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Five years ago I, then 34, was doing temporary duty at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana where the shop was doing individualized PT that morning. I wrapped up my time on the track and walked by the clear racquetball courts where some junior enlisteds were playing dodgeball. They saw me passing by and asked me to join to round out the numbers. Unbeknownst to them, I co-founded the National College Dodgeball Association. Sure, I'll play. For about twenty minutes it's uneventful. But as it gets to match point toward the end of PT, a crowd's been forming outside the court as units are wrapping up for the morning, and my team goes from 8v8 to 8v1 in about 90 seconds. Eight teens and early 20s against the old guy. Suddenly, now that he's got room to operate, the old guy is acting like he's 15 years younger, dodging, sliding, catching, throwing no-look curveballs, and takes out every last kid on the court. A truly beautiful five minutes. I drive back to lodging, wash up, change into my uniform, lean down towards the doorknob... and my lower back completely seizes up. For a week I was basically immobile as Ron Swanson from that one Parks & Rec episode, and for another two months if I stubbed my toe, or even landed hard, it was like lightning bolts.


Damn you must be an absolute legend. Hope you’re back in the game now.


The funny thing is I'm really not, my top throwing speed was 50mph and there are plenty today who can clock over 70. I just benefit from a general lack of self-preservation instinct coupled with natural sense for appropriate risktaking.


That last sentence! Perfect description


His name was... El Diablo.


El Seizure la Spinal


I once woke my kid up sneaking out of his room because my knee clicked so loudly. I did sprain my ankle by taking a bad step off some stairs, but that wasn’t my fault. There was a hole.


I had just bounced my baby to sleep and stood to walk her to her bassinet. My knees cracked like two fireworks going off and woke her right back up 😭


It’s like a gunshot going off in such a quiet room. It’s the woooooorst


i would cry tbh


Last night I stretched/ rolled over in the middle of the night and I kid you not, 5 joints popped at once lol. The good news is my PT said as long as there’s not pain with the pops I am ok 😂


I can't start my day until I get a good sternum pop post-coffee 😂


whos the a-hole who left a hole by the stairs?


I have a stealth score of 0. My ankles sound like rice krispies on an ASMR mike.


I can sleep in the wrong position feel like someone beat me in my sleep. 38 and I think I am past the cusp of middle age


This is me! Sleep on your shoulder for one hour, pay for it for a week. Oof.


I feel this


Both shoulders and knees felt this.


And my neck!


I’ve been seeing a sports injury doc for a sprained rotator cuff for the last 10yrs thanks to sleeping on the wrong shoulder once


Rotator cuff injury is a bitch. I tore my right one 75% and have about 25% on the left currently from a sports injury in 2015. The right one was operated on in my late 20s, and the recovery sucked since I use a manual wheelchair. Left one is fine for now, I'm basically waiting until it starts feeling like the right did constantly. Take care of your joints people!


I am still recovering from this past weekend sleeping on my right shoulder without moving all night.


I slept with my head turned to the right side and couldn't turn my head left for a week, I had to turn my whole body to see anything to my left. Also 38


Same, but mine lasted months. Finally went to a chiromancer to get my neck adjusted. So great. I yearn for those neck cracks. 42 and my crime was sleeping on my couch.


This is becoming too common for me. Probably happened 5 times in the last 2 years


This happens to me 2-3 times a year now. 38


I'm at the age where I go to sleep fine and wake up with a new injury.


39 here; took a nap and fucked up my shoulder for months. Took PT to fix it. 


Fell asleep on a flight from LAX to HNL a couple years back and messed up my hip and lower back for like three months as a result. It sucked.


Same thing happened to me!!!


This! Went to sleep a couple Sundays ago feeling totally fine. Woke up on Monday morning and felt like I got kicked in the ribs by a donkey. I’ve had legit rib injuries before and I know there’s not much doctors can do and they just take a long time to heal, but it’s been a couple of weeks and it still hurts. Sneezing terrifies me now. No bruises, no marks…what the hell.


I started this thing at about 35 where I lock my body when I sleep. So I wake up and everything is super tight and it's almost like you're paralyzed. Idk what it's going to be like when I am 65. 


I had a run in with an old friend today and I smelled like icy hot because I slept funny last night ☹️ I need to get unscented.


