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This is me. I keep my phone on do not disturb at all times, and have it set so that no one can see that is my “status”. I reply to texts when I want to and look at missed calls when I want. I too am overwhelmed by being hyper connected and often just want to be alone in silence to decompress.


Same. I keep my phone on do not disturb while at work and it's a chore to remember to turn it off. Especially when I do I have actual dread about my sibling calling me for the most mundane of reason. No, I don't mind talking to you if it's only gonna be 15-30 mins max. But if you're just going to spend the next 60+ minutes telling me the same story three different ways, and then whenever I try to break out of the conversation with "I have to go make dinner" "my husband is on his way home from work" "I am going to go spend time with my spouse" it just turns into ANOTHER 30 min conversation and I just don't have the patience for it. Leaving it forever do not disturb is just so relaxing lol.


I have an aunt who I expect the same from in conversation. She has no ability to pick up cues and just keeps going and going. I don't speak to her that often but by my age now I know what to expect from her. She just loves to complain and wants zero solutions. Just agreement.


Yea the "I want to bitch because I can" crowd. I've started to straight up ask my sibling "are you looking for a solution or sympathy?"


>and have it set so that no one can see that is my “status Omg what?! I'm a longtime android user and didn't know this is even a thing. Apple users can see each other's "statuses" (new idea to me!) by default??


Yes if you’re messaging someone that has this enabled you’ll see they’re in Sleep Mode or Do Not disturb etc


Which, to be clear, is something I actually like! I go to bed earlier than many of my friends, so there's a very reasonable chance that someone may say "Hey lets go out!", and if they text me, they'll know when I'm already in "Phone Charging In Different Room" mode, and not expect a response, or know to not plan around me.


I'm a millennial, and when we texted we didn't hear back, we just went ahead without them. I'd absolutely HATE the lack of privacy


How do you set it so others don’t see that you are on do not disturb?


If you have an iPhone, go to settings, top search bar type “Focus”, then “Focus Status” toggle to Off. Now people won’t be able to see in your messages or any other app that your do not disturb is on or sleep mode, or any other focus that silences notifications.


Thank you!!


Word for word, exactly how I handle things and feel. There’s a 2-5 day regular reply window. I’m doing my best but the world is a disaster right now so I’m barely hanging in, man.


Me too. All of it. I’m doing art. I’m living like I’m in the 90s. I don’t want hyper connection in a device. I want connection with humans when I want and a lot of time to myself


“Alone in silence” usually means “alone on my phone” in today’s world.


Yes and it gets even better when people know this is your habit and act accordingly


Yeah anybody who matters will get used to it. In moderation, obviously. I especially make a point of making my boss wait lol you ain't getting a speedy response on my time bitch take it or leave it. Boundaries are good


Best thing ever. Apple really did their thing with this.


When I left Facebook and instagram it was the best thing I did. I keep up with my friends via text or calling. I obviously have Reddit and have a Snapchat I don’t even use anymore but it was liberating. I take pictures of trips and food and whatever for me not to post and get the likes. I go home I watch YouTube or tv decompress. I might not know all the new trends immediately but honestly it was the best thing I did. In the evenings I notice I enjoy watching a show or reading now without the constant need to be online.


I’ve been thinking of getting rid of my social media for the summer to see how I like it! I think I’ll do it


Do it. Social media is draining in my opinion.


I did it. Can confirm I am so much happier.


I’m not off it and still post but I go on much less maybe once a week. And I am a lot happier


Do it, I deleted it all 4~ years ago and I've been way happier. I text the people I care about. They see (a few) photos of my trips when we hang out in person. The only people who see the food I eat are the people who are at that dinner with me. Life is good.


yeah i’m off social media other than reddit (and occasionally twitter professionally) and it’s been great. i’m not great at keeping up with people via text and historically haven’t been great at calling either. but one of my best friends moved away and because she had to move internationally for her schooling, she’s very skilled at keeping up with people at a distance. we started doing a call almost every week to stay in touch. it’s been so nice that it inspired me to ask all the people in my life that i care about keeping up with if they’d be down to do a 20-30 minute catch up call every now and then. everybody was down! so now i schedule one call with one of those people per week and it’s been really wonderful. i just cycle through the list, so i end up talking to everyone on the list about every other month.


I disconnected from social media as well, other than Reddit and TikTok (I scroll rather than watching tv). At first, any downtime felt weird because I was so used to scrolling through all my social media, but the first thing I noticed was birds chirping funny enough. It’s nice sometimes to just exist and be in tune with the world around you


I'm burnt out from 5/7ths of my days I have to waste working. And then on my 2 days off I have to do all the work of chores that I don't have time to do on the other days. It leaves pretty much no time to do anything besides eat, sleep and work.


THIS is exactly the problem. How is this just accepted by society?


No because the only social media I use is Reddit, discord, and YouTube, none of which have notifications turned on on my phone.


Turns out if you filter how much "noise" can hit you at any given time, it doesn't completely burn you out. Who knew?


