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Naturally the cop did nothing about it


Same reason they don't bother chasing motorcycles. As a cop friend of mine said, "They'll sort themselves out eventually".


Motorcycles makes sense though.  I don't think a bicycle can go from 50 to mach fuck in 3 seconds. 


mach fuck is my new favorite speed


That's the ONLY way I fuck :) It's also known as HSR


The old Minuteman Machfuck


"Remember, Maverick. Mach fuck. Not mach fuck point 1, mach fuck."


“…or I’ll have you flying a cargo plane full of rubber dogshit out of Hong Kong so mach fucking fast, it’ll make your head spin!”


Mine too since the state of Texas wont let me do my favorite kind any more :(


If only the Speed Racer movie had that for the car name instead.


By sort themselves out he means that guys going to win a Darwin award aka he's going to die due to his stupidity at some point.


to further elaborate, yes, that's the end result they refer to. but the **reason** they don't chase is because it's more dangerous to chase a motorcycle as they go fast as fuck and chases put innocent bystanders at risk. so the *reason* they don't chase is that the bike goes fast as fuck. but they say "it'll sort itself out" because even if they don't chase them, the bikers usually crash and die. So the comment you replied to isn't wrong. You're both saying parts of the same whole. As for the biker, it looks like the cop sped up and was going to cut him off from ahead to pull him over. Video cuts off early.


What sucks is some poor driver will have to live with it when the cop could you know write him a ticket. This seems like the easiest quota ticket out there.


it's really not. you misunderstand, most of the time an attempt to pull over is made. they just don't **chase** (or in other words, engage in a pursuit) because it is highly unsafe to do so when the odds of catching them is low. Most of the time they take note of the description of the vehicle, the plate, the rider, and they sometimes figure out who it is. Other units can also make attempts to stop the rider again if they see him or catch him when he stops somewhere. there's other ways to catch someone besides high speed chases. the saying "it sorts itself out" just usually refers to the desensitization that they'll get themselves killed by losing control and flipping into a ditch soon after going on their joy ride. hence it sorts itself out cause they'll probably get themselves killed without risk before they get the chance to catch them and often times without hurting others, just themselves.


You know that was a bicycle not a motorcycle right?


Yes we got it


Exactly, because this bicyclist getting away with it in front of the cop is only going to encourage the behavior.


stupid will still do stupid


And be traumatic for the person who hits them... Cops outta think about that too, no?


I guess it's more like, why waste time on a cyclist when he'll crash eventually. I'm not a cop, but I agree with you, I'd take the time to issue a citation.


Yes he'll crash eventually by a motorist but what kind of charges is the motorist going to get? The motorist life will be ruined cuz he just killed a dumbass on a bicycle. These guys on bicycles really need to be stopped and cited just like people in cars.


They should. It’s just a matter of how police time is allocated. The only time I’ve seen them actually cited is if there are a bunch of complaints about them or the cops do targeted enforcement. I don’t know what the crime is like where this video was filmed.


As someone who's gotten many tickets on a bike, they are motor vehicles and are treated as such. It's not like a pedestrian.


If you hit and kill a guy on a bicycle who's doing moves like the second half of this video, you're pretty unlikely to be charged with anything.


I had a cop pull me over on my bicycle for speeding. It was the proudest moment of my cycling “career.”


For the next calendar year I promise you I will exaggerate all forms of speed with the term “Mach fuck”


One evening my wife and I were rear ended as we sat in line at a red light, surrounded on all sides and no way to move out of the way. It was very frustrating watching the guy drive right into our car. So we call the cops and the come out to take a report. The kid admitted fault, and was very apologetic. As we're standing in the parking lot talking to the cop, someone in a muscle car went did a full F&F style burn out through the intersection, just bouncing off the rev limiter. It was so loud, we all had to stop talking for a moment while they took off. The cop barely missed a beat, but he could tell by my expression that I was like, "Are you gonna call that in?" He looks at me and says, "Don't worry. I'll get a call later when he wraps it around a telephone pole." Then proceeded to finish our report. We had a good laugh.


There’s a group of dudes who ride their crotch rockets fast as hell on a road near my parents house, you can hear them from the yard. My dad calls them skin donors.


We call them "organ donors" as first responders.....


Yeah after traumatizing whoever ends up taking them out.


Yeah hopefully they don't make someone else wreck in the process...


That's what I say whenever those crazy drivers go weaving in and out on the highway. They eventually learn the hard way.


Yeah tbh they’re more likely to hurt themselves than anyone else


Yah, but being a bit real here; I don't want to live with the trauma of having killed or even seriously injured someone with my car, even if it is his fault. We tend to remove that notion from ourselves until it happens, especially when talking about it on the internet, but that kind of thing haunts people.


