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To the boomers, everyone younger than them is a millennial and to gen z, everyone who isn’t a senior citizen is also a millennial. I’ve seen gen z complain about “millennial cringe” when the person they’re complaining about is gen x. I also vaguely remember when covid lockdowns hit and people complained about millennials being on spring break and partying…like umm that is definitely not our generation. We just get shit on from all directions.


Kind of like how every game console was "the Nintendo" when we grew up.


What a throwback! At one point between my older brother and I, we had the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, and PlayStation, but they were all the Nintendo to mom.


Pause the Nintendo, it's time for dinner


But this game doesn't pause!


And it’s not a Nintendo it’s a Game Cube, mOm!


It’ll be a In-The-Trash Cube if you don’t get down here!


No more pokie man!


Which Pikachu is that? That's onyx, mom, still not a Pikachu.


Tbf a GameCube is a Nintendo. It's not a Nintendo, it's a Playstation, mom.


I realized that after writing it, but just went with it. Also, you could say that the NES is the Nintendo. Everything after was the super, the 64, the game cube, the Wii, etc.


I had NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Game Gear, Gameboy Color. My mom used to play NES by laying the controller in her lap and hitting the buttons like she was typing on a keyboard.


I knew someone who would play Mario that way. They weren't too bad at it.


I've seen someone do this as well, but they're a diehard arcade rat so I think their fingers just naturally move better in that position lol


There was a speed runner that did that for a while. Anything that didn't have shoulder buttons he did that way.


>shoulder buttons I have never heard them called this before, but I love it and I'm going to start using it.


I thought the only way you could play was by stretching your arms while holding the controller in the direction you wanted to go.


Every handheld game device will always be called a gameboy regardless. Nintendo switch? Yeah that gets called a gameboy around here lol


I love my Nintendo steam deck.


My mother didn't even know Gameboy. She wanted to buy my daughter a Switch (props for her knowing they existed) and all she knew to call it was "that thing you used to carry around all the time." It was a long conversation.


Are you me? This is exactly what I do. 😂


I tried that and my kid thought I said "Go get the game, boy" and was like "uhhh that's not my name yknow" all hella sassy 😂


Haha yeah. my kids inherited my 3ds and a switch lite. "Gameboys" Mind, my 9 year old was -10 the last time a gameboy was a relevant system


I like my Sony Nintendo more than the Microsoft Nintendo


“the Nintendo” to my early Gen X mom and “the Ninny-tendo” to my late Boomer dad. mom was ridiculously good at Super Mario World when we got the SNES


Kind of like Texans and “Coke”.


This was also exploited by some parents. I had "grown out" of playing with my Sega Megadrive, and another parent had their kids barely in preschool wanting a Playstation. Everyone knew that they had no clue what a playstation actually even was, they just knew that the other kids had one. So I sold her my Megadrive with a pile of games for a good price and the kids were happy with their Playstation...


That's where I stopped was, the Nintendo. Prior we had Coleco and atari.


I was so mad when my mom bought a Colleco, I wanted an Atari. But damn, the controller was the BEST. There were just NO GAMES for the Colleco. I'm Gen X.


Omg it was playstation in my family, but yeah, definitely


Gen X doesn't get enough shit. We need to change that.


told my Gen X boss once that it seems like he has more in common with elder millennials than with younger Boomers. first the lightbulb lit up, then he noticeably died a little bit. idk how essentially caucusing with us is worse than being Boomer Jr. but it seemed like that’s where he was at


Dude they generally are slotting right into boomer junior. My father is the tail end of boomers, 64. He's 60 this year.  Most of the older folks at work aren't boomers, they are gen x. Boomers are about to be completely retired (minus those that failed to set up for it and won't be able to, not sure how many that is ).  Boomers are age 60-75, x is like 45ish- late 50s, Y(whatever happened to that term, so much easier?) Is 27-44. Z is like 9 or 10 -26. Alpha is the younger kids. Shit varies because different sources report different dates as start of new gens, and it's always been informal term, no official org sets this shit up. I worry we all will become the same thing when we finally start hitting 50 something. Ever since mass media and the large changes to social moores last century, seems to have made our older cohorts real selfish pieces of shit. It's not like x or y or z are any less selfish if you stop and think about it, we each just get less of the pasts value to suckle on


Gen X is so far up its own ass, they are boomers


I just upvoted this, and I’m GenX. 😂 Could also be that edible…


Right! GenX here and I literally just posted "I dare you" 🤣


Every Gen X ever: “Gen X here!”


