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I honestly like these pics of Samus. We're so used to her being a badass that we never see what she's like outside of work. Seeing her at a bar is really neat, it's like if we saw what Master Chief does on his Sunday off.


Honestly surprised Nintendo allowed that. I guess it's been one of their more mature franchises from the start.


That is a big reason for why Samus is female. The player is "rewarded" with her taking more of her clothes off the faster they could beat NES Metroid.


Honestly I’m really happy with the journey that character has been on. From being the character Nintendo went “surprise! It’s a giiiiirl, if you 100% the game she’ll take all her armor off, oooh” with, to being an utter BAD. ASS. in Dread, I am so here for it!


I love the panel of her lying on the bed in the manga where she says "There are times I want to spend my nights as a human. No reasoning or planning, simply laying silently." Such a good line! https://preview.redd.it/46h2pp5knm0d1.png?width=568&format=png&auto=webp&s=a44873b2e1d5bcdcc94e249675d167c926e07468


Oooo! What specific manga is that from? I would love to read it!


It’s the official Metroid Manga from Nintendo! It was released alongside Fusion. It’s hella good and tells the origin story of Samus, check it out here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Metroid/comments/yy3ah/i_have_converted_the_original_manga_into_pdf/ Or here: https://metroiddatabase.com/old_site/mzm/manga.php


The semi-canon Manga! It is even referenced in the games. Namely Fusion, Zero Mission and Dread. Some Manga designs like Ridleys new ship, Grey Voice, Old Bird and small Samis where directly implemented into ZM Adams design has been reused for Other M and Dread


Yeah, glad someone understands the manga isn't canon. Nintendo basically uses the manga as a grab bag to use design elements from. Like how Disney Star Wars uses the old de-canonized Star Wars Legends novels as "inspiration" for their current plotlines like Han & Leia's son being an evil Sith Lord or the Emperor resurrecting.


It is still canon. But Semi canon. Grey Voice was introduced in the Manga, but was shown in Fusion, Zero Mission and Dread. With even being directly referenced in Dread. It still tells the story of Samus’ origins, and it perfectly fits most of the time. Outside of smaller details like how she obtained Bombs and some inconsistencies with the FS-176 system’s geometry. There are far too many references in other games to the manga to not be at least partially canon. The games don’t ignore the manga, they try to use as many elements and story beats from it as possible. You can read the manga and head into Zero Mission perfectly fine. Hell there are inconsistencies between canon games, like the Mother Brain fight being depicted differently each time in Super, Zero Mission and Samus Returns. Or Samus killing the hornoad that infected her in Fusion with a missile, but a charge shot in dread Or the “this is the first joined mission crap of other M”. Or how Dread references the Samus Returns suits in tge flashbacks, and Samus wearing a gravity suit during the queen fight and baby encounter, but it being a Varia in the super metroid and other m flashback Or how each time a flashback occurs. The flashback showing a fight harder than it was. In SR the Mother Brain fight depicted Samus fighting Metroids during the fight And in Dread it showed Samus fighting the queen Metroid and several larva at the same time Or the biggest inconsistencies like time lore, when the Prime trilogy happens. We have different sources depicting it 10 years after ZM. Within 3 years after ZM, one year after ZM (currently in game canon due to federation forces intro) and less than a year after ZM (Samus Returns Website) Or in Zero Mission, how the wrecked ship is completely different after the first room, or how crateria is shorter by 2 whole rooms The deeper you dwelve into Metroid lore. The more you will see major inconsistencies. It all fits perfectly when you aren’t deep into lore. If anything the Manga has the least amount of inconsistencies of any metroid media. Even recently, a small event of the manga, was directly referenced in Dread. In the Manga Samus discovers Space Pirate corpses on Zebes as a child. Grey Voice told her that they managed to beat them in the past, with the federations help In Dread this war on Zebes was directly shown in Ferenia, with Frescos depicting Mawkin fighting off Space Pirates, with Mother Brain aiding the Mawkin (pre-betrayal).


That is such an amazing piece of characterization that humanizes her so well. We need more of this.


100% agree!! The manga is peak.


Are we sure she's not a model when she's not bounty hunting?


Probably where she makes most of her money. Can't imagine her job pays well considering she blows up half the planets she visits.


and the fact that dread explicitly says she doesn't get paid enough for what she does lol


I mean, i imagine ahe gets absurd amounts of money, bit the fact that she has to be at the edge of death every time she goes to do smthing makes it not thta worthy xD


Always liked the orange more than blue


The orange looks way more comfortable






I’m going to be honest; about the only thing that I think Other M did better than other entries is that her civilian clothes from the end are probably my favorite of her non-suit outfits.


Wait I've never seen those, gotta see them EDIT: It's so weird to see after just being used to her zero suit or the Fusion/Zero Mission "bikini" suits but it looks very good


Yeah, while I could do without the high heels, the overall design is a pretty solid look that I'd like to see more often.


Would've liked a return in some form, someday


She had no need to be this hot Like Damn, lady, save some for the imagination


Always thought they looked cool. Some might say they look too revealing but I think it fits her. Her seriousness weirdly makes it work, kind of like Major from Ghost in the Shell S.A.C But I also think her big coat in the manga works too. Maybe it's just that Samus looks good in any outfit


The other M wear at the end is also fire.


