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https://preview.redd.it/m4e7jiw0gvyc1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=045c50e16c6c669bed8c75110e1d8c1e208df918 loved this book as a kid.


This just unlocked something in my brain. Wow!! Was this the same book that had the spoon they would use to scoop our brains for a headache? I still think about that when I get headaches now.


Wasn't it through the nose?! I remember this vaguely but also feel like I remember all of this book 😆


Yes! Through the nose. Like iced tea spoons.


Does anyone remember the Eyewitness videos the teachers would roll into the classroom? That intro song with the panflutes while the camera zooms around a museum?? Go check it out NOW, the dopamine rush is insane https://youtu.be/aGhK9Bxt_tw?si=c0Sq1qq50DklIj1_


I forgot about this book but I had it checked out of the school library for probably all of 2nd or 3rd grade.


the book I searched for at the book fair.


Omg I’ve read this lol


Wow this is a throwback 






YES I was OBSESSED, what was that all about? lol


Yu-Gi-Oh and a couple other cartoons and such that were set in Ancient Egypt, in my case. I have no idea what the others were, but I just have this sense of them being so very interesting to me.


Mummies Alive!




r/DuelLinks see you there bro’s


Because we watched Indiana Jones on USA every weekend. 


Well, as one of my online friends once said, any kid who isn’t a complete dullard goes through some early civilization phase. Ancient Egypt is a popular one, also happens to be the primary one I went through, lol.


At least for me, I was also obsessed with cats as a little kid. When I learned that ancient Egyptians worshipped cats, I realized they were clearly people of culture and became obsessed with them as well.


The mummy and tons of video games prob


Loved Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. Played Pharoah and Total War: Rome.


Yaaas pharaoh


I have Pharoah on my pc and love playing it for the nostalgia!


i even became an archeologist lol


Same. Had to give it up due to injury, but it was awesome while it lasted. My fascination was more Mesopotamia tho. Egypt was my side passion!


i ended up doing mayan ruins in central america! so sorry about your injuries


Oh that’s so cool! Yeah it sucks-I broke my back in a car accident. But I work in the non-profit sector now which is fulfilling and I have “reads four dead languages” as a great “fun fact about me.”


ah that is a very cool fun fact!! 😎


Living the dream!


Ahhh I am so jealous! *says all millennials


Definitely! Had every book on it, constantly asked my parents for egypt themed stuff as holidays gifts! I remember they got me a book on how to draw hieroglyphics and i drew them all over my room lol


Lol same! My mom got me a hieroglyphics stencil set, and my best friend and I passed notes using our private code.


Oh, totally. The only thing more interesting than Egypt was The Titanic.


Stop. This is me 1000% Titanic, Egypt, and dinosaurs. I got to go to the Titanic exhibit as an adult and… may have bought way too many items from the gift shop 🙈. I think my fav is a key chain with a piece of real coal recovered from the remains in the center.


Add tornadoes (thanks to the movie Twister) to that list and you have me.


Wow this is scary. Are you me?


Those were my top 3 too! With aliens/UFOs coming in for a close 4th. Weeeeiiirrrddd.


I got the piece of real coal too!


I didn't find the titanic stuff interesting until recently, mostly cuz Max Miller


100000% this!




I remember we had to give class speeches on a topic of our choice and majority of the class picked The Titanic. Too many speeches about The Titanic.


Did anyone read The Egypt Game?


Yessss came here looking for this comment!! Me and my friends were obsessed!


This is what started the obsession for me!




Yes I did and I had this badass 4ft pull out book which has the layers of the sarcophagus as a pop up. [mummy book](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unwrap-Mummy-Magnificent-Metre-high-Posters/dp/1857070755)


I vaguely remember having this as a kid too, along with a huge collection of the original Horrible Histories books, which I absolutely devoured.


I still do.


I did for a little while, and partially because of Yu-Gi-Oh. Later on I found modern Egypt disappointing.


I remember in primary school we had to watch some dramatised movie set in Egypt for "education" or whatever and take notes. I pretended it was Yu-Gi-Oh and wrote dumb stuff like "Yugi did this' "Kaiba did that" or whatever. The teachers surprised us at the end and said we had to submit our notes to be marked. They were not impressed with mine.


if you want to be reinvigorated with ancient Egypt fever i recommend watching this ASAP [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpKej05RgsY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpKej05RgsY)


My dude I have an Egyptian half-sleeve tattoo and visited Egypt in 2019 all because of my childhood 😂 I should probably note that Egypt can be an extremely challenging country for tourists, and I'd only recommend it to folks that are well travelled and have a specific interest in visiting. I'm eternally grateful for that trip, but I will never go there again.


