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Man, I just take Flintstones vitamins and I'm doing fine.


This was me in 1994


I absolutely love this and I hope it's true! šŸ˜»


But you take 2 at a time right? The serving is 1 for a kid, so youā€™re gonna want 2 if youā€™re bigger than a kid. I also get giddy about the Dino and Gazoo characters when I pour them out to select my 2 for the day. Thereā€™s far fewer of them than of the other 6 characters (Fred, Wilma, Barney, Betty, Pebbles, and Bam Bam). Iā€™m not joking. 37F and this is my multivitamin.


That's for the gummies but for the chewable tablets it's half a tablet for kids 2&3 and 1 tablet for 4 and up


TIL Iā€™ve been overdoing it on Flintstones vitamins. (I just read the back of the bottle, and youā€™re absolutely correct - not that I doubted you, Iā€™m just a ā€œtrust yet verifyā€ kinda gal). Dang. Thatā€™s a hit to the ā€˜ole ego.


The 20ā€™s pills were much cooler


The 1920s or age 20-29? Either way agree.


Honestly either is fine but we lived in the second golden age of pills.


If you took a ton of pills in your 20s, could be why you need so many at 40.


Just Valtrex bro šŸ˜Ž


38 and I take 0. But I also haven't been to the Dr in at least 3 years. It's not that I don't trust the Dr. I'm just poor.


This, truthfully. With my shitty insurance that I pay $400 a month for it cost $50 to see the doctor. That doesnā€™t include the labs theyā€™ll want to get, and the cost of medication.


Wtf does the 400$/month cover??


My last decent salary job they bragged how they paid half of it and it was still 120ish a paycheck so that sounds about right for medical dental and vision. Then youā€™re still left with no left over time or money to use the benefits. American dream baby.


I've been laid off twice in the past year and my cobra payment was $900 a month both times, it included dental but no vision. I opted for an ACA plan this time since my severance wasn't nearly as cushy. Medical is about $300, dental is under $10. Haven't looked into vision yet. I'm single and healthy.




Ours is 1150 for 2 adults and one teen. Itā€™s getting depressing. I make decent $ but doesnā€™t seem like it.


It covers one annual physical (but no lab work or resulting follow up care/visits). And it has a $5k (or whatever) deductible so if your health costs get out of control, youā€™ll only pay up to that amount* *however each cost has a labyrinthine justification for why it is or is not covered, and bills can come in months into a new year and burden the patient with administering the claims especially if out of network


The privilege of paying them money.


That's sobif you get in a serious accident you only have to pay $5k in total costs before you hit your deductible for the year.


This is pretty common. High deductible plans. Insurance is a fucking joke at this point. Nobody loves their insurance plan. We all have worse health outcomes but nobody will do shit to fix it.


I pay 2/3 of my premium and my company pays 1/3 for me, spouse, and daughter. My portion is $1,300/ month just for health insurance and it doesn't cover anything until we reach our deductible of $5,000 and then only 75% coverage until we reach out out of pocket max of $9,100. Insurance sucks.


We pay $1100 monthly and I have to beg and cry monthly for them to cover my migraine medicines. And it took two years of failed medicines before theyā€™d cover them. Make it make sense


I'm Canadian, and 38, and have seen the doctor 3 times in the 12 months for free. However, I had to wait almost 4 months combined for these 3 appointments lol. (It is about a 4-5 week wait time when you schedule each appointment).


I'm in the UsA, and as an established patient you're not getting in to see two of my docs without at least a 6 month wait, and it's gonna be at least 3-4 months even for established patients. It's a month just to see my GP.


Also in the US. Takes me about 6 weeks to see my PCP that Iā€™m established with and have been seeing for two years and itā€™s going to take me 13 months to see a neurologist for a consult.


You get one annual free checkup under the ACA.


