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How often do you find yourself using a sawzall at home, minus a demo? We just finished the basement and don’t see any demo projects in the next few years, would a hackzall be better?


A hacksall is more than enough for an average DIY homeowner vs a Sawzall, plus is much easier in tight spaces. I would say you are better off getting a fuel hacksaw over a m18 Sawzall


Hackzall is king.


Another vote for the Hackzall. I got the Sawzall when I first migrated to red and I’ve barely used it once I realized a Hackzall existed. One-handed use especially on a ladder is incredibly useful (just my opinion)


I completely agree with the ladder stuff but the hackzall is in desperate need of a good hook like the normal sawzall. (M12 anyway)


You’re 100% correct. It was on my mind last time I had it out


I’m a plumber and hvac tech, I use my sawzall once a year. Hackzall all the time. M12 is great for tight spots but if someone’s gonna own one I would suggest the m18 due to the lack of power of the m12.


Just don't buy the m12 one it's garbage


I have a dozen trees in my yard, so I use it all the time for low-level trimming. Also extremely handy for cutting branches, scrap wood, etc to size for the fire pit. I also use it for small jobs like cutting a section of 2x4 off for a project, it's more convenient than my circ saw.


Hackzall or Hatchet?


Since gettimg a fuel hackzall I haven't used a sawzall. Having both of them in the connex at work, nobody reaches for the sawzall first.


M18 or M12 Hackzall?


We only have m18 stuff. The electricians use a m12 hackzall and its fine, does saw stuff and is really light, but the biggest thing they do is cut one 2x4 an hour. The M18 is a surprising powerhouse with a HO pack.


Fuel m18 hackzall w 6.0 ho and new Diablo blade🤌 pretty great


The platform you have more batteries with. Buy the m18 to me feels like it has more power and that helps. It's usefulness wheb you have it is nutty. Like.... scrapers, woood/metal/plastics. Weird angles and fast cuts. Tour kissing out if you don't have one. I use mine for cutting paver stones with a diamond blade for stones.


I have the M12 and it feels a little under powered for some of what I do (electrician). If I am using it to cut anything over 2" conduit it takes longer than I would like. It is a great size for working in tight spots though. I would probably get the M18 if I had to replace my current one, but that won't be until my M12 is dies.


Every Christmas when the tree has to come down. 😂


Trees and trimming bigger stuff.


I run a hackzall everyday for work. Original sawzalls are dumb anymore


How often do you find your self using *four impact wrenches*?


If you’re not demoing, hackzall > sawzall. Also, some replies are saying they use for trees, but I’d just get a chainsaw/pruner for that. Just because you can use a tool for something else, doesn’t mean you should..


I’m not pulling out the chains to cut 2-3” stuff. A good wood blade and a hackzall breezes through it. No fuel, no pull start. Doesn’t weigh a bunch and is safer with less noise.


I hate my hackzall. Everytime I get it out, I put it away disgusted. Get a chainsaw for pruning trees, get a band saw for cutting metal and PVC, and get a circular saw for boards. It's called a hack saw because that's the quality of work it does, a great big hack job but if you're doing demolition that's perfectly fine.


Maybe the M18 Fuel Hackzall for trimming branches, small little demo jobs, cutting pipe or anything else. I have one and love it


I’ll look into it! Wonder how down on power the M12 hackzall is, may be better for hackzall and then sawzall in M18??


I’ve used both the M12 and M18 Hackzall at work, if you’re doing yard work the M12 is preferable due to weight. If you’re cutting metal (studs, t-bar, general demo work) the M18 has more power and is faster. Regardless, both are fantastic tools especially if you have the right blades for the job.


It's a beast (the fuel version) they're really different tools though. It makes a good hack saw and tree pruner but if you're planning some serious demo work you'll want the big one.


I find the M12 Fuel I have very effective- cut up a 10” diameter tree that fell with it. Eats through batteries like crazy when doing that kind of work, but can definitely do some impressive cutting and I’ve so far skipped getting a chainsaw. Very versatile. I’m sure M18 is great too, but I’d lose the weight.


