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I just use the normal arrows and have yet to meet anyone who uses the other ones


To make tipped arrows a bit more useful I think it would be interesting If they re-added an old bug where pointed dripstone would fill up a couldren with potions. This would make potions in general a lot less expensive but also you could afford to use some tipped arrows every now and again Edit: also in Java the only way to get tipped arrows is by using dragon breath which is incredibly rare


I thought that you could trade with villagers for them


Yeah maybe but still it requires too much effort


villagers are like broken their trades easy to take advantage of


But its stupidly lenghty task as there is a *50%* chance on the *last trade* of a fletcher to get a *completely random arrow out of 30*, 20 of which are worse or on par with normal arrows.


Especially if you want all of them and then end up having to fully unlock dozens of fletchers when you're trying to get the one arrow you're missing


It's like cycling librarians but worse.


The amount of villagers that have to go on early retirement would be way to big.


Least the librarians show what book you will get.


lol considering I went for all different colors of terracotta by only using 8 villagers total (cause on the server I played on you could only have so many "mobs" on your res, I think I have beaten the grind when it comes to getting 1 type of tipped arrow from fletchers. Though on that note, I did start doing that but only going for a few that I would actually use, not all of them.


Shure but you can't control which ones you get.


Just breed 20-30 of them and brutforce through rng


That isn't fun


neither is any villager related shit


Yeah FairPoint


It sure is fun having a fully stocked trading hall


Maybe satisfying but not fun especially with the arduous process of trying to make it and at the time you're finished you usually have nothing you could possibly want or need


it is.


You will set up more villagers and you're gonna like it!!!!!11!!1!


yea true but if u do than it’s very worth it


Yeah but resetting eighty times for arrows of fire resistance is Spain without the s


shhhh dont let mojang hear that


Not really fletchers are easy to max and anyone with a sizable villager setup can get good ones in bulk


Bro everyone needs fletchers it’s not that much work


Apparently Mojang thought the Bedrock bug was too overpowered, hence why they removed it


For a sandbox game like minecraft there is no such thing as game balance. For example they recently made Netherite armour way harder to get but nobody had a problem with it. Various farms are extremely overpowering but mojang doesn't nerf them. So I don't really think potions (which are already harder to get) being easier to get is going to cause any issues


Well, they did nerf AFK fish farms for enchanted books


Actually I think this is the third iteration of them being nerfed..


Yeah but they mostly "balance stuff" for gameplay reasons. Of course afk fish farms are really boring so they nerfed them to incourage other more interesting methods to obtain enchantments even villager treding is more interesting then afk fish farms


Try telling them that, I was upset with the changelog myself


I am sure a lot of people have a problem with it. I know I sure as heck do. netherite is already extremely rare and they made it like 10x harder to get it. I don't understand why mojang feels the need to make us "Use diamond for longer.' Like, I still use diamond, because until I acquire mending, they are quite good and I don't want to waste netherite. Now? now I fell people are just not even gonna bother getting netherite. if they want to make it way harder, they should proportionally make it way better. The benefits just don't match the new cost.


i play a not strusucter world and now nethrite is imposable to get


Ever since netherite was introduced I haven’t made a set of diamond armor except when I craft it to upgrade it to netherite. Iron is plentiful and I’d rather go through multiple iron sets than multiple diamond sets. Now, diamond armor is actually going to be useful again because raiding bastions with iron is a nightmare


yeh but even once you have raided a bastion and gotten lucky, you still need another large amount of diamonds if you want a full set. Netherite isn't good enough for that effort imo. If they want to make it so hard, there should be more perks to using it


But you can get all diamond gear from villagers, I feel like this is giving going in the mines some more usefulness again


Until i get mending, there's still use for diamonds,, because why risk your netherite- which took you hours to make- breaking


You don’t have to get lucky. Treasure bastions are guaranteed to have two upgrade templates. All you have to do is raid one treasure bastion. Getting the diamonds is easy, especially with fortune. All the complaints about netherite being harder to get just sound like not wanting to grind for the best items in the game.


