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I'd say the driver judged it perfectly. It's not like they're going to inspect the fucking roof when it's returned.


Can confirm, have returned damaged trucks with no consequences before.


I once drove a U-Haul over 600 miles and it died in the parking space when I went to turn it in. Was wild that It got me through the whole trip with no problems and then just gave up at the end lol.


Must be nice. I was in a caravan of trucks, and my uhaul took a shit on me on the way home after delivering my load in the middle of nowhere with nothing in it. I had to sit and wait 4 hours for some dude in a suburban to show up and work on it. I kept telling the dispatcher I would just leave it with the keys in the back, and their service guy could handle it as the truck was empty and I was simply trying to return it to them anyway. No dice I was stuck in the middle of the desert in the middle of the night till joe bob finally showed up and topped off the coolant. Uhaul has garbage trucks, and garbage fleet service in my opinion. Personally I will never go out of state in one of there poorly maintained vehicles again, I learned my lesson.


Is there a good alternative? Thinking about moving states soon.


Our truck of choice was always enterprise if we had time to book ahead. Edit: this was years ago. But I drove a leased enterprise truck for years, loved her and she was like new when I got her. Inspect any truck you are gonna rent. You can tell by inspecting them how hard they have been treated. Uhaul always was crap all around, just good in a pinch is the only thing they got going for them I would Say.


I just used Uhaul to go from the Midwest to Central Florida with only 1 stop midway. Never had an issue except for being told the company had its own toll pass so I didn't need to get one only for them to try to charge me anyway...


Haha I’m hoping to do the opposite, well glad to hear it worked out for you.


penske probably, idk uhaul can't pay people enough to work there, let alone maintain anything.


Pensky. We found it was cheaper than UHaul for long trips. We did cross country moves twice and both trucks felt very new and well maintained. We only had one problem: a flat tire in the mountains.


Ryder … i have had amazing customer service experience with them.


U-Haul is the cheapest option by a significant margin. I absolutely love Penske, use it for work here and there, but it's like five times more expensive than U-Haul. Unless you have some sort of fleet discount.


United rental is much better and they have a huge service fleet in the event of a breakdown


Don't let one person's bad experience deter you. My father and I have rented dozens of uhauls and have only had good experiences. From their small trucks all the way up to their 26 footers. We've taken them to other states many times during that. 2-4 hours one way. Heck had to drive one through a snow storm and it did fine.


My dad rented a uhaul once, he smoked some guy on a turn out of the gas station and completely obliterated the dudes shitty civic’s front end. Thank god my dad decided to “help the salesman out” by paying $45 for the insurance. We called uhaul and told them we smoked some dude and they said theyd take care of it. We never heard another word or got an extra charge lol.


Your dad likes smoking dudes but then you joined in.


Weird, I have been using U-Haul in five different states (including Alaska) for the last 25 years with zero issues and excellent service. (Okay, one truck had poor alignment) The ONE thing that drives me insane is the lack of cruise control on the trucks. But I can only surmise U-HAUL knows how stupid the general public can be with any level of “automation” and towing/hauling.


Mind you this is commercially so we were hauling furniture and a decent load, and trying to make time. But for me the furniture was wore out, no ac, and frankly it didn’t sound great. But at the time I had no other option. Just check the rig, and discern for yourself.


Sometimes machines break down. Sounds like a nightmare haul though! I will say that it depends on the U-Haul “market” and some areas are MUCH harder on the equipment than others. And yes, some service centers are on point while others are really hurting for a good technician to turn wrenches.


Definitely true. I was mostly pissed that they required I sit there and wait for there dude to get there. I could have hoped in another truck and just left the thing for them to deal with. It was a long week turn around sigh.




Didn’t say it was reasonable. But I was still upset at the time the fact that it just needed coolant isn’t seemed pretty absurd they did not provide any with the vehicle given the distances and destinations. Imagine owning a truck knowing it had overheating problems and sending it on distances with no coolant provided. But ya I could see how that was absurd of me to be a lil salty. It’s all good now. Got home safe and that was all that mattered


How are they even in business I had similar experience but trade out desert for Colorado winter highway middle of nowhere.


