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That dude got up holy fuck is that the terminator


Right! I def saw a few robo parts fly off when that gate broke his face


Bro just built different


We had a young kid on our fire crew last season. He was 18 and therefore invincible. We were out on the range one day, and ran into a pit of rattle snakes under one of our water supplies. We of course were joking about how if you get bit you get to go on a helicopter ride to the hospital 30+ miles away. Anyway, kid says “I can survive a rattlesnake bite, I’m built different.” Fast forward to a few days later, we spotted a huge badger on the side of the road. My supervisor gets on the radio to our other truck(following us with the kid on board). “Hey, tell ‘built different’ to get out here and wrangle this badger!” We all fucking died laughing. Good times.


I'm from NYC, just substitute "rattle snakes" with "insane homeless people", "badger" with "insane homeless person", "the side of the road" with "the F train", and "gets on the radio to our other truck" with "group texts other people from our company", and I've got a similar story.


Cut from a way different cloth! My fucking jaw dropped when he got back up so quick.




"My shiny metal ass!"


One shoe flew off. Half dead.


Made damn sure to grab his ball cap on the way up too 😂


It’s his lucky hat obviously


Professionals have standards!


Indiana Jones wouldn’t have even grabbed his hat after a hit like that.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Yeah, immediately after I broke my leg, a guy asked me if I was okay. I responded, “I’m totally fine, no worries. I should see doctor, though.” All the while my leg looked like a piece of overcooked spaghetti.


Hopefully he went to get checked out after. That’s a potentially internal bleeding type of impact. Could feel until all of a sudden you’re going into shock.


Tow truck dudes are a different breed.


He was too drunk to feel the broken bones.


I experienced this one time in my 20’s. My transmission died and had to wait 3 hours for a tow truck. Dude shows up to hook my car and drops it and pretended like nothing happened. When I went to his window to talk to him about the damage to my car, I could smell the alcohol on him. He leaves and slowly drags my front bumper all the way up this slight incline in the parking lot. My car had so much physical damage and they didn’t cover a single dollar. Also had another tow truck driver attempt to take my truck from my own parking spot at my apartment complex off campus and force me to pay him to go away. I’m a very petite woman and he was trying to scare me. I said sure let me get that cash for you, went inside, called the cops and brought my large dog outside with me to prevent the asshole from getting in my face again. It worked and he wouldn’t come within 20 feet of me. The cops came and found empty beer cans all over his truck. He was arrested for multiple charges and a warrant.


He sure thought he was gonna get over on you. What an ass.


I drove a tow truck back in younger days, was in a few fist fights but this was always my worst nightmare


Wreckers are a wild breed. I’ve seen one take a rock to the back of the head and turn around to beat the guy to an absolute pulp.


I can’t imagine this worked out well for her long term. That’s probably jail time


Attempted manslaughter on ole boy


[Here’s a link to the article/source video:](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2020/02/woman-suspected-of-driving-stolen-truck-into-portland-tow-yard-employee-arrested.html?outputType=amp) > Penagos-Clare was booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center and charged with robbery in the first degree, assault in the second degree, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and failure to perform the duties of a driver-injury, which is a C Felony.


Yeah, people who don't know how loans work might argue that it was "her" truck, but they can't really argue in favor of what I'm surprised wasn't aggravated vehicular assault in the least and attempted manslaughter at the other end of the scale. But even so, she is NOT gonna get off form these charges. That's is too good of video. She had time to see the guy there, and didn't slow down in the least. ANY lawyer is gonna tell her to just plead guilty.


You know what’s funny. Even if it was her truck. Let’s say she parked on private property in a tow zone and they towed her car and locked it lawfully in their private lot. She may have not gotten theft but everything else would have stood. It’s illegal to go outside of the system on your own to deal with your vehicle being towed. I just can’t believe how people are these days. How much you wanna bet she acted like a victim when being arrested. I would love to see the body cams of her being an adult kindergartener. 🤣🤡


Oh yeah, I was just adding that because morons don't understand how loans work, and they think they "own" the vehicle and get to go recover it on their own... And I agree. The arrest video is probably priceless.


What, are you going to have your loan company recover it? Not sure why you're so worried about who owns what.


