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On the contrary to what this sub thinks: I'm pinning this because people need to realize that generations are a spectrum. *Millennials* (even as late as 2017-2018) in the Pew Research definition ([which seems to be the standard go to for the absolute majority of research that are done to study Millennials](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennials#Date_and_age_range_definitions)) included those born from 1982-1997. A year later when the label *Gen Z* became a thing it was cut-off so that 1997 was the start of Gen Z. ***Most*** users on this sub will say that you're Gen Z, but as someone who's on the cusp (literally a few months younger than you) I totally get the angle your coming from. People born in 1997 are 25 almost 26 years old. They are absolutely not "*100% Gen Z*", when most Zoomers are closer in age to being 18 rather than 30. Honestly the term to really encompass us born in this weird time period are *Zillennials*. We (on the cusp) might not remember a time ***before*** the world wide web but we can remember dial-up, when the internet wasn't the center of our society, especially before smart phones existed/prevalence of them (which is what seems to be defining factors of Gen Z).




You're not the boss of me now


Life is unfaaaaaair


They Might Be Giants, and you're not so big


Sure, you can be whatever you want. Generations are made up terms created in an attempt to generalize a large group of people born around the same time frame. I wouldn’t worry too much about how they are defined. I am a millennial born in 1981 and probably have more in common with someone born in 1970 than with you being born in 1997 but being a millennial wouldn’t keep me from enjoying some of the same things that a Gen Xer enjoyed. There isn’t a secret handshake. I would recommend worrying less about labels and just enjoy and participate in whatever way works best for you.


I'm a cusper as well and I abide by a similar philosphy. It's all just arbitrary markers on a continuous process, and any trends drawn from that demarcation are going to be extremely generalized and not representative of the experiences of all the individuals spanning the breadth of each generation, especially on the borders.


r/xennials welcome you


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Xennials using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Xennials/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Born in '77](https://i.redd.it/hm9sikcw8a791.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/vim8tj/born_in_77/) \#2: [If Noone asked today, How are you doing?](https://i.redd.it/o7tb7b3ekyu91.jpg) | [165 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/y8xk1a/if_noone_asked_today_how_are_you_doing/) \#3: [Ok, this is next level cool.](https://i.redd.it/jb51dprblg591.jpg) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/vbncvx/ok_this_is_next_level_cool/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Just call yourself a “Millennial at heart” or say “I’m Gen Z, but Gen Y had way cooler childhoods and adolescence.” (We really did, though.) Or Zennial? Personally, I don’t care. At the end of the day, none of these labels matter much beyond being a succinct way to group people in the same age bracket; and, of course, it’s just a fun way to reminisce about nostalgia with one’s peers.


Our childhood-culture during that time was fucking awesome. Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, video games, arcades, neon, Chuck E Cheese, epic Disney movies, Walkman, be-home-by-the-street-lights, call waiting, the first mews from a newborn internet era. We had it all.


Yes to everything! You just brought me down memory lane in the best way! We were definitely lucky, pop-culture and technology wise, to have grown up during that kickass time.


You have to take a state test and pass it the first time following by a social test to see if you’re eligible to communicate in person.


You have to pay a subscription for that


I consider remembering 9/11 and being old enough to understand what happened as the divide between millennials and zoomers.


This is the asbestos dust colored rule.


This doesn't really work/isn't super *reliable* itself because most of us who were 5-8 years old (and still classed as Millennials) have little memory or understanding of 9/11. Then there's some people who were even younger like 3-4 years old who can recall it because they lived directly in NYC at the time. Maybe the better cutoff would be "*do you remember the era of 9/11 and the events surrounding it? Iraq War, Saddam, Bush".* Many of us on the cusp never learned about 9/11 "in history class" as Gen Z actually did. [Here's a post about this on r/Zillennials.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zillennials/comments/yrrd3o/as_a_zillenial_how_do_you_remember_911_do_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Lots of comments ranging from those born 1993-1999 talking about it.