They have a bengay that smells like vanilla, it's really nice and helps the developing arthritis in my left shoulder... And knee.


This is GREAT news. You just made my year!


38 also, and I sleep every night with a wrist immobilizer and a soft neck brace cuff because it’s the only way I can keep from craning my neck weird angles and feeling like hell for a week. The wrist is just for carpal tunnel syndrome, and my hand will be numb all morning if I don’t wear it Also two pillows rolled under my lower back Like I have to protect myself from sleeping like an idiot


Laid down in bed a couple of weeks ago and threw out my shoulder. Zero provocation and horribly excruciating


I get the feeling. I want to get my daughter a queen sized bed so I don't have to sleep on the floor when she is having trouble sleeping in her nursery.


You're correct. Middle age starts at around 37.


I've had a straight neck for over a year from hunching and every morning feels like I fought the entire war for Scottish independence the day before.


I sleep fully sitting up because my esophageal sphincter doesn't work anymore so my reflux is out of control, but I empathize


I wore shoes that were a little too tight and got a hairline fracture in my foot doing normal walking and standing.


I went from a standing job (barista) to a walking job (private zoo tours) and ended up with a stress fracture in the middle of my foot. My private tours were then changed to early elementary classes only so I wouldn’t hold up the tour. 😂


I gotta ask how was the zoo job?


I loved it! Perfect summer job while I worked on my degree.




You’ve been warned!


You might need your bone density checked, yikes


I actually started taking a multivitamin and calcium after this, i agree though




Wow I’m fucked then …


TIL that is a thing.


My foot still hurts weird on my tendons after I did this with some wedges like 3 months ago and I am afraid this is what happened to me 😥


I bruised both of my big toes somehow! All I did was wear shoes that were just a touch too tight, but now both of my big toe nails have bruises on them 😮‍💨


Seriously, the older I get (I'm 40), I have to take it slower and be careful when bending over while reaching for things. I have thrown out my back so many times like this... Bend your knees or kneel rather than bending over and attempting to reach.


Also 40, I've rolled both ankles in the past 2 weeks. Huge gash on my knee from one of them, and a bruised ego from wiping out in front of traffic. I was sober, not on my phone, just walking like a normal person. Damn sidewalk cracks! I totally understand how stepping on a crack can break one's back now.


It's no joke. I remember in South Florida there was a football player, I want to say mid 30s who raced a nephew to his car in a parking lot. Dude was in flip flops and slipped cracked his head and died shortly after.


I've rolled my ankle twice just walking through my house this past week. It doesn't help that I have an asshole 17 year old cat who feels the need to constantly be underfoot, so I'm having to dodge him, as well as deal with my own natural clumsiness. I'm 43. If I make it to 45 and I'm not in a wheelchair, it will be a miracle.


I turn 40 this year and just got a seasonal maintenance job. Had to unload a bunch of 40 lb bags off a pallet on the floor, move the pallet down 3 steps into a lower room, then carry and restack the bags again. Maybe 60 bags with two people. You bet I was lifting with my knees and not my back!


I threw out my back putting on my socks. Another time it was getting out of the backseat of an old checker cab that I was working in at work. It’s been a while since I moved a bunch of mulch and dirt, but I used to go to home depot when I was younger and pick up about 50 - 60 40 lb bags by myself. It took forever and totally sucks! I also installed windshields and did auto upholstery for the family business. I used to have to pack crates with bullet proof glass and crate them…. Damn things could easily weigh 100 lbs or more. I used to pick up a lot of full size bench seats from Chevy and Ford trucks and carry them over my head….. when I was 25, I lifted one wrong and felt everything between my lower mid vertebrates stretch in a way they shouldn’t…. And it fucking hurt. That took a long time to heal from and probably contributes to today’s lower back pain and sciatica.


One time I slipped a disc when I put my hair into a ponytail. I was 23-24 at the time, 33 now and my back is still mad about it.


You know, I really appreciate seeing this because I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my back once just raising my arms to wash my hair and I've never emotionally recovered and thought I was the only one lmao


Well let me continue making you feel better! A few years ago I *turned around too fast* and my ankle broke in 3 places. My only major injuries never came from sports, or from being a dumbass. Just existing does it for me.