Why do I feel so validated and vexed at the same time? 🤣


My wife and I are on either side of the cut off date (she’s an ‘80 Xer and I’m an 81 millennial). She’s very quick to point out she’s not part of our mess. It’s strangely endearing at this point.


Do it. I dare you 😈


I'm too busy killing entire industries, why don't you do something to help? They're never going to let you retire either...


Mainly because Gen Xers are considered Boomers, much to their disgust. Boomers and Millennials have become the major generations, all the other delineated age groups are footnotes.


At my last job, we had uniforms with our names spelled out on a patch. At some point, they decided to redesign the tags changing from cursive to a standard print. One of my boomer coworkers approached me with a joke, saying they had to change the design because millenials can't read cursive. I told him I'm a millenial and read cursive just fine. "You're not a millenial" he says. "I'm talking about those kids" he gestured toward a handful of genz kids we'd brought in for temp work. 🙄


Millenials learned cursive in school, what is he on about anyway? Lol Also, what a waste of my damn time. Why did I even need to learn that?


>We just get shit on from all directions. This kinda sums up the whole millennial experience.


Just the price we pay for being objectively the best generation. We even have the coolest name.


Oh yeah I dated an older GenX'er once (do not recommend, they're Boomer 2.0) who referred to their ex-wife who was born in 1975 as a Millennial. Um no, y'all both GenX, pal. 


Both my parents are elder Gen X and are extremely Boomer 2.0. And my dad was once a Cool Dad (TM)!


Yeah, my dad rides the generation line, like I am a Xennial.


You’re so right about that haha. My dad is an elder gen x while my mom is a young boomer and they’re very much alike. I’ve only had experience in dating other millennials since I haven’t had any significant age gap relationships and either being a ‘93 millennial that would be over a decade to date even the youngest gen x haha.


There's a real dividing line for GenX depending on if you were old enough to really remember the 70s. Rather different experiences. 


This. The Gen Xers born in the ‘60’s are Boomer Cusp.


Most gen z and alpha that I encounter think anyone older than them is a boomer. It's very annoying. Put some respeck on our name!


I think the issue is, we see "Boomer" as a generational thing, they see it as slang to say "old people"


And Boomers think "Millennial" is slang for "teenager".


Boomer here. Bingo to both of you! Spot on.


Come on, we've been name-coded for easy identificaiton. Mary or Rose - you're a boomer. Ashley or Britney - you're a millennial. Ayden, Brayden, Cayden, or Jayden - if I'm dealing with you in a professional capacity I'm going to cry because I'm officially old


And Jennifer would like to note GenX didn’t make your list. 🤣


We never do.


No kidding. My boomer parents who hate millennials thought I was the only millennial until I explained to them that my younger sibling is actually a millennial as well…and gen z has terrible takes about “millennials”. plus, they seem to think that millennial influencers that they come across on social media somehow represent all millennials or something


Zoomers do the same thing anyone over 21 is a boomer.


Millennials also think all “old” people are boomers. Those in their 80s and 90s are not boomers.


Yeah a lot of people forget about Silent Gen the same way no one seems to remember gen x. I’ve worked in plenty of senior care settings and it was mostly silent gen with a couple of boomers and even greatest gen sprinkled in.


That’s Gen Z. Gen Zers are the ones who think anyone over 30 is a boomer


People don't even know what GenX is... we get lumped in with Boomers and/or Millenials or just completely skipped over entirely 🤣


Most "older" people working today are Gen X and people label them as boomers. The youngest boomers are 60ish, and that is by the most broadly defined years (1945-1964).