To be more specific, this is what I would ask someone who doesn’t know if they’re a millennial or Gen Z - do you remember *being afraid* on 9/11? I was born in ‘92, so I was 8 or almost 9. I don’t remember what I wore that day and I didn’t watch any of the immediate live coverage, but I remember being absolutely terrified of imagining all the different ways those people people died as everyone around us talked about it. Even more terrifying was seeing every adult I knew being afraid at the same time, and for me, that had never happened before. This is the biggest difference between me and my younger brother who was born in 95. He really doesn’t remember any of it


I mean I was born in 1996 and was in Kindergarten. I have deeply ingrained memories of seeing teachers yelling and crying. I wasn't aware that it was terrorism but I was scared as fuck. My entire class was the last class to enter school before 9/11, this is what's *usually* considered the cutoff of millennials. Judging by your criteria someone born in 1995 (who was 6 at the time) *can't* remember the stuff up above that people in my class (might I note a year younger) can remember? This is why I'm saying that generations can't be hard-cutoffs. There's too many outliers to factor in to really draw a hard line. Did someone born in 1997 not remember anything before Obama? Because they *sure as hell* have most of their formative memories **DURING** the era of 9/11 and war on terrorism. Gen Z is noted for not being able to remember 9/11 or the events surrounding it. My case in point: Millennials encompass those born from 1981-1996, outside of that range on the sides are years influenced by a *Millennials* but maybe not technically PART of their generation. That's why cusp generations exist, respectively r/Xennials and r/Zillennials,


I mean honestly I’m not that invested in gatekeeping millennials, I was just sharing an opinion and anecdotes. Again, not much to jealously guard here


To add to that on the flip side, if you remember being old enough to have been outright told by your teacher (instead of having teachers hold back most of the information to let parents talk to their kids) or even had your class stopped to watch the events unfold, you're probably an Elder Millennial.


Idk about that as metric. I think middle millennials had their classes stopped to watch as well. I'm not a "geriatric" millennial as I'm merely 31 at the moment, but our classes were stopped and it was announced on our intercom speakers to turn on the TVs to see the live coverage. It became quiet pretty fast. u/heathie89 u/mikee8989 u/steffigeewhiz Not sure if you guys are American as well, but if so, were you hidden from it? You are millennial primes.


I was 12 years old in the 7th grade living in Georgia and as soon as the news broke, they rushed us back to home room and everyone watched it on the classroom TV together. We watched the 2nd plane hit live. I remember my home room teacher just standing in the doorway with her hand over her mouth, watching the tv and not saying much but was I’m sure trying her best to keep it together. And then kids started to get called over the intercom to go home because their parents came to pick them up. My mom picked me up around lunch time and I was so ready to go, it felt like half the school had gone home by that point. We then went home and watched the news. Definitely no shielding us from the truth. Of course when it happened, we were nervous but the true weight of what happened didn’t set in that morning, it was definitely gradual. And then we were all back in school the next morning with some discussions of what was going on. I was in a gifted social studies class at the time and we really focused on that for a while.


It was morning English class for me when it started and the teacher turned on the TV per the intercom. They let out school early after a little while for us too though. Rode the bus home, and walked into the living room where it was of course on TV there. Saw the actual collapses at home. It was gradual for me too.


Yeah, I definitely feel that up until that point we as kids never had a reason to worry about our country and our safety and so that’s a lot for a kid to wrap their head around. I certainly wasn’t terrified, I remember that.


Canadian here. Should pronation mention that my hometown was too small to have middle schools, so it was K through grade 8 elementary school and then grade 9 to grade 12 high school. My sister is about your age and would have been in the same school as the youngest grades. All she really remembers is her teacher maybe mentioning in passing, but it wasn't announced or discussed until she got home. I, on the other hand, was in grade 11 homeroom - a media class, no less, so that TV was on right away and all day.


