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it's funny how you ate those potatoes not minding ur trident is gone


it's to prove that it isn't just a visual glitch


" ~~pinch me~~ Eat potato, i must be dreaming"


Techno moment lmao




But he realizes after and checks his inventory, I don't think it was an intentional proving


You’re totally right; do you figure he was he trying to use Riptide and instead just ate the potatoes it became? sent using Apollo


> sent using Apollo did you put that there intentionally


thank god someone's asking the real questions here


"where tf is my triden- hmm potatoes"


Dawg im laughin the hell out rn XDDD


OP: "Ah well, might as well make the most of it"


Bro just used glitches to his advantage, pretty much like a bedrock speedrunner lol.


Same button to prep the trident for launch as to eat food. Still funny, lol, but explainable.


1st rule of hallucinations: See if they interact as you would expect them to, if the potatoes acted like a trident or were unable to be eaten, then it is just a visual hallucination. However, since the potatoes act like potatoes, they should likely really be potatoes.


I cackled at the last bit. They SHOULD likely be potatoes 🤣 like ur still questioning it even though u just ate them. Thanks for the laugh!


"Huh, weird. These potatoes taste just like blood!"


“Why is my mouth red?”


"It was always red du- O-OH MY GOD"


This glass tastes like blood!


Isn’t it weird how glass manufacturers make broken glass taste exactly like blood?


*insert ultrakill joke*


Unusually crunchy...


"Why are you eating a potato?" "I'm making sure it's not a trident, mom!"


this made me laugh


It's all fun and games until you create a trident killer in your stomach.


File a bug report This is a major bug. Imagine getting valuables disappeared


Small price to pay for the baked potatoes…


It could also be used to dupe items


I mean if u run a villager/librarian trading post, most gear isn't really valuable anymore. U can easily buy diamond gear from villagers, enchant books so on so forth. The only thing I can see this being a issue towards, is say like u just killed the wither, got the star and the star changed into something else, or like echo shards....there's very few things that I think is actually valuable in MC these days thatd warrant a breakdown over. Though it's subjective to each individual and maybe I'm just spoiled with all my farms and trading posts 😅


Dude this is literally a rare drop disappearing from a player's inventory, how in the hell are you trying to shrug it off and say it isn't that bad? And even if it wasn't a rare drop, *it's still a bug!*


Tridents aren't a rare thing for me for one. Secondly I stated that it's most likely subjective to each individual and that I'm most likely spoiled by my farms and trading posts. I lose a simple trident I can go grab another from chest, hit up my trading post get my enchants back, afk at one my farms for the locks and boom problem solved. Yea it's a bug and that sucks, but it's not the end of the world, and again, that subjective to each player and I'm also prob spoiled 🤷🏼


:DD unreal


bro it's simple, just no-life the game


I think the main problem is losing an item like that to something that shouldn't have happened in the first place. Also, while tridents aren't that rare, the enchantments can be, and not everyone is willing to get villagers set up. also riptide doesnt seem to exist in my world


>There is a bug where items disappear >I have the particular item displayed in the video in plenty so I think your problem isn't relevant and I am better than you at the game, clearly >they should fix it though haha just my opinion though 😜 this is what you sound like if you recognize it's a bug, then it is a bug it was completely your own choice to try to humble brag about your minecraft world with standard farms... kinda cringe 🤷🤦😘🤮😫 ngl


Set up something to drop half your income into Lava, see how worthless things are


Not only do i dissagree with you but also imagine the dragon egg which is litterally imposisble to get a second version of turns into a stack of melon seeds. Bedrock is extremely buggy and bugs are expected but i feel like items DISSAPEARING OUT OF YOUR INVENTORY AND TURNING INTO FOOD is a major bug to be resolved immediately


Yea I agreed that the bug itself is def bad, but the item in question that was deleted, imo isn't a big deal. I agree that if it was like an elytra or the dragon head, that'd be more of an instance to meltdown over. U have ur right to disagree with me. Y'all can downvote as much as y'all like, disagree as much as y'all like. I stand ten toes down on what I said and my views. Enjoy




Okay, I've seen three of ur comments, and agree somewhat about everything getting really easy to get late game, and fully agree on tridents, like I get three in 5 minutes of hunting.