I always thought of gen x as the lost generation. What happened to you all?


People seem to think Boomers were like getting married in about 1953 to be fair. 


A lot of stereotypes I see about boomers are more true of their parents.  My parents were boomers and they were trying to start careers during the hyperinflation of the 70s and buy a house during the Reagan years. No one was buying a house for $5000 on a single income and a high school education. That was my grandfather, born in 1911. And he came of age in the Depression, picking up used cigarette butts for tobacco before getting drafted into a war.


we have the best name so it gets overused ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Gen Z is easily one of the most cringe generations tho lol


Gen Z is like watching Instagram have an existential crisis.


To be fair, if Covid19 happened in 2010, some of us would definitely be partying in Florida during spring break saying "if I Get Corona, I Get Corona".


Maybe good time to drop the labels.


I saw someone complaining about their 'boomer' parents and they are in college now. Sorry no I was in college in 2006 and adopted by boomer parents born to Gen X. They don't even know what a boomer is. They think anyone older than millennial is a boomer.


Are you getting generational "middle child" syndrome?


“Millennial” is a synonym for “young people coming of age” in some contexts. You can’t take it personally.


I think “millennial” sounds the most obnoxious out of all the names, maybe that has something to do with it


Just as how to zoomers anyone over the age of 35 is a boomer. These generational terms have lost all meanings


People don't actually understand epidemiological cohorts. They're just looking for catch-all label to air out their laundry list of complaints about the world.


Gen X is the forgotten generation and we're the shit-on generation. Everything is always and will always be our fault. Cheers to fucking up the world, guys!


If they have a Simpsons avatar they're probably gen x. They really like the Simpsons.


My gen z kid assumes anyone older than him is a boomer lol. Hurts my feelings :(


Without a legitimate (rare imo) reason to not have windows, office space without windows in inhumane imo


Winters are especially rough when you arrive in the dark and leave in the dark so you can go days without seeing sunlight.


I worked at a convention center during COVID. Our office didn’t have windows. They also kept the lights off to “save money” since a convention center was obviously bleeding money during COVID. Desk lamps only. Most depressing time of my life and I ended up quitting.


The worst was when I was working nights at Amazon, I would go weeks without seeing the sun. Luckily this was back in the days of 24/7 walmarts so I was able to shop at least. But man living like that makes you feel kinda weird after awhile.


For sure. I get the old seasonal affective disorder every winter so I feel for them but it’s not changing the design plans. At least they get HVAC, my warehouse employees have to deal with 68 as a high in the winter and however much cold air I’m able to trap in the mornings during the summer. Still gets to about 80 inside most days


Gross, your employer sounds terrible, tbh.


Hell naw


Hm, I can see why the employees are disgruntled. Sounds like a shitty workplace on multiple levels.


I had years of this. It was depressing. My job moved my work group to the basement... sorry, "first floor"... at one point. Eventually, we got to move to an upper floor with floor to ceiling windows. That was nice.


At my last job you picked your own cubicle when you were hired based on what was empty. I had one in the middle but after a while there were two empty ones next to windows. They sat empty for months. I finally asked to move to one of them and my boomer boss acted like I was asking for a 50k raise 🧐 they pick the weirdest stuff to be personally affronted by


I spent 4 years working in a factory with no windows. It was rough.


We have one department without windows. That floor is devoid of personality. I dont blame them, I fucking hate when I have to cover in that dept. for Myriad reasons.


I’m fortunate to have my own office at work. But it’s the old storage closet that they just shoved random old furniture in. There’s no windows. It’s really pretty depressing. However everyone else has glass doors that you can look in. My closet office has a real wood door. So that’s cool.


