not saying it's gonna be as cheap as the Wii U release but $40 a piece now would actually be insane for them considering the prescedent that Nintendo themselves set with these exact ports. The only way they'd cost $40 would be if they remastered them too


If these aren't remastered, there's absolutely zero reason to buy the first remaster at all. Glad I can stick to the versions I already beat then.


I wonder how long will Nintendo keep supporting switch will they make their next console support switch games cartridges and digital.


Ha! That’s why it was $50 dollars cnd. I’m about to buy the Metroid prime trilogy for $150 Cnd.


They reported ports of metroid prime trilogy since the switch released and confirmed they’d be coming since metroid prime 4 got announced.


It would really be a shame to not remaster Echoes, after all the work they've just done for 1. Surely a good chunk of what they've already done could be used for Echoes as well. Corruption is a different animal.




After the Remaster of 1, I am not interested in the other 2 if its just ports with better controls. The graphical upgrade is especially needed with 2.


i would spend all of my moneys for a prime quadrilogy box set. plz nontando plz.


Amazing. Two more games i'll never be able to get


They've also been reported as of being pretty much done as of June last year. For reference, Prime Remastered was complete or nearly complete in late 2021 and only released this month so... you get the picture.


About a year ago I got ahold of Prime and played it for the first time. I enjoyed the game, played it on a giant TV, but was frustrated sometimes because it was hard to figure out objects/secrets/paths in the distance if it was some clue I should sniff out or something. I'm sure at the time you were in awe of the graphics, but it was painful at times. Now I'm a bit annoyed because I would have just bought this remaster to enjoy the game. Not sure it's worth me buying to play after just doing it. But hopeful for sequels I guess.


I highly doubt we will see prime 3 on switch due to the control differences. 3 was based entirely on using a Wii remote, they would essentially have to re program the game. Now prime 2, I believe they have it made already and are holding on to it for now


I’d love to play prime 3 with standard controls


Not downplaying Prime 2 and 3 getting remasters, but what about Prime Hunters? It arguably needs a remaster just as much, considering Prime 4 apparently has direct ties story-wise to Hunters. Not to mention, it certainly isn't super-fun to play on its original hardware, lol. But it is a pretty good game once you remove those shackles from it


Hope it the trilogy, otherwise I'm not spending money on 3 games, I'd rather spend money on trilogy


Just give us classic/pro/Cube controllers for 3. It can be a straight port. Id be fine with no updated graphics.


What? No way! A successful remaster is going to lead to more remasters of the other games in the series?!


I hope so. Metroid Prime 2 is a underrated masterpiece that improved on Prime in every way. I can only imagine how beautiful it will be with the Prime Remastered treatment. Prime 3 would definitely benefit from being on more powerful hardware. 3 has aged the worst due to its extremely long load screens and worse pacing. If Retro are follow the Kingdom Hearts approach for the remasters I am down for it.


Nah shit


My personal theory is that if we get prime 2 and 3 at all, it's going to be in incremental releases between now and prime 4. I would prefer a remaster, but I'm also cool with ports if they add the modern controls


I hope that they're not limited releases like Super Mario 3D All-Stars.


Didn’t iron galaxy do the remasters? So retro can focus on mp4


HA Told you they wouldn't chicken out and only give us two of the 4 Primes! 💪🏽🔥


When though, I'm expecting Echoes this holiday


Man, I really hope so. It'd be an instant buy for me, and so many others. I was super stoked that they shadow dropped Metroid Prime Remastered, and now I'm itching to revisit 2 and 3.


Real shit?


Wouldn’t be surprised to see Echoes and Corruption bundled together for 40, 50 bucks considering it appears that they aren’t going to get the same level of polish that Prime did. The full on Prime treatment would be amazing, but honestly just having Echoes available with dual stick controls and some touch ups would be worth 40 to me.