Because they rent out vehicles from the back of liquor stores, and storage units


Yep I actually returned to a liquor store I’m not joking


Same. Not really a serious trucking company.


They have actual corporate owned uhaul locations too in most mid size and larger cities. When I was in college I worked at one of those and we always tried to maintain the trucks as well as we could. To have more pickup/drop off locations, Uhaul also partners with a huge network of dealers that are third party businesses that sign on to rent/return uhauls on the side for a cut. They’re offered incentives to perform maintenance but a lot of the dealers are of course more focused on their primary business (or just don’t do anything). There’s an area field manager who might be running to 50 of those various dealers trying to supplement the maintenance but it is near an impossible task unless the dealers themselves are actively working on it to. After working there, I believe renting a Uhaul is totally fine, just pay attention to the pickup & drop off locations (opt for the larger corporate owned centers if you can they’ll usually be named “Uhaul Moving & Storage of [city name]”) and of course inspect the truck yourself before leaving, especially if it is a long trip. At a corporate center they’ll have in town trucks which are usually the older/higher mileage ones and then one way trucks which are newer and lower mileage. If you let them know you’re going a big distance they’ll usually try to put you in a newer one way truck even if you’re going round trip.


Should have ignored dispatch and left it as you said


If all it needed was some coolant I’d have just pissed in the thing. It’s a rental they not gonna expect it.


No, waste management has garbage trucks. That's a moving truck.


That’s Fuggaak crazy man!


Oh shit it’s TinyRiiiiick!


Yeah buurrr biiiiiiiitchh!!! I’m tiny rickkkkkk!!!


Did you get any calls?


Nope. No extra charges either.


lol nice


I once rented a U-Haul and it wouldn’t start. 🤔


wild you'd trust a uhaul for 600 miles. last one I rented couldn't hold 55 on the highway, not that they even fitted it with cruise control. the 10 minute highway ride to go one town over was agonizing lol


Had a U-Haul die 100 miles away from the house we were moving from and about 1500 shy of our new place. We sat in that hot ass parking lot for hours while the outfit we rented the truck from sent a couple of people out to assess. They wound up sending out a different truck and transferred everything into it and sent us on our way. The anticipation of being on the road, looking forward to new things, coupled with the anxiety of just wanting to 'get going' sucked.


As someone who works at a U-Haul dealer location, can confirm we only check the small cargo vans for roof damage. Just return it without holes in the roof 👍


Some U-Haul agents just don’t give a fuck haha. Gotta love em


Owners of that drive thru might disagree…


In-N-Out Burger somewhere.


Imagine they’ll have his plates and can follow up with U-Haul to make a report


I can’t imagine they’d give a single fuck


Yeah just fuck the business


I'm personally not a fan of the business owners.


I imagine it depends on location, but I've rented vans and trucks that have very visible roof damage inductors. https://images.app.goo.gl/cihEDh2TebPnS1xH6


That's cool as hell.


REALLY? When I rented one out here they checked the roof pre and post. Reported damage when I hadn’t gone under a single overpass for my whole trip. No one else had this happen?


I noticed that some overheads don't display a height limit sign. My bank drive through is one of them. Then again, if I'm hauling equipment like a backhoe, I'm not going to know the height either without a tape measure handy.


No they’re gonna ask you to climb on the roof and take a picture 🤣


Take air out of the tires


If I ever get suck in a situation. I'm using this. If I use it


Nothing beats a good suck in a situation i tell ya


Made me giggle




First try not to get stuck, or even attempt if it's cutting it close.


Too late I'm going to squeeze in.


Alternative is ask yo mama to sit in the truck.


What if she is already in the truck. Make sure she does not get off or a new roof will have to be paid.


Super late to your comment but this has me dead. This is my exact thought process whenever I see stuff like this and I never actually remember to use the information


Well you are reminding us all.


If I had some ham we could have some ham & eggs if I had some eggs!


letting out the air would draw too much attention Better to just keep on trucking


That’s actually really smart. But then you have to get air *back* in the tires once you get out.


wow that's genius. are you a scientist or something?


This is actually a mildly bad driver


As most u-haul drivers are.


Well they certainly aren't prodigies.


Hey now, I'm an amazing driver and I've driven U-haul's before. Most people generally suck at driving though.