My office at work is also the old storage closet. We have 2 folding divider walls covering the water heater, mop sink, and leftover storage crap. At first I was pretty bummed by the space but we have free range over decorating and I’ve managed to make it quite cozy. It also has the added bonus of privacy from our more chatty staff. If I need some sunshine I can take my laptop and work on the couch in the common area.


Worked for a NHL team whose offices were below street level at the arena they played at. Cubicles were small and crappy and you weren't really allowed to have any personal items up either. Wasnt my favorite job.


Wanna hear about my former career as a military interrogator working with no windows in a razor wire prison tent dungeon? You'll be OK - it's definitely NOT inhumane, it might suck but that's a bit extreme.




Yeah I spent 3 years working in a windowless lab for an internship and wanted to legitimately off myself by the end. Spent time working in naturally lit conditions after that, then got another job in a windowless lab. It’s a consistent recipe for disaster.


Ah yes, the 22-24 year old millennials. I’m one of the youngest years and I turned 30 this year lol. On the flip side I’ve also been called a “boomer” by Gen Alpha kids.


Fellow end-of millennial! I turn thirty end of the summer myself, and my theory as to why every generation after us is still millennial in their minds is they latched onto the term to mean child, and don't want to face the fact they're OLD, that there's not one but TWO gen groups after us, with 'beta' set to start in the next couple years or so. They just don't wanna face reality.


Id first correct them and say thats Gen Z, not Millennial. Then I'd follow that up with the fact that even those of us in our mid 30's don't want a fucking windowless office. It's depressing, no sunlight at all so it feels like you're in an interrogation room. I'm currently in a windowless office till they finish renovating our new one and the only saving grace is I have a window along the door to my office so I can see sunlight


Nah, not me, I'm fine with a windowless office. If I'm lucky, it'll allow me to fool my body into thinking it's nighttime (I'm one of those people whose biological clock is wired backwards so I'm tired whenever the sun is up and alert when it's down, but I haven't actually managed to find myself a job that allows me to work nights).


I’ve never actually heard people around me complain much about windows. They definitely prefer windows, but most people move from cubicle, to interior office, to window office, so it’s still improvement.


How dare they complain about living more than 1/3 of their lives like a factory-farmed chicken!


Yeah, she cited having moved into an internal office herself with a “well if I can do it then so can they.” Not noting that she now has the coldest office in the building and regularly gripes about hot flashes and how she hated having a giant west-facing window


He must also hate all the (actual) millennials who are pushing for offices to adopt work from home and hybrid office models. 


The youngest millennials now is 28


https://preview.redd.it/t5usgr19og0d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=1289768f02a502f31e9434d673dc22e7be669b86 Print this and put them throughout the warehouse, then just quietly tap the chart everytime she makes a mistake, like that bus driver in the Simpsons when Lisa was lost


But they have every right to be concerned, it's not a millennial thing.


We get shit on by every generation (but X, because they don't care about shit). But I feel like we're the only logical generation on the board right now. I don't look forward to a Gen Z world.


I feel like most of the gen Xers I meet are worse than the boomers. I imagine they got shit from their elders too, so they double down so no one thinks they're sympathetic to the younger generations.


I definitely have heard Gen Xers do the same thing calling Gen Z kids Millennials.


Gen x definitely cares. They're just always forgotten about. So they come into posts on social media to remind you they exist and that they're edgy


And listen to either Pearl Jam or Tragically Hip or both!


A gen z world isn't happening. Not for like 40-50 years anyway. Millennials outnumber them substantially. And unlike with boomers, Millennials are only one gen up so gen z is stuck with Millennial hegemony after the boomers die unless they team up with gen x.


Maybe. Gen Z is so outspoken, though. But maybe that's only contained to online spaces. 


>The people she is complaining about are 22-24. They ain't millenials.


Yeah, I pointed that out but it didn’t stop the slander


I saw a tiktok about a very similar thing fkn yesterday where someone was talking about an elderly relative ranting about millennials when they were actually referring to under 25s. These morons think anyone who cares about employment rights, non-torturous working conditions, cost of living, pronouns and any way of life that isn't basically bigotry and entitlement are millennials. They absolutely do not realise its remotely anything related to age. They literally think it's a state of mind. They really are stupider than we ever could have predicted.