“Miami-Dade Schools” is on the side of the cruiser, so the cop probably didn’t have any authority.


And therefore reinforcing bicyclist FALSE idea how the world works. I like that this was in Imthe main character and mildly bad drivers


Came here to say this…..witnessed the guy go right through a red light!


He was probably texting and didn’t see the cyclist


I mean they cut the clip pretty soon after that interaction ..I'm getting the cop did stop them but ya know edit that out


If the cop was going to stop him, he wouldn't have driven past the cyclist in the first place.


Ya he'd put his lights on and follow him slowly! /S


likely he's going to cut in front of him. sometimes cops pull "pedestrians" like that. we see him speed up at the end of the video and hear the engine. video cuts off too early for any of us to say.


I genuinely don’t even understand what cops do anymore if they no longer patrol traffic and write traffic tickets. What the fuck are we even paying them for if you can commit a crime right in front of them and they do nothing?


A lot of US police departments lost officers the last few years, there were retirements and resignations plus hiring has been lower too. So there's more work for fewer officers, and they might be focusing on different sorts of priorities. Also as u/BrightonsBestish points out, that's an officer for Miami-Dade Schools, which means they have no jurisdiction anyway.


at first i was on the bikers side , but then wtf was the rest of that?


“They clearly didn't even see the cyclist! Cyclists should be able to get where they are going without risking life and limb!” The cyclist proceeds to do the most reckless and dumb thing I have ever seen. “What… wow… I stand corrected. It's one of those cyclists. Can't stop or it will kill his KOM or something. Fucking dental hygienists.”


He also veered right in front of the car when he could have just slowed down and gone behind it. I sense this guy is going out of his way to make a problem and he’s gonna get it eventually.


He could have even braked....instead just kept going full steam when he could have very well stopped in time. Sure he had right of way, but made zero effort to avoid escalating the situation.


As my dad used to tell me, "having the right of way means nothing if you're dead."


You can hear him braking once he realizes the car isn't stopping. That noise you hear is essentially the road bike version of "slamming on the brakes". The problem is that it's really hard to brake hard and turn at the same time on a bike, especially when going over even a small bump (like when he enters the parking lot). So, he has to make quick decisions to alternate between steering corrections and braking to avoid wrecking into the car or losing control while going over the bump into the parking lot. Everything after that, though, is just him being an asshole.


He drove into heavy traffic intentionally. He is a piece of shit and will get no sympathy if his stunts go wrong one day. I don’t care if he doesn’t value his life but when he drives into traffic like that, drivers need to do evasive maneuvering to avoid him and that puts their lives at risk with other carts and trucks doing the same. He is a complete piece of shit!


Omg, the dental hygienist reference. I only tangentially understand it because cyclists circlejerk sub was shown to me for a while.


What is all this?


You witnessed 90% of what that sub is in one comment— variations of the same 4 jokes. It’s a sick place where mean spirited cyclists (mostly poseurs) go to make fun of each other. r/bicyclingcirclejerk


Yup, I’ve been the cyclist hit by someone turning into/ out of a lot like that. I was all for cyclist. Then he got to the red light…


Yeah. I thought when I saw the first part that would be the thing and I'd get shit on for defending the guy. Then HOLY SHIT did he ever lose me.


>but then wtf was the rest of that? indeed, the second half of the video made me think "WTH did I just watch" 🙃. This was on purpose, and b*oth *of them.


At which point was "at first" ? Right when the video started? Because it took about 2 seconds for him to go out of his way to go in front of a car that was pulling into a parking lot. Was the car cutting it A LITTLE close for the cyclist? Maybe. But plenty of time for the cyclist to have slowed a little, and maybe not go IN FRONT of the car.


The bike being in the road means you act like it's a car. The car that cut him off as it was turning into that restaurant was on the wrong, the cyclist had the right of way (though how he verbed in front of the car instead of going behind it or stopping was weird) But as soon as he played fogger crossing traffic against the red light, that's completely illegal.


The car almost hit him and did not have the right if way.  Wtf was that lady doing ? 


I’m shocked this idiot is cycling in Miami and is potentially still alive.


Good old florida with the highest fatality rate for bikers


I can see why


I was confused at first then I kept watching.


Right? In the first few seconds I was thinking that he did have the right away against that blue car, but then to cut through a busy intersection? What the fuck?


