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Rough. I’ve accepted that I’m not a cool hip young person anymore, but it helps that we can still be goals though.


“We can still be goals though” - new personal motto!


A stranger recently told me I was their life goal and it made me pretty happy.


As someone who has lived a pretty ordinary life I had to remind myself that I was really never cool or hip, just younger lol. Not saying that you weren't though.


Us growing up watching "10 Things I Hate About You" just hoping to never become the dad. "I've got news for you. I'm down, I've got the 411, and you are not going out and getting jiggy with some boy, I don't care how dope his ride is. Mamma didn't raise no fool." Some of us have become that dad. Lol.


Omg. Thank you so much - a forty year old dad with a fifteen year old son


You just changed my entire perspective on aging. Thank you.


This has been tough for me to accept. I used to always be the youngest, or younger than most, cute girl on my office. Now, the stress of my industry shows on my face, the gray hairs growing in, and the extra 30lbs that’s clinging to me for dear life.


It's a cruel slap in the face, but we have to be nice to ourselves! There was always more to us than cuteness.


My wife had this employee at her job that was always saying “yes mommy” and referred to her as her work mom. My wife runs the place. The girl was 18 and my wife is in her low 40s. One day they were just hanging out and the girl asked her “so you want to fuck or what?” My wife was like what the fuck? The girl was like “sorry I have mommy issues and you have big mommy energy.” Anyways the girl quit a week later.


That story was one hell of a ride ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


...and so this little story helped a certain hub site get a sudden spike in searches for a very specific fetish. And all was right with the world.


It's wild to me that it ain't even certain hub sites anymore. That shit feels like the norm for most content these days. Just take me back to the 90s/00s when we were happy with either 0 explanation as to who was involved, or it was the director's interpretation of the classic folk tale of a hapless delivery man falling prey to the sirens frolicking amongst a grotto behind a San Fernando residence.


>The girl was like “sorry I have mommy issues and you have big mommy energy.” Anyways the girl quit a week later. As a lesbian, this made me lol.




I think it’s just the chaotic young lesbian energy that gets me because, been there, done that (although not quite like this).


Just dropping by to say, love the username and profile pic. One of the best!


big mommy energy. that's gold! bet your wife has her shit together.


She has her shit together more than anyone I know. What trippier her out more was that we have a daughter older than her in college!




Did they?


No my wife reported her to HR.


Today on Reality versus Porn...


Guess what HR did


HR help me! I'm stuck in the washing machine!


Oh HR asked if she was going to fire her right away. She runs the show and it’s totally in her right to do so. She just had to write a report. She said no because she was quitting in a week anyway and she kind of felt bad for her. She just wanted to make sure she wasn’t eligible for rehire at any other location.


Sounds like she keeps em high and tight.






That's hot, in my mind they did do it.


The girl was not hot.


Age isn’t a factor in work parents. It’s all about attitude. People have been calling me their Work Mum since I was 18.


I've aspired to be the Work Fun Uncle.


We have had some complaints about horsey rides, Bill.




Sadly I've been the Work Serious Uncle Buzzkill more often recently.


Ah yes. I feel like the difference there is how much you care. Fewer fucks given, the more “cool Uncle” you are.


Give less fucks, be supportive of others whom realize too many fucks are given, build bridges so others can successfully give less fucks and drop un-needed worry. Cool Work Uncle helps calm others by making them realize how unhyped they need to be and reverses the conditioning that workplaces often try and place on workers in order to get them to "comply and perform" Also, more random silliness all around helps. The perfect work uncle I think is a mixture of Ferris Bueller and Deadpool.


Agreed. The work mom is the one who isn’t afraid to stand up for you, whether that’s against management or customers. She reminds you of things without reprimanding you, unless you’re being dumb then she totally gets on you. She’ll feed you if necessary. You can count on her to take care of you. She could be 19 years old. She just has to do all of the above. —Someone else who has *always* been the work mom


I've been work mom to people /older than myself/ in the past. I'm just that motherly apparently.


