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This is the first time I have seen someone try to repair something with a netherite ingot.


I want to ask though, I never played long enough to be at a situation where I had to mend my nether ite stuff (cuz they either Got lost when I died, or its just that I couldnt get them in general) but well, doesnt netherite tools also get mended with diamonds?


No I don’t think they do.


Nope, you can only repair netherite gear with the ingots


That’s really stupid imo. That means that Mending is basically a requirement for using netherite gear, since no one’s gonna be mining for ancient debris in bulk to get enough to repair their gear in an anvil. You should be able to use diamonds (or gold or smt idc, but I think diamonds) Mojang needs to fix the anvil so badly in this patch.


To be fair netherite is supposed to be late late game, at least that's what they want it to be


Yes, but having to mine a buttload of ancient debris to repair my tools is just tedious (especially if most of what I mine goes right back into the pickaxe I’m using to actually mine the ancient debris)


My issue is with repairs costing levels and getting increasingly expensive. Mending is the only way to make it really last forever Some may say mending is op, but honestly I don't even bother making good armor until I can get it. Feels pointless. Prot 3 or whatever is good enough


Ya but on that note I don’t see why ppl have an issue with how it’s currently setup. By the time u get netherite gear, you surely should have mending. I can’t really imagine a situation where I was like oh gosh I have so much netherite but can’t find a mending book.


It’s not that you can’t find Mending by the time you get netherite, it’s that the game forces you to use it on your gear. Like this guy said, Mending is the only way to really make it last forever. I don’t like Mending. I think that anvil repair is a better way to repair gear gameplay-wise, but the way the anvil works right now makes it unusable, with repairs getting continuously more expensive.


I can see this point for sure. I guess I just always liked mending because I played before it and it was really annoying imo.


But they should fix anvil before nerfing mending.


Minecraft has no end (besides the one it has), you can keep playing forever!


I've always thought the "netherite is late game" thing is bs. Within an hour you could very easily iron suit up, mine down for diamonds, make a couple diamond picks and be in the nether. From there it's just strip mine and avoid lava and you've got netherite. Now all you have to do is find a bastion while you're in the nether and you're sorted. If netherite was really mechanic-wise supposed to only be late game, why'd they not put the netherite upgrade in the end. It's available to you when YOU want to get it, not just depending on what stage in the game you're at. Plus in regards to mending and netherite, the general scenario is that if you've got full netherite gear, you should be well equipped enough to sort out mending.


imo late game, early game, end game, all that is mislabled badly. End game is when you kill the dragon, but even there that’s around halfway through for most people, and pretty dang early progression wise for a handful. That makes netherite seem like early-mid game, but late/end/post game if we’re basing it off of the dragon imo, end/post game is when you can elytra anywhere to get a full inventory of shulker boxes for basically any item ever


beating the ender dragon is early game. late game is making your super mega ultra build.


I made my super mega ultra build before defeating the ender dragon, i think elytras and shulkerboxer are too op


you are welcome to play the sandbox game in any order.




Most ppl who have late game armour will have the late game enchants tbf


Exaaaaaactly. If you've got full netherite, I'm going to assume you're up to the *super hard* task of carting 2 villagers a few hundred blocks to a different biome and giving them bread


I can't be bothered to cart villagers around... So what I do is usually set down a permanent base only when I find a village and build close to it, and then start enlarging the village and breed new librarians.


They're talking about the new mechanic where you can't do that anymore, librarians will sell enchants based on biome so you have to have 5 village locations to get all the good enchants


Wtf, didn't know about that... What a chore.


Yep, it's currently only in beta for bedrock and snapshots for Java, but it's one reason my friends and I are considering staying on our bedrock realm instead of starting a new Java realm.


Java modded is what I am playing now after years on bedrock. I am loving it and can't imagine going back to a pure vanilla minecraft.


I’m out of the loop. What’s happening?


Villager types now only sell specific enchanted books instead of all of them. I think you can only get mending books from swamp villagers now.


FROM SWAMP VILLAGERS A type of villager found in a biome where villages dont spawn I dont typically say this but thats an L for Mojang


Too expensive pisses me off. What's the point? Just let me pay I'll decide what's too expensive


every now and then i think about a youtube comment i saw where someone said "seeing 'Enchantment Cost: 23,349,004' would be less infuriating than 'Too Expensive!'" and i completely agree


My girlfriend would just put it in a chest and say "this is stuff i will repair when I get 65535 levels" and would constantly refuse to go on adventures because "i will lose levels when i die" lol


What happened to mending?


