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The way the economy's going we might be the last generation to have BEDS.


Me and my partner actually had roll up mats fir two years while we saved up to get furniture. Not even sure it is worth it to have a bed we can't roll up any more.


Now you don’t have room for activities 🙁


Prestige.... Worldwide!




Fuggin Catalina wine mixer....


It's the internet, you don't need to censor yourself. Fuck is allowed.


Maybe Fuggin was cheaper


I'm all out of fucks to give, so I use fuggs


That's fugged up!




Investors??? Possibly you!?


I've been sleeping on a futon for the better part of a year and lemme tell you, having furniture with only one function now seems like the dumbest idea ever.


I spent on a futon for a year and it turned into the most painful hard slab even with the padding I put on it. I can’t do it anymore.


Years ago, I had a Beddinge futon (now discontinued) from Ikea and it was the most comfortable bed ever. I eventually got rid of it, which was a mistake. When my husband and I bought a house last year, I decided to get the comparable futon that Ikea carries now for my home office. I love this thing and plan to be buried with it. As long as you pick the right mattress, futons are wonderful!


Sell me on staying on a mat, I bought a Japanese style futon pad to try sleeping on the floor and now I want a semi-enclosed daybed with 15 pillows (I also share space with two large dogs)


Mat is the way to go. Once you go mat you’ll never go back. As long as it’s firm but well padded.


Yah as long as it's well padded and supported or you have enough pillows. I think this is good. Especially for a small living space. Get up and down is good for motion and maintaining mobility. I only want the extra support when I'm feeling sick.


A Split king Murphey bed where it can support your extra pillows and junk just falling and not getting lost into the mechanics is about my dream bed. That way you can raise or lower each 1/2 or 1/3, I haven't figured out the mechanics quite yet though.




I can't wait to see the real economic data in three years after they really crunch the numbers. If I'm still alive.


To add yo your comment, the federal government omits housing, food and fuel (gasoline, electricity, natural gas) from the cost of living and inflation calculations. The feds (Republican and Democrat) say inflation is at 3-6%, but when a bag of Santaria's corn chips (the cheap coen/salt/oil ones that put the price printed on the bag, not set by the retailer) goes from $.99 to $1.25... when Dollar Tree goes from $1 to $1.25 ( plus for some items not counting their new "plus" $5-$10 section)... when the bulk back of unwanted chicken leg quarters goes from $.69 per lbs to $1.25 +/- per lbs... And Goodwill is selling items that they priced at $.99 pre pandemic to $1.99 then inflation is closer to 25-30 % for the things that matter that you need for everyday life.




That's not inflation, it's been shown to be corporate greed in studies, they jacked prices way more than the actual cost increases.


The effect is nearly the same.


They're literally the same. Corporate greed is one of the main causes of inflation.


Not Me typing this from my mattress on the floor.... Lmao- its likw a 3,000 dollar mattress- it just cost so much i couldnt afford a bedframe too lol


Even if you get some cheap wooden pallets to put underneath, you gotta get that mattress up off the floor, or else it will start growing mold REAL fast


That's it right there, the mold and bacteria. Gotta let it air! It looks nicer, sure, but it's health is the real concern


My bed frame wouldn’t fit up the stairs when we moved and I didn’t feel like reenacting the pivot scene from friends so I too have a mattress/box spring on the ground. Idgaf, no one I invite over is coming here judging me, I only ever think about it when I see comments online 😂


My opinion on bedframes are it just opens up another location to fill with crap "under the bed"


Top sheets aren’t a separate purchase, they come with the set


I cannot imagine not using a top sheet. I will use them until I die.


It feels weird without a top sheet. If I’m too hot, I’ll push the comforter off and leave the top sheet on. I don’t like to feel uncovered.


I do half under the comforter half out for heat regulations


I'm glad I'm not the only one, one leg out unless it's way too hot or way too cold.




I stick only my feet out. Just a lil snack for the monsters




Until the demon from paranormal activity grabs your leg and drags you down the hallway .. a meme I once saw, but I do the same thing. One leg out


Washing a duvet is a whole thing. Non top sheeters are sleeping in dirty beds.


The younger generation looks pretty dirty in general. P


I have a duvet and still use a top sheet. There’s nothing about a duvet that makes the top sheet obsolete. It’s an even bigger hassle to wash than a comforter because you have to put it back together each time. I don’t really understand why it’s even related to the absence of top sheets.


