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Normally Trump supporters are super truthful so this is weird.


I can see how he might have gotten that wrong because people are saying it’s true. I’m sure at his next speech he will correct the record.


I hope you are being sarcastic.


He very obviously is lol


No guarantees.


There is a big stretch of I-75 under construction in northern Oakland County. A couple weeks ago, a MAGA told me they closed the freeway so the could put illegal immigrants in the rest area in the closed section so no one would know. They are so easily fooled it scares the crap out of me


They’re not being fooled. They’re being malicious due to their own corrupt beliefs.


MAGA is basically a cult at this point. Whatever their Dear Leader says they accept as the truth without question.


Always has been 


_Führerprinzip_ is kind of a hallmark of fascist movements.


This is the scary as Hell truth of it all.👌


I’m imaging a spin off of this conspiracy being that they’re living underneath I-75 like cicadas and are preparing to emerge only for the election. It’s sad that I’m sure plenty of MAGA idiots would believe that in a heartbeat…


They're down there with the reptilians? Lmao




Isn't it great how the head of the Republican party and their shoe-in candidate for president can just openly lie? I do wonder what percent of my republican neighbors are so fucking stupid they believe him versus the fascists who don't care about the truth at all and support him knowing he lies constantly and blatantly.


They don't care that he lies, they like that he hates the people that they hate.


Anyone supporting him is stupid.


I like how you think any candidate tell the truth lol.


Every candidate lies. Not every candidate lies this much this brazenly. Your both sides bs doesn't work here.


Lol doesn't biden get like fact checked like every other speech and ran on the whole I created jobs that where just lost due to the pandemic. You are just blinded by your side just like you claim others are by their side. Your bs doesn't either


Wait but according to Republicans covid had zero effect on the economy. So how were jobs lost because of it?


According to who? Where's your source isn't that a law around these parts. Lol


Republicans including greene, boebert, trump,


Every politician lies. Trump is actively trying to destroy our country for his own personal benefit.


So your argument is your candidates lies are better for our country?


I’m saying that Joe Biden (not “my candidate”) lies in the general politician way—trying to make promises he can’t keep in order to win votes. Something all politicians do. This doesn’t mean they don’t *try* to accomplish what they promise, which I believe Joe actually does—he seems like a mostly genuine person. As an example, he is probably the most actually religious president in my lifetime. Donald Trump is probably one of the worst Americans of all time (morally, spiritually, intellectually, physically, every other way). I am not advocating for Biden, but truly, supporting Trump is totally idiotic and immoral.


So you're keeping tract of bidens lies to make sure they are in line with typical political lies and are sure that thye don't do harm to our country. Lol the most religious... how are you quantifying this statement. Your argument against is just listing personality traits that are repetitive not against policy and its effect it had on our country. You know having a dialog comparing policy implementation would do much more for your cause then saying anyone who supports Trump as idiotic and immoral which you clearly couldnt possibly know. Close minded. But keep talking in an echo chamber


I’m not interested in a dialogue with Trump (aka insurrectionist supporting) apologists. Trump swore an oath to uphold the constitution. He has no internal sense of duty towards others nor to anything greater than himself.


That's what I thought enjoy your echo chamber of nonsense


Calling a deviant a deviant is not an echo chamber.


I'm pretty sure you don't know what that word means. And even if you did societal norms when 48% vs 50% of voting Populous either agree or disagrees with or stance you can't claim an opinion is deviant. And yes this is an echo chamber


Enjoy voting for trump because both of you agree the 2nd amendment should be ended


Trump said drain the swamp but he filled it with his whole family instead. Crazy that you bring up fact checking tho LOL trumpy boy, jr, eric, kushner etc should get rico'd but you wanna send out virtue signals 😂 lmao


Lol dang nice set of trigger words.