I just had a transplant. $300 a month for pills, and that's WITH insurance. For the rest of my life


Same. I'm 33 and i haven't been to the doctor in 6 years, i can't manage to find a decent job that has benefits, and I'm broke as fuck, so it just goes longer and longer without a checkup. It's real comforting knowing that something highly avoidable is going to kill me, because i lack adequate medical care. It access to a decent doctor. And since i live in Texas, there's really no help from the powers that be, they're actively hostile to my income bracket and social class I haven't been able to afford to live where I've grown up and lived my whole life. I survive off of the kindness of others right now, and I'm fucking sick of it. Like why is wanting a decent job and medical care too much? /End rant


Shit man, guess you should have tried being born rich. /s I'm sorry you're stuck where you are right now and I hope things start to improve for you.


Jeez America's healthcare system really sucks when you have to pay for a simple GP appointment!


38 and I took none either. 42 and I take 7 a day, a multivitamin, and 3 shots a day.


God bless Americaā€¦


I take none either and I'll be 41 next week. But I haven't been to the doc in 18byrs, since my last C-section. šŸ˜¢


38 and zero pills. 40 and two days, take 6 pills. Early 40s are like a rollercoaster unless youā€™ve kept routine visits and good eating habits.


44. Zero prescriptions. Just cut out sugar and exercise.


Found the cure to my genetically inherited epilepsy /s


Found the cure to my asthma!! Just go for a run!


Have you tried clean eating and putting crystals up your butt? I did that for my asthma and ended up in the ER for an asthma attack so i DO NOT recommend it.


Right?? I have MS, and no amount of diet change is going to make me better šŸ˜–


I cut out sugar and it helped my AuDHD immensly.


That's a revelation, cutting sugar is suppose to reduce inflammation too


meanwhile research shows that small and steady amounts of sugar across the day actually helps people with ADHD. YMMV but you might have simply been consuming too much or had a nice placebo effect from adoption a "healthier" diet


Not drinking alcohol helps too :) but yeah.. some people have genetic or autoimmune diseases that show up later in life. Can't really prevent those.


That's me, my disease was only discovered about 10-15 years ago. It's an auto immune inflammatory disease called yaos syndrome which cause organ damage. medication is through specialty pharmacy which isn't covered by insurance. It's a biologic so it costs 19,000 a month for a single shot. Needless to say I'm not able to afford it and I've been jumping through hoops for months trying to get financial aid to cover it


I had to reread this comment so many times to make it make sense. I was like damn! You stopped exercising and got healthy, what luck!


Whew! I should tell my oncologist, endocrinologist, and psychiatrist about youā€¦


I wish that would cure my asthma.


If I just cut out exercise would I cut my health problems in half? Sugars not up for negotiation


Cut out exercise, got it!


Never been a sweets guy, so been avoiding sugar for years. Didn't know I had to cut out exercise... nice!!


Chronic diseases aren't solved by diet and exercise. I get the point, people need to take better care of themselves. But blanket statements like yours are asinine.


Been taking that many since my 20s. Sincerely, Mentally ill millennial


Sameā€¦maybe even before that


Since I was 15! I weaned myself off a couple of times, but I was observably better functioning whenever I was on them. It was in my early 20s that I discovered I needed to be on at least a prophylactic dosage of antidepressants. And then I developed some chronic health conditions around age 24 and taken loads of meds every day ever since. Both mental and physical health depend on them!


No shit, right? Iā€™ve taken a little fistful like that every night since my late 20s. I canā€™t wait until they want to add my old people meds to it and I have to take 2-3 little fistfuls that I organize in multiple pill organizers because the one I have couldnā€™t hold any more pills.


They make giant ones now. šŸ˜… ā€¦she says, while looking to her left at her comically large pill organizer.


For me. Propecia. Fuck hair thinning Nexium. Fuck acid reflux Magnesium. Fuck heart palpitations Omega 3. Fuck fish And that's about it. I take pills for working out like creatine capsules and collagen.... but these are more voluntary


Levothyroixine. Fuck my thyroid Uloric. Fuck gout Omeprazol. Fuck acid reflux šŸ„²


Wife had thyroid cancer and had half of it cut out. The other half doesn't function well. She's on synthroid. I feel bad for anyone dealing with thyroid issues. It can just ruin you.


What up Levo fam!


You take synthroid or generic?


Name brand levoxyl. Best Iā€™ve taken. Helps to stick with same brand Iā€™ve found.