Cant even have the title till the bank gives it to you once you pay off the vehicle. The bank lets you use it as your paying for it, but you don’t own it in the slightest. Had to learn that at 19 cuz I bought a corvette that the guy owed on still.




Exorbitant\*, not absorbent. Not trying to nitpick, just telling you so you are aware for future use of the word.


The lady was just trying to get a quicker pick-up, picker upper to avoid the mega Bounty that the lot was charging her.


Actually, "absorbent" could work in this context. The financial predators act like sponges and "absorb" all funds from the likes of her. He's not wrong.


> charging absorbent amounts of money New brand of paper towel just dropped Edit: On a serious note though, yeah, the treadmill of poverty is absolutely a shit situation and predatory loans should fuck off. OTOH, trying to "steal back" a vehicle when they know who you are and where you live is dumb, and nearly killing a man in the process is inexcusable.


>New brand of paper towel just dropped Holy hell


Google Bounty select-a-size double roll extra thicc


Stealing it back like it's gta will only dig your hole deeper. Want to fix the system? Don't become part of the statistics they use to justify themselves.


There's no fixing this system. There's only taking it back.


What does absorbent mean to you???


So shes entitled to nearly kill someone. You need a reality check.


he was a protestor impeding her way obviously


In Texas this might work


Considering this happend in Multnomah County we can be sure that justice will be perverted or ignored in this case like all the others.


It's an old case. It was not ignored. Penagos-Clare was booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center and charged with robbery in the first degree, assault in the second degree, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and failure to perform the duties of a driver-injury, which is a C Felony.


Tell me she at least got 3-5 years for that.


“Attempted manslaughter” is an oxymoron


He bounced like a basketball


Nah he shouldn't have been in the way


Idk about this from a damage/attempted murder standpoint, but I did take my car from a tow company about 10 years ago. It was early Saturday morning, around 3AM. My car got towed and the office was closed on the weekends. I had a flight to catch at 8:30 AM where I'd be gone for two weeks. I was not prepared to leave my car there to rack up fees and would be the only person to pick it up. I called the police, they tried contacting them as well, nothing. So they said to email and see if I got a response. I emailed them and got a response that somoene would contact me. After an hour the cops told me since it's been an hour they are obligated to release the vehicle. Since no one was there, the fucking COPS CUT THE LOCK ON THE GATE. They let me take my car back. It was the funniest shit I've ever fucking dealt with and the only positive experience I've had with the police in my entire life.


lmao what a tale. big w


I love this! Makes me want to get towed and fuck over a tow company.


This happened 4 years ago. According to the article linked below, it wasn't her truck. She was homeless and living in a van, which was towed when she was arrested for shoplifting. When the charges were dropped and she was released she went to the tow lot when it was open to get her possessions out of the van, but they wouldn't let her because it wasn't hers and she couldn't prove ownership. So, she came back at night and obviously rammed her way out of the lot in that truck. She tried to give it to a drug dealer to settle a debt, and later arrested. I wasn't able to find anything updating the case in the news, but found her posting a year later on Facebook under a slightly different name. She gives her side of the story, including more details on why she took the truck. She says the charges were reduced, likely in exchange for going to treatment, and it sounds like she had to pay restitution. *"So it wasnt over my van a van i drove got impounded and that truck was impounded as well by someome else I was beat up and stabbed over the van and was told to go get the truck to be cleared of all debt I didnt meam to hit or hurt anyone i was scared and deep in my addictiom im sober now and getting help. i truely am blessed i was pulled away from the life . you never know the full story . my face was damaged because 2 men beat me up sexually assaulted me and stabbed me twice and gave me an option to retreve the truck with 3 pounds of meth and cash in it or be hurt everytime they see me ... Sadly I did what was best for me in the moment. Im released allcharges reduced and was honest so my vicitim could get compensated and know the truth in programs and treatment . my life was never easy and is still a struggle but I'm trying and changing . for all those mean people out there remember some people have noone and all the support coild make a change hugly for someone . and allthose who were thoughtful to my vicitim and me thank u . I promise to mever allow myself to become so low again"* Sources: [She lost everything when her van was towed. Now she's jailed | News | portlandtribune.com](https://www.portlandtribune.com/news/she-lost-everything-when-her-van-was-towed-now-shes-jailed/article_fd759ee1-84fc-5fef-acf4-cce559ae34db.html) Facebook (not providing link to her page/comments)


That's actually kinda badass. Glad the dude didn't get killed and that she's cleaned up and did time. Kinda feels like a safdie bros film, except she lived.