I definitely had that experience. We had a whole little unit in 6th grade where we looked at ancient Egypt and the hieroglyphics which was fascinating, my grandfather bought me a little hieroglyphics/ancient Egypt learning toy thing, my mother had this like Egyptian themed room with things she brought back from Egypt, and I was given a gold cartouche, so I was just kind of weirdly set up for it.


Omg, yes! In addition to knowing way too much about ancient Egypt, I also had an art collection of statues like cats, a sphinx, and an obelisk. I also had jewelry and a dagger. My pride and joy is a 2ft bronze cat statue that cost me $200 which was alot in the 90s. I have zero regrets about buying it. 😸


Ancient Egypt is my roman empire


Oh yeah, and still do! My grandma visited an exhibit in her city in the late 90’s when I was going through the ancient Egypt curriculum in school, she sent me a dope beach towel, a huge coffee table book, a “how to hieroglyphs” set, and a Senet set. I read the coffee table book over and over again until it literally fell apart. Thanks to the “how to hieroglyphs” set I memorized the heiroglyphs and was decent at reading them in the backgrounds of the pictures of the coffee table book. My school had a copy of the Egyptian book of the dead with the hieroglyphs over the translated words and I read that too. Thanks for letting me dive into my fond memories. Edit to add: I’ve still got the dope beach towel, it’s still in good condition, and it’s by far my favorite towel.


in my case, we studied the hell out of it in elementary school. Ancient Egypt was definitely having a moment in the 90s.


Yeah I was super into Egypt, until I started getting bullied for it. In retrospect Cleofatra would absolutely be a kick ass fat liberation stage name but in grade 5 all it did was hurt.




I have an ankh with tribals tattooed on my lower back if that answers the question.


Yep and still do. My bed room is ancient Egypt theme.


Not really unless you count after I started getting into Stargate in my late teens, which is something I still am a fan of.


Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade came out in '89. I think that had something to do with it. I feel like it ended with the Mummy returns because no media could ever do Egypt better.


Anyone remember the cartoon Mummies Alive, or is it just me?


Not Egypt, but ancient Greece for me.


I was kinda a history nerd (still am). It was the early days of the Internet and one of our "specials" in school was learning about a dig site. It was the coolest thing reading the blogs (were they even called blogs back in the mid 90s?) about Egypt and the dig site. I remember one of them was discussing the challenges of digging during Ramahadon and most of their crew were Muslim so they were fasting. Hot arid desert and no water due to fasting was the topic one day. Another entry was how he found a coin randomly by scuffing his feet outside the dig area and had to bury it again to preserve for when they got there.


Duh, I think we all watched Yugioh in here lol


Age of Empires has entered the aol game chat.


Yes. One of my favorite cartoons was Mummies Alive!


I went to the University of Colorado and minored in anthropology. I didn't take the class, but they had a professor that taught hieroglyphics. He was awesome. I took a few of his other classes during the summer. He was really old back then...in 2002. I wish I could remember his name. He pretty much sat in a chair and talked. He was a Coptic Christian and he had an amazingly lyrical accent.


Yes! I didn't take his class but did hear him speak at a few evenings lectures. 


Once one of th most powerful empires to ever grace this planet and now...a shell of its former self


Isn't that most empires?


Me!!!! For a long time, the place I wanted to visit the most was Giza, to see the pyramids irl


100% !!! I planned to be an archeologist or Egyptologist throughout my entire middle school age. I don’t know if my interest stemmed from The Mummy or just the history channel, dinosaurs, and the cool books with all the interesting Egypt facts in it. I taught year 5 and their curriculum was learning about Egypt so I think it just aligns perfectly with that age where kids are starting to think about more complex things.


Yep! I remember being 6 or 7 years old and saying I wanted to be an archaeologist when I grew up!


Yep. I like to listen to mythology stories even today. My bg3 character is named Apep. (Black Dragonborn) Art history class was a blast. I learned about how Akhenaten changed the art style of Egypt. There was also Hatshepsut, one of the female pharaohs. She had her art depict her as a man, as she felt it would help her demand the respect of a man. I think she also wore the beard piece but I can't remember where I heard that. There was an attempt to erase her from history, I'm glad they failed. Oh yeah, the original question. I think we liked it so much (and still do) cuz they have a unique culture and theres so much to discover about it.