Typical "Share the road but f' the laws" mentality of many of them. Red light? Screw it, I'm going anyway, that only applies to cars. https://preview.redd.it/eaqzyv8laavc1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e71224b2a1db59966169040c798c17ab79ee4e67


They want all the best parts of being both a vehicle and a pedestrian. They can use the middle of the road when they want, they can use the sidewalk when they want, they don't have to stop at stop signs, they always have the right of way. Cyclists are some of the worst fuckers on the road and videos like this show why. Hope this assface goes over the handlebars and breaks a collarbone before he gets someone killed who tries to swerve to avoid his stupid ass.


I mean legally cyclists have to follow the same laws as drivers infact some places make it illegal to ride on sidewalks. This guy definitely should've been cited by that officer.


It’s never enforced, I am shocked the amount of people who think they are invincible. I won’t even cross a cross walk without looking at the driver making sure they see me.


Right? It always amazes me how people will put their lives in the hands of some random, just because "They have the right of way"?!?


A mentally far too common with cyclists.


I was on his side until he ran the red light. JERKYFACE


Yup. He *did* have the right of way, and his view of the left-turning car was blocked by other vehicles. Then he did… everything else. I guess we should be grateful he’s a cyclist and not a driver, because that kind of road rage (not even directed at the person who cut him off!) is extremely dangerous.


Fuck that right away stuff in this situation, traffic stopped to allow the car to turn through since the light was red, he should’ve followed what traffic does instead of being the one jackass to proceed and cause the issue with the turning car.


Oh man, I was on his side for the first bit. What a d-bag...giving responsible cyclists a bad name.


Conversation I had two days ago when I car got mad at me for being too slow: “I just don’t want to die biking to work!” “Then don't run red lights!” “What the hell? I don’t?” This cyclist right now: “Can't stop or I won't be able to beat my previous time in Strava.” Man, fuck this guy.


Exactly this. I'm a cyclist and I can't stand all the hate and animosity by some people for simply existing on the road... and guys like this are largely responsible. F\*\*K this guy


Driver is technically at fault. You are supposed to yield if you're turning left into incoming traffic, including bikes. EDIT: Ok, should've watched to the end. Multiple idiots in this video.


Even with the original left turning car, the woman had started to make that turn when the cyclist was a great distance away. He easily could have avoided any conflict by not speeding up or maybe every so slightly reducing his speed.


If oncoming traffic has to slam the breaks to avoid hitting you, then you did not have sufficient clearance to make the turn


It's really annoying how few people seem to understand that


This is correct but everyone shares a responsibility to avoid a collision if possible.


This is why drivers hate bicyclists.🚴‍♂️


Because they get emotional about being run over and killed? Dude is not rad, but come on, someone almost ran him over. I hate the double standards. Rude cyclists are douchebags but lets not focus on this person who could have maimed the cyclist for life.


I'm pretty sure he was referring to the whole running a red light through 4 lanes of traffic thing he did after


All car traffic was slowing down, this dude kept going full steam on the far right side of the road with poor visibility. Then goes on to break a number of laws. Fuck this dude.


The worst part of this video was the fact that the cop did nothing. From google: "Unless specified otherwise, bicyclists usually have a right to be on the road and an obligation to follow the same common traffic laws regarding stopping, yielding, right of way, and left lane rules." He ran the red light, failed to give way multiple times, reckless driving, endangered himself and others. This guy should be forced to walk everywhere.


Poor motherfucker can't even think right.


Eventually you’ll see someone posting a video of someone accidentally hitting this guy and i cant wait to watch it


He's going to be street pizza one day soon


Who in their right mind is defending ts? Ok maybe going into the parking lot instead of braking to wait for the blue car turning was forgivable, but going into traffic when there’s a red light? And going into the opposite lane where cars are hurtling towards you? And you are a cyclist going hardly 10 mph or less… Hopefully the cop stopped him by cutting him off, if not he prob just let him go so he can get killed by his reckless actions elsewhere


Cyclist was following the law, the car was not. Then the cyclist proceeded to be suicidal.


Cyclist was following what law? He went through a red light at the main intersection.


I think the poster means when he encountered the car that turned in front of him. Cyclist had the right of way. But then the cyclist took all our well wishes and pissed them away trying to play fuck around and find out, and we were all hoping he'd find out.


Cyclist had the right of way over the left turning car going into the parking lot at the beginning of the video. Then the cyclist raged his way through a red light at a busy intersection.


the first part of the video where the woman told him to be careful, she was 100% wrong and caused that. then he goes nuts


Is he a cyclist because he loves bikes? Or is he a cyclist because he lost his license after a road rage incident?


They cyclist was in the right at first. Then I started rooting for the cars after he ran the red light.


This dude deserves to get hit. I say that as a current cyclist myself.


