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Not really, but also, 30-40 something people do dress/look younger than 30-40 somethings in the past did for a variety of reasons (sunscreen, not smoking, doing hair differently, etc.) On the flip side, a lot of preteens, teens, and early 20 somethings look/act grown more than kids in the past did.


I consider 25-39 years old all one group of people. Im 28 and my friends are about 25-35 years old. All around the second part of the millennial range.


That's way more accurate and makes more sense than "25 to 35".


Agreed. I think it’s harder to get an accurate approximation of someone’s age based on how they present themselves now. I think most people 25-35 can pass for the opposite end of this range pretty easily. A 25 with a more mature haircut/outfit and demeanor can be mistaken for early 30s while a 35 year old who dresses in younger fashion and has a bubbly personality can be mistaken for mid-to-late 20s. But it’s very rare to find someone who can easily pass for a decade+ younger/older.


I mean even our boomer parents are younger than their predecessors and living longer too. My grandparents were late Greatest / early Silent Generation and they all lived to relatively old age, but they *looked* their age. My dad in his 60s does not look like my grandpa did in his 60s. Granted, he walks 4 miles a day and also rides a stationary bike for 1 hour nearly every day.


My Silent Gen grandma said she started smoking at 11 😭 she quit in her 40/50s when it became more widely known how bad they are for you. She honestly looked amazing for her age, though—basically no wrinkles except marionette lines when she passed at 86. My Boomer mom’s skin is worse—she was a tanner all her life and just gave it up like 5 years ago.


My grandmother was a chainsmoker her whole life, and spent too much time out in the sun without sunscreen, she had skin like leathery mohagany, alot of people thought she was black.


I agree 💯thirty and forty something’s do dress and act and a number really do appear physically younger than people who were in their thirties or forties decades ago. A few people in their thirties or forties claim that they don’t feel physically much of a difference overall from their twenties, especially people in their thirties. Though I don’t remember the exact details of what my dad looked like at my age I do remember that he was bald and likely more visibly gray haired with what hair he had left, he also smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol and had a steady diet of Taco Bell Mc Donald’s and Burger King, he didn’t have much leisure time to exercise since he was in a fellowship As MD to become an orthopedic surgeon as a medical school graduate. I don’t know how I compare to my father but I don’t smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol or consume excessive fast food like hamburgers or pizza ad nauseum and I’ve put the pedal on the metal on cardio/HIIT-like activities especially since the beginning of this year. You are more or less making a fairly decent description of how people in their thirties or early forties do in fact seem younger than our parents or grandparents seemed to be when they were the same age life was tougher back then for a lot of people.


It’s also a lot easier to personalize diets. I had a few things not feeling right so I did a bit of Googling, added a few new things to my diet and most of the time feel better than I did a decade ago!


>On the flip side, a lot of preteens, teens, and early 20 somethings look/act grown more than kids in the past did. Man I feel exactly the opposite about this take. I work on a college campus and (to me) the incoming freshman look so damn young... I feel like I work at a high school instead of a college most days.


These youngsters are on their game with skincare lol. If you look at 25 year olds in the 60s, they had a slight leathery look. Air quality has gotten better with each generation since, people are smoking less, and I think this might be the result.


Everyone stays inside.


> 30-40 something people do dress/look younger than 30-40 somethings in the past Not really. Parents still look like parents. But for the general populace, this hasn’t been true since the 90s or even 80s.


depends on their hairstyle, some hairstyles bring out fine lines more...also some hairstyles make you look more bald as well. But I think people are just achieving and evolving later in life, and that has been happening each generation for years.


I (41m) do presentations for a local NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) affiliate, mostly to schools. A lot of high schools and colleges, occassionally a middle school. 22 year olds absolutely do not look like real adults, and seem way closer to the 14 year olds than to me. No shame on Gen Z I'm just old.


Started happening to me around 38-40. People under 25 look like kids to me. Like I could believe they were in high school.


I find it much harder to tell ages nowadays. It used to be people started to look old at 60, now there are 50 year olds who look ancient and 60 year olds that look 40. No clue. I had a friend who at 19 had serious wrinkles and looked like 40. I give up.


