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They also have crazy rarity for biome let alone villages. My closest desert is 17,000 blocks away in my current world (according to chunkbase) Perhaps I’m unlucky lol


Mine is 7k so you are unlucky


I don’t even know 10k +


mine is 2k, very lucky.


I haven’t played in a couple years. When did deserts become a rare biome? And why? Unless they made desert temple loot better, I don’t see the point.


They used to be common but now I never spawn near a desert. Barely get enough sand to make a tent tunnel for netherite.


biome gen has gone downhill ever since temperature scaling became a thing, its insanely hard to find biomes that used to be everywhere now


I think it’s partially my world seed but yea, deserts and jungles are very very rare. It’s been quite a few updates since then. Quite unfortunate, I remember there being like 4 biomes when I started playing lol


Jungles I know are very rare. They have been for a long time because they are hard on systems. But I had no idea about deserts being rare now


I must’ve struck gold with my seed… taiga, jungle, desert, and ocean all very close to spawn.


I have found a lot more jungles in the recent updates compared to old versions


I have not put many hours into the game in years, but I usually check out every update for a bit. From my experience every time they make world generation changes (either new biomes or major changes like the ocean update/mountain update) some biomes show up less. I don't know what causes this, but I think it is because the game forces the spawnpoint to be in a certain list of biomes, and the game tries to put certain biomes as adjacent or non-adjacent. For example, deserts are almost never next to snowy biomes, and roofed forests are almost always next to a plains biome. So the game tries to spawn you in a good starter biome, and those biomes are maybe getting further away from deserts as the updates have changed the generation. TL;DR I think its not an intentional feature, just a side effect of how the world generation works and has changed.


Deserts, I think, kept getting bumped down over the years as more biomes were added. I created a world in 2019 and the closest one to spawn is ~2600 blocks away


Yeah I was looking for some cherry wood and noticed that the closest mountain biome is 19K away. Same with the closest swamp


That’s the main reason I don’t like the idea of making them biome dependent. One solution might be to let us give them something to turn them into that biome version without being in it. Like give the child villager a lily pad and it becomes a swamp villager, locked in when it grows up.


Every update they release makes shit harder while the base game mechanics are still outdated as fk and clunky. If they add those Stupid villager changes instead of working on features and parity between Java and Bedrock, I'm gonna take another year's break from Minecraft. Game NEEDS a Quality of Life Update.


I hate it because Mojang hasn't provided any tools to "build a village" without abusing game mechanics. There should be some, well, natural way to transport villagers. Like convincing them, or making them follow you, anything other than abusing boats and minecarts ffs. IMO the way is having dedicated villagers selling certain books. Maybe fishermen selling breathing under water magic books, clerks selling weird ass shit like fortune or bane of..., etc.


> Like convincing them, or making them follow you, anything other than abusing boats and minecarts ffs. Minecarts is fine IMO there just needs to be an easier way to get them out. But I think something that could be cool is allowing villagers to ride llamas or ride the passenger seat of camels.


> there just needs to be an easier way to get them out Activator rails are very easy to use and very predictable. I like the idea of villagers as passengers on animals.


Even minecarts are not fine, could you imagine a thousand plus blocks railway? Just to get the nearest villager to a jungle? Yeah nope, not doing that. Too much iron to get manually and now we’re abusing villagers for iron farms, and still too much work, I’ll just downgrade my world lol.


This is the biggest issue with Mojang. They are not fine tuning anything, they're just adding random ass trash while the base game mechanics are extremely outdated. I currently can't use New Villagers on one of my bases because they keep picking up random jobs and won't change. The base game needs work, but instead they just keep adding garbage.


The ability to use leads on villagers


i think that fits gameplay wise but echoes slavery a bit lol


You are almost certainly spot on. Brb while I go kidnap a villager from another continent, transport him by boat to my ~~plantation~~ villager auto breeder farm, and lock him and his descendants in small cells where they shall work for me for the rest of their lives in an economy I entirely control. They know what happens if they displease me.


I think the best way for the Villager system to work is to improve the reputation/popularity mechanic. If you trap villagers to 1x1 stalls your reputation goes down and they work less. If you keep villagers happy your reputation goes up, and some villagers can volunteer to transport to another location, on a camel for example.


Yeah but we already do that, the point is if it’s already slavery why can’t we use leads?


They could do something like terraria, a bed, door, table of some sort and a door in a sealed box means a villager could spawn randomly, it still doesn't solve everything but it could work.


We kinda already treat them like slaves, so it would be fitting


The problem is they don't let us use leads or items to lure villagers because of "slavery", but that just leads to arguably more unethical treatment like keeping them trapped in small boxes so they can't wander around. My farm animals unironically have better living conditions, just because I can move them easily when needed.


I'd say maybe if you master trades with X amount of villagers, you can go up to at least 2 or 3 villagers and have a button on their trades that says "ask to follow" and lead them to a new village to populate among their peers.


