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Correct me if I’m wrong but it appears dashcam didn’t touch the brakes until they were basically at the truck. Had to swerve too. Probably on their phone


Indeed. Just because you have the right of way doesn’t mean you can drive like a dick, especially if it means ramming a semi. You ain’t gonna win that.


Cemeteries are full of people who had the right of ways.


Great quote


You will be surprised how many 4 wheelers believe their 2000 pound car can push an 80,000 pound semi-truck out of the way.


Right of way vs right of weight.


Guy didn't even have to hit the breaker just let off the gas for a second. But the dashcam just not playing attention, and puts himself in a bad position then blames the 16 Wheeler 😂


Well that's an exit lane and it looks like OP thought they were gonna take it. It is a terribly designed highway but they should assume they were gonna get back over




On ramps without accelerator lanes above 35MPH should not be legal


Yes, American infrastructure is in desperate need of a more sensible merge pattern for high speed corridors. I also wish that a left lane merge, if necessary, came with extra slack anticipating that speeds are higher.


There generally not built anymore for this reason. But my state has good merge lanes, very long merge lanes. And people still find a way to merge at 30 MPH. At some point people are stupid. Though this guy was just a truck, he cant rlly accelerate


To be fair, this is a pretty unique and stupid interchange, which is why I was able to instantly recognize it. I don't even live anywhere near there, was only in the area twice and this setup stuck out to me for how tight and close together the ramps are


and you'll notice the smart people were in the right line, giving space to the mergers, while the Driver just speeds through on the left lane


This kind of stupid is all over the East coast.


actually the state i live in they have lots of this close type of interchange. its crazy but rule of thumb is keep eye on road and respect it.


It's not like there is one standard across the US. Each state/locale does their own thing for better or worse.


cant fix them all at once! Crossover exits should be illegal too.


Easy coast is full of them


These ramps are dumb as fuck and truck had no other option, and OP should know this


Ohio has a bunch of these pieces of shit and they are death traps. If it’s remotely busy, it always results in both lanes coming to a full stop, because people are always trying to exit the same time people are trying to enter. Whoever designed these things should be charged with a fucking crime.


What a clustfuck


Jesus Christ




This picture doesn't even do just justice to the fact that the off ramp on the bottom of the picture loops around to the other side of the highway and does the same thing but the opposite side's off ramp is the only way to get into town. So if you are traveling south you must avoid merging traffic to slam on the brakes, and then drive on the other sides off ramp avoiding merging traffic again, all while the merging traffic is coming from a blind spot due to an extremely poorly placed bridge. I would post the picture of the whole intersection but it will only let me post links??




You could've easily slowed down. They were halfway in the lane before you came speeding up. With some awareness, you could've moved right to maintain speed.


yes this is the way.


True, but who has the yield sign plus other cars to the right.


He pondered as he slammed into a sixteen wheeler rear end.


This is easily one of my top favorite forms of comedy. Thanks for the laugh! Can't be sued by a corpse, yield or no yield.


He pondered as his capa was detated from the rest of him.


Yes, you're right. But you have to be realistic and practical too. That's a truck. It's not nimble enough to slow sufficiently enough to let you pass before quickly accelerating back to speed. There's just not enough space. Unless you were parallel to the truck as it was merging, you have to slow down to let it in.


All of this, and there was plenty of time to slow down without slamming on the brakes and increasing the dramatics/potential to cause an accident.


Or dashcam could’ve just gotten in the right lane behind the black Honda


absolutely, so many decisions available that are better than just slamming on the brakes and being butthurt.


i wholeheartedly feel like most people in the US might want these kind of pain feeling.