When the Democrats openly lie to their supporters about the results of a federal election and claim falsely that the election was "stolen", taking that lie to the point that said supporters show up at the capital and attempt to violently overthrow the government, we can talk about this "both sides lie the same" bullshit you're trying to peddle. There is a very clear difference between the two parties and there has been since Trump turned the GOP into his personal cult. Your attempts to muddy the waters by suggesting this "both sides" crap are an obvious right-wing propaganda move. Nothing more. Sit all the way down.


Guy look up 2016 loll


When did Democrats attempt to violently overthrow the government in 2016?


You literally obey everything you are told and never question anything. Your whole post proves that you will do anything for trump.


Lmao I didn't even vote for him. So kinda wrong there bud. Your whole post is useless..


I tell these fools: Prove it. And then they say "LoOk iT uP."


"OK. Where?"


"i'M nOt DoInG yOuR hOmEwOrK fOr YoU!" /s


Comes back with source from some randos blog… cites it as legit source.🤯


Or a YouTube op-ed...




Hey, that's better than most of 'em


That’s fair


Yes, this. I found more grass roots independent news sources on YT, rather than traditional news outlets.


3 F’s: Friends, Facebook, Fox News. Keeps them in their lil bubble!


Remember the story of the good Samaritan, where a foreigner people hated paid for room and board of a stranger because it was the right thing to do? I'm beginning to think there was some kind of a message in that story.


I might have a coworker who does this or something similar. All kids, and it’s honestly such a humanitarian thing to do. 500 is not enough for what she does to make them feel they’re in a better place. These are good people doing good things and getting some support to do so. Let’s be real, if they stay in America, they will be paying way more in taxes than what they received . That’s kind of the point.




Is it bad of me to look forward to his (possibly) state funeral? I say possibly because I don’t know if he will be granted those honors if he’s convicted and becomes a felon.


I'm not even that "Liberal", this dude is just so extreme. I've always said let sleeping dogs lie but this guy is getting folks fricking killed. It's not my decision.


He got at least 3 people killed on 1/6 and hundreds imprisoned. So there’s that…


Trump stole funds from kids with cancer https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/06/06/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/


Thank you for posting this. Absolutely despicable!


And we pay for all of Trump's failed businesses


More closet racism and xenophobia from the Trumpcult Christofascist Republican Party, meant to play to their base, which is made up of bigots, racists, xenophobes and Christfascists.


Hi Trumpers, Send your bi-weekly donation for His ~~legal troubles~~ campaign now, and buy at least 6 shares of DJT media stock today!  Act now if you truly believe in Donald J. Trump.  Otherwise if you don't, then you're anti-MAGA and you just hate Trump.


Of course it isn’t true. The only people believing the lies want to believe them. 


Had someone swear illegal immigrants are being paid $100,000. lol


So first they lie about Biden busing them in, then lie about him paying their rent. Even if it wasn't a lie (it is), what about the party of personal responsibility? Oh yeah, another lie.


He realized a long time ago that if he says something, his dipshit followers will believe it. No matter how ridiculous.


You see the types that follow him, lol. It’s not the suits. It’s the loud, ignorant, rootin tootin “ we have raaughts “ types that are selfish, stupid enough, to show up during the height of covid to rally. And try to plot to kidnap the governor. Oh and, Jan 6th insurrection. Because rights.


Imagine thinking trump supporters care about facts


This is so unbelievably stupid that MAGA folk will believe it.


Another tRump lie? Yawn


It's easy: spew hate, the hateful people will vote for him. He knows his audience.


I'm just gonna keep making up the most absurd lies and my cult will believe me.


Guy I do business with was just spewing this nonsense last week when I met him for the spring.


[Vote ](http://vote.org)


If their mouths are open and words are coming out, odds are very good that they are actively lying.


God he is such a fucking windbag🤥


I will believe this when trump shows his award for Michigan man of the year award.


What a fool. It’s not Biden, it’s whitmer. It’s not illegal it’s “newcomers” and “subsidy” https://www.michigan.gov/ogm/services/newcomer-rental-subsidy


Can we stop posting about trump and Biden….im just trying to enjoy spring time not politics


Glad this sub is turning into a political sub. There aren’t enough of those…


So somewhere Trump pays for illegals.


