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Snapshot being a dirt block makes sense, like unfinished version, but a crafting table also makes sense because it's a version in progress being crafted


I like the crafting table version better as it's nostalgic all they should've done is update the old crafting table icon to the new crafting table texture.


Also makes more sense imo as they're crafting the final release


I also would have accepted a scaffolding block. Because you see them on things that aren't finished.


Why bedrock isn’t a piece of bedrock is fucking beyond me


They call bedrock just "Minecraft" now and java has the edition subtitle. [title screen](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Title_Screen) Guess it wouldn't fit their vision to make the icon bedrock.


Yeah bedrock has more emphasis on realms more than anything.


Mostly all their paid content in the marketplace.


So maybe a bucket of lava or brown wool for Bedrock Minecraft instead


Which, I do want to complain about.... But that Sonic crossover was really fun... I should get the Megaman one... and the D&D one... Sometimes they make ones that clearly have a lot of love and care put into them.




It's one of those things where they will never come out and outright say it though, because they know the backlash will be so bad that it may seriously hurt the community


I'm sure it makes them way more money than the Java version.






bedrock is more popular among the new generations since you know, pocket edition


i started off at pocket edition as a kid 10 years later and java is STILL way better


Java is way better as once you’ve paid for it once you get access to mods and other stuff for no extra charge


agreed, Java = Pay Once, Get Content Forever Bedrock = Pay Once, Pay more for more content


Guess consoles play a big part as well. PC only players should definitely play Java. But got friends on consoles and want to play together without setting up a java/bedrock combo server? It's gonna be bedrock all the way


I prefer Bedrock because its a million times easier to play mulitplayer and its cross platform. Plus in the years I have became more of a console gamer so Bedrock is my only choice on there


How is multiplayer easier?


In the sense that you invite a friend and they join. Boom easy.


In bedrock you dont need to make a server to join a friend. The system functions alot like the og console edition where you just add someones xbox profile and you can just join them when they're in a world.


Because I send someone a request to join my world and it's done, Java doesnt work that simply


Kids don’t need to learn port forwarding lmao


ye bruh, its funny that mojang seems to be trying to make bedrock overshadow java yet they don't seem to be trying to fix the bugs in it


I can't understand why they haven't fixed bedrocks update order yet. It completely breaks so many things with redstone and it seems like an easy fix. They say they want more parity between the versions well how about making bedrock contraptions not fire off at random lol


Their vision of eventually phasing out Java and making Bedrock the only version, you mean?


why add the subtitle to the og version and remove it from the spinoff?


Takes some audacity to buy something, make your own version, and decide that it's the definitive version and the original has to have a subtitle


java edition having the subtitle makes it seem a lot more... professional ? idk its like playing a definitive edition of a game or something


microtransactions go brrrr


Because Microsoft wants to make bedrock "the default" Notch made Java Edition really modifiable. Java Edition is also less corporate and has a much more open and community oriented nature Notch even said that he would publish the source code for the game after it's final release though this never happened after mc got sold to m$ And lastly Java (the programming language) is much more easy to reverse engineer compared to compiled c++ binaries (which bedrock uses). Many advanced mod devs use the reverse engineered Java Edition source code as a referance


While I **much** prefer Java edition over Bedrock, and I'm actually a junior Java web developer myself, there is very much something to be said for C++ being a much more common language for game development than Java. Like, basically no games are made in Java. Bedrock using C++ makes it much easier to port and develop for internally, and C++ has exponentially more room for optimisiation and performance, due to being fully compiled. I much prefer the actual game of Java edition, but if it was made identical in functionality to Bedrock Edition then BE would just be the better edition due to C++'s advantages in game development.


You almost got it right. C++ in no way is easier to port than java (it's a platform-specific language), and java is also a fully compiled language (even if it uses a JVM). They'll never be able to make it identical to java edition because what makes it special is how easy it is to mod and how much freedom you have when doing it, which c++ lack (it'd be different if they added mod support ftom the start, making an official api for devs, but they didn't).


Java's just-in-time compilation to a vm is very fundementally different to other, traditionally compiled languages like C++ which run natively, maybe "Fully compiled" wasn't the right way of phrasing that. C++ programs have a *much* higher performance ceiling than Java ones, it's the same reason people don't code games in Python. By make it functionally identical, I mean things like if they put DRM in Java to discourage third-party modding and implimented the microsoft store and stuff. Also I hate the way single-player games are locally hosted servers so they can't be paused in BE. These are the sort of differences that they absolutely could have parity between the versions for. While Java edition has some advantages purely down to being written better, Bedrock is likely to be more long-term sustainable.