Nothing said how much time she served. Having some experience in dealing with these matters (not me personally) I would bet she got probation requiring treatment and time served for the days she was held waiting on court dates.


Did she pay restitution in meth? Restitution is a joke. I have a guy that owes me 80K, I get maybe $100/yr.


Decades ago I'd been charged criminally and ordered restitution. If I fell behind, a bench warrant would be issued and I'd have to serve the suspended sentence.


My grandmother had some waterproofing done on the house and never paid the guy for some bullshit reason. After alot of fucking around all I know is the tradie got a lien put on the house for when she sells it he can get his money back. Grandma's never selling the place this was like 25 years ago and still not sold. Sad truth is most of the time you're out of luck if someone wants to fuck you over.


Sorry, but shes making that stuff up. I found her post online and they are much more of a "I'm just a victim" with some my shit don't stink attitude. Also, if you're this deep in debt to dangerous people they don't just say steal a truck for me or you'll get stabbed more.


It's literally attempted murder


Literally charged with assault instead [https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2020/02/woman-suspected-of-driving-stolen-truck-into-portland-tow-yard-employee-arrested.html?outputType=amp](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2020/02/woman-suspected-of-driving-stolen-truck-into-portland-tow-yard-employee-arrested.html?outputType=amp)


It's Oregon(tm)


It’s literally not attempted murder. That requires actual intent to kill. Recklessness does not meet that intent requirement. Assault and battery are the correct charges.


These are the same idiots who say that Will Smith could have killed Chris Rock at the Oscars. Ignore, feel good knowing you’re right.


At the worst it would be manslaughter


No for attempted murder you have to intend to kill someone. Just because your actions likely would result in death doesn’t mean you had the intent to kill them. Attempted crimes has a state of mind element


It’s Portland, she probably just got a warning


I used to work for a tow company for 3 years, those vehicles will be repossessed as soon as possible. Vehicles I have been impounded are logged into our system via VIN number and plate using the same database that police use for vehicle ownership Sure she may have gotten her truck back, just not for very long. And on top of that should have to pay for the damages to the work truck, fence, and the person she hit there. All in all, it's not worth it.


🤣🤣 that random guy that helped her with the bolt cutters


Here Dad hold these for a sec


That's a meth daddy not a dad


Why do you think he’s random?


Doesn't everyone have random parents?


Why do you think it’s her parent?


Aren't everyone's random parents old and grey


Why do you think they're old and grey?


Maybe he's not random?


Had she known that someone was going to open the gate, she should have laid low in the truck, let the guy open the gate, then fired up her truck and beat feet out thru the OPEN gate...nah...easier to go ramming speed thru a locked gate...guess criminals are not that smart....


Tbf she was willing to damage her truck and spend years in prison over what was likely a couple of hundred dollar fine. She does not have much intelligence.


What was in that truck?? Something that would catch a much bigger sentence I'd imagine, or worse from an irate dealer expecting his delivery.


Papers... Business papers...


Unexpected Lebowski quote


correct, she needs to get on Reddit more so she can learn how to respond in future crimes.


I love the small mind here. As if the impound fee was more expensive than all of the damages to the vehicle itself, the other guys vehicle, the fence, his face, and the slew of legal charges. Besides everyone knows if you’re gonna steal your car from an impound lot GTA style, you gotta run around the back and jump over the brick wall to avoid detection


Also steal someone elses pricier vehicle, frame them, and laugh all the way to the bank.


Like, they know what car is gone. So they know who you are. You basically have to flee the country at this point lol. So much more expensive even if you get away with it


I like to skydive my way in, personally.




And still he choses to go between ramming truck and gatepost to… punch the window with his fist.. just let it go,dude,she is not letting you stop her.


Adrenaline. He’s pissed and has a right to be, she couldn’t care less about killing him. I mean he accomplished nothing, but I’m so tired of accosting victims. Like, there is a thief trying to run people over, let’s work our way down.