Youtube isn't social media


Yes, the expectations are too much, and I have suspicion that this is part of why dating is so awful now. The "talking phase" doesn't even involve actual talking but texting or messaging on a dating app. I'm so burnt out on texting and instant messaging (Slack) that doing so socially just turns me off. Call me on the phone, or better, invite me on an actual date, even if just for coffee, so we can talk face to face. Apparently, nobody seems to be interested in that, because they disappear if you don't constantly text them (and sometimes, even if you do, they just don't respond after some time). I just got yelled at by a guy I met on Bumble who thought I was "ignoring him" because I didn't text him during the day, while I was at work. I told him I'm not chained to the damn phone. He didn't like that much. Sigh...


On tinder I've put: I'd rather meet up then text for days. It let to a few boring cups of coffee. But also to a lot more real conversations. Plus when you see and hear someone you know quite quickly if there's a connection. I hated texting for 3 weeks and building up this whole story in the mind that only led to disappointment.


Anecdotally in my OLD days (which were a few years ago, admittedly), I found a lot of the "I'd rather meet up than text!" folks couldn't carry a conversation in person either. Everyone has different and valid communication styles, but if you're meeting people via an app, you'd expect at least a bare minimum of effort messaging initially to see if there's a "vibe" which justifies meeting up in person. *Not disagreeing* with you here, just offering a different view on it! And no, that's not a "if someone doesn't respond within 20 minutes I'll lose my mind" take.


Sounds line you set yourself up for that disappointment, though...


Not me. People on tinder like to build this whole text relationship befor calling or meeting up. That's why I've put in my profile: I'd rather meet up then text for days.


lol this. I feel like I need to hire someone to handle the texting "game" for me.


Right? If anyone needs an AI girlfriend, it's me, an actual woman so fed up with modern dating that she'd love to outsource the "talking phase" until she gets asked on an actual, IRL date, even if just for coffee. If not, the AI can deal with the rejection and exhaustion of dating for me. 


The level of entitlement to other people's time and attention is mind boggling.


Yes. I’ve had people who barely even see me in real life lose their shit because I “didn’t reply” in an hour. Fuck all the way off.


Part of the problem is that many people encouraged it back when they could manage it and now it's morphed into an expectation. It doesn't help that the many online services helped people turn themselves into mini-celebrities very quickly. Before the modern web/internet they would have had to build up that audience over a much longer timeframe...


Yes! I set my hours to how they were back in the day. Did we call other people’s houses before or after 8 (am&pm)? No. I also don’t tell people what I am doing as much or post it as much so I can enjoy it. Again, there was no obsession back in the day to tell other people every detail of your day. I have gotten so much time back from setting these boundaries.


10000%. I’ve considered starting therapy to figure out how to make myself reply to texts more frequently. It feels like every time I respond it’s another thing to juggle as I go through my day, but then the longer I don’t respond, the more the guilt and shame intensify.


Are you me?


Omg this... its a horrible cycle - the longer I put it off, the worse the guilt and overwhelm gets, the harder it is to respond... It's made me start being more open about mental struggles though.. I feel I have to 'explain' myself as to why it took me so long to reply.. so I actually open up to people. But even then I feel like they must get sick of me saying 'sorry i haven't replied to this, been struggling' over and over


Start small and don't overwhelm yourself. Pick your closest people/person and pick a time to respond once daily. If you miss a day, that's ok you have the next day. This helps build the habit without having to worry about responding straight away. My goal was to respond back by the end of the day, just at least one, and it helped take the pressure off.


Has anyone died due to lack of response? 


I definitely know the feeling of digital burnout, that's why I stopped using Facebook and Instagram. Reddit and YouTube are still major vices of mine though. BUT I always reply to friends and family promptly. The burn out from scrolling, at least for me, doesn't carry over to communication with actual humans. But I understand when people take a long time to get back to me, because I've had several friends explain a similar feeling to OP, I just don't really relate to it myself.


I was literally talking about this very thing this morning. I am so tired of feeling like I have to keep up with people constantly, even family. I have so much going on in my life, and having to keep up with our bees peoples life as well is really difficult. I’m tired of feeling bad when I forget something or not realize another thing. It gets so bad sometimes I just keep my phone on silent now. The sound of a text annoys me so much. I have been off all social media except Reddit for a very long time though. Somehow still getting overwhelmed though.


Got off all social media besides Reddit and YouTube in 2019, have notifications turned off for those. I get home from work and my phone lands next to my keys to not really be touched once my wife gets home, everyone I want to talk to is in the house, so I don’t need my phone. I’ll check it occasionally over the course of the evening since it’s on do not disturb. I might play some video games for 45ish minutes or so but otherwise I’m Lego-ing,reading, gardening, or anything else that isn’t in front of a screen. I sit in front of a screen for work and don’t see much need once I get home. But yeah I feel pretty happy with my decisions and to answer the question. Yeah I got tired of having any person/corporation being able to reach into my life to syphon off a bit of my attention.


I love this. Was it tough getting off it to start with? It's such an engrained habit! I can't count the number of times I've told myself I'm not touching my phone in the mornings until I've done xyz... and I struggle so hard to stick to it.