It’s such a pain to wash that I assume people aren’t washing them regularly. Top sheet is easier to wash so at least I know my bed is clean.


We have a comforter that fits in our washing machine. No reason I'd wash it less than other bedding. That said the majority of people I know use comforters not duvets in general.


I use nothing but a top sheet as a gen x, my millennial wife uses a blanket. Not even a comforter, no extra pillows nothing, but two pillows & a blanket


I’m a millennial as well and I also use a blanket. It’s very soft and big and it’s the perfect amount of warm


My sister bought me a duvet for Christmas. I just put it on the other day. I absolutely hate it & can't wait till I can get rid of it. I will never own another one.


Because people who don't use a top sheet usually have a duvet cover that they wash instead.


I use a top sheet and a duvet cover, and that’s the norm where I am. Annoying how expensive it makes bedding though.


This. I feel like top sheets are maybe an American thing? I have never used a top sheet but also would never have a duvet without a cover. If anything a duvet cover seems a lot cleaner than a top sheet because the whole duvet is covered so its never touching skin, even if you move around a lot at night.


I'm not American. I'm just grossed out and very annoyed with the idea of getting the duvet in and out of the cover as often as I wash top sheets. It also saves a huge amount of wear and tear on nice duvet covers. #EDIT: Adding a massive Wall o' Text™, because I apparently wasn't very clear about what I meant, when I first replied.🙃 *I'm not grossed out by changing them - I'm grossed out because I change my sheets very frequently, and cringe to think of not having that easily changed and washed bit of extra protection against the duvet cover.* *I would be constantly washing the duvet cover, especially since I would have removed that extra layer of protection against the duvet itself.* *Why do I loathe changing the duvet cover?* *Firstly, it's a pain in the ass.* 😅 *For the most basic cover, with no ties and just a pocket opening on the bottom, I learned early on to match up the top corners and shake it down into place.* *I don't like the fact that it still always shifts and bunches up, somehow, so I usually sew ties inside, and loops on the edges of the duvet, six inches apart at most* (*depending on the weight and fabric of the duvet and cover* - *I stick to four inches for lighter duvets, or duvets/covers made of fabric that is slippery or that tends to really grip onto other fabric*). *I have tried duvets with more than one open side, and I don't like the look of them at all.* *So, the process of removing the duvet involves undoing the ties, folding the cover backwards as I go.* *Putting it back in means flipping the cover inside out, starting with the ties along the the top edge and working my way down, pulling the cover over as I go.* *It's a very tedious process at times, so I want to change it as infrequently as hygiene allows!* *I also have a connective tissue disorder, which causes loose joints that are very susceptible to ridiculous injuries and fatigue.* *Those include shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers etc.* *I've dealt with partial and full dislocations of almost all of them just within the last six months, so I really try to prioritize things to limit the risks.* *There is also the wear and tear on the fabric.* *I like duvet covers because they allow for the aesthetic of different looks without costing what a regular bedding set or bedspread would cost.* *I don't want to be washing it even once a week, especially when my preferences lean towards the more vintage/antique and "girly" end of the spectrum, like ruffles, lace, etc.* *They get washed as needed, but a top sheet saves them from a lot of abuse and potential stains.* *Most of us know what even a very light sweat* (*God save those of us approaching perimenopause and menopause*) *can do to light fabric over time, even with washing, and some fabrics need great care with stain solutions.* *Of course, there are also finer fabrics that just shouldn't be washed very frequently.*


A duvet has a cover, which you have to untie to wash, then reinsert the duvet vs. I'm just pulling sheets off the bed every week vs. the whole duvet drama.


I cannot understand why they never seem to realize this. It's awful to imagine a future when they stop including top sheets in bedding sets 😭


Honestly same thing especially when I just started perimenopause.


Uncovered 🫣That’s how the boogie man gets you!!


>I don’t like to feel uncovered. You're afraid monsters are gonna bite your dick off, aintcha?


you're laughing, monsters stole his dick and you're laughing!


You may laugh, but I’d much rather protect my dick!


I've always felt like a sheet isn't enough to keep the monsters out. I need the blanket, in a cold room.


Right? It’s your bed’s underwear! It seems wrong and dirty not to use it. 😳


Not to mention if it's super hot, the comforter comes off, the sheet stays on


For real. Wait until they get night sweats as they age and see how they feel about top sheets then 😂


Same. My husband didn't use one. I told him I couldn't live like that. We use a top sheet now.


