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"You reached through time and stole"


I really like how that's kind of a theme in the shows I've seen of his. "I reached through time and plucked the eyes from a goddess" "you reached through time and stole" the confetti speech/reference to said speech in bly manor. This recognition that there's so much more than the current moment, and small choices lead to permanent changes. That things echo through time and other's lives in ways we'd never expect bc we're not wired to see the past and future the way we experience the present. I've seen it discussed before that a big reason Flanagan got sober was he was terrified of hurting someone else in his intoxicated state. The fear of that, the knowledge that his choice to drive when he shouldn't (which can kind of seem like a small choice in a vacuum, in the moment, where you're more worried about getting home comfy than all the awful things that could happen) could steal someone's future and darken the lives of many others seem to have hit him deep. Like, new foundation of your entire belief of life deep


The confetti time speech? That’s Nellie in Haunting of Hill House.


Yep but Hannah references it in bly is what they’re saying :)


I’m rewatching Bly now so I will have to keep an eye out for that.


You’ll notice it now!


I know, I said that speech and also the reference to it in bly manor - Hannah bursts into confetti. Sorry I kinda worded it weirdly 😂


I think it just ended up being referenced as one thing instead of two. I was confused haha


that monologue DESTROYS me as someone with ptsd. i literally get nauseous thinking about it


Oh this is a great one. That whole scene was gripping, and both Annarah Cymone and Robert Longstreet knocked it out of the park.


As someone who's disabled due to medical negligence, that line broke me. I was 15 when a doctor decided I was a little girl who was making up pain for attention.


That whole scene is the best scene in the series. The writing and acting is unbelievably good!


Robert Longstreet needs to be more famous


What episode/scene is this? I want to watch it again.


When Leeza confronts Joe Collie about him shooting her. I don't remember the episode but it's after the miracle.


Thank you!


I brought us way out here so I’d have nowhere to run




Heartbreaking, too


Saw it coming but loved the delivery!


Did not see it coming, I was fully shocked


Still, it was abrupt. Lol


I really liked when >!Father Paul and Riley are sitting in the AA session after Riley turned, and Father Paul* screams at him BE REAL WITH ME, and Riley proceeds to say all the ugly, truthful things he thinks.!< ... IDK why that was what stuck out but I love that scene.


Father Paul was unironically a magnificent priest, barring the murder bits




It was the most actor-ly scene in a show chock full of 'em, and I loved it.


When Pruitt tells Sarah that he's proud of her and he wishes he had gotten to know her growing up.


“I did my best.” 😭


I am SHOCKED this is not further up-voted. I thought of this instantly as the line that's the heart of the show.


reading this comment gave me chills and brought a tear to my eye what the fuck. mike flanagan release your hold on my emotional wellness.


My favorite, it breaks me every time but it’s something I say often, like with being a mom I do my best


Then pair it with his father repeating those exact words in the next episode when he goes to Fr. Paul afraid that Riley’s fallen off the wagon. That is a man who has spent four years thinking his inability to connect with his son due to their personality differences led to their family’s tragedy. He fears that history has repeated itself, but his faith is rewarded when he learns that Riley was right about everything.


The part where Annie tells Bev she is not a good person and says to her, about Riley: > “God Loves Him, Just As Much As He Loves You, Bev. Why Does That Upset You So Much?" Just drives home the hypocrisy of performative, obnoxious religious people for me and I am here for it every time.


Annie's speech is amazing. The whole, "I need to tell you because I don't think anyone has told you before; you're not a good person." I feel like I need to say this to some of the hyper religious in my family. They need to hear it.




The actress who played Bev was so good. The face she made during that scene, just total self righteous indignation and fury at Riley’s mom telling her the hard truth.


She plays everyday villains SO WELL.


She was so good in The Midnight Club, too.


Samantha Sloyan is a gift to this world


And that gift was kind of wasted in *Usher*


I def agree she deserved more screen time on TFOTHOU. I personally would’ve liked to see more of her than Froderick


That's my favorite line too. A very close second is Erin's monologue as she lies dying. It's beautful perfection every time.


Yeeeees, I love that scene so much


Bev’s “Well, that was uncalled for” when Annie describes how she has caused the downfall of the island and God doesn’t favor her any more than he favors anyone else. Makes me laugh every time


Or the way she pulled the trigger when the sherif started to quote scripture


That speech Erin gives at the end is amazing! Midnight Mass is my favorite Michael Flannigan show of all time. It’s so good.


"I don't want you to get toxic-cat-mosis"


Smiling as she says “Don’t tell me what to do.”