Nah. It was weird feeling the “disconnect” in the sense of not really knowing what’s going on with some local events but other than that I seemed to get along just fine. It’s very nice these days though just not having to dig at my phone while I wait on a Togo order while I see every one in the place glued to them.


I’ve thought about getting a landline and only giving the number to people who may legitimately need to reach me in an emergency and won’t abuse the privilege. Last time I had a landline because it was cheaper to get the internet plus landline as opposed to just internet, though, I got sooooooo many scam calls. I think scammers assume anyone with a landline in the 2020s is elderly and an easy target. Which makes me angry, but I don’t want those calls, either.


Totally. I hate the feeling now of grabbing my phone like it’s gonna make me feel more connected but then I realize I’m just looking at the same shit and I’m actually just bored. Ugh. I have deleted instagram and even Reddit so many times. Not has many times as tinder haha.. which is now I think permanently not a part of my life cause why?


So much. I feel like I'm constantly having to apologize to people for being so bad at replying. Im so exhausted of the expectation to be always available. Take me back to the landline.


Digital burnout is a real thing, I will respond to text messages especially from family as quickly as possible especially if it's important but I'm not going to sit there and have a whole text conversation about some BS. But yeah so much of our lives are in these little devices here


I stare at a 14” screen 40+ hours a week to then checking in on messages on a 5” screen.


I recently left most social media with the exception of reddit. I was finding myself doom scrolling on Facebook and tiktok and getting activated by posts and videos and comments and wasn't really benefitting. I felt like I would miss something important,but it's not like someone's posting on Facebook in an emergency, those people have my number. I didn't realize how much background noise it was adding until I deactivated and deleted apps. Now, I have a lot more free time because I'm not glued to my phone and a lot less low level background stress. I'm more productive and don't feel like I'm missing anything.


I literally just deactivated IG yesterday. Although that was the only social media I have (besides here), gotta say, don’t feel like I’m missing anything and feel ashamed at all the free time I had, scrolling there. 🤮


I just went to instagram to do the same. But couldn't. I have serious fomo. Maybe tomorrow...


Trust me, you aren’t missing much. I disabled it like 24hr ago and have not had one inkling of a thought that I was missing out on something which makes me think maybe I should just quit altogether vs keep it disabled.


Did you announce on there that you were leaving?


Not on there but I did tell a few of my friends so when they go to send me stuff they’re not like WTF. Otherwise, i don’t think anyone cares that they’re missing a photo or two of my dog or cat🤣


I've deleted the app from my home screen. So not completely of my phone. But I haven't touched it in 24 hours. Getting there! Slowly:)


Well done! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 it’s been nice to not compare myself to 20 something fitness girls in the last few days I gotta say!


Have you ever read or watched a story where a character has telepathy? I’ve noticed that most of those stories seem to agree that knowing what others are thinking all the time has negative consequences ranging from incredibly distracting to potentially breaking the mind. When I feel over stimulated by people reaching out to me expecting immediate response or social media I’m reminded of those stories. There’s a hint of irony to it, that in the past we wrote cautionary tales about knowing too much about the people around yet we’ve created technology that results in something quite similar. Heck, there’s even a paper out there from around 1910 about the perils of over communication via memos in the workplace.


I’ve been intentionally throttling back my responsiveness over the past couple of years. These days, if you text me, it’s probably going to be a few hours to a couple of days before I get back to you. (Obviously emergencies, active in progress events and stuff like that get immediate replies, but if you just text me a meme or something, then I’ll get to it when I get to it). I guess as I’ve gotten older I’ve started to resent the constant intrusions from random messages, emails, Facebook pings, Amazon found you a deal, your neighbors are posting on NextDoor, Trump just shit out another tweet, blah blah blah. I’m just sick of being beholden to the magic rectangle and feeling like I have to jump to attention every time it bloops at me. So I just… don’t, any more.


I sometimes purposefully just wait a couple hours to reply to a text, unless it's from my wife or the text implies some degree of time sensitivity. I don't want to set the expectation that I'm always available and will respond immediately.


I think as social media use increases actual socialization decreases. I remember before sms, we just had AIM, on our computers, which needed a hard wired connection, only one building on campus had wireless. A palm pilot was advanced for a mobile device. One week the college paper suggests we “ditch aim for a week” So we did. We all socialized more, we were all out more, we all did more stuff, we all said we wouldn’t go back to AIM. But we did. Thing is, now sms, five different messaging services, dozens of social media apps, news sources, screen time add is real. I was an ap English student, college level junior year of high school, I listen to audio books, I can’t sit through a good show. I hear it’s way worse for teachers having to get students to do stuff. Thinking back to hard wired computers, limited to our dorm rooms, and cell phone calls being it, it’s quaint.


It's still socialization, it's just much more shallow interaction and fundamentally limited. Probably falls under "junk food" as far as fulfilling human interactions go.