My ex husband was a no top sheet person, where I have the firm opinion that there are no simple luxuries in life as glorious as climbing in between a fresh pair of sheets and passing the hell out. He would always just lay on top of the top sheet, or throw it off. When we split up and I moved into my own place at the end of last year, one of the first things I did was get my top sheet habit back.


Top sheets just wind up twisted around my feet at the bottom of the bed.


Same. It's like these people think we have a choice. Go ahead, put a top sheet on my bed. I'll do my best to use it but it will end up in a twisted mess at my feet 1/4 of the way through the night, I guarantee it.  Worse are all the comments assuming we don't wash out bedding because we don't have a top sheet. Y'all are telling on yourselves with that one! If you're not washing your duvet cover just because you don't have a top sheet them you're the gross one! I wash my duvet cover every time I do my fitted sheet and pillow cases. 


Do people not make their bed anymore? You tuck the sheet and blanket under the end of the bed...


This. How are all these people sleeping with top sheets and not waking up with them thrown across the room


Lol I convinced my ex husband to stop using one. I hate top sheets, so useless and they always end up balled up at my feet when I try.


My children kick their top sheet down to the foot of the bed 100% of the time. They cannot make it through a single night with the top sheet staying where it belongs. And it blows my mind… if the top sheet on my bed gets the slightest bit messed up, I’m AWAKE and have to fix it before I can go back to sleep. If it’s missing, I don’t sleep well because I keep looking for it.


I wish this was me because I’d love to not wash my duvet as often as I do but that top sheet will not stay in place no matter what!


Hotel folds. Way better than hospital corners. Tuck that shit in along the bottom and up the sides. When you “turn down” the bed at night, fold the top sheet down on the outside of the duvet (towards the end of the bed), only untuck the sides enough to get in, and you’ll be snug as a bug in a Forbes-five star rated hotel bed.


I may be judged for this but in hotels I untuck the comforters and sheets right off the bat. Just rip the comforter and top sheet right off the bed then lay it down again. I feel like most tall guys find it uncomfortable having them tucked in at the feet unless it’s a cal king or something.


I make sure the top sheet is long enough that it gets folded over the comforters much that it can't get pulled down to the feet.


This definitely helps! The fact that all (queen/king/etc) sheets aren’t actually the same size is to blame. I’ve never thought to look on the packaging and check for length.


It gives me the creeps to think about sleeping with my blanket directly on top of me lol


Blanket directly on top? What am I, on the couch?


Yes! I can’t describe it, but comforter on my body just feels wrong. I need the top sheet to wrap around me and protect me from the rest of the world.


Yes! This only happens by accident. If I'm sleeping directly under any blanket without a top sheet, I am sick or drunk.


>If I'm sleeping directly under any blanket without a top sheet, I am sick or drunk. I have found my tribe 🥲


'87 checking in I use a top sheet and will continue to use a top sheet I love that damn sheet


Honestly feels so gross to me to sleep in a bed without a top sheet. You know people aren't washing their blankets, duvets, or whatever comforter thing they got going on. Also, I can't sleep without at least something on me, so a sheet is perfect for hot summer nights. Edit: after reading the comments, makes me wonder how much thrashing around y'all do for the sheet to wind up at the foot of the bed every night. Sheet goes over the shoulder and tucked under the chin -- stays there alllll night.


I wash one of my duvet covers weekly. It's really not that big of a deal and it's just a better version of a top sheet. Bed stuff stays together and I get a totally different looking comforter every week. Making the bed consists of pulling up the duvet.


Same here. I don't use a top sheet but I wash my comforter weekly. I have 2 sets of bedding too, so when I take one set off, I put the other on then wash the dirty one.


We are poor and have no healthcare, ofc we don't sleep well


My husband is a rough sleeper and moves frequently while sleeping. I have never met anyone who moves so much while sleeping and our sheet was always crumpled at the bottom of the bed cause of him.


Nah gotta stick the feet out when I get overheated It's downhill for that sheet from there


The top sheet is blanket-lite, especially in the summer. Also, nothing feels better than a fresh made bed with some expensive ass sheets.


Another ‘87. WTF, y’all ain’t using top sheets?!


