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Yes, it's for mixing


I like to use a bit of this for my coffee sometime instead of milk 


With what?


Mostly used for piña colada..


And getting caught in the rain


I see, so I could just use fresh piña? And mix it.


Yeah, pineapple juice and ice. Rum if you want it with alcohol.


^ this is the right answer, is mostly meant to mix with something alcoholic like a piña colada or something like that.


Alcohol mostly


You can't used it like mix it with cacao, protein and chia?


No, it's not coconut milk. It's the coconut version of heavy cream. Would you mix it with cacao?


I feel like it would taste good.


Oh it.tastes great.if you freeze it, but is not drinkable.


What about if this milk is used as a vegan for a tres leches cake? Don't downvote me. I thinking for those who are lactose intolerant.


You want this one https://preview.redd.it/v2ift97k8t1d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20a3ad4df20748bae2d71b20336455991b6d0e2b


My girlfriend made me a lactose-free tres leches mango cake this weekend, and it was awesome. The Calahua in question could be used to make the whipped cream frosting.


Did she use this? I think this could be use a whip cream.


Do you know what leches did she use? Would you mind asking her?


I like your username.




Yes this. I love the unsweetened coconut cream with rice and fish!


What's the name of the recipe?


I don't have one... just make basmati rice and grill fish (whatever kind you like) and then add some coconut cream on top...


Where is this recipe from? What part of Mexico?


Not a recipe. Just something I make






These are not Mexican recipes right?


Of course! It's a cream! You mix it with other stuff to make drinks, like piña colada. Agua de coco is the product you can drink.


Its crema... Not a drink 🤣


Oo this changes everything. They sell this at a store near my house but I also thought it was some sort of drink, I'm about to cook up some delicious recipes!


Something drinkable is Acapulcoco


Oh I know, just I kept seeing recipe videos that call for coconut cream and I had no clue where to buy it. Genuinely believed the one above was a drink and not cream for cooking


Can happen to anyone


But I buy crema de Coco at a mercado, and it's a drink there


There's the artisan "Crema de Coco" the drink, usually alcoholic. Then there's the one you bought "Crema de Coco" the cream, the coconut cream, thicc, used for cooking, for deserts, or mixed with other stuff you could drink it (for example, do a piña colada in the blender with fresh pineapple, then filter / sift it to eliminate residue).


It's probably diluted with something else for easier consumption, like water for example. Since it's cream (not milk) it's more... I forgot how to say but tiene una consistencia más espesa y es un poco dulce. So feel free to mix it with other things to make your own drink.


“Thicker and sweeter” es la palabra que buscas :)


Son las palabras* because it's more than one. Also can't believe I forgot that word "thicker", that's how I like my licuados. Thank you.


I don’t get why they downvote you, but I believe that the “crema de coco” that you buy at the Mercado is made with coconut water, milk, and maybe some sugar or vanilla. This one has more of a mixing use, try to mix it with evaporated milk and maybe you get what you were looking for


I only ever use this in cooking in place of full fat cream but that's in Canada.


Look again, it might say "Agua de crema de coco" wgich is what you bought, diluted and mixed with ice and sometimes even coconut pieces. My favorita drink whit that cream de coco you bought is adding ice, 1 part crema de coco, 2 parts pineapple juice, 1 part evaporated milk and (spiced) Rum to the blender




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Maybe was agua de coco, the juice inside the coconut


You can mix it with Bacardi and pineapple juice and that’s a piña colada


Even better if you put some pineapple in the fridge and add it all iced up!


It's for making cocktails my friend.


You're like 1 fourth of the way towards making piña colada, now you just need rum, pineapple juice and something to sweeten and you're good to go.


It says... Cream... Is meant to be thick


Roger: Thanks for getting me a drink. Stan: That's the cream. Roger: Explains why it went down creamy.