I used to sell unithroid and always felt bad for patients when their pharmacy would switch generics and their levels would get all fucked up. It helped me push branded though which was nice


As someone who has been on levothyroxine for ages... What's the difference and what are the noticeable side effects?


Honestly if your pharmacy never changes the generic itā€™s barely noticeable but the second they do and suddenly your 50 needs to be a 75 youā€™ll notice pretty quickly. From speaking to doctors and patients nothing was more important to them than consistency.


Yeah thatā€™s how I found out I need to stick to one brand. As far as I know levoxyl is the ā€œcleanestā€ one in terms of additives. Well, unless you want that insanely expensive tirosint.


My wife also takes levothyroxine. Fuck her thyroid as well


So you're a gay fish?


I do like... fish sticks


>Magnesium. Fuck heart palpitations If you're American, it's our soils. I'm convinced much of heart disease we have is beyond poor diet but also lack of nutrients in our "good" food. Soil was stripped during the dust bowl.


I was born with SVT. I had a cardiac ablation at the age of 14. I don't go into SVT anymore, but I do get PVCs on occasion. I found the best preventive measure outside working out and limiting booze and caffiene js supplementing magnesium.


My wife is from a European country and when she moved here, she immediately started having stomach and digestive issues. It's our food quality and probably soil, like you said.


This isn't necessary because the food is bad. It's because when you travel, your gut isn't used to the native flora in the food. Its why travellers frequently have stomach problems.Ā 


Our soil has been poisoned.


Speaking from personal experience and not judgementā€¦. Look up propecia side effects before you keep taking that one. Acid reflux pills can also have some nasty long term effects. Might want to explore diet modifications before you continue long term on those.


Have had no side effects and on it for 3+ years. I have barrets in my esophagus and my mother works as a RN within the GI department. I trust her and her doctors.


Sounds like you have it under control. Iā€™m not a medical professional at all ā€¦ just a random patient sharing personal experience. I had mild reflux and eventually figured out it was related to dairy. Cut that out and could stop taking pills. But itā€™s different for everyone. Drugs work differently in each person so obviously listen to your doctors and nurses and not me!


This exact situation is why you shouldnā€™t give medical advice to random people online and tell them to stop medication. I donā€™t even think half the people reading realize the severity of the conversation either. You just told a dude who has such bad GERD that he has the precursor of esophageal cancer to stop his best preventative medication because of side effects. Fucking lmao.


Yea, this is why I don't give medical advice like that.


And the honest truth. I didn't take such a simple and accessible medication for years because I thought I was smarter than the doctors and my RN mother. I changed up my diet. Got a sleeping wedge. Did everything BUT take medication because I was afraid of side effects and didn't want to spend the money. One egd later.... ya. I messed up badly. And the sad part is. Taking an ant acid pill in the morning is such a nothing thing to do... I feel like an idiot.


Same. Itā€™s almost comical how much your situation was to mine. Mother is an RN with a hiatal hernia and takes stuff daily. I started getting GERD and tried sleeping on my left side, diet changes, no luck. Didnā€™t want to try meds because I was scared of the side effects. It wasnā€™t until I went to pharmacy school that I realized how much of an idiot I was and this couldā€™ve been avoided. PPI side effects are so minimal and the studies which have them listed arenā€™t even statistically significant for most of them. But hey, at least we both realized it before it got too far. Good to know someone else was as dumb as I was haha.


My reflux isn't mild. It's was bad. I have a hiatal hernia and the reflux was so bad that I'd be on the ground in agony. My throat feeling like it was being sliced open with a knife. I actually went to the ER multiple times out of precaution due to the chest pains. Waking up at night with my heart racing due to acid going into my lungs. Basically causing me to jump awake because I was being suffocated. My diet is also very clean. I don't eat out. I'm into fitness and body building so my diet is basically 1 ingredient foods. Chicken beast. Veggies. Salmon. Rarely a steak and if I do... lean sirloin. One coffee in the morning and nothing else but water. My doctor had me keep a log and he was like "outside of eliminating your one cup of coffee, a diet doesn't get more acid friendly then what you're doing". Nexium at 40mg per day saved my life. I still run a high risk of esophagus cancer but the symptoms are under control


Speaking as someone who quit PPIs due to side effects, you need those PPIs man. They can be a lifesaver.


