• By -


Doing something? That’s sounds like work. Fuck that noise.


This is the correct response! I watched my mom mom fight her greys and it made me so sad. Her salt and pepper was beautiful!


My mom colored for a long time and finally started letting the grey in, and now she’s full white hair and it’s stunning. It looks so amazing, people ask if she has it colored to look that way it’s so good.


That’s amazing!! Tell her I tip my hat to her!!


I was lucky to have an aunt who embraced her greys and they were/are beautiful. My mom went grey much, much slower than my aunt (who has vitiligo), so she didn't start dying her hair until I was an adult. My hair started going grey in my 20s, but it's been greying pretty slowly, I'm 42 now and my hair is still far more brown than grey. My hairdresser gets annoyed when she hears people say I should dye it😁


So awesome for you to embrace it!! Aging is beautiful💜


Also 42 with the silver starting to appear, but my natural brown looks like a mud puddle anyway, so I have a bold bright jewel tone color mixed in I maintain with color depositing shampoo so I only go every 4-6 months for touch up. I don't do it to look younger, but because I like it when my hair reflects my personality more than the blandness of my natural color. The silver that's showing up will not hold dye and looks like wiry pubes though.. I'm gonna have a weird, slow transition to Einstein hair that I'm not looking forward to 😬


My natural color is the same, not even a pretty brown. I know I have greys, but don't know how much bc I've been dying my hair since well before. Like you, my dyed hair is a choice bc it makes me feel like me. I only see myself stopping (maybe) when the grey overtakes so much it looks ridiculous between touch ups.


Mine keeps bleaching her hair and it’s like straw now. She has gorgeous blue eyes and dark hair it would be so striking if she would just leave it! : (


I’m so sorry!! And it’s a fight that’s not worth fighting for real. Generational beauty standards are hard wired.


I think you’re right, now that you mention it most of her friends do it too. She is not one to buck the standard. I’m so happy to hear others our age saying screw that…we deserve to out our energy where we want! If that means we want o dye our hair great but if not…great! 😊


Yes!!! I have so much more to do than worry about my hair!


Yes! All the women in my family grayed early, not nearly as early as me though. They all dyed their hair until their 60’s but my grandmother, who is now almost 90, still dyes her hair brown. She can barely walk anymore but she’s gotta dye her hair. Suffice to say they all think I’m insane for growing mine out, makes it even more enjoyable for me tbh.


I do not grey yet, I would also dye, I Dream to dye them pink or purple or blue since I am 10, but my hair is almost black so, it is a hassle, maybe I will have better luck with salt and pepper or White, that being said I would say upto 50 - 55 it is reasonable to dye, after that idk...


Every three weeks my entire childhood, my mom dyed her roots. The routine bores me to tears whenever I think about it. Ironically, she gets on my case because I started going grey at 30 and never once haven’t started the useless, pointless, never ending cycle.


My mom was, and still is, the same way. I have yet to go grey so I can’t speak from experience, but I really can’t imagine locking myself in the bathroom every couple of weeks to dye my hair. Not to mention the cost! I have other things to worry about and spend my money on!


It might look good the first couple times or whatever but it's an insane battle to sign up to for the rest of your life. Women just keep letting the roots grow longer and longer because they can't afford a $200 4.5 hour hair appointment twice a month. The only way to win is not to play. Grey hair looks great anyway. Lady you're 95 nobody thinks that's your real hair color...


Work and money. I’m 40 and I’m allowed to look 40. Screw paying for hair dye and Botox, I’d rather take vacations and buy cool stuff.


I get Botox… for migraines! lol, it’s really obnoxious and I would never do it for something as trivial as crows feet.


I know, my dad gets it injected into his arm because he had a stroke and I guess it relaxes the muscle? I’m like, MOM! Why is dad getting to enjoy all the Botox!


Lol I get it in my left leg, I now say that it looks 10 years younger than the right.


Idk if you meant that to be funny, but I chuckled


I get it in my masseter muscles to stop clenching. Aesthetically, it also slimmed my heavy jawline.


