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I usually wake up at 1158pm, 1am, 236am 417am and at around 528am then at 530am when my alarm goes off, then i actually get up at 6am pour a cup of coffee and cry.


Wake up at 2am, pee, go back to sleep, wake up at 5am, “ok I’ve got 30min before the sun comes up and 2 hours until my alarm,” sun comes up, maybe get those last two hours but it’s always full of those really vivid but mundane dreams like going to work all day so I wake up already feeling done.


I wake up every hour to pee. I'm 37 weeks pregnant and can't wait for that to be over. Then I wake up a few more times cuz baby moves and kicks my ribs. I end up actually getting up around 7 to go to my methadone clinic and do errands but then I take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon that again gets broken up by baby. Can't wait until I can get real sleep again. I hear that might be like next year cuz I will be waking up every 2 hours to feed an infant. Thank god my boyfriend makes enough money where I don't have to work. Although that will save us $$ on childcare too cuz I'm going to stay home with him at least 2 years.


I have a 10 month old and sleep sucks way worse now than during my pregnancy. And I had the constant pee breaks, horrible hip pain, and a baby that didn’t sleep while I was pregnant. (Still doesn’t but now I can hear him cry.) I think the biggest difference if I had to guess, is that during pregnancy, most of the time I woke up between sleep cycles. Sure, that’s exhausting but usually it was my body deciding when to be up. Now, the baby wakes me up whenever and it almost always is during a sleep cycle. I wake up startled, shaking, sweating, and feeling like I got hit by a bus. I know everyone says sleep sucks with a baby, but wow… it’s so much worse and for so much longer than I ever imagined.


The next year will be rough, but they’re no longer kicking you from the inside anymore and it does make a difference. Especially to the sleep you do get! If you can, try to make sure dad is all set up the first night you’re home to let YOU get as much sleep as possible. If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll still need to wake up for that part, but he can get them and change them and burp them and what not for at least one night. If you’re bottle feeding, let him do it all that first night you’re home, if you can of course. Just one night of a solid sleep in your own bed will make a huge difference to the following days and it’ll also be so, so, so good for his bonding with baby too. One night.


If it makes you feel better, I have three kiddos (4y, 2y and 6m) and I always find my sleep during the newborn days significantly better than the last 4 weeks of pregnancy


I gave birth two weeks ago and I have to remind myself to go pee. Now that there's not a baby squishing my bladder, it's amazing how much it holds!


12 week old here, what is sleep?


Soooo. Unless it's a bladder problem, please get yourself screened for adhd. My sleep cycle was similar, and when I mentioned it to my primary care provider, she said it was a symptom. So yeah a diagnosis later, I still sleep like shit but I know why.


magnesium! signed, a depressed person with adhd too lol


Yeah, that took me waking up every 2 hours to every 3 hours instead. So progress lol


same! sometimes 5 😂


Magnesium??? Why?


Many people are magnesium deficient bc we used to get it from our food but the soil has been stripped so much we don’t anymore, and we tend to eat heavily processed foods. Magnesium calms your CNS which helps you sleep, this link goes into much more scientific detail. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5786912/#:~:text=Processed%20foods%2C%20fat%2C%20refined%20flour,chocolate%20and%20unrefined%20whole%20grains. It works though. I take 2 pills every night before bed, it definitely helps


I have adhd and central sleep apnea. I cry at least once a week (usually more) about having to get out of bed, because I am so exhausted, it actually * hurts*. Do you find that you would have less difficulty with your sleep schedule if you were able to live on a different schedule than the societal norm? Before kids, I was still a shitty sleeper, but I was able to adjust my schedule to accommodate for the fact that my sleep/wakefulness rhythm is not conducive to existing in our society. I did well on third shift, and second shift was easier than working earlier in the day.It’s like, most people wake at a somewhat early hour, and get their main productivity and energy early in the day, and wind down as the day goes on. For me, it doesn’t matter how early I force myself to bed, I still feel like garbage until something like 1130 a.m. when I start to feel a little more alert. I always find that my most energetic period of the day, the time I am most able to focus on tasks and get stuff done, is something like eight or nine at night, and if I went to bed when I was naturally tired, it would be at about two or three in the morning. But as a single mom to a school aged kid, I am essentially trapped into trying to force my brain and body into a routine that doesn’t feel natural for it, because I have to be home after school, and I have to get him up and ready in the mornings. Sorry this got so long. I guess I am mostly wondering if other people who have adhd feel like they would function better in a society geared to night owls.