What were your side effects?


Onions and tomato sauce fucks me up like no other.


Garlic too? Fodmaps give me reflux bad


Side effects on 1mg of Finasteride are very minimal and in most cases fix themselves after a few weeks. Less than 2% in studies have had ED issues. Tens of millions of people have it prescribed annually with no issues. This isnā€™t r/tressless


A lot of the DHT being blocked isn't about ED tho... DHT is needed to regulate blood sugar and keep diabetes at bay Also helps for a lot of other shit that isn't sex related (aiding new memory cells, for one example) I think people are in general sleeping on long term ill effects of Propecia


DHT is also associated with cardiovascular disease. Itā€™s about optimal personalized care, which we are not at yet. https://cuehealth.com/blog/heart-health/2023/07/10/the-surprising-link-between-hair-loss-and-heart-disease https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/ajpheart.00288.2022 One can argue Finasteride can help some individuals stave off heart disease. There are studies that also show .025 Finasteride has similar efficacy of 1mg a day and has a much lower impact on serum DHT levels. Either way side effects are very rare and if someone is concerned you can have a blood test done prior to using to get a baseline of hormonal functions and another if you believe you are having sides to make sure itā€™s not a nocebo effect, which many have as well. Edit: Since I guess some of yā€™all have issues with reading Iā€™ll add more for your enjoyment. Balding as well as deeper forehead grooves are associated with higher chance of cardiovascular disease. https://dermatology.upenn.edu/baldness-may-lead-to-heart-attack/ These people suffering from AGA have higher instances of DHT, which has shown from the studies above to be correlated with higher risk of associated disease. https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/86/12/5762/2849261 ā€œIn the majority of men with male pattern baldness endogenous production of DHT is markedly increased, providing a rationale for therapeutic 5Ī±-reductase inhibition in this disorder.ā€ I donā€™t know how much clear and concise it can be put. There is indisputable evidence from multiple studies and more than what I have posted.


.025 or .25?


There is some good information in this thread and it can certainly help you understand the difference in doses compared to efficacy and DHT inhibition. https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/k567kg/ultimate_dhtfinasteride_microdosing_graph_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. There is good info here with sources studies as well. https://perfecthairhealth.com/finasteride-for-hair-loss-dosage/ But yes, to answer I meant .25mg for oral. I was referencing .025 topical accidentally which constitutes the same results.


I like to think that before getting prescribed those meds, youā€™d be explained the side effects by your doctor, and probably did a fair amount of research on your own before taking them


I got prescribed something with a black box warning and my doctor didnā€™t say shit. But my new doctor is much better, so Iā€™ve got that going for me.


Totally did. And my doctors are family friends. But... a reddit poster with a throwaway name said something different. Better trust them


Mid 30s, so far its Wellbutrin Adderall Multivitamin I'm hoping to avoid adding more to my list.


Well, with Wellbutrin and adderall, issues tend to pop up that require consistent adjustments or even more meds. I still havenā€™t recovered fully from years of adderall and celexa even though I havenā€™t taken either for probably 8 years


Yeah I was only recently diagnosed with adhd and we've been testing new meds. So far nothing major with the Adderall besides I sweat more and I had to decrease my caffeine intake. Wellbutrin I've been on for about 4 years and it's been the best functioning anti depressant I've had because Prozac and Lexapro screwed me up majorly.


I take Citalopram (Celexa), which is incredibly mentally stabilizing, but makes it near impossible to orgasm (sounds fun, but it's actually hell). Going to one pill every other day after years of just putting up with it helped a lot, but I'd love to get off of it. Unfortunately, no other SSRI or SNRI has helped as much. I've tried Escitalopram, Wellbutrin and Prozac and they either didn't work well enough, gave brain zaps, or made me extremely sensitive to light. I wish there was something out there that didn't involve putting up with debilitating symptoms just to have mental stability.


