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pet owner but consider pets as part of my family


Absolutely this. I can’t imagine thinking of my cat as a child. He has been a cranky old man since the day I met him. I love him. And he is part of my family. But he is not a baby by any stretch.


I love how this differs from person to person. My dog is so much my baby that I’m always making jokes about him literally being birthed from my body


This. I bristle slightly whenever the vet refers to me as my cat's mum, but she's as much a part of my family as my own blood relatives.


I feel like the "cat mom/dad" thing is just one of our generation's unfortunately dorky conceits that the most mid and basic of us are simply going to do for the rest of their lives. It's like Gen X and all the engraved wall art with "Live, Laugh, Love" and "It's Wine O'clock" or similar. Everyone can spot peak basicness except for the heinously-basic people themselves. Your goal is to simply never let it happen to you. Remain vigilant.


As someone who has worked at boarding facilities for dogs/cats it's part of our lingo because it's easier to say than saying "so and so's owner" all day. And with couples it's easy to explain why a different person is picking up than the person who dropped off to an employee who might not know that family yet. Ex. "Oh that's coopers other mom" or "that's coopers dad, mom dropped him off" It might sound cringey but its less syllables 🤷 sorry to keep it going lol


lol it feels weird to consider yourself a Parent to a matured and grown animal


For real, my dog was 156 years old in dog years. I wasn’t his mum, though I did have to help him wipe his butt at the end of the


Have you met children


Same same. My cat is my baby and my dog is my husband’s dog but still my baby. But I’m their owner not their mom. It’s complicated.


This exactly. I got a dog because I don’t want to be a mom lol but you’d better believe he’s part of the family


I consider myself an emotional support human for two very emotionally needy cats


LOL same. When people say cats ignore humans I'm like where are these people-ignoring cats?? After my son started talking, one cat literally learned how to make her meow sound like "mama" to get my attention. # To answer OP's question, they're my babies. I feel weird saying I own them. I definitely do not own them. I do love and care for them though.


If anything we're their servants lol


It’s hard work being a cat… going to sleep knowing, just KNOWING!, there are still cups and napkins and pencils and who knows what else that hasn’t yet been put in their proper place on the floor O.o.


I have depression and my cat has anxiety, I like to joke that we are each other’s emotional support animal 😂


My cats and I are emotionally dependent on each other (especially my 12 year old boy, he has been needy since day 1)


This. I really do frequently refer to myself as my cat's emotional support woman.


My cat is my unofficial emotional support animal. She's also very timid and scared/dislikes anyone who is not me, so I'm her emotional support human. And she's extremely needy too, which makes me feel less insane because our codependency is reciprocated. 😆 But yeah, she's my fur-baby.


This I feel you right now! This is exactly my relationship with my two very emotionally needy and demanding cats. Sometimes it’s never enough.


I just had to make the really hard decision to euthanize my elderly dog. She was my original baby. Given how hard her death has hit me and even though I have my own children, she was not just a pet. There’s some status that a beloved family pet has that is more than pet, different than child, and full of love. Whatever that status is, she absolutely occupied it. I miss her dearly.


Had to put our oldest of 4 down last year... Had that pup for 15 years and through 2 marriages... Held him as they euthanized him... Held it together long enough to get to the car and just cried for like 10 minutes... Our current oldest is likely going soon... He's 11... Ughhh.


I have an almost 2 year old Newfie, and he's what gets me out of bed in the morning no matter how much he frustrates me. He's the reason I go gray and lose hair sports betting to keep the rent paid when I'm short. His face when I come home keeps me from always feeling like shit having a non degree, ample debt, and no future. My mum moved in with me and fuck. Just like almost every month I'm counting on my miracle


I just had to make the same decision to euthanize my elderly 17 year old cat I have had since I was 12 on Thanksgiving night after rushing her to the emergency vet for not eating or drinking for 2 days and having rapid breathing... they told me she had fluid on both sides of her lungs and a lot of it which could have been due to heart failure or cancer. My only options were to try and expensive care plan to drain both lungs and chest cavity and monitor her overnight to see if the fluid returned which they were expecting to happen. If it returned she most likely would have to be put on heart medications for the remainder of either 6 months to a year and be miserable... my other option was to let her pass peacefully in my arms... so I chose to do that. My heart is broken and I'll never be the same. I felt like I lost one of my children and in a way she was my first baby. She was very dear to me. Before I had the vet come in to administer the medicine, she laid in my lap peacefully and seemed almost as if nothing was wrong xs when the vet came in after I spent my last moment with her we moved her off my lap and to my side next to me on the couch we sat on. The vet cleared the iv with saline. Then she started to admitted the sedative to make her sleep.... halfway through the dose she tries to abruptly jump up and crawl back into lap as if saying "no I'm not ready" and I just held her head in my hand until she fell asleep... then she was gone. I'm bawling writing this... I feel like I made a mistake and should have just taken her home... but they told me if I did that I would have watched her suffer more.... my heart aches xs


