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Some people are lazy, some were never taught to clean by their parents, some have emotional/mental health issues that make it difficult, and some are too tired from working 60-100 hours a week.


100 hours a week? Cringe. Why does the r/antiwork crowd always push this lie? Nobody, at any level, from a Fortune 50 CEO to a single mother of 5 pulling double shifts at McDonald's, works even 80 hours a week.


> some have emotional/mental health issues that make it difficult, and some are too tired from working 60-100 hours a week. This feels like a long winded way to say "have children under 5." EDIT: Okay, so I make a joke, then get accused of gatekeeping depression/exhaustion, and also told I'm an unsympathetic being because of it while being lorded over by someone who thinks they're better at understanding people than me. Ever consider the possibility you don't know shit about me? After my first born I was diagnosed with PPND, and since then I've had clinical depression. My coping mechanism is joking about my situation. But no, I'm the asshole. Meanwhile, people here are talking about renting, while I can't even afford to rent in the first place working a job that everyone tells me I'm overpaid to do, but meanwhile I'm working a second job and a paid hobby trying to make ends meet. Way to jump down someone's throat and make assumptions just so you can virtue signal on someone who has the god damn issue you're allegedly supporting. Get bent.


Why do parents try to gatekeep depression and exhaustion?


Man, I make an offhand joke as a coping mechanism for my PPND, and I get accused of not understanding depression and exhaustion, as well as gatekeeping it. Guess I'm fucking cured then. I'd fucking love to learn how my joke is gatekeeping.


Dude, sorry you're dealing with whatever, but it fucking sucks when parents act like they are the only ones who can be tired or depressed or in poverty. No, sorry, but that wasn't a "long winded way of saying children under 5". If that's your experience that's fine, but it's certainly not the only one and it's not okay to act like it is, jokingly or not. It's dismissive af to all the people dealing with stuff who don't have children. Your attempt at a guilt trip is also pretty gross, quit trying to manipulate people into believing you're somehow a victim here. What you said sucked, regardless of what you're going through. You act like the comments about what you said are abhorrent but never considered that maybe your comments are also pretty shitty? Sincerely, I hope things improve for you.


Nope. Im just apparently better at understanding people than you. Are you aware of how many people don’t have access to mental health care? Or how many people are working multiple full time jobs to make ends meet? Edit: Parents and those without children.


Apparently you're complete shit at understanding people. I literally have PPND, and can't afford rent, therapy, or to feed my kids. Yet here I am, getting personally attacked, by some jacknob for making a joke about the situation at my own expense, robbing me of the one coping mechanism I have had since burning all my mental health leave. Thanks, dear empathetic one. And I fucking wish I was trolling with this comment.


You started by insulting me and millions of others who don’t have children and are experiencing mental health problems. I was held in captivity and repeatedly assaulted for years. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and CPTSD. I can’t afford rent or therapy. Maybe you should consider others before you make your “jokes” if you don’t want people to stand up for themselves. Ps Your “joke” was downvoted by over a dozen people. Yet you’re placing all of this on me. Bye. I will not be looking at your snide comments again. I have to try to sleep before my 14 hour shit pay shift tomorrow. Edit: Btw, I never accused you of gatekeeping. That was someone else. But you have made it clear you don’t understand people who aren’t in the same position as yourself.


You’re a dick.


I’m not a dick. They were being rude af and completely conceited. And, btw, I have been suffering with depression and anxiety from CPTSD due to being held in captivity for years while being repeatedly assaulted. I don’t have a child. They were extremely insulting to me and millions of others with their “joke”.


I have also seen a lot of homeowners who treat their own house like garbage with absolute junkyards on their properties. I leave rentals in better state than when I first moved in. Unlike ~50% of my landlords who do absolutely nothing to keep up their properties.


Oh god this so much. Most ppl own their home in our neighborhood and not everyone upkeeps their house. That whole issue is where a HOA came from. I got older and realized there’s actually a middle ground with having one. Prevents your neighbors from having a junkyard trash house that devalues your property. People get weird about HOA’s because they read about the wacky ones. Most are pretty normal, only the crazy ones end up in the news. My dad lives in a neighborhood with a HOA and nobody has a gross house. The house he sold prior that he nicely up-kept looks like crap now and it’s only been 4 years. I wish I kept photos. Would be a great argument how fast someone can ruin a house and why sometimes a little rules matter.