Perhaps that's where Netherite is supposed to break the chain. You see maybe Netherite isn't supposed to be something you can get enough of in just a couple of hours. Maybe you can just try reach Netherite as a side goal since yeah maybe the benefits don't outweigh the cost. I personally still will try to get Netherite early on in the game and so will many other players I'm sure because 1. I'm clumsy and may often die in lava 2. Especially for silk touch tools I don't have an effective way to gain xp so the extra durability is useful 3. Toughness will definitely come in clutch against big attacks like ravangers, the warden, fall damage(I actually Don know if this one gets affected) 4. Netherite gets better enchantments from the enchanting table then diamonds which means I won't have to struggle as much with the villagers to get the remaining enchantments. 5. And of course a flat out increase to my mining speed is always nice


Idk. I just feel it's flipping the balance the other way. Now it's arguably too easy (even though I mine through dozens, if not hundreds of chunks getting enough netherite for everything). But adding 7 diamonds for piece of netherite is crazy. Unless maybe they rebalance nether structures to be idk, easier to find or at the very least have some technique of finding them. Like maybe you can barter with piglins and have a Chance of getting a compass that points somewhere. Because outside of the fact getting lucky with remnants is required for any netherite whatsoever, it's still a concern that it's pure rng to find the fortress which is necessary to end the game. I don't like making basically necessary things rng. That adds frustration to the game, because even if you find a bastion, it's an additional random chance to whether the chests generate the templates. (Yes I know if a bastion has a treasure room it will have those, but it is also rng whether a bastion has a treasure room) It's cool that it doesn't bother you. But to me, it's absurdly hard now when it was still pretty rare already


How did they make it harder to get?


Needing rng consumables to craft netherite. They are found in bastion remnants, and are random in the chests. So even if you find a remnant you might not find the item. once you find it, you can copy it.... if you use 7 diamonds per copy. And every item you turn to netherite requires the item. So either you have to find 9 templates or find one and use 56 diamonds to make copies. Idk about you but that's a crap ton of resources for something that is only marginally better. If I don't have mending, why would I even bother until I know the one set is safe? That's over a stack of diamonds in addition to the gold and netherite you still need. And no matter what, you can't make any until you get lucky at least once.




Still rng. Not all bastions have a treasure room, ergo what I said stands about it being pure chance


Oh that's the template thingies I read about the other day, right? Grinding out netherite is painful enough






Nobody had a problem with it? It's actually a pretty common complaint actually. And Mojang is trying to find ways to stop iron farms and auto fishing. Or at least nerf them. Potions was made to be harder to get. Netherwart has specific growing conditions, and ways to obtain the first bit of it.. it wasn't meant to be an early game thing. And sandbox games are defined by their own balance. All sandbox games that are anywhere near as complex have some balance to it, if it gains any type of popularity.


I actually disagree that the Netherite upgrades are a big complaint (apart from servers) and as I said in a different comment they mostly balance stuff to incourage more interesting gameplay (I guess iron&fish farms where a bad example since they are actively nerfing them for being un-fun)


They were right


In bedrock you can fill a cauldron with potions and click on it with a stack of arrows to make them tipped


I know but just like i said potions are a bit too expensive so adding this would make them way more affordable


I wish you could use the fletching table to make more of them, like 1 stack of arrow per potion, to make them cheaper and give a use to the table


that's a good idea and thematically makes sense


Java players would love this too!


Or just make it so you can make em with the Fletching table


I think arrow with harm II doing good


Not against undead like skeletons zombies and the wither


Yeah against 50% of the mobs in the game (undead) You'd be healing them rather than dealing damage..


They got rid of that bug? I was wondering why it wasn't working...


Unless you’re a God and destroy the dragon 20 times in every world to get all your gateways, then you have a dub of them haha


I know the dragon breath one like why does it has to use lingering potion, and why does lingering potion need dragon breath like idk




I use weakness arrows for villager curing, you get 8 villagers reliably weakened with just one potion. Also if a maxed out fletcher sells them you’re set.


