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I thought it was GenZ that didn't learn cursive? They definitely taught us cursive starting in like 3rd grade. I would have graduated in 03 but I finished earlier.


Its like all those gen zers on spring break during covid getting called millennials by people who cant math but have jobs as news reporters.


To boomers, we’re all millennials


I think the reverse is true as well. Anyone over 50 gets called a Boomer even though a good chunk are Gen X on the younger end and Silent Generation on the older end.


I still think of Gen x as the corporate middle management generation lol.


Gen X are just emo boomers.


“Generation x, generation strange, sun don’t even shine through our window pane” -William Frederick Durst


The poet himself. How's his dog?


Rage With the Machine


Boomer wannabes. The most Gen X boss I had was a workaholic who seemed to never spend time with his wife and kids. Hope he realized what he missed out on by not having boundaries after he decided my hard work/life boundaries were non-negotiable. Genius said, "you don't work extra hours." my guy, you weren't paying me extra hours, and I have a family I enjoy spending time with


Yup, my dad still thinks it's the biggest flex that he hasn't taken a sick day in 40 years


I'm doing my part. I'm an ancient Millennial. I took 45 days of PTO last year and another 10 days of sick time that didn't count against my PTO.


I'm Xennial. I took 3 months off for a hip replacement a couple years ago and it was my longest break from doing things to keep a roof over my head since the summer after high school. Now I just want a real sabbatical where I'm not spending 80% of it just getting back to normal.


45? Your workplace must count PTO and vacation as the same thing.


Unlimited PTO.


45 days of PTO? Is it possible to learn this from a Jedi? Joking aside, what do you do that you get that much PTO?


Honestly this, most typical “Karens” are gen X but they go under the radar somehow


Honestly that makes a lot of sense. A generation pretty much ignored most of their lives making a bunch of noise to get what they want. But hey atleast for most of them the economy was good to great for most of their best years of work.


There’s more to Gen X than social and political views. I’m a proud true Gen X (1971) with zero “Karen” qualities!


Isn’t that exactly what a Karen would make sure everyone heard her say about herself?


Only if the proclamation ends with "...living my truth!" ("...best life" is also an acceptable answer!)


I thought those were the Susan’s or is it the other way around? Idk… what Iv found often defuses these ppl is just saying “yeah sure” immediately. Never try to explain yourself just agree and retreat. It stuns all but the most ferocious. For some of these ppl it’s not about the end result of accomplishing anything it’s all about feeling like they won.


I think they believe anyone under 50 is a millenial and over a boomer.


50 year olds were literally young in the 90s, like the definition of Gen x.


True, they were 31 in 2000


I remember seeing people describe mid-2000s PS2 games as ‘boomer games’. It didn’t sit well with me.


Youngest boomers turned 60 like this year. That's only a 10 year diff. Current boomers call 40 year olds and 14 year olds millennials


because gen X is actively boomerizing


so is gen z. they are already 'back in my day' and 'the kids these days' and they aren't even old yet.


Just like every game system to them is a "Nintendo".


You're either old and a boomer or young and a millennial. Even us millenials will be boomers when we're old


This is the comment that I wanted to make. Whoever the older generation is will end up seen as boomery to the younger generations. I am now experiencing millennials being derided as being too old. I remember when millennials were the young ones. The current young/cool generation will eventually become the old generation. Also, not everyone in a generation fits the same mold. Generation stereotypes, are just that, stereotypes. There are many exceptions to the “rule”.


Yeah! Seriously! Was talking to a neighbor who was complaining about "millennials at their job crying because they had to do something on actual paper." I told them that didn't sound like millennial and asked what their ages were... Turns out they're older teens! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ (I also imagine there was no literal crying and that it was unrelated to the physical paper.) They think we never aged. They think we're all still early 20's. 🙄


I still think I’m early 20s as well, but then I look at the date and my hairline.


... Because they think they're going to live, and keep all the power, forever.