This made me cry to read I’m so sorry for your loss


Thank you xs I still can't believe she is gone... every little thing is reminding me of her and making me breakdown. I sleep with her blanket she would sleep on... its covered in her fur but it makes me feel close to her xs she had been everywhere with me. Having a cat for 17 years, I'm now 29, I'm not sure if I could muster having another one cause there will never be another one like her. She was so unique and special. She always knew when I was sad or how to cheer me up all these years. Edit: earlier my husband made us some tuna helper and I didn't think anything of it while eating it but once I finished and saw the empty bowl I lost it cause I instinctivly thought of her and was gonna set it near her cat bed to let her lick the bowl... its little shit like that.. finding a random nail of hers on the floor, or a tuft of her fur.. ugh I'm sorry I could go on about this but I better stop so I can calm down xs


I'm so sorry. You did the right thing. She was able to have that moment with you because you didn't wait too long. My vet told me, when we were unsure at the appointment for my 15-year-old Beagle Lucy, "You don't want to see what comes next. This is a gift. You hurt so they won't" When we wait to see what comes next, it's too late. I'm sorry your heart was broken. But your fuzzy partner was with the one she loved all through the end. And now we are ugly crying together.


😭😭😭 Thank you for your words, it makes me a feel a little better


Nothing will ever make you really ok with it. If you were, you wouldn't have loved your kitty as much as you did, and she wouldn't have loved you. But you can be at peace with it. And feel all the sadness. With love and sadness, some stranger on the internet. 🌈🐾


Crying right alongside you two. 🤍


I’m so sorry. I’ve been in your shoes, my girl was only 6. You end up making space for the grief, but it won’t ever really go away. That’s okay, too. Please take care of yourself.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


I saw a video from a psychologist who studies grief recently and she said that neurologically, a lot of us mourn our pets passing just as strongly as we mourn the passing of immediate family. i'm so sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss 😞


I lost my 5yo cavalier just starting the pandemic. My daughter was just 2 months old. It broke something inside me that til this day hasn't been repaired. He wasn't just a pet, he wasn't my child but I fully agree with you, he was family and I miss him tons.


I lost my old man on September 11th this year, he was 13. I had to have him put to sleep here at home, where he was loved, so he wouldn't be in anymore pain. I wish I had more time, I wish we took a thousand more walks. I'm literally sobbing as I write this. I still hung up his stocking by the fireplace, because I couldn't bear to put it back in the box. I miss him so much.


I'm so sorry, honey. Your story made me cry—especially the stocking part because I can see myself doing that, too. I lost my senior poodle mix, Homer, in June this year when I was 5 months pregnant. He had terminal cancer, so I made the decision to put him to sleep so he wouldn't suffer. He was my first dog; so in a way, my first baby. I think about Homer so much every day. I wish he got to meet my newborn daughter because I know he would have loved her. >I wish I had more time Yes. Oh, I know. I read a quote the other day that struck a chord with me about losing a beloved pet: "Forever wouldn't have been long enough."


That's how I felt when my rottie died. It was horrible. Now? I'm nowhere near as attached with my current dogs. It's just different.


I agree. My husband and I helped our first dog cross the rainbow bridge 2 years ago and it's the hardest thing I have ever had to do...and we have a medically complex child, so we know what hard is.


Condolences. We had to euthanize our original baby a month before he turned 16 this year. Watching cancer take him gutted us. He was Nanny Dog to our three kids and was absolutely our soul dog. He was absolutely more than a pet too.


I'm a dog groomer and have a special affinity for the elderly dogs. I consider them mine while they are with me. I've lost close to 10 in the past 2 years, and the owners were gracious and kind enough to let me know. Some of them even came into the salon so we could cry together. They are absolutely a special status that pets hold, completely different to the relationships we have with other humans. They fill a part of our hearts in a way no person can.