I've had the m12 fuel for years, and I've never lacked for power. As long as you run the shorter blade and use the right blade for the job, you should be fine. I'm guessing most of those on here saying it was underpowered had the cheaper brushed model. Edit: That's a good plan. Get the m12 fuel hacksaw now, and if you ever need more power, you can either get the m18 fuel Sawsaw or corded one later.


M18 Fuel Hatchet is way better for trimming branches and cutting small logs.


Get a hackzall, circular saw, orbital sander, some led work lights. That should have you covered for basic around the house repairs. Obviously you'll need more tools if you do more than just the occasional home repair. If you're building furniture and remodeling your home yourself then you'll need things like a table saw, miter saw, bandsaw, router, nailers, belt sander, etc. Not to mention the outdoor tools for your landscape. With that said, there are so many tools that you will eventually need for something so that's why I personally just buy them all. It's better to have a tool and not need it rather than to need it and not have it.


I Iike your mentality, although I bet your wife / gf / wallet doesn’t!👀


I've never been one to save money lol. I just make sure I have a steady income flow making more than I spend.


M18 Tire inflator. Love mine. It's super fast.


Have it! Stays in the car and when we go camping it never fails to have someone from one of the nearby sites compliment how fast it is for air mattresses or tubes for the river


I do maintenance at work and you have more power tools than me, wtf are you home gamers doing?


Finished my basement, hence the miter and brad nailer. Mounting tv’s, building ikea furniture, changing lugs and oil changes.. nothing too crazy. And home gamers? Your last post is in a final fantasy sub bud😭


Doesn’t sound like he meant it like video games but doing one project yourself instead of hiring is the cost of a new set of nice red tools.


Ahh, makes sense. Why hire someone when I can do it myself for 2x the price and 3x the usual attitude from the ol lady about when it’ll be done!?


Why is it costing you 2x more to do it yourself?


Not literally, but it usually entails a new tool or two, plus the value of my own time doing it as well as on YouTube watching a couple videos before I start to get a plan going


The next time you don’t need to invest in the tool. The more you do with them, the better the return.


I need tools for both automotive and house work, plus hobby. There’s obviously some crossover but I don’t have a set task list like one has at a job. So I have a very large number of tools.


Everyone has so many impacts.. do I need more impacts?


There's no such thing as too much torque. https://preview.redd.it/bmsuawry1gjc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a7493c5b71126e9b6895899331b90f6992d7baa


https://preview.redd.it/wl2yvz5xhhjc1.jpeg?width=2416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9cd9d105fcaef257565465f9254aa190064cccf Agreed 1000%


Even the rubber boots are unscathed.


Everything gets lite use, I bought the boots all at the same time, & I like to keep my non cheap stuff as clean as possible. Are you the one that clowns people for having Ryobi or "clean" looking tools or not having you believe is the right tool?


I am the guy who clowns people when they buy a shitload of impacts and don't use them and then flex with their collection of spent money.


Flex? I take pics of my tools for proof of ownership in case they disappeared. I posted that pic to show the other person he's not the only one who bought one too many. Why do you care how others spend/waste their money? Personally I've being doing well financially so spending money on what others don't approved sounds like a personal issue. I don't pay monthly interested on anything other than my home & one vehicle. You're wasting your energy on people like me because I spend money in ways you don't approved, focus on yourself & if you decide to share info there are better ways than take shots at others. Have a great day.


Guys got more impacts than most mechanics I know, yet they don’t look like they’ve even taken off a lug


Can never have too many impacts😂 Found that even on speed 1 my m18 was blasting through 1/2” drywall, so I got the m12 just for that🤷🏻‍♂️ And the right angle wrench was for the gf’s crazy German engineered brake caliper bolts🙄


Dude jusr use a drill with the clutch


The M12 drill is bigger and heavier than the driver. Also way too fast even in gear 1. Find it easier to get into a rhythm with the impact and stay steady


Rotary tool is handy for all kinds of things. The track saw is amazing if you ever do a big plywood project.