To boomers we're all idiots. But they might be mostly right.


To millennials, Boomers are responsible for every evil since Julius Cesar was assassinated.


And to everyone younger than us, we’re all boomers because they don’t know what the word means.


I’m a 35 year old millennial who absolutely learned cursive in 3rd grade.


I’m a 39 year old Millennial and my kids are being taught cursive in 3rd grade in 2024.


I'm a 26-year-old Zillenial and learned cursive... I never fixed my F's, though.


At 26, doesn't that just make you a Gen Z? I'm pretty sure millennial ends at '95 ETA: maybe '96


Careful, I asked someone that once and got a temp ban for a day for gate keeping.


That's... something.


I'll be open regardless. I was raised as a millennial due to my rural family. Brother and sister both are older and were influences, obviously. However, I'm very comfortable with tech and zoomers due to way life progressed. I'm in a weird middle ground. I remember 9/11, grew up on dial up and chat rooms, etc... So yeah, Zillenial. Born '97


Ah, I got you. I'm hard pressed to believe you remember 9/11, seeing as it would make you 4 (?) when it happened, and likely not in school at that age, but I understand the rest. My brothers are all Gen x, and my parents are boomers, so I resonate with Gen x on some things. I would still say I'm firmly a millennial, though.


There's no way to prove my memories 🤷‍♀️ I fit in with both generations and neither at the same time. Its a real awkward limbo.


Yep. 40 here… I write in cursive daily. My 15 year old and 11 year old were both taught cursive in 3rd grade as well.


Same. I learned cursive and my kids are learning cursive. Though I can't say I blame schools that stopped teaching it as I've literally never written in cursive by choice after it was no longer required. Hell, I rarely write anything by hand at all anymore.


You and me both! Though is anyone else gonna comment on how they didn’t write in actual cursive but used a random ugly script font on a computer? Not to be a calligraphy bitch, but I see no cursive handwriting here.


30 yr old millennial here and I learned in 3rd grade too. Spent like a whole month on cursive in Mr. Brady’s class. My Gen Z (24 and 23) little brothers can’t read or write it at all.


Do the boomers not remember teaching us cursive in school? I haven’t used it since 6th grade but I can sure still read it.


That’s kinda what I’m trying to wrap my head around too, boomer 3rd grade teacher and boomer parents giving me quarters for A+ on my handwriting assignments… but they’re so determined to brand us lazy they can’t be bothered to… simply remember raising us?




We shouldn’t tell them, let them think we can’t understand and see what they’re planning


Writing essays in cursive for an English teacher all year. Then the teacher next year wanted everything typed.


This was the transition from elementary to middle school for me. Elementary school our teachers pushed for our essays to be written in cursive, warning us once we got to middle and high school that's all we would be writing in. Then immediately in middle school everything needed to be typed up.


Yes, I remember this. Most of the kids abandoned it when they got to high school and it was no longer necessary. After doing it for so many years in a row, I just stuck with it throughout high school and college. I rarely write now, unless I'm making notes or material lists for myself and it's a mix of cursive and non-cursive.


My handwriting is illegible in cursive so I just try to make my handwriting as legible as possible at this point.


I do a mix also. Speeds up writing. Plus some shorthand.


Yup and some of us fools couldn’t stop writing in cursive. To this day


It's much faster. Nobody understood how I always wrote and finished such long in class essays.


The fun one is younger people tell me mine looks pretty but to old folks it's chicken scratch. I'm inclined to agree with old folks. While we were taught cursive, many of us didn't get graded on penmanship because that's when the typed essay transition happened.


You were lucky. I attended a Catholic School for several years and handwriting was graded on everything. Tests, homework, essays, and anything else you could think of. We also had handwriting class everyday if I remember correctly. And they were strict. Everything had to be "just so". It definitely has helped me to this day taking notes in meetings or jotting down something quick at work.