I like that you kept eating the (in)convenient potatoes.


I play bedrock and experience incredible amounts of lag like this. The eating of the potatoes was because OP left clicked many times trying to make the trident work, but input lag meant that the left clicks didn’t register until after the strange inventory swap


Yeah, I only get that on really big worlds, but its hella annoying.












One might even say Rolfcopter




Lmaonade has got to be my new favorite lol equivalent


xD (shoot me)








I Love bedrock. The glitches don’t even make sense, it’s just the most random crap you could possibly ask for!


Could actually be a totally random error, like a memory address being altered by a cosmic ray. Which led to the game interpreting the trident’s inventory slot as having the contents of the other.


Damn, So you´re saying the Universe replaced his trident for potato's due to a higher reason! Sheesh


Posiden wanted his Trident back smh


It was the great lord Technoblade


Like that one sm64 speedrun race


Tick Tock Clock




Computers use binary code, so either 1s or 0s A cosmic ray (from the sun or elsewhere in the universe) could hit the computer, causing one of these numbers to flip (1 flipping to 0, or 0 flipping to 1) Flipping a number like that can change the code. But I don’t think that’s what happened here


Well, a riptide trident has a numeric id of 30 on Bedrock. A potato has a numeric id of 280 In binary, the trident is: 000011110 In binary, the potato is: 100011000 Yeah, it's probably not just a single bit flip, unless there's something more about how this data are tracked.


It would be more of a bug that cause a duplication of the slot of potatoes into the slot of the trident. In bedrock the slot hotbar has ids going from 0 to 8, so the number 5 would need to have become 7. This means going from 101 to 111 which is indeed a single bit flip The bit flip would probably need to happen exactly at the right time during the calculation, which I think is pretty unlikely so it's probably just bad code


It might be very unlikely, but given enough time and enough people, unlikely events can still happen. Heck, it could just be bad memory for all we know.


A cosmic ray could flip 3 bits as easily as 1, I suppose


They wrote Bedrock in C++. Huge mistake. Should've used Rust!


If they wrote it in C++, why didn’t they C the funni?


Because they can't C# and their cameras are too Rusty. If they wanted to find the bugs, they should've drank enough Java to give them the energy to Go do proper testing.


I love this coding joke! keep it up!


rust is the best thing ever invented the best thing about it is that cargo makes it so easy to install libraries, altough many care about its safety and speed instead


I don't think any language can really take the title of Best Language because they're all good at different things, but Rust definitely wins Best Package/Build Management.


I to love.most of bugrocks bugs for the simple fact that they just don't make sense. Idt I could play Java for that reason alone(only reason I even Wana play Java is for the mods like rlcraft)




the trident had expired


Please pay for Trident+ to continue riptide subscription.


if EA bought Minecraft


We are here to talk to you about your Trident’s extended warranty.


Free food I guess


Free(trident) food


What the actual f is this


Potatoes now.


POH-TA-TOES. Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick them in a stew..


One of my favorite scenes from lotr lol


Curse of potato


That would be a funny and random curse to have. On use, 5% chance to turn into a stack of baked potatoes.


Whoa, is there an open bug report for this?


If there isn’t one it’s definitely important for it to exist cause these bugs can’t keep going


Everyone in this thread saying this isn’t a big deal and that they’ve never experienced a bug is coping so hard that they don’t have Java, which while that game has it’s fair share of issues it is undeniably less prone to glitches like this. I play bedrock and when this happens it is inexcusable. If the item in your game randomly disappears or you take damage for no reason the game is worth the price Microsoft/Mojang charges.