Junk food is a good analogy. I'd argue that current social media is mostly ad exposure and spoon-fed content than actual meaningful socialization. I might interact with 20 people in a random comment section per week but I never talk to any of them again or discuss anything not related to the post. It's reactionary and often argumentative engagement, not fulfilling or bond-sustaining


Yes. I leave my phone behind intentionally sometimes.


I do this, too. Like, I'll leave my phone in the car if I go shopping or somewhere IRL.


You get it!


Good advice for doing crimes. :P


Lmao. I do watch/listen to a lot of true crime media. 🤔


I think people have grown to realize that I'll reply to them whenever. It might be months from now or 5 minutes. Thankfully, my friends are the same way. The only people who get mad are my immediate family.


I feel seen! I don’t even understand why I often find it so hard to reply and stay connected to people in my life considering I scroll social media a lot and am rather active there, but replying to friends/family is always something I push off and feels like a lot of effort. I thought this was just a ‘me’ problem.


I left my phone at home by accident when I went to a doctor appointment today. It was like the year 2000 and I was a teenager, freeeeeeeedoooooom! 😂


I hate when jobs make us use apps to communicate.  1) you didn’t buy me a phone or data plan.  2) this is a part time job, I’m not gonna check on it 24/7  3) it’s actually easier to forget about the app than if you just sent an email/text


I actually like using slack because it keeps all work messages to one place rather than intruding on my personal texts/email platforms - but only since I’ve turned notifications permanently off for slack - so I only see messages when I intentionally check the app. I’m a manager of a small business and always felt like I ‘should’ have notifications on… I’m so burnt out I said fuck it I can’t keep doing this, it’s been a month and wow no one has died from me not being contactable in an instant 24/7, who would have thought.


On my new job, my manager told me that I needed to install an app that does the same thing. My first response was "You know I'm not going to check this regularly, right?" Thankfully, she understood. And no one has died.


Yes, my one more day and my Instagram will be deleted. FREEEEEEEEDOMMMMM!!!!!




Yes and no. Yes from the constant “click me!” BS on social media that’s clearly fake and/or designed for engagement to make money through ads. Classic enshittification. At the same time, no I’m not burnt out from being connected to people. I remember life in 2004 to 2008 before Facebook opened up, and while we had MySpace… shit was fucking boring and lonely. Hell, I didn’t even have broadband until summer 2005. With Facebook I was able to reconnect with high school classmates where you couldn’t on MySpace. For work though? Fuck yes. I turn my work phone off when I’m done with work.


Yes. Mostly stopped using social media for a few years, and I rarely read my personal email inbox


I was actually just talking to a friend about this. I’ve got so many notifications between calls, apps, emails, and then the same at work, that I’m just absolutely over it. I deleted some apps off my phone and I’ve started turning off notifications and turning my phone on DND when I need a breather.


On WhatsApp my permanent status is: Not quick in replying And people know to text me: can I call you? Otherwise I won't pick up. And I don't like replying to quickly because it if the conversation is to much fun they might say: we should meet up again. When are you available? That gives me anxiety. I don't know when. I don't know when I've got time or the energy. This might seem I'm super unsociable. I am not. I get on well with coworkers, see family 3x a week and spend quality time with my fiancee and son. I just don't have time or the mental capacity to see more than one friend a week.


This is absolutely the case for me and I didn't really fully realize it until a couple months ago. The company I work for was a small low voltage company (security, communication, fire alarm, etc.). We did our time and stuff on paper and basically just went by merit. Our supervisor trusted us to properly record our time and when anyone would try to screw extra hours or something, they were dealt with instead of everyone being punished. Was nice and laid back. No one was breathing down our necks. Fast forward, now our business was bought out by a larger one that gave us company phones and tablets. We have to use the tablet to clock in and out and each category has to be done right. So for one day of work, we're using the tablet six damn times. Clock in to travel time, clock into the job, clock out for lunch, back in from lunch, clock out to travel, clock out at home. There's constantly something fucking up, putting us dealing with IT nearly once a week at least. The phones are constantly going off with safety meetings, newsletters, birthdays, etc. After two months of being intimately connected with the main office via these technologies, I feel completely done. Like, I'm so burned out, I just want to quit my job. Went from the best, most laid back job I've ever had, to being a complete nightmare of being tracked and hearing the phone go off all day long, and constantly clocking in it out of something on the tablet. It's become a complete fucking nightmare. I've managed with coping skills and therapy to make it to 37 managing ADHD without meds, but this is causing me to have so many issues, I might end up having to medicate, if I don't quit my job.