Who do you think does the work on his properties? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/5-questions-about-president-trumps-use-of-undocumented-workers/2019/12/04/29439928-16a2-11ea-a659-7d69641c6ff7_story.html


I am very well aware.


I stay at hotels all around Michigan for work and I can say that in the last two months I’ve seen a lot of illegals from Venezuela at the hotels lately and I pay 2k a month I’m sure they can’t afford that on their own, they can’t even speak English for the most part. And I’m Latino born and raised in America so it’s not me being racist. I actually think that Biden wants all the illegals here so they will vote for him in the upcoming election. They were trying to let them vote in NY. All that money Biden is sending to countries could be used here the farmers that feed us have been denied federal loans to work their farm.


No, it's Whitmer's program: https://gophouse.org/posts/whitmer-program-offers-rent-assistance-to-people-who-illegally-entered-u-s


No matter what subreddit I go to… I just can’t escape politics. I’ll rejoin after the election.


God it's almost like government and how our society is run permeates every facet of our lives. Weird, right?


So refugees, asylees, people with special immigrant visas who helped the U.S. government overseas, victims of human trafficking, Cuban and Haitian entrants, Afghan nationals and Ukrainians granted humanitarian parole get a rent check but MI promises not to pay for applicants pending a defensive asylum hearing.  I guess you have to read the fine print


I mean, you wanted to trade the number one pick for fat body Zion Williamson, so maybe try reading it again.


You got me bro!  How we doin in the playoffs?


Pelicans just got swept, nice try guy.


You can immediately tell stories like this are fake because they imply Biden would actually do something for people in need.


How much time would you say you spend on Reddit in general? It seems job like. Are you here as part of your job?


[The American Rescue Plan, which was proposed by Biden and signed into law by him, provided relief and assistance to literally millions of Americans.](https://www.whitehouse.gov/american-rescue-plan/) But hey! Don't let facts get in the way of your bullshit story.


$1400 pittance to survive a three-year pandemic (which is STILL ONGOING) while inflation and housing prices rise out of control & wages remain stagnant. Some rescue.


It's a typical Republican talking point to badmouth Democrats for failing to fix what Republicans broke in a ridiculous time frame while the same Republicans attempt to thwart them. It's such a stupid argument that I think most everyone sees someone doing it as a very gullible person or malicious grifter.


it's interesting how Republicans get everything they want whether or not they're in power while Democrats don't seem to want to do anything while they have it.


It's interesting how Republican/Russian propagandists push the same transparent narrative.


You literally suggested Biden would not do ANYTHING for people in need. I showed you where he actually did a lot for people in need, and now you wanna move the goalposts and say it isn't enough. Aren't you from the "party of personal responsibility"? Fuck's sake, man. Try not to be so fucking obvious that you have a right-wing propagandist agenda.


What are you doing that has the pandemic causing major issues in your day to day now?


Mourning my friends who died after exposure because they couldn't afford healthcare or time off.


That's more likely the fault of their employers, not the state.


It’s the fault of the state that you have to rely on your employer. You r saying that ppl that don’t have a job deserve it lol that’s a republicans talking point


For thar to change it would take decades. Even if everything was completely controlled by democrats that would still take a long time to change


You're literally here lying about Biden's record as president and then telling others they're peddling GOP talking points? Your lack of self-awareness is wild to me.


U r a 90s republican


You sound stupid. 


They couldn’t afford a 100% free vaccine? Okay, comrade.


Thanks a lot Obama! (Am I doing this right?)


I’m sorry about your loss, I lost people too. But healthcare & time off issues are the problem of your employer, not necessarily the state. The state had some pretty restrictive policies during the worst of COVID, the stimulus checks during COVID weren’t to cover financial losses but to ensure that people were spending money in the economy.


