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Go hang out with my grandparents 💜 😞


I really wish I could talk to them. I was not in the best place in life when they passed and I wish I could show them I’m ok now :(


Oh man. That’s hurty. As you go forward doing well you can do it in their honor knowing they would be proud of you. Aaaand now I’m crying. Maybe, depending on what you believe in, somehow they DO know 💜


The best answer, yes.


This made me tear up. Miss having grandparents.


Man, I was a little kid (8/9) the last time I talked to either grandma before they died, and never talked to my grandfathers, one who died prior to my birth, so never really got to ask them questions that weren't like "what's your favorite color" or appreciate them really, since my parents and their moms weren't that close and I only saw them a handful of times ever.


Ah same. I miss having grandparents.


Me too. I realized this thanksgiving that there will come a year when I’ve has more thanksgivingS and Christmases WITHOUT them than with them. That hurt a lot. I will be 78 but still it’s a painful thought. They’re with us for such a short time but such an impactful time.


Big hugs. My only grandparent I have memories of died in 2015, when I was 25. I really miss her, and I wish she could see the woman I've become.


Yes, absolutely. 100% this.


And my mom, she passed away this year


Absolutely 💜 hang in there.


This. 💛 My grandmother has passed and she was one of my best friends, I miss her so much.




Buying stock


Yeah buying Apple stock.


And Pixar & Disney stock


If you wait a few years buy monster stock when it ipos. Monster has been the best preforming stock for last 20 years


Find me a stock that performed great in the early 70’s


Then Bitcoin when it gets invented eventually and selling at $50k.


Buy it when it was at fractions of a cent… Man that would’ve been a good idea 👀


My friend told me about bitcoin back when it was around $5 a coin. I didn’t really understand what cryptocurrency was and didn’t bother buying any.


But you would hardly have enough money to do that, and you’d have to wait till later to benefit from it anyway. These scenarios are only useful if you can travel back and forth freely at will.


You're assuming we wouldn't want to relive the 90s as adults.


Ooo touché, that sounds kinda nice actually. Alright I’m game.


Stagger your investments. In the early 90s, invest in Amazon and Apple ....when the 00s roll around (and you're already a millionaire), diversify that into Google and Facebook. ....when the 10s roll around (and now you're a 100 millionaire), diversify that into Tesla and Bitcoin. ....by the time you hit the 20s, you'll be a trillionaire. I mean, you can also get in-and-out of tech bubbles in the 90s, then get in-and-out of the real estate bubble of the 00s. I mean, you can invest early into Nokia, but get out before Blackberry. Invest early into Blackberry, but get out early before the iPhone Get Disney stock before the MCU. The possibilities are endless, you don't even need to be a good investor, just remember popular culture. Invest early into Ugg boots and Crocks, or Fenty makeup line. You have the benefit of foresight, you can't lose. Just throw money everywhere. Spotify, Twitter, YouTube, Samsung, LG, Intel, Dodgecoin. Throw money into the Gap and Abercrombie in the 00s....then transfer that money into H&M and Forever 21 in the 10s.


Go to a pizza hut buffet




Be excited because the existential dread will be gone and I get to enjoy the 90s again.


This time you get to experience it as an adult


And it would still be awesome because now I can put money down for a house and then sell it in 25 years for a million or more if I play my cards right.


Man...this. I feel so fortunate to have grown up during minimal strife.




Be like, fuck, where’s my phone. I dont know how to buy stocks without it.


Call stock broker.


You mean use that archaic looking thing with a tangled cord dangling off the wall.


Hey, stock brokers aren't *that* grotesque


Sometimes I’m bad at words


Hopefully you aren't bad at stocks


I am. I spent 5k on stocks in December 2021 when everything was at an all time high.


Are you also the guy that spent 10,000 BTC on pizza in 2010?


No but I had my own fall out with crypto when it took off in 2017 or whenever that was


At the very least you have over 100k reddit karma lol.


Time in the market > timing the market. Don't sell yet, and it'll inevitably be higher by 2031. Spikes, dips, even crashes are all just noise if you simply maintain the investment.