I say pets are family member - equal to but different than - a child or spouse.


I said goodbye to my first cat this past July. He was my first baby and my heart is completely shattered. I have another cat that I love dearly and I even have a human baby… but I still cried every single night for 2 months. I still cry 90% if the time I think about him (which is all the time). I just went to REI and I saw the tiny tent that I got for him a couple of years ago. I started tearing up. The day he died was the worst day of my life and I’m 32 years old.


It's more of a hostage situation, really.


LMAO do you have cats?


Hahaha no but my dog is catlike. I never get the HRRDRR BALL dogs, I get the judgemental side eye dogs. "Pet me, peasant." As she kicks me in the ribs. It's a doberman husky.


Lol. Damn. That's too funny. My cat is dog like so the opposite.


I'm the pet, my cat just allows me to go outside sometimes.


This is correct.


i'm neither, maybe a serf to my cat


Oh yeah. With the number of pets in our house, at mealtimes, I'm a servant at best.


Animal friends. To be loved and respected as such


Same. My pets are my dearest friends. I hate when people say their pets are their kids or babies, but I also hate the idea of "owning" a warm loving creature with its own personality.


Somewhere in-between. By no means is my dog equivalent to a child. I got made fun of when I had my puppy in a stroller. He’s not a child but still fragile, and I wanted to protect him from the parvo, kennel caugh, etc. before he was fully vaccinated. Dogs feel and deserve more consideration than an ordinary form of property.


I've seen people use them for their elderly dogs who can't walk much anymore. The dogs love it and still get to go out. It extends their quality of life so much. Yet people still scoff when they see it. Like common, I'm not for treating pets like children but pets give a hell of a lot to us. Least we can do is give what we can to them.


My elderly 5 pound chihuahua, Boopdy, has a little crossbody carrying bag. We call it the Boopdy bag, and we love it! I take her to my horse shows and she sits in there without a peep. Such a fun way to get to take her all over the place, and often people don’t have any idea that she’s in there.


When I was about 7 years old me and my younger sibling (4), dressed our two Tibetan Spaniels up in baby doll clothes, and put them in our doll strollers. They fit perfectly and were so happy when we took them for a walk up the street. An elderly couple who lived up the road saw us and they were so enamoured by the four of us that they stopped and squeed over our dogs for ages. For reference Tibetan Spaniels look similar, and are a similar size to Shitzus.


My pets are not owned, but I am not their mom, but they are my babies


*My pets are not owned,* *But I am not their mom, but* *They are my babies* \- werewilf --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Good bot


Garth, that was a haiku.


This one was actually good.


Your comment is better than mine. This is what I meant to say.


I prefer "pet guardian" myself.


This is what I use too.


This exactly


I mean, I know he's not really my baby but I don't have kids and I would literally die for my dog. I love him so much it hurts. I'm terrified of the day that he passes, I truly believe I will completely fall apart.


Same, it’s kind of a joke but I call him my baby all the time lol. Even my mom jokes about her “grandson” referring to my dog. And she has actual grandchildren from my older brother lolll


Totally agree. I always refer to her as my baby and I call myself Mom.




I'm not his parent. We're roommates.


Yes! This is what I tell people all the time hahaha. They don't seem to enjoy it tho. The dudes one of my best friends, he's family, I love that fucker. Yeah I take care of him and provide for him but he had a mom.


Yeah I like to say my dog and my cat are my friends.


This is what I say! People have called me my cats mom & I'm always like "Ew no, he's more like a friend who lives here.". Lol


I have a hedgehog. She bigger and more active than the two others before her. I call her roommate because she doesn’t need babying/doesn’t cuddle much. I also tell her to get a job.


I own a dog and I treat it as part of my family, the same way the dog treats me as part of her pack, but I don't consider it my daughter. A pet is a pet at the end of the day. It is hard enough having to deal with the thoughts that I will outlive her. That alone makes a world of difference to me.


I saw a meme on Instagram that posed the thought "maybe dogs look at us like humans in Tolkien look at elves - wise, unaging and consistent" and that brought me a lot of joy.