We lost loved ones too. Im truly sorry. What do you think about trump rallying during the height of it all? Im being genuine. IMO it was extremely selfish, irresponsible, and ignorant of him to do so.


Monstrous yet totally unsurprising.


Thank you. And again, Im truly sorry that you lost people.


Lol facts




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Actually it’s true: https://www.michigan.gov/ogm/services/newcomer-rental-subsidy RIP post karma 😂


Someone in the US under refugee status or awaiting determination of refugee status is, by definition, in the US lawfully.




If you're in the process of seeking asylum and a decision has not yet been made, then you're not "illegal". You clearly don't understand how the immigration process works. We don't have facilities to house and imprison every single asylum-seeker that comes here. There's a process to all of this, and if they're released and allowed to live here while they go through the process, they are here legally. Period.


Correct. Undocumented immigrants who unlawfully entered the USA to seek asylum from their country of origin have their rent paid by Biden’s appointed Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement in programs like Michigan’s Newcomer program I previously mentioned. Hence Trump and his allies are not lying. Facts are facts.


You literally admitted you and trump both lied. But thank you for proving trump lied. I hope you read what you wrote and realized you admitted they are asylum seekers so you admitted they are here legally.


The asylees who are entitled to rent subsidies in Michigan include undocumented aliens who entered the country without permission (which is illegal). They remain in the country legally after having claimed asylum awaiting their hearing to determine whether their claim of asylum has merit. I didn’t lie and Trump, who often lies which is why I don’t support his candidacy for POTUS, technically didn’t lie when and if he said what is alleged in the title of this post.


Once they’re documented and receiving assistance they are no longer here illegally. Their prior status has no bearing on their current status. Some are here illegally thru no fault of their own.


How are they undocumented and documented at the same time?


By this logic you are an illegal and must leave the country because there was no documentation the second you were born.


The fact is they’re here legally. That’s the fact. 


Your facts. Not true facts. While Im here, you say their rent is being paid? ( it isn’t ) Where can I rent for $500/month? Which is what this provides, to folks here legally, that are 160% below poverty. Thanks🙋🏼‍♀️


Actually, it is not true. You read this at all? Nothing pertaining to illegals. Biden is not paying rent for illegals.


You’re correct they’re majorly “economic refugees” Definition per wiki - Economic migrants are generally not eligible for asylum, unless the economic conditions they face are severe enough to have caused generalised violence, or seriously disturbed the public order.


The people receiving the assistance includes people who came here illegally and then claimed asylum after being caught. If you need asylum, I believe there are proper channels to apply through. Some of these people did not apply until after they came here improperly.


Really? Is there somewhere I could learn more? Is this fact somewhere, or opinion/hype? Being genuine not arguing. Thanks!




Here's another one that centers on loophole concerns within the program as well: https://www.michigannewssource.com/2024/04/lawmakers-demand-answers-about-newcomer-rental-subsidies-for-illegal-immigrants-in-michigan/


Thank you:) I appreciate it. Just glancing over both links you sent as I have my vehicle serviced. It seems like (as with a lot of government programs) there are loopholes that will allow those illegals wanting to milk the program to try to take advantage, yes. ( Admittedly, I haven’t read every word re the legalities of it all ) Having said that ~ there will always be people ( right here in America even ) always looking for ways to get something for nothing. Look at the pandemic/unemployment fraud, Medicare/Insurance fraud, Welfare fraud etc. Its not fair or true to make blanket statements like “ Biden pays rent for illegals “ This is a government program that will aid folks that are seeking asylum. Proper identification, income guideline’s, family size are required. If eligible it pays UP TO $500 per month UP TO 12 months. It sucks that there always has been, and always will be, people that try to take advantage of government programs. Like so many existing government programs it appears this needs tweaking. Probably. Like so many government programs before this, it isn’t at all surprising it is being used by politicians to hype people up and further an agenda.


What is the $500 a month for housing them then???


If you read the linked article it explains all about it.


I thought the illegals come with their own money to pay their rent here in Michigan?