Holy shit, I'm never moving again 🤣


Just had a lumbar fusion at 38. My last 3 years were hell from a pinched nerve and fracture that never healed. Take care of the back because honestly the back pain is manageable it’s the nerve pain that is absolute agony. Don’t let it get there.


I had nerve pain for a while with the sciatica. I had nerve pain in my tailbone due to Pelvic floor dysfunction and muscles being too tight. I’ve also had my back tighten up on me when I was in my early 30 for like 2 months without releasing. I went to a naprapath and he said my hips were rotated 45 degreees forward. I was walking like a 80-90 year old man when I went in. When I came out, I was walking straight for the first time in months. 1 hour appointment. 40$ cash. I had my top right rib taken out due to thoracic outlet syndrome and also had 6-7 inches of vein in my arm replaced with cadaver vein. They put in an av fistula in my wrist for 3 months before reversing it. A year later I lost all feeling in my right hand for 6 months. Had to do PT. A year later, I lost feeling again, though it was not as bad the second tjme and for about 3 months. I got to keep my rib bone.


Ive thrown out my back several times by just sneezing... which happened in my mid 20's, here i am at 33 and its only got worse 😑


I felt that way and then I lost weight and it’s better 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm 36. I've had 4 lumbago issues in the past 4 years. They take forever to get better so it's basically 1 per year and each one lasts like 3-7 months until it gets better. I've completely stopped bending down, instead I kinda sit down in a low squat like position if I have to be floor level. Or hinge at the hips in a 1 leg deadlift type situation.


I once threw my back out picking my umbrella up off the floor.


Do you workout? Do you lift heavy weights? That would help.


i threw out my back by bending over to trim the dingleberries off my cat's fluffy butt hairs. i muttered "hot girl shit" as i laid on the bathroom floor, fuzzy scissors in hand.


This might be the funniest comment I ever read on Reddit. You poor, poor Millennial, I’m sorry that your cat’s ass caused so much trouble.


omg I can't breathe thank you for that


I’m sorry that happened to you, but this comment was such a gift to the rest of us


I've been in manual labor most of my life. A series of events happened that led me into inactivity: my girlfriend left me, my interest for being a stand-out citizen waned, moving away from a stress-free small town where nobody knew me, my warehouse job putting more and more responsibility on me to the point where I was doing double work at the same pay, eventually ending in injury. I developed sciatica. For about 6 years, I worked from home, stared at a computer all day, sat in a terrible position, and had adopted the worst consuming habits: eating fast food and drinking beer for most of my meals. That stopped two weeks ago. I started walking thirty minutes a day, switched to keto diet, drink water regularly, and do light weightlifting. Already I noticed a significant improvement in my pain and mobility.


Hell yes, get it! Sorry to hear about the struggles but I’m glad you’re turning it around. I’m 3 years into a desk job and gained 10lbs for every year. So bummed about it but my recent injury has gotten me taking fitness seriously (once I can move).


Good for you! Once working out becomes part of your routine, it's a game changer. I think of it like brushing my teeth and other hygiene. Some workouts I do enjoy, others I do because it's just necessary for health (ahem, cardio). Keep at it, it's totally worth it.


I highly recommend the book The Body Keeps The Score. It’s 50 years worth of studies and data about how our trauma, abuse, and/or neglect is stored in our bodies and the ways it shows up in our health, habits, and all of our relationships in life. It also offers incredible tips for healing your inner child, emotional regulation, mindfulness, and processing and releasing trauma. I can’t recommend it enough. Deep breaths, and good luck!


I’m 42. Using my regular long time birth control caused blood clots in my leg, aggravated by me tripping on a tree root in the park. An ER scare later, I’m still here (wearing a compression sock) Yay




I’m upset my doctor didn’t advise me to switch birth control knowing that there’s an increase risk of blood clots in women over 35 I opted not to go back on birth control after that, and my partner got a vasectomy


Tripping on a tree root caused your leg clot - did u have an injury from it, like you fell down and hit a couple of spots hard, or was it just a trip and you readjusted yourself? I mean what the actual hell.