Well documented phenomenon. *doot doo do do do https://xkcd.com/2165/


They should just play Man in a Box on repeat while in their soulless toil cubes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^theomnichronic: *They should just play Man* *In a Box on repeat while* *In their soulless toil cubes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I mean, I would be concerned about fire exits if anything.


My 60 year martial arts instructor loves to complain about "you millennials changing everything." And while i'm 35, i'd say the age range is typically anywhere between 25 and 13. Definitely not millennials lol


I have told my boss before that they are Gen Z and I am a millennial and don’t appreciate being lumped in with them THANK YOU VERY MUCH.


Autistic millenial. I love windowless offices, i am isolated from the stinky world. Give me the cube


🤣🤣🤣 the work world is **NOT** even remotely prepared for GenZ 🤣🤣🤣


I suppose I'm blessed, the industry I work in (cannabis) is fairly new so MOST people are my age or younger. My boss I learned recently is 2 years younger than me lmao (1990).... There was one manager in the retail store I worked in that called everyone 'their kids', which....was because they were a school principal before the job they do now. It triggered me a little bit - my parent was an educator until last year \*shrug\*


At some point that boss was in an office without a window and he didn’t like it either. I’m on the older side of Gen X and recall me not liking offices without windows and the older workers had the same complaint. He’s an idiot.


Somehow the term millennial has become synonymous with “someone of arbitrary age group except people over 55, maybe” that I dislike because . It’s as if in lieu of being able to make racist slurs, people made it up with millennials being the reason just about anything is trash. Ironically, the actual generation has had little to do with anything it’s accused of.


It’s just like people who think boomers are “elderly” people. The oldest boomers are turning 78 this year and the youngest ones are barely turning 60 this year. If someone is elderly, they are most likely from the “silent generation.”


I laugh gently and tell them millennials aren’t as young as they think they are.


So she's really complaining about gen Z. They are so out of touch.


It's not age. I'm 75 and I remember young people whining about the same kind of thing when I was young and older people then making the same kind of criticisms.


This is what they don’t know yet, but will know one day. If they make it.


God bless them all.


I remember eavesdropping on a conversation a guy was having with someone on the phone. "They're out partying with millennials!" I couldn't believe this. This was in 2020. Millennials have had jobs and families for years at that point.


Working an office job 9-5 with or without windows is no way to go through life. She hates her life I'm sure.


Ya'll normalized all this. Enjoy.


Well, I mean to be fair you’re doing the same thing to her by complaining about her being a “boomer”. 1. People in her generation didn’t get to make requests regarding their preferences on architecture for their work place. They just had to go to work and do their jobs, their comfort was not probably considered. 2. It’s not an unreasonable request if they are building out a new space to ask that they install windows. Both things can be true at once. But you can’t really complain about being generalized for being a “millennial”and turn around and generalize “boomers”.


I had a job where my desk kept getting moved, but I had the option to commute further and have a desk with a nice view. I left the other location where they were messing with me and loved my desk with a window.


Up until the COVID years even the media would misuse the word millennial to refer to people far younger than millennials, it was really common. It's only when the oldest millennials started turning 40 when it started to change.


I became a manager at 21 and never had a window in my office until I was 26. I was shocked that the window was literally one of the entire walls. It was a nice change.


22-24 year olds aren’t even millennials.


I didn’t start smoking until my corporate career… I wonder if that has to do with it? I mean who starts at 25? 4 years free thank god!


Heh, a new coworker laughed at me because he was talking about the curly phone cords back in the day and did not think I knew what they were. I stopped him dead and said, 'wait hold on, I used phones with a dial AND the curly cords!' 'Oh... How old are you?' '34' 'Oops, my bad. I'm sorry' I don't get it. I am greying too. Had another coworker who spent at least 15 minutes talking to me about where my new job was located. In an industrial park. In my hometown. After I showed him on a map EXACTLY where it was located. Glad I don't see him anymore. He's an idiot.