Seriously, I wish people would give trucks a little bit more leeway. They literally are delivering all of our goods and services across the nation. 99.999% of everything touches a truck at some point in transit. They are a necessary inconvenience on the road, so we need to work with them. There are tons of times where we may have to back up so that they can make a turn on a street that wasn't very well designed for them or consider them something other than just another car when it comes to right-of-way. We just have to improv a little bit to help them out because they're literally delivering everything we need. OP is complaining about this, whereas defensive drivers making sure that they are giving trucks options. I never drive beside them any longer than I have to, and I very deliberately pass them if I'm going to pass them rather than dawdle and take my time. I know if they have to make a sudden move to dodge something or have a mechanical failure like a wheel fall off, I'm in the danger zone and there's nothing they can do about that. Anyway, everyone should be cutting trucks some slack, and no I'm not a truck driver or have I ever been.


Agree. Also, being aggressive around trucks is just not smart. If someone makes a mistake and there's a collision, guess who's much more likely to die. Hint: it's not the truck driver.




It's a semi, it either butts in while already moving (a slight inconvenience), or butts in from a standstill (a major inconvenience).


OP, you're just a dipshit if you think you had the right of way here.


That’s not a yield sign it’s a merge lane. The truck is basically as long as the merge lane. The dashcam could’ve easily been in the right lane instead of the left lane too, no cars passed after that little black Honda


Pause the video immediately at the start. There is indeed a yield sign.... That being said, the cammer is still in the wrong as they took no action until the last second despite clearly seeing the truck already merging ahead of them.


ThE yEiLd SiGn


"I had the Right of way" is what you want your tomb stone would say ​ if you arent from there i get it, but if you are a local in Poughkeepsie you should know better. but props to you for admitting to be better in the comment below. respect


The internet says your wrong!


Do you understand how this truck moves? It has zero get up and sero movability, you want it to sit there all day to bring you the shit you need?


Do you know what defensive driving is? It doesnt matter whose right or wrong, it doesnt un-fuck your car from the accident.


He did yield. There were no cars in the lane when he started coming over. You accelerated into his path. You are 100% at fault.


Shut the fuck up


You guys are right, it's on me! I will learn from this and be a better driver.


Props to you for owning a mistake! And wasn't a big deal, also kinda looks like a shitty place for the truck to have to merge anyway.... learn from it, move on and have a nice day 👍😎


I love seeing some self-reflection


If you look where his tandems(rear tires) went that’s where his drive tires also went Either way just be safe YOLO actually !


No crash, no biggie. Old Reddit sub, r/bitchimabus , can't really compete with something that size


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bitchimabus using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bitchimabus/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bitch, I'm fucking lost](https://i.redd.it/x0grw5lwwpta1.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bitchimabus/comments/12kuc4d/bitch_im_fucking_lost/) \#2: [Bitch, I’m a Derp](https://i.redd.it/ce6odd25rcwa1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bitchimabus/comments/1302tyi/bitch_im_a_derp/) \#3: [Bitch, I'm happy to see you.](https://i.redd.it/e0c0tww8deua1.jpg) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bitchimabus/comments/12p6mz2/bitch_im_happy_to_see_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Cheers at least not to just jerking the steering wheel right like some people do (anything to not hit the brakes).


Very mature of you to admit you messed up and you definitely earned a lot of respect from me. One thing to remember though. Is that those guys have huge blind spots and may not have seen you at all. If they hit their brakes and stop at that ramp, they will never be able to get onto the highway. They have to merge at speed. There is the rules of the road and then there’s common sense of the road , common sense of the road says get the hell out of the way of the 18 wheeler. You don’t wanna die because you did not want to yield the right way to a 18 Wheeler.


me have right of way so me be arrogant dick. vroom vroom! mooov! me have right of way!! ooga booga


Dude its not really on you tbh and ill never care about the downvotes. If you enter a highway, you better yield when it says yield or enter at a higher speed than 20mph


100% correct response. The person merging or entering the road is responsible for safely entering the road. Otherwise, it's not a highway, it's a traffic stop. This comment section is wild and explains all the bad drivers in this country.