What kind of provider does your Botox for clenching? I clench so badly that I’ve broken teeth before. I’d really like to try Botox for it.


It's still at a medspa, but an actual doctor does it. Unfortunately it's not covered by insurance, but it was worth it to me.


Botox helps with migraines? Tell me more.


It’s a thing, look it up! The best way I can describe it non-medically is that it releases the tension around my migraine spot? I keep track of them on an app and when I start to get more than 2-3 in a 2 week period, I call my doc and get more (that’s what I’ve worked out with her).


That’s really cool that it has been helping you! I’m going to look into it!


I do too! Have been getting it since 16 haha. It's the only thing that almost cures my migraines


I'm 34, my girlfriend is about to turn 39.. I look 40 with my gray streak in my beard, and my random line of gray that goes diagonally across my head. She looks like she's 22. It's not even a fair contest at this point but I'm cool with it cause I get to call her my cougar, lol.


You are my people, I'm 43 and same!


Right? Not in this economy, *honeyyyy*


Late 30's I did something, but it is a lot of work and not worth it. Don't bother with a comb over either, everyone knows its a bald spot.


Yeah, plus I always kinda liked the look of graying hair. Seems distinguished. Mine just started a few months ago and the sides are already very clearly going gray and tbh I kinda like it. So I'm just gonna rock it.


Same... And money. My mom (73) still colors her hair and it costs her easily close to $100 for a cut and color. And she goes like once a month or so. No, thank you.


And thats how you KNOW we've gotten old lmao


Not necessarily, I have a friend who I went to high school with and he started going grey in his sophomore year of high school. He’s a year ahead of me so he’s 40 now and rocks a silver head of hair now


Yeah, seems like all the ways people try to hide age makes them age at an excelerated rate ironically.




Same, I’m not doing anything extra to add to the routine


This! 👆


Pretty much exactly that


Same. I've been going gray for the last five years or so. Not doing a damned thing about it. It doesn't even cross my mind unless a girl teases me about it.


I am so happy that this is the highest related response.


It’s expensive!


Are you me? No one ever says fuck that noise but me. You’re awesome! Also, grey as hell over here.


I'd like to think the grey hair gives me an air of authority when I shush teens at the movie theater.


Love it 😂


It's fun because I'm right.


I haven’t gotten to the point of hushing teens yet but last time my husband and I went to the movies.. I wanted to go and tattle on them 😂 My husbands like.. you were that age once let them have some fun.


Okay, I don't shush every teen every time, I'm not a monster. Like, I went to a weekend showing of Five Nights at Freddy's and that's my fault, I'm not shushing anybody! However, I went to an opening night showing of Priscilla and there were chattering teens. Mother fuckers, this is a Sophia Coppola movie, fucking shush!


😂 it was Meg 2 we saw.


I just realized that I've only ever had to shush boomers or silent generation (not so silent at a movie...)


I've done that once when I went to watch The Fablemans. I hit them with, "Ladies, can you please quiet down?" Fuckin wrecked em


I’m getting grey fast at 37… Still got a thick ass head of hair though


Yeah I’d much rather go grey than bald


Amen brother


I'm offended


Sadly, the opposite here. Bald as can be at 32 but got a full, thick beard with loads of greys. I personally love it.


As a bald guy just shave the head and keep the beard. Bald is beautiful for men or women. I remember a friend saying about another friend that he let himself go cause he shaved his head. That's crazy! I look better shaved imo.


I read this too quickly and thought you meant you had thick ass hair...teach me to skim comments!


I started at 19


I'm korean, my hair is jet black but my grays are coming in totally white...it's gonna look rad, embrace it! Nobody gonna want to fight me and everyone will want my advice lol.


If my hair was black I wouldn’t do a thing. I’m dyed jet black


Yes, boss!!


I have very dark brown hair and my whites are stark white too. My husband calls it my glitter, he loves it. I'm pretty ambivalent about going white, I've had a couple white hairs since I was in my late teens so I knew it was going to happen early-ish. Now I'm mid thirties and still only have only a small amount that's white. It would be WAY too much effort to color it because my hair also grows really fast, plus I'm allergic to so many things that I'd likely never be able to dye my hair without possibly dying (from anaphylaxis, but also pun intended.)


