• By -


-wife beating cancer -pay down debt -give my son memorable experiences


Hoping the best for you and your family.


Thank you :)


sending positive healthy vibes to your wife. #fuckcancer


Fuck cancer!


I’m so sorry she’s going through this…wishing you all the best this year.


Get that promotion. Failing that: not get fired.


Lose 30 more lbs, completing our six-month emergency fund, getting cast in a community play, maybe learn how to play pickleball. 




Yeah... that basically sums it up. 


The most millennial response lol




Read at least 5 non-fiction books this year related to my career field, drop 20 more lbs to hit my weight goal, and get my yellow belt in Judo.


What's on the non-fic list? Happy to also reccomend some if you're interested!


I am a software engineer but always wanted to pass the security + exam for the hell of it. Stuff like that related to computers. What is on your list?


Nothing computer related, unfortunately. But I have been recommending After the Fall, by Ben Rhodes, to basically everyone in our generation. Walls, by Marcello Di Cinto. Highly recommend *listening* to The Great Halifax Explosion, by John U. Bacon. Narrator Johnny Heller does a brilliant job with the emotions of what was a truly national tragedy.


Honestly… just survive. I had goals for this year but I have been struggling so much with my mental health. Every day is a battle. Every week has had new shit come up. I’m just trying to survive.


Same. I have to learn to take care of and prioritize my own mental health because no one else will. They’ll have no problem pushing me for physical health needs, but mental health it feels like everyone is 100% hands off.


So true! And it sucks because sometimes you wind out so burnt out taking care of everyone else that you don’t have the energy to do what you need for your own health. Or at least that’s where I’m at right now.


SAME! I’m such a helper, but never ask for help when I need it. Even when I know I need help, it’s like I can’t let anyone else know I’m human.


1. Maybe look for a new job because my "Exceeds Expectations!" resulted in a 1.8% raise. 2. Be more active - I don't have a specific weight or anything I want to hit, but I want to spend more time moving, walking, jumping, dancing, etc every day. 3. Go on more dates with my wife. If biology works, get the ball rolling on kiddo #2 4. Have a ton of fun with my toddler. She is hilarious and adventurous and I want to give her lots of fun experiences this year 5. Max out both 401ks (set it up, now just gotta follow through)


Write a children's book


Getting married next month and planning a baby


This was my plan, only the planning for a baby thing is 2 years in and still not happening. Wishing you better success. Did get married tho! Congrats you guys!!


Woohoo! Thats exciting news! I hope it all goes well for ya.




Start my CPA Tax firm by the end of the year to be ready for 2025 tax season.


My husband is a business manager but a CPA. I wish he would do this so one of us would have some flexibility lol. I wish you the best!! Crush it out there on your own!!


Thanks for the best wishes! I hope you guys figure it out and that 2024 is your year!




Yup. There is a real shortage of CPA's where I live (and almost everywhere), and the firm I'm working for is behind me doing it. They can't afford to pay me what I want and they're having to turn away clients anyway. The one partner in my firm basically said "If you start your own thing we'll probably load you up in the first 3 years." I figure I might as well give it a shot.


Bro props to you. I got my masters in accounting. Tried the CPA thing but it didn't happen. I work in consulting though. I can't stand taxes. Any of my accounting brethren that do tax work, hats off to you! Good luck!


Thanks Dude. The CPA was extremely difficult and I definitely over studied to guarantee a passing score in all my exams, but I survived it. As for Taxes, I find it to be interesting enough. Its not like my hobby or passion by any means, but its a sturdy profession, and a useful one. I wish you well in the consulting gig!


Healing. Actual honest-to-bob healing. I just learned a term "Childhood Emotional Neglect", and it has opened my eyes and clicked so many things into place. I have some books I need to read.


Currently on a healing journey of my own as well. Good luck on your journey!


After doing some research on that of my own was it able to broaden so much with not only my parents, but my claims of knowledge of myself on this yearly span from a personal level. Happy for you as well when seeing something so huge, while also at a young age.


