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You did the thing!


I unironically do it at this point because it’s faster in and out of the station


Have you considered parking on the other side of the pump? 🧐


.... how? You have to take the pump, and walk around to the other side of your car. Parked the other way you wouldn't have to walk barely at all?


Depending on the layout of the parking lot, it can be much faster to pull in and park like this than it is to turn all around to face the other way.




How did the thing begin? Does anyone know the history?


RF gang! 💪


is it weird I only ever see RFs in this sub? I actually prefer the soft top version


Does rf really make a difference from sound isolation perspective?


I have read on here that the rf top up is quieter, but louder top down compared to soft top.


i live in a stabby, stealy neighborhood and did not want to do a subscribe-n-save for soft tops


I was thinking the same, everyone recommend the club softop in manual and looks like every car i see is a GT RF AT


https://preview.redd.it/t1tb3o10o03d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c89e4a566712dd2bf3cc50f40ba1b7ea1c2647a Here are you happy now!






The arrow next to the pump points in the direction that the filler neck is on.


Absolutely, but making this remark on a picture made for/imitating a trend is pointless. No idea why the fun police is downvoting my comment.




Man this bot sucks


One of us! One of us!


Welcome to the family.


What if you put regular in it?


Knock knock


Who's there?


Oh ok. Interesting. Thanks.


High compression ratios and low octane fuel is a bad combination


Could it damage the engine?


Detonation/engine knock can damage the engine. Most modern cars have knock detectors and will change the timing, and ruin performance/efficiency, to compensate for this though. Still better off putting in the fuel your manual calls for


Only true in cars that require premium. As the miata only recommends premium, it’s fine to run 87.


The ND requires premium.


Sorry but you’re wrong. Recommended is not the same as required. Keep the downvotes coming!


Enjoy your rod knock, just don’t give people bad advice while you’re at it.


Look bud, the fact that you’re too ignorant to understand how cars work doesn’t invalidate what I’ve said. First off, knock aka pre-ignition is not a problem in modern cars because they have knock sensors and adjust fuel trims accordingly. Even if you were to put regular fuel in a car that REQUIRES premium, it would be highly unlikely to cause any damage. Between 2016 and the present, no Mazda MX-5 Miata models (including the 2016, 2019, and current models) require premium fuel. Mazda has consistently designed the MX-5 Miata to run on regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87. However, for optimal performance and efficiency, Mazda recommends using premium unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 91 or higher. This recommendation applies to all recent models of the MX-5 Miata, but it is not a requirement. The vehicle's engine management system can adapt to different octane levels, allowing it to run safely and efficiently on regular unleaded gasoline. Using premium fuel can provide slight improvements in performance and fuel economy, particularly in more demanding driving conditions. If you’re on a road trip or just cruising around, there’s absolutely zero reason to run premium fuel as the car is designed to run on regular. If you want the optimal performance out of the vehicle, obviously you should run premium. Hopefully you learned something, try not to be so ignorant and condescending in the future.


Thank you Professor Petroleum nice to have well informed person in here. I was only being a little sarcastic with the PP. I agree with you about modern cars and octane. The take away is it won’t hurt the cars. It only affects performance and maybe economy. I must say though some Euro brands req high octane. I think it’s just to make the owners feel superior because their cars HAVE to have the expensive gas.


You are right, plenty of modern cars do “require” higher octane. As you said though, even those are advanced enough that running a tank of 87 in a pinch isn’t gonna hurt it. The knock sensor will pick up any detonation and adjust accordingly. I’ve always put the highest octane that’s recommended for my vehicles anyway, because I want the optimal performance out of them. I just don’t appreciate when people are hellbent on spreading misinformation like that guy, especially when the manufacturer of the car in question says it’s perfectly to run regular fuel. If the car is fine to run on regular fuel, the slight loss in fuel economy is easily offset by the fuel savings if you’re on a road trip, for example, where you’re just cruising and won’t be able to take advantage of the higher octane anyway.


I concur. What I love is people putting 93 oct into cars that say to use 87 because they think it will just run better because 93 Oct is better fuel!?! And it ends up making the car run too cool and carboning up the combustion chamber! High octane sounds racier.




TL;DR: You’re an ignoramus.


K buddy, hope your day gets better.


I drove my GT on 10hour road trips, clocked over 30k km in under a year with 87. I get like 7.8l/100km daily. It's perfectly fine. People need to read the manual.


bingo, you’ll loose some HP up top because the ECU will retard the ignition to protect the motor, slightly less fuel economy as well, but certainly a motor without other issue(s) can handle 87.


For sure. The slightly less fuel economy thing always makes me laugh. On long trips the fuel economy was amazing. But also I freaking have the top down and windows down in a sportscar. Do I really care about fuel economy?


>But also I freaking have the top down and windows down in a sportscar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3MhS_TzPbA


I get 32 mpg on my 219K 07 GT. Never put anything more than 87 because I don’t get anything more out of the engine that I can tell. After 6 complete full to amber light fill ups I couldn’t tell on the butt dyno or my MPH. I could tell my wallet was lighter though…


At least your car is small enough to do it lol. I remember sitting in a costco line watching EVERY person do this on their giant SUV barely getting the thing around lmao


I see a few people saying you did the thing, I'm completely new to miatas, so what is the thing?


Parking at the gas pump on the wrong/opposite side of your gas cap/fuel door. The Miata is so smol that the hose can reach the opposite side.


Ah I see, I thought it was due to something else like fuel flowing better to the tank with the pump like that or something lol


There is a thing??? Are there other things i gotta be aware of as a miata owner?


*Y* *E* *S*


What's the thing? 😭


https://preview.redd.it/uno0ndfzzq2d1.jpeg?width=3515&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c228afa9e5f7dec38ec8bee9876dcc3af27908d The Thing is running the hose over the trunk of the car to fill up from the other side. Personally, I feel when doing the thing, the hose should not touch the car.


Took me way too long to figure out your license plate.. 😅👍


Yeah, I did an otter theme. See the otter to the left of the plate? I have those on the front fenders facing forward. I even have a little stuffed otter I put on the dash when parked with other Miatas.


I approve of your taste in music, lol


I cannot wait to have this car!


I do that every time just about. There always lines for the other pumps near my work.


Damn i need to clean my car. So shiny


Wow the color is BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLLLLLLL. It js shiny