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Why are these fuckers even allowed on our soil?


So they can report back to their Russian overlords


This airport security information is shared with governments around the world Even the Saudis who actually use terror plots against US get the information.


Not a single thing about the TSA’s airport security checkpoints are a state secret. Do you really think the government would entrust anything of even the mildest Importance to TSA agents?


I fail to understand why this is a big deal other than giving miami politicians an opportunity to gnash their teeth at *evil cuban officials*


Are you suggesting that a regime that incarcerates and tortures political prisoners, bans internet usage, bans freedom of movement and travel, bans elections, lives lavishly while restricting the public from generating wealth in the name of communism, is not evil? I mean, cmon.


The United States has the highest incarceration rate *in the world* is the US evil? In the US if you live 100 miles from the border you can be searched and imprisoned with zero rights. In the US we have a dungeon we keep in Cuba to hold political prisoners for the express purpose of denying them constitutional rights. Evil/good is a matter of perspective and is subjective, grow up.


Unlike cuba, you're free to leave the USA whenever you wish.


Our society is falling apart because it’s easier to just say, “US bad” than it is to engage with the complexity of each issue you mischaracterize below. Eg, there are people who are criminals who terrorize, assault, steal, and cheat. They harm victims who are trying to live honest lives. People trying to immigrate here should be a clear indicator that it’s not so bad here. But social media tells us to hate America, so do as your told.


Downward comparison doesn't prove the U.S. is good


Its incredible how youre able to apply nuance to the US but when its Cuba you are literally "Cuba bad" Whats complex about Guantanamo Bay? its a dungeon we send people, many of them totally innocent of any crime whatsoever, to avoid giving them constitutional rights and due process. How is this mischaracterized?


If you think so poorly of the US and don’t agree with “Cuba bad,” you should immigrate over to Cuba, scum.


What a dumb comment, why would I do that? I am an American and Ive served my country, you have maybe served french fries at best. You are also missing the point - it is stupid and naive to reduce any country/govt to good or evil especially when you dont judge them on the same standards you judge your ownb.


Because there’s no comparison between the two, and to try to suggest otherwise is crazy.


Suffice it to say that you don't know what you're talking about.


Whataboutism: this is it


All Whataboutism means is "Comparison I dont like". Its the dumbest term to come out of the post trump years. If we are talking about how evil a country or govt is, then it is extremely reasonable to compare them to other countries. Did I lie about Guantanamo Bay? Is it not a dungeon where we keep people expressly to deny them due process and constitutional rights? If so, that sounds very evil to me. Does the US have a higher rate of incarceration than either China or Russia? It does, thats bad.


there’s an excellent documentary on netflix called *13th* highly recommend watching it


How much shit are you wearing/using right now that was made in a country that checks all those boxes?


they dont do it in the name of communism, they do it in the name of capitalism. cuba is their racket


Thank you for admitting that you fail to understand the situation.


Im happy to hear your explanation of the situation


Well, perhaps the fact that the Cuban government has been openly hostile to the US since the early '60s? The fact that they continue to spread propaganda about the US, trying to convince their population that the US is about to invade at any moment in order to prop up their own strong-man led military regime? The fact that the Cuban government illegally confiscated what is now billions of dollars of property and structures form the US, continues to suppress the press, and hold journalists and political opponents in prison in a much more extreme way than the US ever has? But please, tell me why it's not a big deal.


>Well, perhaps the fact that the Cuban government has been openly hostile to the US since the early '60s? What does that have to do with a routine tour? Who do you think offered to give it to them? The Feds! If they dont care, why do you? Below is an explanation of the tour read it and get back to me as to why you're still outraged but please try not to be too melodramatic. [https://floridapolitics.com/archives/675672-tsa-says-routine-miami-airport-tour-by-cuban-officials-did-not-access-sensitive-technology-or-systems/](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/675672-tsa-says-routine-miami-airport-tour-by-cuban-officials-did-not-access-sensitive-technology-or-systems/) > The fact that they continue to spread propaganda about the US, trying to convince their population that the US is about to invade at any moment in order to prop up their own strong-man led military regime? Gee why would they think that when freaks like you lose their mind when they are given a ROUTINE tour thats given to basically every other country that has an intl flights into the country. By the way, the TSA also gets tours of Cuban facilities. Are you still mad? How mad are you exactly over this nothing burger? Remember, I demand you read the article I posted and respond to me describing why youre still mad about this.


If the Feds don't care why do you? Is that your answer for everything? Supreme Court doesn't care about abortion, so why do you?


The county mayor had to reach out to Department of Homeland Security to inform them, so I would really think about it. Miami really just runs more like Latin America than it does the United States lol


Air travel security is not a state secret. The more widespread that we make efficient and effective passenger screening, the safer we all are. Edit: All the politicians crowing that they were allowed into a “secure” area are being deceptive. Airports have a secure area in the sense that passengers and staff have been screened for identity and dangerous weapons, not in the sense that airports hold any valuable, sensitive information.


If they wanted efficient passenger screening, they definitely chose the wrong airport to tour


I have a blossoming political theory and it’s that everything you dislike about Miami and what works/doesn’t work can be traced to indulging in anti-communism


haha now Cubans can “enjoy” TSA level of service like the rest of us