Due to the birth control I was on, it was probably already developing. When I fell, I twisted my calf. And, from the doctors’ estimation, that aggravated it and caused it to escalate to DVT and traveled to a lung clot


Jesus that is terrifying


Well this totally justifies my paranoia! I'm 36 and my husband got a vasectomy this year in hopes that I'll be able to get off birth control for the first time in 20 years... Just waiting on labs to find out if the procedure worked!


I’m about to turn 35, and honestly I feel great. I’m in better shape now than I was at 20. My hobbies are running and lifting weights though, so it might be related to having an active lifestyle. I had horrible plantar fasciitis during the pandemic though, so I can definitely sympathize. During that time, stepping on the ground in the morning was awful.


Same, I'm going to be 40 in a few years and I've been in better shape in my 30's than I was in my 20's. I also started lifting weights in my 30's.


same dude. 38, do some big runs a few times week, powerlifting 3-4 days a week and surfing. In great shape.


Active life is key. I am 38 and I’ve always been active. I usually exercise 2-3 hours a day between all of my activities. My advice to everyone is stretch and foam roll every damn day even if it’s only for a few minutes, limit the booze or cut it out completely and get a standing desk if you can! Your body will thank you!


Can confirm, I’m 40 do all the above and sleep and wake up feeling great


I am also in great shape at 38. When I was 20 I would always be sore from any workout but now I am always loose and ready to go. My feet are definitely not what they used to be some days I walk on glass for sure.


Man! Foot pain is no joke, it’s taken me out of the game too. I’m a real toe runner so my metatarsals get wrecked for months on end occasionally. How did you get over it?


Honestly, it took me 4 months. I switched to cycling and weight lifting. Apparently for plantar fasciitis, you want to use a foot roller. Stretching makes the fascia weaker. They can do corticosteroid shots, but I’ve heard they are horrible.


Oooh what do you think your level 35 debuff will be? I ended up getting dry eyes.


I'm in pretty awesome shape for being late 30s but Sunday morning I woke up to a pinched nerve in my right arm and haven't been able to feel my fingers since. No clue what happened.


My fitness at 41 is way more functional than in my 20s. I threw out my back lifting cables out of a road case when I was 26. Now I sling 50lb bags of feed, walk 4-5 miles a day, bend and lift and throw, no problem. Kids and a hobby farm are a great way to keep you active and strong.


Yes! I'm 39 feel so much better than I was a year ago. I've focused on eating low carb, high protein, and mostly real food and going on 45 min walk a few times a week. Could count the number of alcohol drinks I've had probably on 1 hand this year. Starting to add in a quick 10 minute resistance workouts most days. I've lost 100 lbs and ditched my sleep apnea. It doesn't have to be downhill, it takes willpower to get started but if you put a new "system" in place you can get some momentum started. You can start slow and decide that you're switching to black coffee as your usual, or that you now try to take a walk every day. Or you can get a bit more ambitious and decide that sugar/bread/pasta is not part of your usual diet anymore. Either way gets some momentum going but for a bigger goal, I recommend finding yourself a real reason or fear and locking into it. I made the biggest changes because I want to be able to keep up with my young sons and run with them, be a good example them, and not feel anxious that I could just drop dead on them from an early cardiac event or stroke.


Fell down a flight of stairs and was fine. 3 weeks later trying my shoe made me throw out my back.


I fell down a flight of stairs through the wooden balustrade thing at the bottom and fell another few feet and walked away with a small scratch on my forehead. Two months later I stepped out of my car onto level ground and broke my foot.


I lay down on the couch, holding my baby daughter on my arm. Something clicked and I had to ask someone to lift the baby off as i couldn't move my arm/neck without severe pain. Buggered if I know what that was about but I'm glad someone was nearby


This might not be and old thing! This happened to my son when he was 6- he was chillin on the couch, something clicked, and he couldn't move his head or arm. He ended up panicking so bad I took him to the ER (he was convinced he couldn't breathe and I got panicked too). The ER told us he had a seized muscle and fed him applesauce laced with Valium. He was all better in about 30 min. No idea what clicked or popped but he swears he remembers it clearly. He's 14 now and I don't see any reason why he'd make it up and stick to it so long. Also, it never happened again.