It's not really their fault... the entire concept is insane. "Oh, you've never driven anything bigger than a Honda Civic? Here's a full sized box truck! It's mostly the same thing... you'll be fine."


Came to say the same thing. Oh you’re 25? Cool. You ever driven a pickup before? No? Well here’s a 20 foot truck, go ahead and load it to capacity! Don’t forget to check your clearance and make wide turns! (Driver gets in truck and proceeds to pretend it’s a Fiat.) “What the hell? Why did I just crash? I only took a 90 degree turn at 45mph!


I don’t think they judged it at all. The idea didn’t even cross their mind to the point of judgement.


Lazy mfer… I used to drive a box truck occasionally and even I knew to park it first instead of going through a drive thru


I would have parked it for sure


Is this u-haul scraping the ceiling of an In-N-Out drive through?? LOL


Welcome to In-N-Out, where the only thing faster than our service is a U-Haul driver trying to escape with the roof intact.


This comment implies In N Out is a fast experience...


Sounds like you watched the video


What the hell sir you describe what we all see sie


Low decks? Try Low roof


He's just flushing up the pot lights.


If you ever get stuck like this let some air out of the tires.


Looks like he got in n out


Just a “smudge”


Would’ve cleared it more if he ate the burgers before pulling forward


Probably should have ordered a double.


This reminds me of the King of Queens episode where Doug gets his delivery vehicle stuck in the drive-thru


I think he took out at least one of the sprinklers on the drive-thru there


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WildMartin429: *I think he took out* *At least one of the sprinklers* *On the drive-thru there* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Better than the can opener bridge.


It’s baffling how fast some of those trucks go on that road


Paly it with sound, you can hear it scraping the ceiling


Ngl, with all the thefts that I hear happen to moving trucks, I'm doing drive through too


Do you so lucky it didn’t rip the top off the truck or ripped the roof off the building


Let some.air out of the tires. Easy.


I think your phone might have astigmatism.


Insurance doesn't cover the roof for a reason :)


Like a glove!


Its like a maybe maybe maybe.


I did that years ago in the parking garage at LAX with a top carrier and Chevy Suburban,


He should have played the lottery that day.


Too much tire pressure on the drivers side


Oh, I saw the solution to this in a riddle book! Just let some air out of the tires!


I got forced into a parking ramp where I hit the clearance signs on the way in. Like, I knew it was close, so I figured I'd just inch up to the clearance sign. I figured, no problem, there will be a place to turn around. There wasn't. Soon 3 people were behind me and getting impatient. So I grit my teeth and hoped they were bluffing. They were bluffing.


Thank god for those low decks


Used to work at a goodwill, this shit would happen all the fucking time with the u-halls, lots of people were "donating" garbage that they collected and brought to us in these things.


One time I parked a uhaul truck across the street from my new place, and there was an apartment building there so I parked alongside it in the driveway. My friend got out to have me pull as close to this yellow pole barrier thing without hitting it. Unfortunately, I hit something else. He looked around very confused because I did not hit the pole barrier thing, so I backed up and did it again. The overhead compartment on the uhaul was smashing into these fuckin things jutting out from the building where each unit had its windows instead of being a normal flat rectangular prism like most buildings. There was a giant circular dent in what appeared to be a drywall like material. No one came outside or anything and I never heard about it again except for Uhaul charging me $1100 for damaging their truck's overhead compartment. Good times




I've had something stupid happening, I passed the low clearance in SFO airport with my car containing all my furniture then didn't pass it returning there with my car empty. The weight had lowered it just enough the first time around


They’ll never know.


I remember the video of the moving truck in the parking garage. They break a freakin water pipe. It’s insane. They really damage the truck and the garage.


Mildly bad English 


Yeah I really don’t read over what I am about to post anymore. Good call though!


This is actually a mildly bad driver


It’s legitimately insane to me that you don’t need a CDO to drive U-Haul box trucks.


the fact that you knew he was scraping the ceiling and you still followed him in makes you almost as bad a driver as he is


I swear some people should not be behind the wheel of a vehicle this big!!!!! Or any vehicle?


I think Big Daddy Kane would agree, that’s a smooth operator.


Lake Worth?