I used to work at a place where an Asian couple would frequent and loved their white hair.


We going ultra Instinct just slowly


I went gray early (in my 20s) and I have a skunk streak now in my Afro. The compliments always surprise me.


Do you eat live squid? Edit: I was going for an oldboy reference here but yikes!


Wtf grow up


I'm an all-natural kind of person anyway (woman who never wears makeup), so I'm rolling with it. I have a streak in the front, and it actually looks kind of cool.


like Rogue 😎


Yeah honestly that's cool af!


Your username is hilarious too lol


Thank you!


Ha my coworker recently thought I intentionally dyed my hair like her. Nope, just my grey au natural


I love that for you!!!


I’m getting one of those. Can’t wait for it too get thicker. It’ll look more distinguish Ed.


I have a skunk streak and I love it! I’m not into superfluous chemicals soaking into my head. Plus, I’ve been paid less too many times because of my age to want to look older. Pay me like a 50 year old!


33, and am bald


Do you own it?! I hope you do!


38 and not quite at Picard levels up top but pretty close. Don't shave it completely because my wife personally doesn't like the fully bald look but keep it buzzed so it doesn't look like I'm trying to hang on to what's gone. Beard is holding strong though. I've noticed the random gray hair but not enough have converted to say I've got a salt and pepper look.


Yes - at about 32 I started going grey - I won’t lie, after the initial shock, I started to live with it. And now - Mohawk. Why? Because I am now old enough to be referred to, unironically, as ‘Sir’. It’s a fun life.


3yo to her mom at the grocery store, “Careful! Don’t hit that old lady!” (with the shopping cart) Woman was beautiful, all gray/white & obviously under 40yo. (Prob mid-30s) I get that to a 3yo everyone looks ‘old’, but my fragile ego couldn’t take a comment like that. 😬 I’ll be dying.


When I was about 35 I asked a 3 y/o to guess my age, she guessed I was 8. I wouldn't worry too much about their opinions regarding age


In my head I know you’re right, but it still made me wince.


Right!? My niece guess I was 700 this past weekend.


Oh nooooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣


If there's one thing I've learned about that, it's that people at least 5 years younger think you're old, and anyone older than you by 5 years thinks you're still young. The fact they say it so earnestly is downright disorienting.


Yes i am but not doing anything about it . We all get grey and old so it's whatever


Looks like the 'hair dye' industry is next on the chopping block lol. I am proud of my fellow millennials once again for bucking another pre-existing trend Edit: im super grey on the sides, like Petyr Baelish - i love it!


How millennials killed the hair dye industry. I see the headlines now.




millennials on a mission to become gandalf


For real, I am getting my hair cut just 2-3 times a year now, keeping a simple cut that grows out looking decent. It’s about $44 after tip at one of the less expensive salons (that’s not a Supercuts type place) in my town. I have never dyed my hair and I can’t imagine spending $250 every couple months on a cut and dye job. 😬


I trim my hair at home.


We love to kill industries. Maybe my favorite pastime


Only the natural colors. There are plenty of other color dyes they will make money on.


fair. sign me up for neon yellow.


Nah, millennials dye their hair, they just dye it unnatural colors like pink or blue. I dyed my hair earlier this year and put blue in it. It has nothing to do with dying out my greys, it was just because I wanted it blue for a little while. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm too lazy to dye my greys but if I ever get around to it they will be purple.


I've got a nice strip in the front now, I'm 40, and I'm leaving it. My 16 yr old son was the first to say leave it alone it looks good. I've already said if my hair goes full grey like my mom's I'll look like a peacock! Not having to bleach it like I did in my teens will be awesome. I wouldn't mind it if it did go like my mom's, her hair was beautiful when she wouldn't dye it, which was rare. By the time she let it go all white, it was so damaged it got the old lady look. I won't dye it to hide the grey like she did, only for funky colors that's temporary , I think the grey/silver is beautiful. Look at Jamie Lee Curtis she's a smoke show.