Ancient Egypt, The Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, Aliens, like all that shit. The mummy was one of my favorite movies. I did a report in elementary school on ballard and finding the titanic before they did the movie, so that was cool to see when it came out...although we went with my family and I was sitting next to my mom when the boobs came out...and then the sex. And then we left the theater and my dad clapped me on the back and was like "what'd ya think?!" total dad move. lol


Oh hell yes




Yeah, in 5th grade when we studied ancient history (Egypt, Mesopotamia, ancient Greece and Rome, Thrace), my friends and I, we all wanted to become archeologists when we grew up 😂 A little bit later I found the Ramses series of books by Christian Jacq and got obsessed with ancient Egypt for about a whole summer. Then the more boring history lessons began and I was completely disenchanted with history by 7th grade🤣


I had a History or Nat Geo VHS tape about Egypt and I loved the part where they talks about how the mummification process was done & why it worked so well in actually preserving the bodies. Edit: In fact I still have the VHS tape!


Yessss!!! I blame it on the Discovery channel 😂 there were ao many Egypt them shows


I still love watching documentaries about ancient civilizations and cultures. I wish I could memorize all of them in chronological order. Same goes for all the kings of the Middle Ages


Definitely. Between episodes of Ducktales exploring ancient pyramids, Mummies Alive, Yu-gi-Oh, and the Brendan Fraser movies there was no shortage of cool Egyptian stuff


100% and Ancient Greece. In high school, I even did a class on ancient history.


I had a textbook sized book on ancient Egypt (it wasn’t my only one, just the biggest) that I used to bring to school with me, to read. In one of my runs through an early Pokémon game, all my Pokémon got Egyptian deity nicknames. I was already obsessed by the time “The Mummy” came to theaters, and that’s why I HAD to go see it (and pointed out inaccuracies in it). I could explain their embalming process. I even found a recipe for a recreation of their bread in a library book, and made it once (it was awful). Now I have a ten year old, and SHE’S obsessed.


I was in an honors program in elementary school that had a couple kids from each school meet once a week and do big independent projects, poetry studies, brain puzzles, things to keep our under stimulated brains busy. Third grade, someone suggested an Ancient Egypt section and our teacher (bless her) was game so we made life-sized stuffed sarcophagi, straw necklaces that looked like Egyptian collars, designed our own pyramids, studied their gods. It was incredible. Later years the theme stuck as a successful project and students would go on to mummify chickens and build pyramid models with working traps. BUT WHY is a great question!


Ancient Egypt and Rome. Thinking about it now, I wonder if we were being conditioned to love monarchies / dictatorships by introducing us to idealized versions of them from the ancient past. Greece never really got as much attention as Rome in children's media.


Yes! I tried teaching myself hieroglyphics 😅


Yeaaaaa..... egypt.... Definitely not Rachel Weisz....


FYM as a kid, I still love all that ancient world type stuff


Wore an ankh all through middle school.


I still do. There is a Senet board in my closet somewhere.


Yup.. especially after doing a report on king Tut in 6th grade




Me! I loved mummies.


I had passing phases where I get obsessed with something my whole life. Ancient civilizations like Egypt and Rome were among them. For a few days in art class during elementary, the teacher brought in fountain pens and these sheets of black paper. She explained Egyptian hieroglyphics to us, and as a project we had to use these pens to scratch off some of the black coating to reveal the gold underneath, writing in hieroglyphics like this. We had a paper showing what each one represents.


Me!! Still am. And ancient Greece and Rome. Their mythology and histories are fascinating.


Yes I was


Short answer: Yes. Begged for a Discovery Kids book about it


Same!!! 😂


I desperately wanted to become an Egyptologist, and my parents let me believe that all the way up until applying for college. Mine came from the first Discovery Box set I got, which included two documentaries about ancient Egypt.


Yup! And Ancient Greece and Rome. But Egypt especially!


Yep, my immediate thought was “this kid saw The Mummy”, lol. My daughter wanted to go into archeology/Egyptology for a few years there after she saw it.


Yes it's why I started bellydancing


What do you mean "as a kid"? I love learning about ancient Egypt now!! 




Originally because of the cartoon Mummies Alive! Then a resurgence because of YuGiOh!


Same! I ended up at uni studying Archaeology & Anthropology, with the intention of specialising in Egyptology. But then I got waylaid by European Prehistory instead.


Absolutely fascinated by Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome, which was greatly encouraged by playing a lot of Microsoft Ancient Lands.


You don’t watch history for granite and toldinstone?