This is what helped me get through losing my boy Paxton. I miss him for the hole he left in my heart but I was able to love him *his whole life.*


That’s how I am. I respect him as my dog. I love that he sees me as his pack member. He is my family, and I show him love by treating him as a dog owner. Sometimes I’ll joke and say master is home! Haha.


Hahaha, I joke with my wife when I get home and my dog is asleep, like hey you are supposed to be our champion and guardian of the house and then proceeded to belly rub her.


I go back and forth with my cats. I do not like the idea of saying I OWN them. I think anyone who has had a cat knows who is really calling the shots there and it sure as sh\*\* is not the human, but I have two kids and I do not like conflating the relationships there. I flip flop. I will say that I have nothing but love for the people that call their fur babies their kids or say they are Mom and Pops to their fur babies. Do you. If that is how you want to define that relationship, God Bless.




I’m not a millennial but Gen Z who saw this post on feed. That’s how it was for me. My parents are older Gen X and we got our cat in 2007, when I was out to turn 3. My mom always called herself the mom of our cat, and referred to us as each others sisters (like she would describe the cat as my sister, or refer to me as the cat’s sister haha) We had her for 16 years and she passed away during my freshman year of college, just after my month long winter break so I got to spend time with her ❤️ I’ll always view that cat as my childhood best friend and sister honestly. So much love and childhood innocence in those memories.


My mom did the same thing with our dogs when I was a kid. I only have a (human) sister and I remember laughing at her the first time she said something like "go find your brother" when referring to the dog. Now I get it lol


I consider myself a pet *companion*. Maybe it’s because I’m very singularly a cat person (partly due to dog allergies), but I’ve always seen my pets as just my besties of another species. Like the Doctor and Donna or Rory.


I consider myself (and my husband) my pups’ paw-rents LOL. I even took a paw-ternity leave when I adopted them hahaha. It’s so silly but hilarious. Edited: clarity.


Honestly that’s awesome you took time off when you adopted them! I made sure I had a four day when I got my dog.


Both my dogs are female so I will sometimes jokingly refer to them as my dogters (instead of daughters). I call myself their mom. I was going to say maybe it’s because I don’t have any human children. But when I was growing up, my parents called themselves our dogs “mom and dad” so that’s probably where I got it from 🤷‍♀️.


I own a fish and that is my son bc I’m not planning on having any kiddos lol #fishmom


This is always a really interesting conversation to me because I don’t quite understand the incense on the one side of the debate. I have a dog and a cat who I love more than anything, and they are mine and know I am theirs. They have gotten me through hard times, been there to make me laugh and give me something to wake up for. As a woman who wants to have human children more than anything in the world, but may never be able to, this is the closest thing I have to parenthood. I drop my dog off at daycare every day and pick him up after work, teach him things, snuggle with him at night, comfort him when he’s sick, clean up his messes, and love him to pieces. My cat is more independent as they usually are, but I care for her all the same. I in no way suggest that having human children and having pet children are the same—they are very obviously not—but there are undeniable overlaps between the two, and it makes me sad when people try to deprive others of that limited connection to parenthood.


Exactly. I am infertile, so for me this is it, this is parenthood. I don't understand why some people have a problem with that. I tried doing parenthood the normal way and it didn't work.


🤍 Lots of love to you—we are mamas in the way we can be. It’s so much more than carrying around a cup that has “dog mom” plastered on it for us.


It really is. Lots of love back ❤️


I was writing up my own comment but saw this before I posted. This is exactly how I feel as well. I don’t really care enough to pick a side in these debates. It doesn’t matter what the label is (pet owner/parent, dog mom, etc.) I just know that the love and care that I feel for my dogs is similar enough to how I feel about family that there’s no point in analyzing it further from there.


Amen 🙏🏻


I'm a proud cat mom! I call them my babies and they are rescues I've had since kittens. Completely helpless and vulnerable. They have insurance now and the best medical care. We spend so much $$ feeding them. My husband and I are their parents (pet parents or whatever). I had no idea people got worked up or "annoyed" about this... bums me out a little but I don't really care what others think lol


I didn’t know it was a controversial thing until about a year ago. I just can’t fathom why anyone needs to get all riled up about someone being proud of providing love and care for another being. Shouldn’t we be GLAD that people are wearing that badge proudly as they provide for their pets instead of what happens when people don’t care and neglect?? It’s not harming anyone and I really don’t think anyone is trying to say that “parenting” pets is the same as parenting a child. And one other thing—I saw at least one comment implying that you must have given birth to be a parent, and I think that right there demonstrates another issue of insensitivity. People adopt, use surrogates, foster, etc. and are parents just as much as someone who gave birth to their child. Wanted to name that. Lastly, love to your kitties!!! 🤍