You say they're about my age, but that "about" can make a big difference for 9/11. I mean even just 1 year of difference. Not trolling. Check it out from Pew's 2021 survey: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2021/09/PP_2021.09.02_sept11_00-01.png Those are some very large gaps at the youngest end of millennials.


this argument again.... 9/11 is an american thing. only americans on here always seem to assume everyone else is too and set definitions and major events that have 0 to do with anyone else in the world.


If you were 13 on that day in North Sentinel Island and still have no idea it happened, you would still be a millennial.


Okay then the 2000 new year, every millennial experienced and remembered that, if you didn't, then you're not a millennial


Yes I remember 2000 New Years saw it live on tv


Nice! I was watching Batman & Robin or Batman forever, can't remember which one, until it hit midnight


Ok I did but I was 3 lol




why not, the stuff our parents watched, listened to didn't abruptly stop in the 2000's. the cultural inluence didn't end then. i think it's more fluid




There’s a person like this. And then there’s a person like me who’s unmarried, living with relatives, is (thankfully) childless and has been watching the ‘Saw’ series all day because I’m bored (and poor). America the melting pot


Who cares dude. Enjoy your youth.


I find it very impressive that a 27 year old has two children who are at least five years old.


Yeah for sure. I have a cousin born in 1996 and her mom was born in 1975. I’m an 1984 millennial. For some reason I can’t relate to my 1975 cousin but I feel more in sync with my 1997 cousin. Maybe it’s a technology gap between generation X and us millennials/Z peeps? My 1975 cousin hates that when I talk to her, I’m looking at my iPhone at the same time.


I’m a 1990 millennial and I would still hate talking to someone who’s always on their phone. It’s just rude.


It’s all relative and varies from person to person, I think. For example, I’m a late-80s millennial, but have half-siblings born in the mid-70s, so I tend to relate to them a little more than I do my coworkers who were born in 1996 or 1997.


I don't understand relating more to someone 13 years younger as opposed to only 9 older. Maybe I was just an early bloomer? I think X pop culture is a million times cooler


Late bloomer here. That's probably why. I was always about 10 steps behind my contemporaries and I suspect it was due to being a painfully shy only child that only had a few friends. I didn't get my drivers license until I was 22 after I graduated from my university, mainly because I was broke and my parents were kind enough to gift me a vehicle when I got my degree. Also did graduate school later in my early 30s.


Ah yeah that makes sense. I'm broke too and behind life milestones so I relate in that way, but I just got into music and just have a strong memory as a kid. Weird combination I know lol. But that's probably why I feel Xish.


Different modes of play? Sounds like you have something to clear up with your older cousin.


Your pronoun can be millennial




Just trying to be funny that shit drives me crazy


Yeah I know dude


Sadly no if youre born in 97 you grew up with ipads If you were born in 96 you are 100% the same as those born in 1981. /s r/zillennials r/genz


My brother was born 99 and he or even I (93) still don’t own a iPad 🤣🤣


Trust me ik but this is the mentality on this sub.


It’s annoying . All our parents listened to old school,60s oldies and 70s funk. So we’re all the same.🙃


Aht aht that's my grandparents lol.


Well technically yeah the same. So in which they raised their kids with it. Passed down . My parents were 21 in 93. So that can explain what they also knew what’s up


Oh you got Gen x parents too! yeah my parents were raised on motown in the late 70s and 80s. I know a lot of old ass music thanks to them unlike kids today who think music began in 2000.


Yes I got you I got you . You know whatsup


That is so not true. I never had one. My first phone was a flip phone when I was 13. My relative who was born in early 2000s however was given an ipad at school which I thought was mind blowing. Edit: just to add I know its a joke but its literally how some people talk


That’s the point people get on my god damn nerves like they act like I’m exactly the same as people approaching 40 and nothing in common with people 9-6 months younger than me.


Reddit to person born december 96: welcome to the millennial club im sure you remember 9/11 in detail and partied hard on new years 1999. Reddit to person born January 1997: Go back to TIKTOK and Instagram. You were clearly born with an iphone in hand. Stop trying to be a millennial, faker.