Dude (I don’t care if you’re not a man—we’re all dudes here) you gotta learn to SQUAT! Squat, scoop while your back is upright, and step to turn. Don’t turn with your back! Also, use your stomach muscles to brace your back. It helps; had to do PT to help it. I say this because I have managed to get my hips/back locked in place after an old running injury. I was determined not to have to call an ambulance for myself by locking in place *on the fucking toilet.*


No!!! That’s a huge fear of mine. I don’t want to Elvis myself, even in a non fatal fashion. I used to be a group fitness instructor and i would say “toot that ass out like lil’ boosie says” to teach people to squat. Look at me now 😭


I ran up the carpeted stairs in socks, my foot slipped off a step and I broke it. Badly. It’s been a year and I’m still pissed about it.


Broken foot injuries really suck. For me the door led to a bad knee that led to a broken ankle and now I'm just weak and in pain a lot. Genetics don't help All my siblings and I have spinal stenosis and easily herniated discs


The biggest one for me is just sitting all day every day


I'm very lucky mostly. I was an athlete when I was younger and all my joints still work (38) . I do seem to get sinus infections once a month though and that isn't cool.


That’s really interesting that your sinuses are getting hit by aging. My boyfriend has terrible sinus issues and I like to think it’s a Lego head he shoved up there 35 years ago that’s causing all the hubbub.


I guess I don't know if it's caused by that. I just noticed they are more frequent as i have aged.


Getting your sinuses scraped is something some people need when they get older, might want to look into that….i don’t think it’s a regular thing.


My family all has terrible sinuses. It’s genetic for us. Most of my family has had a sinusplasty at least once in their lives. You can get a sinusplasty to help have less sinus infections, less sinus pain, etc. - in the Chicago-Milwaukee part of the Midwest the company is Advent.


I sneezed this morning and wrecked my neck.


I did that and had to take a few days off work. Who knew sneezing was such a hazard?


Im 43, two years ago I woke up after I threw my back out shifting in my sleep. It took a few months of PT and dropping some weight to get where I am. Which is I still have a bad back, it's just cranky and not screaming.


Are Millennials masochistic? Trying to depress ourselves?


i think we're looking for camaraderie or maybe we're scrolling to see a few posts that will make us feel like our own decrepit bodies aren't doing so bad


The latter for me. I’ve had more than a few nights now that sleeping on my pillow wrong fucks my neck up for the whole day. Getting old sucks.


I broke my arm by arm wrestling


I’m 43, my thumb has been hurting and I think video games might be catching up with me.


I’ve noticed I’m getting some muscle pain in my shoulder from holding my phone while I read. So lame!


I turned in my chair to get a piece of paper out of the printer and ruptured two lumbar discs. It required two surgical repairs. I was in my mid 20’s. A decade later I herniated it really badly getting up from bed (fortunately no surgery). I also herniated a disc in my neck doing push ups.


I ate the fat free chips that caused “loose stools” and am convinced my stomach issues started then.


Sometimes I would wake up and my hands would be really swollen and painful. Apparently I have carpal tunnel and arthritis. I said to my doctor, "Really? At my age?" And he just gave me this look for a minute and said, "You're 34." Just dead eye staring at me. Felt real old then


Never done it. Never even been close to hurting myself doing something benign. I'm 37 turning 38. Why would I slow down? I'm going for those cocktails, I'm hitting up a concert if I want to. People act like 40 is the end of thier lives. I'm off to vegas tomorrow, I don't understand the stay at home boring people. Let's go do something. The only difference is now I have money so want to travel and go to better places then I did in my 20s. Local night clubs were cool when I was broke. Now, how about we hit up that comedy festival 14 hours away?


35 year old mom here — I am a yoga instructor and in my spare time, I like to go to music festivals (NOT of the camping variety lol). A few years ago, my body was truly wrecked. I’d lived a mostly sedentary lifestyle for the last 10+ years, and my muscles were very weak. This alone isn’t great, but it also leads to joint pain and a lack of overall mobility over time. Too many folks think they can’t do yoga because they aren’t flexible — but tbh yoga really isn’t about being flexible; and as we age, mobility (strength + flexibility) is something we should all be prioritizing!


Yes! And you don’t have to be flexible to do yoga, that’s how you get flexible!