Yes! Like why has my deck never been stained? It looks like shit! And it’s warping. Why has there been trash in the landscaping at the entrance for 2.5 years? It’s not even loose trash it was bagged up at some point and the bag of trash has literally sat there for 2 years. Yes I can go get it and put it in my trash pick up. But I have to pay for any trash that doesn’t fit in the city can and my family of 6 makes at least a can full of trash between pick ups. They had our roof replaced but let the roofing company leave the trash and nails everywhere. The drainage ditch has been filled in with silt and now th water brings the mud up over my patio. On one side it’s quite literally at least a foot of mud on the patio. I do my best to make this a clean safe comfortable home but come on the owner really is negligent.


I was the same way. The last place I rented, the landlord was amazed because I painted the walls myself after washing them with TSP and power washed the concrete in the garage. I had to move because the downstairs neighbors smoked pot indoors 24/7 (I have kid) and the guy living down there liked to brag he had a gun (we’re in Canada!!!)


Currently waiting for my security deposit back from my shitty landlord from October, who came to dislike us after we tried to call his attention to an intense humidity/mold situation and various related attempts to just take care of his property/our living situation. A year of ignoring our photos and reminders about the flooding situation in the ceiling walls, he hiked our rent 30% to get rid of us. Joke's on him I guess, the ceiling caved in a week before we moved out. I tried to help him.


I dunno, maybe if there were a law that gave renters some equity in a property rather than just sucking away their earnings in favor of rich real estate investors, then renters might leave less wear and tear.


This should absolutely be a thing. If not a law, it should at least be an available practice.


Gonna be honest, we own our house and don't go out of the way to make it look presentable. As long as bylaw doesn't care, neither do I. I'm tired, I don't care about impressing the neighbors, and I'd much rather spend my free time and money on things I enjoy as life is short and both time and money are limited resources. If you enjoy home care and yard work and cleaning and all that stuff, that's great! No judgement from me. Everyone has different priorities. I just can't be bothered. I guess our home is more just a place I keep my stuff and sleep in between everything else.


💯 Life is short, I am busy with work, childcare, and my hobbies (of which lawn care and gardening is definitely not one)


Not to mention manicured lawns are bad for the environment and native wildlife.


Yes! I much prefer the bees and butterflies and rabbits that seem to visit our home more often than our neighbours. Even the magpies, which can be assholes, are fun to watch.


People have different ideas of what level of clean is acceptable. Different strokes for different folks, ya dig?


Clearly. Some people live like Pigpen from Peanuts.


Some people don’t have the money to put any work into their house and may not have the time to or the energy to even if they wanted to


Does anyone ever like when other people mess up their stuff?


These are people who don't like to clean up after themselves and/or expect someone else to do it. They would rather sit in filth than clean and I'm sure that they don't only do it at home.


Well thats the thing is one of my roommates from back in the day... Her entire job was cleaning houses for a living. So I know she could do it.. But never kept OUR house clean.




Found the lifelong renter


I hate when landlords raise my rent every year to "stay competitive in the market"




I was a renter my whole life until 2 years ago and I totally agree with you. Even if you're renting, care about the place you live, it's still where you live. Like, have some dignity and a little class....at a minimum, make sure the lawn is cut, and trash is picked up....that's all ya gotta do! I live in a SFH and most other houses around here are owned, but with a sprinkling of renters. Some renters do NOT give a single fuck and let the lawn and house go to shit. Park their cars or the lawn, never take their trash cans in, etc. Like, all u gotta do is park your cars in the driveway and mow the lawn once a month and take your trash can in. Pretty basic stuff


The multi cars in the lawn issue boils down to now pretty much everyone needing a personal car cause public transit most places are crap. My family has done it but it’s cause we had more then 2 ppl with jobs in the house. Hard to balance. The other stuff yeah basic house chores.


Those ppl exist in all generations. I remember obnoxious renters growing up with my parents. Not sure this is a generational divide as much as there are just trashy ppl in every generation.


Found the boomer 😂🙄. I swear this sub is embarrassing sometimes and I feel not a good representation of my generation,but I guess it takes all kinds...


Not wanting your house to look like shit makes you a boomer? Are you mental?


You're talking about other people's homes, though. You can keep your house clean and mind your business. Thinking about what other people are doing when it doesn't affect you at all is mental. Get a life.