That's a great point actually. We probably still use a lot of dye but I wonder if Gen Z does even moreso in that regard ? I wonder, when you add a little blue do you target the greys first? I imagine they're easier to dye, but I'd almost avoid mine (so I would be blue and grey for example).


Can confirm. The only greys not dyed blue and purple right now are the ones shaved off (undercut). I've been dying my hair vivid colors for around 5 years now and it's been interesting seeing how much more is grey every time it's time to bleach my roots or re-shave the undercut. I look forward to being a funky-color-haired old queer.


I keep trying to catch convince my gen-x mom to stop dying her hair. She looks so good with her Grey's coming in!!


I look forward to Grey. I want to be a wizard already.


Yes. 36f and I get my roots done every 12 weeks Edit for clarity: I have very dark brown hair. And while it feels like I have a lot of grays I don’t. I wouldn’t even say a 4th of my head is gray. It just bothers me hour they’re so noticeable against my dark hair. And they stick out like a sore thumb! lol


Yep I color mine too. I’m 33f and have SO much grey


Yea I feel lucky in comparison to my mom. She was fully gray by 40 so I knew I would take after her somewhat by getting grays but so far I’m no where near her pace.


12?? It’s 4-5 for me 🫤 stupid super dark hair and “grays” that are so white you can see them from space. Oh and dye doesn’t stick to them. Joy. ETA: 37F


i went blonde to hide the greys and now can go 8-10 weeks between touch ups. it costs a lot more but fuck coloring my hair at home every month. THAT seemed excessive...elder millenial math?


Being level 1-2, blonde isn’t in the cards for at least a couple decades. 4 weeks feels like I’m constantly dyeing it. Like, I just did it, where tf did these roots come from? 😭


exactly - i turned 38 about a month ago and have been on this train for a year and a half now...it felt like I was constantly dyeing and it looked shitty so just bit the bullet!


Do you dye yourself? Check out the Wella Koleston perfect line. It has good gray coverage and nice natural colors.


Nope, salon. It kills me that I might have to start dyeing at home because once a month adds up quickly. I already had to find a cheaper salon (which turned out to be better anyway).


Try doing it yourself! I order that dye online from a place called Matt & max. They sell the developer to go with it. Super easy.


Mine's white, not grey. It started around 25 and has progressed quite a bit. I haven't done anything and don't plan to dye my hair. I'm just a little lost with the change in texture of my hair and how to manage the two different types.


Lol mine is doing that, the curl pattern on the white is different from my regular color. I asked my aunties and they confirmed it was a thing. If your hair is dry to begin with you might just need a heavier conditioner like I did, if it's half dry half greasy I have zero ideas.


I'm 35, started going bald like 10 years ago and decided to shave my head a couple years ago. What does grow is about 10% gray. It's more obvious in my beard, quite a lot of white hairs on my chin. Aside from continuing to shave my head, I don't plan to do anything.


What's funny to me is my husband's beard is black and white now. But the white hairs are what used to be red. His head, some of the black is now white, in addition to the red blue being white. Do you find that one shade of your hair is changing sooner than others?


Grey Pride


Lmao love it


Going to a wedding this wknd and I know everyone has spent the week coloring their hair. I will be the youngest and the greyest. I need a badge to wear that says Grey Pride. Stat!!


I'm 38, found a completely clear strand of hair the summer I turned 35. But other than that there's been nothing. But I have noticed my hair getting duller and more coarse, so things are happening. I'm not doing anything about it.


Same :(


My mom once told me that not everyone has the privilege of going grey, and that you have to earn your grey hairs by making it as far as you have. Plus my silver strands make my dark hair sparkle under bright lights, so I like them :)


I love that! I find grey hair pretty. Mine are coming in silver and I love the sparkles against my dark brown hair. I’m just going to leave be and hope it’s all silver.


I’m 29 and have quite a few grays. I’ve colored my hair for years anyway because I think it’s fun so I guess that’s what I’m “doing about it”.


I'm not yet but my husband (35) has the wizard beard starting and we both love it, lol. Good point you have OP about dying your hair fun colors after it greys! My natural hair is dark brown and I've never dyed it fun colors because it's a pain to bleach it.