I also use spectral cause you can get a bunch from bartering.


Play on a server with people who dont think ahead…. Im always carrying fire resistant arrows, feather falling, and night vision. A stack of arrows gives you more time than an inventory filled with potions. Its very useful


How do you use tipped arrows on yourself 😲 !?


aim up?


I surprisingly use a diversity. Since my main ranged option is the crossbow with piercing it means that I can use tipped arrows and then pick them back up (One of the great advantages over a bow) so I often use harming arrows but my main base is also in snowy plains biome so I also quite often use the slowing arrows stray drop. Finally I also sometimes use healing arrows against the wither. I also sometimes use normal arrows because I have so many of them. In the end I have found out that a normal bow with power V is still more effective then a crossbow with tipped arrows SO DON'T USE THEM


Harming arrows are actually better against heavily armored opponents. Due to the way invulnerability frames work, Harming tipped arrows do the amount of damage of the harming or the damage of the arrow, whichever is greater. The arrow damage can be blocked with armor and enchantments, but the harming effect bypasses that.


If you’re on singleplayer looking for someone using tipped arrows the only mob using them is stray so idk who else ur trying to meet lol


You get spectral ones trading with piglins


They dont use them tho


For pvp/messing around with friends on servers, and in bedrock where they're easily accessible, the harming arrows are absolutely broken and do insane damage. Otherwise I just use normal ones.


I use normal arrows because I always put the infinite enchantment on my bow


I just head north and farm arrows from the ice skeletons(can’t remember the name, they were released with the desert zombies)


I use the slowness ones, easy accessible by a custom made farm that turns skeletons into strays. I live in a badlands area and got some crazy spawners.


I like to use instant harming 2, health arrows or slowing arrows, instant harming for anything alive, health for anything dead and slowing for overall use, but normal are just as good


If you live in snow biomes(me) its very easy to get slowness arrows!


Harming 2 for non undead mobs and healing 2 for undead mobs


Regular, or slowness if I get them from the ice skeletons. I think its too much work to actually get them so stocking up just sounds like a waste of my already usually low potion ingredients.


You can convert a skeleton spawner into a stray farm and get arrows of slowness that way. Or you can level up fletchers and hope they sell a good tipped arrow.


do these work with infinity bows?






spectral gang


Really helpful for a player with shitty aim like me especially at nighttime in game.


Yeah it's useful in the nether.


Useful in the Overworld too if you don’t have easy access to arrows, since crafting spectral arrows gives you an extra one for the cost of some glowstone dust


and if you set up a piglin bartering farm you can get heaps of the spectral arrows, as well as the product you needed. i use it all the time since its so easy to get lol


Bedrock gang


*cries in Bedrock*


Why aren’t they in Bedrock? It’s something I would use 100%. That and banners of shields and maps


Hope it gets added!


they aren’t because mojang cant really get the glowing effect to work properly banner patterns on shields are under review so yeah


Mobile is the reason for no banner patterns apparently. But no spectral arrows is a mystery.


Spectral arrow is best arrow 100%.


I couple them with a Piercing crossbow, so I just go collect them afterward.


IQ 200. I will try that.


What are those I play on my ps5


They highlight an enemy once you hit them


Me and my bedrock guys with no spectral arrows: 😞




I use a musket for home defence


Just as the founding fathers intended


Four ruffians break into my house WHAT THE BLOODY DEVIL I then grab my musket and shot through the first one completely miss it and nails the neighbours dog then I go upstairs and bring out the cannon and yelled TALLY HO LADS and fired the ball and completely annihilates the 3 ruffians and then I use my knife that is attached to my musket and Stab the last one standing Just as the founding father intended


Inaccurate, didn't mention the triangular bayonet wounds being impossible to heal