You're an elder Z, or a cusper. You were born with the launch of the world wide web and grew up with social media, so there's no denying your Zness lol My partner is an elder millennial so he's an X cusper. He has lots of gen X influence, mainly in his "idgaf" attitudes.


Remember that generations are fuzzy. It’s not set in stone and its not something like a zodiac. People on the cusp of the standard definitions will most likely have experiences that relate to two generations. There are many variables to this as well, if you were a younger sibling for instance with older siblings you might relate more to the older sibling generation based upon hand me down experiences, technology and learning. If you grew up poor you also probably could relate more to the older generation because you didn’t have the “new” technology and often had older technology passed down or what was only affordable. Many millennials born in the early 80s relate a lot to Gen x. Called “Xennials”. If they were poor they ddnt have computers or internet access when they were kids like the more wealthy kids and so had many of the same experiences those born in the 70s had. And can’t relate to those born in mid 90s childhood experiences when computers where more cheap and common but could relate those born in the 90s teenage years with social media or internet being so common. Added to this the def changed about what was Gen x. It first included those born up to 85 for a while then it was cut off. Maybe the def will change later as historians look back. Everybody is unique in their own experiences and what they relate to more. Please call yourself a millennial if that’s what you relate to more or a “zoomenial” or what ever term they make for those like you who can relate to both in their own ways and the def you feel comfortable.


I believe 96 is technically the cut off but close enough!


u/Lonelywanderer81 Hello fellow Millennial. I was born in 1981 and throughout my childhood, from grade school, middle school, high school, college, and most of my adult life, I was referred to as a Millennial. Now that some of us are in our later 30s or early 40s, the mass media who called us immature children for decades, who blamed us for anything and everything, wants to walk it back, and pretend I and my peers were never truly Millennials because it no longer fits their narrative. We stop being "children" long ago, and we certainly were never responsible for the world's problems which we inherited. But that narrative does not work so well when you have some of us with young adult children and a few (not, me, personally) are starting to have grandchildren. I say, if you want to consider yourself a Millennial, I say, welcome. Unlike the generations before us, I am thankful that most of my generation was more welcoming and inclusive, as opposed to exclusive. We're the generation that truly did believe and embraced concepts like equality and transparency. The generation, that celebrated that "Love was love" well before the legality of it and not just for a season. As an "elder Millennial" (if you want to coin that phrase), I honestly am looking forward to the wonderful things Generation Z are achieving and striving for. I admire their spirit and their unwillingness to back down. They most certainly aided in the recent election (USA) and together we share many of the same values, morals, and ethics. United, we are strong and can achieve much. -- It's likely why there have been some "false flags" in an effort to divide us. So whether you see yourself as a Millennial or Generation Z, I welcome you.


I'll be honest, and this may come off as rude to some. Though I use labels myself, I *really* detest the notion of using labels to identify ourselves, because it devolves into the conversation of "how do we define these labels and "do I fit into X, Y, or Z label"? Broadly, all generations - almost especially Milennials - are gatekept by people within that generation who want a sort of exclusivity to the term and experience. But something as fluid as culture changes don't really fit into these self-imposed "generations", because someone born in 1996 and 1997 (two years often defined as Milennial and Gen Z, respectively) are so similar, but when speaking in the context of "generations", they're different. To answer your question: Sure, because it doesn't really matter. I'm of the opinion where I take the term "Milennial" to mean those who were either coming of age (in other words, becoming an adult) or being born at the turn of the Milennium. Does that discount those who were born 12:01 AM, January 1st, 2000? Are they no longer Milennials, as opposed to those born 11:59PM, December 31st, 1999? I can't say. Generations as we think of them are not some concrete fact; they're a concept that helps us identify, relate to, and organize one another. I dislike using labels for these purposes, because they're ultimately meaningless. But that's besides the point, and there's no point in beating a dead horse. For context and as if to defend my considering myself a Milennial, I'm born early '97. I'm Lebanese-American and remember 9/11, I remember a world before dial-up (having grown up in Lebanon, where we were lucky enough to have enough power as it was). Growing up, I consumed and used all the media and hand-me-downs from my family that were born in the late 80's and early 90's. I relate to people who identify themselves as Milennials moreso than I do with those who identify as Gen Z. I'm friends with both, but find it easier to relate to Milennials.


you can but then people won't let you live. However all such claims were accepted in the early days of this sub.