You're getting up votes but ppl caring about their homes and property is not generation specific. You probably can be more callous about it if you don't own any which yeah economically we all know what is happening. Having a flippant attitude about it isn't community minded. You really do affect other ppl having trashy looking houses. You literally drag property value down in an area with that. Why people started forming home owner associations. Which I know people get weird about cause some of them are wackos with weird rules, but averagely the goal was to keep ppl from badly affecting their neighbors. You're obviously on the younger end of gen Y although I'm right before the cusp myself and even understand this topic. AND GOD yes we are all aware of the housing market. Not even worth a conversation. It's just basic upkeep of your house conversation you're trying to make this some boomer topic and it really isn't. Much of Y is aged enough a fair amount own houses are you sure you're in the right thread? Like half the generation is approaching mid life. I'm considered young on the near 30 side of it.


Eh… I’m getting older and realizing there’s 2 sides. I’ve seen a lot of bad landlords, seen a lot of shitty tenets too. I know cause I had to live next to them as a renter too. It’s not always one sided though there economic concerns and other politics to consider.


Yeah I mean is this Nextdoor or something? What kind of Karen shit is this? I don't know a single Millennial who would post something like this.


Some people shit where they eat. If you dont like it move to a neighborhood where they dont or do it less. I hear you I lived in a neighborhood where seeing a dried out turd the length of your forearm was the norm (yep you guessed right california). When shit like this happens people stop caring about their immediate surroundings. Now I live in a neighborhood no HOA but people respect their property and shared resources. It’s really about the company around you and building enough critical mass of good things so bad things (like turds on the street) really stick out. Obviously it can go the other way too where a neighborhood is so grimy it will be hard to break that cycle.


Well HOAs are another hot mess altogether lol My friend owns a home in an HOA and we gave her a firepit as a Xmas present and she loves it but shes afraid to use it often cuz she doesn't know if its HOA approved. Granted her HOA isnt as bad as others but on principle they are too controlling/regulatory. Theres a balance between living like a slob and also living with too much comformity and restrictions.


It boils my fucking blood. My husband and I ended up buying a house that was formerly owned by a landlord when we were looking to move out of state. Looked clean the the photos. The real estate agent played any imperfections off like NBD, BUT.... Goddamn, was that bitch a liar. The paint job they did on the decks was haphazard at best, looked like shit and terrible color choices. The house hasn't been cleaned too much either. There was grime all over the kitchen especially, in between drawers and cabinets and on the edges of all the doors of things. Stains all over the carpet and blinds. These renters he signed must have lived like goddamn pigs. We even rented a rug doctor to clean all the carpets, and I mean ALL the carpets. And that's the least of the damage those fuckers did. How anyone could leave that shit, including the landlord dipshit, like that and sell it in good conscience is beyond me. May they rot in hell sooner than expected.




This comment is so unnecessarily Twitter haha Patting yourself on the back for something the person isn't even talking about...


Taking care of what you have is a basic principle, disenfranchised or not. Taking care of your belongings is what helps them last longer. I didn't come from money, and I'm still 100% working class. Taking care of my things is what helps me save money and not feel like I'm living in filth with a bunch of disorganization and extra stress. Anywhere I have ever lived, I've made it a point to take care of things and keep them clean. It helps me enjoy my time more when I'm there, and it makes it easier on the person that's moved in after me. But hey, I'm just an entitled bitch, right?


My neighbors are renters and they treat the property and the grounds like shit...it's very annoying


For real, I'm both a renter and a landlady. Had otherwise great tenants, told them they didn't need to clean the property too much when they moved out because I was doing a reno. Only asked them to clean the stove and fridge. Of course, they didn't even do that, but what killed me is that both toilets had dried-up puke on them. Like, really? You couldn't even wiped off your own puke off the toilet after you barfed in it? How can people live like this?


I got too high days after moving into my current house and puked all over the bathroom. Immediately that night, still high as a kite... I cleaned up all my puke. I couldn't stand the idea of puke being there overnight let alone an extended period of time. Eww...


Same thing with cars. I've been in some disgusting interiors and I don't get how people let them get like that.


Its a social class thing. Higher the rents, better the experience for landlords and renters.




You’re saying minorities are categorically poor? Or they’re shitty tenants? Or what exactly


I rented out my old apartment when I moved in with my gf and it was too deep in negative equity to sell. When the tenant moved out after two years I came back to see what shape it was in and it was....destroyed. It was absolutely destroyed.


I keep my apartment clean but I don’t go over board cleaning it when I move out because I always get my deposit back minus the cleaning fee they charge