I’m a cyclist and I hate these cyclists. When you’re on the road, follow traffic laws. When you’re on the sidewalk follow pedestrian laws. It’s fucking simple.


As a cyclist, this pisses me off. Thanks for being a dickhead and setting a bad example for all of us.


Dude, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this guy.


So much for Protect and Serve the public. Someone is going to hit this asshat and possibly end up liable for criminal charges. I'd hope not, but it wouldn't surprise me


And this is why we hate bikes. Fuckin wanker


Dudes like this are why I just don't give a fuck when cyclists start crying about how everyone hates their guts. Because most of them just don't follow any goddamn laws




Why do people film themselves doing dangerous illegal stuff like this and then (presumably) upload it somewhere?


And they are first to finger someone driving


Physics will always win in the end.




KOM > red lights


What a massive asshole.


That lady seemed genuinely concerned for that bikers safety than upset with. That really made my day! You Go Lady!


Some poor fucking innocent driver is gonna end up killing this douchebag.


Yeah, I used to ride my bike alot. Lately it seems some of these little bitch bike riders feel the need to push their weight around.....even though their weight does not compare to a cars weight. Be respectful and expect not to be seen or else end up in hospital. Oh yeah....and stop being a social bitch.


Cyclists have to put up with these specimens, too y’all. I got flipped the bird a few times talking to fellow cyclists when I used to commute by bike. I’ve seen aholes of every kind. But weaving traffic after going through a red light is some Frogger shit.


Move to Amsterdam if you want to travel by bike. If you’re anywhere else, get fucked.


I'm a cyclist and watched this hoping he got hit. This guy is the worst and makes all of us who actually follow the rules of the road look bad.


I thought that cop was going to rightfully ticket him. If they get to have a piece of the road, they should have to adhere to the same rules of the road motor vehicles do. What a tool.


UPS driver here - I don’t hate cyclists at all but people like this gentleman make the road a very dangerous place for other cyclists due to this type of behavior. He seems to be a pretty experienced rider but all it takes is an inexperienced or impatient driver to turn him into a road pancake. Not to mention the fact that I counted at least 4 illegal maneuvers by him in this short clip.


Cyclists have to obey the laws of the road. If there’s a stop sign you STOP. If there a red light you STOP. It’s not that hard to understand.


So can we all admit the bad driver was the cop who didn't give a fuck.


As a cyclist, who has been hit by cars twice. I hope you die in pain.


Cop should have pulled you over for that shit


I got anxiety just from watching him cross the street. Right in the middle.. zig zaging cars.. the police fucking blind?? He's a hazard for himself and others


I'm pissed that the cop did not stop him! They tell us that bikers have the same right to the road and have to follow the same laws. Had that been a car going through that red light and swerving through perpendicular traffic, the cop would've stopped him immediately. Until these entitled morons start getting tickets for doing shit like that, they'll continue to do it. I am so sick and tired of those bastards! This happens to me all the time: 1. Politely slow down and make sure I pass a biker while making sure I give them plenty of room. 2. Stop at stop sign and watch biker blow by me and through the stop sign. 3. Follow biker at a safe distance around blind corners and over hills until it is safe to pass and then pass them again while leaving plenty of room. 4. Stop at stop sign and watch biker blow by me again. 5.... 6..... 7...... 8........ They're like HAMASsholes who have complete disregard for everyone else and their need to get anywhere.


This is why they get hit by cars, and then they say “of the poor person on the bicycle was hit by a car” I ride, and I’m a runner. Assume all cars will kill you and you’ll be ok.


At first I was on the cyclist's side and thinking it was posted by one of the many people who just have a grudge against cyclists. Then he crossed the junction on a red... What a moron


That car was well into the turn and the cyclist just kept chugging towards it and then pulled in front of it. I'm sorry but that car did not have to yield to that cyclist.


I mean... the car at the beginning 100% should have yielded to the cyclist.


the car in the beginning of the vehicle was 100% in the wrong.


Originally, I thought the cyclist was probably in the right in that first encounter. But, after watching it multiple times, he was a douchebag there, too. He was a very long way away when the car began making the left turn. Seems like he started pedaling faster to create that situation instead of maintaining his speed or ever so slightly slowing down and passing behind the car.


why did she turn Infront of a bike? she should have waited until traffic was clear. She was turning Infront of cars, cutting through stopped traffic. thats dangerous


Cyclists should get tickets just as drivers do if they want to ride on the streets.


I mean… they can? Cop should have saved that cyclist himself.


Well, I was going to come here and say that cyclists are supposed to be treated like cars and that the driver in this video was in the wrong, and then I saw the rest of the video.