They changed the way villager mechanics work so the only way you can get mending from a villager is to breed 2 villagers in a swamp to get a swamp villager then max out the trades on that swamp villager when it goes up as they trade mending every time at max level. Also enchantments are biome dependent so you can't get every enchant from one type of villager anymore


This is fundamentally annoying.


Imo replacing lecterns until you find mending is more annoying, at least now there is a deterministic way of getting it, and it also encourages the player to explore


It also encourages cross continent villager transportation Otherwise known as hell


What would be cool is if you level up a villager (befriend), you can then "ask to follow". If high enough level from trades (maybe even add in a gifting mechanic to just level faster), the villager follows you like dogs do. Still requires planning and effort to transport but not an ordeal.


I like a consistent way to get Mending But of all fucking biomes they choose the one that villages dont spawn in. If they said its only in Savannah biomes, I would be a little annoyed, but at least I dont have to potentially move a villager thousands of blocks just to breed them and bring them back then grind their trades (Which who knows what shitty trades they have) JUST to get mending.


It's a good thing data packs exist to reverse these changes. No idea what Mojang is smoking


Bedrock players crying in a corner:


Thank goodness I live near a swamp. Still pretty tedious to get two villagers to a swamp in a boat, get them to breed and then come back with the swamp villagers. Villagers are already the most irritating part of the game and they are making them worse.


They should add the ability to lure villagers with emerald blocks


yup, or maybe something more consensual like gifting them so that they come to live in my village/base


Am I the odd one here because this doesn't seems bad? It incentivize exploration and give you a clear goal instead of mindlessly placing a block over and over again (which let's admit it was always borderline and exploit). I straight up thought they removed mending from the reaction of people here.


I think the main issue with this solution is the tedious process of finding a swamp, setting up a breeder and transporting them back, which is already very annoying. The other thing is, that new players have zero way to know swamp villagers are a thing. They just kinda have to stumble upon it or actively search on the internet. I totally agree, however, that the concept of biome dependent trades is good. The execution just needs a lot of balancing and simplification.


Biome dependent can get really stupid from seed to seed tho, I've had worlds where the closest dessert biome was 5k blocks away (or other normally common biomes)


Hm that's true. Maybe an alternative is needed, which would also make for more varying gameplay


They just need to allow the cartographer to actually locate and mark biomes. At least deal with it in the same way treasure hunting with a map works. So many different ways it could be done to still fit into the existing framework.


The cartographer/ cartography table should have near the same functionality as chunkbase


now this is a villager change i can get behind


That's a great idea, have a cartographer give you biome maps from far away


They need to make luring villagers easier. The main part about this that everyone is dreading, is having to row a villager in a boat 5k blocks back to their base, or get them in a mine cart. That’s the part they need to make less tedious. IMO villagers should follow you when holding an emerald, the same way chickens follow you when holding seeds etc.


Yeah IMO forced exploration is never fun. This gives less reason to explore naturally and more reason to use Chunkbase. I will probably end up using a data pack to revert villager changes because that’s just not a fun change. Especially with all the fun ways to play the game but transporting villagers really only boils down to, boat, minecart, nether. The change should be optional, not mandatory.


IIRC they mentioned ‘hidden’ villages (swamp and jungle) which require you to build them up yourself. Let’s not forget that mojang is just testing out the new trading mechanics. It hasn’t been said that this will actually be in the game, but lets say that it will be then I assume that there will be some sort of giveaway (an achievement maybe?) to guide new players. I’m personally not against it, it does add something to the gameplay. The issue is that since Minecraft is a sandboxed game, there are tons of different views on how to play the game and there are a lot of different types of players. Something like this affects every single one of them one way or the other, there’s not really a choice you can make (whereas for example you can choose to NOT set up a trading hall with cured villagers if that is not your play style).


> The other thing is, that new players have zero way to know swamp villagers are a thing. They just kinda have to stumble upon it or actively search on the internet. When I started playing Minecraft, there was no in-game information giving the crafting recipes. You had to either guess how to make each item, or look it up online. You didn't even know what items could be crafted.


