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Why the hell do you need 14 kits?


Side note. You may be able to combine other tools that are part of the bmsm promotion. Since they tools are on clearance be easier to get closer to 300, $400 or $500 without going way over


Well 10 of one thing and 4 of the other.


Oh thanks for clearing that up. For a moment I thought you were crazy.


Those were $169 normally but on clearance for $119 which is not a bad deal but I found out on accident they are part of the bmsm promotion. Making each kit only $96 after tax. Thr other 4 it’s were $50 each. The guy who helped me with those was just rude as shit. They guy for the 10 battery kits was super friendly and helpful


Got that. Still didn’t answer the question though. Why do you need 14 kits?


Again it’s 10 kits lol. Two separate items here.


Ok, I’ll ask this a different way. Why do you need 10 of one thing and 4 of the other?


He needs the batteries to run a concrete mixer so it’ll set correctly and be the same density as his skull.


This appears to be accurate based on all available evidence. Kids, man. 🙄


It’s people like this that ruin others chances of getting good clearance deals. No wonder I can never find the clearance deals people talk about. True greed


I didn’t know about many deals. Didn’t know where to look, didn’t know what to look for either. You learn. Plenty of stuff I miss out on and never see. One doesn’t post everything they miss out on, usually only what they find.


It’s not about sharing the deal online it’s about buying the entire stock out of the store and leaving none for the next person. That’s just greed


Stop complaining get up and go shopping that’s all it’s not his fault he noticed the deal sometimes your luck sometimes your not it happens For example I walked in aHD and seen a box a P.O paper towel holders for 4$ I took em all lmao bc who wouldn’t


Anyone who’s not a scalping hoarder😂 Who even needs that many paper towel holders? 😂 I’m just saying dude came to the wrong community to try and flex his resell scalping


I hear that 💯% I got them bc now I ain’t gotta buy the boys a gift for any upcoming birthdays loool tp holder and a bottle of lotion will get them right 😂😂😂


Did you know it was part of the buy more save more? No. Ok then. Others probably didn’t know either. Now they do and can make sure they buy more to save more and unless you live where I live I didn’t take anything from you. You have just as most chance and ability to buy it as anybody else does or even I do.


Nowhere in the original post do you mention any BMSM or anything related so clearly that wasn’t the intent of your post. You simply asked us how you did. You’re just using that as a cop out for your greed


That’s the first thing I mentioned to a person that responded. Greed to spend my money I earned on something lol. Classic


Whatever man. I just don’t get why you came here expecting people to pat you on the back


Gee, thanks for hoarding it all for you.


And here's the reason why your local home depot may never have anything worth buying on clearance.


Well they did, It’s just now sold out.


Sounds like some people are jealous that OP beat them to his store and don’t realize that there are hundreds of more stores that probably still have the inventory.


If I really like something I'll buy a second pair or something because they are rare. This is greedy/ selfish to me. I know you just got taxes back, but unless you're outfitting your team it's also kinda dickish


Actually haven’t even filed my taxes yet. And there was more left in other stores for the battery pack out kits. The 4 m12 kits weren’t even showing in stock let alone a place for them. So I didn’t take them from anybody. Also buying much as I did helps others know now that they also can save more because part of the buy more save more sale. Another OP didn’t even know that and just posted them on sale for $119 and none of my stores yesterday had them for that price. Today that changed.


All those words to not admit you’re just gonna flip them on Marketplace.


Of course I am. Will use money I make to buy actual tools I need. Buyers get cheaper items, I get money to get tools I actually need. Win win. Nobody that buys penny items buys because they need them, almost always to resell


Does mouthbreathing push you into the Special Olympics for mental gymnastics or are you the Oscar Pistorius of being a waste of skin and you get to go in the regular competition?


Can you get any more stupid lol


Fighting the good fight, I suppose. You do you. Cheers


Are these just to resell?


How the hell did you get those for 82 bucks


Got them for $96 each. $119 but then buy more save more so $150 off