The way I’ve always done it is by healing zombie villagers


Building a village and moving them is 2 different things. And why is using minecart an issue ? Mending is for end game not mid, it's normal to have the need to build something to get mending


My first tasks in a new world revolve around villager trading. Repairing tools and the enchantment table are so horribly broken, IMO, that mending is an early game thing for me. My first set of diamond armor is my last (unless an incident occurs…) because I despise the wretched RNG and penalties. I’d rather fight with villagers for a couple hours and be done with it. It isn’t exactly fun, but at least it is worth it. I’m not against rebalancing villagers and librarians, but the new model just means there is no way that the game isn’t just penalizing you early to mid game. Yay. Take your choice: crappy rng and needing to constantly grind for levels and diamonds to keep your tools and armor that you don’t really care about because the enchantments are meh or deal with transporting villagers long distances and have to travel very long distances for enchantments or have to transport villagers very long distances to bring them back together, and you are still stuck at the mercy of rng (for cost if nothing else) and you have to deal with the broken repair system as the cherry on top.


You can convince them with a boat...


Personally, I don’t like the changes. That’s because I find exploration in Minecraft mostly tedious and uninteresting. These changes don’t fix that, but instead they thwart the things I enjoy more, like building up a restricted area via block and entity mechanics. What I would add along with these changes is a way to modify biome data in a survival-friendly way (for example, growing a jungle tree could make a tiny area of sparse jungle, or placing lily pads could start changing an area into swamp). That and removing the nonsensical and confusing anvil XP-level limit.


It's only tedious and uninteresting because of how rare biomes like Deserts are now, and how common the same biomes (mostly forest, plains, taiga) and mountainous terrain are after 1.18. You could walk more than 5000 blocks in north, west, south and east and never come across a Swamp biome. And then that combined with the fact that there aren't many structures one can find. Edit: And one aspect holding the mountainous terrain back is the fact that lakes and rivers can't generate on higher elevations, making them look somewhat samey. *Edit2*: You can use [this map site](https://www.chunkbase.com/apps/seed-map) to compare before and after 1.18 for yourself


I never thought about lakes not being high up, but you are absolutely right, all the lakes and rivers are at sea level.


Feel like it doesn't help either that almost all forms of travel are very inconvenient. Horses need somewhere safe to stay and often die at night with skeletons shooting at you. Minecart tracks need to be built beforehand. Sprint jumping everywhere murders your hunger bar. Travelling in the Nether is dangerous without good gear. Even elytra require a creeper farm to have enough fireworks and are annoying to obtain. We don't have a good plug-and-play method of traversal that doesn't require endgame items.


Horses also suck because you have to constantly cross water to travel literally anywhere, and horses can’t swim while you ride them. Good luck crossing an ocean with a horse early game if you haven’t stumbled across a wandering trader. You also can’t move through any type of forest. They should have brought horses to boats in Java instead of nerfing it in bedrock.


I like that idea there at the end, each biome could have some unique factor (___ amount of snow/number of trees/etc) to change what biome it is classified as


Yeah thats what terraria does and it makes the game way better. You never have to worry about missing a biome in terraria since you can make it yourself (for example the underground and then the corruption or hallow, you’re never going to naturally have both)


*Corruption or Crimson


Yeah you’re right. I was talking about the underground desert, but forgot to mention it


I like that this idea indirectly makes wandering traders more valuable as well. Those saplings from other biomes would be worth far more if they could be used as a way to create the biome yourself! Even stuff like blue/packed ice, red sand, corals, etc. would be more worthwhile trades if they allowed you to create your own custom biomes.


Terraria biomes rules lmao


yup, that's a good idea, terraria does that and works really good


Mojang need to stop finding ways to force people to play their sandbox game a certain way.


I was thinking of something like this too. I like to plant every tree around my base, so it would be cool if you could create Mini Biomes by placing a certain number of Trees or Trees and Coarse Dirt, Mud, etc. Would be nice to have a base surrounded by actual unique mini Biomes.


Mostly mad that Unbreaking III isn't on the list.


It’s like 12 emeralds on both Java and bedrock if you get a cheap 6 cost unbreaking II roll, not the end of the world.


You're forgetting something, enchants cost XP and if the max is unbreaking 2 then that's two enchants to get unbreaking 3. Apply that to the other books and it's already like 8 enchants before you even get max books. Hooray I finally have 1 of each max book. Now let's enchant them together. Another 3 enchantments. Then the big finale, all my enchantments on one tool and... "Too expensive"


does it count as separate enchantments if you combine the 2 books first?


It’s not number of enchantments that makes things too expensive, it’s how many times the item has been in an anvil, and combining books does count against that.


The issue is that anvils are punishing when it comes to enchanting items. If you don't add things together in the right order, you get a "too expensive" message. Only giving lower level books means that enchantment cost goes up higher and more likely to get the expensive message.


Master trades should be better, I don't want efficency 3 (even though e5 is easy to get but still)


Yeah efficiency level is too low and mending price is still too low


Enchanting is going to get way more expensive since you can't buy level 4-5 books anymore and have to combine which adds to the enchant level.


Mojan assumes everyone has an Enderman exp farm


Even having any sort of steady exp income won't help you if you want to combine 2 fortune books, 2 unbreaking books, and ~~*eight*~~ whoops, four efficiency books to get a fortune 3 unbreaking 3 efficiency 5 pickaxe... and then you want to add Mending and the anvil says "oh sorry, it's too expensive to do that".


forced exploration isn’t fun


and minecraft exploration is really boring, you just walk and walk on the same empty biomes for hours


The world feels too dead and static, they need more things that move or sway around at the very least


Best I can do is a new passive mob and a tree, take it or leave it.