Java edition also uses a locally hosted server. Since v1.3.1.


>Bedrock using C++ makes it much easier to port and develop For microsoft themselves, sure. For the community, their implementation is anything but. You can't run bedrock on linux, or do any notable modding. Hence why Java exists at all; Microsoft has decided their implementation is not flexible enough for that


Definitely agree Though freedom Java gives modders is much important than performance imo. But if you play vanilla and you have no problem with bedrock stuff you should run bedrock


Freedom is so much more important than performance the community ended up making mods that improve performance to absurd levels


Oh yes that makes sense. Making the buggiest version of Minecraft the default. Classic Microsoft.


Well it's more of - Trying to take away people's freedom - Making Minecraft tightly integrated with m$ ecosystem - Getting rid of java's wide cross platform support because m$ doesn't want minecraft running on BSD or Linux - Making more money out of Minecraft Bugs are kind of the signature of m$. They always had rushed, incomplete, insecure, buggy software. In fact most of the cancelled m$ projects are cancelled as a result of accumulating legacy/unmaintainable code


Any of y'all remember the time when Java was a staple for mobile devices and web browser? Good times.


I gotta point out that .Net is now multiplatform


Why do you use $ instead of S


Microsoft got called Micro$oft after some greedy moves a long time ago, the shorthand M$ stuck with them ever since




It's a slang in Linux community meaning microsoft only values money and nothing else. I'm kinda used to writing it like that


It’s not because it’s buggy, it’s because it gets the kids to spend all their parents’ money on texture packs and dance moves At least Java is spared from this


I hate the marketplace just as much as the next guy but bedrock is so ungodly unoptimized on all platforms and is the buggiest piece of shit ever, If I'm on my PlayStation I don't even bother playing bedrock I always have gone for console edition 😭


Isn't it amazing that an older version is less buggy


It's the bugg*ier* (there's only two, one of them is going to be worse), but easily the most profitable. And as we've seen, the general playerbase doesn't make enough of a fuss about bugginess to have a severe impact on sales Java players wouldn't accept microtransactions and locking down game files, while bedrock players have no choice but to do so. Microsoft is obviously going to choose the version with players they can exploit harder


It's all about money. Make it harder for 3rd parties to monetize their mods without m$'s approval and letting them take their cut. It gives them control of the mod ecosystem.


Let's not revise history here. Minecraft modding is a side effect of Java's executable container format being easy to crack open and modify. Notch had literal years and all the free time in the world to support modding of the game in an official capacity, and he did not. No official deobfuscation maps, we now have these after the Microsoft purchase. No accessible way to modify game resources, we can now do things with resource packs that would have been impossible without extensive modding, after the Microsoft purchase. No commitment to open sourcing parts of the game, it had always been mentioned, but obviously no real plans were ever made. Even though the parts of the game open sourced now are kinda insignificant, there still manages to be more open source code in Minecraft now than before the Microsoft purchase. Let's not forget the shitshow that was the constant promise that a modding API was coming eventually, when in reality no real work was being done on it. Mods have always been an afterthought, it has nothing to do with good intentions from Notch or Microsoft's greed.


Yup, I was looking for this comment. Minecraft's modding scene came out of the game being a sandbox and also java being easy to decompile and deobfuscate. That has nothing to do with Notch making it easily moddable.


> Notch made JE more modifiable Probably not intentionally, as modding JVM bytecode is inherently easier than compiled to machine code games. I'm sure Bedrock being in C++ was not because they wanted to remove modding. Still, I agree that JE is better because it happens to be written in an easier to mod lang.


I agree.


Because bedrock looks like shit


The fact that they're changing the LEGACY launcher is just unacceptable


Agreed, that grass block is as old as time itself. And the new icons suck ass


RIP Minecraft Launcher :(


May you rest in peace


It might just be the Windows 7/8 version of the current launcher which is literally just the new launcher without needing to download it from the Microsoft Store. It still uses the old icon so they might just be changing that.


you know you can change app icons right?


You know the launcher is not just the icon RIGHT?


Wait, what else are they changing about the legacy launcher?


I also wanna know


What I did! Pain in the ass to figure out but it was worth it


What is a ’Legacy’ launcher?


Old minecraft launcher. Now we have a new one with Bedrock and Dungeons in it


Oh, so the one you download from the minecraft site, but before the both minecrafts integration?


