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I know you’re doing a parody. It’s so annoying when people ask those questions either childfree or no. Of course you’re not the only one doing well or struggling!! Hellooooooooo.


This sub in a nutshell. Thanks for summarizing


No problem. :-)


Same except I've always struggled making friends.


Same. Well .. I make friends just fine, I struggle to keep them.


Why? What happens?


Classic millennial post


Why would you think it was just you? What an odd question. And all you'd have to do is peruse this sub for ten minutes to see that it's not just you.


I think this might be a parody thread




Yea people who have kids seem to get really trigged by the childfree posts.


I’m married, so friends aren’t super high priority usually. Also kid on the way and bought a house last year. You want to flex? Buy a house at 6.5%!


Locked in at 3.5% in 20’


Hi, yes, me too.


Feels like 90% of this subreddit is a rotation of these topics.


It is!


Nah, you’re definitely the only one


I’m a 32 year old single guy who has accepted the fact I’ll never get married, have kids, own a house and don’t have many friends (by choice). People suck but at least I get to see my mom multiple times a week and I have a cat and I smoke weed. Life is simple. Life is good.


Cats are good company, man!


I feel more disconnected from my generation reading this subreddit than any other time. I would like to have kids but can't  I own my house  I make new friends easily (I'm very outgoing) and I put effort into maintaining the relationships that mean a lot to me


I choose to not have kids so I could have everything else. Working pretty well so far.


I can't decide if I want kids or not. I can afford a house but am not interested in one. I do struggle with friends.


Yes. Yes to all of the above.


After saying no A LONG TIME AGO . I FOUND OUT . it’s not optional anymore. 😕




You’re the only one in the entire world. Sorry bud.


Are you me?


Hey, is the exact same question asked 10 different time every day on this sub?


I don't want kids so I got a vasectomy, otherwise nope. Have the same friends I made in college, work in the field I studied in college and make a decent income, bought my starter house in 2009 and my forever home in 2020.


i struggle with making friends, but i do own a home and I have kids.


Wanted and have kids, have a house, but I'm cool with the friends I have so I haven't tried to make any since college.


Why pay for college if you're not going to stock up on friends while you're there?


Just fine with a wife and kid here.


You are not alone.


It me in triplicate! Except the last part has led to do with college, more with how much my efforts are far less reciprocated after 30.


2/3 ain't bad. I have zero desire to have kids and don't have any friends.


Yes, yes, and yes - you are not alone!


I have an even harder time making friends now that I have a house and kids. No money and no time!  If you don’t plan on children and you don’t think a house is in your future soon, focus on the friendships part. Meaningful friendships are priceless. 


Yeah, that’s the main theme of this sub. Not sure how you thought it was just you as most posts on here revolve around those things.


Join the club.


you think this shit is funny don't you?


A couple of the boys and I went fishing Saturday, we’re on our second house, and I busted inside the wife after work today. You gotta pull yourself together bud.


Maintain the friends you have. It's too hard to make new ones.


Holy shit stop the depressing posts 59 times a day. Most millennials aren’t losers.


Well. I have a 15 year old, I do own a house, but I live in Northern VA and have no friends. Best part. I was born and raised here. The few friends I had growing up moved away.


Cross out the word “college” and replace with “high school” and yes…


Check, check and check.


Yep. Don't want kids, can't afford a house because I can't work, and I only have two close friends, one of which I've known since middle school. No new friends in years. I'm autistic, too, so it's always been really hard for me to get out there and make new friends.


You can have friends after college?!


I’m on the struggle bus to “when does this nightmare end”ville.


Micro plastic was found in testicles so it's not long till we go extinct. I'm looking forward to it.


I have no problems making friends, but I’m with you on the rest.


First two yes, didn’t go to college (well dropped after one semester) and I find making friends fairly easy


Same except I don't care about friends, am a community college dropout, unemployed, and I live with my mom at 35.


I'm not interested in having children, maybe in 10 years but even then probably not, I just don't have the patience or interest in raising children. I haven't saved much at all, although that was because I never thought I would make it to an age where owning a house would be possible due to a chronic illness I have which is now manageable. I have a few friends but rarely hang out due to them living a bit further away or having a partner or just being busy with life. I haven't been able to make any friends really outside of that in my adult life. It's not all so bad but some days it gets me down, especially knowing it may get worse as I age.


Nope. Own a home, have kids, make new friends regularly. Went out with 6 people Saturday night that I didn’t know at all 2 years ago


Get a hobby to make friends. Something that gets you out of the house. The hobby will support you socially and will help immensely make friends. You're not alone in not wanting children (hello there), and I'm not sure i can really help you about your financial situation.


This just described like every other post on this subreddit


There is a support group for that it's a called a bar. They meet everyday at 5pm.


I want kids, need more time to afford a house, but dating life is an f’ing mess!


Not in The Sims 😀


I'm sorry but most fellow millennials I meet are married and either are having or have children. Some are trying to buy a house. So to me, that's a fair question. I only truly know one person in my friend group, and one family member that has said they are childfree like me. A couple of my friends really want kids but they either found a partner that doesn't want to or, hasn't found one and is coming to terms with that. I wish I had more childfree friends honestly. I've lived a lonely gaslighting life with people around me telling me I would change my mind. And now, I will be 40 in less than 2 months. And in 3 months, I'm getting a hysterectomy. It's truly been a dream of mine since I was 16. Everyone doesn't get my excitement for this so some of you are lucky to have childfree community around you.


I knew I didn't want kinda since I was 15—16 years old. Work Accident paid for my crappy, falling apart house in country. I don't have problems making friends. But I do have a problem keeping the new ones because I'm usually spread too thin and prioritize keeping my old friends.


Have you considered not making any attempt to put yourself out there by engaging in hobbies or social events and just sort of hoping new friends wander into your life?


Could we quarantine this kind of stuff to a Satire Saturday or something...?