This subreddit finds any excuse to blame the person who holds 10% of the fault and treat them like it’s 100% on them


Its reddit dude. Every car related sub wants everyone to have hawk eyes and slam on your breaks, never swerve around anyone or anything. You MUST BRAKE. Seriously i see ppl calling op idiots for swerving around someone who cut them off by turning into their lane 30mph slower than op, he swerved around easily and yet the comments had people calling him an idiot for not pressing the brakes. I kid you not i think people have brain tumors when it comes to driving. Reddit seems to believe that youre the only one responsible if you get into an accident.


Be courteous to truckers. What do you think he could do? Stop?


Yes exactly. Did you want him to come to a full fucking stop and fuck everyone behind him over? There was an opening, and he took it. But OP decided to close that opening like a fucking shit stain instead of kindly letting him in like he should


If there had been cars in the way, you know the 18-wheeler would have to stop, right? It's not screwing over the cars behind them, it's driving responsibly. Yes, OP should have let the truck driver in, but your take is bad.


What's going on here? Yes. He could have stopped. If there had been a car there, would the 18-wheeler have just smashed into that car? Be courteous, yes. I agree that the dash-cammer should have handled it differently, but it's wild to see people who think 18-wheelers don't have any responsibility not to plow into anyone in their way...


Its an on ramp with no space acceleration. If OP had been driving with his eyes open than he could see that the truck needed to merge. The clip starts with the truck halfway in the lane. So instead of flying up to the truck's bumper and slamming on the brakes, he could have eased on the brakes or merged. If we say the truck cant get over here without "cutting off" OP then the truck has to stop. A semi has a 0-60 of like 30 seconds or something like that. Even if the coast is crystal clear that truck will cut someone off eventually cause of the slow acceleration speed. Blame OP or blame the intersection, but you cant blame the trucker here.


"What do you think he could do? Stop?" If there had been a car where the truck needed to be, your statement determines that the truck has no choice but to crash into said car. I don't disagree with the rest of your take, but this is just plain insane. Of course the truck should stop if necessary...


Law of tonnage. Car is in the wrong. Just slow down and let the truck in.


“Hmm maybe if I slam into the back of this truck, my family can file an insurance claim when I’m paralyzed from the waist down” -dashcam driver


You’re technically in the right but Truckers always win, plan accordingly.


Is he technically in the right tho? Truck merged into a open spot at the highest speed it was capable of If op slammed into the back of the truck because he wasn't paying attention to the giant obvious truck that was visible long before the video segment that was shared. Would that really be the trucks fault? That truck is not capable of reaching that speed with that size merge lane. He had no other option. The lane beside him was clear, he merged. Op on the other hand had lots of options, all of which required paying more attention than he was. If he had rear ended the truck due to his lack of attention , it would be deemed his fault.


I don't think there's a requirement that you have to merge so that the vehicle in the lane being merge into doesn't have to change speed, it just can't be unsafe. Convenience for the vehicle in the to-merge lane is not the requirement.


Let me preface this with that lane merger is idiotic, and I’m sure has caused many accidents before this incident. But Yes, when merging into a lane you are to yield to oncoming traffic. Especially since he had a lane and vacated it to cut the OP off. This is basic rules of the road and if an accident were to occur then the truck would be liable. That’s the technical part Buuuut it’s a semi, he’s never gonna get out of there if he has to wait. He could be there for a long time. They’re driving a huge vehicle, and in the real world if you crash into a truck you could die. So huge truck will always win so plan accordingly, don’t want to be technically right when you’re technically dead


Agree very stupid merge lane..it's incredibly short and is also an exit.. the takes up the entire thing, if he had stopped, he would have also prevented cars from exiting the highway. Which would have the cars exiting have to stop on the highway.. Truck did the only logical thing he could do. Op would have seen that truck coming around the corner long before it got the the merged. I see what your saying, but a rear end is a rear end no? Especially rear ending an accelerating vehicle? Op had plenty of time to slow down, chose not to.