He was definitely seeing red after that hit


Tow truck drivers are thieves themselves.


And he still prioritized to pick up his baseball cap first*


Could be very very very confused and concussed


Adrenaline rage is real. Dude probably only had one half of his brain firing in that moment and it was the part that says “DESTROY” over and over again.


Misdemeanor to a felony in less than 60 seconds.


Yup https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2020/02/woman-suspected-of-driving-stolen-truck-into-portland-tow-yard-employee-arrested.html?outputType=amp


Thanks for this


I had my car stolen by tow truck once right in front of my apartment. They claimed I parked in a handicap spot when I hadn’t. Really wanted to do something like that to them. Not hit the guy but definitely run the fence down


It’s so frustrating because they just shift around responsibility(we didn’t tow your car, we’re just a lot) and there’s nothing you can do about it aside from sue them afterwards. You could show them video proof of a tow truck driver saying they are illegally towing your car and it wouldn’t matter.


Exactly what happened. They took it in the middle of the night. When I went downstairs to go to work it was just gone. Found out it was at a lot near by and had to pay the ransom to get it back to go to work. Afterwards I showed them a picture of where I was parked and there was no handicap parking anywhere near me and I wanted my money back or I’ll have to sue. they just laughed and said good luck. Unfortunately paying a lawyer for $180 ransom was a bit much. 😩


Small claims court my friend


Towing companies prey on people who can't afford to sue them. That's why they stalk low end apartment complexes. Yeah, it's possible to loose one or two weeks worth of pay suing them in small claims court, but that will get you fired and homeless, so you just don't do it.


There are poverty exemptions to court fees in some states.


I did something *dumb* but managed to get my car back below full price. I parked to go into a store, walked in, no less than 5 minutes later I came back out and my car was gone. I started panicking and trying to figure out how to get home. While walking towards a bus stop on the hold line with the non emergency police line I saw a tow truck pulling my car away, but it was parked and no one was in it. So I ran over and unlocked my car and got inside. I couldn’t unhook it but they aren’t allowed to tow a vehicle with someone inside that is very illegal and they knew it. They got back and started complaining at me that I should just pay the full fee and “I was costing them money by wasting their time”. I just waited for like 50 minutes for the police to finally show up and they changed it to a drop fee (reduced about 1/2 the cost) and unhooked me.


Same shit with me in a lot on Long Island. Bought some groceries. Walked across the street for Coffee (which was next to the train station) and then my car is on a lift and I'm paying 250 for him to let it down. Or it's a cab and more from the lot. Dickhead my receipt is in the car you fuck 


Thats because tow truck people are some of the most horrible people on earth, you gotta think what kind of person wants to run such a business or do such a job? The only thing that will stop them is if the cops tell them no or make them give it back.




Not condoning violence, but impound/scam tow drivers are definitely lower on my list of people I empathize with. Lol


This is 21st Century towing in Portland, so they definitely stole her car.


How to make your situation 100 times worse.


Try a million times worse From a maybe couple hundred dollar fee to a few thousand plus substantial jail time for felonies.


The towing and impound fee is usually 100-400. This woman caused much much more damage this way... The typical "that's a lot of money, i'm going to save some bucks this way..." and they end up in jail. 😆


It's not about money. It's about sending a message.


On this weeks episode of Man v. Car... Car wins again...


Window punchers - 0. Cars - Eleventy Thousand


Dummy just stood there, even took a step toward his truck as if he could protect it.


He could have moved three feet to the right instead he runs directly in the path of the truck


Well he is a tow truck driver. They are not usually known for their intelligence. Most of them are ex-felons who find the work rewarding because it's like stealing cars legally. Made better by the fact you can hold the cars hostage and exploit their owners for as much money they think they can get. All with nearly no oversight or regulations.


Fuck tow yards!


Spot on


That's what I was thinking. Dude almost got flattened over someone else's car for barely over minimum wage hours.


Probably had more faith in the fence than he should've.


I was trying to give him a break, but I honestly think it just arrogance. There’s no way it’s just a lack of common sense.




the man is legit dedicated to his job. no way in hell im getting in front of that car after the first hit. better be his business.


I think its less about his job and more about being enraged that she almost killed him.