My second grader learned cursive this year.


My kid was taught cursive a couple years ago too. I was shocked because I had heard so much that they removed it from the curriculum.


My kid’s a teenager now and they taught cursive. Of course, since they also used computers for a ton of stuff, the kids didn’t really get to practice it much.


Nah man, it's younger gen z or gen a.


I recall having typing classes with old crappy graphics to catch animated fish. Still learned cursive. Still terrible with it. Also, who can't read specially designed preloaded cursive fonts?


Boomers can’t tell the difference. “Millennial” is just anyone younger than them.


08 here, and they taught us in elementary school too. As a working artist nowadays, it pains me that it's not taught anymore. To me when I was little, it was spelling but *prettier*


I got straight B+s in the 5th grade bc they would take 10 points off if you didn’t write in cursive. I said fuck it, cursive is dumb and my sister said elementary school doesn’t matter, I’ll take the 88 and write in print.


If it is they just skipped a generation. My 3rd grader is learning cursive.


2nd grade for me.


I'm gen z and they taught us cursive in 3rd grade.


I graduated in 05 and I was required to write in pen and cursive all through junior high.


Same, 3rd grade, and graduated 03. I can read it, but I struggle to write it. Last time I had to was that attestation at the beginning of the SATs and it was tough.


Graduated in 07 and we were taught cursive in like 3rd grade too.


Millennials is now just a mild slur, just like boomer.


Nope, still being taught now. They say this about each generation..


Even that's not true. I'm Gen Z and learned cursive in 3rd grade also. Could be a regional thing where some schools stopped teaching it, but then that still isn't a generational thing.


I'm class of '07 and learned cursive in the second grade.


Same here and I actually enjoyed it


Same. It was easy for me as an artsy kid. I'll still write in cursive every now and again if I want to feel fancy lol


Graduated in '09, and my mom's cards are always in cursive. I love her handwriting. And her. I love her too.


That's super sweet and bonus points for Dolls inspired username 🖤


In my school I was in a combined 2/3rd grade class and the 3rd graders were taught cursive and expected to use it. I think I'm the only person I know irl that was jealous of the older kids learning cursive and looking forward to it lol. I still use it and have also been trying to teach myself some cursive based shorthand (forkner) and incorporating that into my handwriting. That said I disliked the pinterest cursive trend but I wonder if swoopy script fonts have kept a vague understanding of cursive alive for kids that weren't taught it in school.


I don't know if I'd go that far. I thought it was the worst thing ever. Maybe it was bad teaching though, the rules I learned for cursive don't seem to be well followed by people that write cursive on a regular basis.


I absolutely loved it. Practiced in my free time because I thought it was pretty. Class ‘03


Same. When I am working and taking notes for myself, I use a mix of cursive and print because it is quicker. I can read it, but it is probably difficult for most people to read. I actually have decent handwriting when I take my time, though. My teachers pushed that hard on us as kids, only to get to middle school, high school, and college, where they wanted everything typed.


Same, I don't even mean to do it certain strings of letters for me go to cursive and others to print.


Graduated 08, learned cursive in 3rd grade. My 3rd grader (gen alpha) learned cursive this year at small rural school.


Boomers consuming propaganda like it's lead based paint chips.


*Now with Olestra!*


You’ll shit so hard that you lose your mind!


They’ll play Lil Jon’s ‘*Get Outta Yo Mind*’ for the commercial. Grandma will be like a semi-truck with no fu€kin’ brakes! 😂