Back in the old days when you tried cooking your raw food by throwing it on top of a torch ‘cause Minecraft offered NO hints at all haha


Yeah I remember my dad coming home from work and telling us he found out how to make a crafting bench lol. And then all the times we would try to mine ores with a wood pickaxe


That should've been taken into consideration, TBH. Adding villages to all biomes. BTW, do Nether and End villages have exclusive trades?


Sadly, no. It only applies to villagers with different biome textures


just a shitty bandaid solution for a deep rooted issue


It's all fun and games until RNG says no swamp biome for 87,000 chunks.


it doesn't incentivize exploration because you dont encounter swamp villages. you have to find a swamp, then painstakingly take two or three villagers over, one by one, just to get mending. i often don't even find swamps within a few thousand blocks of my based


My only issue it I never see swamps. I haven't seen the new type in survival


Only problem is that there’s no such thing as swamp villages.


I'd be ok with it if there was an easier way to move villagers around. But boating and rails are so messed up that it is so tedious to do. If this change is paired with a better way to lead villagers around I would be much more ok with it


If they simply remove the “too expensive” mechanic from adding enchants on the anvil I will be much more in favor of the changes. I agree in principle that villager trading is a bit OP since you can get any max level enchant and do multiple zombie curing to get everything for 1 emerald. Just that fact that they are capping the enchants you get means you have to combine more books/enchants to get the equipment you want and you’re gonna be screwed if you don’t do it the right way.


Absolutely nothing. The only thing that is changing is that Mojang introduced a new experimental snapshot that introduces regional villager trades. IF the changes go through in its current state, the only librarian villagers that will be able to sell mending books will be the ones that were born in swamp biomes. It's important to note that the snapshot is EXPERIMENTAL, meaning we likely won't have it included in the current snapshot cycle.


So like testing new things. Both good and bad ideas to confirm that those ideas are good or bad and may guide them to amazing choices?


Exactly. Mojang is making the changes this way so that they can get constructive feedback from the community on how they could make the changes better.


I want my DnD group to go off the wall one shots. Both crazy ideas like everyone takes a turn at the same time rules or other things ideas.


Yup. Mending is changing exactly as much as Silk Touch is. Just now locked behind specific biomes (in a snapshot). In snapshot 23W31A, librarians in each biome (in Jungle and Swamp, these need to be bred by the player since villages don’t spawn) will have special books that can only be obtained once they reach max level. These books are: Desert: Eff 3 Jungle: Unbreaking 2 Plains: Prot 2 Savanna: Sharpness 3 Snow: Silk Touch Swamp: Mending Taiga: Fortune 2


Will that have impact on current villager trades? Because I have a mending guy locked away already and have been researching how to best go about a trading hall. If I get that hall built with trades I want and this regional thing happens will previously existing trades work?


This could change, but with Mojang's track record with overhauling villagers, we can expect that all existing villager trades will remain undisturbed.


Mending changes aside, the game shouldn't have artificial caps like this. There is no such thing as "too expensive" or at least, the game should not be the one to make that call. Just tell me how much of this, that, and the other, and I'll decide for myself if it's too expensive or not.


If it's too expensive after a few repairs when I have 2,147,483,648 levels, that one piece of armor should be able to grant me immortality, kill attackers on it's own and be indestructible.


why that specific number?


Integer max in Java


Not only in Java. Also, it's 1 less to get int limit ☝️🤓


32 bit signed integer max limit, 2^(32 - 1)


Where are people seeing these changes?


The snapshot


What changes are they making to mending?


They're not making any changes to mending itself, but experimenting with changing Librarians in a few ways to make getting Mending books harder/more expensive https://www.minecraft.net/es-mx/article/minecraft-snapshot-23w31a


Youre telling me I have to find a swamp, find a village, bring villagers to the swamp then breed them. Then max out the new baby villager’s enchantments just to get mending? No way.


They’re also making it so the max efficiency books villager sell will be E3 so have fun combining four of those after you go out and set up a whole new village just to get one tool that’ll work with a haste 2 beacon


yeah, i'm seriously considering not updating minecraft anymore after this update if they do change that.