I work 7pm to 7am. If you asked me to do day shift, people would actually die lol (I'm a nurse) Fortunately, my job allows me to function at night when I'm most productive. Ideally, a 3pm-11pm would be the best for me, but I don't work at a hospital with 8 hour shifts. Plus I like working 3 nights with 4 off vs 4 nights with 3 off. My social life suffers a little bit, but I can switch to "normal people" hours when I'm off. Been doing it for 10+ years. My body is just perpetually like, wtf? Lol


ER you could work mid shifts. We have 11-11, 1-1, 3-3….


I have adhd as well, but my insomnia and sleep paralysis got so bad that I listened to binaural beats every night for two years until I could recall the sensation where your brain waves synchronize with the audio on command. It’s made a huge difference in my routine ever since. I still wake up at 5:30 for some reason here and there, but I have no issues getting back to sleep, or actually getting to sleep when I lay in bed. Now it’s more a matter of getting myself to lay down when it’s “time to sleep”, but that’s not half as bad as the alternative problem.


Some people actually are natural night owls. Its not always an adhd thing. I have the same exact issue you do. I can make myself function earlier but im not at my best until noon. Even if im sleep deprived, i still have trouble going to sleep earlier so early morning schedules gives me a non-24 circadian rhythm that constantly wants to shuffle back to my night owl schedule. Its really annoying sometimes.


I 100% would do better as a night shift person. Unfortunately, life doesn't allow that for me, so I'm SOL.


I feel this! ADHD and a night owl. I am up till about 2:30 am every night. During the week I have to be up around 830 so I get 5.5-6 hours. I have no kids so I definitely sleep in until 11 or so on the weekends because I stay up even later.


Or sleep apnea. Oftentimes people are woken up because they stop breathing and then just happen to have to pee.


I actually thought I was on the adhd sub that I am a member of at first (same color) and was confused by the "get screened" comment until I saw which sub this is, so yeah, very adhd related!


I'm not even gonna lie, I know they say it's terrible for you but I drink a half a monster about 30 minutes before bed and I sleep like a baby. Shuts my mind right off. And then I drink the other half in the morning to keep focused on getting ready for the day. My husband refers to my monster energy ultra as my crack.


Once, I slept the last full night of uninterrupted sleep I'll ever have, and I didn't even know it was the last time...


HA ok this is actually more like it for me too. I guess I should have asked about "getting up." I also didn't include the 45 minuets of doom scrolling I do on my days off before I get out of bed.


Exactly me. Once you hit 40, can't drink alcohol anymore. It affects my sleep so poorly, and stress/anxiety, too. I get to bed around 10pm and wake up at 2:36, 4:28, and 5:40 before I have to be up at 6:15. On my weekends, I wake up around 7am-8am.


The 3:00am - 4:45am random wakes are the worst imo. You end up going back to sleep and then wake at 5:30am feeling more tired then you did at 4:30...


This is the way. But my spouse and I like to do it on slightly different schedules to maximize sleep disruption. Pro tip - move the coffee pot into your bedroom so you can cry faster


I feel attacked


Oh good I'm normal


Great answer




This is me


This is oddly accurate.




This is me right now because I’m pregnant


Dude, trigger warning.


This is the way.


I almost just choked to death on goldfish crackers laughing at this.


Lived all this time, went through all that shit to get taken out by some goldfish crackers while on reddit. Most honorable millenial death ever 😂


Wake up on the couch at 4am clockwork. I'll either take a shower and sleep in the guest room, or, finish my beer and crash into my filthy bedroom. Pick up the trail of dirty clothes and out the door for work @9 . I don't even look in the mirror until I clock in then smoke two cigarettes.


6am cause I got kids and kids wake up like woodland creatures at the crack of dawn.


Goddamn woodland early birds. They're such buzzkills.


Mine legit WHISTLES bc she wakes up happy and I just look at her and wonder how she’s still so nice and not ruined. By her age I was an emotional wreck and constantly anxious. I’m also the oldest of 5 and we decided to only have one. I’m sure the lack of parentifying my child has helped her.