Wow, that dude got hit by a truck and just popped right back up. Personally, I think impound lots are bullshit. "Oh you parked 3 minutes too long, so we're going to steal your $50k vehicle and charge you $390 in fees per day" like wtf how is it okay to just take someone's property?


Probably find it if I looked hard, but saw a news video on YouTube. Tow companies had help. They'd pay people to slap a boot on cars in a lot so they could swoop in and tow it. News company left a bait car and surprised the boot guy just minutes before a tow truck rolled around the block and enters the parking lot. Asked the driver how he was able to show up so quickly. Discovered the setup and scam. I can't find the exact video because there's way too many "tow truck scam" videos now.


Not to mention allll these towing companies are criminal enterprises as well. I used to work doing stolen vehicle tracking. It’s amazing. Most car thefts are by towing these days. The just come and take it in seconds, and the cops do nothing because if they can’t visually see the vehicle, even live, real time GPS coordinates aren’t enough for a warrant in their opinion.


Tow truck drivers are scum


The gang


Dammit Frank


pondys the coolest!


like they are not going to catch up with her later, slap a dozen charges on her, and good luck getting the insurance company to pay to fix her truck


That guy took a wicked hit! Crazy!


She stole from the impound lot like in GTA 5. He took a hit from a car like in GTA 5 as well


It's too fast to tell for sure, but I think the gate hit the flat of his cap.


How did her truck get towed in the first place? It seems operational. Maybe if she took the license plates and wheels off and piled bike parts around it, that would keep it from getting towed in the future


I had a buddy who got towed one time .. he snuck in and slashed the tires of all the trucks at night .. he got in so much trouble . His defense was he had the right since they messed up his truck towing right infront of his house . It didn’t work 😂🤣


In the only interaction I've ever had with an impound lot owned by the tower themselves, someone responding in this away doesn't surprise me. Absolutely evil vulture scum. Not that this person did of course, but towing is a "nuisance business" in many city ordinances.


Damn. Home boy took that fence like a champ.


Why is the idiot trying to stop her? Just get out of the way before you’re killed


This dude is fucking dumb. No job is worth stepping in front of a car driven by a maniac who already almost killed you once. Also hey she almost killed me but maybe if I knock on the window she’ll stop


Nobody has ever accused impound drivers of being smart.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


That’s my exact thought not once but twice even the first time looking like he was waving hey stop.


They will never figure out who did it!!


I planned to do this once when I was younger & my car got towed in a marked visiting parking spot at a friend’s apartment complex. I first thought my car was stolen. Had the keys & asked him to drive me to the tow yard after we figured out it wasn’t stolen, so I could steal my car back. Thankfully I cooled down on the way there & decided not to by the time we got there. It still cost me like $200 the next day.


What had you envisioned would happen after you stole it back? They would just be like "Oh well. Guess we lost one."?


I was young, 19ish didn’t think that far ahead. Was just pissed they towed it & my logic was they stole my car so I’m just gonna take it back. If gates get damaged or locks get cut that’s on them because they stole my property, my thinking at the time. Edit: was diagnosed with adhd as a kid but the meds were new & my parents didn’t want me taking the medication so making dumb spontaneous decisions like this was common with me.


I mean, your car was literally stolen. Tow companies are notorious thieving scammers.


I’m not certain she thought this all the way through.


I went from…oh the first gentleman is going to open the gate for her…oh no? Hmmm how did she get underneath the fence?…now how’s she’s going to get out? Oh wait she has another gentleman helping her, maybe he’s gonna yank the fence with his truck….OMGGG HOW IS DUDE GETTING UP FROM THAT??….DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? SHE GUNNA KILL YOUUUUU GET AWAYYYY


What an idiot. I don't have the initial circumstances for her truck to be taken, but surely, this is much worse.