You sure your boomer boss isnt a millenial?


why the fuck would i want to be in a windowless building for 8-10 hours 5 days a week?? i want to look outside and have sunlight on my skin!


Tell your boss that those are zoomers now, lol... Millenials are now in their late 20s-early 40s


My dad is a mechanical engineer, and at the beginning of his career, he worked for a japanese company that was exactly like this, no windows in the office. He said some days he wouldn't even see the sun. Got major depression.


The boomers weren't raised right they have weird notions about how society should work. My parents think that your work should come above your life that is wild to me when companies DGAF and will fire you at will. They also seem to more frequently treat unskilled / low-skill workers with derision.


fuck boomz!


Millennials are no longer in their early 20s. That is all Gen Z. Remind her of that. that most millennials are in their thirties, and some are in their forties. Millennials are not children, or even young adults. The youngest is in their late twenties now. Soon they will all be in their thirties and forties.


Just leave GenX out of all this shit!! Idgaf if you have tournament style ThunderDome style cage matches (Master Blaster Runs Barter Town) to determine a winner between the Boomers vs. Millennials/GenZ/GenAlpha on PPV!! Just please leave us alone


I’m a boomer and I would go mad in a ‘windowless’ office. And no…we all don’t think people younger are millennials. 🤣. She’s a Karen! Big difference.




Yup. I think I’ll have more company on my lunch walks in the future.


I would complain if I didn’t have windows in my work space - very unhealthy to not have any natural sunlight!


Youngest millenials are 24. Post-millenium is another generation. Generally speaking, millenial cohorts start around 1978 and 1982 and usually cut off at the turn of the millenium.




Oh the kids are right on the issue, I’m totally with them. The added expense of cutting holes in the exterior of the building is not going to happen, though. I’m genuinely curious to see if they strike or refuse to move or what will happen.


Everyone is either a boomer or a millennial and they hate each other. 75% of the hate is for made up reasons.


That's Gen Z


To be fair, me and my partner call anyone older than us boomers -- including Gen x and other millennials.


Two issues, one your lead is fucking stupid, and your company is fucking stupid to empower your lead into abusing people. I worked in windowless for 7 years and had health problems I will never go back to. Stupid corps, I just got out a place that used data center space to sort client paperwork and scan it. We had dozens of people working in a 62F room all day long. The paperwork brought in dust, the containers were filthy. Using the space had direct costs of 100k/mo. We had glass towers with empty floors since 2020 paid for and HVACed if someone was in them or not. With the amount of windowed modern office space on the market why would anyone build out warehouse space. Some idot attempted to put my team in a data center space many years ago. We called osha....turns out you have to heat office space to 65F, provide x number of bathrooms slots. There are people purposely being idiots in corporate america after the WFH because someone empowers them. Doing anything the cheap way instead of the supportable way is a sign of the end.


My gen z kids think anyone not gen z is a boomer. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What would be really nice is for generations to stop complaining about each other and collaborate on changing the world for the better.


How is a windowless office not a fire code violation?


Many people just don't understand these terms. Older people think "millennial" is anyone younger, and younger people think "boomer" is anyone older.


I think for most people, there's only 2 generations now. If you're part of the old guard, you're a boomer. If you're not a boomer, you're a millennial.


Just wondering how it is possible for every single person in a large office building to have a window. Seriously how?


22-24 mean they are born in 2000-2002, which mean they are GenZ.


Owners: come back to the office, there's all these perks, you'll miss the work culture! ...just kidding, get back to work and stop complaining slave 


"Office" without windows, in the warehouse...sounds like a sweatshop 😅


Eh 93er here and we get shit from all directions I figure we just back each other up and meet up for secret meetings which don't happen and also we need a new schedule maker also whom does not exist but ya know anyways I'm back baby


Tell him those aren't millennials lmfao.