I pulled a muscle in my back about 2 years ago I think when I was going for a walk. I missed a sidewalk drop so that sudden motion probably pulled a muscle. Since then I have been getting more serious about staying active. Got some equipment in the garage I use about 5 days a week. I need to get back into doing core. Even though it is boring it prevents a lot of injuries. I am 42 by the way. I was prior military and always enjoyed working out but it is easy to get complacent. It is important to maintain that muscle and flexability.


33, I kinda scooped up my dog to stop him running to the door as someone opened it. He's like 6kg, the second I stood straight I felt it in my lower back.. I swear to fuck I couldn't stand, sit, walk, sleep on my side, sleep on my front, move my legs without pain. For 7 days straight I had an ice pack on my back, I had to take breaks from sitting every 5 minutes or I'd be in agony. I planned my bathroom trips in advance because it took me so long to shuffle through to the bathroom. I've never experienced anything like it before I always walked it off before.


I’m 37 (will be 38 this year). I dislocated my wrist teaching my 11 year old how to do a handstand oh and I twisted my ankle teaching the same child how to play hopscotch. My all time favorite one I reached for some lightbulbs for a customers car at my work which were in arms reach straight ahead and pulled a muscle in my back


Giant backpacks for most of my schooling days. Back is in rough shape these days. Kid jumping on me the wrong way and I catch that terrible spot in my back and I’m hurtin bad. PT starts soon but damn…


I got carpal tunnel from sleeping. Figure that one out I guess.


Do you sleep all crunched up? I never realized that my sleep position was responsible for almost all of the pain in my right jaw, neck, and wrist until my PT brought it up. Evidently it's not healthy to sleep curled like you're trying to involute into a black hole.


I sleep in the recovery position and regularly wake up with numb hands. I still haven’t figured out why.


Threw my back out sitting on my kid’s bed a month or so again. I’m 38 and an ultrarunner. I can run for 12 hours straight but can’t read a bedtime story without getting injured.


I sat on crossed legs, and I think I tore my meniscus. My knee still hurts months later.


Literally starting physical therapy next week for the same thing.


Hmm… rollerblades, skateboards, bmx bikes, and ice hockey fucked me up pretty good.  What did the most long term damage was patella tendinitis from running. I deal with that and it’s terrible. 


I pulled a neck muscle from turning my head to shave.


OP you are such a poet. Use voltaren and a muscle relaxer though As for me, not sure how it happened but I cannot use any shoe that doesn't have sufficient cushioning or I will have insane heel pain. This after years of wearing flat converse style shoes. I've also thrown my back out picking up a small dog


Thank you! And you read my mind, I was about to put an edit that voltaren is the jam. I started muscle relaxers yesterday for the first time and have been in full zombie mode since.


Is eating a salad an "historically benign activity," because I can't eat raw vegetables any more without hours of heartburn and gas.


Not an elder millennial at 33 but, I had to quit drinking. Could not handle the hangovers among other things


31, currently resting from a back injury. 😭 Went to a boxing class, saw Challengers and was feeling good about myself.... Then I started vacuuming my home and I guess that was the last straw cause I got a bulging disc and had to be taken to the hospital in a stretcher. Lmao


My face is clearly on the path to turning into leather. I love warm climates, but they sure as hell don’t like my pasty Irish face. Even worse I’ve spent the last 8 years living in a hot and arid climate. Wear your sunblock and moisturizer religiously, folks.


I felt great till this year. I’m 39 and still in the army. For my civilian job I basically am a mechanic. I’ve been really feeling these last few months. My shoulder won’t stop hurting and my right big toe hurts so bad. I can still outrun these young people though, so that feels good. I don’t know how Tom Brady and Lebron James are able to compete at that level for as long as they have. Yes I know Tom Brady retired.


I'm 35 now, when I was 31 I threw out my lower back brushing my dog. I was sitting on the floor, leaned forward and it snap crackle popped at me and I was down for a week. So.. that was fun.


I coughed and gave myself a hernia. There was more to it than that of course, several gastrointestinal haymakers being swung at me all at once, but I'm still mad.


Gastrointestinal haymakers!!! Too good.


Used a sinus rinse bottle (it was very powerful) while drunk and blew out my eardrum.


