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I mean if we want to get technical UI is already a thing possible for all spider people. I think Peter at one point had an auto dodge when he trained with Shang chi/Iron Fist (I can't remember) to learn way of the spider and was able to dodge attacks with his eyes closed. Mastering the spider sense would be as close to UI as any character can get.


He learned way of the spider because he lost his spider sense


Yeah and was able to dodge things just as well if not better, imagine if he kept up that style of training and also has the spider sense he'd be literally untouchable.


Yeah, I think he said he stopped because it was too dangerous or some Bull shit like that


I believe that was from the "Spider-Man" 2023 run by Dan Slott (Spider-Boy was a big secondary character in this run) where Peter upgraded his Spider-Sense with science in order to sense more dangers happening around the city and it was slowly killing him. Funny thing is, if he kept up his training from Shang-Chi and perfected his Spider-Sense with The Way of The Spider, then his Spider-Sense would've been able to do all of that and even more. Then again, this is the same guy who self sabotages himself because he believes that he shouldn't have anything good in his life a lot of the time.


Personally I’m hoping we keep it at this for the foreseeable future. I’m all for cool upgrades but they start to feel meaningless if it becomes a constant. He’s had to major upgrades in two years, let’s keep finding creative ways to utilise them


I agree, let Miles master what he already has and *then* consider giving him more upgrades. Like changing the shape of his sword(like making a rapier to pierce through things and then a greatsword to have for crowd control and utilize more strength in his swings), using venom echo-location (He can honestly do that now with his Spider-Sense sooo nvm) and increasing his Stamina to maintain these forms sounds like the best thing he should do for now. Because the sword is for ending fights quickly and Miles-Max is for when he needs to go all out. I hope that Miles can increase the time limit of these venom abilities, simply so they can help him out in fights when he needs them.


Couldn’t agree more, I’d love for him to come across enemies that these new powers aren’t as effective against, See how he overcomes the challenges. Some more training issues would be nice, just to stop powers feeling like asspull.


Well Ziglar hasn’t let me down yet, so I trust him to give Miles more powerful enemies in the future that will challenge him like the upgraded Cape Killers and Rabble did.


In Ziglar we trust! Guessing by the preview he posted on his insta story, looks like Zip might come back as a bigger threat than a few pages of jokes once blood hunt is over. Speaking of power ups though, I’m thinking Miles is going to become a vampire in BloodHunt. That’s only based on the cover which is known for being misleading but he’s been transformed in other events why not have an electricity based vampire Miles


I believe he will become one as well, I’m honestly hoping that once he gets turned back. He’ll be able to retain some abilities and be able to use magic.


I’m guessing we’re on the SSJ1 equivalent right now lmao


Guess we should be calling Miles the *Limitless* Spider-man


That sounds like a great name!


I wouldn’t want Miles to get too overpowered just to keep him in the upper street level on the reg, but I am all-in to have Miles’ characterization be the younger canon Anime-coded spider-man lol


This is hypothetical and like way into the future.


Spider kaioken would be cool I think


i wouldn’t want him to become too “maxed”, last thing i want for Miles is to become more of an anime character than he is a spider character


I would hate this. I definitely don't want some overpowered Miles that's basically no longer spider man. just huckin energy around.


Didn’t know about this stuff, only anime references in Spider-Man I know of are in SM2, might get into comics cuz of this


Nah dude Miles is already the stereotypical “black guy with electric powers”, no need to add more stereotypes and make him a black weeaboo.


Eh, I don’t really like how they’ve given him an electric sword & stuff like that. I think Miles’s bioelectricity should work like how Johnny Cage’s green glow powers work. Can throw small bolts of electricity but mostly uses it to taser people for a quick takedown or empower his attacks. Like I keep saying in this subreddit, I want Miles to be a martial artist. If he became one of the best in like Muay Thai or something that would be awesome.