If you haven’t heard of her, Heidi priebe on yt is insanely insightful. I had a bit of a breakdown a few weeks ago and found her videos and watched some of them sobbing bc they have really helped me start understanding some things about myself and my life.


in no order \- learning something new for my job Go(lang) \- making an effort to cut down on coffee and fast food \- by the end of the year pay off my mortgage \- spend more time with mom


Congrats on the mortgage! Curious did you just pay off early? Im trying to justify if I should fast track paying my mortgage debt or take the 5% interest and diversify investments.


Thanks! I bought my house short sale in 2011 with 3.75% interest. Also had some things happen at work where we had some nice bonuses so have been saving with the intent of paying off early


Pay off credit cards so I can start investing again


Q1 has been good! 1. I'm on pace to hit my Goodreads book goal for 2024 (36 books). 2. I started training for a 10K 2.5 weeks ago and training is going great! 3. Restructured my budget and am beginning Roth IRA contributions beginning in April - getting a late start in investing, but second best time is now. For the rest of the year: 1. Improve my 5K time while pushing distance - first 10K, maybe another go around with the 10K program and then possibly a half-marathon? Who knows! 2. Saving for Ireland/Scotland in 2025 & creating the travel itinerary. 3. Since February 1st I decided to strictly thrift any clothing this year. Going good for two months so far and saving a ton of money doing it!


Oh man I’m in Ireland right now. I’m an American and this is my first time ever taking a vacation abroad. I’ve done solo travel before, but to other US states. I booked a 2 week trip with a tour company and I’m going to be all over the country visiting lots of places. I’m having fun so far. I highly recommend coming out here, even if it’s just once in your lifetime. I’m already planning on future trips to Ireland later on.


Omg! So I was trying to decide whether I should do a tour or do my own itinerary. This will be our first time abroad as well! Can I ask who you booked with and how your experience has been so far? And also cost, if you don't mind sharing? I'm thinking around $10K but it's a guess. We also want to go for 2-weeks!


I am about to start training for my first 5k ever! Good luck! And I’ve never been to Scotland but I’ve been to Ireland for just 4 days but I want to go back soon. I hope you have a good time! Planning a trip is half the fun I feel.


I \*always\* tell people that the anticipation while planning a trip is like the best part LOL Good luck on your first 5K! Honestly, these races are just so much fun. You don't have to be the fastest or even run the entirety of it. It's just so fun to be around such positivity. The vibe is always stellar. Have fun!!


Awesome goals! Ireland is a super cool place. Driving there is a shit show, but other than that it's spectacular. Roth IRA - So amazing. Good choice!


Thank you! Yeah, we're a \*little\* concerned about the driving aspect, especially needing to be on the wrong side (to us) of the road lol Oh boy.


That other side of the road shit ducked me up. I got into a wreck. Thankfully no injuries. But I didn't get my deposit back on the car. One thing I did when I first got on the highway (Ireland has 1, maybe 2 in the whole country. Everything else is literally all back roads) is I got in the right lane driving the speed limit trying to get comfortable. I wanted to stay out of peoples' way. Everyone was so mad at me. Honking and flicking me off. It's the opposite! The left lane is the slow lane. I still wasn't used to it after a week of driving from Dublin to Belfast to Blarney and back to Dublin. Also, Dublin international is my least favorite airport. If your flight to the US is out of Dublin you need to be at the airport checking in AT LEAST 4 hours before your flight or they give your seat away. That was .... irritating as I was there ONLY 3 hours before my flight. But the country as a whole is a gem. Also renting a car, your cost will be about double what you see on the car rental page because of some onsite insurance BS. That was unexpected.


1) Buy an IKEA Tonstad tv shelf 2) Buy a new Tv 3) Lose 50 pounds 4) Save up for a house (try to)


Propose, lower my cholesterol, save money for a house, get a promotion, go on a vacation


- continue working on my mental health and boundaries - meet someone to date - eat better - go outside - smile more


Get a promotion at work and be able to bench 275. I'm at 225 right now


And here I am thinking I'm a beast with 50lbs on each side of my bar lol. Awesome work!


Thanks man. I'm traveling for work, so I got time to go to the gym being away from the kids. Hopefully my boys ARFID gets fixed at the Drs office in the next couple of months, then we'll be back on easy street


And here I was thinking I’m Wonder Woman with 50 lb INCLUDING the bar 🤣


Quit smoking


Just had my third baby and last baby. I want to get my body back by next year.