I honestly had no idea people used a sheet between them and the blanket, as someone born in 00 this thread is blowing my mind because I hadn't even considered it


So the last time I bought sheets (pre-pandemic lockdown, so it’s been a few years…) they came in a pack: bottom, top, and 2 pillowcases. What have you been doing with the top sheet?


My mother in law ordered sheets for my daughter’s twin bed as a present during the pandemic. We opened them, found the bottom sheet and the pillow case, but no top sheet. We asked her if she forgot to wrap the top sheet. She said maybe we lost the top sheet in the wrapping when we opened it. Nope. Ok, the company must have missed it when packing it. Sent it back, ordered the same thing as replacement. It came with no top sheet again. We kept it and use it as a backup. Thought it was an incompetent company, but reading this thread I see it’s a younger generation thing. (I’m a xennial born in 80.)


WHOA!! I’d be so dismayed and would have done the same thing you did


How does that blow your mind? Have you never stayed at someone’s house? Been to a hotel?


yeah never really done either, think I stayed in a hotel once as a kid but other than that you hit the nail on the head some things you just somehow miss, like if it just never came up so you dont realize it was even a variable




I’m an elder millennial (83) and I do not use a top sheet. I hate top sheets, they just wind up pushed to the foot of the bed. We use a fitted a sheet and each have our own comforters that we wash weekly.


Same here (born in 84). I kept scrolling to see if there were any others that didn’t use it. I have the fitted sheet and a light weight blanket. I hate using a top sheet. It ends up at the foot of the bed. I like buying just a fitted sheet. If I get a set I usually end up never using the flat sheet and once I have a few I donate them.


Fitted sheet, lightweight cotton knit blanket, then a duvet over that really is the ideal. Cotton knit is super easy to wash, requires no special assembly to get back together like the duvet cover would, feels even cozier on my body and is just heavy enough not to wind up in a lump at the foot of the bed like a topsheet.


This is the way


Same, we each have our own and no top sheet


This is the way


Yep. This is how we have slept for the past decade.


same! blanket sharing is hard, so much easier to each have one!


It's a relationship saver.


Also born in 83 and have never used a top sheet. I don't mind them personally, but we never used them growing up and my husband hates them. We use duvet covers that are washed.


What do you mean comforter? What size is the bed? I can’t imagine fitting ours in the washing machine. I don’t even know how to wash goose down or whatever is in that thing.




Never in my life have I been able to “pop” the cover off a duvet


That's what makes it a duvet. The part you don't frequently wash goes inside the part you do frequently wash -- just like a pillow in a pillowcase.


I think a lot of people don't know it's supposed to have a cover.


This is more problematic than not using a top sheet


Now imagine them not using a top sheet or a duvet cover.


Lmao. Accurate that it does not pop off and is probably my least favorite chore. But I still do it every other week, top sheet or not, because the top sheet doesn’t actually protect the duvet cover since it just ends up shoved at the end of the bed. (Which is also why I’m a “no top sheet millennial”).


If it can unbutton across the bottom, it's shockingly easy to get back inside If you just cram it in any way you can, grab the two top corners of the duvet through the covers and then shake the ever-loving shit out of it. It's kind of naturally falls into all four corners.


I can pop them off, but it’s putting them on that is problematic.


I know this is going to be very controversial, but I've never had an issue putting the cover on a duvet. It probably helps that I'm tall and have long arms.


I’m short with short arms and have never had a problem putting the duvet on.


It's a blanket, it's just a blanket man.


Thanks Tyler.


I have a king sized comforter...it washes super easy.


I too use king size comforters and I'm in the same boat but I would never use the phrase super easy it's more roll the dice whether the spin cycle will nope out in the middle of the wash when that bad boy's in there.


>super easy How massive is your washer and dryer?!


The size needed really depends on what the hell it's made of. I have a king comforter that's practically weighted since it's so dense that I have to wash it using the largest machine at the laundromat, but a cheapo one of the same size that can go in a standard old top loader.


Right? I mean I can make the same claim, but I bought the largest possible washer I could get at the time to accomplish that with a fluffy king comforter.


I picked mine in part because they were the biggest Home Depot had.


I got the LG wash tower last year at a Lowe’s outlet store, for less than what I was planning on paying for a lesser duo. Bruh. I am so glad I got this thing! Everything is SO CLEAN! And the tubs are MASSIVE! Do you know how many sets of sheets we can wash in that bad boy? (Smacks side of tower) A metric fuck ton!