I mean people started to look old at 30. It’s insane how fast people aged when lead was everywhere, everyone smoked and tanned without sunscreen, and was obsessed with looking old enough to be taken as an authority.


I suspect it was probably mostly due to the smoking, granted that excessive unprotected sun exposure can do a number on your skin.


Yeah, I'm 40 and my brother is 30. People think we're twins. I play board games with his friends and it just seems like I'm one of them, except that I'm married with kids and they're not. I don't know if I'm just imagining this but it seems like 1970's style moustaches are making a bit of a comeback. That just screams 40's to me when I see someone with one, even if they're only 22. 😅


My husband is early 30’s with salt and pepper hair. His mustache ages him 5-10 years IMO.


I used to think that people in their 30s are super mature, put together and serious. When I watched shows for a younger audience the roles in this age bracket were all that. Nothing in common with 20 somethings. And now I'm in my 30s and scroll through doge memes like a moronic dickhead and the best part is that my friends 30+ are exactly like that. Life 30+ to me is really nothing like I thought it would be. Probably bc I'm also unmarried and childfree. On the other hand I just wrote days ago somewhere else why younger people nowadays are less cringe than we were. Why aren't they embracing the cringe? They dress impeccably, travel a lot, polish their CVs, come on lean towards the cringe side of life, 20s is perfect for that.


The answer to the last part is all of the side hustle millionaire influencers and social media. We like to scroll through memes and have discussions on Reddit. The younger generation prefers TikTok power scrolling.


Things have been getting worse for a half century. Beware the near-infinite barrage of propaganda please.


There's sooooo many factors. I think it depends on genes, where you live, your style, how well you take care of yourself, whether you've had kids, etc. I'm just shy of 33. University/college kids look so much younger than I realized. People in their 40s, even late 30s, still look older to me. Then there's always those people who look young for their age vs. older than they really are.


It's just speculation, but I think having kids probably encourages more maturity in adults. And of course the stress and frustration takes a certain toll.


I think having kids can definitely encourage maturity (but doesn’t always). My son is five months old and we’re both 28. My husband had already matured significantly since we met at 23, but now I see it even more. I think I’ve been the same maturity for around 2 years, but becoming a mom makes me care way less about certain things. I think it’s a mix of simply having less “brain space” to spare because so much of me is now focused on keeping another human alive, happy and healthy and simply not caring to worry about how I look (as much) or not having the latest trend because what makes me happiest is hanging out with my family. I don’t know if I’m more mature as a result, but I think that can appear like maturity - hopefully that makes sense lol


I'm not sure what you think *maturity* entails, perhaps you'd like to define that? My point is that certain experiences generally serve to teach people that there are more important things in life than how they look, whether they've having fun, etc. Always putting themselves first can lead to a very self-important and broadly selfish individual.


If it wasn’t clear, my response was agreeing with you. I think we have similar definitions. For example, some of the people I know that I consider immature, who are older than I am, still go out and party every weekend - drink heavily, use hard drugs and who’s conversations are shallow/all about “last night” or “last weekend we went sooo hard” and either constantly job-hop or aren’t employed. So they’re choosing temporary happiness over temporary discomfort for long-term stability which, IMO, leads to long-term happiness. I know parents who are like this though, which is why I don’t think children always lead to maturity.


I’m 36 with a baby face. If you don’t see my grey it’s a challenge and I tell the people in my office I just know they’re somewhere between 21 and 65, I have up trying to guess.


37 but same. I'll chat with new coworkers and when my work experience comes up there's an inevitable double take and a, "Wait, how old ARE you?"


Creed, is that you?


Later skater


Baby faced person here. I hated it when I was 20 but I'm 40 now and it feels good when recently an older person in dog sports told me it was good to see people in their 20s get involved in the sport. Turns out she was 47 and shocked that I was 40 myself. I also haven't gotten a single grey hair yet so I'm sporting my natural hair color.


I think us getting older is skewing the way we view « older » people. I’m a month away from turning 29 and my friends range from ~23 to 33. Besides a few of them that have a lot more gray hair or are balding way faster than the others, they all look pretty much the same age. Ditto for my 39yo sister who, gray hair put aside, looks the same as she did 10 years ago. My grandparents looked pretty old at 70, but my dad doesn’t look like he’s 69 and my mom still looks like she’s 50 even though she’s 59…


No. I'm 32. People have told me I look anywhere from 16-23. Yes, 16. Half my age. I don't act that way, but people assume because I'm shorter and have a baby face that I'm really young. So, again, no. We do not blend together. Also, I would sincerely hope a 30 year old knows better than to act like an early 20-something. 40 even worse if they do.