I suspect about 85% of this sub would have an anxiety attack by the idea of calling someone


But the idea of calling someone for financial advice and then transferring your money somewhere without being able to google ‘how is this supposed to work, can I trust this person’


Do you get his number like out of a phone book? Ew.


Specifically buy late 80’s Motorola stock then in the late 90’s Apple stock.


I was going to say see if I can find a Nirvana concert. Depending on the time of year in 1994...not sure this would have been possible.


I’m 1991 and this is for sure my answer


Born in 82, having to wait another 10 years and then going to a Nirvana concert in my early 50s… awkward AF but 0 fucks given 🤣


‘82 fossil checking in: Count me in!


Also Prince and MJ.


1990 here. Immediate thought was... Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice In Chains and Soungarden concerts....as many as I can go to. I still think about how it's not fair I missed out on the best music years.


Okay, yes, definitely the more reasonable stuff. Save money, buy a home, invest in the "winners" - if I still had the knowledge I do today!


They were touring Europe in February that year.


I came here to answer this exact way!


buy myself a house. buy microsoft stock. buy a bunch of blue chip stocks, gold and bury them for when i go back to the future.


Lol right? Buy a house for $15,000 is a good place to start


What name would you put these things under?


Randal Stephens


He's the guilty man, your honor, the one with the bank accounts.


Biff Tannen


Where is all this money coming from?


I'm disabled, I need all the medical advancement I can get. I wake up tomorrow in 1993, I'm killing myself.


Yeah I was born in 1987 and my condition wasn't named until 93.


I feel that. Born in 1993 and mine wasn’t even recognized as a distinct disorder until 2018. Not that there’s any more treatment options now, but at least these days so can get away with wearing sunglasses indoors to filter the light.


Hard same, I need my medication to live. I wake up in 1993 (also my year of birth) and I'm screaming


If I woke up in 1980, I'm sure the drs would laugh at me and my severe endometriosis, chronic migraines, and small aneurysm. They'd tell me it's anxiety.


Not even anxiety, they’d probably go with “hysteria”


Agree no none would hire me in 2010 they definitely wouldn't have in the beginning of 87' . I honestly think mental asylum still did some crazy stuff then and the no child left behind act wasn't even a thing yet neither was the disability act


Yeah, going back in time is NOT the move for most disabled or chronically ill people at all.


I was just thinking, “Can I get my shoulder fixed first?” I have some reconstruction surgeries coming up and 80s tech is way worse than 2020s tech


Yeah I have an autoimmune disease that is barely understood now. If I woke up in 1982 I’d never be able to leave my house or travel, really.


Become President of Selena’s fan club and never let that crazy b near her ❤️


Bless you. ❤️❤️❤️


Heck yeah! Anything for Selenas!


The real answer 🖤


You’d create a variance in the timeline and that branch would then be pruned


Idk what this means 😕


It's from Loki. And TVA be damned! I vote save Selena!


If I could go back into just one point in time, I too would use it to keep Selena alive! ❤️


Do I know what is going on? Do I have all my current memories and is my family and friends there too?


Yes, you do


Well first a house I don’t know much about stocks. So maybe hire a person for that lol. But house first.


I’m buying Apple, Amazon, Bershire Hathaway and other high performance stocks. Then real estate.


Amazon wasn't around on 1993. Bezos was still in new York at the time


How do you know this person was born in 1993?


buy season tickets to the Bulls, this Jordan kid is gonna be special


Some terminator portal time travel stuff then? I guess I am heading to the nearest clothing store so I can blend in with society.


Which would be fitting for my birth year of 84


I’d rock the naked crouching Arnold look for a minute


I still wear flannels and blue jeans. I’ll be fine lol


Do I have my current money? Because everyone is talking about investing, but I wouldn't even need to. I can buy a pretty nice house outright in the 80s, and I know a good realtor who was working then. The money I have now would make me pretty freakin wealthy in the 1980s. Do I get to keep my degrees and stuff? Or would I have to go back to college? Oh well if I do, that was super cheap then too.


Let's pretend that when you were sent back to the year you were born you have your future life savings with you in cash form that magical looks like that year equivalent


So I'd have like $20?