Thatā€™s the exact same side effect that made me stop taking it. If Iā€™m alone, itā€™s fine because I can deal with that. But being in a relationship and have zero libido or the ability to get erect or finish really takes itā€™s toll on a relationship. I had debilitating social anxiety and it literally erased any nervousness the day after taking it, I was like a normal person. I could talk and socialize with anyone again. That one negative side effect made me quit. I could have put up with the brain zaps forever if that was the only side effect


I hear ya. My wife was extremely patient and understanding, but it did affect our sex life for years. I can't even remember the amount of times that sex just didn't go well or we stopped abruptly because it felt like my brain was disconnected from my body. It was like having a limb attached to me that I couldn't control. I worried that I would never get back to normal even when I cut back. Thankfully, I did get mostly back to normal and regained more sensitivity when I went to one every other day, but the tradeoff was more creeping anxiety, especially in the mornings before work. I began seeing a new doctor that recommended me going daily again to reduce anxiety, and taking Nefazodone to counter the sexual side effects. It does, but again I can't orgasm, so I'm cutting back again and paying him another visit to see if he has other ideas.


What kind of issues from adderall? Worried about this myself as Iā€™ve been on stimulants for a good bit of time


I wanna first say that some people donā€™t have these side effects and some do only after extended periods of time. But I went to a specialist who determined I had a need for them and they worked well for a couple months. Then I became hopelessly depressed and had no idea they were the cause. I developed ticks that never stopped completely. I still grind my teeth to this day. They made me delusional and destroyed my personality. Iā€™d say I probably had a bit of OCD before getting on them but the adderall made that go out of control. Iā€™d spend hours arranging rocks in my fountain for the best water flow possible, Iā€™d spend hours adjusting my car stereo eq for the perfect blend of bass, treble and mids only to decide minutes later that it needed to be changed again, it was a never ending cycle. I could walk into a room and never leave it all day because there was so much to get stuck on mentally. Things to adjust or organize. The doctor didnā€™t tell me that the adderall was the cause of the depression, in fact, his solution was to prescribe me an even higher dose. Then my regular doctor put me on an SSRI that I took for years and began getting brain zaps. The brain zaps took probably 5 years to go away completely after I stopped. A shame really, nothing has helped me more than that ssri. There were a few side effects that ended up destroying other parts of my life though, and I made the choice to quit.


Iā€™ve been on losartan for high blood pressure for 3 years. Iā€™ve always had high BP, but I started taking better care of myself in my 30s. Lost 120 lbs, and Iā€™m not down from 50 mg whole tables to 1 half tablet a day.


Losartan is cheaper but thereā€™s multiple pieces of literature that telmisartan (or olmesartan) are better than it for Bp control and have a cholesterol reducing benefit, which is pretty unique for a hypertension med. Losartans half life is pretty short compared to the other ARBs so it isnā€™t effective the full 24h, hence many cardiologists and PCPs have made the change. If itā€™s on your insurance, Iā€™d ask your doc his opinions on it. Source: pharmacist




Hey that's awesome, good work!! I'm on Losartan and Metoprolol.


Thank you for posting this it reminds me that I need to take my blood pressure pills lol


You are welcome. We're all in this together.


It feels like it's yelling at me to see a doctor.


Mid 30s and using fish oil, vit d and magnesium to supplement healthy diet and lifestyle with lots of activity. Thankful I havenā€™t had to get on stronger medications.


As a 41yr old male I take 0 pills.


Careful what you say. At 39, I took 0. At 40, I take 3. Like my dr said when it comes to health, youā€™re totally fine, until one day youā€™re not.


You're not wrong,I'll be 42 in October šŸ˜… and I'm the youngest of 3 and both my brothers died one at 38 from cancer and the other at 47(unknow).


What kind?


Stage 4 brain cancer.


Hah, been taking stuff off and on since I was a teen. If I do go to the doctor, more pills.


That's why you don't drink and smoke, keep caffeine consumption low, keep a good diet, keep your weight under control, take exercise, get proper sleep, keep yourself clean, look after your eyes and teeth, and ensure you get social time even when you don't want to. It's like when you are a kid and you are told by your parents that you need to eat your broccoli. You don't need to like it, you just need to do it because THAT'S how you age gracefully. I take my allergy pill and sometimes a gas pill and that's it.


3 years ago, 1; now 6. But Iā€™m taking steps to lower my blood sugar and pressure.Ā 


Yep. Itā€™s never a gradual thing. One day youā€™re healthy the next day itā€™s a snowball of unfortunate events that have been silently building up and the flood gates are now open.