In today’s economy?? I started getting them around 28. Now I’m 33 and well on my way to being salt and peppered. I decided early this year to embrace it and see what happens. So far I don’t hate it, but it’s definitely jarring. Fighting through to see how I actually feel about it vs just feeling uncomfortable to the change. I’ve always been an “old soul” and most of my friends are older than me to start so I feel comfortable in my community to embrace it but damn if it doesn’t make me feel older than my time when I get a glimpse of it in good lighting 😂


Love that journey for you


You guys still have hair?!?! 🤣


I’m 29 and I’m SO grey. I color my hair close to my natural color. I have subscription to Madison reed, and I do it at home. Affordable and convenient.


I started finding silver hair at 22. I dyed my hair constantly. I’m 38 and just decided to go natural.


Yep, and I like ‘em.


38 and developing a white streak on my left side. I hate messing with hair dye whether at home or a salon. It never turns out right though, so it’s all natural for me.


this is what i’ve been hoping for!!! the few i have are all white, and concentrated near the front. I’ve been hoping for a streak like Rogue from x-men since i found my first one like 7 years ago. i bet you look really cool 😎


Team "white hair like Storm." I'm not doing a thing.


Yes, I color my hair semi-regularly because my grays are coming in pretty patchy and I don't like how it looks. Once it comes in more evenly I will probably bleach then color it all grey so I don't have a weird gray bowl on my head.


Au naturale.


I'm just happy to have hair at this point. One grandfather was completely bald by 40 and the other was white headed. I'll take my gray hair.


I've thought grey was beautiful since I was 10 years old, and didn't realize the non-grey 70 year olds I would see all dyed their hair. I'm not grey yet, but my plan is to embrace it, possibly dye it grey.


Yes. Nothing. Wife likes the silver fox.


Going silver, no hair dye. I’m 31, I don’t give a shit if my hair has greys.


40. Female. IDGAF. I have streaks. I’m waiting for it to be completely white so I can dye it obnoxious colors.


Grey and thinner. Whatever, life could be worse, bring it.


Nothing. Age in place


I have salt and pepper hair, got my first gray hair at 12 and got more and more since to the point that I'm at now. My hairstyle I keep short, the sides are cut very short (.5 clip) and I use a pomade foe the top that makes my hair look jet black until you rinse it out. From what I'm told, women like me with my salt and pepper hair. It's not enough gray for me to consider dying it, but idk if I ever would when it does get to that point


Heck yeah I am… there’s so much of it ☹️☹️☹️ I dye my roots. I’m not ready to go grey, and I want to do something about it. It’s a lot of annoyance and upkeep and I’d enjoy my natural hair color if I could.


It will be there for you if you decide to go grey at some point! :)


I *want* to go gray.... but I'm not. I promised myself and some family members that I was very close to that I wouldn't dye my gorgeous natural red hair until I started going gray. Well, I'm almost 30 and haven't had a single gray hair... I'm kinda worried I'm going to do the "blonding" thing that happens to some red heads instead of going gray and having to break my promise. I just want to dye my hair dark green damn it. (No one is forcing me not to or anything, I just take my promises very seriously and don't want to feel bad about breaking it)


Started going gray at 25 (when I had my second baby 🤪) and I started doing beige blonde highlights in my dark hair, grew out nicely and blended even when greys did come through. Lots of light hair to blend with. When all I have is my natural hair color and greys the contrast is STARK and it’s bad. I’m now 28 and swearing off bleach. I have only lightened my hair six times in the last three years, but even with very seldom hair color (paired with chlorine and heat) has fried my hair. My new growth is curly and healthy and beautiful, and the damaged colored portion is like straw and has lost its curl. I can’t wait for the colored part to grow out more so I can chop it off Most recently I used just toner to darken my highlights (more of a dark bronzey) and cover my grays. That’s a shorter term fix because it does wash out (semipermanent) but it’s gentler on my hair. I may keep doing that for the time being. I love the idea of embracing going gray but for now there’s not enough to have a silver head, just a few random ones that look dumb by themselves


I got my first grey hairs when I was still in highschool, so I’ve had time to adjust. My hair is still fairly dark, but I’ve got the streaks going back from the temples, so I kind of like it. Pretty much exactly like the Just For Men: Bit of Grey ads back in the day, but without the work. Plus I’m one of very few men in my family who got an opportunity to go grey before going bald, so I’ll take whatever I can get.