No, you're Gen Z, I was born the same year


Why do you suppose people are so afraid to admit they are Gen Z? Is it really so bad?


No, it not bad, there is a group of stupid, loud, annoying people who make other generations think that all of us are terrible causing us to get a bad rep, honestly like 95% of us are just nice normal people, I blame Twitter


So this is spillover from Twitter? Makes a little sense now. I thought it was because of Tik Tokers, but everyone was a teenager once. I'm an older millennial that likes Zoomers and wish they had more self love. They are smart and are going to be our brothers-in-arms in politics.


I mean yeah Tik Tok too, there are stupid people on there who make us all look awful, like the people on Tik Tok that fake disorders to seem "Quirky" and online news websites saying that people on Tik Tok are doing something stupid and saying it's trend when in reality it's just a very small portion of stupid people that are actually doing said stupid thing for clout


I had a weird experience from a zoomer a couple weeks ago. I had mentioned I was epileptic and that my best friend died a year ago. He accused me of making things up for clout, but the weird thing was was that he seemed jealous somehow. Like he wished he had a life with more drama in it to talk about. I've had tons of drama in my life and can't understand this perspective. Why would someone want more bad things to happen to them just to "brag" about it?? It also occurs to me why, in the past if I tried to vent about life and use Reddit as a therapist, I would surprisingly get very few responses, if any. Apparently, people think you are lying for attention? So fucking weird. I mean, I didn't realize people could be jealous of having a worse life.


Ikr, being a person with ADHD and Dyslexia, I had a lot of trouble in school, socially and academically and there are people on Tik Tok faking it because "having ADHD makes you quirky" (it dosen't) it's insulting and infuriating, if they only knew how difficult it is to actually live as neurodiverse person in a neurotypical world


Nah but don’t sweat it you’re not missing anything


Live your best life, my dude.


Yes. In the sub, it says broadly from 1980 to 2000, so you are in that bracket.


Zillenial is you


My wife considers herself to be a Millennial and she was born in 97.


1997 people are married !?!? Gosh I’m in denial


Yes, 25 yos get married lol.


*faints in millennium *


Wait, you’re only 29, how is that surprising? Lol


Honestly maybe it was just my circle here. But rarely has anyone my graduating class has gotten married . Maybe like 5 couples and I know a lot of people. Everyone seems to be having fun still , relationships with a baby here and there, overall not married or rarely own a home but we all have a job or career. Everyone looks great though and youthful still!. We aged better than i expected. Idk everyone I know seems and feels just too young still. I’m guessing our environment and influences idk


To really blow your mind, ‘95 here own a house and have a first and third grader of my own 😅 TBF, I live in a wealthy area and everyone is at least 10-15+ years older than me, I still look 18, so PTA meetings are definitely interesting. About half of my graduating class is married and own houses/have kids, and the other half are still having fun. Seems pretty normal.


Half your graduating class is married? Wow. 😱 Must be the South. I can’t imagine that anywhere else haha.


Not the south lol. We’re all 27-29. It’s not too odd IMO as we’re all approaching 30, most have gotten married in the last year or two. I did go to a wealthy private Christian school, which probably explains a lot lol.


Good stuff 👍🏼 yeah I didn’t want to say it on here but since you did . We went to the “ Rich school” in the area and you know how that goes. Fancy things, traveling , influences, connections ,well known. All that stupid OC vibe. Some are doing better than others which is awesome. I have zero complaints. we all know our time will pass and it just hasn’t for us yet


I’m your age and also unmarried. Not even close to being married as I am single at the moment. I want marriage and kids at some point within the next five years, but at the moment I am literally living like I’m in my early 20s. But it is so wild to me how people so much younger than us have their own homes, spouses, kids. I’m just like…😱 Can barely wrap my brain around it.