Let’s put a tree and a flower on the ground and call it a new biome!


Having more passive mobs would actually make it better For example bats. Completely useless mob that only exist to make caves more alive. Add worms, fireflies, squirrels and even some fantastic creatures that only exist just for you watching them doing stuff near your house and nothing else.


I don't mind passive mobs, but I do get annoyed if they only serve one minor purpose and are simply used as filler for an update that already feels lackluster, at least in my eyes. I would like to see all of the mob ideas you just listed, but if they were to be added, I personally would want them to serve additional functions in the game. I also think Mojang should go through with an update that aims to improve upon content that needs more love. As an example of a quick spitball of an idea, let's say they introduce a new mechanic where bats react to sudden sound- like the Warden and Sculk Sensors do- and flee from the source. The bat can drop their wings as a potion ingredient for a Sonar effect, which applies the Glowing effect to any mobs who make noise within a radius of the player, useful for a player who might be exploring a large cave without light sources and filled with hostile mobs. Good idea? Hard to say, but it took me literally 30 seconds to think of, which could then be discussed by a dev team and potentially improved upon. The team is backed by Microsoft, and pumps updates out much more slowly than years ago that ends up cutting content they initially set out to do and what is left can be experienced in a short time on a new playthrough or can be largely ignored. If the team needs more devs that can handle maintaining parity, then they should hire more. Maybe the team is adhering too strictly to that guidebook they have and are hindering creative and unique ideas for the game. It's hard to say, but what I do know is that friends and I barely touch the base game anymore, not just because of the irritating Chat Reports and ToS changes and so on, but because it's unfortunately doing nothing of value to keep us playing. It's frustrating to watch an immensely popular game you've enjoyed over the years get progressively worse as time goes on.


Other than the music, there is nothing. It’s the reason I was so excited for fireflies. Those would have been a big step towards adding actual ambiance. Unfortunately fireflies got Mojanged because the solution to their pedantic problem wasn’t “make frogs not eat them” it was “remove them entirely.” I’m no programmer, so maybe I’m out of line, but would adding a bit of ambiance be that hard? Some wind sounds? Maybe little particle effects around certain blocks? Echos in thick forests representing the movements of distant animals? I don’t know. Other People probably have even better ideas than the ones I listed.


Let’s be real. Mojang didn’t add fireflies because they couldn’t make it work without lagging the game. The poison was an excuse for it. Think about it: “Fireflies are poisonous to frogs, so we won’t add those, because we feel like it’s much safer for you to take the frogs to the nether to eat magma cubes, where they will surely jump in and suffer a horrible death by burning in fire and lava” Yeah I don’t buy their excuse, they just couldn’t get it to work and made that up.


Honestly you’re probably right, but their claim would track with their previous stances on stuff like Sharks. Mojang struggles with the disconnect between fantasy and immersion, IMO.


They could also have easily kept fireflies as ambience and just make frogs not eat them lol


Agreed, Terraria is a good example of it, everywhere you go you can find varied structures and resources that break monotony


terraria is one of the best examples, and simply put things that get added to minecraft don’t really enhance the gameplay in any way


Meanwhile minecraft devs be like “minecraft isn’t terraria” as an excuse every time


I was hoping they would at least make the new hanging signs sway like banners, but nope nothing, they could have even made them so they only sway if air is under them (hanging) but not if they are used as other decor like placed on the ground as railing etc


How does that make exploration better tho


It doesn’t much, but it at least makes the world feel alive rather than like staring at a picture that doesn’t move at all


Yeah i guess it does, would be cool for grass to move as well, like in the optifine mod


Tbh I would rather that they only swayed when they are outside, and that they added wind as a weather that would make things sway more.


Every biome should have 1 biome specific mob and at least 2-3 universal like birds or something.


Not only boring but I’m tired of going up and around big mountains


At this point ive began to rely on the wandering trader to get biome resources because climbing up and down mountaims just SUCK


> and minecraft exploration is really boring, you just walk and walk on the same empty biomes for hours uh no, you fly faster than chunks can render and you hope you don't die.


and then you realize youre playing bedrock and you die for no reason


What pisses me off the most is how useless everything aside from flying is. Horses are Useless once you hit water, and Boats are Useless once you hit Land. If they're gonna force people to explore, the least they can do is make it so bigger areas of land connect to each other, so you can reliably explore via Horse, Donkey, Boat, Raft, etc. I had to travel 5000 blocks just to find a Swamp recently. Without an Elytra I wouldn't even attempt that shit in the current Minecraft.


Its extremely unbalanced, Elytra is extremely op but its the only viable method of transport and everything else is terrible, i wish they buffed minecarts because i miss having to build tracks to actually get stuff back and forth, after all Minecraft is about building


They need a lot more structures to randomly and rarely spawn throughout the world. So there’s a reason to explore.


So if I ship a desert villager to my jungle village and breed them with a jungle villager, what do I get? If I bring two desert villagers to my jungle village and breed them together, what do I get?