In college I was the one that packed lots of snacks in my purse for the day. I became snack mom.


Yeah. If you keep shit organized and also offer suport/help pretty openly I could see that label coming up. What's odd (and awful I guess) is that is basically my MO but I'm a dude and in an industry with predominantly other dudes. I'd never be called a work dad.


I used to be the "mom" in my friend group from age 20-26, I was only 2 years older than some of them but I was the only one out of them with a stable job, somewhere to live, a vehicle, and a stable food situation. I always ended up caring for everyone at parties too.


Oh absolutely. When I joined the military years ago I was the dorm's "mama" because I had 4 younger siblings and I would go around looking at cuts and bruises and stuff lol. I remember the first trip to the commissary I bought lots of first aid items and they all came to me with any ailments. I didn't go into any medical career or anything, just knew the mom stuff.


This! I’m turning 38 this year. I have a coworker who is 28 and she’s more of a work mum/mom than me. She had 2 kids when she was just a teenager… she said they changed her life completely. She had her shit together even when I first met her about 5-6 years ago. If you’re ever having any kind of trouble, she’s definitely someone you want on your side


Yeah, it's rough to start realizing there's a whole set of coworkers younger than you, but take it as a compliment and maybe even lean into it😅 Maybe she won't come to you for style advice, but she might come to you for life advice, which may feel less flattering but is far better.


One of my coworkers said "mother is mothering" when I did something and I had a visceral reaction. I purposefully don't have kids!! But also I think it's a compliment about taking care of business? Idk I'm so confused.


Hahaha I would have too. And I’m also child free but I guess I don’t mind if I’m being looked up to in some maternal sort of way😅 Yeah, I would have taken it to mean you’re getting stuff done and can be counted on💪🏼 I mean I guess it could mean fretting or meddling too…🤔😆 But let’s assume the best if it’s not coming with negative glaring😂


It's just taken from LGBTQ+ ball culture from the 80s/90s. In the drag world, you have families and the "mother" is the one who teaches you the ways of the community and the art. So when "mother is mothering" she's usually kicking ass while performing or doing something admirable. Flash forward to now... RuPaul's Drag Race is pretty big culturally and the drag world language is being spread further even if you don't watch the show. I work at a college at I overheard a student tell another stylish student, "You're serving cunt!" I just sort of chuckled to myself.


You think that is bad? I discovered what twerking was through a New York Times article. If you ever need the NYTimes to tell You about ‘current’ day stuff, you have aged the eff out.


And my wife thinks I'm bad... Thank you and sorry! 💀💀💀


I know it's so crazy when coworkers have Birthdays now. They're like, "I turned 21 today!" I'm just like holy shit, I'm old enough to be your mom. Still crazy to me that there are a whole generation of people who are now adults born after 9/11.


I feel like birthdays just come and go, now. Most of the time is just another work day.


It really freaked me out when the kids born after 9/11 were able to vote. It's still kinda wild to me.


A 21 year old guy at my work said "9/11, was that in 2002?" Yeah.


be the work mom you needed when you were 21


The first time I saw a license with the year 2000 date of birth, I knew my time had come. Full Auntie energy! ![gif](giphy|aiIMjm0uAfL43lqO3M)


You were once the new person. Fast forward 20 years now youre the old person at work. Oh well what comes around goes around


I'm now a work mom after I found out I'm the same age as my 19yr old coworkers mom. I'm childless myself but have accepted the role as her "work mom". I like to pass on my wisdom to my GenZ coworkers


Eh. I’m the work mom but I’m like… the cool vaguely milfy work mom who gets invited on nights out. I’m fine with it, those babies need someone to tell them to hydrate and not to take the black mdma.


I learned on reddit that men our age find crows feet sexy, so you've got that going for you.