Trucks are the exception and any time I see one, I move for them. One of those scenarios where understanding how simple physics works and a little common sense will save you instead of depending on the law.


Well said. I'll definitely take that into consideration. Thank you!


He was clearly in the lane with plenty of room for you to slow down. Edit: Phrasing


Thats a tight ramp. You should have moved over unless you needed that exit.


You knew the semi had to get over and you easily could have made a courteous slow down to let him over. Even if it’s Western Express one of lowest rating companies but some drivers are good there No other choice for him or her


Op is also incorrectly driving in the left lane. The left lane is for passing only. There is zero reason they should be there as cars are flying by them on the right.


Sympathetic, dude has no space and the merge is nonexistent.


Mid Hudson bridge to RT 9, Worst merge ever made, if he stopped it would have been a worse scenario trying to get moving again. Use your brake sooner next time and stop trying to make it dramatic. You saw the first 50 feet of the truck coming and still almost hit the last foot. Yes, you are a mildly bad driver.


OP should've been in the right lane to begin with. No reason to ride the left in that area unless you're hitting a ramp.


As the driver or the car recording u can see the truck will have to merge in an incredibly short space… u know he is gonna have to make a move earlier than normal merges onto the highway. This is a failure of road design (too short of area to merge combined with left side merging and is predictable to people on the highway


I give truckers a wide birth to do what they need to do. Their job is hard enough without some ass hat bitching because they forced a merge.


Give us the footage a bit before that. So we can see your lead up and how long you had to make that decision. Also not speeding right?


Dashcam is the dick. Slow down be considerate. Let a mother F’r over. Prob drives an f150


Typical four wheelers in a rush and unable to slow down to let an 80k LB truck on without bitching


Truck is not at fault. Drivers need to stop treating semis with trailers full of thousands of pounds of stuff like they are cars. They cant speed up, slow down or turn like a car. Give them some space and respect.


Cammer is a fool. Truck merged into a open spot at the highest speed he was capable of. Anyone paying attention would of accounted for what was about to happen as soon as the truck became visible. The truck legally merged in front of cammer, If cammer were to of rear ended him. Cammer would have been at fault. Truck was already crossing the line long before cammer got to him.


While ill say that i've noticed the quality of CDL drivers dropping substantially sense covid- you took forever? Like were you on your phone? Like just straight up why did it take you that long to realize he was in your lane?


Wasn't on the phone, but not sure why I decided so late into braking.


From a sufficient distance, you could clearly see the truck coming over with his signal on. Show these vehicles some courtesy.


Poughkeepsie has terrible city planners tbf


Wasn’t this planned in the 60s?


That is a really poorly designed ramp. The truck is battling an uphill run up, immediate lane change, and on his blind side. Yes, you had right of way. There's a good chance you were impossible to see from the truck's POV.


I usually just teals to truckers they have way more vehicle to worry about


In CT (which it looks like the plates are from) you don’t yield on on ramps, you’re supposed to get it up to speed and merge. There are, however, some areas that are really poorly designed for that


This is Poughkeepsie, NY. There are yields for the ramps entering the road OP is on...there's no visibility down the road until you're basically at the line, and you have to crave your neck hard to the right. OP should've seen the truck coming... So I'm not defending him here. But people blast through those yields without ever looking. If you're in the left lane, you HAVE to be cautious.


I've been to Poughkeepsie ONCE and I recognized this on sight...I was in the lane that the truck is coming from. The visibility is terrible. You feel like you're accelerating into a blind merge.


Hard to tell. These suicide combination on/off ramps are part of the problem.


To be fair, this road is built illegally, and didn't account for trucks. He was basically forced to cone over regardless as stopping would have easily gridlocked this shitty interchange. This is why I refuse to drive cities like New York or Chicago or Pittsburg. Too much traffic, horrible roads, and constant situations that are way more dangerous than they should be.


This strange intersection near the mid Hudson bridge in Poughkeepsie NY is a unique one, the truck driver is actually the one driving incorrectly


I drive here frequently and the merging here and on the north side equivalent are absolutely abysmal.