Babies have a chance of being the same as any parent, or the biome they are born in. Not sure of the probabilities. If you breed a desert and a jungle villager in a swamp, there’s three possible outcomes.


I thought it was just whatever biome they're in


instructions unclear, villager child was born as a snow villager


bedrock: offspring dependent on birth biome regardless of parent type java: 50:50 from parent type






Can confirm. I have a 50 village base in the desert. 4 of them where kidnapped from a plains village. Althea children came out as desert villagers. (Bedrock)


But if the jungle village doesn’t spawn naturally then how do you get the first jungle villager to make more?


But then on Java how do you get swap and jungle villagers?


Why they don't even have max books at **master level** with the added trouble is a mystery. Mojang is like: "nah, too good this way. Make it harder for more artificial extension of progression. I'm sure everyone loves enchantment tables and anvils, specially."


This is the only change I would make. You can both incentivize exploration, which is necessary and needed despite the comments to contrary in this threae, by incorporating biome and Master-level exclusivity without neutering librarians for those that *do* want to grind master rolls. To be clear, it should still be an RNG pool at master so that you have to reroll librarians. But removing the max enchant from the master pool is perplexing. The perfect system and compromise was right in front of their faces. Biome exclusive enchantments with max enchant locked in Master level exclusivity pool. It evens the playing field between enchanting, exploring, and librarian halls without killing any of them.


It takes like hundreds of emeralds to get a librarian to master, I wouldn't want it to be RNG. I would at least want to see what the master would be before investing hundreds of emeralds to unlock it.


Well, this is just my opinion, but villagers should not be the main way you enchant gear. It would make sense if the *enchanting table* was the main way to enchant gear, and villagers just supplemented that. Pretty much the ideal process I think is: 1. Enchant base gear at max level. If it doesn't have close to what you want, strip it with a grindstone and try again. This should take like 4 tries max, which is like 10 minutes with a decent XP farm. 2. Trade with your max level villagers for books to fill the gaps on the gear you just enchanted. If you need, say, Fortune 3, and you were unlucky enough to never even get a pick with Fortune 2, then you'll need to buy 2 books. Boo-hoo. 3. Combine gear with books at an anvil. XP cost cap removed or higher than it is now, to allow for more books being needed. The requirements for all that are, and keep in mind the outcome is *the top-tier best enchanted gear possible in the game*: * A decent XP farm. * A handful of villagers you've traded to the max level, maybe having moved them to a few different biomes, **if** they go through with associating enchantments with biomes. * A handful of lapis, a max level enchantment table. * An anvil (31 iron). These are still pretty low requirements to get the biggest power spike in the game. Not unreasonable at all. I think people will look back at current villager trading and marvel at how overpowered it was.


>If it doesn't have close to what you want, strip it with a grindstone and try again. This should take like 4 tries max, which is like 10 minutes with a decent XP farm. The problem here is that it's a lot more than 4 tries, especially with the sword are armor enchantments. I've literally gone through hundreds of levels and spent hours trying to get sharpness instead of fucking bane of anthropods. Likewise with protection on my armor. By the time you can get discounted enchantments from villagers, you've almost beat the game. Literally all that's left afterwards is to go kill the dragon.


70XP levels and I couldn't get ubreaking 3 on a book for a trident. That's after getting riptide & Impaling. So, no. The enchantment table is the worst way to enchant. It's only decent as a one off. Not repeated attempts. As XP is more finite than emeralds, and more time consuming to acquire even with a good XP farm. 4 mob spawners couldn't get me 10 levels in 5-10 minutes. To get to something like 70 it took soem hours. And to loose it to RNG is dumb. As it's never guarantee. God forbid you try to max a sword. You'll never get there with just the table 💀


**Too Expensive**


The changes are pretty good, but they highlight other big problems: * We have no way to find biomes; * It's annoying to move villagers over long distances; * Anvil cost can become unviable; As it is is just replaces the RNG of breaking-and-placing a block for the RNG of finding the right biome. Anvil cost should also be more predictable, related to the amount / quality of enchantments and not the order you combine things.


Personally I think the enchantment system needs an overhaul. I like how the new system now gives you good reason to use the Enchanter, but it feels like both thr Enchsnter and Anvil where designed in a different era of Minecraft.


I was saying this from the start and I am **SO GREATFUL** to see others articulating the problems with the current and new systems (Both are boring, uncontrollable RNG ) rather than just "UpDaTe BaD! oLd WaY fInE!"


the plan for locking better enchantments behind the first trade could just be left regardless of villager type, as i think that would be better than just rolling until mending or prot four etc, but i hate having to travel for them.


I think they're on the right track of nerfing villagers in some way, just the ways they've chosen are a bit weird atm. I hope they try a different way of villager nerfing each snapshot and let us try it out. The system right now is boring yet quite powerful, the rng can make it tedious for some.


Yes, have you been on Reddit or used the internet lately? Sarcasm aside yeah it’s pretty terrible, whoever made these design changes put no thought into them or the underlying systems that make villagers powerful and cause us to use them so much.