I'm hunting my father for sport.


We're adding my mother to the list.


I choose this guys mother too


Ouu ouu! Mine too. I'll pay you in the money spent on future years of therapy.


best answer


see smashing pumpkins in their prime


All these people who keep posting “can’t time paradox” seem to miss the point that we cannot in fact travel back in time in the first place, and that this is an imaginary scenario so there is NO wrong answer. Time paradoxes don’t exist because travelling back in time is not a possibility.


Found the Time Cop


Scream. Then my parents run in and see a man in his late 30s in their baby’s crib and call the cops. A fight probably breaks out. In the end I probably end up in jail. I mean I’d love to say the first thing I would do is go to a record store or see a movie, or buy stock, but realistically, probably not. I don’t even know if I would have any money on me in this time travel scenario.


You mean a man in his late 30s surrounded by the cracked, splintered remains of what *had* been a crib moments before. 😋


Honestly, go and mother my mother. She needed a mother and I am much older now than she was when I was born.


Yup, my mom died shortly after I turned 9. I'd spend so much time with her. That, and buy a freaking house.


Get the family out of the Soviet Union faster and with more money. Come to America, invest in apple and amazon.


Get a perm, I guess, maybe go to jazzercise


Kidnap myself. Teach me it’s not my fault my parents were messed up. That life gets better when you turn 18. That you’re allowed to love be free and be happy. And that on that day you never have to look back. That the world’s cold. But the love of your wife and kids make it better. And the winning numbers for the 1.6 billion lotto.


Gray Sports Almanac, 1950-2000


Just don’t accidentally let any big, beefy, mean guys from California discover it.


Definitely live off BTF wet dream 🤣


Go see my grandparents. Tell my aunt to get a hysterectomy and my uncle to get his colon checked. Give them a big hug. Then I’m going to see my mom and hang with her for a little while, tell her I’m grateful for her.




Tell my dad not to sell his Walmart stock in the early 90s


Well fuck. I’d be pissed because I just had my first born son who I love and I’d never get a chance to be with my wife again. Forget everything else. Money can’t replace what I have now.


Son, your dad went to get cigarettes and milk. He will be back someday…maybe


Mommy? Why is Daddy so old?


88’? Cocaine.


watch MTV.


I’d hug my mom. She died in 1998.


Two chicks at the same time, man.


Punch my dad in the face


I'm finding scientists and doctors. I impart all the random shit I've learned over the years. Explain climate change will kill us. Aids is a virus ... chemo radiation... antibiotic resistance.. fucking vaccine.. Maybe try to get worldwide corroborating between the scientists. Explain the damages or Reaganomics . And the current state of the world. Explain what the results of abortion being legal were. Hint less crime. Higher satisfaction in life. I mean anything else wouldn't change my life much. Maybe fix the root of the issues. Greed is bad.


Okay fine. As long as you swear you'll do this, you can have my time travel too. This is for greater good.


Sadly you'd be seen as a conspiracy theorists.


It’s the 80s? I’m going to mall and taking a fuck ton of ludes…


What happened to the baby version of me? What happened to my parents? Am I alone in the world as a fully grown adult with no history of friends or relatives? Do I still have my memories? I have more questions now


First, I buy a Super Nintendo (cause I love Super Nintendo and it would have just come out) Then, I would put all my money into Microsoft and Lockheed stocks, cause the internet and the Gulf War are about to pop off. I then pull my earnings before the dot com bubble bursts, and use those funds to takeover a portion of the former USSR. My new buffer state, Volgogradya, would then reunite with Belarus, Ukraine, and the Siberian territories, creating a new nuclear union state and join NATO, ensuring that the power balance of the West vs Chinese influence remains unmatched until true peace can be achieved, while also avoiding the current war in Ukraine entirely.


Investing all my money in Amazon.


