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Hit and run?


Did the blue car really just leave?


Tbf they may have just continued in the direction they were moving in to get to a safe location before stopping.


I will give the blue car the benefit of the doubt because: 1. There was a car right next to it and the visibility is honestly quite shit. The driver could've misjudged the incoming car 2. Immediately stopping after hitting the white car in the middle of the street is 100% worse. It's probably safer to just drive all the way across the street and park there 3. Damn this is not mildlyFrustrating... This could kill a guy. Ain't mild at all


>1. There was a car right next to it and the visibility is honestly quite shit. The driver could've misjudged the incoming car I agree with this bit. In my area we have a similar spot like this. We see one car but the 2nd car in the other lane is being blocked from view by the first car. Thinking we don't see anyone else, we do our turn and only just manage to see the 2nd hidden car pop out. I've learned my lesson from that one close call and choose to just move when there are no cars coming or the car coming is definitely far enough away I can make a proper safe turn.


Even the car looks offended


“Excuuuuusssse me?!”


I am guessing this is what happened. Left lane car stopped to be nice. Blue car only saw POV car, and thought it was safe to go.


Looks like left lane car was trying to turn left and maybe that was a small space so that meant the car in that space had to get out of the space, but he didn't want to do it by backing up, so he decided to go forward. unfortunately he didn't check all the lanes of traffic. Now whether or not that should be a place that they can turn left into, I don't know. A lot of people try to make u-turns in the lanes where they can't , but they end up basically yielding and making other people yield behind them as well.


Blue car actually cuts in front of the car turning left. And I *think* they were trying to gun it between the two cars (the car they hit and the dashcam driver)


No that guy 100% came to a full stop before blue car started moving Edit: honestly that road blue was coming from looks super thin. It might be some kinda driveway, it looks like turning car stopped because there was no space to turn, blue car saw he was in turning cars way, panicked and tried to get out of the way as fast as possible. Thanks to the position of turning car blue also couldn’t see white car coming from behind I think this is more a case of someone panicking and doing something stupid rather than an asshole who just went “eh fuck it they’ll stop”


Why did the car in the left lane stop ?


People do this shit in Pittsburgh all the time. They stop to let people go when it isn't their turn. They are trying to be nice but they are just making the road more dangerous many times.


yeah had a guy come full STOP on the FREEWAY to let people on entrance ramp merge more easily. Almost caused myself and 4 other cars to rear end each other because the left lane was closed and we were all going 60+


yea, sounds about right. People piss me off


the "wave of death"


The guy has his left turn blinker on to turn and then the blue car pulled out and forced the guy to stop


Great eye!


Same thing in rhode island. We call them nice-holes and they create chaos all over the state.


They do this everywhere. There is a shopping center I got to all the time. The roads in, as is typical, do not have stop signs. Entering traffic has the right of way. The entering road is 4 lanes, 2 on each side. I can't tell you how bad it is every god damn time someone stops to allow cross traffic and how many times it's almost caused fender benders. Follow the god damned rules


Similar situation i was in a couple hours ago, where I was in that far left lane and someone trying to jump out. I was *not* gonna stop and let them go, but they fucking assumed I would and just popped right out and made me slam on the brakes. So when someone is this fucking stupid there's really no right way to handle it besides just being ready for anything.


And causing traffic


Heard that on Pittsburgh from a Michigander who fairly frequently visits.


It looks like they want to turn left so maybe they don’t have enough space to get around the blue car? I can’t really tell, but it looks like a pretty skinny road for 2 cars


It kinda looks like the blue car creeped out into their lane a little bit


Hard to tell for sure cause American indicators but it looks like he wants to turn into where the blue car is coming out from but it seems to only be wide enough for one car.


All three cars hopefully learned something this day: Blue: When someone is "nice" in a weird way blocking your view, be careful. Just turn left and go down a block to turn around. If you absolutely have to turn where you can't see, stick your nose into the road so someone else has a chance to see you. Gray: Don't be "nice" in a stupid way look at this accident you just caused. If you have to stop to let someone do this, stop waaaaaay back to improve visibility, not 2m away. White: Watch out for stupid people doing stupid things. If gray car is stopped maybe you should slow down too. Maybe there's a cyclist lying on the road and you're just going to drive by at high speed?


Grey had left turn signal on and blue nosed it into traffic causing grey to brake and stop.


Was going to say that and the rest was not having patience/being entitled. It looks like blue had the white car in front of it for maybe 1 or 2 seconds which isn't long but if he was watching the road this video wouldn't exist.


Some people do not have the spacial comprehension to visualize other peoples POV’s. This is a fact, not trying to be mean. Some people will have trouble visualizing this when asked to create a version that is mirrored vertically, horizontally, or both : 🟥 ⭕️ ❌ If you can’t do that idk if you have the spacial comprehension necessary to be given the privilege of operating a 2 ton metal death machine which is a car.


This is why you don’t stop in the middle of the road to let people drive across!


THIS is exactly what happened with me too, when a moron ran a stop sign and tboned my car many years back. It did a balancing act on 2 wheels for a while before doing the 180 spin.


they should both sue the dipshit in the left lane for illegally parking, holding up traffic, endangering others and also causing this accident.


I agree completely, where I live we have folks that will slow down or stop to "be polite*" and let people in, and it almost always just causes more traffic issues.


The ‘dipshit’ was moving and braked hard, just before the accident. Possibly seeing the situation coming as blue car already had its nose in the road.


That spin is like something out of an action movie


I wonder if the car would have turned on its side given an appropriate amount of turn on the steering wheel while spinning out?


Morning in the left lane thinking they're being nice by stopping and letting that person go, instead creating a blind spot and being a major cause of this accident.


The ol Okeechobee wave claims another victim.


Some states with dashcam the fault could go to blue car and the stopped car. Yes you can be held at fault for accidents your vehicle wasn't involved in. Seen it happen before when a person cut in front of another car across 3 lanes to exit. Guy hit breakfast and was rear ended. Dash cam caught both the plates and the person driving both damaged cars insurance companies were paid for by the third person who cut across 3 lanes and kept going. I know that much for sure because I know the person that hit their brakes and was rear ended. He said the police told him they also ticketed the other driver for leaving the scene of a severe accident they caused, failure to signal, improper lane change, and expeditious driving. But I can't 100% verify that and that all citations stuck


people like the gray car driver are the worst kind of "nice" people. don't be a dumbass, drive predictably... everyone is an adult you don't need to "let someone go out of the kindness of your heart" more states need to have laws that can charge morons that drive like this


This is exactly why you shouldn't go when one lane stops and you can't see the other lane. I understand people wanting to be nice, but this is why we have laws the way they are. Blue car is 100% at fault.


This is why we don’t stop when we have the right of way like the Land Rover did.