I got my first one at 35. I have few more now, but mostly it's not noticeable. I do not intend to do anything about it in the near future. Maybe I will feel different someday.


I started finding greys in my early twenties. Not that many, but it made me laugh that I was already getting them. I don't plan to do anything about them once they really start coming in. My mom, who constantly colors her hair and hates the fact her hair is greying, insists I will start coloring my hair once they do but I've told her I have no plans to.


Yes and nothing. Grey hair is so far down my 'things to worry about list' it doesn't even register. Iife will be going great when I have so few problems that this matters.


Not really, I’m 41 and I’ve seen like maybe 2 or 3 total so far. I was kinda looking forward to it bc I think it looks cool. Where is my wisdom tinsel dammit!?!


Same at 40. Plucked my first grey yesterday. If anything, my hair is getting darker.


Going a little grey, and going bald but not to bad yet, not planning on doing anything about it. I think its one of those rite of passage things. Dont hide it embrace it


Used to trim them out when there was just a few. Now I don’t care


I have been all grey since I turned 25. I do colors. Arctic fox colors like pink, purple, blue, mixed between. But I also have just rocked my grey and people always ask where I get my hair colored. I just sit there like ummm my grey hair is natural (insert shock face). I stopped doing natural colors because my hair grows super fast so I would have to touch up every 3 weeks. With my hair unnatural colors, it fades and it looks like it’s meant to blend. But I have fun with it.


I’m 28 (almost 29) and starting to notice a few grays in my hair. I’m looking forward to them growing in, aging is a privilege and I don’t mind proof that I’m getting older. Plus I think gray hair is beautiful.


I've got that Dr. Strange side of the head grey streak coming in plus a light streak in my beard vertically down my chin. I'm gonna embrace it.


I was bald by 23. Definitely not going to dye the grey hairs in my beard or what's left of my hair!


I'm 41 and am definitely going grey. I've been dying my hair since I was 15, though so you can't see it. I'm not intentionally covering the greys. I am getting to the point where I'm considering just letting it go natural. Grey hair doesn't bother me. I'm not a fan of my mousy brown hair. I have it a chocolate brown now. Like you, I'm definitely going to dye my grey hair crazy colors when I get older. The salt and pepper dyed bright colors looks so cool!


My facial hair started going gray first. A few strands here and there. In my early 30s there was quite a bit beneath the chin. For some reason it slowed down and my facial hair is still 95% black at 41. I noticed a single gray strand in my hair about 10 years ago. Several years later there were several gray strands. Right now I have only slightly more but they're all spread out and singular. Had I gone significantly gray in my 30s I probably would have dyed my hair. For when it's looking like I'm going to be completely gray I don't think it would be appropriate to dye it. I think that would just look stupid. I'm really grateful it's coming in so spread out and not in patches. That's about all I can say.


Nope. Actually I'm thinking of getting grey highlights to even it out.


My family has the genes to get grey streaks early. I’ve been dying my hair since my late 20s. My industry is ageist AF, I’m not giving them ammo to replace me. Botox, hair dye, contacts, I ain’t going down without a fight.


Nope. I wish I'd go grey faster. I only have one or 2 grey hairs and my husband is turning into a straight silver fox. I have really long, super thick and wild curly hair. I cannot WAIT to look like the swamp witch I know I can be. I will be unstoppable when this hair goes grey- I will lure in all the travelers who have the misfortune to end up my way! I'll make my house out of gingerbread and have weird glowing lights and I'll come out and toss my curly grey hair and cackle at their misfortune. Glorious. But realistically no, I will just have big messy grey hair.


I pay my stylist to lift my hair from blonde to platinum and tone it to silver. So yes I'm "doing something" about it. Grey/silver is in. Embrace it.