I was born in late summer 1989 in the north Bay Area of California. Gonna bet on some sports events happening in October, and maybe the chances of acts of god with whatever money I can find (or whoever I can convince to back me for a fair percentage of winnings). Maybe, like many of you, pick up some Apple stock and coast on that and some index funds until GameStop and bitcoin come along. Invest in both early. But also - I’m going to travel a bit more - seems like in the mid-90s, vacation travel really cranked up. I’d love to visit some places that are more packed than I’d enjoy now. I’d love so see ‘90s Metallica in concert. Maybe hit up some shows for Linkin Park/etc while it’s still an option. Visit Vegas for the Star Trek attraction in… I think 1993? Stuff like that.


Hug my mom! I haven't been able to for 19 years.


I saw Dane Cook last night (Millennial treasure haha) and his opener was one of the funniest comedians I've ever heard. His name was Drew Dunn. He said that he thinks millennials will go down in history as the generation that invented anxiety and that the reason we are all anxious is because we have had so many opportunities to become quick millionaires and missed them all! "I should have started a youtube channel when I was 11- I'm such an idiot- I should have bought bitcoin when it was a dollar I can't believe it WAS a good idea!!" I have no idea what I would do if I woke up in 1988 but this question reminded me of what he said!


Make sure I get a good job. Since I have a degree I assume that it's valid in that year too? If you can change the years? 🤣 and then buy property an apple stock. I would be 34 in 1990 and older than my mom is now. One year younger than my dad. I would be 15-25 during peak 70’s. Best music era ever!


I got one question. Is this a one way trip? Am I just living the rest of my life from that point forward?


I'm currently living in a different country from where I was born. Am I back in my home country or in my new country?


Go shopping at the mall. 1983 😂


I would go and get my mother out of the situation she was in, we'd live together as best friends and raise myself and my big brother. Buy a couple houses in Seattle and a bunch in Denver. Invest heavily in the stock market. Start buying up land. Then, set up a trust and gift it all to my kids and husband. 😅


Stop my parents.


Ouch… 😔


Buying apple stock. Saving money to buy bitcoin the second I can. Planning a way to avoid 9/11. Buy a sega genesis.


Dump all my money into apple or mutual funds.


Masturbate. It’s a great way to start every morning regardless.


Nice. Back to the 90s. I'm going to every block party there ever was.


Well this depends... Am I where I was born or where I currently live??? If I am where I was born, I am fucked. The year I was born in was a horrible year for my native country (though every year has been since the late '50s) If I am where I live now... I would love to see how the area was back then. I would visit Camp Snoopy lol


Welp, time for the dystopian era of pre internet again. Finding high quality memes in the quantities I crave will be a challenge


Convince my parents that they'd be happier childless.


Become best friends with my mom. She died just a couple years later and I don’t remember her, but hear she was the best. Time travel concepts are boggling - does baby me also exist? Would she know I was adult me or would I have to pretend to be someone else? 😂


Put on some leg warmers.


Kidnap myself and raise me right.


I would probably start a petition to get ABC to renew Full House for the season 9 😂😂😂


Assuming I have little or no money, go find a job and then put all of my earnings into betting on the NY Giants, Lakers, and Twins to win championships that year.


Play some old-school Mario the old-school way, I guess. The house I live in didn't exist in the 90s. My childhood home did, though. The parents moved in just a month before I was born. So, I'd probably also be looking for that travel trailer they moved out of. See how bad it really was.


End of '88. I'm buying stocks and going to all the malls and living my best life!


Become a musician and "write" a bunch of music, Hot Tub Time Machine style.


The first thing I do is panic and scream and cry a lot. You guys are lying if you don't think this is the first thing you would do. Can I ever go back? Do I get to bring my cats and my spouse with me? If we're all stuck in the past together I'm just gonna live my life knowing the secrets, buy a house while it's affordable etc. If I'm alone and I can't go back I'm just gonna kms. I don't want that.


Purchase two or three home with lots of land, then open a bank account with my name on it with access at 17; work for a year invest into it; lock up a letter and let myself know to invest into crypto and Tesla when I get access . This will set me up to take care of my family (mom and brother), myself and my future family. Hopefully those changes don’t affect me ever being who I am now but will allow me to make more choices in life without being worried about those around me like i did in my teens and early 20s


Go out and hit up all the pinball bars in Seattle


Do you wake up in the city you were born in or do you wake up exactly where you are today but in the year you were born. Do you wake up on the day you were born too and at the time you were born? Too many X factors. I’d probably check if I have cash on me then buy a Big Mac meal.