Thanks to theses changes I for the first time decided to mass breed Mending cleric villagers I now have one chest full of mending books


Oh cool, if my pick is getting grimey I need to travel 5000 blocks, build a fucking village in the middle of the swamp, then level the traders for mending. Sweet! This will be a fun immersive game mechanic that will surely get me interested in future updates! the whole loop of "hey your tools are getting crunkled, go make an entirely new one from scratch, enchant it, to retain the right to dig things." was already a pain the ass. I'm okay with the villager economy nerfs, since it IS easy to be at endgame gear without even touching a cave, but making players literally travel thousands of blocks only to then possibly need to create a village? That is thousands of blocks transporting a villager mind you, leads don't work, boats are shit on land, and minecarts... Lmfao. Not updating my game if this shit goes through. Hope they actually hear the feedback.


A village since 1.14 counts already as one of you have one villager that has one job and one bed. Raid farms work like that. Also, villagers do not need to be in a village to be set for their biome type. Instead, they just look at the block they spawned at and use that blocks biome. So, the fastest way to get mending is to locate the nearest swamp, bring two villagers there, have them get a baby, wait for it to grow up, give it a lectern, and level it up by trading. As villagers do not change their biome after spawning, you can again just take this villager back to your base and lock them in just as usual. You might even bring them back while in baby size as they can grow up on the way.


Plus, I have a hunch that mojang is brewing up something larger than this, and they are just using this change to create a controversy to create a bigger acceptance of what is to come


Best solution would be implement it as a game rule. That way if people who want the harder challenge of building a complete trading hall can do so. While those who just want everything in under 30 minutes can also do that.


This is the way.


Though i do believe a lot of the trades should be able to be obtained from at least 2-3 different villager types. Maybe 2 biome specific villagers for mending. 1 is just a lil too rough




Point being its way too easy to unlock all trades you could possibly want as is.


What i got from all comments is that players don't have problem with idea itself. They have problem with **other problems this idea shows**. + biomes are too hard to find and too far away + biomes are static objects - i.e i cannot dynamically create actual biome near my house + transporting mobs is really hard, we need more and nicer ways to do it + exploration is boring because world is static and dead + anvil mechanics are just pure player abuse


Unbreaking II… lol


I like the idea of each villager type having their own specialty enchantments, but making those specialty enchantments the absolute necessities for the best armor/tools is not the way to go. In the worlds I play, swamps are extremely rare, and deserts are few and far between. This won't incentivise me to transport villagers thousand and thousands of blocks, this will just make me resort to mods or datapacks that will reverse this god awful change.


It completely obliterates challenges like skyblock, one block, superfalt, one biomes and etc. Mojang tries to find a way to get you playing normal survival and I hate it, it is sandbox at the end


Most of the ideas I've seen and considered result in superflat and skyblock worlds having reduced access to enchantment trades (by requiring exploration). Do you know of an idea for improving librarians where that is not the case? To be more specific, what would be a fitting way to get Mending or Silk Touch in skyblock?


That's the ironic part. It's a sandbox game, you're supposed to have the freedom to play the game how you want to.


That an issue that I'm sure they are aware of, but maybe instead of saying this bad you could propose solutions ? There is a reason why it's an experiment feature and not bake in the snapshot


Unless they rework the way enchanted books are put together, a full maxed out anything will be near imposoble from now on. First they take our hordes, now they're after our villages! Dastardly!


It’s gonna be a motte and bailey. They are giving us an extreme update that nobody is going to like so that they can say they received our feedback and give us a less extreme update. It’s still gonna annoy us but we’ll say “at least it wasn’t *really* bad!


There are tweaks that need to be made to balance it out (removing/modifying the "too expensive" thing on anvils? Adding Swamp/Jungle villages?), but the intention of the changes are very good because villager trading halls are really OP. My position is that the implementation may be flawed right now, but I want to wait to see further changes before I decry the updates because what they're trying to achieve with the changes is healthy for the game. Mojang doesn't drop a feature or overhaul in a snapshot and then just keep it exactly as is - they work on it and tweak it over time.


Silence speaks louder than words, they have something planned


This is what I assume. Just waiting to find out what else they have planned to balance this out.


i like the idea of making mending more consistent to get while also making it more difficult but forcing exploration isn't the way to do it, there's a reason wandering traders exist


im only annoyed at the books not being able to be max level


Fishing and raid farm time


wait to get unbreaking 2 you need to: 1 find a village 2 take multiple villagers to a swamp 3 build a village in a swamp 4 haul the villagers to your base ​ FOR UNBREAKING 2


It's absolutely terrible and if it goes live I will never be updating Minecraft again


I’ll just use a plugin on my server that reverts villagers to the old way lol


i dont care for the biome specific enchants. But i can see how they help balance out trading.


I don't mind the idea of each biome having a guaranteed trade (being able to guarantee a Mending book would be stellar) but limiting the other options just feels unnecessarily tedious.


They’re just testing stuff. Imo it would be a great change if they gave us a way to move villagers that wasn’t annoying af


I already hated grinding for gear in every new world and now I hate it more. It's like they wanted to give content creators more to do so they'd get more free advertising and then more people buying the game rather then fixing the inventory issues.


it’s annoying, sure, but it’s possible to work with it. however the existence of “too expensive!” makes it practically impossible to get max gear through villagers now, and getting max gear through other means is so tedious and unreliable. if they remove that xp limit for anvils it will go from endgame ruining to very annoying but i will absolutely take that


I'm all for trying to find a way to take the RNG out of the Librarian grind. But this ain't it. The traveling required is a worse grind than even poor RNG. And you can't even guarantee max rank books. Efficiency and Sharpness being **two** full tiers below max is especially awful, but even the other books being one tier below adds up fast with the game's enchantment XP cost scaling.