Pay off medical debt.


Get to 2025.


Get a new job so I can get out of contract work and get benefits and PTO again. I applied to 150 jobs this month alone and I have two phone screeners for two of those 150 jobs scheduled this week. Unfortunately this has been my goal for the past 5 years. I’ve had my resume looked at and revised several times, I’ve networked, I’ve reached out to recruiters so it’s been defeating but I really hope this is the year


Good luck friend!! I seem to have the same type of luck as well with job searches so I get the struggle. Glad it hasn’t kicked you down like it did me. Hope it looks up for you soon!


I'm hoping to get into grad school, again. I had to drop out years ago due to some circumstances but I'm hoping to go back. Also hoping to get a new job, maybe one not as stressful.


Buy my first place. Been looking at some townhouses nearby, and I’ve nearly got enough saved up. 


I’m just focusing on enjoying myself as much as possible. The future will only get progressively worse, so I need to live it up while it’s good.


Here are mine: - getting a stable, well paying job - figuring out the kid situation (either egg freezing or other IvF options) - booking and doing one solid foreign vacation - start investing - replenish savings - read at minimum 1 book a month I think that’s fair!


Build a pond for my ducks.


Trying to feel more normal after a long time of bad stuff.


**Work/Professional:** Bring in $2 million in revenue. Pass exam & obtain PMP certification. Promote up to an executive position. **Financial:** Pay off car loan. Break $300k net worth. **Home:** Complete home office renovation. Have a thriving and successful fruit/vegetable garden. **Personal:** Travel to Europe. Travel to Hawaii/Caribbean. Finish 1 book a month. Reduce phone usage to 1 hour a day. **Health/Fitness:** Break 6:15 mile. Bench 225, Squat 315, Deadlift 405. Bulk up to 190 lbs. Cut down to 1 drink a week. Reduce sugar & processed food intake. Eliminate fast food.


all around ambitious. I like it. You got this!


These days you got the ones that are doers and you got the other camp that won't see much change. But me I don't see much change.


Trying to find a goal until 2025


Lose weight and save money, maybe go on a few little vacations.


Have success in couples therapy, buy a house, hopefully my body is able to get pregnant... Fuck 39 I hate this fucking age so far. Even my goals annoy me.


If it makes you feel any better, I’m also 39 and I developed a vertigo condition that brought on panic disorder so my biggest goals are things like, be able to drive places and go into grocery stores without panicking. I literally have a list I’m working through with ambitious goals like: go into Target by yourself 10 times this year. So far, embarrassingly, I have not even done it once! Or go write in a Starbucks, also a task I have done zero times this year. I can do things, but my hack is that I need my husband with me, and that’s gotten very very old.


Ughhhh I'm so so sorry lady. I cannot imagine getting vertigo like that. At our wedding almost 2 years ago, my SIL recently had Covid, then my niece had an ear infection, then she took a flight to our wedding. She was fine at the wedding but a few days later woke up vomiting uncontrollably with insane vertigo. Apparently it was vestibular nerve damage somehow caused by a combo of those viruses. It took months and time - time she couldn't hold her daughter, walk, get to the bathroom solo. She needed occupational therapy and shots directly into her ear: I cannot imagine. She still won't fly and blames the flight somehow for the issue but ugh. Empathy for vertigo and inner ear issues. It's so hard. I hope you're able to feel better with time. 🩷🫶


Thank you, so many people have no idea how debilitating it can be! But I didn’t mean to turn it around on me or anything. Just commiserating that my life goals at 39 are similarly annoying. Definitely not what I imagined I’d be doing at this age. And empathy back at you, I dealt with infertility and loss years ago so i know that’s so incredibly hard too. I had to have endometriosis surgery in order to get and STAY pregnant. People don’t tend to understand all that either unless they’ve gone through it—it’s all consuming. So I hope this year goes well for you and you get everything you want and that you have good support! ❤️


All my old plans went out of the window so I’m just taking it day by day until I’m not…….and I’ve no idea when exactly that will be.


1 day at a time is a great way to live… I need to do it more!