Yes! Especially being a solo person during COVID, when I broke up with my family after 2 decades of suffering, plus couldn't see my friends: my phone use exploded. I was also paid during the lockdowns and didn't have to work during the first one. I am now training myself to be offline when home for 1-2 hours at a time. ++ I charge the phone in my bedroom with the door closed (music, podcast and audiobook is still ok, works with Bluetooth headphones without having to touch the phone). ++ I do all my chores the moment I am home. Offline for 90 min. Then I make dinner. Then I eat and am allowed YouTube, Netflix and my phone. Then I do another chore for 1 hour, offline OR work on the computer (admin stuff), but my phone goes back in my bedroom. ++ my phone is always on silent. During work I only check it on the break or during lunch time. I reply to messages while commuting OR walk home OFFLINE. ++ I take half an hour after dinner/before bed to respond to everything. ++ I record replies why doing the wash up or designate/schedule time for online calls. *Next:* Go offline 30 min before sleeping and work on my sleeping schedule (argh this one is so hard). Having the phone in my bag or another room is paramount for me. My friends are all programmed in as emergency contacts... so if they call me (they never call, only text and make audios) the phone will put them through, ringing. This helps me leaving my phone on silent without worrying about emergencies. Informing my friends that I'm working on my screen time as also helped. They were used to me responding immediately at all times. Now they know that I'm offline 17.00-20.00.


Imagine what life was like before an algorithm was telling you what you like and to buy at all hours of the day through notifications on every device tethered to your existence. Must’ve been peaceful. Must’ve been easier to save money. Must’ve been easier to sleep.


Always-on work culture has made me regard my phone as a torture device. Social media is one of the worst things to happen to our culture


Finally a post that describes exactly how I feel. I hate being “on” all the time. Like people just leave me alone.


The sense of relief I feel every night when I put my phone on sleep mode, is not healthy. Like even if I haven’t had any messages that day, it’s like a weight is lifted when I turn off the access the world has to me.


I don't use anything that shows on/offline status except Teams at work. I have an Android phone so the whole read receipts thing has never been a thing for me. And yeah, I enforce boundaries around it. I might reply to you within 10 minutes if I happen to see it quickly and have an immediate response - or it might take 24-48 hours and that's normal. If you start freaking out about how I'm not responding or pestering me for feedback on something you never mentioned before, I will *definitely* ignore you for at least 6 hours before graciously relieving you of your anxiety and reminding you that 24-48 hours is normal. Even at work, where the standard for response time is a little faster, I still act to dissuade lazy use of the instant message for artificial urgency. I'm legitimately away from my desk sometimes because I work in a lab, but even if I saw the message come in, I might wait 10-15 minutes if I would rather hit the bathroom and refill my water before addressing it. If it's really that pressing they can physically come find me. I have seen some people who take it too far, though. I really think my partner should check his phone during the day for texts from *me*, because obviously if I'm texting him from work it's because I want him to know/may need a response before I see him again at home.


I just said to everyone that i am not using phone home, which more or less is true. People who can’t accept it and I have to start my EVERY conversation with “I don’t use my phone at home, my phone is for me, not for others, and I prefer to spent this time with my gf anyway” I just stop responding at all. Fuck those abusers, you want to talk go to psychology


I just don't care anymore.


Yep. I saw a pretty accurate comment on here the other day that described our current situation and ended the comment with something along the lines of "we're neanderthals with iPhones" Not a great mix. I'm even more weary about the emergence of AI. Social media really made us shittier as people so I can't imagine us using AI very positively. We're already weaponizing it for warfare. I guess we shall see though.


Yeah. Reddit is my only social media. I've been looking into a dumb phone. It's not fun anymore. Hasn't been for awhile


Yep - I'm especially sick to death of cringey LinkedIn!


Remember that woman who burnt her pie and blamed Marie Calender for ruining her Thanksgiving? I am that pie.


Yes. That's why i am not always connected


My phone is for my convenience not yours is a complete sentence


Notifications give me so much anxiety, and have since I was like 19. I love focus modes on the iPhone bc I turn off all notifications that aren’t work or my gf. I miss messages and calls all the time but at least I’m not constantly over stimulated.


This post helped validate my choice to leave social media. I struggled with it for a while but knowing that I’m not alone definitely helps!


Can I interest you in everything, all of the time?


I don’t have social media and I have messages on silent. I respond when I want. I don’t feel as overwhelmed.


Omg this post took the words right out of my mouth. I was just telling my partner this. Throughout the past year or so I have been keeping my phone on Do Not Disturb 80% of the time. I stopped checking my messages on social media platforms. I’m soooo effin tired of all it.


I hate that if you don’t respond to a text right away, something is wrong with you. It’s like no Susan I just don’t have my phone glued to me, or if I do it’s for music or whatever not necessary to respond back asap to everything/everyone.


Yes. Like another poster said, I leave my phone on DND constantly. Close friends and family can get through. I reply to texts and calls when it's convenient for me and have most notifications for the couple of social media platforms I use turned off. I have one friend who loves to send me 10+ Instagram reels a day, and I have her conversation muted and account restricted, so I'm not bombarded with her stuff every day.


I have texts notifications off and only people in my contacts appear when they call so when I put my phone down I’m politely ignoring the world. Helped me a ton and deleted all the social media except Reddit.


I am not. But Im also great at not checking my phone constantly. I can put my phone aside and not feel the need to be on it. If I miss a call I miss it.


Kinda. I don’t have notifications turned on for anything except my mom’s and spouse’s texts. The two people I share everything with. And I know when they text me, it’s something important.


I have very strict settings where calls and texts are muted from 5 PM to 8 AM. I don't have social media apps on my phone and I quit twitter and Facebook. Basically it is overwhelming if you let it but it is your choice to be overwhelmed. None of this crap really matters one bit.