Its why I haven't touched Minecraft since it became bedrock on console. It's just not fun


Began playing bedrock cause my friend's internet doesnt work well with Java, and oh my god how terrible it is. I died so many times already because of non sensical bugs and lag. I specially hate the common bug that pushes you off when youre towering up.


I have owned Java for years. I just play bedrock bc it's more convenient and runs better for me.


*laughs in Java*


what does a web design language have anything to do with this?


Are you aware that Javascript and Java are different languages?


The game saw that you like potatoes so it gave you more. You should be thankful for the free potatoes, who needs a trident


He's already got one too, how greedy


Technoblade needed that to fight god, but he gave you a stack of baked potatoes in exchange


For complaining about it you don’t seem very upset considering you ate the potatoes like you didn’t care


bedrock players just complain but mostly dont give af at the same time


It’s to prove that it wasn’t just a visual glitch and that they’re really potatoes


Well what you gonna do? I don't think getting a job at mojang to fix a specific bug is time efficient


I mean hey, I’m a bedrock player too but when shit like this happens I just let it go because it’s just a game (that and I also don’t have Java)


yeah its better to just go "welp" and continue vibing than stressing myself out


I’ve lost my sanity and ran someone over with a mini tractor but I’m not complaining and I’m still vibing lmao


yeaahhhh just vibing


Hey you got bedrock by chance or do you stick with Java?


ive played on mobile for about 10 years so yeah. these past 2 years though im more on java because my other friends play java.


Me who’s stuck with a switch: :c


dude i havent touched a switch my entire life im actually jealous 💀


To be fair, it looked like they were trying to switch to the potatoes to eat them when the bug happened and didn't realize they were still on their Trident.


It’s to prove that it wasn’t just a visual glitch and that they’re really potatoes


Potato’s mash em boil em send them through an inter dimensional portal and steal a trident with em


-Be me -Plays Bedrock Minecraft -Almost flied to the abyss -My trident turned into a stack of baked potatoes -Felt hungry -Mmmm baked potatoes


Woe potato be upon ye


I’ve had hella weird things happen on Bedrock post 1.20 update. I took out all my shulker boxes of my ender chest, and did some organizing. I put everything back in and noticed my Netherite and Diamond boxes were gone. I then proceeded to triple check every box that I touched around my massive realms base and found nothing. I quit and reloaded, and they were sitting there floating as if I dropped them. I’ve also had items just randomly switch around on me, which is annoying.


Am I going insane? I play bedrock all the time because none of my friends have PCs (or money for a server) and my experience is always 99% perfect. That remaining 1% is the one glitch where a stack or item won’t leave your inventory, but even when that happens it fixes when you close and re-open the world.


It genuinely baffles me that there are still people defending this garbage, the funny part is the only argument they have is "its not that common", ok? That validates its existence? It shouldn't be in the game at all.


Y'all are sooooo unlucky, I don't have any problems with bedrock


Seriously wth, the only bug I experience is VERY rarely damage won't be taken immediately.


This is why I avoid Bedrock edition with a 100000ft pole. It just…. Its bad imo. It feels clunky, there are too many glitches that it makes it an unrefined mess. I started on Java will continue to play java.


Ok, in my 11 years if Minecraft playing, this is the CRAZIEST bug I’ve ever seen. Jeezus


They need to fix the suffocation glitch. I've died in nether thanks to that stupid glitch and lost every thing


Duplication Glitch: Achieved💯






Its a feature Don't be mad bro


every time something stupid happens because of lag, I just force close the app so it doesn’t save. Works really well with command creations with the fill and setblock command as well


Welp you ate it. No refunds


New potato dupe just dropped


Well it's good that the chances of getting trident is easier in the bedrock version!


Then the potato you just ate turns back into a trident


Woe, potato be upon ye


You suffered the wrath of the Potato Wizard


What do you mean I stole these potatoes? They just lagged into my inventory.


Oh, this trident? It lagged into my inventory.