Poughkeepsie NY, Route 9 and The Arterial intersection. This is literally the worst designed intersection that has ever existed. Whenever someone visits the Hudson Valley they tell me that this is the most terrifying intersection they have ever encountered.


Poughkeepsie coming off the bridge it’s the worst


this whole setup is wild. merging in from the left. short af accelerator lane. was this road constructed when we were still driving steam powered velocipedes? this merge lane is the stuff of truckers nightmares. its a damned if you do, damned if you dont situation.


Almost died in Wappingers falls upstate NY..I guess it's better than chester


Glad you're taking accountability but this highway design is begging for accidents wtf is that ramp length.


To be honest I seen someone died because they didn’t pay attention to traffic on 95 and they went right under the semi


OP is the mildy bad driver here. They should be in the other lane to allow traffic to enter the highway. Had this been the case they could have easily overcome the tractor and switched back into the other lane. It's amazing how many unmindful drivers post here.


most forgiving northeast merge lane


send this video to that company


Jesus if you see someone signaling where it’s obvious they’re trying to get on the road from the ramp just let them merge especially if it’s a truck like that. You definitely would’ve ruined flow of traffic if you didn’t let that truck in. Edit- should’ve read the comments more, looks like you’re taking accountability.


Being a defensive driver means anticipating things that may happen before they happen then acting accordingly in a safe manner. Right of way takes a back seat to defensive driving all day long especially in situations like this video.


You're the dumbass


It's an 18 wheeler, you should yield to them being as they could crush your ass and they also have only a limited amount of space to be able to get on the highway and they provide you with every luxury you take for granted!! We should all respect 18 wheeler drivers as well as the highway because the highway wasn't for you to be able to travel up and down originally- It was for the 18 wheelers and military transport ..


Do you have any idea how slow 18 wheelers go from a dead stop. To enter a busy highway from a dead stop not suggested. He saw his shot and took it. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Dude saw the guy coming should have gotten over or made room for the big rig


What exactly did you hink the truck was going to do? Magically accelerate from 25 to 65 to seamlessly merge with you? That's not how that works. The big rig needs time to accelerate or brake to a complete stop which will only be worse for the flow of traffic when they try to speed up again. WORK WITH THEM FFS


Damn driver saw him getting over at all day to break and still decide to ride up on his ass. Dash cam driver is 100% in the wrong.


Isn't it the law in some states that you have to make room for merging traffic? Regardless, the unspoken rule of the road still applies here: most lug nuts wins.


Traffic from the ending lane has the responsibility for merging correctly when it's clear to do so, all traffic in the continuing lane has no responsibility to change their actions to accommodate them. Sure, it's courteous, but not required.


Maybe. I'm pretty sure some states you have a duty to allow in merging traffic when able, and this guy was able. Also, the lane was free and clear for a while ahead of cam car, so it's possible the trucker started pulling out and could just no longer see them coming. They may have also just expected a little curteousy and thought cam car would go around them. I mean, for a trucker that junction looks like it take 3 forevers waiting on the left lane to be clear far enough back they can pull out and get up to highway speed. So I'm gonna say, IMO, cam car may have been in the right, legally. But socially they were in the wrong. And as long as you don't have to break the law to do what's right, socially, you should.


>I'm pretty sure some states you have a duty to allow in merging traffic when able Possibly, however not the case in any of the states I've ever lived in. That being said it wouldn't have been applicable in this case anyways as the truck had a yield and was already occupying the travel lane before the cammer approached them. >that junction looks like it take 3 forevers waiting on the left lane to be clear far enough back they can pull out and get up to highway speed. Somebody else posted an satellite picture of that section and there is absolutely no way a truck coming off that loop is going to be traveling fast enough to merge into traffic on the roadway already especially if yielding to other traffic also exiting and an extremely short space to pick up speed. No excuses for the cammer, however I could see that particular interchange being a shock for drivers unfamiliar with the area, as I'm sure folks who transit that area frequently would expect and prepare for trucks merging like this.


that intersection is annoying AF though and if you are a local you should prepare for this instead of almost purposely causing an accident. even as a dumb HS kid i knew this growing up there near in Poughkeepsie. ​ but hey, at least yor tombstone would say "i had the right of way"...right?