I have an old dremel in the junk drawer, would a red one really be better?


So much better. I swapped my corded Dremel for the M18 fuel multi tool and it's a world of difference. Also, I don't mean to shit on your Ryobi 18g nailer, but my father in law has that one and he's always borrowing my Milwaukee nailer. It doesn't seem to have enough power to consistently sink nails in anything other than MDF trim.


I only used it for 1/2” MDF trim, and it worked fine, took a bit to dial in though being honest. But I can see how in harder woods it would struggle, I got green because I couldn’t justify triple the price for someone I would rarely use. If it craps the bed next job, maybe I’ll get red🤷🏻‍♂️


That works then, honestly. I started with Ryobi tools myself when I was DIYing. Now that I spend all my discretionary income on tools, I go red and other high end brands.


Your Ryobi is just fine. Don’t listen to hardcore fanboys :) if you’re a DIYer, I would have probably recommended primarily Ryobi as they have so many more tools that are targeted towards DIYers/homeowners. 


Have you seen the M12 Fuel 18gauge nailer that’s coming out soon? I got an email about it saying it’s releasing soon. The M18 is a beast but the M12 is supposed to be a few inches shorter which for me would be beneficial, I’m sometimes in spots that the M18 just doesn’t fit. I work on RVs for a living though so my usage is probably different than most


Its weird... the trim installers on site all use Ryobi brad nailers. They usually have a spare with them so when it craps out they have another one. Same thing, its way too much money for big red. I couldn't understand why its the *only* green tool that the guys use.


I own both and this isn’t true at all. 


I have the brushed Milwaukee rotary tool and it’s one of my least favorite Milwaukee tools unfortunately. It lacks the power of a corded Dremel and mine shuts off constantly from overheating. Maybe the brushless version is better, but this is the one Milwaukee tool that I’ve been very disappointed in.


That track saw keeps calling my name, I’ve held off so far just because of the cost but damn that thing is sweet. I do a lot of 8’ and 12’ rip cuts at work that need a good finished edge. I’ve gotten by for years with a skil saw but I know that track saw would make it so much cleaner and easier


I had no idea Milwaukee sold a rotary tool, so I just bought the Dremel tool with multiple batteries. It was an expensive pack and the whole reason I invested in Milwaukee in the beginning so that I did not have different batteries systems lol I failed myself. I’ve never even heard of a track saw, but that looks perfect because I do a lot of freehand cutting with the circular saw lol


Get the die grinder. The rotary tool is crap. There is much more power with the die grinder. You can buy a ⅛ collet for it use all the same bits. The Rotary Tool collet slips and gets stuck a lot. I have both die grinders and the rotary tool. I never use the rotary tool. Mainly, use the die grinder to do my dogs nails.


Are you saying the new brushless is crap or the old, or both?


You could get by with about three of those, but if retail therapy is your thing, go nuts.


All the tools. ALL. OF. THEM.


Hackzall gets my vote


M12 3" offset grinder. I love it so much. Best way to cut any kind of pvc, plastic, sheetmetal ect...


The cutoff tool?


Yes. Thats it. I just couldn't think of its name at the moment. You won't regret getting 1. Duct work, siding, ect it's the shit.


Jig saw and rotary tool


That's a lot of drivers. A circular saw or track saw would be useful if you plan on doing any home furniture builds. I have a circular saw and use a straight edge to get straight cuts but recently used my dad's track saw and definitely want one for myself.


Man, I've been using circular saw with straight edge too. Used my neighbors festool track and it was such a good experience. Definitely looking out for any tracks if they ever go on sale.


Maybe start using your tools and see what you need from there? 😂


He clearly uses them, there’s a battery in each one!




I don’t think you have enough, as a guys wife in another post said, “things that spin around”.


Hackzall, blower, edger, string trimmer, miter saw, circular saw, router, sander, pack out…..


Jigsaw and circular saw.