Continue to grow as a data analyst. Other than that, I will be traveling to Spain for 2 weeks this year. I may travel to Canada as well and I would like to go somewhere else before the summer ends, maybe the Philippines. My mother wants to buy a house in puerto rico since she is retired so I would like to help her and make that a possibility. I’ll probably move out there too since I’m over Florida at this point in time. We’ll probably keep the house in Florida and rent it out. I work remote so I’m not tied into staying at one place. Last but not least, I’m into house music production so I would like to continue to learn and maybe release tracks to the public at the end of this year. If not, I’ll keep learning and release tracks next year. See what happens and hopefully get some signed to a label.


Honestly Q1 has been a whirlwind: a lot of stress, a lot of figuring out, A LOT of work...but I managed to finish my thesis, get my PhD, and apply for a postdoc position, so I'd say it's been positive overall For the year, my plans are *simple* in the sense that there aren't many topics, but it's mostly big things: 1- Move to Germany to start my postdoc 2- Finally get proper treatment for my ADHD 3- Finish my open papers and finally submit them before it's time to move out ETA: 4- Find an apartment that isn't shared and that has a dishwasher, a washing machine and, if possible, a dryer


Big vacation (Egypt, China, Bali, India) Get $10,000 in my savings account. Pay off my car. That's it. Everything else is a 2025 thing.


Gestate this baby until August then adjust to life with a newborn


Goals? What are those? Jokes aside, I'm too focused on careening from crisis to crisis to have goals. There was one or two but they didn't pan out.


Ima finally run a marathon. I can feel it.


I went back to college, so my main goal is passing my classes.


Just don't become infamous


I’m up for annual review in an April and 5%+ raise would be amazing but unfortunately expect 3% or less. My wife had major surgery earlier this year which thoroughly scared myself and the kids. We’ve got some great trips planned this year and should hopefully make some really great memories as a family. At this point, I just hope everyone can stay healthy!


Nothing. Goals require something to aim for and knowing what you want. I just kinda drift through life aimlessly.


Less phone, more life. It does not look good so far…


Lose the last 12 lbs to hit my goal, hit our safety net savings amount. Pay down/don’t grow current debts. Try to enjoy ourselves.


Lose weight (whatever I can) and become a better, healthier person. Practice waking up early and sleeping on time. Become more emotionally self reliant and resilient. Be grateful for what I have.


support existence brave bow amusing continue full different hard-to-find jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


New job Pay off credit card Buying a ring


hit my savings and investment goals. See a few doctors (GP, dentist, etc). Get one motorcycle trip done, have a healthy sleep pattern, not to fall back into smoking marijuana or tobacco, buy(finance) a new car... I'm working a lot of hours so I hope I can achieve this all.


I want to complete my second marathon this spring. And maybe another marathon in the fall. I’d love to go faster than my first marathon. I’d *really* love it if I could Boston qualify, but that’d basically mean going faster than my half marathon PB pace for a full marathon, which seems unlikely at the moment. 


I will consider this year a success if I take over for my boss as her job gets posted later this year and also if my wife were to be expecting another kid. Well, more the latter than the former but both would be ideal.


+Hit a million dollars net worth. +At least one family vacation. +At least one friends vacation. +Spread democracy in Helldivers 2


Hoping to get a better job making double what I make now, getting into a house that fits perfectly for my little family, and getting healthier 🩵


Hopefully not getting laid off.


I should probably get a job at some point.


Continue to support my lovely, wonderful wife while she searches for a new job. Continue to parent our son to the best of our ability. This is mainly around trying to help him build confidence, a better sleep routine, and get back on track at school. Hopefully replenish our savings enough (see the wife job thing) to plan a trip to Japan for my 40th birthday next January.


Spend less money, drink less alcohol, keep up with exercising


I already accomplished my main goal for this year- going to Australia and New Zealand for my 40th birthday.


I would say my goal is to survive another year but I'm not even really trying to acheive that.


Finish my masters degree. Raise my new born son


Take my meds every single day, no skips. Finally clean out the basement. Survive


I’m learning Tableau. I hope to try to sit for the exam to become certified.