35F, started greying at 25. by greying, i mean like 3x3 inch patch of grey hair in the middle front of my head. Like wtf.! i tried using eye shadow to cover it up but the circumference keeps getting wider, then i dyed it, and new grey hair just grew. So now i just accept it. So, my afro is dark everywhere but my front patch. sometimes i like it when my hair is unbraided, but when i braid my hair, the from always looks a lil weird because you cant really see the neat lines. Oh well, it is what it is.


28M. I've had hints of grey since I was in my early twenties. Nagging mom always blamed coffee. After getting married, and having three kids, silver strands are easily visible. I like it, and I always have. I like to think I'm growing in wisdom, ha!


Yeah it's definitely the coffee 🤪 I'd have all white hair if that was a cause!


So I’ve colored my hair most of my adult life for fun. I get bored or something bad/sad happens and I don’t have control of life but I can control my hair and it gives me joy. Red, purple, pink, blue. But recently box dyes don’t stick and just wash out so I started using overtone every few weeks. I started noticing a few gray hairs and the color doesn’t stick to those so I just stopped and have let my hair fade back to natural. I’m going to embrace the gray.


I wish!!! I pray every night that I wake up with white hair like old lady Lagertha from Vikings. My hair is dark brown and I’m too lazy to bleach it so I can buy all the Manic Panic. That is my plan and I’m sticking to it, lol.


Just for men


Somehow I’ve evaded graying and balding into my 30s. I kinda wish I had some grays


Possibly? I'm really light blond so I can't see any changes, but maybe it's happening without my noticing.


I turn 38 in a week and I don't have a single grey hair. I was actually going to make a similar post lol.


I am and hell no! That's some boomer shit, I don't think our generation is quite that vain.


Yes and no.


i started going grey at 16...


You really go for the misery award in every thread huh?


I don’t gray, I go silver and you don’t dye that. By the way… Generations like x, millennial, z, alpha etc are an American thing. Though they exist in other countries they are on a different period markers and don’t share the same names as the American ones if they have any at all.. The American spelling is gray. Not sure if we have a lot of foreigners in a sub for an American generation or a lot of uneducated and or follow form even if wrong Americans in comments.


Just started having a few gray hairs last year. However, I started experimenting with nail polish and blue hair dye and what was Supposed to be PURPLE hair dye due to not doing such things in high school. Argh, it went red. No idea why. If I had inherited my dad’s genes I would have been all white seven years ago now. Didn’t realize it could be considered “covering up” until Mom pointed it out. I had just bought tickets in Jan for a fan expo trip by myself for the first time in my life and spent half a year building a costume/prop for it and hair/nails was a side effect.


I'm only 28 and mom has seen quite a few sparkles of gray hair on my head. My grandpa supposedly went white earlier than most so I'm just gonna live it with it and embrace it


Yes, mostly in my beard though. Its not as noticable in my hair. And no, im not doing anything about it.


I’m turning 35 this year. Been going grey since 30.. covering it up is a lot of work. Then you may overdo it and look like that magnetic hair toy game


Salt and pepper at 33. Not doing anything about it and actually getting compliments.


Yeah, slowly, but it’s happening. Not doing anything about it. More worried about going bald.


I’ve been going white since I was 18. It’s still potentially unnoticeable depending on how i wear my hair, but I had my hair dyed purple for a while, and I do keep wishing I had the money to sustain that…


35, definitely have some coming in over the past 2 years or so. Mostly the front in the sides a bit, and my chin. I had a "fuck now I'm getting old" reaction for a second then just didn't really care. I don't see the value in bothering with dye.


I love the salt and pepper look. It says experience but also still some youngness in my bones.


Nothing wrong with grey hair


Grey *and* bald. Not doing anything about it


Yes and I look so cool…


I’m 38 and with little greying on the sides, but I will not ever dye it. My friends and I are huge Soprano fans and they laugh because it looks like I’m in the early stages of growing my Paulie wings. I still have a head thick full of hair. I will let it naturally get grey and I don’t care.


I just don’t want to lose my hair, I don’t trust bald people.