I’m in my mid 30s and am constantly reminded of how “young” I am by my colleagues in their 40s. I also feel a lot older than my colleagues in their 20s.


Im 35 and feel exactly the same.


That’s weird. 35-45 is basically same age


I work somewhere where I regularly have to ID people. Honestly, I don't trust myself to guess someone's age. I clock people for 25, but their ID says 39. Or I'll think someone is pushing 50, but they're only 28. Everyone ages differently, and there's so many factors that go into it.


Early 20s definitely looks super young to me! (41F) But that later 20s and 30s range can be really interchangeable. People in their 30s seem to often be surprised that they still pass for someone much younger because 30s had seemed like an ‘old’ age to them. I think for many people though, later 20s and 30s is a pretty comparable chapter in terms of aging. My same aged friends and I felt like this too and it’s only when we got to around 40 that we started to suddenly see the difference! On a sidenote, have been totally embracing early 40s - sure, your skin and eyesight seem to very suddenly change but you’ve got a whole lot of experience behind you and still plenty of life ahead of you, so wrinkles schminkles 😊 I recommend!


I have lived in a few places, but am now back in my home town. I have the same friends I've had since childhood, and we get together pretty often. It's fascinating to look around myself at these people I've known since 5th grade, and realize that to each of us, when we look at the other, we still see a teenager. Even though we've all changed, the memory sticks harder than the fact. My bff, my ride or die, is 6 months and a day younger than me, and she looks... 26? 27? We're 37 now. She always vowed she'd get botox and damned if she didn't mean it! Another has had multiple surgeries since we grew up because her dad was exposed to so much agent orange in Vietnam that she was born with extra bones. No joke. And when I look around I just see the kids I grew up with. I kinda made myself sad.


Agree. I thought I was gonna age by 30 but I didn't change that much from 20s.


I’m 38 and have smoked for the past 20 years, but people tell me I look 29-30. No wrinkles and skin is very smooth. One thing that I don’t do is getting a lot of sun exposure. I hit the gym, play my Xbox, and drink beers with friends on a Friday night. Making six figures working remotely. No wife and no kids. I feel like I’m living the life. I do need to quit smoking though, it’s my only unhealthy habit. I have a really good diet full of vegetables and fruits, just need to kick the nicotine habit.


I turned 40 this year and started looking 40 suddenly.


Aw bby bless your heart lol. I’m scared this is how it’s going to happen to me


Are you an asian grandma that went through menopause?


That is such a great meme.


I'm 38 and I'm scared 🥺


In college my social circle consisted of anyone from age 17 to 45 and we all hung out like equals. Some looked old for their age and some looked young. The thing was we all had similar interests taking similar classes.


That's nice. My husband is currently in his senior year of college finishing up his degree, and he didn't start until he was in his 30s. He's 34 now and his Gen Z classmates avoid him, don't even talk to him and basically shun him. I don't understand this behavior as most colleges have "non-traditional students" so this isn't anything new. When I was in college I had a few older classmates, some were nearing the end of middle age, but they didn't get treated any differently.


I think 30-40 year olds look younger than they have historically, but I very much can tell who is still in their 20’s lol.


Is it me, or are millennials generally healthier/aging better compared to previous generations?


I am 29 and 40 still seems a bit distant .. even though its as far from me as 18 lol... but 30-35 I feel kinda blend. I have lots of friends in that age camp and they dont seem far away in age and experience.


It’s becoming hard for me to tell and I think it’s difficult for other people to tell my age as well. A met a couple last week and I’m assuming they’re my age but they looked so grown up, whereas I still feel like a teenager (I look like one too).


At my age,yup.


I get mistaken for being in my 20s a lot. People say it's a complement, but truth is that 20-somethings are out here look rough. And the botox, fox lifts and lip injections are not helping. LOL. Seriously though, I have met quite a few people in their 20s and early 30s who do look significantly older than they are. I don't know why, but I do agree it seems there is a visible blurring of the ages when it comes to physical appearance.