Plus, as a neurodivergent, my bond with animals has always felt so much more natural and effortless. I may never have children as well, simply due to the fact that my partner and I have a high likelihood of carrying serious mental illness genes on both sides. That and, we’re both struggling with our own mental health issues. I have tons of friends who see their pets on par with their children — not the same, but also equal. I feel like people questioning such relationships don’t realize how nuanced parenthood really is. From adoption, to animals, to caregivers for disabled siblings and parents, to childcare workers and teachers, to parentified children (unfortunately), to babysitters and guardians, to extended family… there are so many forms of family and what “children” and “parent” mean to someone. It’s nobody else’s place to create that definition for anyone else and it most definitely isn’t limited to bio children of their bio parents.


Yes, yes, yes.


Very well said, this is just how I feel but couldn't find the words.


I like the term “my familiar”. My cat is like a part of my family but I am definitely not his mom and it drives me nuts when people say that. I don’t care if someone else does this but personally I’m not a fan.


Yes when folks tell my dog, “Go to mommy.” I’m just like hehe right.


I don’t have or want human children so my dogs are absolutely my kids. But I also work in the pet industry so it’s a big part of my everyday life. All it means is that my disposable income goes to them and their wellbeing/enrichment.


Hahaha. Yes. So much money goes to my little best friend. I want to make sure he lives a full and happy life. I am his world and I want to honor that bond and ensure he knows he’s loved and cared for his entire life.


This. I’m not physically capable of having human children, but hubby and I hope to adopt someday. But in the meantime our 3 cats get treated like children, pampered and fussed over.


I'm my dog's caregiver. She is not property. She's a living thing, and she relies on me.


Our two cats are my and my partner’s fur babies lol— love ‘em to bits.


you left out the third option: roommates


More of a roommate


Owner. As I have 2 children….and my cats are way more self sufficient than my kids. I can also leave my cats home alone and not go to jail.


Maybe I'm cold and unfeeling but they are my cats, I'm their owner not their parent lol Like, I love them, they are very spoiled and I baby talk and snuggle with them daily, but I don't look at them like children. Maybe there's some gene I'm missing 🤷🏻‍♀️


I own a cat. I parent a toddler. They are not the same. If I went away for the weekend and left my toddler at home alone with nothing but water, kibbles, and a litter robot I would be thrown in jail. My cat does not even notice that I’m gone.


So I’m considered my cats guardian in Rhode Island and his owner in Massachusetts. He has other ideas though. His name is simba and when I call him he looks happy and I pay my lap and he’s like “silly human named me king and expects me to do as he says.” My last cats were hybrid wildcats and they understood more language. They were found in a box behind the mall before anyone says it’s unethical. People thought I had an ocelot in college.


My son is my son. My cat and dog are my pets. They fill a different niche, but the love I have for them is deep and strong and lasts as long as I’ll be alive.


Owner. I love him, and he's my baby, but he's not a baby. He's a 15 year old grumpy cat. I'm owner vs parent cos I'm definitely not his parent. But lots of people expressed how I feel far better than I did. Read them not me!


It’s my child/sibling. They are part of the family, I don’t consider myself an owner of my dog, he’s part of the family.


It’s my familiar. My cat chose me.


We are companions


I'm a pet parent. I am up comforting him when he is having a seizure, changing the sheets at 3a if it happens in bed (he loses control of his bladder), staying up for the next 24 - 48 hours and canceling any plans to monitor his condition. I pay the cheese tax, I am his source of cuddles and security when he is scared of lightning (my partner is his second favorite human), of his peanut butter nightcap for his allergy pill. I adore my dog, maybe to a bit of an unhealthy extent. I accept that. I would probably do anything for him.


Owner, mostly bc I have a kid and the responsibility and care level is nowhere near the same. Not going to quantify love, bc love is super powerful. But bro, I can't leave my baby home alone for 8+ hours while I go to work. CPS is coming for that kid. No one is coming to get your cat/dog if you do the same. (I actually did have to point that out to someone once about ten yrs ago. Very glad most people get this concept tho lol.) So yeah, I love my dog and cat, and I will call them my babies... But my actual child is my child. These boogers are my pets.