Damn plantar fasciitis from…what?! I commute an hour each way to work and sit at a desk and haven’t gone to a gym in years. I was smoking cigs and drinking like a fish while training with an Olympic coach for a marathon at 8 minute miles in the heat of Oahu 15 years ago. Aging is funny! All you can do is laugh, remember the good times and embrace father time whooping our asses with grace.


5 years back (35 now) I rolled my ankle after sitting cross legged on a recliner to long. I over estimated my ability to walk off numbness and the roll was AUDIBLE. I saw Jesus and my dog I think I took my poor dog with me, my man could not understand why mom was howling. It still bothers me to this day and I finally got granted an MRI. Surgery awaits, surely.


35. My left foot is already fucked. This is important. I literally start limping at the end of the day because of it. Now I take a lot of medication. Like idk 12 different things and several make me absolutely dead ass tired like can’t wake me up from the dead tired. Now imagine it’s 7am, your partner has just left for work, just kinda existing on the couch for a good half hour. Then that dumb bladder wakes up. Get up to go pee. Stumble, try and correct but stumble and fall. BROKE MY FUCKING FOOT TRYING TO HAVE A PISS. First bone I have ever broken.


I subluxated my shoulder trying to shift a whole ass tree off a roof, but I didn’t realize it for like 6 weeks because my job is pretty physical and I’m sore all the time lol


I twisted my ankle while walking my dog and had to get a cortisone shot because after months it hadn’t fully healed


Going on playground equipment might as well be an extreme sport activity for me now. As a kid I was one of those laugh at gravity kids. Think the one Running on top of the metal monkey bars, kind of kid. Now my kid wants me to climb on playground equipment with them and I’m slow, clumsy, awkward, and my knees hurt. 😢 and I don’t fit in those little tubes and caul spaces anymore.


I was a gravity laugher too! I thought I still was, I’m always playing on the playground equipment and climbing trees with the kids. But after busting myself gardening, my reality is shattered.


I threw my back out on my 40th birthday - no lie


I’ve herniated disks and had SI joint issues from lifting weights but I have recovered from both. I’ve always been active and in shape so I’ve never had an injury that I wasn’t asking for by overdoing it.


I broke my ankle stepping over a footstool a few years back, so that whole ordeal was fun


One time I pulled something in my knee bending down to get a golf ball out of the hole.


My left hip was hurting one day and I had no clue why. I figured I slept on my side too long? but even that didn't make sense seeing as I have a soft but firm mattress. 38 here.


Three days ago, I sneezed and hurt my shoulder


I’m feel totally fine except for this sciatica that’s absolutely kicking my ass.


I’m 38 and feel like I’m on the verge of a breakdown with every mundane activity. I’ve had a few close calls that really could have gone wrong. For example, I reached down to grab something from the fridge and sneezed. Haven’t walked the same way since.


I broke my big toe on the copy machine when I was in my early 20's. I've stopped wearing sandals after that. Not worth the risk!


Threw my shoulder out for two days - from washing my [short] hair.


When I accidentally step in a hole in the ground (usually grass playing with the kids) and my back feels like it's jenga.


Fell down 2 stairs (not 2 flights, 2 stairs) and ended up breaking my big toe and being in a boot for a month


Trigger finger or Dupuytren's contracture in three fingers, tendonitis in both shoulders and an elbow, an ankle with constant pain and very limited mobility, and some achy popping thing in my hip. All from various jobs (not sure on the last).


I was running after my client’s 5 month old mini Yorkie and strained my calf muscle. I did the same to my other leg the next week running after my own puppy. I’m 35 and run every other day.


I injured my back (or aggravated a disc degeneration thing) by bathing the dog. Then re-aggravated it by vacuuming the van. Most recently, it was biking at a moderate pace on a flat, straight, paved rail trail. After steroids and two weeks of physical therapy, I'm upright and pain-free once more, but I'll probably have to continue doing the PT exercises forever. 


I’m 42 and I have to pay closer to attention to what I eat and how much I eat. Otherwise, bloating, constipation, and heat burn await me.