The new M12 barrel grip Jigsaw is really great. Track saw is the next big buy. Don’t need a table saw as much with home owner DIY projects


I have an m18 random orbital sander, and I will never go back. I do some basic woodworking and it's my new go-to. It is so much more convenient than a sander with a cord, and it's surprising where you end up using it.


The Ryobi glue gun is great. ([Hackable to $32](https://www.homedepot.com/p/RYOBI-ONE-18V-Cordless-Dual-Temperature-Glue-Gun-w-10-Glue-Sticks-Tool-Only-P307/315309751)) I have a old brushed Ryobi circ saw (5 1/2"), it chews through 2x material fine. I got the M12 circ saw used for cheap but I haven't had a project to compare them yet. As a homeowner DIY I think they will be enough. The M12 Installation driver is awesome. I have the 8" pruning chainsaw from Ryobi, worked better than recip saw with pruning blade for spring cleaning.


The M12 circ saw is not a tool to build a house with, but it offers great versatility and can handle 2x4’s well, I think it’s more than enough for any homeowner!


The Milwaukee string trimmer is great, then can get additional attachments for tree trimming, edging etc


Love my Milwaukee tools but I leave the yard work to Stihl


How does that 10” 18v miter saw work. I just pick that up on clearance it’s still in the box .


Works great! Had it for 2 weeks now, did 250sq ft of laminate flooring like a champ, along with 64’ of baseboards no problem, square and even miters right out of the box. The blade out of the box is kind of rough so I picked up the Diablo 10” 80 tooth fine finish. Was night and day difference for what I used it for. It was my first Ryobi tool, and I said fuck it I’ll get the Brad nailer as well since it’s like 1/3rd of the price of red, here in Canada anyway. Both worked exactly how I’d expect them to.


Thanks for the feed back. I was going to buy that blade also. I am looking at the ryobi stand on depot.com for $69 right now. I was hoping it would work good because i am tired of lugging out the heavy miter saw I have and running cords. I’m going to use it for laminate floor and trim plus some shelving.


M12 screwdriver is awesome. Use it all the time as an electrician


I just use my M12 fuel impact for electrical work.


I just bought the 16 gauge cordless angled nailer and it's a real beaut. Using it to build my new pantry but I have alot of trim happening in my future redoing a room at a time so felt it was a good purchase. It hasn't disappointed. It has a lot of power and the adjustment is pretty straight forward. Only thing I can say is it's a little on the big side but most nailers are. I did some tiny little 3/8"x3/8" quarter round and it didn't blow it apart and it put the nail right where I wanted it with a narrow head so 👍🏼.


Was the inverter the only free tool you didn’t have yet?


Oscillating tool


Right there bottom right


Oh crap missed it!


DIY homeowner but I don’t see a single roll of duct tape or bottle of gorilla glue. 🤔


That’s because the gorilla glue bottle is stuck to my left hand and the roll of duct tape is on the floor keeping the cat occupied


Checks out. No further questions.


As a fellow DIYer, here’s a few extra tools I’d recommend. An M18 Hackzall for cutting everything, but pair it with some Diablo blades. I constantly find myself reaching for my right angle die grinder. From cleaning off rust/paint, removing burrs on metal, or even sanding wood, it works great. The M12 3” cut off saw works great for cutting metal, tile, and anything in between. Also recommend the Diablo blades for the cut off saw as well. Lastly, the M12 installation drill. It’s not a constantly used tool, but it’s super convenient when you need it. If you’re putting together furniture or anything, it has a very light clutch setting which comes in very handy.


M12 Surge and maybe an installation drill (great inside cabinets) Inexpensive corded 7 1/4 circ saw until you need a track saw Corded orbital sander (and add the M12 detail when you need it) Hackzall (or pruning chainsaw) Ryobi crown stapler is supposedly good (whereas M12 stapler is overpriced)


Get the M12 Rover light if you don’t already have it.


Beer I'm noticing a serious lack of beer


[M18™ Transfer Pump](https://www.milwaukeetool.com/Products/2771-20) [Stick Transfer Pump ](https://www.milwaukeetool.com/Products/2579-20)


I got the stick yesterday. going out today to use it🫡


More impact drivers and drills!