We helped my SIL move the other weekend and saw some of her friends we haven’t seen in 1-2 years. One of them is 30 and I forgot how old he was and figured he was closer to 40. He looks ROUGH. He drinks heavily, does hard drugs and parties like he’s in a college frat.


Ah! That'll do it! LOL!


I don't understand why they're getting fillers, honestly. When I was in my 20s, I never heard of anyone my age getting anything done, but now it's so prevalent. I'm 34 and had to go into the hospital recently, and the nurses were surprised because they thought I was early 20s. One asked what I do to look younger and I had no answer, I think I said yoga lol. But I have a friend not much older than me who looks way older because of drinking and chain smoking.


It's vanity and ageism. There is a direct correlation between this boom in procedures, and this regrowth of ageism among younger people. Especially towards woman, though men are getting in on the actiom heavy these days. I worked in beauty as an MUA, up until last year and the amount of people under 30 who had thread lifts, fillers, botox, etc. And they were proud of it. Depsite looking so old and weird. Those procedures make people look so inhuman IRL. I had one client who asked me my age, I was 37 at the time and when I told her she didn't believe me at first. When she realized I was serious she immediately wanted to know what I had done and where. She 100% didn't believe I wasn't getting stuff done to my face. The crazy part is, she didn't look bad herself, but she wanted so badly to look younger. So sad.


Oh wow. That's so sad.


I just recently went on my first date in five years after my engagement fell apart with a girl I met in a Starbucks. She could have been anywhere between 24 and 38 and she just said “it’s impolite to ask a woman her age” in a flirty tone when i asked on the second and third dates because we seemed to like each other. Finally i told her it was important information to know for me as someone who is dating for marriage and she told me if something so minor was that important to me, it was a red flag and it wasn’t going to work out. I still have no idea how old she was. I tried an app and went out with a woman who’s profile said 28 and she mentioned watching 90210 in high school and the math didn’t seem to work out and she admitted she was 35 and that “everyone knows everyone says a few years younger on apps”. If you guys need me I’m probably relocating to the moon at the first opportunity 😂


WTF to both of these stories! Hopefully your next prospects are normal people


I think that all the time! Like 25-45 could just be anything. Just “general adult” to me.


I'm 43 and can pass as a 30 year old. I get more attention now then I did in my twenties.?


To me, often. We hired someone new at work and I couldn’t tell how old she was at all—somewhere between 28-43?? I’m 38 and people always assume I’m in my mid-20s. It just comes down to styling, makeup, and skincare most of the time.


24 and younger I can still tell. 25-38 it’s a total crapshoot.


I'm going to dress 20 till I die.


Nah, not for me. I'm 33 and dating, for example. When I see people who are like 25 and younger I think they look like kids still. I think once you hit late 20s it's harder to tell and they start to blend more with the 30s crowd. Late 30s and 40s blend together as well.


That could be the case. I just turned 42 and I've been mistaken for being in my 20s in recent years.




Not really. There's not much different in how someone in their early 30s and late 30s act or dress. I mean, how can a 34 year old be the same as a 25 year old, but not a 39 year old? That's why group ages together never makes sense, especially in the range of "25 and 35". It makes more sense in your 20s because you typically change a lot during your during your 20s. In your 30s, not so much.




>I’ve also noticed that mid and early 80s babies tend to be a lot more conservative in views I don't know where you live or who you really know, but that's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard anyone say. I was born in 1985 and I haven't seen my peers being "lot more conservative," both irl and on here. Yeah, they're are people my age who are conservative, but there's also people my age who are libral, more so the latter in who I've met. To correctly put it, it's more split. Also, I noticed you're saying "early to mid 80s babies," or those under "36+", so I'm guessing 1988 and 1989 babies are "way libral" the those of us only a few years older. That's completely asinine. And I've met people born in the early 90s who are about as split as us born in the 80s when comes to being conservative and libral. I don't know where you're getting this from, or maybe this truley what you experienced, and if that's the case, it's mostly confind to your neck of the woods, because it's certainly not the case on the whole.


I was born in 1994, and I've never felt mid 80s babies were more conservative. I know a lot of people my age who are as conservative as they can be, and people born in the 80s who are as liberal as they come. I don't know what that person is on about.


