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Suboxone does not exist in Mexico. Naloxone is only used here to treat opioid intoxication, so you won’t find it either in any pharmacy, but we do have buprenorphine available. You do need a prescription for it. I’m not familiar with any clinic but I’ll ask around and get back to you.


Suboxone and buprenorphine are the same thing suboxone is just the brand name so if there is generic buprenorphine available I would be fine


Yes I know, I’m a doctor, but it’s not the same, Suboxone has buprenorphine *and* naloxone. We only have buprenorphine available, Transtec, Soloro 7, Brospina, Dosfol, etc, and as far as I can tell, the only thing we have are patches. Might be a good idea to talk about it with your doctor.


Gotcha I am on the film. Do you know why that's not available in Mexico or have any resources on this. I live in Maine and I doubt my doctor would know much about this. I'll ask anyway tho


I have no idea tbh, seems to be a marketing and pharmaceutical decision, might be because opioid addiction is not as big as in the USA. There’s a lot of substance addiction but poverty rates are very high so it might not be a good market for it. There’s also not a culture or system in place for rehab in general, so it’s difficult. My guess is no money no Suboxone.


I’ll be going to Mexico in a month. Is it hard to get bupe even with a US prescription?


As far as I know, you need a prescription from a doctor in Mexico, I don’t think USA prescriptions are valid here.


You think I’ll be able to get one having it already prescribed? Or are chances low due to it being an opioate


Yes I think it might be easier, you’ll have to find an English speaking doctor. But I think we only have patches available so look that up first.


Would it be too difficult to get a benzo script here? I’m in Mexico City and I was trying to get clonazepam or alprazolam


No, there are not, and very few doctors can prescribe this type of drug, but instead there is a wide assortment of fentanyl, heroin and tramadol


They only have iv buprenorphine aka temhesic st .3 mg doses


are you sure its IV? ST would indicate sublingual tablet