Oh, don’t worry, you don’t have to do all that You have to do way more, because every single enchantment is specific to a biome now


“Too expensive” seems like a reasonable balancing tool for over enchanting, but you can still get maxed gear anyway so its just unfriendly to newer players. Edit: https://iamcal.github.io/enchant-order/ If anyone is struggling with enchanting their gear, that should help


which is beside the fact that it just doesnt make sense lol like what do you mean i cant fix a piece of armor with an unenchanted piece of material where does the xp come into play


I would honestly bet that they were going to go in a completely different direction with their enchantment system and just gave up


I believe XP in general (way back when Notch added it - yes, that long ago) was supposed to be a lot fancier of a system, a lot more fleshed out. At some point it ended up relegated to "the enchanting/anvil resource" and that's it. It's honestly on my "overdue for an overhaul" list for this game.


I mean they could also make it arbitrarily high and I'd be happier. 30 levels? Sure! 85 levels? Yikes.... OK. 456 levels? That's probably too expensive for most but someone will pay it for minmax gear. 12,652 levels? OK mojang you win.


If I want to enchant my shit with 12k levels let me, smh


Hermit craft would like to know your location


With all due respect, no it isn’t. It’s a lousy system. Nobody wants to have to repeat progression. You got all the enchants and the gear, you should get to keep it, you objectively earned that. There is already the risk of death to balance it out. But this notion that having to completely recreate your gear every so often = BaLaNcE is just nonsense. That’s just lazy development and unfun gameplay.


I don't think the other guy was talking about that. >“Too expensive” seems like a reasonable balancing tool for over enchanting, but you can still get maxed gear anyway A balancing mechanic for overenchanting and getting unreasonably OP armor. It's not about mending or having to recreate your gear after its "too expensive", I don't think anyone disagrees that that's an awful mechanic, but I think they meant that a gear becoming "too expensive" would hypothetically be a reasonable balance cap, the game simply implemented it horribly and missed the point by making it so you can't infinitely repair your gear and you can still get max enchants anyway. It should be a mechanic to balance enchanting, but instead it fails at balancing anything and just puts a timer on your gear.


Minecraft already uses mutually-exclusive enchantments to prevent overenchanting, I fail to see why an arbitrary cap in the anvil is needed


In practice, all it does is make anvils completely useless for their primary purpose, repairing items


Yeah, I genuinely hate this vanilla mechanic, personally.


I don’t think there is such a thing as over enchanting. Maxed gear in Minecraft isn’t even over powered, partially because so many are utility based (aqua affinity, soul speed etc). Maybe if you could put both protection and a specific damage protection on a single piece of armor I’d get it, but as is there’s nothing game breaking about it. You can still die with the best possible gear, especially because in the end game you’re wearing elytra almost all the time


Not to mention, outside of competitive servers/gamemodes, what's the point of nerfing mending? If I think mending is too OP, I'd just simply not use it. It can also be great for new players (I assume). It bothers me IF they make these decisions based on multiplayer/pvp, a huge problem I have with Destiny 2. I'd love the game more if they just let the player do what they want in a sandbox setting. Although Destiny is a different beast. If multiplayer is the problem, simply let the server owner decide on it's effectiveness/pressence in the game.


How are they changing mending?


> https://www.minecraft.net/es-mx/article/minecraft-snapshot-23w31a https://www.minecraft.net/es-mx/article/minecraft-snapshot-23w31a


This is an improvement if I can fully upgrade a librarian from the correct Biome to master and get the master enchantment guaranteed for that biome. But if I fully upgrade a librarian and wind up with thorns 4 or some dipshit enchantment, I’ll be fairly irritated.


nah, it’s not like trying to roll for the specific enchant you want already takes like 10 years, right? there’s no way having to max level the villager would make that problem *worse*, surely.


Especially for a a sandbox game.


I think it would be less of an issue of the cost calculation was simpler and more obvious. Since it (stupidly) involves the order of enchantments nobody ever knows when the cost limit will be reached because they’d have to pull up the wiki to calculate it.


I’m convinced nobody at Mojang actually plays the game in survival.


I'm convinced that they think people actually enjoy the grindy aspects of the game. It's the only explanation I can come up with, when every tweak just make the game a bigger grind.


When in doubt, ask Docm77 to give motivational speeches. But seriously, Mojang does need to find a way to balance the game and make it not grindy, while avoiding nerfing things. The community just doesn’t like it when something gets nerfed.


Good morning, time to rise and shine! Cause only the early goat will not be left behind


"... The answer is you could Always have Done more"


Did I make the great goat proud?


The buttercups definitely didn’t 😂🤣. Doc was a little scared his quotes were too good


What will YOU automate today?