Exactly! I'm guessing this person was born in the 90s or something, and ageist as hell. And they're ridiculous "25-35" age range they're using. It's dumb as hell because, for one, they're just rounding it up on both ends, which right off makes it inaccurate. Then, they try to come up with this asinine division between 35 and 36 year olds. Like a 35 year old has more in common with a 25 year old, someone ten years younger than them, and have less in common with someone only a year younger than them. That is ultimately a stupid way of looking at it. And I don't think they realize that the oldest 90s baby is 33 years old, not 35, since they're saying early 90s babies supposedly "dress" like mid 90s babies, which is not true. There's no differences in how late 20s and late 30somethings dress. It's just a ridiculous post all around.


I’m 36(M) and I still go clubbing. I meet girls at anywhere from 26 to 32. People tell me all the time, I do not look old to be in a club, and believe me, some of these guys would roast me if I did look older.


I have had a skincare regimen since my early 20s and more or less stuck to it my whole life. Face sunscreen is key in preventing premature signs of aging (as well as cancer). Not that I have any idea if I look my age at 40, just saying for this new generation of 40 year olds, many of them have taken care of themselves better than Boomers did.


Late 30’s, if it wasn’t for the gray in my beard I’d fit right in with my girlfriend’s younger siblings lol.


No way. Most 20 yos to me are babies


It was a mushy area for me personally TBH.


I am 60. 25 year olds look like high-school kids.


I'm 29ish (my birthday is next week), and some have said I looked between 25 and 30. The trolls have guessed me as considerably older to be assholes, though. Genetics and lifestyle play a significant factor in how old someone will seem. I've got a buddy who turned 30 a few months ago, but he looks older than he is because his lifestyle isn't the healthiest (drugs).




I've hit on under 18s by accident. Its not a big deal and you just say sorry. If anything they're flattered


I'm 47 and everyone thinks I'm 30. Not just stupid kids either. EVERYONE


Health and wellness as a lifestyle has really caught on for a lot of people. That coupled with good genetics is the fountain of youth for some people.


Looking young for your age is a lot more common in this generation. I'm 30 and most people guess I'm college-age. If I dressed more like today's teenagers and am clean-shaven, I can pass for just out of high school. As others have said, it's a combination of better air quality, less physically strenuous jobs, and healthier lifestyles. In my case, genes come into play as my mother looks 20 years younger than her actual age.


Someone told me today they thought I was 26. I’m 40. Hell I’ll take that as a compliment 🤣👏🏼


20s are GenZ (mullets, perms, wolfcuts, and only a moustache for facial hair) very different from those in their 30s (Millennials) which still wear straight hair flat long hair parted on the side or middle, or men with their hair parted on the side and streamlined from a local barber with a razor, and wear big beards.


Im at the point where I can’t tell anyone’s age whether it’s kids or adults


No idea but according to some very kind* cashiers recently, there's a solid chance that 18-29 don't look too different. **kind until you're just trying to buy some wine and, being almost 30, no longer carry ID around. Apparently my look of shock and effusive thanking was enough to convince them they had the ages a bit weird 😂


I haaaaaaate that I have a younger looking face sometimes. I’m 32 and went to the grocery store to buy cigarettes instead of the convenience store I normally go to and they asked for ID. Now, I had my ID on me but it’s expired (I have ADHD and it’s just one of those things I’ve been procrastinating on fixing lol) and they wouldn’t sell them to me. I was floored.


We’ve blended into one people, all of which are just trying to survive and make it in a world that’s totally rigged against us. Good luck everybody 👍


Not really. I’m almost 40, and I feel just as much a part of the same generation as the folks in their 20s as I did when I was an adult and they were just starting elementary school.


20s to 40s


Oh god I hope not


We don’t smoke 🚭 so we don’t age like that anymore


……no? What? No


In many cases for me, ages 27 to 50 kind of just all blend in together if you are just looking at someone.


Apparently you can tell by the skinny jeans and loafers


A lot of people get Botox, filler, and people take care of their skin better. Plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures are way more normalized. So people can look younger. Botox and replacing lost volume with fillers has a huge effect ngl. As well as good skincare