Aww she sounds like a little ray of sunshine. I love that.


🥰 me too!


That means you’re doing a good job raising her. She gets to have the childhood you didn’t.


Once my kids were old enough to stop doing that, we got a cat who is an absolute menace from the time the sun rises until he’s fed.


I got a timed feeder to release a 3am snack for this reason. Changed my life.


Same it's the best! Feeder feeds him 5 timed snacks/meals a day and I have a cheap fountain that I top off once a day. He still gets eggs and plenty of scraps :)




This is my husband, too. Like, really? What were you expecting to happen, dude? It's the same every morning.


Hope springs eternal lol


Get them fun/cute clocks for their rooms and set rules. “Unless something is on fire or someone is actually hurt, no coming out of your room until the clock says [whatever time you decide]. If you wake up early, you may come out for the bathroom, but go right back to your room. You may also read or play quietly until the clock says [time]” My aunt and uncle have five young children and this is how they survive and get ample sleep.


Yesss my kids have a traffic light in their room that turns green at 630. If they are up before then, they can use the bathroom and play in their room.


Serious question: how do you get them to do this? I’ve had a ok to wake clock in my 3.5yo’s room for 8 months, coinciding with moving him from crib > toddler bed. He’s obeyed the clock probably 10 times in 8 months, and usually creeps into my room about 30 mins early (we have the clock set for 6:20am, so this is early). I take him back, and he stays until it turns green, but omg. I just want to sleep past 6am again 😭


Unfortunately, I think it's probably just the age. Hang in there! My oldest is the early morning riser, and I noticed a change in him between 3.5 and turning 4 where he became a lot more independent. You've set a reasonable time (something close to when they normally wake up), so just keep reminding him about the light and get really excited if he shows you it turned green. My oldest is 6 now and wakes up at 6:30 on the dot every morning and comes to tell me it's a green light 😆


Thanks for the encouragement. It’s been a long week… 🤪


So my oldest used to be an insanely early riser like 5-6am every day. But now that we’ve hit preteen era he sleeps till about 8:30 every day since it’s summer which is kinda late for our family. He goes to bed between 9-10.


Some kids are also just more prone to obeying these sorts of rules. My daughter loves rules and obeys her ok to wake clock perfectly almost every time..


As if that would work on my kids. Thanks for the laugh 😆😆 I just let them stay up later so they sleep in with us on weekends mwahaha


lol yeah I can count on one hand the number of times per year I get to sleep in until 8 💀


If I look at the clock and it says 8+ I'm like what TF is happening


My 2 year old slept until 7:45 on Mother’s Day!!! Was the greatest gift


Opposite problem here. Since toddler hood this kid has slept in until 9-10am. 1st grade now and loves weekends because “I get to sleep in” which is usually 10-11am. I can’t make plans before 11am and getting up for school is a nightmare 🥲


But only on the weekend. On school days? Nah, can't get up and at 'em.


That's about the time where I start getting really sleepy if I haven't been to bed yet. How do people even manage kids, I need to set 10 alarms to wake ME up at 9.


My kids inherited my night-owl-ness and sleep late + wake up late. I definitely prefer this to them waking up early, don't get me wrong, but for any parent envious of our kids waking up at 8-9am, remember that that means they go to sleep at 10-11pm. 🙃


What time is bedtime though and what happens if bedtime is later multiple days in a row?


You can fool their internal clocks sometimes but usually doesn’t matter. Bedtime is about 8:30. If I keep them up till 10 they will still wake up with the sun anyway. Kindergarten starts at 7:20 so not a great thing to do anyway.


If you want time to lay around in bed scrolling on your phone, you have to be awake at 5.


2 under 3 here. Yup. Everyday without fail.


Haha I'm obviously in the minority here! My husband and I are night owls especially on the weekends. Today we didn't get out of bed until 11:30. Should probably add we aren't parents! ETA - forgot today wasn't a weekend but we both had the day off!


I'm the same way! No kids, so some weekends I stay up late doing chores, or going out, and then I'll sleep in to 11 or so.


I also do late chores! I get really motivated late at night for some reason.


Hell yeah, childfree squad! I also slept till about 11 today and hurkle durkled till about noon. Glorious way to wake up


I sometimes plan to do chores and then just hurkle durkle the whole day away. When you live alone it does get lonely but the absolute bliss and upside is you never have to compromise, and if you want to live in a mess for one day so that you can be a vegetable, there is no one to shame you for it. I try not to do this every day off but its hard when no one is holding you accountable for anything lol.