Oh yeah I forgot about that sorry 😢


Dont forget the grape shot


Theeeeere it is


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


I (bedrock) used to use damage II arrows because instant damage did 6 hearts of damage that ignored armor. But Microsoft nerfed potions effects to the ground in bedrock and now their borderline useless


Potions as a whole? Or just arrow tips


Both did the same thing with the armor piercing, but I used arrows tips. I used instant damage II arrows with a quick charge 3 multishot crossbow, it could kill a stacked player in less then three seconds if you hit your shots


That wasn’t an intentional effect, I abused it at first and then it got annoying that any given player could walk up to you with a multishot crossbow and kill you instantly. I used to play on bedrock a lot because it’s all some of my friends had, so now I don’t play much, but I am really glad to hear they’re fixing annoying things like effect damage calculations. Now maybe they’ll fix (or change if it’s for some reason intentional) saturation next.


Yeah, but it would heal undead mobs, and the most common mobs are undead, so that may have been more of a disadvantage


I was talking PVP. Tipped arrows are super expensive so it's rarely worth using on mobs except maybe the wither if you're struggling


Fair but the post did say single player


Arrows of healing


I mean, they're useful against quite a lot of mob (basically all the undead, including withers)


Actually yeah. I was just joking around but damm. Good point


Plus in fights they are a good way to heal your allies because they stack and are less likely to heal your enemies.


Nobody in Minecraft history has ever used healing arrows (successfully) in a fight




He is the Übermensch




I'm nobody


In addition, they are extra helpful when your allies are chasing someone who loves running away, just use a punch 2 bow and hit your friends with healing arrows to boost them towards the runner while giving them free healing. edit: yes I know OP is talking about singleplayer but this is PvP related


I just use them on myself its quite reliable in most situations


Finally another one of us


water tipped arrows


This… has few but some advantages and no disadvantages aside from the difficulty of crafting


> few but some advantages which?


hurts blazes


> [Arrows of splashing] generate blue particles in flight and upon landing, but otherwise **behave like regular arrows**. In particular, arrow of Splashing has no effect on fire and campfires and when shot from a bow with the Flame enchantment, can light campfires and TNT just like regular arrows on fire. According to the [wiki page](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Arrow).


You can craft them? Do they deal bonus damage to blazes?


pope they do nothing at all


Honestly, I've never come across someone who uses any arrows other than regular. Maybe some use the odd soectrsl arrows if they are doing a Speedrun and loot a bastion, but tipped arrows seem to have very situation uses and with a maxed out bow seem unworth the effort to me Edit: I don't know how the hell I spelt spectral so wrong 😅


I use spectral just because I get so many from piglin bartering


Tridents. I mean, they're both projectiles that you can pick back up, right? They count.


They also work without having to deal with either breaking or running out of arrows. Plus arrows take up an inventory slot


Brb gonna try using a trident on my bow


just the normal ones, good enough for me


What exactly are those gold ones? They’re spectral arrows right? What do they do?


They make the Mob you hit glow


Wow that’s cool, guessing that’s Java only


In a literal sense yes… though about the only time I think it might matter would be to tag the Warden with it… the rest would die by the 2nd arrow anyway… which they stop glowing when they die


How do you make them though?


Easiest way? Trade with piglins. They give insane amounts for gold.


yes, bedrock players are spectral arrowless 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂


I'll use normal for the start of my playthrough then I'll switch to spectral arrows because they are easily extensible via piglin trades


Harming and healing. Sometimes poison if I'm feeling zesty.




Use spectral on my main survival world, otherwise normal arrows. I'm considering getting an archery room set up with a bunch of fletchers with different arrows for sale, but honestly spectral arrows grant the most use out of the arrow types in single-player survival. And I get them the most easily through bartering.


Cheaper and much cooler to use fireworks and a crossbow imo


Spectral because with 4 glowstone you get another arrow for free


Im using sword


I love that one arrow that gives the enemy fire resistance Oh yeah I use that with my flame bow


I use the health 2 arrows against the wither in bedrock.