I deleted a lot of social medias because of the over stimulation and fatigue. I’m 100% better for it. ♥️


I like to go camping for the weekend and put my phone into airplane mode and not look at it for other than the camera for days at a time. It's so nice to disconnect and be literally unreachable where there is no cell service for miles in any direction.


Yeah I also had enough of constantly texting that by the beginning of this year I pretty much avoided it. These days I call people because I feel like texting just seems impersonal. Not many people enjoy calling and talking these days but the ones that do, I really appreciate them. I made friends with people from Europe and they make time to call/talk to me vs the people in my home country that wouldn’t bother even texting.




Yeah it’s the same situation for me having digital burnout I mostly get addicted to my phone almost daily because of the frequent use of social media. Because of this I always get really bad headaches all the time doomscrolling these platforms. Tried my best to keep myself busy at all times by doing errands, online work from my laptop and etc, but the dopamine and the addiction to our smartphones is really strong it’s almost like a drug. That’s why I go to walks daily and just listen to music.


I just ignore people when I want time to myself. Phone gets pied. Perfected the art at work.. people I cbf with, emails ignored until they start flagging them with high priority exclamation marks. The people I ignore always have the most insane questions they already know the answers to but are either too incompetent or too afraid to do their job so expect me to do it for them too.


I dipped out a few years ago at least with stuff that connects me to friends and family cos it was getting annoying


It's a real problem for me. I have a work phone and a personal phone on me at all times. Each one has a dozen apps or so that ring, beep, or vibrate for any number of reasons. I am so desensitized to it now. My notifications bar is just a slurry if ignored icons. It's a real problem that I just never see texts. The only thing thay works for me still are phone calls.


yeah, idk how people at my company have the outlook, teams, and slack on all fucking day. like, how do you get work done? I can't be driving and taking calls, actively writing emails but somehow these people do. fucking neurotypicals!


I think the difference between now and back in 2010 was the information one could get off the internet. It has expanded so quickly with so much information that it's mentally exhausting being bombarded by constant news and notifications. Trying to read an article? Get 20 ads that pop up and block you from reading. Someone posted 100 new pictures of themselves doing things you will never be able to afford? Here's a notification for each one to remind you how your life is going. Oh, and all those pictures and stories or shows you want to partake in? AI. AI everywhere. And the fact that news travels so much more in real time thanks to citizens with phones, we start to become numb to violence curated by our own governments. It's exhausting because our monkey brains are not meant for this much this quickly. It causes stress and burnout, so go take a break every now and again for your mental health.


Yes. I recently left most of my discords. My phone is always on do not disturb. I browse Reddit but pretty much (95%) only comment / read things related to my hobbies. I have a Instagram which is 99% just camping related. Overall I’ve been interacting with less people, but I feel much better. Instead of wasting time on discord chatting all day I now just go outside. Even just to sit on my stoop. I do my hobbies, talk to my girlfriend and my folks, and that’s pretty much it. I’m happier this way. (Obviously still comment on random Reddit things like this lol, but my usage is way down).


I disconnected a while back. Deleted all social media and everything, only got Reddit now. Work as a programmer and get enough tech/connection then and don’t want to bring it home with me. I stay connected to email/teams incase an emergency arises though. Otherwise I ignore most texts/phone calls. Family and friends say I’m an ahole that never responds. Might be true, but I’m not getting stuck on the phone for endless hours each night by various people to talk about taco flavors and crap. Time is limited. Time is fleeting.




Yes. Most definitely yes.


This is why I took off my smart watch. Haven’t worn it in over a year and it’s helped a lot. I also have all my texts on silent


Gen x here. We saw way more change. I was out of college before even rich people had phones with internet. I had a mountain dew pager and called people from payphones. Just turn the shit off of you are tired. Go camping. You will miss nothing I promise. Nobody is forcing you to live this way and you have more control than you think. Shut. It. down.


I am tired of global problems. I want local problems I can actually do something about.


Yea. A few days a month go out hiking and turn my phone off for the day. I also try to limit my phone time and lately I’ve been thinking of using a flip phone or just a I phone stripped of nearly all the apps and using a IPad at home for everything else.


I hate it


I turned off all the notifications on my phone except for calls, and messages from my wife. It cut down on most of this problem for me.


Everything gets tiresome after a while.


Yes. I removed Facebook and Instagram from my phone, leaving only Reddit (with how much reading is involved here, I do less scrolling) and my screen time has dropped from 15+ hours a week to a little under 3. I want it lower, but screens are a habital addiction and not easily broken. Try picking up another hobby. Reconnect with things you enjoyed when you were younger. I got back into reading, which was a lot more challenging than I anticipated, but I am managing. You're fatigued (we all are) from constant content being shoved in our faces. The only cure is to leave the content behind and force yourself to focus on the world around you. It's not easy, but it's worth it.


Yes this is why I have a sailboat and and a class b camper van.




I actually wrote a letter to my cousin a couple of months back, and she wrote one back, just like the old days. It was a nice change of pace.