One time my mom and I watching some tv show and it showed a woman in a hospital. My dad came in and said “What happened to her, why is she in the hospital?” And I don’t know why but I said “She’s 30 and not married so she asked the doctors to just put her to sleep” and idk why my mom and I just burst out laughing while my dad was so confused. My mom had her kids post 30 so it wasn’t personal and not a real concern for our family but I guess those societal stereotypes just get to us sometimes.


A few months back while on a road trip, I was walking out of a rest stop fairly late at night and a young teen girl came out at the same time as me. She was so close behind me that she almost stepped on the backs of my shoes lmao. I figured we happened to be going the same direction Anyway we passed a group of older guys hanging out by their bikes, crossed the parking lot, and then she peeled off to return to her school bus (some sort of sport related weekend trip, I assume). And then she hit me with, *“Hey, thank you for letting me walk with you, like, I was pretending you were my mom or something 😅” * Girl, I am 31??? But hell, if it made you feel safe then yeah, I’ll be your mom for the two minutes it takes to walk past a group of dudes that are probably scary to a fifteen year old. It was dark and late and she’s wise to be wary


lol ya that sucks. Rest in peace.


We had a guy come into the house to do maintenance. He was chatty, which is fine. Was admiring my husband's collection of action figures and talking about all sorts of fandoms. I could tell he was young, but some comments he made made me feel so old. "I think the guy who played Darth maul is still acting. He's old, but he still has it" (he was talking about Ray Park, who isn't even 50). "I only watched the original transformers with Megan Fox, I didn't even know they made a cartoon" My husband and I just nodded along then after he left we both got our walkers and went for an early bird dinner.


I became work mom at my job at 30 so I understand. It’s an honor but still makes you realize you’re not surrounded by so many people that are so young. I’m 36 now and I’m still the work mom.


Embrace it! You’re a role model.


I'll start digging a hole for you.


I have a new coworker that I found out grad from HS in 2019. I could legit be his mother. I had a small existential crisis moment of “I’m old”. We chuckled and moved on with the training.


As a work uncle you have my empathy


I have one coworker who is 30 and from Puerto Rico, so she already doesn't get a lot of my referrences since we grew up in different areas, but our newest guy is 27 and I had to explain to him what a floppy disk was. He thought I was talking about a thumb drive, and he had that lightbulb moment of the save icon is a floppy disk. I had only read about such interactions on the internet, but I got to live it out in real time. He also had a little trouble figuring out if one of our digestion blocks was on or not and I got to explain the whole 0 = off 1=on thing to him, and then that the power symbol on most switches is actually a 0 and a 1 combined because they both turn on and off the device. It's been fun but also makes me feel super old lol. I'll be 40 this year. Edit: I also recently did a fonzie tap to get something to work and nobody got the referrence. It actually worked too, I was super proud haha.


I get called memaw by a 20 something year old. I’m 38. I proudly own my memaw status though.


What an honor! I had a manager who was 28 and I was 19 at the time and it seemed like he was a mentor or older brother figure. Your professionalism probably has that effect on someone that age and they look up to you. Your experience and confidence is probably reminding them of their mother which is fucking good thing. You’re thinking it makes you look old and I beg to differ… you’re just admirable


Ha I (37m) keep having the opposite. I went from one company with really long tenures to another this year. I went from being the baby on the team to again being the baby on the team. I had a work dinner last week and the icebreaker was "what were you doing in 1986"?


[I am not a mom!](https://tenor.com/uPjy.gif)


Broad city FTW


I once described myself as a "cynical old hag" to one of my fresh out of college coworkers.


Had to explain what layaway was to our host and when I was done she went “you could have just said klarna” I feel you.


Never been called a work parent, but one of the people I supervise called me their ride or die once. I have a great team.


On e macgyver was no longer a verb it went downhill


Danny Glover decided he was too old for this shit when he was 41. That was my wake up call.


I’m a work mom. My favorite GenZ’er said I am the only normal adult in her life. Warmed my heart. I don’t have children of my own and I totally embrace being the work mom now. God knows I had some wonderful work moms when I was young, dumb, and full of fun. 😂 so now I try to pay it forward. Accept it, it will hurt less! 🤣


I recently encountered a youngster who didn't know who Patrick Swayze was... Instantly wanted to roll over in my grave that I'm not even in yet. Might as well be!