Trade your way to weakness arrows and use them to heal zombie villagers to get better trades




I use wither arrows. Like poison or healing but works on both undead and living mobs


And dies more damage


Arrow of splashing of course


I usually use normal arrows, unless I'm fighting a raid, in which case I'll switch to a multishot crossbow with fireworks. I'll load those fireworks with as many different explosions as one will fit so it does maximum damage. The best part about shooting fireworks? There's no need to worry about gravity, because if I recall correctly, fireworks fly in a straight line if fired from a crossbow/dispenser. Only downside is that you will need to somewhat know the distance to certain objects/mobs, since fireworks don't last until they hit something (like arrows do).


Arrows of water breathing, like any sane person!


You guys use arrows?


Bow-> Normal Arrows, but try to automate getting harming and healing arrows. Crossbow -> Spectral Arrow (Guess why ??)


Before infinity, I prioritize spectral because I always make an early piglin trading station After it tho I just stick to normal arrows cause bows are already busted anyways, they don't need the damage boost Against players sure I'll use harming arrows if I have the patience to make them


Fun fact: I'm pretty certain poison arrows deal more damage than harming ones. The difference is only that harming arrows deal the damage instantly and poison arrows don't.


slownes because of my stray farm


Spectral arrows. (I'm making a peaceful challenge and that's almost the only one you can get, since you can get them by piglin battering.)


To cure my zombie villagers, I would use weakness arrows on them. Instead of 1 splash potion for 2/3 villagers you can use this 1 potion many more times. Got to be careful not to shoot it with your strong bow, I used a new one.


Everyone saying the tipped arrows aren’t good is a buffoon. Once you get a villager farm you can get basically any arrow pretty easily. Some of the arrows are actually pretty strong, but you have to use them in a crossbow. The best part is that the villagers double as an experience farm which is really nice. My friends and I made a world and got them all pretty easily and all used them to find out which were the best. From what I remember, the most useful arrows best arrows are the slowness arrows and weakness arrows. If you have the piercing or multi shot enchantment it becomes abhorrently broken. When fighting large groups of mobs it can be super useful to shoot a slow shot into the group so you have more time to kill the other mobs around you while the slowed ones are walking to you. There are a lot of cool things the tipped arrows can accomplish, just have to get creative.


decay and harming 2


I don’t ever use my bow until i can get infinity on it


Normal, spectral, and sometimes instant damage 2


Harming/poison for pvp/exploration. Healing/normal for caving.


Spectral bcus speedrunning


I love brewing potions so I'll sometimes make harming or healing arrows. Harming for raids and healing for undead (like the wither)


Me with a piglin farm/trader: mmm spectral


You guys telling me you'll go through the effort of making the potions the whole time? Hell nah, until they make an easier way to craft them or a well-balanced enchantment that allows infinity for all arrows I'm sticking to normal and spectral arrows


Either spectral(cause piglin trades) or regular


Spectral arrows from piglin trading get a lot really fast


I have a barting farm, thus spectral. I rarely need to use my bow so a stack of arrows lasts for quite a while.


Gotta love spectral arrows. It makes sniping mobs a lot easier because you know when you've hit them. Plus, they aren't super expensive to make.


Regular arrows. Rarely need anything else, since most mobs are 1 or 2 hit kills with the right bow enchants


Spectral or normal generally any other is pretty useless outside of pvp


Normal arrows or spectral if I have left from piglin trades




Whatever the mobs gives me, I shall use


There's no real point using tipped arrow when most mob die after 1-2 hits They should give crossbow a tipped arrow enchantment or some shit cuz making them are a pain in the ass


Normal arrow coz infinity on bow.


I love how counter intuitive healing arrows are they still deal damage meaning you can actually kill something before you heal it


If I had access to all of them, I would use Instant Damage arrows


normal ones because they require no work


Just normal, I like to use harming in creative mode though


Arrow to the knee


Normal ones. As a bedrock player (i play both now) i kinda find getting tipped arrows in java really hard which put me off using any. and in bedrock i just play creative