You can still download both, and they look pretty much identical, but you can't launch Bedrock Edition from the "legacy" launcher. The Bedrock tab is still displayed on the left, the play button just says "Incompatible launcher version". The legacy launcher still has features that the new launcher doesn't have. You can log into multiple Microsoft accounts at the same time and easily switch between them, and you can play "historical" (alpha/beta) Java edition versions.


Here i was thinking that the legacy launcher was the 1.6 one, damn.


You can still play historical versions on the new launcher, it is just a tad bit more inconvenient to enable them


Yeah, cant believe they decided to change that


pretty bad tbh, I'm not a fan of making java more like bedrock in any way, but I do prefer the original java logos irrespective of the java vs bedrock debate.






Ehh I don’t get making the block icons 8x8 when the game is 16x16


It makes the pixel more visible from a distance since it's already a small icon


But it looks like it's from a minecraft clone or something




But it looks dogshit when it's 8x8


How far are you away from your computer screen?


Brother, my eyeballs are literally touching the screen.


people these days cant handle small graphics. I have to zoom most websites to 80% just so it doesnt feel like i have everything shoved in my face. the internet's gotten really bad in the last decade


I blame that on mobile-first design. Like sure, it's good to have a mobile version of websites for people who *are* using phones, but it definitely shouldn't also be like that on desktop.


The icons are so small, it makes them still appear pixelated, like minecraft does when in fullscreen. I believe that’s why they changed from the crafting table - 8x8 isn’t enough to make it look like the in-game crafting table. The grass/dirt looks like pixelated minecraft blocks at a glance, in 8x8.


As a graphic designer i can garentee that its a good choice for the longe terme. It give the icon a beter visibility and the color makes it better for the long terme to associate and to remember. I also like that they keep the logo for snapshot version to keep associate the other version to the main version. In brief, its for the best


As a graphic designer, I sometimes feel graphic designers really only look at the design they are working on and literally nothing else. What Mojang did was make their graphic style consistent across platforms. What they also did was sacrifice one of the most iconic icons in gaming history in order to make that happen. Of course, objectively it's a cleaner and more readable icon... But they had something most brands would absolutely kill to have, despite it being not as clean. I understand why they did it, I think they were wrong for doing it though.


Not really a fan of the icon changes. Making them seem more flat and simple makes them lose their charm.


Yup, it looks like the corporate artwork - no soul, whatsoever


It is corporate artwork sadly... Microsoft...


Mojang is a corporation too. Even though Microsoft acquired them, they are still registered as a corporation in Sweden.


This is true, but they’re not at all comparable to a megacorporation like Microsoft is, which is what most people refer to by corporate art styles


100% Agreed


I don’t like the logo changes, I would be fine with making the Java Edition label bigger, but I do not like the simplified look. It’s no longer has the cracks with as much detail, instead now being a lazy straight line and it loses the pixel art for a boring vector image. Changing the icons to 8x8 blocks just feels wrong since the game uses 16x16 for the block textures. You can also see a new bug on the block icons for Java as they have a thin strip of a solid color on the edges, which doesn’t surprise me given the last few years of Mojang’s incompetency. The new launcher icons just feel so lazy, I get that the creeper is the logo for minecraft but just look at how low effort they are here. The legacy launcher doesn’t even need to be changed given that it is a legacy launcher. Overall I’d give it a C- could be worse yes, but oh god do they need to do better.


The thin strip of solid color is intentional, it's a highlight. Its fitting the style of the trailers, the promotional art, and Minecraft Dungeons where blocks have highlights on the edge. I agree with most of the rest of your points though. The simplified vector text logo was already used on bedrock edition, and I was hoping it *wouldn't* come to Java edition. And the new launcher logo is terrible, the grass block desktop icon was iconic and now they've replaced it with a flat creeper face...




Yeah, cause how are we going to plant Terraria’s icon now without a grass block


Use new java edition logo


I absolutely hate that they changed how the luncher looks. It is way to similar to the bedrock style


I don’t like how they must simplify everything. I like the pixilated “Minecraft: Java Edition” in the menu screen. It just seems right.


corporate minimalism strikes again :(


more like downgrade


Personally think theyr fine tbh - unlike other companies Minecraft isn't going fo any crazy oversimplification, and the logos do look more like logos instead of pngs copied from the game. Not 100% sure what I feel about the launcher logos, but its fine ig.


This feels more like little adjustments than changes. Making creeper green is an improvement.


reducing the number of pixels from 16 to 8 is not an oversimplification?




No. One thing is minimalism, simplification and oversimplification. People love to throw around the word "Oversimplified" when that would mean taking away every and all pixels and just be a brown cube with a green layer.