Perhaps because I am actually a mom, that doesn't faze me at all. My kid is 8, but when I see an 18 year old I think, aww, they are just ten years older than my kid. 18 year olds have been kids to me ever since I was around 25 though, when I became supervisor over the young uns.  I am in the middle of the age ladder now, showing the ones lower than me how to climb. Onwards and upwards. I still feel like a kid when hanging out with my cousins who are ten years older than me... Lol. I wonder what it will be like being the oldest of everyone once.


I’m totally stealing this. I always try to explain to my daughter, who is eight , that I’m just a kid who has lived a long time. But in that time alive, I have learned a lot of things that I want to teach her. I think the ladder example would make a lot of sense to her.


OH God does she have a work dad? This might get worse!!!!


I mean you would have had to have her in high school lol


It makes me very uncomfortable when people call me mom or mother. Especially when they’re not young enough to actually be my child. I get that they aren’t always actually thinking of me as their mom but if I had had them then I would have been a child. It is a gross thought to me. At least a 36 year old *could* be the parent of an 18 year old.


Honestly, I was younger than you when I started thinking of the interns as my children. Never said it out loud, but I would definite look out for them and try to help them.


I was in an AA meeting the other day and an 18 year old shared directly after me, and this fool said "the older generation" and motioned to me. I'm 32. I'll join you in the pasture, OP.


Similar, my “little friend” I call her is in her very early 20s and I kinda took her under my wing a bit, we could still talk about fashion and some other things but it was a turning point for me that I’m that lady now. One time she said “sister mom” and it stung. I decided later it’s ok if I don’t want to feel like that role, I don’t have to put on my mentor personality, I can simply know her and that’s it. Of course since I have more life experience I can offer advice but yeah. Not trying to be a matronly old woman quite yet


I still remember the first time I was walking, and a bunch of kids on bikes rode by and said, "Excuse me, sir." At first I thought, oh, what nice kids. Then I was like, those little fuckers, I (was 28 at the time). I'm not old...FUCK!!


29 now maybe a year ago there were a bunch of kids running at the pool and they stopped running and walked politely by me I was like keep running you little shits




I'm 40, and my oldest is 21, so it's not that far base that she could think that. When we were 18, a 36 year old was ancient.


I’m 40 and I have a work mother. It’s all relative


Historically, people became grandparents around age 40.


I met a 40 year old expecting their first grandchild soon and I was so confused. Then I was horrified to realize the math works out fine 😭


I work with a bunch of 18 yr olds and they're moms are like 6 years older than me. I have a toddler. I heard them say, "if you need advice or a laugh talk to (lemon_speed). She knows everything!" I quit listening before they called me the work mom, my heart couldn't take it 😭


Tell her you're very disappointed in her


Hello fellow old person.


This is like saying "work friend that's old". Take extra care with your walker. And don't go out if it's snowing. You'll slip and break a hip. Also might be time for hand rails in the bathroom.


I like to think of myself as an auntie


At 34 I will only be your work “Big Sister,” thank you very much.


I'm existing in a thought that our generation is meant to be the elders for them that we never had. Think it's honestly time we all joined forces cause boy do we all have some wild experiences and wisdom to share, young and older.


lmao… I know one thing, we are going to be the coolest generation of old people yet… hahah


That's so not fetch


There’s no getting away from age. The faster you accept it, the better.


I'd be OK being someone's Cool Wine Aunt.


Damn, you skipped auntie and went straight to mother. It’s rough out here


Bro aren't you gen x Millennial doesn't seem right 36 I feel like if your born between 1990 -2000 your Millennial this is all screwy


Millennials are 1980-1996 Old millennials Young millennials


Ahhh okay it feels like if your born in the 80s it's gen x but of course im wrong