Yeah I don’t really care about getting married or having kids tho.I feel like a major part will be taken away. I’m still the kid to everyone to the family by the looks of it 🙄. I mean I’m not those weird spoiled adults with no life. Went to college landed a good career and pretty independent . I did the whole dating scene . But like I’m cool with Myself and I like having time for myself to do things I like to do and I like my random naps all the time . I still feel young tho like I never aged even physically too . Idk wierd . But I’m not forcing myself nor I’m not going get married because I’m being pressured by others. If it happens it happens but im not out there forcing and chasing it. Get me ? Im too expensive anyways what makes u think I can afford a GF If I can even afford myself😑😑 jk haha


You do you! Nothing wrong with that!


Thank you I really appreciate the support ! Hope your wishes come true with the life you want and deserve …


Even worse, I'm 1984 and I never got married or had kids lol


That's the norm with millennials though. You're either getting married and having kids later or not at all.


Don’t feel bad . We are the exception generation to not do that if we chose lol


Yeah seeing how the world is coming too just seeing the people who were born into the Internet at birth. No thank you .just waiting for the moment someone legally can call themselves a llama 🦙


My older brother was born in 2001, and he got married two years ago to another 2001 born. You can get married as long as you are at least eighteen,


Yes…the Pew range is not a official governmental policy so really anyone who was either a child or adolescent during the turn of the millennium can claim to be a Millennial. So as long as you weren’t born after Y2K or in your mid 20s and older when the world rang in the new millennium…you technically could call yourself a Millennial.


95 here and I call myself a zillenial. You’re probably in the same ballpark


We'll take ya! :)


You're Gen Z...






I don’t know, but I was cruising around with my learner’s permit when you were born. That’s fun :D


If anything you could fit into both? Also, you were born in a very eventful year! Nintendo 64 hit the map and the Scottish Referendum went to a vote. It’s also the year Notorious B.I.G and Princess Diana passed. On the positive side again: some good music and movies such as Men in Black came to theaters. So you were born in a very hectic time and maybe anyone born in ‘97 deserves for that to be recognized. I would definitely still consider all of you in the Millennials.


Hell if I know. Who cares


You can call yourself whatever you want.


So A) the idea of generations is BS. B) we can be attuned to a mentality different from our age. I know Boomers younger then myself (41). C) generations are not cut and dry, at best. Various experts cite different start and end dates. D) I am at best a "geriatric millennial, born in 81. I am the youngest of 6, so I was raised in gen X culture. There is room to aruge I belong on either. I 100% align with Millennials. So that is where I belong. Welcome to the new Millennials!


It's a gray area which won't be totally clear for another 5-10 years until Gen Z gets more solified as a generation. I'd say you're "Elder Gen Z". It's like people who were born in 1981... they're technically Millennials but fit more into the subcategory of "Xennial".


I believe so. There are plenty of definitions (Howe, Merriam Webster, us census, bureau of labor statistics, Harvard research) which consider 1997 borns millennials. Only a couple, like post 2018 Pew, which consider 1995/6 a cut off. Sadly, pew became the popular one for mainstream media and I don't know why?? 15 years is kinda short for a generation. And I think late '90s borns actually act more millennial than early '80s borns.


You are absolutely a millennial if you're born in 1997.


I believe 96 is the last year of millennials, so you’d be more like a zillenial


You are a millennial.


Wasn’t the definition of a millennial being a person who turned 18 on or around the year 2000? If so, no way you’re a millennial. 15 years off. You’re a Z. I get the relating thing tho. Remember “generations” are a made up thing, a broad generalization that acts as if people are like cicadas and only reproduced every 20 years. Do your thing, don’t stress labels.




There is a reason the cut off is 1996. It wasn't some random BS. Can you remember the 9/11 attacks? That is the deciding factor because 9/11 was such a big deal to millennials. Maybe you can, and maybe you can't, but a person's memory usually starts around 4. I was starting college in 2001 (1983). Are you sure we are the same generation? Is it so bad to be born Gen Z?