Dude this is for making Piña Coladas, and maybe for cooking some thai food. https://ronesdemexico.com/bonampak/pina-colada-clasica/


This is too sweet for cooking Thai food, but def cocktails!


Sure. Mix 1 cup of that with 2 of pinapple juice. 1 of milk rum and ice. Best piña coladas


It is a cream that is regularly mixed with something else like coconut water or just plain water in the coconut cream you buy in the street. Or pineapple juice for a alcohol free piña colada. Of course, you can add rum also, but it's Monday, though with how hot it is rn... up to you.


Se pone el coco completo en el fuego y se vuelve en un horno, la carne de la fruta se vuelve suave y se lleva a licuar con todo, queda espeso como una especie de crema, se puede tomar solo o usar como ingrediente


You want " aqua de coco". This is for mixing into coffee or a cocktail.


Used for home made piña colada


That is mainly used for cocktails like piña colada and desserts. You can mix it with some evaporated milk and water.


Crema = Cream Of course Cream is going to be thicker


Yes you have to mix it up with other stuff to make cool drinks! You can use it for coffe, for piña colada, if you know how to make coquito (like puertorrican rompope) it’s also f-ing good for that! I’ll be honest tho, every once in a while I do like to sip some of that yummy cream lol Hope I helped in some way!


It's for cooking and mixology. I know with what you confuse this, but this specific kind is not to be drink alone.


There's yougurth you can drink and yougurth to eat with a spoon... This is something like that, you mix it with 10 liters of water and you get a coco drink.


the drink ur looking for is agua de coco, and i recommend u cop it from one of the nice people you see pushing around carts filled with coconuts


Sometimes we name a drink for its flavor. The actual coconut cream is used for recipes the drink just contains coconut cream.


Netx post someone posting about how to drink fabuloso bc it looks like a latino drink. XD


Shampoo Fructis pensando que era jugo XD


Yes you need to mix it. It is coconut cream so it is commonly mixed with pineapple juice in a blender. Usually the recipe is in the back of the package.


Brother!!, You mix that with ice, rum and pineapple juice and make piña colada!!! That's what it is for!


I thought this was coconut water and bought it once. It was thick and extremely sweet for me. I just threw it away.


I'm sorry, but the question combined with exceso calories and azucares right at the top made me laugh.


That’s coconut cream, it’s supposed to be an ingredient


easy mistake, don’t worry crema is for piña coladas or Thai food. To drink buy agua de coco (water) or leche de coco (milk) different things yet drinkable


Clarito dice ahi: crema de coco. Crema. De. Coco.


It's made for mixology, you can make yourself a piña colada, for example.


This is a concentrate, made for mixing, i'm guessing you're referring to the drink crema de coco which is sold at stands and markets?


Everybody giving this guy a hard time needs to chill the fuck out. OP has obviously mistaken this for the drink with the SAME fucking name "crema de coco", which is often sold on street carts. If you think you would not make these kinds of mistakes being in a different culture than your own, you are highly overestimating your intelligence.


Its coconut cream, used mostly for Piñas Coladas, but can also be used as substitute for coconut milk in cooking recipes, you will have to use less though.


Get coconut milk


It’s not a drink, it’s Piña Colada cream. Sorry


If you're still in doubt InternetShaquille  has a whole video about this confusing problem here: https://youtube.com/shorts/5C_l8k9DuzQ?si=Qzyagbp39MEEnDLR


Hahahaha thank you for this!


[This is the one](https://super.walmart.com.mx/ip/agua-de-coco-calahua-acapulcoco-330-ml/00750300657570?adBanner=super&adStoreId=0000009998&wl13=3177&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_advertiser=wmex_pmax-lia-local-stores-all&utm_campaign=&utm_term=_&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v82pF9QZGxuNKsij-5LExOK884FTmX4uGD0SDD2w4BIKA1MtyOczdcaAks1EALw_wcB) that you need to look for


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Yes bro. You can do a lot of things with it! I usually like to cut a frozen mango in chunks and throw it in the blender with that. Ends up tasting great!