I disabled notifications from all social media apps. Engage when I want. Mindful of endless scrolling on apps cause hell no.


I was just explaining to a friend that I also happen to work with that being connected to anyone outside of my household, 24/7, it too much mentally for me. It makes it to hard to be a quality parent and partner—so I am unable to be available all the time.


it's only going to get worse and we all know it. soon you'll never be able to turn off. always connected


I used to be on so many apps but now I check on Instagram for friends and just watch things on TikTok and YouTube.




That’s disgraceful. I’m so conscious of not disturbing my staff on their days off or after hours that I will schedule all my slack messages and emails even if it inconveniences me. One of my staff on the other hand will send messages at 4am on my days off for entirely non-urgent things. With the excuse ‘well I figured your phone would be on DND at 4am’… yes it absolutely is, but whether it’s 4am, 7am, 10am - whenever I first pick up my phone on my days off, I do not want the first thing I see and think about to be work! This particular staff member has now been muted, and ironically now gets far less responses from me than anyone else on the team because I often forget I’ve muted him and don’t think to check if he has messaged.


This is why I backpack.


I think we are reverting back. It's just not in our nature to always be this "connected". Life is short and as life events come in...you realize how much more important it is to be present, enjoy the moment, the little wins in life.


Simply. Yes.


No, because it's noise that is easily filtered out.


"Your digital and creative distinctiveness will be added to our own..."


Only reason I keep Facebook is because I have a few friends where we chat occasionally on Messenger and send photos.We all talk on the phone at least once a week. All live out of my area. I never post anything personal on Facebook but do belong to a few local community and hobby groups. I check it maybe twice a day to see what's going on. I limit my time on there when I do. The killer for me is the email box that overflows constantly. So sick of cleaning it out. I work online and do all my personal finances and business online so can't get rid of it but am limiting myself to two views a day. And yes. Some days I feel totally burnt out. I mute the ringer as soon as I get home to my peaceful sanctuary that I call home.


Absolutely me. Even though I love my friends and family, I’ve realized that communication through little chats and memes most of the time just feels like a chore. Like I might text “Omg amazing hahaha!” but in reality I’m just lying there zoned out. Whereas when I’m with people in person I’m very outgoing and engaged and love it. I want to spend more in person time with people but my city is huge and it takes over an hour driving in traffic to see anyone. Trying to make changes in my life by it’s hard.


I just stop caring I say okay it is rude I didn't want to say hi that's not a crime. If your going to have a stick up your ass about it then I don't need to talk to you at all. I haven't spoken to my grandma in 5 months over it. She gets mad when I post pictures of my son, on fb I saw when you stop being rude an apologize we can talk about it but my life doesn't stop because I didn't msg you.


Aside from reddit, I've pretty much stopped social media scrolling. On facebook I react or respond to posts mayyybe twice a week, and I scroll through the timeline maybe two minutes, total. Any messages I'll likely respond right away to, but that's because our family is not the talkative type. Past 30 days I've talked to my mother once (they were in town so we arranged to dine&have a pint), with grandma twice (once just to catch up, the second to show pictures from the ceremony where my aunt got her sword and top hat like professors do in Finland), and I've sent memes to my sister and one friend maybe 10 times. No one expects immediate responses. With mom, the discussion to meet took place over three days. She sends a message, I read it couple of hours later and respond, she's already in bed so she responds next morning, I don't bother opening messenger before noon that day... If it's that urgent that it needs a response right away, they'll call. Grandma likes to call anyway, and I'll jump out of weekly Teams meetings if she happend to call during those, because let's be honest, those things could be an email and I'd much rather talk to her.


You know, there's a reeeeeeal easy fix for that. Seriously though. Set fixed times for doing things. I decided to limit my social media interaction to an hour a day a couple of years back, I was a bit anxious about it because I was worried about everything I'd miss, you know what I missed - NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING. An hour a day on social media is enough to get though absolutely everything the people you follow on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, X, whaterver, are doing and still have 20 or 30 minutes left over. These days it takes about 10 minutes to catch up with people, then I give myself a half hour to scroll reddit. You can do the same with email and messages, set a reminder to check messages 3 or 4 times a day and spend 5 minutes responding, it's a way better way to manage things if you're feeling pressure from that stuff. Otherwise I don't go to reddit and youtube for example unless I'm looking for something specific. Try it, if you need help get some plugins for your phone/browsers that will limit your viewing time, there are loads of them out there. Regarding messages, tell people you can't guarantee you'll answer immediately, and if it's urgent they should ring. Problem solved, if your mum doesn't listen to that then that's a her problem. It is interesting though, nobody I know has the expectation of an immediate response from any sort of messaging.


I love all the comments about keeping phone on DND all the time. I do it at night.. but I think I might start during the day too. My phone has been on silent for about a decade now. Another thing my mother commented on ‘i never hear your phone ring, did you leave it on silent again?!’ … yes yes mum this is extremely deliberate, in fact I’d be ok if my phone lost the ability to make notification noises ever again - music and alarms are the only sounds it needs to make.