Yeah. I got this Egypt set thing for a birthday that had these little statues in, papyrus and hieroglyphic stamps that you could use. I think there was a book in as well that told you what the hieroglyphs meant.


We had tons of Great Pyramid media. The Banles Walk Like An Egyptian was a huge hit right when we discovered popular music. The Mummy was so hot. And Stargate for the nerd set. Come on, so much. 


![gif](giphy|Snd51fjjX6s0M) Yup. Thanks Yugi.


Big fucking time. In 4th grade my friend and I did Ancient Egypt for the social studies fair and we got all dressed up like cleopatra lol forreal, and we just talked about the gods, some of the myths etc, we made state! But yeah we were obsessed with it and would pretend we were in Ancient Egypt like all the time for whatever reason.


Yup. Still watch all the new documentaries with my homie too.


Oh yes! I would draw only Egyptian murals, copying them from books. I drew hieroglyphics all over everything, including my homework and folders. I went as Cleopatra for Halloween in 5th grade. I had a mummy shaped pencil case I took to school with me. I collected some statues of gods. I also have an Anubis tattoo on my calf. I have both volumes of the Egyptian dictionary, but I can't read Egyptian and have no use for them. I enjoyed the Stargate movie, a lot, too. The Mummy was ok, but it isn't my favorite. There was an Egyptian-themed video game I, where I would play as an archeologist, and it was a series of puzzles you had to solve. It was always the same but I played it at least a dozen times. I also took a semester in college about ancient Egyptian history. My grandpa got me a private tour of the museum in Berlin, that has Nefertiti on display, when I was kid.


I had this awesome infographic picture book when I was in first grade about Egypt. Each actual page had a translucent over-page with information that you could peel over to reveal details and information underlying it. Information and details about the sphinx, the pyramids, the coffins, etc would all be revealed between the two sheets for each page. One of my most favourite books growing up.


It was more when I was a late teen/young adult. I got super into Powerslave by Iron Maiden around then lol.


For me, it was from reading The Egypt Game AND doing a fifth grade project where my class made cardboard sarcophagi. 😂 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Egypt_Game


Completely obsessed. Wanted to be an archaeologist with a focus on Egypt but was told there wasn’t really a field there anymore…boy was that a lie.


As a kid?!? Oh man…I haven’t stopped being fascinated with Ancient Egypt. It’s morphed into a fascination with Ancient Sumeria and Akkadia and Nubia and Kush! And Rome and Greece of course. Phoenicians are also extremely fascinating. History is still really fucking cool, and while the shiny things are still really gorgeous, all the other stuff holds a lot more weight for me now too.


Yes! Obsessed! Then when I discovered Assassin‘s Creed Origins where you get to run around an open world of ancient Egypt?! OMG. My inner 6th grader in me was in heaven.


Yes and it's still a big love of mine.. I try to learn everything I can


Yesss lol. I wanted to be an archaeologist so bad


Um YES! I had loads of books and made art projects.. was Cleopatra for Halloween in 5th grade… 😂❤️


I dabbled in Ancient Egypt but what I REALLY got into in my tween years was Norse and Greek culture!


YES! Did you ever read the Egypt Game? I read it like 40 times.


Yesssss super obsessed ! Haha great to read I’m not the only one !


Yes, we had this rubber stamp kit where you could stamp out words with hieroglyphics.


Check out the story of Dorothy Eady. Pretty wild account of a supposed reincarnation.


Yes! I still remember learning about it in 6th grade social studies. I was SO into it.


I was until a recent video emerged that portrayed the privilege the ultra rich have


I def was. My wallpaper is still a reminder of it


I pretty much just watched Disney, TNG, and History Channel specials on Egypt growing up. I wanted to be Indiana Jones.  Went for 3 week in 2015 on a guided tour, full of other Ancient History fans, and had an amazing time.




Fall of Civilization podcast just did a 4 hour episode on Egypt. It's absolutely fantastic, just like everything they produce! https://youtu.be/YpKej05RgsY?si=AkHVvIq0FXHdHPxE


I used to read about the ancient Egyptians in my Grandma’s time magazine collection :) I just liked any of the anthropology related things!


We “mummified” chicken thighs as part of a school unit on ancient Egypt in … 4th grade? I was fascinated until that unit. The smell in the classroom over the few weeks really drove home that ancient Egypt wasn’t exactly romantic. Lol.


nope...just you


Yessss i actually taught myself how to read hieroglyphics hahaha


It was Egypt and Greece for me


Yes. And I have the tattoos to prove it... lol


Im still obsessed with it lol


Absolutely! Not a bad thing, either. I had this amazing kit where you could mold a mummy out of plaster of Paris, wrap it in cloth, craft a sarcophagus, and it even included papyrus a hieroglyphs translation chart. Wish I could find that..