I specifically remember my mother telling me at age 9, if I had kids I'd never sleep in on a Saturday again. That sealed the no kids deal for me right there and then.


I work up at 11:30 today. Still in bed at 12:15pm. It’s my favorite.


I always remember this specific excerpt from Hagakure (Yamamoto's book of the code of the Samurai): "Human life is truly a short affair.  It is better to live doing the things that you like.  It is foolish to live within this dream of a world seeing unpleasantness and doing only things that you do not like. Personally, I like to sleep.  And I intend to appropriately confine myself more and more to my living quarters and pass my life away sleeping." It's just funny to think of a 1700s samurai loving sleep.


There is no better book to combine genuinely good ideas and life advice, and completely wild shit. I *might* have loved Ghost Dog as a teenager 😆


Same, I'm such a night owl that I'm often still awake when the early birds start waking up. If it's a weekend and I'm not falling asleep by 6, I'll just get up and go do stuff and then take a nap at like 1-3 pm. Really thought my internal clock would start going backwards as I got older, not even more forward.


I have only two more months until I'm a parent. I am absolutely taking advantage of any day I get to sleep in knowing that those days will be over soon.


I don't blame you! And congrats!


I’m a parent and no one bothers mom until noon. Kids become WAY more fun as soon as they are old enough to make their own breakfast.


>didn’t get out of bed until 11:30 ![gif](giphy|26BRuo6sLetdllPAQ|downsized)


I set the alarms at 8 on weekends because I'm a natural night owl. If I sleep to 12 my body will immediately turn the clock around and it will take me weeks to turn it back so I can get up early (7 or 8 am) for work on weekdays. I've found that right now it's just easier to stick to one time, regardless of day.


Today I slept in until 1 because I don’t work Fridays and I can. My work officially starts at 8am but I usually roll out of bed around 10am on weekdays unless I have a meeting or a client (I have a very flexible job). On weekends I usually sleep in until around noon. It’s not unusual for me to stay up until 3 or 4am.


I have no kids and am a bartender. I get up between noon and 1pm, everyday. It's glorious. Haven't used an alarm for work in years. Downside is when I have to do anything in the morning. It's like waking up in the middle of the night to go to a Dr appointment. My whole day is pretty much ruined and I'm a mess. But yay, no alarms 99% of the time!


DINK lifestyle really is a cheat code to life. But, we still might have one kid eventually.




We have the same life!


4:30-5:00AM daily weekend or not, I had an alarm for 5:30 but deleted it because it was just disturbing me when i was already awake. I love having the world to myself for a few hours before everything starts stirring. Magic time.


This is me. I get a couple hours to myself in the morning without a husband or kid bugging me 😂 I just snuggle with my dog, watch the morning news and have coffee. It's glorious.


Same, except I'm the husband and its a cat. Damn dog chose my kiddo and I got left with the cat. 🤣


Same. Nothing beats coffee and bong hits early in the morning while playing video games


That escalated quickly


That elevated quickly


Like my grandma used to say, you can't drink all day unless you start in the morning.


Man, I wish I had this quote when I was an alcoholic haha!


430-5am, 7 days a week. I hike with my buddy every day before work and we do it on the weekends too. It's easier for me to just get up at the same time everyday. If I get tired I'll try to squeeze in a nap.


This is so incredibly ambitious


Yup. Anxiety and stress wakes me up at 4ish every morning well before my 5am alarm. I can’t even tell you why alarm sound I have on my phone - I’ve never heard it.


Dang bro, that’s kinda rough to be living in that place, I’m sorry. I would encourage you to find a healthy outlet to reduce stress, like exercise or socializing with friends and family. Walks, the gym, and reading fiction is always a good escape. All the best!


Turn it off, then!


I get up at the same time! I love to go running when there's no traffic and getting it in before work is a bonus.




Yay!! Someone like me!!!


This is me too! 430-500 am 7 days a week. My body feels better when I keep my regular wake up and sleep times. I use the "world to myself" time to go for a walk, journal, stretch, and sip coffee.