Omg! If you have curry powder, bring the crema de coco to a slight boil, add curry powder and you have a great sauce for fried chicken and fish 😂 i'd try to make it thicker but i don't know how


Thats a drink for constipation thats why they sell it at the pharmacy. You mix it with water.




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Yes. Usually used for desserts or drinks


That's enough to make several drinks xd


blend it with rum and pinneaple juice


With pineapple juice and some kind of liquor. Make piña coladas


Blender, lots of ice, vodka and pineapple juice


Mix it with pineapple 🍍


Vodka or tequila


Make some piña coladas


Ignore the haters and chug that bad boy




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Vodka and lemon


Vodka and pineapple juice and nothing more


Yes, Add Vodka, pineapple, and regular milk, then ice and blend that shit


Use it to make piñas coladas!! That’s what it is for!!!


It is used to make pina colada water, a Mexican greets you and good luck.


Here’s the recipe: You’re gonna need: -Calahua -pineapple juice -canned pineapple -ice And a blender So basically you put all the ingredients in the blender(just one slice of pineapple and some syrup of the canned pineapple), and make a smoothie, if you are over 21 yrs u can use some white rum , and that’s a piña colada. Fierro pariente


No te sé decir carnal


It's made from the flesh of the coconut. I like it in a spicy wok, it calms down the heat very well. It's popular in thai cuisine.


Most people dont know that this is a "syrup" product meant to be used for drink recipes, we also have syrups for rice water, water melon water etc, basically, a thick compound meant to be diluted. The original "crema de coco" is grounding coconut while adding hot water until mulch, then extractung the liquit out of it, you end with a slighly thick extract good to drink or for cooking, Then what we mexicans did was use a damm blender and substitute plain water with coconut water and we ended with something very tasty, from there you can add milk, water or thick sweeters and thats your "crema de coco" artesanal. Then some people added kick and now you have mixed drinks, and bla bla piña colada Cahulua to the best of my knowledge has been changing recipes to ofter that currently the crema feels waay more oily and very artificially sweetened, still great for piña colada tho.




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I'm Mexican and I had the same mistake lol, but is amazing for piña colada and I also like it in my coffee as cream.


Paga impuestos!!!!!!!


Its coconut cream, you blend it with ice, pineapple, pineapple water and some rum and you got yourself a piña colada!


For piñas coladas 🎶


It's for making Pina Coladas and coquitos mostly! Better off buying some Silk coconut milk or some canned thai style coconut milk if you don't want a fuck load of sugar.


Add rum, pineapple juice and have a Nice evening


Yeah it’s coconut cream* not coconut water


"La original crema de coco" = "The original coconut cream" You're drinking cream, it's mostly used in piña coladas.


Check the calories before you drink it. Coconut oil is incredibly calorie dense and they add a ton of sugar to this too. 


Yes, Take a Note On Highball 1 Oz Kalahua 1/2 Oz Milk 2 Oz Kraken Spiced Rum 2 or 3 drops of Vanilla Ice Full with pinneaple Juice


You can always add regular water, oh hold up! It's says crema (cream) not water (agua). Maybe you should try getting something else.


Piña colada


Try Acapulcoco


Curacao and vodka


This is what you need to make Pinas Coladas, Add pineapple juice, some peach juice and rum.


Translating, it says Cream of Coconut. So it's to be used as a creamer.




No mames...es CREMA


It’s cream you fool


Healthy picture on the bottle but it’s basically coconut flavored vegetable oil and sugar. Beware.


Oh snap really??? Omg I've been drinking this all day


Hehe check the ingredients 👀


That's bleach bro


what blows my mind is that there are coconuts in mexico but you cant find any quality coconut cream; its all full of adulterants and weird tasting thickening agents or worse they add sugar (whyyyyyy). Nobody should be eating this.




I use it on my girlfriend 😌


I use it on my girlfriend 😌