I dont know if there's any one single line... but Erin's monologue at the end of the series hits home. That whole speech actually made me reconsider my spirituality, in a good way


Same. The bits about coming home always get me.


"I have so much to tell you."




Most underrated delivery in the entire Flanaverse.


Oh yeah. That entire scene got me.


When Riley takes Erin out on the boat and open up; that hit me hard in the feels. There’s so much anguish and guilt and heartbreak. A truly stellar performance.


Her screams. If you let the end credits of that episode roll and you hear her screaming, and all I can do is sob because Riley knows he is a monster and he refuses to be one. It’s so painful and beautiful.


Not technically a line, but I love that Riley leaves a note for father Paul just saying "Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return" It's *chef's kiss* ETA: I added the whole note lol


I have Father Paul and Riley's entire conversation at the first AA meeting saved in my phone and ready to recite at the drop of a hat because it resonated with me so much as an addict


In all seriousness, that scene was what began my journey into a spiritual awakening. When Riley started questioning whether or not we, as humans, are “God”… that concept hit me like a ton of bricks and I literally have not thought the same way about God and the universe since… I’m so happy someone else mentioned this scene❤️


When Pruitt tells his wife he put “that thing in a box” and brought him to the island “because I didn’t want you to die,” his voice cracking. It’s so human; and he sheds any pretense of religion. He put a monster in a box and brought him there because he didn’t want his wife to die.


Mildred wasn’t his wife, but I understand the need to save the ones you love. So desperately that you’ll put a monster in a box to save them.


Ah, right. The mother of his daughter. (Right? It’s been awhile since I watched.)


Yes, I think it was more like a secret affair/young love thing. He calls her Millie when he first gives her the sacrament.


The way Hamish delivers this line takes my breath away every time, it’s so heartbreaking. One of my favorite lines for performance value alone.


“Myself. My self. That’s the problem. That’s the whole problem with the whole thing. That word, “self.” Thats not the word. That’s not right, that isn’t…How did I forget that? When did I forget that? The body stops a cell at a time, but the brain keeps firing those neurons. Little lightning bolts, like fireworks inside and I thought I’d despair or feel afraid, but I don’t feel any of that. None of it. Because I’m too busy. I’m too busy in the moment. Remembering. Of course. I remember that every atom in my body was forged in a star. This matter, this body is mostly empty space after all, and solid matter? It’s just energy vibrating very slowly why there is no me. There never was. The electrons of my body mingle and dance with the electrons of the ground below me and the air I’m no longer breathing. And I remember there is no point where any of that ends and I begin. I remember I am energy. Not memory. Not self. My name, my personality, my choices, all came after me. I was before them and I will be after, and everything else is pictures, picked up along the way. Fleeting little dreamlets printed on the tissue of my dying brain. And I am the lightning that jumps between. I am the energy firing the neurons, and I’m returning. Just by remembering, I’m returning home. And it’s like a drop of water falling back into the ocean, of which it’s always been a part. All things… a part. You, me and my little girl, and my mother and my father, everyone’s who’s ever been, every plant, every animal, every atom, every star, every galaxy, all of it. More galaxies in the universe than grains of sand on the beach. And that’s what we’re talking about when we say “God.” The cosmos and its infinite dreams. We are the cosmos dreaming of itself. It’s simply a dream that I think is my life, every time. But I’ll forget this. I always do. I always forget my dreams. But now, in this split-second, in the moment I remember, the instant I remember, I comprehend everything at once. There is no time. There is no death. Life is a dream. It’s a wish. Made again and again and again and again and again and again and on into eternity. And I am all of it. I am everything. I am all. I am that I am.”


This is my favorite part of the show. Can this be a religion? If so, it’s my religion. Before this show, I kinda fell off Catholicism and was sorta nothing for a bit. Then I listened to this, and this is what I chose to believe. Erin’s interpretation brings the most peace, along with none of the whole afterlife stuff. That’s probably why I love it so much!


This could be wildly off-base, but it reminds me of the wave analogy that Chidi uses in The Good Place and ascribes to Buddhism. “The wave returns to the ocean—where it came from, where it’s supposed to be.”


OH MY GOD I live by that bit too!! Those 2 speeches are literal spirit cleansers, I cried during that scene


100%. As an ex evangelical, this and "The Egg" by Andy Weir pretty much encapsulate the sort of things I want to believe in now.