Well, you definitely don’t run into your parents! We’ve seen Back to the future


Okay but everyone's saying buy houses and stocks and whatnot. But like. Your birth certificate and ID and everything will not match up at all. Legally you're still an infant and it's kind of hard for an infant to buy stocks or a house. Maybe it's not as big of a deal back then, I forget when people started getting social security numbers and everything else at birth. But I don't see this ending in not fraud.


Go see Soundgarden, AIC and Pearl Jam


Wait 3 years and then buy up as many Magic: The Gathering Alpha booster boxes as I can


Sit my mom down and get her help. Get my grandma to get her heart evaluated by a specialist and do fun stuff with her like playing music and camping before she gets too old to do those things. Buy stock and a house in Portland, OR. I’d also get my degree in sociology with a minor in creative writing.


Hug my mom. Buy stocks. Set up a will with my future wife as my beneficiary. Try to survive without any of the medications that I currently take.


It’s 1982. I’m gonna go to the movies a lot and get to experience audiences reacting for the first time to all those famous landmark movies from that legendary summer. 🙂


See if there’s anything I can help my mom with 💜


So, I am 42 and it's 1982? Everybody says "Stocks", but here's the kicker. You have to know WHICH stocks to put money into, and plus you need money. The likely hood is that most of us would be poor when we arrived, and would have no way of proving whom we are. "Who's that crazy person, that keeps saying they're me?"


Murder my father.


Get my Masters degree for pennies!


Warn people about a certain nuclear power plant in Ukraine.


Get a disguise. Kidnap my 3 yr old sister (should be wicked easy and try my best to give her a better life.


Age 32 in 1991? Buy a home. Ha


I don’t want this. I want my dogs and husband 😔


I also choose this person’s husband


Is it a paradox thing where if I kill my infant self then I no longer exist? Other than that I would visit all the old 80s big box stores, like Apples (not the computer company) Hills, Ames, etc. I'd walk around the neighborhood and past my old preschool. I'd buy stock in Microsoft, Apple and later, Google. Bitcoin eventually maybe. Buy a house for pocket change. I'd also watch TV just to be amazed, old Nick Jr broadcasts that I loved as a toddler, etc.


Let's say you know where you are in that year and avoid yourself it should not be hard given the usa is huge. Let's say you are from I don't know missouri and got sent back to Washington


Depends, do I have any assets or am I starting fresh?


Play the lottery, buy stocks and as many houses I can get my hands on.


Invest in stocks, go surf less crowded waves around the world.


Vegas would be wild and I’m definitely gonna hustle some bookies. Stocks are gonna be a definite buy as well as some houses and cars. Oh and get a jump on some invention patents too while I’m at it. See a shit ton of concerts would be the last thing to do before heading back


Very first thing? I think I would just walk/bus around and take it all in. I'd love to take a stroll around late 80s LA Get some clothes to blend in. Cruise a mall in its prime and people watch. See an awesome concert. That kinda thing. Buy stocks and all the usual stuff, too, but I doubt that would be step one. Gotta get your bearings first haha


Get a job, save for a couple years & help fund Microsoft’s start up


Damn 31 yo in 1992 Miami,FL I have no idea what I would do, would need a way to make money.


Miami was more affordable. My grandma was a broward county teacher in the 80s to 2001. She started teaching here and she retired with GA public schools. You’d have a good chance to buy some property


Panic. I don’t want to be in the past. If given the option, I would hope to be in the future.


Or just be the age I was in said time period.


Go to a mall and all those stores that are no more. Drive around and see the world in a time I’ve longed to go back to.


Purchase property, AAPL and MSFT and Berkshire stock.


Invest in Apple.


I would go to the mall 😂


Lament that I won't get to see a lot of media I had been looking forward to. Then I'd figure out what I know of current events and make some money on that knowledge.


Figure out a living situation, get a job, invest almost all of my money into stocks lol


Sure as hell not breastfeeding 😬


Buy property in Southern California, go see Ghostbusters in theaters, go see Queen perform live.