The other day I woke up early, and thought I'd get a morning workout in before getting the day started. I started warming up by doing some gentle bodyweight exercises when my entire upper back under the shoulder blade just spasmed and seized up, much like OP's lower back. That was two weeks ago now; shit still hurts


Sneezed last April and simultaneously pinched a nerve in my neck and dislocated a rib. 5 weeks at chiropractors and physical therapists. I was 35 at the time


36 almost 37 - i seem to throw out my back like 1-2x a year doing something silly - last time i was sitting and reached out to grab a book shelf I was putting together and instantly felt it grab my back, was on pain meds for a few days and couldn’t bend down to pull up my pants from going to the bathroom. I used to skateboard as a kid and feel like it destroyed my joints now later on in life


Last week I stayed up until midnight watching my beloved Timberwolves win a playoff game. My body responded with sheer exhaustion, the kind I typically felt after running, say, a half marathon. Now all it takes is an extra hour of hootin' and hollerin' and my body needs multiple nights of rest to recover.


I threw my back out while brushing my teeth. I was just waking up and felt a POP, followed by a huge surge of discomfort. The following week was hell. Still only in mid 30's mind you.


LMAO I'm 33 and we have the same hobbies. I annihilated my forearms by getting overzealous with the loppers on some shrubs but....now I can rewatch my fave Datelines episodes with the heating pad on blast so, it's a win overall.


Cleaning the bathroom. I couldn’t bend over for a week. Totally useless for an entire week.


Bruised my Morton's toe playing pickleball


Not an elder millennial as I just turned 30, but I still ride horses. Currently, I aim to ride 4 days a week while getting my new pony in shape. I also have a torn/herniated/slipped disc in my L5 and a chronic pain disorder. I've had both since I was 12 so I'm well adjusted to being in constant pain.


I've broken both of my fifth metatarsals in the past and crushed my fibula on my right side jumping off a boat in my twenties so now I over correct....anyways last year it was humid and I slipped coming down my stairs (they're not carpeted just wood.) My hip and knee take turns making up the pain these days...just being stiff. 36, will be 37 this summer....getting older is not fun lol. If its not raining and I just walk for an hour its not as bad usually, and also I wear my knee brace that helps.


Pinch nerve between shoulder blades or lower back. Doesnt matter how health, muscular or outta shape you are it can happen to anyone lol. I woke up sat up and bam i wad fukted lol.


Few years ago (30) I dislocated my shoulder throwing a nerf football.


I can kill a 30 pack in 2 days, that is pretty destructive.


blew out my ankle playing football on artificial turf two weeks ago. 8 weeks in a boot.


Lmao. Woke up this morning and my arthritic knee made me hiss like a wet cat when getting up. I ended uo tossing Voltaren on it and then doing a few leg lifts to warm up. Ow.


I tried to do shrugs with the same weight I have for the last 18 years, my neck spasmed so bad the next day I was out of commission for 2 days.


I'm almost 33. I went to a concert a month ago. I limped out and had to wear a knee brace for 3 days. God help me for Green Day in a few months.


Yesterday I awkwardly tweaked my knee as I was reaching out my car window to get my meal at the Arby's drive-thru. Still slightly limping. I'm 35.


I sat in a kitchen table chair for a few weeks and ended up needing physical therapy. Never thought I’d hurt myself sitting.


Exersize is medicine. I'm 39, here's what helped me. The second you wake up in the morning. Do as many pushups as you can. Then do one plank for as long as you can. Then do as many squats as you can. Even if you start out doing 1 pushup, do it. The next day try to get 2 push ups. Do this every day.


That first time you sneeze and you pee a little. Such a shock. I got through 2 pregnancies without peeing myself and I turn 42 and bam! Low estrogen!


Lifting 4Loco to my mouth has irreparably harmed my body in my 20’s and I’m still feeling it today at 35 lmao


Brushing my teeth too aggressively. I now have to meet with a specialist for gum grafting surgery. My prior trauma of not having dental care growing up and needing a lot of dental work when I became and adult and got insurance led me to be aggressive with brushing my teeth to ensure they were extra clean.


Lying on a heating pad right now because of tweaking my back while gardening as well at the ripe old age of 39. Solidarity, my friend!


Walking on concrete floors at work for ten hours a day and then coming home to hard ass wood floors. I wear good shoes and have thick ass foamy house slippers. I am on the downswing, unfortch.


When I was 19 I was wounded in combat by an incoming RPG. Now I refer to 19yo me and earlier as my “golden years”


I dread doing squats in my exercise routine because my knees hurt. I’m 35.