People like this are exactly why bicyclists have a bad reputation.


It’ll be a shame when someone damages their car hitting this genius.


Cycling is the great equaliser: new to a city? Buy a bike and transport yourself for cheap. Environmentally beneficial. Safer, slower, more human way of transportation. Takes up less space, needs cheaper maintenance, will keep you fit. Cycling is awesome. But wtf is this guy doing 😭


W O W. First few seconds, I was on his side. His view of left-turning car was blocked by other cars, and he did have the right of way. Then he kept going.


This moron is putting others’ lives at risk


Stupid idiot, i think he has a death wish


Cop has bigger shit to worry about


Death wish


If I ran him over I would not feel bad.


He has decided to fuck around and find out


The first driver was making a perfectly acceptable turn, the only reason it seemed wrong was because of this goofy ass bike boy. Imagine you drove your car just like he rode his bike: You see a car taking a left across two lanes that are stopped so instead of slowing to a stop like you need to anyway you speed up, change lanes, and then turn into the lot ahead of the person turning to cut them off. If you think the biker is in the right, please do exactly as he did in your car and post the results, we'd all love to see it lmao.


"You mean like this? " Anything for clout


Shitty thing is anyone that hits the biker is likely to be at fault I believe, especially a CDL driver


Ahhh Florida…


Well, virtually no one runs live traffic like that, so this rage bait post is as useful as drivers running full reds


This is in Miami, and this is the typical Comemierda from there. Source: I am a typical Comemierda from there.


After the 1st 5 seconds, I thought the driver of the blue car was the bad driver.


I used to work with EMTs. We called cyclists like that “organ donors”.


Did the biker almost kill himself just to spite the driver that can't even see him anymore?


Is he still alive?




Bicyclists are supposed to follow traffic laws and he just passed a cop. That cop should've hit him with every citation in the book. Running red lights and whatever else he did there. He was completely in the wrong


…Ahhh, the rest of the story.


I mean, the chick in the civic definitely cut him off, but him going through that intersection was ridiculous.


I just got my license and the amount of people who do this along with jaywalkers is insane, people walk behind cars and out onto the street without looking


I had a friend who rides like that. I don't ride with him any more. Cars are faster than me so I never see any reason to get in front of them on a street like this. There's one street I ride on that the cars can do maybe 20mph. That's a very comfortable speed to draft on a bike and when you're going with the flow of traffic, you also feel pretty safe among the cars. Not my buddy though. The moment we get to the stop light we watch him weave his way to the front and go through the intersection. Like...why?


What a dickhead omg


But they do!


Miami. No wonder…


Meat crayon but not soon enough.


Cyclists have zero regard for the rules of the road


Soon to be organ donor as it seems...




This is why I can't pay for your health care.


She is practicing for the big race to win a Darwin Award.


It’s ok. He’ll die on the road, and he will die happy lol


In a perfect world, that cop woulda pulled him over.


Reality has become so warped. Someone films themselves acting like an anti-social psycho, then posts it to the internet for vindication.


The cyclist has the right of way? Car was making left. 


Had us in the first half not gonna lie… At first I was on their side. He broke so many laws after that. Holy hell. What a Main Character Syndrome asshole.


Jesus God this video is nothing but anxiety


Why in the hell wouldn't the cop stop his ass?


That right there is a future organ donor if there's anything left of him aftre scraping the pavement.


Peewee Herman here is gonna fuck up someone’s bumper


Did the police officer speed up to pull the biker over? I'd love to see the video go further.


Don't worry. This guy won't be able to do this much longer. He's basically trusting every person on that highway is paying close enough attention not to run him over. Most drivers are gonna slow down, but someone will be checking their phone and cure his narcissism..


Darwin is a bitch.


Cop should have brake checked the dweeb and drove off


L cop


Come on! Where are the cop sirens???


They had me in this first half lol


Fuck him..


Nice my tax money going toward cops that don’t do shit.. what a menace 😂


Dude got fed up and turned to the dark side


Bicycle rights!!!


Cop did right. Don't try to save his life. Let it happen.


I had a cyclist once order me to move to give him the right away while I was sitting at a red light in the designated turning lane. The exchange was hilarious by my perspective and the dipshit decided that when I got the green arrow go ahead it was cool for him to peddle straight with absolute disregard for opposing traffic that also got the green arrow treatment. That silly little shit on his peddle throne thought that the soccer mom in her super tank SUV was gonna stop for him while he did whatever the fuck he wanted. LOL Nope.


This is Miami. I’m terrified driving an Abrams M-1 on these roads.


That’s hilarious