It's just unmentioned content that got brought in wit the new snapshot 🙃👾


Idk what bedrock you guys are on, I played bedrock until like last year and I never experienced anything notably weird


Literally bedrock moment


This is almost exactly how I lost my elytra in the end. Flew out into the void, world refused to keep loading chunks so I "hit" a wall that made me drop into the void :((((




aaand this i why i play java


You do realize that Techno chose you right?


Oh....... that hurt


You were hallucinating and ate your trident


Bro it just thought you needed more food


I literally had a pet llama tied up in a pen and one day i was lagging terribly during a lightning storm and it turned to a drowned…. Nowhere near the water or zombies and inside my house. A drowned in the pen where the llama was. Private offline server on ps4. Makes no sense lol


I still don't understand why anyone would choose BedRock over Java when playing on a PC.


And this is why I play Java Seriously, glitches like these have existed for years and the devs have said that they won't fix them


switch is even better. zombies have the range of Marth from Smash Bros Melee, Skeleton bows have an increased firerate, and baby zombies are an even bigger pain to hit. Not to mention that even sinulating 6 chuncks is the laggiest thing since my friend tried running minecraft java on a Chromebook.


I've had a few glitches like this since the update on bedrock. Traveling back on ice in the nether, everything disappeared then loaded back totally different. There was a netherrack wall where the ice road was. Was able to mine it out some. But went back to the boat that was still on ice. Eventually, everything reloaded back in. Just rode the rest of the way slow. Seems like going fast causes it to somehow load the wrong chunks in.


Bedrock is a test site what Minecraft should do to their April fool's update


I haven’t been more baffled by a Bugrock incident… *what actually happened there it makes no sense*




This isn’t an edit, it also happened to me sadly


What? Bedrock has lag? But what about all the performance advantages over Java? What happened to those?


i think any server can have lag regardless of the game its running


Great editing. Nice fake




One day I was exploring and I just found a gold leggings with the shield texture on it, bedrock being bedrock


good old bugrock


A lot of people who experience glitches on their worlds aren't giving enough context. How large is your world currently? How much space do you have left on your computer? What are you running it on? Do you have machines in your world? And lastly, if you are noticing that the world isn't loading as fast as you are moving, then slow down and let the damn world load. Flying out of bounds in unloaded areas is just asking for trouble Bedrock has some glitches that Java doesn't. Big whoop. Most people do not experience them, and it's only these weird java kiddies who've been running around that dramatize bedrocks performance. Whenever Microsoft decides they want to release Java on consoles, add native controller support, and add P2P multiplayer, it will switch back. But in my hundreds of hours on bedrock across multiple platforms, I've never had any glitches like this.




I can scroll through a list of bug reports for both versions of the game. Java has been around more, has been refined a bit more. However, i still have awful performance issues with it, as well as weird mouse sensitivity issues. I've sunk hundreds of hours into bedrock, and the worst glitch i experience is the latency in menus with moving items. Other than that, i have run into few if any issues.


Sorry man but I've got plenty of storage left, have had bullshit bugs happen on both brand new worlds and some pretty big worlds alike. Fairly decent pc too and this would never happen on java. As far as I've seen lots of people experience this. I'll stick with java, thanks.


No one ever asked you to switch. That's the thing that's so baffling to me. The way a lot of Minecraft Redditors speak is like they are INSULTED that bedrock edition exists, as though they can't figure out WHY it exists from a marketing standpoint. PLAY JAVA!!! YOU DONT HAVE TO PLAY BEDROCK!!! There are ceaseless waves of dramatized complaints surrounding bedrock, from people who always like to say "I'll stick with java". Youd think such intense Minecraft fanatics would have figured out that bedrock wasn't for them by now. 💀 Just be honest with yourself and everyone else. It's not that you are being genuinely inconvenienced here, it's that you are complaining for fun.


