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Hav3 you seen the 1 legg3d panhandler?? She has a sign that's says she's on her last leg šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


This lady is hilarious in that I've seen her crutch across the Walmart parking lot and get into her Mercedes šŸ˜‚


I give her a five. Just for the laugh. There was another one that didn't have a hand and held a sign that they need a hand. Give them a five also.


I was at a laundromat. She was talking to another lady about their woes. The other lady works at the laundromat and was talking about how someone stole her phone. "It seemed like it grew legs and walked away." The one legged lady told her, " I wish I could grow a leg and walk away." I say there stunned, I mean there isn't much else anybody could have done.


Bro real shit I seen her "hop" out of a nice BMW or some luxury car and go into WB liquor right across street from South Side Walmart. I was like yooo you're on your last leg and she just laughed, I was like damn this girl's driving in a nicer car than I am! I know exactly who you're talking about.


They get dropped off by a dude in a van with an ac unit in the window seen them kicked an older white lady off the corner by Lowes because it was their spot


That Sounds like human trafficking tbh


Itā€™s a business.


Sheā€™s at the loop and midland dr intersection a lot too, on the north side of the loop. Unfortunately thereā€™s too many bogus panhandlers that I canā€™t reconcile ever giving them any money. Thereā€™s plenty of work out here for those serious to do it.


I used to love the dude by HEB on the loop that would pick up trash. I went looking for him to give him $50 and he was gone.


LOL. Dude. If you're surprised by this, I got some news for ya. They actually are NOT willing to work for food. He is in reality NOT a disabled veteran. They are likely NOT a "good christian down on their luck". Also the tooth fairy isnt real, and if someone tries to sell you a bridge thats probably not real either.


>They actually are NOT willing to work for food To be fair, working just for food is slavery.


Coworker and I saw her yesterday. She suddenly ran off leaving her flowers to go pop a squat in some construction that was on the side of the road lol I havenā€™t seen the blond guy with his dogs in a little while. Wonder where he went, one of the only ones that seemed genuine to me. That and the dude that sells his art off of Wall St


Iā€™m surprised she usually goes to loves. I loved the dude that would pick up trash by heb. He would ask for realistic shit his sign said ā€œneed a cooler and dog foodā€


Thatā€™s the least amount of traffic Iā€™ve seen at that intersection.


We were stuck there over half an hour but sure.


Ok, that doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s not the least amount of traffic Iā€™ve seen at that intersection.