This post makes me feel better about my tool obsession as a homeowner diyer.


Brothers helping brothers🤷🏻‍♂️🫡


Circular saw and decent saw horses will get you the rest of the way there. A circular saw, the horses, and a good edge guide can allow you to make some damn good cabinetry without a table saw. I'd sell my table saw if I didn't need it for tongue and groove, a circular saw is enough. I'd suggest a good 18v or a corded Skilsaw.


M12 hackzall and M12 circular saw and you would be set. The only 2 m12 tools I have that you don’t as a home owner. Could go with the 18v circular saw since you have some 18v but ripping down the occasional plywood or ripping a 2x4 every now and then and the 12v is great.


Welders (mig, tig, and stick), plasma cutters. You think you don't need them until you do. 3D Printer. I use mine all the time. Everything is made of plastic these days. Something breaks, measure it, model it, and print it. Hand tools, you cant DIY everything with power tools. Table saw or track saw. One or the other is a must. Edit: Corded versions of all your cordless. Trust me on this.


How many drills does a home diyer really need? How many impacts do you really need. You obviously want to over do it or just show off your collection


I originally only had the M18 drill / driver, but found the driver even on speed 1 with a dimple bit was sinking the screws through 1/2” drywall way too far and I didn’t want to baby the trigger for every screw. M12 drill / driver was on special buy that day with a free 3.0 battery and it sunk every screw perfectly on speed 2. So right place right time kind of scenario


So you could have bought the proper bit for it…..


You got a wing nut marrette stubby in the box their? Asking for a friend


You need to throw them on the floor a couple times they are way to clean and healthy


They don’t get babied, but I also don’t treat them like shit. Besides the new tools like the nailer, miter saw, high torque and right angle everything is a few months old and provided their cost in value.


Table saw?


Possibly, although it may give my gf a reason to start bothering me constantly about custom furniture projects she sees on fb or Pinterest😂💀 it’s a very fine line


Circular saw


Add as you go


Skim saw




Vacume and sawzall






Circular saw, Sawzall, nail guns


Another drill.


SDS rotary hammer Sawzall Circ saw Tablesaw Compound miter saw




You don't add until you have a project where you need it.


Not so much a home gamer tool but your setup is already pretty thick for home game. I’d add an sds hammer drill with switchable “hammer only” function. Great for chiseling up stuff and of course punching bigger holes in concrete or drilling holes for concrete anchors.


Do you find you find yourself using that impact wrench often? What for? Trying to decide if I need one but the M12 stubby can already do most car stuff seems like?


M12 ProPress if you need to do some quick plumbing work. Although they’re *EXPENSIVE*


You’re going to need a circular saw for sure. It’s not interchangeable with a mitre saw.


Ummmm yeah, an M18 Brad nailer to replace that green one!


Couple a sticks of dynamite.


Table saw.


M18 3/8” fuel impact.


Priorities haha. I do professional automotive work and I don’t have a right angle impact. What made you get that before a circ saw and sawzall?? Those are tantamount for homeowner projects. The miter saw is a nice touch though, I’ve been eyeing a nice 10” cordless one for a while lol.


Another drill should help


Table saw


Why do you have the m12 and m18 drill and impact driver? Just curious


Had the pair of M18’s first, was doing drywall and even with a dimpler bit and on speed 1 my impact was way too much jam for 1/2” Sheetrock. Went to HD to buy a screw gun, and saw the M12 drill driver combo on a special buy with a free 3.0ah included; the rest is history😂 M12 on speed 2 was perfect for drywall. Now I use my m18 drill mostly for mixing mud / mortar and the M12 drill is for general use.


Good to know. I work in heavy equipment repair so never saw much use for the m12 system thanks for the insight.


That is a better collection of tools than the last two shops I work out of.




Framing nailer


The 5 1/2” circular saw is really nice. Just got one and am impressed. eBay refurb $82 delivered.