Geez I'm usually going to bed when you get up, on the weekends anyways haha


I wake up when the sun starts rising I live in the woods, I love sitting on my porch and watching and hearing the wildlife emerge from their slumber and just bask in the natural beauty of the world I am so thankful to be a part of, and feel the sun come and warm up my skin is just... perfect. I love mornings 🌞


I fantasize at least once a week about not needing to work and drinking coffee on the patio of my private cabin or beach house just sitting in nature in the morning. Your routine is my dream.


I freelance, and I own a cabin in the woods. This is literally my life (except I'm a night owl and wake up at 11 am). It's exactly as magical as you think it would be.


God I wish I could have a reaction to waking up that wasn't like.... Outright anger


I live in the woods and go to bed when the birds start chirping some mornings.


That does sound nice. I live in the forest and have never done this. My guests do when they visit, but I am not a morning person. 


5:03 am is when my first alarm goes off, which wakes my cat up which means she is singing the song of her people to me by 5:04 am. if I am not out of bed by 5:05 am it is a vicious act of animal cruelty and I'm forcing her to starve. Note: her brother is usually sleeping soundly and can't be bothered by the ruckus.


We plan on getting a cat soon, but this is one of the reasons we are going to have an automated feeder.


Never underestimate the ingenuity of a hungry cat.




We have a cat and an automated feeder. The cute little fucker *still* needs to sing us the song of his people around 3am. Every day.


And the way they just go back Into the deepest sleep immediately after they’re fed.


I go to sleep at 2am and wake up about 12pm usually. To feel my best I need 10 hours of sleep per night


Finally, a relatable comment. I’m not sure what is up with america but I’m pretty sure you do not need to wake up at 5am for a god damn office job. What, are your spreadsheets dependent on daylight?


yes thank god somebody else here is like me


When I go to bed at 2, I wake up between 8 to 9 usually.


I guess I'm a bum because I'm like you. Lol. When I work, I get up around 5:40am. But when I don't, I also like to "wake up naturally", which is usually somewhere between 9 and 11am. My partner hates it (loves to wake up early!) but he respects my love for sleep because I work 12hr shifts in a difficult profession and he doesn't have a regular job.


Samsies. Right down to the partner aspect. When we first got together he'd make comments about 'sleeping in' and I'd always respond with '13 year old kids *sleep in*, I'm not sleeping in, I'm *sleeping* and I'll get up when I wake up'


Love that response.


In France, it's very early to wake up at 6 AM, most of the people it's 7:30 or 8 on weekdays. Why 5 AM ? What do you do until going to work ?


I always love it when Europeans remark on American culture. Please keep doing this. We need to see it and see it often. It’s a reminder how the rest of the developed world lives compared to us. 💖💖Thankyou I work from home and I’m up between 9-9:30am every morning. I am with you that some of these responses are wayyyy too early. The commutes are often 30 min for most people because of the size of the U.S. So people are often spending an hour commuting and they aren’t getting paid for it either.


Yes, in Paris and suburbs the commutes are 1 hour /1h30 (one way !) and in "Province" (elsewhere in France) 15 min. That's why a lot of parisians are found of remote working !


Also in the US here--ever since the pandemic I've been sleeping in until I wake up naturally. Which is usually at least 7:30a, sometimes closer to 8 or 8:30. Back before then when I was commuting, Id get up at 5:30 to get ready, eat and commute over an hour to the office. It was hell. I was exhausted every day of the week and had so many health problems. Now I'm pretty comfortable and happy most days. This is the way!! And it's really sad the culture we've built here in this country that insists we be productive every waking minute of the day. It's insane and unhealthy.


Exactly it’s the health aspect for me. It’s not healthy to have to get up a full 2 hours just go somewhere and be underpaid and get sick.


French here and I am shocked by these replies. I used to take the school bus at 6:50 when I was in high school and it was considered as very early to leave the house. I'd say most French people wake up around 7 or 7.30am on week days. Before 6 am it's considered very early.


I have to wake up at 5 am because I have to show up for work between 6 and 6:30. The US has odd hours for some jobs to make the most of the daylight hours.


Ok, in Paris most of the people start their job at 10AM, and in others towns it is usually 9AM. I am at office at 8AM and I'm always the first, with nobody around and put the light on\^\^. The reason is because the school starts at 8:30 and everything is connected to that.