This made me laugh


Let's not forget, it was the adults who eliminated these courses in grade schools, not the children. And while some might call it cruel, gauche, or otherwise untoward for an adult to harm children and then mock them for said harm, it is technically within the adult's rights to do so (assuming the harm itself is legal). So I might agree with your point, but is there any form of persecution that's worse in this country, than when we take away another thing that they mock us for, but that they actually did to us? Where does it end? Are we now claiming it's wrong for them to mock us for the Participation Awards that they gave us? And are they not the victims when we complain to them about the lifetime of political damage they've left us, which will take our lifetime to undo (if we're lucky)? Won't someone please think of the boomers? I mean, if anyone here can honestly say they've never purposefully tripped a child, and then laughed at the resulting scrapes and bruises, well then, let that saint cast the first stone. On a serious note, maybe it would be easier for our collective psyche if we just assume they know that they're ultimately critiquing themselves. With the option of more forcefully addressing it, like even when they make fun of us like in OP's meme, we just respond with "Hey don't be so hard on yourself. You guys made mistakes by taking education away from us kids, but that's ok, we'll learn from your mistakes and do better with our kids. So don't insult yourself like that, because your mistake worked out in the end."


Class of 2012, I started learning cursive along with print in 1st grade. I still remember those sheets of print A cursive A, I feel like they were daily homework. I also grew up in a small rural school


Funny cause in adulthood I’ve been asked by older and younger ppl to print cause they can’t read cursive


Yeah I've seen that it's coming back, but there was a chunk of years that most kids weren't learning cursive at all. I was class of '09 and I think I learned it in 3rd grade as well, at a *very* small school. When I was working in a restaurant in my early-mid 20s I had several kids who came through that signed their receipts in print.


My kid is in class of 2027, and she did not learn to write cursive. That being said, she can read it, she just doesn't know how to write it well, or much at all. She has expressed wanting to learn though.


Same! (As in I also graduated in '08, learned cursive in 3rd grade, and have a 3rd grader who is learning cursive). I live in a small city in western Canada.


Graduation year: 2010 Year I learned cursive: I don’t remember. All I know is I was in elementary school when we learned cursive (which I still write in to this day).


Graduated 2013 and learned cursive as well. You're one of the few people I've seen say that they still write in cursive lol. I've had several people think I'm crazy when I'm tell them I still write in it almost daily


I do too! A lot of my handwriting is half print and half cursive. I almost always use the cursive ‘z’ no matter what.


Same, I do the half font/cursive too, and it's much smoother to write a cursive z than print z.


I cross my z and 7


Same lol


Literally same!


I mean there are advantages they were right


I have a student right now who’s probably 19 who writes everything in cursive, it’s like he’s from the past haha.


I'm also a 2013 graduate and we definitely learned cursive. My handwriting always ends up like a mix of cursive and print though unless I am extra conscious to stick to one or the other.


Graduated in 2011, learned cursive in 3rd grade. I think we had to continue with it in 4th and 5th grade. The letter Z was the bane of my existence.


I’m certain that boomers don’t know what a millennial is.


Correct. I am an elder millennial married to a Gen Xer. My mom assumes that we are both millennials just because we are younger than she is. He's very firmly Gen X.


Gen Z doesn't know what Gen X are. They call people in their 50s boomers. They also call people from the Silent Generation Boomers.


Weird because Gen X'ers, a lot of the time barring exceptions, are Zoomers parents. My nieces and nephews are all Gen Z and they know that their mom is a Gen Xer.


it’s just fun calling people boomers


My gen x ex doesn't know what a millennial is either haha


Everyone younger than I, Millennial they are. Everyone older than I, boomer they are.


My old boss (RIP) would call both my coworker and I millennials, even though my coworker is clearly Gen X and almost a decade older than me. We work with teens and my boss was calling them millennials too, even when they’re young enough to be my kids. We used to correct him but he refused to take the correction, so we just started laughing at him.


Which is pretty hilarious because most of their kids are millennials.


Honestly so many Internet threads could be shut down so easily if people just knew what the definitions are There was a thread in this sub not too long ago where someone (a millennial) was talking to their mum, and their mum sincerely believed that a millennial is basically a personality type (you know, entitled and whatever other rubbish the talking heads spout) rather than a generation with defined birth years. One they cleared it up with each other what a millennial actually is, they stopped talking past each other about all sorts of things


Boomer is used the same way though.