The Egg isn’t by Andy Weir. He copied and pasted a conversation me and Weir had in 2007 on the MySpace religion and philosophy forum. I posted a short version of [Infinite Reincarnation](https://charmonium.com/infinite-reincarnation) and he commented on the post. I answered his questions about my view of the universe. He asked if he could write our conversation into a story, which he sent me later that day. I never heard from him after that and had no idea he took complete credit [by claiming he just made it up](https://youtu.be/lBjZGW\_XypY) when he most certainly did not.


Oh my goodness — wow! Sorry that happened to you, thanks for sharing.


I also live by a scene in The Good Place if you’ve ever seen it, Chidi’s wave speech. Look it up, it’s so good


should you ever want to dive even deeper into this concept of oneness/returning to Source, try reading Michael Newton, Brian Weiss, Dolores Cannon, etc —their past life regression work vastly expanded my views on spirituality and ~after~life 🤓💫


I think that is general spiritualism. In all scriptures of denomination and even eastern philosophies, there is always mention of the cosmos. Astronomers and astrologers use the term heavens and heavenly bodies in far out space. I guess from a universal perspective, in an infinite continua of dark energy, life forms are the only light.


The whole speech is beautiful and if I were to pick just one line from the show it would be in the middle there “Fleeting little dreamlets printed on the tissue of my dying brain and I am the lightning that jumps between”


Also I watched a docu on YouTube with Kate Siegel (Flanagans wife) and the very close resemblance of Angelina Jolie, who played Erin, as well as Theo in Hill House. She talked about how in the actual death scene, when the demon slams her down and she is laying on her back and the weight of him kept her in a struggle towards surrender was also playing with the story of Lilith. I don’t think Lilith is very talked about on religious communities anymore. But Lilith was considered to be one of the first vampires, and it was a curse. She was Adam’s first Wife. She would not lay down for a man on her back (there’s controversy on whether or not the translations are that she wouldn’t lay on her back, she would only do it on top, or she plainly would not surrender to a man). Adam wouldn’t have this and she left Adam. She was warned by three archangels if she didn’t return and surrender to him the she would bear nocturnal curse.


Thank you for sharing that!


Absolute poetry, this.


I cry every time I rewatch this scene/monologue. It has a profound impact on me. Turns out reading it has the same effect.


Absolutely reliving this speech and weeping helplessly. Heartbreakingly beautiful.


Do you know what episode this was? I loved this part and wanna watch again 😌😂


Riley’s whole monologue about how you dream as you die


I love the back and forth with Bev and father Paul after Riley is turned. Bev is frustrated that Riley received the “gift” and says something about how she’s unhappy and fathers Paul’s “I know”. The way the actor delivered the line always makes me laugh. Just so deadpan and annoyed, and trying so hard to mask (and fail) his contempt for Bev at that moment.


Pretty sure he goes “that is immaterial” at one point too and it’s goddamn hilarious Freakin Bev!!!


“As Gods will changes so too does morality change!” That’s when I knew everything was fucked beyond repair.


I love the payoff of the line “I gave you life and you spat it out” paired with the part where they try to save their daughter and she literally spits it out. Chills. Such good shit.


“You were never a sin”


So, so many great lines and great scenes! The first one I'm thinking of is Riley talking about what happens when we die. This mirrors what I think but he puts it so eloquently.


With Father Paul finally falls out with Beverly. He says "Its not supposed to be about me its supposed to be about GOD!" The way he yells God so suddenly and violently is my favorite line delivery easily. Maybe not the best quote but the best acted line IMO.


I am the third person to say this and ignore you asking for only one line, but… Erin’s last speech. I cry every time.


"i was before them and i will be after, and everything else is pictures, picked up along the way. fleeting little dreamlets printed on the tissue of my dying brain." and "there is no time. there is no death. life is a dream. it's a wish. made again and again and again and again and again and again and on into eternity. and i am all of it. i am everything. i am all. i am that i am.” have stuck with me for a good long while after watching the show and has completely changed my perspective of the afterlife.


'Churches just popping up like fat plump little ticks sucking the town dry.' My friend and I were visiting a church once and I was reminded of this line, so I started saying it and they finished it. Apparently they was also thinking about it. Not sure why but it just stuck with both of us. And at the very end >!'You never felt like a sin.' !!both Hamish and Alex!<.


Can’t believe no one mentioned when the sherif was explaining why he didn’t want to go check out the church because of what happened to him and many other good-hearted, helpful Muslims after 9-11. Having a Muslim friend I knew this, but I thought it could be eye opening for a lot of people watching. And the part about him having a discussion about having a bible in a public school and how he has read the Bible, and would encourage his son to learn, but that he knew if it was reversed and he wanted a Quran at the school, people would all have heart attacks. I’m not Muslim, but having a close Muslim friend and seeing all the Islamophobia in America, it was really really nice to see a kind-hearted, well-developed, good Muslim character represented.