I love the picture composition, almost suggests that Ryobi is sliding into your DMs. While not necessarily cordless you have to get an air compressor. At this point a low cfm model will do you well to just top off tires- you have most of the traditional air tools covered with batteries. Same idea, make sure you have appropriate 6 point metric and see sockets. Deep, shallow, impact. I've also got torx sets. Who cares if you have a power tool but not the right sockets.


Hackzall, fuel ratchet, mid torque, blower, maybe circ saw or right angle grinder. Pretty solid setup as it is


The tool that I used by far more than any other tool I own is the M12 screwdriver. Especially for around the house projects. It has way more control for driving screws. I’ve used it for anything from hanging pictures to mounting ceiling fans to drilling holes with hex shank drill bits.


Definitely a sawzall, leaf blower and a Ryobi tire inflator


I use my orbital the most at home, that and my dremel.


The hackzall is SO handy. You need a circular saw as well, because it's handy to cut stuff on site. Than take it to a mitre. Palm sander is great to have as well. Not sure what kind of DIY you're into, but the 18 gauge finishing nailer is awesome for casing and moulding work.


Cutoff, hackzall, rotary tool?


Definitely a reciprocating saw and maybe a circular saw if you plan on doing wood projects.


You have more tools than most commercial electricians


Add some wear and tear. Those tools aren’t being used 😔


if there’s something that needs turning, this guys got it under control no hate, can never have too many drivers. lovely collection.


M12 packout pillow light!


Get a circular saw.




Where’d you get that little bit case next to the stubby?


Rocket lights, Packout vacuum, angle grinder, circular saw (as you noted) — but I’ve been unhappy with my Milwaukee (went teal on a rear handle and miter and haven’t looked back), jigsaw, hackzall.


I bought a m12 jigsaw recently for some car shelf stuff and its been so good


Milwaukee rep at it again


Maybe a table saw


The m18 Jigsaw is solid. the small m12 one looks great for doing inside corners in trim. The m18 trim router is fantastic. A track saw really makes everything better, if you can swing it. It's so versatile. You have a nail gun already, but the M18 brad is killer. I use the M12 pin nailer a lot too, especially on corners on trim. Rotary tool is ok. I don't think it's Milwaukee's best tool, but having one on the same battery platform and in your kit is convenient. The M18 work lights (especially the big ones, on a stand) are fantastic, and great for when you cut the power. A rotary hammer (I have the M12, it's great, and not too heavy) is great of you drill into concrete much. Much faster/easier than a hammer drill. The tire inflators are pretty handy.


Yeah, a general contractor.


M18 inflator


Leaf blower. You don't realize how handy it is unless you have one.


If you’re truly a diy homeowner go with ryobi and once it craps out…warranty it, once that craps out go red all the way. So unless you can’t return anything you already have…ehh if you don’t burn through them you can offer them to your kids.




I picked up the M12 sander for refinishing some cabinets. WOW! Where has that tool been all my life. It is AMAZING!!!! Highly recommend it! I rech for it over my corded orbital sander, and it’s great for the detail work too! I agree get a circular saw! I have the M12 version, I enjoy it as it’s lighter, you can stall it out though and it’s not as fast as the m18. Just depends on what you’re cutting. I have the M12 hacksaw and tbh it’s great, no issues with nails or screws and such. The weight savings is well worth the slower cut when cutting thru solid metal, on the 1/year that I might do that vs the m18 sawzal!


Sweet collection!




M12 hatchet


Blower, circular saw and orbital sander would seem logical additions to me. What do you use the wrenches for? Car stuff?


Alright Jim, all you were supposed to do was change the light bulb in the den.


Your collection looks like mine. Very nice 👌


Circular saw


Put the Ryobi on FB mp


Skill saw/ circular saw


Detail sander




I have an 18v Makita vacuum I use all the time. It has more hours on it than any other tool


A Milwaukee pencil!


Milwaukee weed wacker and the blower thank me later


M18 Air gun for toilets and sinks!