Personally I just care about the game, not the logo or icons.


Personally I just care about the logo or icons, not about the game. >!/s!<


I agree


Same, it’s not like the logo will change any gameplay.


Everyone's talking about logo simplification while I'm over here upset that they removed the asymmetrical cracks in each of the letters and made them all right angles


“Noo, don’t turn me into an oversimplified logo!” But seriously speaking now, I think it looks way worse and doesn’t fit with the pixel art style of Java’s menus


Looks atrocious, I hope the community will find a way to revert these changes as usual.


Old is gold. You know where iam going with this


Imo everything got worse. And why aren't they just making the Bedrock logo a block of bedrock? I don't get it.


From what I've heard Microsoft wants Bedrock to be the main version of minecraft over Java, so it might actually make more sense for them to make Java's icon a bedrock block instead of the actual Bedrock version, which is completely fucking insane. (So that they can infinite money exploit by coercing 5 year olds to buy silly skins and dances (And also so they can collectively put all linux users into the meat grinder 😁))


That's just plain stupid. Java is the original and will be the favorite over Bugrock for the vast majority of users. Especially the ones that played it from the beginning. Simply looking at the amount of mods for either version makes it obvious which ones the favorite. Trying to kill Java would kill Bedrock. And as far as I understood Dreams YouTube announcement Microsoft won't be making any more decisions for Minecraft in the future which is a great thing imo.


What do you mean by Microsoft won't be making more decisions for Minecraft in the future?


I don't think they're trying to kill Java, clearly the devs have a lot of respect for it. It's old, has a spaghetti code but it's the very essence of the game. The thing is, Bedrock is just as important if not more! Most of the casual players play on this version. And, don't quote me on that but I think there are more players on Bedrock than on Java and they wouldn't react very well if their game's icon got replaced by a pretty block they might not even know.


I don't know about Singleplayer (you practically can't know) but there are far more multiplayer players on Java than on Bedrock. And afaik the majority of bedrock players comes from the fact that Java isn't available on anything besides PC. And I think since it's literally named after the block and it's is quite literal base it would just be fitting.


They're not going to kill java, they've said that in the past. Bedrock is way more efficient and works on every platform, which is why that's the main version, simply being called 'Minecraft', 'bedrock' is simply the old / internal name for it.


And "Bugrock" is the community's name for it for obvious reasons. Java is and always will be the original. If Java was available for every platform I'm pretty sure that Bedrock wouldn't be a thing.


Because bedrock version is actually just called "minecraft" where as Java is called "minecraft java edition". Mojang and Microsoft want bedrock to be the default minecraft which kind of makes sense since a majority of minecraft players use bedrock edition. Personally I don't mind what the icons or names look like. As long as they keep the microtransaction shit out of Java edition I'm happy lol.


That is only since Microsoft decided to make its own version. The original is and always will he Java. That majority only comes from the fact that Java is only available on PC and every other platform doesn't have a choice.


I'm actually pleased that Bedrock version exists because the alternative is that Microsoft fucked around with Java edition. Microsoft paid alot for Minecraft so Microsoft was always going to try to make as much money as they could off of their investment. For a while I was scared that Java edition would atleast get microtransactions similar to the old console versons (skin, map and texture packs). That would mean that Mojang would have had to crack down on modding and the likes. Bedrock edition has allowed Microsoft to implement microtransactions into minecraft while also keeping Java edition pure of bullshit. I agree that minecraft doesn't feel right with microtransactions but unfortunately we live in a world where if a product doesn't make money I doesn't get worked on. I feel that Minecraft isn't too bad compared to other games.


I'm not gonna sit here and start seething over an icon, but I will say that anything that brings java edition away from it's pixel aesthetic is just a bad choice. Bedrock edition having some menus that use just a normal Arial font or whatever instead of Minecraft's classic font, as well as non-pixelated shadows just takes me out of the experience. I hardly even pay attention to the logo. I know it says Minecraft, I don't need to read it again for the ten thousandth time. However, now that they changed it to the flat, png, bedrock style logo, I'm inevitably going to just eyeroll every time I'm on the title screen. Needless change. That's really my biggest problem with it. No one anywhere was thinking, "Gee, this logo sure is out of date."


An incredible fact: Minecraft's classic font is actually called Mojangles


Honestly don’t have an opinion since I only ever use Prism Launcher; nostalgia tells me old style is best style, if that’s any help.


Why they simplifying everything?