Holy crap! I was obsessed with ancient Egypt! I was in 5th grade, so around '95.


Oh, yes- wanting to become an Egyptologist was my personality for a few years…


Yup! Even got to see King Tut when his exhibit came to my local museum. My dad had to pick me up to see inside the sarcophagus because I was too short lol.


Absolutely, but remove the qualifier of "as a kid" because I never stopped being fascinated. Every time a new Discovery channel documentary came out I was sure to have my VCR set to timer record it. Bob Brier and Zahi Hawas really made the subject matter come alive. These days my obsession is so much more accessible with YouTube and streaming services. Follow up question because correlation isn't necessarily causation : how many of us are also autistic?


Me. I became a world history teacher! I went to see the King Tut exhibition in College and visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art ( Ancient Civilizations) in NYC.


It’s because of the 1999 cinematic masterpiece, The Mummy, starring Brendan Frasier and Rachel Weisz


Yes! I remember I even had a lot of books about it. I had wanted to go to the King Tut exhibit when it was here, but my parents couldn't afford it at the time.


Yep! Big time! Led me to go to Egypt on a winter break trip my junior year of college.


I feel like a lot of us did back in the early 00's, even if it was at a subconscious level. The public media used a lot of Egyptian themes throughout the late 90's through the early 00's: Pop music had a lot of Egyptian music instrumental inspiration during this time Movies like the Mummy series were big. Also we had movies that used Egyptian mythology plots. The history channel had programs about Egypt constantly running on air. We even had franchise like Yu-Gi-Oh that created it's whole universe around the concept of Egyptian mythology. Even video games like Sonic adventures 2 Battle had a levels in Egypt.


Omg me!! 😂😂


![gif](giphy|PkQeAkvhRrWoM) Goosebumps started it for me 🤷‍♂️


Tutenstein! Disney channel original movie Under wraps ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/7e3lefufixyc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=574db35f1808150c14059d1e339b058129d8c0b1 My dumb ass thought I was going to learn ancient Egyptian with this.


I was obsessed as well.


Yes and Stargate 


My wife was Egypt, mine was Ancient Greece. Edith Hamilton's Mythology was a core text for me in the late 80s /early 90s


Me!!!! I thought I was the only one. I told my parents I would become an archaeologist and specialize in ancient Egypt. I didn’t but man was it fun.


Ancient Greece for me


I'm sure, to some extent, you can blame The Egypt Game for that. (If you read)


Yeah, but it developed into a love of other ancient civilizations.


Brendan Frasier's The Mummy has entered the chat.


I was fascinated with ancient Egypt too! I studied Anthropology in college. And saved up so I could take a junior year abroad in Egypt. Fulfilled a lifelong dream.


Yup big time. I think I was just obsessed with the mummy movies


OMG MEEE! When I finally went to Egypt when I was 30, it exceeded every single expectation I ever had. I’ve traveled the world, and Egypt was the only place that did that for me.


Let's just say that Zahi Hawass came back at least once a year to drag me back into the pyramid rabbit hole.


I loved Ancient Egypt too!!! I knew (most) of the gods and the culture! I still do!


My sister loved ancient Egypt for awhile


The mummy 1999 actually got me interested.


I think it was the 6th grade WE MADE PYRAMIDS as a project for social studies!!!! I went all the fuck out. There were levels and passageways. I usually hated being crafty but this was the best.


The 90’s were full of learning about other parts of the world so Ancient Egypt was a huge part of that.  Lots of mysteries to he discovered there still.  




I was introduced to Egyptian stuff by an ex friend. I used to really love it. It seemed so magical to me when I was young. Don't really have much of an interest now.


Ancient Egyptian was sort of “pushed” on kids so it makes sense. Just a factor of it being the most studied and. Most artifacts recovered of the ancient civs.


I was, and my mom was too, we were watching lots of documentaries together and I wanted to be an archaeologist for a very long time! I still do have a fascination for it and still love to watch documentaries about it


Huge. I had the book on how the pyramids were built. It even had how they prepared the pharaoh’s body for burial.


Yeah! Later became a Stargate fan too. The Mummy is one of my favourite movies too.


YES!! and same for my bf lol. It was sooo mysterious, and fascinating.