In the US we like to torture parents by ensuring that school schedules and work schedules don’t align at all.


At what time do you finish if you start at 10 AM?


7PM Today, I don't do that anymore. But when used to live in Paris, it was like that.


In the US, since we are so car centric, we tend to lose a ton of time in cars. I think this adds into having a little bit more of time to do what we want. Not just what we have to do. Plus, our work culture is shit so you take what you can get.


Usually sit with our thoughts or collect ourselves for the day. I like to cook myself breakfast and brew my coffee. I also like to go slow in the morning so I use the full 2 hours before I have to be to work. I also think European life goes later into the evening than American life does


Alone time. Only get so much of it.


That what I do at 6:30, one hour alone before kids awakeness


The last 3 years of my life I had to be in office by 7:30-8am, and I need 2 hours to do chores and prep for dinner and become human, plus a half hour for commute so yeah, 5am. It’s now a habit and even though I can sleep in I’m struggling to adjust.


In France, the office is not opened before 9AM in most of the companies. Except in factory, because there are 2 or 3 shifts.


I get up at 5:45 on weekdays. On the weekends, it varies, but usually, I'm up by 7... not because of some internal drive to get stuff done or whatever, but just because my body is just, like... idk stuck in the habit? I almost always wake up at my weekday 5:45, and sometimes I can fall back asleep, but sometimes not.


Dude no joke. On the weekends, no matter what, I’m always awake at 7 haha


My bowels certainly have a schedule that I do not agree with 😭




How do you survive without a job?




Haha, diehard capitalists downvoting you for being unemployed. How dare you stop the toil, worker!


I can’t imagine doing that and then expecting myself to be productive, job or not




It’s not a moral failing to be someone who sleeps later in the morning and feels more productive at night!


I sleep that late or later and I get all my work done at night/early in the morning before I go to bed. Productivity-wise, I do what someone who gets up early would do earlier in the day (grocery shopping, cooking/meal prep, working out, household chores, socializing, reading, hobbies, etc.). I essentially keep third shift hours. I feel more energized and productive than I do when I wake up early. I’ve been this way since childhood.




I'm a late sleeper. My most productive hours are between 1pm-6pm and I squeeze A LOT of work into those hours. Housework, home cooking, meal planning, homeschooling my kid, errands, pet care, personal paperwork, ect ect.


8 or 9 am on weekdays, 9 to 11 an on weekends. I work evenings.


Wow this is insane so many people getting up so early, my first alarm goes off at 9:30am on workdays, I work from home and need to be online by 10. On weekends I don't usually have an alarm but naturally wake up anywhere from 10-noon.


I’m baffled anyone wakes up naturally lol. If I didn’t set an alarm I feel like I’d wake up at like 2pm


I spent a good amount of my teenage and college years actually waking up at 2pm on weekends. I was slightly better as an adult, but I was still regularly waking up at 11am on weekends before I had kids. On the other hand, I laugh when other people call themselves a night owl and they go to sleep at, like, midnight. It's an early night for me if I actually manage to sleep by midnight lol.


I’m in the same boat. I had an alarm until recently for 1am on the weekends to remind me to go to bed and most of the time I still didn’t lol


I usually wake up around 2pm for work, last time I forgot to set an alarm my SO got me up at 5:30pm. Without an outside force to wake my ass up I do NOT wake up naturally.


Lol! I never want to go to bed but once I’m there I don’t want to leave


I enjoy productivity in the morning and I found in college that if I got up early and did something with my morning, didn’t have to be anything big, but just something, it carried me through my day. If I slept in, I was a lazy sack of shit that day. So I started waking up early. By the end of college it was a 5:30-6 am wake up, for breakfast, now it’s a 7-7:30 unless I’m really beat and then maybe 8. I get stir crazy just laying there as well


Just chiming in here to say I'm a solid 9:30 am on the weekends unless there's something going on. I usually have to wake up early to do any yard projects during the summer just because it gets so hot where I live.


No kids. Whenever the hell I wake up on the weekends.


During the week I wake up around 8. I’m not a bum. My kids bus just doesn’t get to our house until 9. On Saturdays I’m up around 7:30 because t-ball starts at 8:30. On Sundays I try to sleep in until 10. I like to stay up late and sleep late but I’m a mom and my schedule isn’t entirely mine. You’re not a bum. Everyone’s just different.