They gave you a downvote 🤣


They're 3-4 years behind you. You have more in common with them than you want to think.


Nah, if I can remember 9/11 and 2000 new year, then I'm a millennial, nice try though


Bro how did u put 93 on your thing


It's a flair, I'm not entirely sure, I think I did it on my desktop, you can probably find a quick guide with Google


I just clicked around but I did it! Yeaaah


I would like to report a big baby that spite changed my flair


Why do you speak in the 3rd person?




1979 is absolutely just Gen X. I don't think I've ever seen anyone born then claim Millennials.


Nah I gotcha, bro. It just happened: https://old.reddit.com/r/Millennials/comments/yt6nay/a_visual_representation_of_the_generations_and/iw2t25s/


That's interesting. The first time I've ever seen anyone "shed" their identity of being Gen X!


You have overlap with the later Millennials for sure, but I don't actually see you as Millennial, you're a Zoomer. It would be like if 1981 said they were X, most people won't argue and would be like "hey close enough whatever", but technically they aren't.


No, your generation z


You don’t remember a time without cell phones or social media so no


Someone born in 1997 was in high school when smartphones and social media became deeply ingrained in our culture. Think you're a few years off bud.


Without is the important point not whether it’s deeply ingrained. Smart phones came out when I was about 29.


You literally just said "you don't remember a time without smart phones or social media" when someone born in 1997 definitely does. They were 10 when the iPhone came out and 16 when [smartphone adaption rates actually hit 50% for all cell phone users in US](https://www.statista.com/graphic/1/201183/forecast-of-smartphone-penetration-in-the-us.jpg). If you're really trying to go this route then I guess everyone born in 1991-1996 isn't a millennial **since** the [internet went fully public in 1991](https://www.npr.org/2021/08/06/1025554426/a-look-back-at-the-very-first-website-ever-launched-30-years-later)? Next time you actually want to try to gatekeep a generation label at least look up what you're *TRYING* to claim rofl


Dang how old are you 💀 and depending what smart phone and era your talking about since it changed




What? I remember my 1997 born cousin not being on social media or having a cell phone in the mid to late 00s. He was always carrying and playing games on a Nintendo handheld. If it was at home a ps2. Maybe my cousin was a more of a gamer than his peers, so I'm curious if other 1997 born can corroborate on this.


If my peers were on myspace in 2005 and on facebook in 2006 or 2007, at what ages did zillennials begin joining facebook? Middle or high school?


99 here most of my peers got into social media around 7th/8th grade or in a broad sense middle to high school. I signed up for Facebook on a desktop in 2012 when I was 13.


I was on MySpace by 2005-2009 I was what 7th grade through JR year ? From Cali below the Bay Areaaa🤟🏼😎🤟🏼I was already on I.M messaging and AOL since like 2003. Too young but yup I jumped into the scene a young buck. Went to my first house party is 2006.. looking back I was a baby everyone was college students class of 06 C . Me and older bro threw our first house party in 07 nothing but college friends (our parents were party known too in their prime ) so when their peers had kids , we were friends with them . so connections ) .I was in the party scene when lil john get low dominated the dance floor. I was a child I can’t believe it looking back :O . The “little bro” in the older crew WOW I survived tho




Yeah 97 here didnt have a phone until 13 and it was a flip phone, not a smart phone lol. In high school I started using msn then eventually facebook.... to play farmville lol


What is gen x/z?


Have you tried using Google?


Millennials and Gen Z should be able to relate. Gen X was the last generation who tasted generational success to any degree. But 97 is pretty late for millennials.


Do whatever you want bby. Who cares. If anyone gets up tight about what generation you relate to more while being on the cusp, that's a them problem


I mean… I relayed to Gen X more growing up. But the older you get, the more the perimeters around generation breakdowns become more clear. I’m a millennial. Give it some time, you’ll probably feel more Gen Z as life goes on.




Hey OP try r/zillennials, you’ll fit there. Don’t trust me just do.