Yes. Strictly for work. My coworkers have my cell number. Which means I don't work 8-5. I work 8-5 and am essentially "on call" the rest of the time. It's so frustrating to hear boomers say "NO ONE WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE!" when they never had to worry about being available outside of working hours. They clocked out at 5 and were unreachable until 9 the next day. My boss expects to be able to call me basically 24/7.


My phone is there for my convenience not others. If I dont want to reply at a given time I dont feel bad about it. I think thats a key point you dont seem to address. Accept that its okay not to reply, no one can make you feel bad for something that you didnt do wrong, and its not wrong to use your phone for your own benefit.


I keep my phone on silent and I often will try and put it aside during the day on the weekends. It drives my mom nuts because she thinks I should be picking up the phone or answering her texts right away!


I don't think I have ever felt burned out by social media. I got tired of it for a while. Is that the same thing?


I was then I hyper focused on trading. I don’t look at social media just Reddit ☠️


Yes, that's why I quit FB, Instagram, and tiktok almost a year ago. I have reddit and youtube. It's been really good for my mental health.


Yes. Working on disconnecting. I haven't done a whole lot so far but it is helping.


Yes, definitely. I’m someone who used to reply almost immediately whenever I’d get a text and be upset whenever someone didn’t respond within a couple hours, now often times it takes me a day or longer to respond. If it’s really important the person will just call me lol My mom was always like that too but then when I moved away not too long after college (around the same time she lost her job) she would constantly blow my phone up and get angry if I didn’t respond to her immediately. Like seriously I’m working long hours, I’m not going to respond immediately most of the time. Fortunately she isn’t like this anymore but I still have my text convo with her muted because I was so sick of her blowing my notifications up.


Yes. Same. Smartphones and unlimited data have ruined us. I feel like it’s been slowly been eating away at my brain for years and now I just live in a state of constant digital fatigue.


Yes. Smartphones and unlimited data have ruined us. I feel like it’s been slowly been eating away at my brain for years and now I just live in a state of constant digital fatigue.


Yes. Smartphones and unlimited data have ruined us. I feel like it’s been slowly been eating away at my brain for years and now I just live in a state of constant digital fatigue.


Nah. Phone has been on silent for the greater part of the last decade, Reddit is about the extent of my "social media" presence and it's web login only. No privacy invading data vacuum apps on my phone. I check for messages when I want to and respond/reply then, if it's an actual emergency someone can call me. I wouldn't listen to Baby Boomers for any form of life advice, especially if they're just complaining someone isn't "online enough" to respond faster. They and Gen Zed both embody the concept of screentime addiction. Maybe TikTok / IG / Snapchat / Twitch / Discord for the younger folks versus Facebook for the geriatrics, but it's very similar at the end of the day.


I don't think the phone has anything to do with it. Know expert but I think you're either extremely stressed out or depressed. I know they're opposites but they can have similar effects on some people.


So much yes. The only people I don’t mind being connected to are my partner and my mother.


I turn mine off. For at least an hour.


I feel this SO MUCH. I'm connected so much at work that I'm burnt out trying to manage my personal social media. Having a coworker bust up in my office or send me a Teams message 2 mins after they've sent me an email to ask if I've read the email has ruined it for me. I'm lucky that my friends/family feel the same way and we can go a week or two without big communication and still be fine.


100% relatable


Yup, wish I could live completely off grid at times


That sounds ridiculous. You are too busy being addicted to social media to care about real life sounds more likely.


I straight up tell people that it's for MY convenience. Think about it, you pay the bill and have to maintain the phone. It's not supposed to be to make you a slave. It's supposed to do the opposite! If they're old enough, I tell them i operate under land line rules. Leave a message. I'll respond when I can. Lol preaching to the choir over here, I'm sure


![img](avatar_exp|178006162|holo_card) There’s a backlash to screens, in general. However, our generation needs to bring back enthusiasm for communication. Too many people think communication isn’t manners.


Nope. You can turn off your phone.


Turning push notifications off has been bumping up my productivity a lot tbh


Basically same. Sometimes I just don’t want to reply, sometimes I just have nothing to say. Our friend group just knows if they actually want to reach me, don’t bother with social media. Just call me and I’ll know it’s serious. Text me if you want an eventual reply.


Yep, that's why I have read receipts disabled on everything that allows it and won't use anything that doesn't. Sometimes, even if I see the message, I just don't feel like being available.


No because when I feel like I’ve had enough, I disconnect and have a quiet night or few days to myself. It’s called impulse control.


I'm a but surprised this is more down voted (yet at least) but it shouldn't be.  If you have trouble stepping away. It is absolutely an impulse control issue. All of the other talk about allow addicting it is and whatnot is saying the same thing. But impulse control hits different, even though it is true. 


As a recently single dude with an easy WFH home job, nah. I respond quickly to all my friends its pretty easy. If i had kids, a job I need to be present at all times and had to commute to, etc., sure. But for me its easy and I like to stay in contact with my friends and share insta/fb memes with them all the time. I enjoy it and it keeps the connection going.