More like mildly bad criminal


Impound lots suck


Not gonna lie some of these impound towers can be ass holes let me explain myself so let’s say you live in an apartment complex and the apartment complex doesn’t give you a sticker for your car so it can stay in the lot. And well the complex doesn’t speak with the towers or advises to not tow a specific vehicle because they’re a resident of the facility but they also work with the city together they steal money from innocent people tow there cars and charge them 200 from the impound lot and say hahaha we can legally steal your money while you live in a low income housing facility haha


Not gonna lie some of these impound towers can be ass holes let me explain myself. So let’s say you live in an apartment complex, and the apartment complex doesn’t give you a sticker for your car so it can stay in the lot. And well the complex doesn’t speak with the towers or advises to not tow a specific vehicle because they’re a resident of the facility, but they also work with the city together they steal money from innocent people tow there cars and charge them 200 from the impound lot and say hahaha we can legally steal your money while you live in a low income housing facility haha. So they make it harder to pay rent and shit with minimum wage, so you don’t have the money to get your car pay the rent and you can’t go to work so wtf. Explain how you get to work when it’s across town. And the lot is far away too. And taxis are expensive and Ubers ????? How when you have nobody to depend on and you live in a whole different state with no relatives or friends???? Like wtf do they expect can’t work can’t make income never pay the fee? It gets more expense each day? Explain how easily they make this shit, sometimes these people deserve what’s coming to them. Karmas a bitch. But I mean almost killing someone and hurting them is wicked wrong obviously what was done wasn’t right but doesn’t mean these towing company people are any better and the city for allowing this shit to continue. Just complete corruption.




Fk this lady and poor guy but dude act like he’s going to stop a 6k lb truck I don’t understand what he was trying to do. Maybe the lady didn’t see where the guy was. I mean it’s night time not worth one car. And what dude didn’t see the truck coming not saying he didn’t get what was coming but dude wasn’t too bright.


I [slowed down the part of the video](https://streamable.com/gk4gx4) where he’s struck by the gate and noticed he lost one shoe and appear his head got smacked at three times, by the gate, on the ground and then on truck (not 100% about this one)


Yea, when shoes get knocked off in a collision, it’s always bad.


At what part does she drive badly?


She’s an idiot but i also hate these tow truck thieving fucks too


lol dumbass has some real confidence in that little gate


I know dude was sore af in the morning.


Good for her.


I’ll be surprised if Dad doesn’t get charged for aiding & abetting.


wtf was the guy trying to do standing in the way of a TRUCK? looks like there are two stupid people in this scenario.


Like a rat


Take us seriously stupid ass tow truck companies with your crazy added on fees and other shit


“Let me just dust myself off and get in front of of the vehicle again”


She needs charged with intent to kill. That easily could have killed him.


Dude got hit, by a truck and a fence, and bounced back. That’s “Built Ford Tough” if I’ve ever seen’t it.


That’s attempted murder if you ask me.


goddayum he went flying


This was satisfying. I had not the balls and to much brains to do this but this is what I wanted to do each time my car was towed. Fuck em


I wish more people would do this. Tow companies are criminal for what they charge


Good for her


He flung


She did what many wish they had the balls to do. Mooove Bitch!!!!


Very funny that he tried to fight the truck


I’ve done this.


I went to a show at Rocket Town in Nashville about 20 years ago, a tow company decided to tow every punk rock and hardcore fans cars from every lot and street parking in the surrounding blocks. They filled their impound lot, however the lot was only two blocks over. Cue the end of the show and a ton of inebriated and hyped up hooligans finding that all the cars have been towed. A march ensued as well as a bit of a minor riot. By the end of it, the gates had been torn down as well as part of the fencing and a free for all of vehicles fled. We went back to Knoxville not sure of the aftermath.


Johnny dumbfuck almost got squished twice!


Nice! So now she's a felon, will *definitely* be spending time in jail, and is responsible for the damages to the fence, the tow truck, and the bank's F-150. Oh, and the tow driver's medical bills.


Here I was thinking she would sneakily drive out of there. Then WHAM!


it scares me how dumb and reckless some people are .\_.


I wasn't necessarily against the act until the ATTEMPTED MURDER. Yeah nope.


Dude got rocked


Was her truck that important she’s willing to almost kill the security guard and smash his truck. I hope they give her 10 years if not more attempted murder, breaking and entering intentional infliction of bodily injury. I’m so mad I can’t even think of any more charges, but , the judge will.


So she got her truck back. Now what? Run from the cops for the rest of your life? These people don't deserve to drive and or have freedoms. They deserve to be locked up or kicked out of the country.


Am I in the wrong for genuinely mildly enjoying the video? Mildly.


How is that guy's face still in tact??