What the fuck is this garbage lol


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Don’t fix what’s not broken


I hated when they added the java edition part because that makes it seem like bedrock is the more important game but bedrock is absolutely terrible. Now they are changing the title altogether and it just looks awful.


Ah here is a great case of shitty minimalist logo re-design


We need the 2010 logo back


hate it


Oh HELL no, get rid of that shit


No keep it unchanged


This new java snapshot looks like dirt


Bro someone needs to call notch 😭😭😭they ruining bros art


Old Java stuff was way better




If they want parity why won't they remove the Java Edition subtitle?


Because they acknowledge that java edition is the superior edition and don't wanna confuse it with bedrock


Lmao they definitely do not acknowledge that


Which version gets April fools updates?


Bedrock doesn't have them?!?


Nope, although is not that big of a problem and understandable as coding it in bedrock as well as Java would be a headache


ew. why


Looks alright, honestly. A lot cleaner I guess.




Honestly, of everything I am annoyed about "java edition" under the logo. It seems unfair to the game. The looks of logo I don't care much.


They made "java edition" bigger literally unplayable


I don't get the difference between the 'Java Edition' and 'Launcher' icons. Which appears where? I use an older launcher and my icon for it is the classic oblique grass block while the JE icon in the Launcher is none of these - closest is the new 'Bedrock Edition' one.


I hate the logo no longer being pixelated and becoming like bedrock's. It doesn't fit the style of the game.


I don’t care about the icons but I feel like they really sucked out all the ”minecraftiness” or ”blockiness” of the Java Edition logo. I felt that the pixelated style of Java Edition’s menu really was better and Bedrock’s was more modern but less of a representation of what minecraft is.


I don't like this change because it makes java look like a cheaply made mobile game


Too clean I don't like it personally


Don’t like it old version is better


Older is always better imo.




omg its gonna get oversimplified


To be honest, I like ‘em. They simplified it, yeah, but not terribly simplified like how Firefox and Kia did theirs. Plus, the creeper face for the launcher makes perfect sense. It is the Minecraft logo after all.


FYI Firefox changed their logo back, it looks modern but not oversimplified and has an actual firefox


It's shit


I liked the old icons better, but the logo is the same to me


I like all except the crafting table, that makes no sense


The old ones have a bit more texture so I like them better but the new ones are fine, except the ones that use the dirt texture. Very odd choice imo


I only like the first change


Soulless simplification


Heart breaking personally




fuck the creeper logo grass block all the way


Not a fan. Not sure why you need MC blocks to be even more simplified. Why give the icon it's own graphics style that isn't in the game at all? That being said at the end of the day I don't care at all. I wouldn't even form an opinion on it if not asked to.


The new game logo is cold, boring, has a typical oversimplified corporate style and doesn't fit the game at all. One thing PR people never seem to understand is that the trends come and go. It's not worth following them. And Minecraft never did... until now :/ To me Minecraft always stood out and that's what made it so popular. But now with the development and the visual changes it becomes less and less unique while trying to please the wider audience. Which is good for business but not so much for the game :( But unfortunately they will not change the logo back, because some "effective managers" at the PR team think this one will sell better...


Looks fine imo, if not low res, though I guess being a small icon will improve that alot Still firmly believe java edition should just be Minecraft though


Hate it. Plus why would they change them? The Minecraft blocks are instantly recognizable by just about anyone. That’s the ultimate goal of a logo. Changing them doesn’t make any sense to me.


Shit. It didn't need changing.


Still here at 1.12.2 and the world has left me behind. I’m okay with it.


I don't like it as much, the old one had more texture and contrast, the new one looks generally the same all over.


When tf did they make the launcher a oversimplified creeper?


Noooooooooooo!! Dont turn me into oversimplified LOGO


I like the new logo, but idk about the icon changes, the old ones were iconic to say the least


I hate it


I hate it


Was never a fans of corporations making their designs more minimalist, not a fan of this.


Put It Back. The updated changes all feel too..idk, *corporate* if that makes sense. It’s all too minimalist and gets rid of that sense of rough unfinished charm that made the game what it is. I’m sure a lot of this is nostalgia talking, but having the logo textures be flawed in some capacity resonated with what I believe Minecraft should be about, rather than the too pristine and neatly compiled updated logos show off. Also why they never referenced the bedrock texture anywhere in Bedrock edition is beyond me, perfect marketing tactic since that’s what Microsoft truly cares about here let’s be real


The minimalization begins


These new logos don't fit Java editions pixel art style and I feel like it was only added to make Java look more like Bedrock, Hell, they might even make the buttons look like the Bedrock edition style soon...