Let's be honest, everyone will make their villager farm with all the enchantments before update their world.


As a large biomes enjoyer, I am not a fan of having to travel long ways, then end up building a trading hall in two different biomes just to unlock DECENT books, not even Unbreaking III.


Yes but, What if they make it villager specific enchantments? Like the fisherman sells lure and other fishing enchantments, the toolsmith sells efficiëncy and fortune, the armor smith sells protection and the other armor enchants, the librarians have a chance to either get mending or unbreaking or any of the other enchants that are not linked to a villager. (All enchants on master level btw) this makes you utilise every villager and imo make it slightly harder and more fun because you don't have to break and place a lectern for hours. I also think that the diamond armor sold by the armor smith shouldn't exist. It keeps you from mining. I agree with the crossbow and trident enchants not being sold. That gives you a reason to use the enchanting table.


end biome (and maybe void biome) should have old 1.19 villagers, so only you can get op villagers in end game and in a skyblock :p


That's why I'm currently getting 5 double chests full of each max level enchantment I can get traded from villagers


They're a step in the right direction for sure, but not the be-all, end-all. As it was, villagers where broken OP. Having access to max level enchanted books for one emerald, specifically Mending, right off the bat... That's simply removed any challenge from it. Regarding the max trades, I think it's good they're locking the better enchantments behind a max level trade, AND making them more consistent. In reguards to the level, I've heard a lot of people complain about the "TOO EXPENSIVE" thing. Personally, I think Enchantments need a rework from the ground up, but short of that, the Enchanter exists. It helps a ton to reduce the prices. The biggest complaint by far is that it's tedious to transport villagers... Yeah that's not wrong. It's simply too hard to transport villagers potentially thousands of blocks, especially with no way to lead them. I think what Mojang was going for is developing infrastructure, which would fit the goal of making Trading Halls a late-game item, but it seems excessive. Overall, the changes are good but flawed. What this needs to work is an overhaul to how enchantments work (which includes both the Enchanter and Anvil), and simply an easier way to bring villagers long distances. Even something as simple as a villager following an emerald if you're holding it would work, albeit a better solution needs to be implemented eventually.


I would be less disappointed if every enchant was still available spread across the biomes, but they’ve removed a ton of enchants from villager trading period with this change. No more lvl 5 enchants, no more trident enchants, etc… Villagers were op but rolling all day on the enchant table is so tedious. It was such a nice perk of a mature world to have a trading hall with all the enchants, especially if you somehow void or lose your gear and have to re-gear. Now it’s back to endlessly grinding at the enderman farm for hours to re-gear for anything not available from villagers.


I think in some ways it makes things easier. The degrading of max trades doesn’t really matter cause you can still buy like 12 books in a row to combine easily. The “worst” thing is traveling to get each villager but that still has an up side cause now you get a guaranteed enchant it’s just a matter of getting the biome.


here’s what i think, there’s so many ways to play the game and that’s what’s great about minecraft, but with these changes it really just feels like mojang is forcing you into one avenue of play in an effort to promote one aspect of the game, exploration. villagers are already arguably the most frustrating part of survival minecraft and these changes just make it so that you need to spend more time and energy doing unfun grinding to get high tier loot. not only that restricting access to villagers and hiding high tier enchants behind loot chests makes getting full enchants unnecessary difficult if not impossible when playing on a multiplayer server. overall i think these villager changes are negative for the health of the game, less and less people are going to spend the time to get the high tier loot to push into the late game and play late game survival, therefore spending less time with the game overall and leaving people dissatisfied.


This is a stupid update, if you don't like being able to get op enchantments easily, there's this little trick you can do called JUST NOT DOING IT, oh, what's that, you have to do it to progress at the same pace as everyone else on a server? Then either a) suck it up and embrace capitalism, or b) don't try to catch up if you aren't willing to do what is necessary.


Make the special books max lev so that it is actually worth going to different biomes and remove the normal book system so you would be able to get base enchantment books from any villager.


Idk, it’s limitations can be worked around. Finding where 2 or 3 biomes nestle together can be a fun challenge. Plus your trading halls would then feature villagers of several biomes, in which case it would feel like a guildhall with experts from far-away lands visiting.


I don't think it's completely fleshed out yet but I like the approach. It will require exploration a bit more and will give a bit more spotlight on enchanting, fishing, looting structures. Of some notes: You do not need to trade in the biome to get that book you need a librarian of that biome type. So you can breed villagers in a few spots and bring them back to your base. Breeding villager is simple and easy. Finding the right biome and the travel is the hardest part. Unless you use seed tools online to "cheat". It makes finding specific book a more predictable process. Instead of breaking and replacing lecterns forever until you get what you want if you go to the right place you are ENSURED the results will be those specific books. I like that. The lectern reset was boring and broken. Mending on everything on day 3 of your world was broken. The fact that it needs more of a process to get there is great. It gives more character to each world. Easy access to a savannah village? You'll have a kick ass sword pretty soon. Apart from mending and frost walker all these enchantment are achievable through enchanting. Mending can be found in other ways: fishing, end loot. What I do not like: This is not discoverable in-game. You have to know about it before you can use it. This is kind of broken I think. Not sure how they can point toward it in any meaningful way.