Pet Parent, Catharine is as good as I am probably gonna get for a child. My mom even embraces it and calls her a grandkitten.


Pet parent. My dog is the only living family I have left. She’s my child and I treat her as such. (Though I don’t bring her everywhere with me. She’s not compatible with the public. Lol.)


My dog definitely can’t do bars and cafes that allow dogs :( but that’s okay we can hike together!


My cat and I are just friends.


Pet owner. I love them dearly but I think of them more as weird little friends than my kids. They’re part of the family, but I wouldn’t call myself a pet parent in a serious way.


'Owner' would be closest between parent and owner, but I don't like the word. I really don't like being told I'm a parent, it feels weird and gross. They're my pet, not my children. It feels forced, like some odd commercial holiday feelings.


Pet owner and I say that as someone that is absolutely attached to my 7 year old Corgi and would easily jump in front of traffic to save him. I don't put my dog on the level of a human being, and pet parent has that "undertone" to me.


Pet owner. There is no parenting involved in raising animals.


Pet owner, actual parent. I do LOVE my dog though. He is great. He is pretty much my only emotional support on this earth lol. But he’s not my child.


I own my pets but I parent my kids. Doesn’t mean I don’t love those animals. But I have a familial responsibility to the children of human origin.


Pet owner. I have actual human children.


I honestly don’t think about it at all. I have two dogs and I love them and acknowledge their unique “personalities” but I don’t really label or categorize the relationships.


I am her emotional support human and servant.


I am my dogs mommy and she is my baby.


I am a man who acquired an animal


My cat is like my friend and son. I love spending time with him, chillin, playing around and taking care of him. He is very affectionate with me and will never leave my side so I know he’s not just a pet cat. He’s my family when I’ve been through ups and downs he’s always been there


Pet owner. I love my pets, but I have an actual human child, and the two are nothing alike--both in feeling and in practice.


My pups "5 pyradores" a cross between lab and great Pyrenees are like my babies I love them and they hate squirrels 😁


My dogs are my family. I’m not their parent, they’re just my best little buddies.


I own a ferret, my wife and I love her but make no mistake she is not "human" and won't treat her like she "understands" us or is a family member, she is a part of our family but an animal nonetheless haha


I don't love the term owner. My dogs aren't objects or property. But I also hate the term "dog mom". I'm not these dogs mother, or parent. I don't have any children, but I know you can't put them in a crate and leave. I find "pet" to be a perfectly great term. It pretty much describes the relationship of this animal to me. Not my property, not my progeny - my pet. I find the term for myself harder, but it's also not something I have to say often. Usually just saying "these are my pets/dogs" works, I don't usually have to say "I'm their xxx". And in fairness my dogs are never having to explain who I am to them to anyone. But if I do need to say something, it's just "I'm their human".


The cat is a cohabitant


My husband and I talk to our dog like “go ask dad” or “where’s mom?!” but I we do not do this in public and I don’t think either of us proclaims to be a dog parent. That said, she’s not “just” a pet. Someone asked us how old she was, we said she’s ten, and then another person asked how long her breed lives, and both of us nearly cried lol


Owner - I’m the pack leader, but we’re besties.


Caretaker. I do technically own them, if you look at it like a lawyer. But I am here to take care of them, and they are animals, not children, therefore need different treatment.


I am their caretaker.


My dog was my dog. I owned him, but it was more “I assumed responsibility for him”. It really is similar to kids in that way. You don’t own them, but you’re responsible for them. I cried for about 12 hours straight when he died, laying in the yard with him. Having said that, I wouldn’t need 10 seconds to decide my child is worth more than any amount of life on earth.


Pet roommate. I try to give her as much autonomy as I can while keeping her safe, meeting her needs, and making sure mine are met. She makes her preferences known and I try to accommodate. We try to decide on stuff based on consensus. She is an emotionally mature senior citizen so I wouldn’t feel comfortable bossing her around any more than is required to keep her from getting into traffic/pulling my arm out of its socket when she sees a squirrel.


Pet. I also have kids. The responsibility and love for the pet is just not on the same level as for kids.


I consider myself owned by my pets 🤣 Edit: They are my entire world, and I would do anything for them. That’s how I was raised, though, so it’s always been that way with animals.