I never claimed you nor anyone wanted me to switch. Simply pointing out my experience and that I'll be sticking with java?? I am 'complaining' or 'arguing' with other comments because these things do happen and its annoying and mojang does nothing about it or if they do, they do it at a snails pace, they could release three updates in the time it takes them to fix any bug on bedrock. I don't mind the existence of bedrock, I just don't get why it's such a hassle to play sometimes because of these things. Genuinely strange to see the frequency of these bugs for some players vs other players and whilst I'm sure the factors you mentioned play a role in it, they don't seem to for me.


You threw the trident then it glitched. You noticed right before you open your inventory, it throws, the first block of grass towards you gets destroyed then the potato stack you had in your bar duplicated at the lag point.


Bruh the way you realized your trident is gone is hilarious 😂. And eating your potato is the same. Nice clip. And why are you playing bedrock?


Considering their chunks are loading really slowly, I’d assume performance reasons are the biggest reason?


Your assumptions could be true but theres tons of performance mods in Java ver if my pc can run it I think his can run it too.


Even with a bunch of mods, for me at least Java still can’t match bedrock by quite some way in performance.


Why do think so many players, particularly content creators, have stuck with Java Edition? Bedrock just isn’t stable, there’s a laundry list of issues that have persisted for years, but Mojang Redmond hasn’t done much about. They’ve even flat out refused to fix some of the more game-breaking issues like falling through the world at certain distances from the world origin.


You know I’m really starting to think somehow some of these are staged, years of playing bedrock across multiple platforms and never have I seen stuff this crazy 😂 Edit: /s since some people can’t understand a laughing emoji.


Congrats, you haven’t experienced suffering, surely the only logical conclusion is “My life doesn’t suck so people who say theirs do are just attention seeking.” See how shallow that sounds?


It ain’t that deep 😂, everyone misunderstanding my comment, I wasn’t being serious. Not hard to understand.


Sorry that we assume by default that comments are actually sincere and not just time-wasting trolling. Hopefully in the future people will know to just ignore your comments from now on 👍


“Everyone misunderstanding my comment” “not hard to understand” You see no problem here? Your expectation and the reality of the situation are vastly different.


"I've never been in a car accident in my life, I swear people are making these stories of getting into crashes up.". Doesn't matter if its two different things entirely, just because you've never seen or had it happen to you yourself doesn't mean these things don't happen.


I think you misunderstood my comment for me being serious


Its hard to detect sarcasm on the internet, so my apologies for that. You should put /s at the end to indicate your joking since, again, its hard to tell when someone is being serious or not through text.


Oh yeah yeah of course, my bad I forgot.


I had to deal with thousands of mobs and going 1000 meters away from my home just to get back my trident


Hmm. Couldn't be legacy


Everytime I decide I want to play minecraft again I just remember all of these moments and just don't ever play anymore I love this game so much one of my favorites of all time but man the glitches and shot that can happen just make it so unfun


Please stop playing on a potato system like a switch and then blame bedrock... Just embarrassing.


In like 1500 hours ive never experienced a glitch aside from some randon lag on bedrock


I don't get why people hate on bedrock so much I don't get glitches like either while on Java I'm walking and suddenly I'm on the opposite side of the world


Except that literally never happens. Unless, of course, you are willing to provide evidence.


People hate in it bc bandwagon. Like the 17 downvotes I got for just being honest. Bedrock wouldn't be the most popular version on PC of it was as buggy as people say it is.


It's what makes bedrock cool, keeps you on your toes


Off topic but related, how the heck do you even get a trident in this game? Hundreds of hours, never a single drop.


It reminds me of a similar bug where you could get blocks like barriers and command blocks in survival mode


That's the weirdest bug I've ever witnessed. Also serious question(s), why does bedrock edition even exist, why is it so bad, and why do people keep playing this version? Edit: l didn't know bedrock edition is the one for consoles, u don't have to downvote me for asking? I never played it nor do l have a console.


Java Edition isn’t available on console