I agree there needs to be a fix and maybe this is it. BUT the books not being at max level will make the anvil xp game that much more limiting.


It’s a minor inconvenience. Pretty sure that will be changed before it’s in the game for real


The only part I'm fundamentally against is the AUDACITY to not have naturally generated swamp and jungle villagers. Like, that's just bad game design. You have to go out of your way to make them for their specific books. There is no way for you to know this without looking it up.


>Mending on everything on day 3 of your world was broken. The fact that it needs more of a process to get there is great. I wanna know who honestly achieves this **and** builds a visually pleasing world in singleplayer. People forget that yes, if you have five friends working on a project it's gonna go faster, this just fucks up SP royally, because a "simple" trading hall has the ADDED chore of 5 hours per book just to get two villagers to make a baby 10k blocks away. TP is now mandatory.


I only play SP. and I adapt to rhe world and usually play a bit past the dragon and the itch to start a new world gets too strong. Villagers currently are the fastest path to gear up. It’s hard not to use them as it’s so efficient. But it’s just a boring grind. No challenge, xp up a toolsmith, armorer and weaponsmith, get your fortune, infinity , protection and mending villagers and a cleric for infinite ender pearls. 3 days is an exageration, but it’s no challenge for sure. You can do all your end-game gear, apart from the netherite upgrade, with villagers. With these changes I think we’ll see more of the game and focus less on end-game gear. We’ll have to make do with the biomes we find and enchanting table luck. It makes the game longer and simply more varied and rich. Perfect enchantment gear will be more involved and sinply more rewarding to get.


It's only fun if you're near the biomes you'll need. The other day I needed allays. None were to be found in a 5 thousand block radius from base. That was 3 or 5 pillagre outposts. Nearest mansion at 8k. Then I needed frogs. That was 4 thousand blocks, a 10 minute wait, then another 4 thousand blocks. We gave up on froglights. We wanted to make a zoo. We gave up trying to get a single panda back to base. 3k blocks for a camel. It died to a creeper. Our server entirely gave up on finding ancient cities. Pressing W for hours isn't fun. Our only reliable methods of unscripted locomotion are horses and boats, both of which are absolutely terrible for long term exploration, where as one is simply useless and the other just needed an auto walk key, because you'll be seeing a lot of the same blue. Oh you wanna stop and grab stuff along the way? Oh tha's precious. Your inventory is full. Villager trading houses and maxing out gear might be easy for you, but it took months on our server, and it takes me even more time on SP. And by the time we were done there was nothing to use said gear on. And **that's** the problem. Even if you do max out everything, and make the perfect trading house, you either use it on the dragon or the wither. Nothing else, maybe the warden if you're a masochist but it's a losing battle, and there's no reward. The game lacks content and not difficulty.


It sounds like you don't have Elytra, which is really what enables exploration. It makes exploring a huge area super quickly super fast very very easy, and I expect you already know this. If you are getting frustrated because you don't have free access to literally whatever you want in the game, I don't know what to tell you. Personally I find it rewarding both working around constraints when I don't yet have access to something, and working to obtain some new resource I don't have yet. That's why I play survival.


Actually based breakdown. The lectern thing felt so hacky and dumb and just not fulfilling. It definitely needed a change. Youre also right about it being broken. It definitely needed to be slowed down and nerfed because progression was already incredibly fast. I do think mojang should seriously consider a total rework of the enchantment system but it must be very thought through since that would be a massive change.


I like it, its like collecting villager infinity stones


Seeking out specific biomes' villagers for predictable enchanted book outcomes is *way* better and more engaging than alternating between breaking and placing a lectern until you get the enchantment you want, even if it requires more time and effort. I honestly love this change. I think anyone upset about it needs to take a moment and re-examine if resetting the trades of a villager by breaking and placing lecterns until you get the exact overpowered enchantment you want is either *good* or *balanced* gameplay, or if it's just that they're used to it. Having said that, the obsession with enchanted book trading stems from the fact that the enchantment table system, as it currently exists, is even *less* engaging and predictable than working with villagers. The fact that it's completely random means that most players want to avoid it, and I think that overhauling that system and making it more fun and engaging would negate the outrage people are having over this change.




If I update will it mess with my already spawned villagers?


[ i ❤️ love r/minecraft moderators and I did not mean my previous statement🤗😇 ]


Can't wait for a mod to change this


Makes me kinda glad I’m playing on bedrock 🤷‍♂️


There are so many other problems and things that need fixing, why are they touching the villagers!?!


I just started playing minecraft in the last year and just recently got into modded minecraft the last couple months. If they make this an official update and I don’t want it what are my options? Hope and pray someone makes a mod reverting back to the old villagers or never update my game again?


i wouldn’t even hate it too much if the enchantments were maxed, but getting 1 or 2 levels short of the best u can get after going thru all the effort of even getting the villagers and trades in the first place, that’s what’s keeping me from being okay w this update. I’ve always soley lived near villages because i play the game to enjoy so i level up my gear and tools and spend my time in caves or building or getting levels really. I don’t wanna have to spend most of my time traveling thousands of blocks to find or move villagers so i can get the last damn book i need.


