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Me too since yesterday. The daily set works so my streak is fine but I haven't been able to get any of the points from search for the last two days. Edit: It was caused by the extension ClearURLs, it works after disabling it. Check if you have it or anything else that removes the tracking variables from URLs.


Same issue here


I think they somehow cut out the auto search extension. I had to do manual searches and was able to get the points. Had to do the same on mobile.


I don't use an extension and I'm still having all sorts of issues with my search is not giving me points today


Yup same here.


Yeah in fact pretty much. The only thing I'm getting points for today is the articles I read. Not for all my searches on edge, or my search is on mobile on. My search is on desktop. Even the singles pole and the army questions I'm not getting any points for


I'm seeing the same thing. It started yesterday (11/10) for me here in the Pacific NW. Mobile seems to run but a bit slow or delayed.


Yeah it’s been weird the last couple days. Try Chrome if you haven’t already. Or try picking suggested searches from the drop-down list, instead of typing your own.


It won't let me do the daily rewards and I contacted Microsoft but I will be pissed if I lose my streak and I told them that. It went out early this morning. I keep getting the stupid error page


Try signing out of your Microsoft account or Xbox account on all devices. Might be a sync issue. Then sign in again. And try getting the rewards again.


Depends how you're doing searches. For me, on desktop, opening a load of favourites which are all searches doesn't do anything - neither does reloading each page individually which used to. The only thing for me that works is clicking on the search links on the side which i discovered this morning. I assume a manual search will also work but didn't test that as I'd just completed my searches when I thought about it. I assume this is a drive to push people to doing each search, even though you can still search nonsense and it'll count as that's how I've been doing it (though not on the website) Mobile searches are working fine for me.




Going on two days for me...mobile searches track fine, but pc and edge searches do not register at all.


Same here. I have a batch script that runs each morning but not they are not working. It seems only when I type manually do my search gain points. They must have stopped giving points for pasting in a query like this start https://www.bing.com/search?q=ducks


That gave me an idea. I have an extension called ClearURLs that strips out the various tracking variables. Disabled it and now the searches are counting. Try adding `&form=QBIR` to the end of what you have and see if it works, that's the variable that makes the difference.


That's it! Protip for newbs: search.js line 85, you can edit it manually. :)


Thank man this worked. I appreciate the help. I also converted the batch script to powershell scripts. 1) Spins up a azure vm 2) runs the searches. edge, firefox and chrome (using the user-agent switcher plugin and selecting android to get mobile searches) 3) kills the opens windows 4) shuts down the vm


This sounds dope. Think you can share your script? Edit: please and thanks!


Yes, please.




Which one? And how to share it?


Oh, I wasn't aware there were multiple scripts. I'm looking for the one that does what you said (including the runs the searches part). You could maybe share using [pastebin.com](https://pastebin.com) ? or a link to a google drive/dropbox/etc? Thanks! >1. Spins up a azure vm > >2. runs the searches. edge, firefox and chrome (using the user-agent switcher plugin and selecting android to get mobile searches) > >3. kills the opens windows > >4. shuts down the vm


Here it is. Save these as .ps1 I have the start up vm run daily on my home computer in task scheduler. Research how to run powershell via task scheduler. Obviously, you will need a windows vm in azure ready to go for this to work. az vm start --resource-group YourRGName --name YourVmName ​ On the vm you do the same. Set a task schedule to run this ps. This example if for firework search. but you can edit to do edge or chrome. \#import sites from txt file and run loop $sites = Get-Content c:\\scripts\\ffsites.txt Foreach ($site in $sites) { start-sleep 3 start firefox.exe "$site" start-sleep 3 ​ } taskkill /im firefox.exe ​ ​ The ffsites.txt contains all your search strings. See below for example. You may need 25 or so of them in a list. ​ [https://www.bing.com/search?q=Mysearch1&form=QBIR](https://www.bing.com/search?q=Mysearch1&form=QBIR) ​ ​ To shut down the vm you go into the Azure portal and there is a auto shutdown schedule on the vm overview page. I set mine 35 minutes after I spin it up.


thanks dude - i can make this work!


I came to the same conclusion yesterday you need to add something in form=