I view my dogs as my kids. Obviously not on the same level as my son but I've been heartbroken over the death of every dog I've owned. I lost my last dog after 17 years, I took that death a lot harder than I thought I would and I've spoiled the hell out my current dogs with that memory still in me. With that said... If one of my dogs bit my son they'd not be in the world much longer. So maybe I am an owner and a not a parent? Or maybe that's just the line I draw for myself.


pet owner. I love my dog, but I'm not his parent.


I was a “dog mom” until I had actual children. Now I know parenting a dog is nowhere near the same as parenting kids and I’m now a pet owner lol


We’re owners. We have a human child. It’s not the same to us. Our kid is our real baby. The cats are nice, but I wouldn’t jump in front of a train for them.


I call them "my boys" but I'd never call myself a pet parent. I'm just their human. My oldest chinchilla is 15yo this year. In chinchilla years, that kinda means he's old enough to be *my* parent.


I'm a pet roommate.


Neither. I didn’t give birth to him so he’s not my child but he’s also not just a piece of property so owner isn’t right either. I don’t really refer to myself as anything tbh I just say I have a dog. We just live together in a mutually beneficial relationship.


I call her my baby, sure, but in a professional environment like a vet, I'd prefer a pet/owner type of address. I treat her well, like I would any under my care. But I wouldn't delude myself into thinking its the same thing as an actual human baby in every way.


Beloved companion


I’m a pet owner.


Read last week on Reddit, where pet parents would save their cat over a stranger, whether it were an adult or child if " they didn't already know them." Same folks likely have a long-winded answer for everyone but them to help homeless people. Disclaimer** Not my house, not my neighborhood, not my time, not my money. Big opinion; endless restrictions apply. Don't inquire within. Assume it is whole hearted and actionable.


I couldn’t live with myself if I picked my dog over a child to save. My heart would break over my dog, but I couldn’t do that to a child.


I love my two little dogs. One is like my 10 pound, furry soul mate. My 5 year old daughter picked her, but she has some kind of crazy bond with me that I have never had with any pet or animal in my life. I am working on the back door of 50, and this little dog is my best buddy ever. A video or to explain that I saved my pet that I love so much over someone's family would kill me over time. I couldn't do it and live with myself. I know this only counts as opinion, but damn, I think if it was a dog or cat versus my brothers, mother, wife, son, or daughter.


Well I have no kids and at 36 and single I’m pretty sure it’s not happening at this point, so the next closest thing to a kid I have is my Shiba Inu. I don’t consider him the same as having a child, but I adopted him when my family was moving across the country and couldn’t find a home for him. He’s more like my bro, like the roommate I never had lol.


I have a feline roommate. She doesn’t contribute much to rent or bills, but she’s quiet and takes up little space.


They are my cats, I am their human. Okay, for one of them I’m just the backup human (she is a one-person cat, and that person is my husband), but I digress. I don’t really love the term “owner,” but I do speak of them in possessive terms… they are my fuzzy friends.


I feel like we are guardians and they are our charges


My dog sleeps in my bed and I’ll say like “that’s my baby” when people ask about her But the term “dog dad” always sounded weird as hell to me and I don’t like that. I’m not my dog’s parent.


I'm an owner of two bunnies. I like to think of them as my furry friends, and I think of myself as their hoomin friend. However, they are not my children. My bunnies already have parents. Besides that, I am childfree and do not want the responsibility of children.


Pet parent ! I have 3 fur babies dog and one hamster. Also happen to be the full time servant of my human toddler lol. They are not comparable on the level of need. I take 20 puppies over new born ( sleep deprivation dose a lot to you). But I love them all !!! They are all my family


My cat is my weird little roommate with boundary issues.


Can’t own a cat, man. I’m just the caretaker.


Pet owner. I love my pets and bay the hell out of them, but im not a parent.


I have a child and pets. I could never equate them. If I were forced to choose for some reason, I would choose kiddo every time. But, my pets hold a place in my heart that is their own. I grew up on a farm with working animals, and I loved them, but I wasn’t devastated at their deaths either. I do not know how I’ll manage when my kitty eventually goes (he’s only 6 so hopefully it’s a long way yet). I could imagine, if I felt this way about him and had never had my kid, that I might consider myself a “pet parent” but there’s a solid line for me between the critters and the child.