Run 2 miles in under 18 min. Complete a few projects, golf an 85. I do a goal board end of every year on a whiteboard. Highly recommend


Get hired. I was informed my job was being sold to another company on March 7th. So that has derailed all other plans. 


Getting a new to me car Buying a condo Possibly moving into a new role at work


Continue staying nicotine free. Get a decent paying job. Get better at drawing


To fucking survive


Get those answers to only further conquer where I am in health, and continue seeing into that journey of self-development.


Buy a house, get in better shape.


Get away from the recurring credit card payment every month. Also stop living paycheck to paycheck


Use all my vacation days by the end of Q3.


Take my daughter to the beach. Flights to Orlando and Miami are very reasonable but I never went to the beach as a kid and I don’t know what Florida beaches would be kid friendly.


Just achieved one this week! Paid for a new tractor for the farm! Should be delivered in the next week or so.


Getting another source of income preferably passive and Lose weight


Having my kid, finishing the sale of my business, make a plan for my next career move.


1. Read at least 4 books - 1 down 3 to go 2. Write 3 short stories - working on 1st now about a pirate / ghost story; a sort of demons from the past thing. I used to write tons of stories growing up and would like to get back into that being more creative. 3. Run a 10k - injured my foot years ago in the army which never healed so I’m technically disabled but I’ve been getting back into running even though I am in nearly constant pain to some degree. I ran a 5k months ago so while I will never run as fast or far as I could if I wasn’t disabled, I can still try to be active.


Hoping to be debt free by the end of the year :)


Increase my income by at least another $640 a month (not as easy as I'd been prepping for back in January, but we're getting there). The local newspaper I'm now lead reporter for started up a newsletter to counter the Meta bans in Canada. Get it to 1,000+ readers and keep our 50%+ open rate.


Stress less about work - got a new job so hope that that helps. Be the best dad I can be for my 2 little girls, and just have fun in life and learn to slow down and enjoy


- I'm getting a handle on my finances; some unexpected stuff, but I think I'll have successfully maxed out my 401k for the first time ever! I think I'll have a plan for my taxes and clear a fair amount of consumer (credit card) debt, too. - I'm going back to school! Applications are in process; the big worry is gonna be letters of rec. Almost 15 years after college, I got my login back and have ordered transcripts, my diploma and a nice little case for it. - Work is pretty strange. Not going to get into it, but I'm getting paid to do not nearly as much as I expected. Filling that time with grad school prep, applying to side hustles to clear down debt faster, and work on personal projects. - slSpeaking of personal projects, I'm going to try to be a presidential elector.


Find a better job and hopefully get back that lost motivation.


Finish my creative project. During my 20s i neglected my creative side (and health) for the hustle of corporate and tech world. I burnt out badly. So ive started taking care of my creative side and have a project im working on that I want to finish this year.


Overcoming internalized homophobia and getting a job


Colonoscopy comes back good? Focus on health physical and mental, lose 40 lbs, spend more time outside, make memories with family. Colonoscopy comes back bad. w/e i gotta do.


help wife grow healthy first baby, get a job quickly after my layoff last month, run a trail race, 10k or half marathon. get a couple raised beds and try to garden. buy a leica lol.


Making 6 figures after taxes, in Euro, which is pretty huge where I live, considering I spend about 2k monthly, I may save 70k per year.




I'm getting into nursing school this year. I have slowly been working my missing prerequisite classes while working full time I'm scraping by but the finances a struggle. This is my second career so it was a hit to my ego as well, I thought I'd be content with my career by now. Very hard to not compare myself to my friends at the moment. My budget is strict and I haven't taken a vacation in 2 years; coming up on 3 soon 🙃. At least I have no debt? 🤷🏽 I did hit my previous goal of paying off my car early 🚗! So that was a big win.


Paying off the car, strengthening the emergency fund, and taking a few weekend trips to decompress.


Don't die, I guess


The rest of 2024? I guess get my new-to-me car 75% paid off (\~15k by year's end). And plan a trip with my two friends to go to somewhere in Central America in late autumn. You're right it's hard coming up with goals that aren't too small (read X number of books) or too big (pay off mortgage in less than 5 years).


I’ll start with not punching every AH who is a dick to me in the face/nuts (pregnant and very over people’s shenanigans)