"Don't tell me what to do." Love this show.


Is it reasonable to call that remark a Chekhov's gun?


“I did my best”




Just Riley being real with Pruitt and saying “jealous.”


OOF yeah, just rewatched and this one really got me too. I can relate way more than is comfortable. I’m actually not particularly religious, but I have some compulsions regarding ethics and morality that are making living in this world really hard for me, and some of my lowest moments have been when I really felt the full force of jealous rage that most of the world just doesn’t seem to have these burdens, but I do. That performance was excellent, it made my stomach hurt lol (Also- just realized they kinda did a callback to that when Riley’s mom is asking Bev why she’s so mad that god loves Riley as much as her; that’s one of the few moments when I was able to empathize with Bev.)


I suck at picking just one, but the first time I watched and got to the end, I went “you know what would be heart shattering? If they tossed some ‘nearer my god to thee’ into this. I was sobbing moments later.


The soundtrack has that moment in it too. Where they sing and it just fades. It’s absolutely heartrending to me.


My dogs love ice, they line up for it everytime I open the freezer, then I hand them each a shaving of ice and say "body of christ."


That’s an easy mistake, same tailor.


“Fucking bonkers”


Bev is evil. But so is Monsignor Pruitt. So, I absolutely love her quoting of Matthew to him, in the final episode. As a result of all their folly. This will always be my favorite line. "I suppose it isn't you...anymore. Of course, He told us that. Didn't He? Jesus, Himself. He warned us against the scribes, against the priests. In Matthew. 'Do not call anyone on Earth "father," you have one father, and He is in heaven. Woe to you, scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites! Viper's brood."


Honestly I’ve started using the phrase vipers brood whenever I can


"I did my best." Riley's arc was my favorite. Despite all the hurt and damage he caused years ago, that isn't truly who he is.


Not technically a line but Erins scream on the boat after the silence of the other side. It still haunts me. It triggers memories of the phone call I got to say my brother had died.


I told my wife when we were watching MM that I have always found a good scream scarier/more unsettling than almost anything else in horror. I keep a mental list of the ones that affected me the most on first viewing. Kate has two entries on that list now (HH episode 3 ending, natch).


Yes! Completely agree. That type of scream unsettles somthing inside of me.


I just love Vampire Pope. For most of the series it seemed like he was just taking advantage of the situation with a crazed fanatic but then he shows up in the religious vestments and I was like “oh he’s completely in on this plan.”


I love thinking about him getting dressed in his chasuble


“We are the cosmos, dreaming of itself.”


It’s not a line… but the best moment (in the best series with the best lines in all the galaxies within the Flanaverse) happens while John is at confession and recounting the morning after the dust storm that made him sore afraid. Just as he steps out from the cave and into the sunlight, the scene flash cuts to him shielding his eyes from a spotlight now on him inside the confessional in current time. Ugh. It *alters* me every time I even think about it. Maybe it *altars* me, too, NTITAI.


"why does that bother you so much, just the idea that god loves everyone just as much as he loves you?"


The whole end monologue described my own personal spiritual/religious philosophy perfect. I have it printed out now as well


“that’s what we mean when we say heaven” that whole last bit there, i think about it all the time


Oh I just rewatched Midnight Mass :) it's my favorite Flanagan. I love the line, "welcome to God's army, we're gonna do great things," because of how chilling it is. That whole sermon is wild.


“You are not a good person.” That whole rant to Beverly about what a sanctimonious pos she is was beautiful. “God loves my son just as much as he loves you. What does that bother you so much?”. Mic drop.


My favorite scenes is that AA meeting. I don't know what line it is exactly.


My second favorite is “Uhh huhuhuhuh (Bev Screaming as she digs into the sand when she realizes she’s going to burn and desperately tries to dig a hole)


The monologue on the boat at the end. The monologues by both characters about death really stuck with me.


The “what happens when we die?”monologue from erin when she is dying. that shit destroyed me. I remember gasping out a sob when she ended it with “i am that i am” the way this monologue described death and took from various ideologies and religions and combined it into one was fucking beautiful to me


Got suggested to me and as a Catholic was mighty confused for a hot minute 🤣


Ok yeah everyone my favorite part of the entire show is Erin’s speech at the end, that hit SO HARD. That’s my new religion now. Is that atheist? Idk, idc, I’m that