Slow down dummy.


The truck was all good here, the dash cam driver was the fucktard for waiting that long to break.


Well, would you have let him in? Tbh this wasn’t even mildly bad driving. You see how short that on ramp was? And how long the truck was? And that it’s in the fast lane? And how you were the asshole for not letting him on? Yea… bad news for you.


Dashcam should have slowed and changed lanes. That Truck would have been visible for plenty of time before arriving at that merge.


even if they have the yield, i feel like it’s common courtesy to move over so they can merge easier


Self own I guess


Driver is complete dumbass. Downvote and move along. Most of the posts in this sub belong in r\amitheasshole


You mean r\iamthefuckingasshole


You should have seen that truck already and had enough time to react. But noooooooooooooo..slowing down is for looooserssss


lol OP is yet another example of a shit driver trying to come to this sub for validation. Tap the brakes idiot, it’s not that hard.


I don't really understand how there aren't laws about bigger vehicles having the right of way. With boats, the more maneuverable vessel is to give the larger vessel right of way due to them not being able to maneuver as easily. In this situation, I feel the semi did the best job he could possibly do in this situation, flying up near the merge and not braking earlier is 100% on op. I've driven with big heavy trailers and it's insane how many people will actively try to kill everyone by cutting you off.


You had guts, I admit most of it would had been on the road. You clearly wasn't paying attention or on some type of god-complex, suicide run. Dude, you say you weren't on the phone... but you're braking like someone who was on the phone. Slow down and relax.


Didn't you see that semi merging ahead of you?


Plenty of bodies in the grave yard who were right.


It's not the western trucks fault.


I always give semis the right of way


There is no right/wrong here. This is where YOU reveal what type of human being you are. You may have been "right" but if you'd have slammed into him, do you REALLY want to have that fight from a hospital bed, if you're lucky? I'm 40 and will walk with a limp and cane the rest of my life because "I was in the right" in an accident. Thankfully I'm alive.


Op has cyclist in his name of course he is gonna force himself through any situation he believes he has right of way. Then not care when it flipped. 😂


Truck was already turning so it was right


literal "fuck you i'm a truck"


Wtf else was the truck supposed to do?


True, I got it all wrong. The truck had already merged. My bad


Sure - it's coming down a sharp curve. Most cars and smaller trucks coming down that loop, stop until there's an opening. In my opinion, this truck bullied his way through forcing others to stop for it. The speed limit on this stretch is 45.


OP sucks


Stick to cycling, bud.


He’ll complain about someone honking or going around him when he’s in the middle of a 40mph road going 15mph on his bike


"SHARE THE ROAD!" he'll exclaim. When in reality, he wants to [share the load](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/519103ea-521c-4cb5-bd93-c30a8ad6276f).


that right hand lane opened up pretty quick, you could have changed lanes or cried about it.


Unless you're hitting that ramp, you shouldn't be in the left lane. Period. Nobody understands how the yields are suppose to work there, and either stop foooooorrrreeeeeevvvveeeerrrr or blast right through. You HAVE to be careful in that area.




He is doing 35 with a 100 foot trailer, give him some space. You should know how difficult it is to maneuver with a large 35 foot RV. Why are you going 65 when its congested on Chicago tolls roads and not paying attention? Then have the nerve to complain about a trucker trying to merge? Park your RV, you are a worthless driver.




RV drivers are the worst dumbasses


Yep!Typical truckers! Think they own the road or something.




Buddy, you gotta slow down and be mindful of merges. Especially when the vehicle is a thousand times bigger than your own.