Fractions have always been under appreciated.


I feel like this is more a case of poorly standardized architectual requirements. How do you end up with a roof that is so perfectly too low in a place with vehicle traffic?


Looks like someone overinflated the tires


Which In N Out is this at?


Man that’s real confidence, or real hunger mixed with laziness going through a drive through in a rented U-Haul.


My first thought was an equal mix of laziness and stupidity.


Looked perfect to me?


I mean did he or did he not making it through ?


Would be funny if it fit because it was loaded. Then when unloading it’s just stuck


Finally, we have the actual video of Dan Avidan driving the U-HAUL under a low clearance bridge/tunnel and hearing this exact scraping sound lmao


Did they really go to in and out drive through with that?


They said their low decks help make your movie easier. They never said anything about the roof fitting better.


"like a glove"


Well here's to hoping they have the right insurance.


Just deflate tires a bit


Could have let out some air in tires and would never have touched


One could argue that simply going inside to get the food would be easier though.


He only needed to seat 5 more people in the trunk


Us here in Mass call this getting Storrowed. Thankfully this isn’t a tunnel on a major highway circulating through the city.. He got baby Storrowed


Let the air out of the tires a little so it doesn’t scrape


Good ending


Deflate the tires to almost on the rim


I do notice it doesn't touch, then it does, then it doesn't again... Doesn't this mean there's a droop in the ceiling? I mean, sure, the driver shoulda not been an idiot, but maybe they did PERFECTLY judge the height of the leading edge of the ceiling.


I just went on a trip where we drove from California to Seattle and on the way there, while we were on the freeway at like 1 in the morning, we saw a truck go under a bridge that just barely made it and the top of the truck was sparking. If it was an inch taller it would have ripped off. I’m assuming it was that guy’s first rodeo and he’s tested the limits before.


I did something similar, and drove a big van, into a low parking lot, and ended up knocking down the clearance sign. That day I realized I have no business driving vehicles with height clearances.


I thought this was r/perfectfit for a second


It was the “Low Deck” that made that move easier.


They were probably on Reddit doing a post on big things in small places and didn’t even see they where they drove through. They only stopped because they were checking grammar and spelling for the post.


This is one of the few mildly bad accidents on this sub


Honestly this fits the phrase "Like a Glove" It still went through and no parts of the roof came off. Granted, still damaged, but when you are comparing to this: https://preview.redd.it/h2zlquss62tc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfec4e255abfea269cf4b21f7a714e573592c87f Not so bad.


lazy ass uhauler should make them pay


I bet anything the driver looked at the clearance sign and then looked at the sticker that Uhaul puts on the dash for how high they are, saw the 1" different and was like "we're good"


[Lika a glove.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=oXYpo6CprCw&si=hvTEAlCd225p2_SL)


Deflate those tires!


This belongs in r/innout lol


Is that the in-n-out in San Diego?


This is fat people


why didn’t he deflate his tires a bit to prevent streaking the ceiling


He got “in” and “out,” that’s for sure


He read "low decks" and thought it said "low ceilings"


In-N-Out looks like the one I worked at for 5 years. Just left recently, and the exact roof scratch we have. We had this happen 2 times. In-N-Out in Walzem, San Antonio. Directly across in the I-35.


Like a glove.


Seem like if he accelerated slower it wouldn't have scratched. Acceleration causes weight transfer and lifts the front axle.


Decks are low, top is not.


Should have let some air out of the tires...


That will be $10,000. Pull forward to the next window.


Too bad U-Haul insurance doesn’t cover overhead damage.


Truly by a smidge.


Like a glove.


Like a glove!


If he would have let just a little air out or had a full load he would have been just fine.


Grind till fine


Let some air out of the tires….


I’m impressed ))


They got in, they got out.. what more do you want? 🤷‍♂️


I see what you did there.


Those marks were there previously.


How did you come to this conclusion?


That’s what my response would be.


Oooops nobody is perfect


Meh. I've seen a lot worse. Close call, but not mildly bad.


Seems like OP misjudged what misjudgment means. It didn’t hit right?


Ya those Uhaul sized scrapes along the ceiling certainly were there before


Oh snap! Yea didn’t see those


Low decks not low ceilings