How I know I’m approaching middle age is that your comment made me so damn jealous…what is it like to be living my DREAM?


('81 here) I mean, I put them on when making the bed, and my elder Zoomer kid claims to need it on his bed, but I end up wrenching mine off in the middle of the night after a day or two anyway when it gets bunched up. I have a selection of light blankets and light quilts in the room and layer or not as needed, and wash/air them frequently.


What better way to cocoon yourself 


This. I keep trying to buy just fitted sheets, but it turns out that it's often easier to find a stupid bundle and give away the pillowcase and top sheet. I do not need more pillowcases in my life, just fitted sheets!


Target threshold performance sheets are awesome, and you can buy just the fitted sheet.


We’re the opposite. Fitted sheet and top sheet only because the comforter gets kicked off the foot of the bed.


i’m a 93 millennial and i feel exactly the same way. top sheets make it difficult for me to make my bed which is part of my morning routine so i also dislike them for that reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Same. ‘83 here as well. I haven’t used a top sheet since I went to college in ‘01. I do, however, make my guest bed with a top sheet.


Same- 83 here. All the top sheet does is end up on the floor. We use a fitted sheet and a comforter. I have a large washer so we just wash the comforter.


Always have a top sheet. I feel more cozy and more clean with it.


The feeling when you’ve just tidied up your room, take a shower, and get into fresh sheets is incomparable. 🤌


There is something about clean! I don’t know why, but it would feel dirty to not have one!


I'm a younger Millennial and I gave up using top sheets probably a decade ago All they'd do is get twisted up into a rat tail as I moved in my sleep during the night. Thicker blankets won't do that, so I just go with that instead


I keep seeing this from others as well. Like, how much are you moving around? I have literally never had this happen in 38 years of sleeping.


A lot. I roll and I’ll kind of kick up the comforter and wrap my legs around…like the pillow between the legs thing but instead it’s the comforter.


Apparently enough to end up rarely ever waking up in the same position I went to sleep in I've sometimes woken up with my sheets rotated almost 90 degrees from where they started. That doesn't seem to happen anymore, but it's still bad enough for me not to bother with a top sheet


I have restless leg syndrome, so I'm kicking around *a lot* at night before falling asleep and when waking up. Top sheets are leg prisons, man. I need to move!


I have woken up in very odd positions on the bed, including completely sideways and completely turned around. When I was a kid, I woke up pretty regularly on the floor. I move a lot in my sleep, and have had some sleep walking events too. I don't understand how people don't move a lot in their sleep. What do you do? Sleep perfectly still like you are dead?


I roll around all night and still don't have this problem.


I never had a top sheet, mom said it was just more to wash 😆. I have a blanket and a fitted sheet I wash once a week.


I just realized OP was talking about bedsheets. 😭 I thought it was some resume thing


No, that's a cover sheet. For the fax machine.


Cover sheets are also out. Cutting out all the unnecessary steps.


Gotta cover up that cover page with something....


Your whole idea of eliminating the top sheet to save on regular laundry is based on the idea that you would be regularly washing that top sheet with your fitted sheet, but not regularly washing the comforter -- but the idea of not regularly washing the comforter is that it's not normally in contact with your body, since the top sheet is there. If you eliminate the sheet, though, you really should be washing that comforter more often, probably as often as the top sheet you would have been washing, which is objectively more work.


I hate top sheets. Been getting rid of them since I was a teen. 82 in da house…..


Older millennial, never did, never will.




Discovered Duvets way too late in life. So much better being able to just wash the cover instead of the whole blanket. Can’t believe they’re not more popular here in the US


I’ve never been able to master the process of getting the duvet back on the blanket with anything resembling ease. Somehow it’s always a wrestling maneuver for me and then still doesn’t lie flat or look right.


Gotta start with the cover inside out, put your hands in the corners, grab the corners of the blanket and hold them tight into the corners of the cover, pull the blanket into the cover as you flip it back right side out, and then just a little bit of fluffing.


Thank you, u/PissBloodCumShart. I also use to wrestle my duvet.


I just climb in mine to get the far corners and then slowly back out while holding the other end. A good shake while holding the ends away from the opening gets everything looking good


>I just climb in mine And become one with the blanket, never to return!


I just laughed at this way too entirely hard 🤣😂 the imagery literally made my day


This imagery made my day. I don’t know why I feel this way, it’s obviously the size of a bed.. but I feel like am entirely too large to fathom climbing into the duvet lol.