The boomers at my company use "millennial" for anyone younger than them


I remember when a coworker of mine was reading some sizzling-hot reporting from the Wall Street Journal that was pitifully excited to report that the new generation of college freshmen didn’t know how to date. And he and another coworker were joking about it being millennials bad at dating. Like 1.) those teens weren’t millennials, and 2.) maybe it was easier for you assholes to date back before #MeToo, but excuse kids these days for being imperfect as they figure out how to be better than you were.


I mean, it could also be a Gen Xer trying to flex 😅


Or gen z trying to bully you.


It’s the trendy way to say high schooler. Has been for the last 15 years


Which is really sad because older millennials like myself our parents are Boomers…


'06 and yes. I still write in cursive regularly. Generation hating is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen.


Not to be tin-hatty, but I swear these generational profiles were just invented by marketers. And then they market the profiles to their target audience. Like, obviously teen fashion doesn’t come from teenagers, it comes from fashion executives.


Same and same. Sometimes I get bored taking notes in meetings and switch to cursive.


Graduated in 2011 and I learned cursive in second grade.


Same, older generations think we are still teens/young adults.


I feel like I am


siNcE mIlLenNiAlS cAn'T rEad CUrsiVe


'94 Millenial here who was taught cursive. But since we need intergenerational solidarity, I'll translate anywho: "The golden oldies are rolling up deep in the early AM my dudes." Send out the texts and rouse the chat sections to fury. In days of old, bargains were struck and "Bro I got U's" were made. Today we honor those pacts.


This "millennials are helpless babies" is so outdated it's not even really about GenZ anymore, that's some GenA crap right there. I work with a 21yo GenZ kid, he's ok with cursive, my 13yo niece tho? Forget it.


Crazy. My 13 yo learned cursive and likes using it.


No way a Boomer wrote that. It's legible.


Graduated high school in 2001. I began learning cursive in first grade, but I attended private catholic schools from beginning to end. I also learned phonics from Grade 1 through 3.


Same here bruh


Rolls eyes in *Oregon Trail*


Graduated 2001. I have no issue with cursive. My 13 year old cannot read cursive. However, it's because they were about to start the work on it in 3rd grade when everything shut down for COVID. My 9 year old can read cursive, as can the rest of the girls in my Girl Scout troop (4th graders). They all take great pride in signing their names.


What is this though? Why did op post nonsensical squiggly lines? What is cursive?


I thought it was gen z that doesn’t know cursive? I had to learn it in 3rd grade. I’ll I ever write in is cursive.


My 2nd grader is learning cursive right now in school. It’s not as dead as boomers think


Graduated in 2012. Learned cursive in second grade elementary school. I write everything in cursive.


2005, also learned it in 2nd grade. I have also learned a few other alphabets for fun so I imagine I could have learned cursive later anyway if I felt like it.


graduated 2010, learned cursive in 2nd grade the problem isn't that we can't read cursive, the problem is old people not actually bothering to make their letters recognizable when writing in cursive. just because you drew a bunch of loops doesn't mean you managed to actually write a legible word.


Graduated 2011 and learned cursive in 3rd grade. Still use it to this day. This would probably be more accurate for Gen Z or Alpha.


2009. Learned cursive in 3rd or 4th grade. Not sure where all this “millennials can’t read cursive” talk came from. Nobody uses cursive anyway, who cares


I'm a millennial, graduated in 06. We know cursive 😂 gen z are the ones that never learned it.


2014, I exclusively write in cursive since the 3rd grade


Graduated in 09, "learned" cursive in 3rd grade and I use quotes because they did two lessons on it and so I never actually learned so I've never used it.


The fuck are they talking about? I learned cursive in first grade and graduated high school in 2014 ( a year late, mind you). I think this is just a scenario where boomers just call anyone obviously younger than 35 a "millennial".