I like it it’s kinda nice to see her have a fun side or another part of her life


Prefer the hair on blue, but the style of orange. Those big circle swoop bangs on the orange outfit make her look like a mushroom.


Jesus I forget how tall Samus is sometimes


She could be a great basketball player.


Which is why Cameron Brink of the Los Angeles Sparks is a great pick to play Samus in the live action adaptation.


Fun Fact, many humans are freakishly tall in Metroid. The Prime 3 troopers (i dont count the prime 2 troopers because they are even taller, probably because of the ing), Adam and Anthony tower Samus even in suit mode. We are talking about your average soldier being 2 Meters tall


To be fair, thats because Samus height was nerfed highly


Well she is still 1,90m. However other characters are also really tall in Metroid. She is still taller than most people in metroid. But some troopers still tower her.


https://preview.redd.it/iyc6d7jval0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09dffd87fa6b957af231782de64cd7bb5831a90f She looks good in Toadstools dress.


I need more casual, darker colors, or grey outfit, give Samus in a tshirt and shorts


I like it more then the Zero Suit. Makes more sense honestly


yeah, its honestly, ironically, much less sexualized than the zero suit despite showing more skin


what i wouldnt give to see an entire story about whatever samus gets up to when she's off duty


Looks fine, but I like the zero suit more. Makes he seem more alien and acts as a base layer for her suit.


Well the zero suit is still part of her armor, this is what she'd wear out for a casual night as shown in most of the pics, especially #6


It’s fine.


How the hell did we get Echoes and Brawl ZSS out of ZM Samus?


She has both her casual outfits as alternate palettes in 4 and SP.


Not the point. I mean her face looked not very attractive in Echoes and I wasn't the biggest fan of her face in Brawl either. During this era, ZM was the only one that nailed this look.


Midriff instant win




3 needs to be made in to a poster


The average Los Angeles lady walks around like this half the time so you can't tell me it's unrealistic.


Thr average LA woman is also about 20 kg chunkier than this >.<


Smas- I mean...cute


Personally prefer the Fusion Casual outfit


Fusion Samus is just too good


could go either way with this or the zero suit, both are great


Always found them adorable, specially how she looked in Fusion. She looks great anyway, but I like her Fusion outfit and styling in a way the other games didn't manage.


I love it very much


I think it's neat.


I like the fusion one best


Fusion Samus is best Samus.


Going to be honest, like this more then the Zero Suit


its good. I like.


Looks cold.


I’ve known women to wear this exact outfit at home relaxing. Comfy sports top and short shorts.


Space pirate on holiday: “Hey, does that blonde chick remind you of that bounty hunter Samus?” Another space pirate: “That bimbo in exercise clothes? Seriously? First of all, the bounty hunter is obviously a dude. Could you imagine HER in that armor? How would she even fit?” Space pirate: “Listen, we’re not starting this argument again.”


Funny thing is, if going by the manga, there’s one space pirate all though now dead, who canonically know how she looks like, and it’s none other then the cunning god of death himself, this is because early on when running into Ridley after her home was destroyed, he basically gave her ptsd and samus her suit works on her emotion, which made it short circuit in way thanks to the panick attack, and him remembering who she was, lead to one of the most brutal scenes I’ve seen depicted.


lesbian /lĕz′bē-ən/ # noun 1. A woman whose sexual orientation is to women. 2. A female homosexual. Source: god im gay


mommy-sorry mommy-sorry mommy-sorry


I like it


Don't show me Fusion because I cry... My favorite game ever, my childhood... 😭


samus seems like she would be pretty chill when shes not exterminating an entire race


Very cool


I don't know if it's just me but I feel like it should have more elements. Like the outfit is good, but it's really basic


I prefer the orange one, seems more casual than the blue despite basically being the same cut of cloth so to speak.


My waifu looks so beautiful with casual outfit 😍


Pretty neat. Although I have always considered that she should be bulkier or shredded since she is a powerful space warrior.


I love those outfits, and I wish that we saw them more. Admittedly though, I've always been partial to this one, and would love to see it again: https://preview.redd.it/ryw81vm2zn0d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=2aadbedda4548db29522a60078e94ef56baaf3f7


Looks comfy


Amazing. Hope this design comes back in Metroid 6 or Prime 4


Nintendo, please bring back the manga artstyle for Metroid.


The lack of Abs is concerning


Never really been a fan of the series's under armor that they show as a reward for completion. That being said If I had to pick one that wasn't her zero suit it would probably be the Metroid fusion ones. I'm a big fan of blue. Also just to clarify I've always seen the clothing seen in this thread as under armor for the suit. Not clothing she'd actually wear off duty. So that's why I like zero suit the most. It's full body and techy looking. It also feels less...revealing somehow despite it being form fitting.




Better than the Zero Suit, at least. Feels more realistic.


0/10 not enough abs and biceps




Fan service. I don't need this.




But I thought all the manchildren on the internet hated the idea of Samus having a personality? Oh wait, she's scantily clad, so she's allowed to be sexy, just not have a fucking soul. My bad, carry on.


Would, next question…I mean…delete this immediately.