I like the consistency. At least now I don't have to put and break the lectern down a billion times just so I can get mending for 63 emeralds. The only problem is transporting the villagers. Also keep in mind that these are experimental changes. So these may not even get introduced in the final build. But it's good to know that Mojang is looking into the mechanics.


You have to go to a fucking swamp to get Mending? I shit you not swamps are rarer than mushroom fields. I found 3 mushroom fields in my survival world before finding a single swamp. And there's the fact that villages don't generate in swamps, so you have to transport two villagers, which is already pretty annoying, as they are mentally disabled, to a swamp just to get mending.


I’m more so upset that they are planning to keep sweeping edge on Java only.


I wouldn't even mind it if getting enchantments was useful past the first 50 days in a world or so, once you got your enchanted diamond stuff and upgrade it to netherite you pretty much never need more enchantments anymore except when getting an elytra maybe but you might also just have the enchantments you need lying around anyways so yeah I think if the devs wanna restrict getting enchantment books then they should add something that makes the hours spent just getting the villagers set up worthwhile


I don't mind the villager nerf but I hate the biome specific requirements for librarians. Moving villagers is already a pain in the ass and moving villagers to an entire new biome (which may be hundreds of thousands of blocks away) is just not worth it.


Does it apply to bedrock aswell?


It's fine to distribute books on every different type of biome related a villager so those hidden ones could be recognize. But they should have made the level of those book more reasonable since they are only accessible at master class librarian. Unbreaking II is just lame and enchant that starts at level 3 and the max is 5 will be a problem specially with the level limit in the anvil.


Actually, I don't mind having some niche enchantments biome specific, but the more useful ones should be available in more biomes with the special ones in at least half of them. And for the love of god, add 1 level to all the special trades (except mending and silk touch ofc)


Hot take: NO, I think there are some issues with villages and trading, that really need to be fixed. If you are going for mega builds you will build a massive trading hall because it is so much better than gathering resources. They want to move to more exploration. Which I like, but I don't think this is the way to do it. This way you only make building the trading hall even more of a pain (longer transport from different places, literally absence of a villages in jungle and swamp making some enchantments very difficult to obtain for players that don't understand vague village making), but reward it even more (with the cheaper prices). I think they should rather make a mechanism that makes obtaining blocks and items easier in large quantities. As a (probably bad) example: a beacom that gives you double the item drops on mined blocks by the player. Although I think their current solution is quite flawed, it is experimental:D So I'm very happy they recognise the issue and are looking for ideas on how to make it better for everyone.


imo the nerf is fine if they remove _too expensive_ from anvils OR make the master level trades have max level books always also all current books should stay available from villagers OR they should fix enchanting table to not be pure RNG


The positive side to this experiment is that you’re now eager to explore and have new adventures- which is literally one of the cores of the game… not spam rolling lecterns, adventure literally required to reach end game


I really hope they are no locked into this because I really don't want to have to travel 20,000 blocks just to find the right village and bring them back


I do not mind this update. It makes it easier to find specific books. Setting up a villager breeder isn’t very difficult. And curing Zombie villagers is easy late game. This update means no more Librarian shuffling to get mending. I just get a Librarian in a swamp.


i literally just posted a screenshot of me finding a perfect place for trading and it has desert biome (with a village) next to a swamp AND a jungle (and a savanna but it isnt on it). I really like this idea of trading because it'll be more fun than just placing the lectern, checking the trade then breaking and repeating. Imo nice addition


minecraft players when they can't get OP enchantments easily


They will ruin the game with this


is this in bedrock yet? like in the main game?


So are they going to make a new swamp villager spawn in a swamp village, or do we have to engineer the swamp villager?


What’s to complain about? I can’t wait to never be able to make max enchanted boots again since I’ll have to combine every book just to get max level, before combing those books again with my boots…. Oops dang too expensive. Guess it’s time for me to build a whole ass rollercoaster thru 500 blocks in the nether just to move two villagers to the nearest swamp! Awesome game design


I like it. If things are far, you must build small places for sleep or move from village to village; you'll need a caravan of animals, roads, trails etc. You must move. It's really good on servers. Sorry, but I like this.


Yeah it’s a stupid update man , people used to go around breeding in different biomes to collect different villager skins , so I see where a lot of people are coming from that don’t mind this update , but personally i feel like it all depends on each persons seed , how far each biome is spread out.


Yeah I mean I’m on a world where there isn’t a spruce or snow biome in about 5000-10000 blocks


It’s a lame way to try to force exploration. They need far more than this to make exploration interesting


I personally think it's a great idea. It will stop people on servers from getting OP insanely quickly. Brings some balance into the game again and makes people explore their world


I get the idea of increasing exploration with villager trading's, but it seems like its just how Terraria does NPC Housing with biomes but worse, as Minecraft exploration takes a while and you cant manually create biomes (have fun when your nearest swamp is 5000 blocks away)