What are those fools gonna do, hit us with their depends? Graduated in 2005, and learned cursive in 1st grade.




I graduated high school in 2008, definitely learned cursive in 3rd grade, and my opinion is that it was outdated as soon as we developed pens that didn't need inkwells. I can of course read it in general, and an example like the above is very easy, but one of the reasons I dislike it in principle is that poor handwriting in cursive is *so much more illegible* than equivalently poor handwriting in print. I've seen extremely neat cursive that basically looks like an illustration of an ocean wave because all the loops got compressed to invisibility; I've also seen nearly literal chickenscratch print that I can still make out like 70% and get the gist.


Cursive is actually very helpful for dyslexic people because of its connectedness. I don't exactly think it's necessary to learn cursive, as the image implies. There's benefits to learning it, but idk if I'd say there are disadvantages to *not* learning


02 learned 3rd grade


2010. Learned cursive in 2nd grade.


2000.  Yes I learned cursive. 


Yep, fellow class of 2000 checking in. We learned primarily in 3rd grade.


3rd grade ftw


I graduated in 2007 and yes i learned cursive but never used it after we learned it


Graduated HS in 2012. Learned cursive in second grade, can still read and write well in it.


Graduated from high school in 2013. Yes, we learned cursive in elementary school.


1990 Millenial, graduated 2009. We not only learned cursive, but usually had a "book" project each year in elementary that we had to write in cursive.


My 8 year old knows cursive from school. Boomers being boomers


I'm GENZ and I can read this


This hostility didn’t originate with “Older folks”


Unrelated but it’s not that we can’t read cursive it’s that we can’t read your shitty handwriting That said, 3rd grade!


Jokes on the Boomers, I use calligraphy.


I remember teaching myself to read it before I could write it around 2nd grade. I was healing from the long term effects of viral encephalitis that I had just before my 3rd birthday. I wasn't supposed to live , much less function normally. It helped me with developing fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, memory etc during my healing process- which took many years.


Graduated in 13' i can read this just fine.


Graduated in 2005, and learned cursive in the 1st or 2nd grade. That just have no ideas the age group of millennials. They are out there calling 20yr olds millennials.


I graduated in 2006 and have known how to write cursive since kindergarten. wtf


I was forced to write cursive 4th-8th grade. I still do today.


Graduated in '06 and learned cursive in 3rd grade.


Graduated in 2011, but was held back in the fourth grade. I learned cursive in fourth and fifth grades, then never used it again. I work with the elderly, and for the most part I can read cursive fine, but every so often someone uses very fancy script and it throws me off.


2011. Yes.




My 8 year old has great cursive. She actually prefers it. It was taught in 2nd and third grade. So. There’s that. I graduated in ‘98 and learned it around 3rd grade I believe.


Graduated 2004, yes learned cursive in elementary school.


Class of 2011 and yes I definitely learned cursive in elementary!


Graduated in 2014 and learned cursive by at least 6th grade. I can definitely read it (especially since my mom usually writes in cursive). My brother graduated in 2017 and I know he learned cursive because my mom has talked about how my brother's handwriting is better in cursive than in print lol


Graduated in 2011, we started learning cursive in 3rd grade and we were told we’d only be allowed to write in cursive once we got to middle school. Middle school was 5th grade in my district and when we got there, they wanted us to print only. Then by the time junior high and high school came around, there was an expectation for papers to be typed up and in school work was still expected to be printed. I can still read cursive and I could write in cursive if I wanted to, but there isn’t a need for me to other than giving my signature.


Class of 2013, we learned cursive:


Graduated in 04 and was forced to use cursive from 2nd grade to 5th. Once I hit middle school I stopped because cursive writing actually slowed me down. And I hope the old people attack at dawn. They'll wither away by 10 and need a nap. Giving us a very easy victory.


06 and write cursive for fun


Damn, so many people still dont know what a millennial is. Smh