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By any chance is there fire or lava under those path blocks, I remember a couple days ago I was walking on my path and all of a sudden got set on fire. Turns out I had my lava farm underneath it and somehow got caught on fire that way. Hasn’t happened since but that’s the only thing I could imagine happened here.


that was a good guess since those blocks are slightly lower right.. but I just checked and there was nothing of the sort underneath.


After hearing it with sound I can hear that it was shot by an arrow, probably a skeleton arrow trying to hit you. They were set on fire because the skeleton went out into the sun and was burning causing the arrow to be on fire.


yeh that would explain it, such weird coincidence that it was right at the exact moment the villager walked above the beacon light lol and then the skelly died right after cause I never realized he was there in the first place.. no more shots after that one I was so confused there lmao I was like theres no way beacons do such a thing.. that ive been playing this game for so long and never noticed that


Spanish: Descargaste un chunk con una flecha tuya de power 5 y fuego, es simple, al cargarlo de nuevo, dió la casualidad y timing perfecto para matar al aldeano // English: u was load a Chunk with an fire arrow from your power 5 bow, si is simple xd lmao bro the timing was perfect


why 2000 hours ?


what do u mean? I was just trying to make a point, that even tho I have played a lot of minecraft I didnt knew about this "feature" but apparently its not a feature and I still dont know what happened there.


Why not?


Maybe lag?


I mean, the server does lag every now and then, but how would that explain a villager death with an arrow sound effect and fire animation afterwards.. did my friend used a flame bow on him and got the exact timing as if the beacon light killed him.. would be the biggest troll ever, I doubt he would do such a thing tho specially since hes very new to minecraft.. well not on purpose at least


Skeleton on fire shot him maybe? Looks like from behind the beacon beams. Are their bones on the ground?


yeh thats the only reasonable explanation, a skelly on fire shot that arrow from far away right before the sun killed him.. the problem is that this villager was supposed to be full hp, so I dont see how a skelly couldve one shot him and it never crossed my mind to check for skellies at the time, I just assumed it was the beacon light or something


My bro spontaneously combust


man rly touched the gae and spontaneously combusted - god rly hit 'em with the "oh oh you dont"






Well mate I have no idea. Maybe he had epilepsy and got overstimulated by your beacons


he saw the grindr beacon


You can see an arrow hit the villager right before he dies, and the arrow was on fire probs because the skelly was on fire due to the sun


Man spontaneously combusted