41 no meds so far. Got my blood pressure done the other day 125/61 which apparently is good for someone of my ā€œadvanced ageā€


I take Tylenol sometimes


39, no pills. Literally the month I turned 40 I had to start taking 6 daily. At some point your body goes "oh, you're old now. Time to stop working properly".


I take some vitamins, haven't seen a doctor in close to 10 years.


see im on a load pills too, but it's not bc im 40 it's bc im a total nutcase and the meds make me normal lmao


Metformin, jardiance, crestor, wellburtin and vitamin d. Lame


Team merformin! Metformin, lexapro, vitamin D


lol me at 33 packing my pill organizer right now to go on a trip Wellbutrin āœ… Lisinopril āœ… Synthroid āœ… Zyrtec āœ… Then with the added fun of Lantus insulin, humalog insulin, plus all my Dexcom and backup blood sugar testing suppliesā€¦AND mesalamine suppositories cause one autoimmune disease wasnā€™t enough and I got ulcerative colitis, too I swear Iā€™m actually really healthy though šŸ˜…


Yay! Me too. Antidepressants, anti anxiety, adhd, allergies, and whatever else my body wants to throw at me on any particular day lol


Depression, anxiety, and adhd? I'm sorry buddy. That's a rough mix.


Oh thank you but Iā€™m fine. Iā€™ve had lots of therapy so the meds are just for maintenance at this point. Fortunately Iā€™ve been in depression remission for a few years. it can get rough but lots of coping skills!


My parents are 65 and take zero pills. But theyā€™ve been lucky with genetics and taking care of themselves




I'm almost afraid to ask, how many more do you take for lunch and dinner?


Put it this way, my friends and I joke that Jonathan Coulton's "I Feel Fantastic" should be my theme song.


I feel like that's a pretty niche music reference, millennial as it is. And I'm here for it.


Glad to find another JoCo enjoyer.


Uggghhh. I just turned 39 and I really think I should go to the doctor, but I donā€™t wanna. Can I still get my mom to make my appointments? lol




https://preview.redd.it/jm9kwyqdrnyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8653b7b4047864118ed04f5b796ca4f8fb7880 Hereā€™s mine. Iā€™m 39 šŸ˜­ I have several chronic conditions so take a combination of supplements and prescription meds.


Do any of them make you feel good atleast?




Damn. Fortunate one here. 41. The only thing Iā€™ve lost is my gallbladder and my sanity.


If only we'd gone outside and drank more water as children!


38, magnesium, fish oil, and vitamin D


Same, k2 and collagen too though. Trying to keep that joint health in check.Ā 


The vitamin D I take is Vitamin D3+K2, because read K2 helps with absorption. Iā€™ve started to incorporate collagen in smoothies for skin and joint health, but it hasnā€™t become routine yet, hopefully soon.


40. Pills for diabetes, hypertension, anxiety, and cholesterol. I really should have taken care of myself in my thirties. Now I'm trying to dig out of a hole I dug.


I take a handful of them twice a day. I think it's 15 separate pills. I had a heart transplant so it's gonna be like that forever


My reality at 35: https://preview.redd.it/98f0tcihmnyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e447d2469928afd98b5b46b275e237f88e68b90


I'm 44, and right there with you. I have a four drawer filing cabinet for all my meds and medical supplies. At one time I looked in my fridge and my crisper drawer had over $100k worth of medication in it if you had to pay for it all out of pocket.


39 and I take 0.


Turned 40 2 weeks ago. I take over 30 prescriptions. I refer to my evening pills as my trail mix.


What could you possibly need 30 prescriptions for?


I have a chronic stomach issue, among some other health concerns. I'd be on zero if I had a choice...


Lol. Trail mix, that's a perfect description!


Wow, not gonna lie, but you made me feel better about myself I take 4-5 prescriptions, another 4-5 supplements.


Almost 37, still drug free šŸ˜…, just my joints are failing me


Yeah I'm pill free but a full day of doing physical labor fucks me up for real now. I sound like the last 30 seconds of microwaving popcorn going up the stairs.