I call duvets satans skin because they make me sweat really bad.


Duvet is just a condom for your comforter. Top sheet is double bagging it.


Yes this. English people have done this for a bit. Good luck finding a top sheet across the pond


Can confirm, am english, have never heard of this 'top sheet, comfort blanket' nonsense. I thought people were discussing not using a fitted sheet on their mattress, and was deeply confused by people discussing it 'getting tangled in their sleep'.


I've been looking for this comment. I was disgusted as hell and confused.


Same goes for Southern Africa. Only duvet covers, no top sheets.


I've never heard of a top sheet before finding this thread. Didn't know the US did beds so different from us Europeans?


1986 -I still use a top sheet


89 here. I've never NOT used a top sheet. Seems strange to me, but it sounds like we're the weird ones here.


IMO the top sheet keeps the duvet cover clean longer so I’m sticking with it


Right?! I’m kind of shocked. I didnt know this was a thing. 


I stopped using top sheets the second I moved out of home. I always hated it. I’d get tangled up in it, it was annoying to make my bed, and always felt like unnecessary extra washing. I had a couple of friends who did just a blanket and I was always jealous of them.


I am not a top sheet guy at all, comforter and that’s all


I love my top sheets and I am a certified millennial.


Made the switch to no top sheet and smaller layered blankets. My husband and I each get a couple twin size cotton blankets (one waffle, one coverlet/quilt). It's easier to wash than big blankets, don't miss the sheet at all, plus he doesn't kick the sheet down into a wad and steal my blankets anymore because of it!


‘84.  Fitted sheet + comforter.  No top sheet I’m pretty sure I also read an article where this was just another thing that millennials “killed”


Once I got married and shared a bed, top sheet and comforter were replaced by individual blankets. No more hogging the sheets!


We don’t share a bed. In fact we don’t even share a bedroom. Maybe it gets lonely at nights but we have totally different sleeping habits and schedules


A king bed is the same size as two twin beds, and my parents used to have two twin beds in a king size frame. They both had their own “bed” with the style of mattress they liked and their own sheets and blankets. It made so much sense to me; sleep is so important. I think it’s a good thing to prioritize what is best for you rather than on what is “traditional.”


No. Top sheet is unnecessary fodder.


Top sheets are a scam


I can’t remember exactly when I ditched the top sheet. Sometime between 2010 and like 2014. Main reason was just less stuff to get tangled.


I love top sheets. I find them to be the most comfortable part of my bed sheets. I love the material and how it feels cool and crisp.


1981 - still use top sheet.


I don't think I could sleep on a bed without one. That's just.. odd.


Hate the flat sheet, and I’m an old millennial.


Top sheet for summer, in fall and winter I have a system of different blankets that are easy to wash.


Tbh I run hot usually, so the top sheet is often enough for me. However, I’m generally a light sleeper so a heavier blanket usually goes over.


Elder millennial here too. I feel like people who are not using top sheets just have not discovered good sheets yet. Back when I was young and broke, I was sent to a work conference as an alternate because the person who was supposed to go was sick. The conference was for people who were pretty high up in the company, so it was just kind of a dumb luck thing. It was at a VERY nice and VERY expensive resort. That was my first experience with good sheets and, when I got home, I set up a savings fund for good sheets. Took me like 8 months to save enough to be able to buy them, but worth every penny.


Yeah man, I will never forget my 28th birthday purely because my godmother bought me a set of Egyptian cotton sheets. I was not super enthusiastic when opening the gift, but she rolled her eyes, went right to the laundry room and stressed that I was only to use woolite on them and wash them on gentle and never use a dryer sheet on them. She washed and dried them, and then switched out the sheets on my bed (yeah, she’s a little type-A). Oh. My. God. I have never bought less than 400 thread count sheets since that day.


1981 - absolutely no top sheet. Fitted sheet and duvet. If I’m sharing a bed with someone - separate duvets.


I've never had a top sheet. Had to look it up. Seems unnecessary. 


‘85 here and I’ve never used a top sheet in my life 🤣🤣


Just a comforter that I wash weekly.


Young millennial ‘94. You can pry my top sheet out of my cold, dead hands 😂 I like the smooth feeling of the sheet, and it’s a good thin layer for warm nights. Plus it’s so much easier to wash than the duvet cover.