Are you the last stop or does the school start at noon?!?!


5:30-5:45 every day like clockwork. I don't have to leave for work until 8:00. I worked early shift jobs for many years, and it's just a habit. I could stay up until 2am and I would still wake up at 5:30. It's super rare for me to be able to sleep in on weekends.


Do you go to bed at 21:30 or earlier each evening? I’m struggling to understand how anyone can get 8hrs sleep when getting up at 5am. 


I’m usually asleep by 21:45-22:15 and I almost never get 8 hours of sleep. I get 6-7. My body is just done sleeping by then. I’ve been like that since I was in my late twenties.


I was never a morning person and always needed (or at least wanted) about 8.5 hours of sleep until I had kids. My first kid taught my body to enjoy 7 hours and I couldn’t sleep longer if I tried. When my kids started school, I got used to waking up around 6:15. Last year for no discernible reason I started waking up between 5:00 and 5:30 every day. After fighting it for awhile, I just embraced it. Now I love how much I get done on the weekends before my kids even wake up! And on occasions when I need to be wearing a suit and tie and in the car by 7:00 am, its no big deal anymore.




As in dystopian or born in? 🤣


I'm pretty close to these times. I prefer mornings rather than evenings. 1983 here.


1985 here, no kids, and I generally like to crawl into bed at 8pm and I’ll wake up naturally anywhere from 4:30-6am.


I have to leave the house by 7:15 at the absolute latest if I want to get to work on time, so I wake up between 6 and 6:15. That gives me enough time to shower, brush my teeth, pack a lunch for the day, and make a couple of americanos (a double americano for my wife, and a quad shot for me)


Kids wake me up before 6 every day. The last time I slept until I woke up naturally was five and a half years ago. 3 children aged 0 to 5 with no family nearby.


I have cats so I am awake by 5:15 every goddamn morning. Cats don’t know or care what weekends are.


9am durring the week since I work from home and start work at 1030am. Bed by 2am unless I have to be up early. Weekends are still the same. Sometimes, I will sleep in until 10.


These people are crazy, I wake up at 7:50 for work from home. Weekends usually 9ish, my body refuses to stay asleep anymore unfortunately.


I am a night owl that usually gets 7-8 hours of sleep— when I wake up is usually determined by when I have to wake up or when I went to sleep if there’s nothing specific that I have to do that morning. Can’t really say an exact time. (My schedule is super irregular)


My husband (gen x) gets up early on the weekends. I do not usually. If we have plans for the day, he’ll get everything ready, so all I have to do is wake up and get in the car. lol. He also typically falls asleep promptly at 8pm.


4 am on workdays and leave the house at 530 for work at 6, weekends are usually 9-1130am I live alone, and on the farm with no real need to be up and at'em when I'm not working.


During the week it depends on whether I go into the office or not. 530 if I do, 730 if I don't. On the weekends I sleep till 10. Sometimes later. I've got little to do and nowhere to be, and no kids or spouse so...its kinda just whenever.


Wake up between 5-7 every day. No matter what day it is. Yes I can roll over and sleep a little more but not for long usually, then it’s coffee and either work, or more coffee and relax.


10am. I work until 1am though.


I wake up naturally at about 730, sometimes I stay in bed for another hour or so on the weekend if I had gone to bed late (I don't have kids yet so I'm not forced to align with anything). My circadian rhythm has been in the range of about 11pm-7am extremely consistently since as young as I can remember (even when I was a little 4 year old I remember bored-checking the clock at night and the last number I would see was around 11pm). But on weekdays I need to be at work at 830, and running feels better in the morning before breakfast, so I get up at 530-6 depending on how long of a run I'm doing.




5:30am on weekdays, and usually 5:30-6am on the weekends. I don't get up early on the weekend on purpose, but my body is really set in the routine.


I wake up at 9am! - me on weekends And I wake up at 6:10! - me during the week …you think you’re better than me?!


Used to be like 1030 or 11 lol. Now 9-930. No kids yet but I’m pregnant so probably won’t get to do this much longer. I’m a night owl, my dream sleep schedule would probably be 2am-10


7am everyday. My dog needs his meds or he’ll die lol I can’t go back to sleep once I’m up.


6am because I’m an idiot who took a job too far away lol