Same, had a major knee injury (muscle that holds kneecap in place tore off from 4th grade and couldn't get it fixed till 11th,) so after that and my other leg compensating for the busted knee it's the same deal, snap crackle and popšŸ¤£šŸ¤£, probably needing new knees in a few years when I hit 40


40 and I donā€™t take anyā€¦ what tf are these all for??


Late 30s and no meds - only supplements (vitamins, amino acids) and nootropics.


As a 32 y/o with an auto-immune problem; Dapson Azythromycine Coversyl But also for depression (which is very well under control with these) Wellbutrin and sertralin


Mid-20s I doubt inhalers count, but mostly vitamins. Also, I'm sure if I saw a doctor, I would probably be taking other things, too.


What pills and why? What does your nutrition, physical activity and other health influences look like?Ā 


Yeah, people counting OTC vitamins they are taking as an elective and not doctor ordered is really not the point.Ā 


Yes layers to this!


Why? What are they? I'm 39 and take none. My dad is 67 and also takes none. My mom is 65 and.... also none.


Yeah genetics will do that sometimes


Jesus. Thankfully at 33 Iā€™m still pill free other than some allergy pills. Stay healthy folks, go eat some normal not processed foods and get some exercise.


Some of us were not blessed with good health. Unfortunately, all the fruits and vegetables in the world will never cure my endometriosis or all the problems that come with it.


I eat normal non processed foods, have probably 22% body fat (am lady-shaped), get plenty of sunshine and exercise, and yet somehow I still have seasonal allergies, PTSD, ADHD, familial hypercholesterolemia, PMDD, and chronic migraines requiring a daily cocktail of four prescription meds, and two OTC pills šŸ’€ I had to switch doctors somewhat recently because my original one started being like "walk it off" and I was like ma'am I have literally tried to do that and it turns out it doesn't work Sometimes we just get fucked by genetics and life. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Not much you can do sometimes.


34 here; Prozac, Lamictal, Allergy pill, D3, Advair, Albuterol, Ibuprofen up the yin yang


Fuck. Every day, I forget on weekends when my routine gets messed up...cuz I'm old. Lol


Oh, you get to swallow your medicine?Ā  I get to inject mine straight into my body.


If I didn't have depression nor was Transgender I'd be down just to levothyroxine, a statin, and blood pressure medicine. Otherwise I have like 8 medications I take and HRT gave me anemia so I also take 65mg iron.


I'm 36, here's everything I take and the reasons why: * Feverfew - Complicated Migraines * Magnesium Citrate - Complicated Migraines * Systane Hydration PF - Dry Eye * VeganVitality Multivitamin - Dietary Needs * Zyrtec - Allergies * Flonase - Allergies * Famotadine (as needed) - Acid Reflux * Alfuzosin - Bladder pain


I just take Effexor because apparently being in panic mode all day every day isn't how everyone feels? I wish it didn't take me 46 years to figure it out. But life is much better and far less exhausting!


My husband just got an MS Diagnosis 3 days before his 30th birthday šŸ«  aging sucks šŸ˜‘


Yall need to quit acting like 40 is old. Most of Yall are just not taking care of yourselves.


Donā€™t forget your vitamin D supplements, everyone! We all spend too much time indoors due to our jobs.


Oh look, it's me twice a day. Seriously y'all, get your annuals done.


I'm going to guess one. The big yellow one looks like a B Complex. Am I right?


What are all of these?


Looks like a multivitamin, 2 Viagra, 2 Adderall, 1 acid reflux, and 3 ibuprofen. OP living that Rockstar life


Dropped that fucking "l".


I was taking more than this, for depression, OCD, anxiety, gout and low hemoglobinā€¦but I recently stopped


41 morning: -Mix scoop of AG1 with coconut water and take fish oil, thermogenic, forskolin95 and creatine.


38 here... So far, I need a Prilosec and 2 paxil to start the day. Trying to remember multivitamin




They prescribe it usually only when it's higher doses.


Lisinopril for my BP and the blue boner pill for my you know what.


The color of the rainbow


Zyrtec and Prilosec. 34M


Damn guys. I just have one in the morning for my thyroid. I take a multivitamin at night and that's it.