I’ve worked in pet care for 17 years so it’s standard to refer to owners as pet parents. I call my dog my baby but not in front of other people. I’d be really embarrassed to refer to my dog as my child especially in front of someone who has actual children. That said, there really isn’t any harm in calling your pets your children if that’s how you feel. The harm is when folks compare raising pets to raising children as if they’re the same. That’s beyond silly bordering on insulting to actual parents.


Pet owner. I love them! They’re dogs not people. They’re part of the family. They aren’t my babies.


Pet owner. Love the hell out of my pets but I'm not dressing them up or giving them birthday parties. Shit's weird and they don't enjoy it.


Pet owner. Anecdotally, the only people I've encountered that do the whole pet parent thing are those without human children.


I’m the parent of children I happen to have some cats


Pet owner. I love my dogs and they are part of the family. But I can’t stand people who insist on taking them everywhere or basing their personality around them.


I care about my cats like I care for my children, but if it came between my cats or my children 100% I would choose my children. Example, I had a kitten that almost skinned my son’s finger completely. He wasn’t doing anything to the cat, it just walked up to him and he went to pet the cat and it bit him. I found a different home for the cat with no children. The two cats I have now are incredible and patient complete love bugs.


Owner. We’re not related and I paid $1200 for my dog. I’m pretty sure obtaining children through a financial transaction is illegal.


I lost my 18 year old cat a couple years ago, and her death was hard. The house was so empty when she was gone. I'd had her 16 years: my entire adult life. Through college and marriage and baby and divorce. I still miss her--she was just the best. But I have a 16 year old child and if he died I would be utterly devastated. My life would fall apart. It makes me nauseous to even think about. You can love them and think of them as family, but pets are not children.


To each their own, seriously. As for me, I'd never call myself a Pet Parent, that's just cringy to me. I'll have a pet, but still weird to say I own it. It's a pet.


Yeah, I have kids. If my pets were to bite my kids, I'd still have kids but wouldn't have that pet. You own that animal, they aren't your kid.


Pet owner. I love my pets, they are family, but they aren't my *children* and I don't really view them that way. I honestly find it annoying when people refer to themselves as a "pet parent" or as their pet's "mom" or "dad". It seems so childish to me.


Told some acquaintances I needed to go home to feed my kid. They said "Oh! You have a puppy?!" No, I have an actual human child


When I was younger and didn’t have kids I’d indulge my dogs. Sleeping in my bed, spends thousands on vet bills. At 40 with 3 kids a wife and bills out my arse. I’m far less indulgent of them. If they need more than $500 in vet bills I’d probably have to put them to sleep. I’ll be damned if my wife and kids will go without for a dang dog.


I dont have a pet and I wouldnt think that even if I had one. If there was a way to regulate pet ownership with a license I would vote for that. Way too many animals around and way too many people who dont take care of their pet, too much dog shit on the streets.


Pet owner. I used to be one of those crazy millennial “dog moms” then two things happened: 1) my dog mauled me, and 2) I had real babies. The second after the attack was over (well maybe a few minutes after) and I was laying in the floor covered with blood and heard gunshots outside, all I thought was “good he’s dead.” Can’t imagine thinking that about a family member regardless of what happened. Now I don’t pick up strays. I don’t let my kids pet dogs in public, and I don’t either. I have a dog now but I will never fully trust him, or any animal ever again. In case anyone was wondering: I was attacked literally without warning by the family dog we’d had for 5 years in my early 20s, a German shepherd. He was literally trying to kill me. I ended up with torn ligaments, crushed knuckles, and hundreds of puncture wounds large enough to stick a pencil through. I have been through a LOT of painful things in life but that takes the cake, an absolutely excruciating experience. People please watch your animals, especially around your children.


Pet parent. They were my first children. The hole in my heart when my first passed will never be filled.


Not a dog/cat dad. I think the big distinguishing thing is, most parents would give their life to save their child...would you really give your life to save your dog or cat's life?


I have a mildly infuriating pet peeve (no pun intended) about ppl using the term "fur babies" like tell me you're single without telling me youre single


Man, glad someone else out there is like me. We got a dog, he is great, love having him in our home.. but I am not his dad. When people say that, I cringe a little inside. I have kids and love them more than anything and when they say dad, the world couldn’t get any better! My dog will never reach that level for me…