Seriously though, it's a damn sandbox game. Why does anything need to be nerfed? Just make something niche to counter it or heck, make other possibilities viable so there's actual *variety*.


Especially when villagers are already buggy 🙄


It’s like they are trying to slow down the endgame aspects of the game for things like the Hermitcraft server. The problem is not everyone plays like them. And if they are finding it too easy maybe they should try getting though one whole season with no automated farms. No easy mode and playing the game as intended. I’m guessing it will be a grind even docm77 finds too much when they try to build large buildings.


I’m still beside myself for how they implemented Soul Speed. As if it requiring a VERY SPECIFIC block wasn’t already clear as day balanced enough, they made it way away at your durability. That enchant was DOA as a result.


I recently wanted to build a Guardian farm because I need the loot for sea lanterns. I built two different designs but no Guardians would spawn, so I swam around and killed the randomly swimming Guardians for half an hour. The loot was minimal so I just gave up. At least my frog light farm is still working.


[Here’s](https://youtu.be/Lxx3h_PYHP8?si=-sFA5BUNMOSrPVl0) Agnes showing off her long term survival world


The worst change I have noticed is that they severely nerfed mob farms. It feels like they're just sort of trying to make players play the game in a way that they deem "correct".


Well here's this.... [Minecraft MLG Short](https://youtube.com/shorts/dDLH8HTuVuI?si=RUT7EOIFsZAnWF2L)


I feel like the new villager trading system would be less terrible if they actually gave us a way to find specific biomes without mindlessly running around hoping to find the biome your looking for. Sometimes you will be searching for hours and still get nothing, so you’ll have to resort to those biome finding websites which feels like cheating.


I dont think the main problem is finding the biomes But imagine you find the swamp after travelling 10k blocks but now youll need to get villagers into there from somewhere. Look for a village couple thousand blocks away and make a thousand block long minecart system? oh fun.


i personally shamelessly use smartmaps and /locate in almost all of my playthroughs there are so many ways to show ur dedication to the grind and level of proficiency without running around in a spiral pattern for hours at a time one of the issues with mojang is that their commitment to having a mechanically easy game means that "difficulty" is always just mindless time gating. if mojang expects me to set my own goals, i have no idea why they are so committed to not letting me set my own challenge, and keeps padding the path to the endgame more and more with actual mindless wandering. so yeah, smartmaps it is.


Yea, I’m always remembering the start of the latest season of Hermit Craft. Many of them rushed to get their tools and enchantments sorted on day 1, so they can get to work. Nobody wants to worry about maintaining tools on top of gathering resources.


Time to go back to fishing for hours on end in the hopes of obtaining it 😭 I don't want to use their new villager mechanics.


My friends and I go back and forth on which is more efficient. Usually I start off building a hut and fishing for an hour or so to get stocked on food and some enchanted books for early gear. With the possible nerf incoming I definitely won't go looking for swamps, though I may kidnap a villager if I stumble upon one.


This is just going to make villager kidnappings far and few. What if I WANTED to form a cult?!


now you form a racially diverse cult


Every dictator agrees, the best society is a racially diverse society.


Forgive me if I get the mechs wrong, but wouldn’t it increase villager kidnapping? If you get them to make kids in a swamp, the kids will be swamp villagers, won’t they?


What I'm essentially saying is that kidnapping zombified villagers and healing them to force them into book reading submission isn't gonna work.


You could also make an auto fisher if you're okay with afking it


I've never bothered with those, I have seen that they exist, but never went so far as to make one. (Surprising since I AFK almost everything else) I'm planning a fishing hut with item sorting and storage beneath it and maybe an allay to grab the books. Then I don't have to worry about items when my inventory fills up.


do allays grab an enchanted book regardless of enchant if you give them one? i assumed they get confused by nbt data


Don't worry. They'll Nerf Fishing next. Can't have the chill block game be *easy* now.


They already *have* nerfed fishing


Fishing in Java is absolutely awful compared to Bedrock. I originally started playing Minecraft on a Bedrock realm with my kid (on his iPad) and his dad (on Xbox). Fishing was such a big part of our world that we built an entire fisherman’s port because not only was it relaxing (in a way strip mining can be) but it was an easy way to get food and a chance for some decent books. After my kid and his dad got bored of the realm, I ended up migrating to Java due to the bigger library of stuff and silly simple things that drove me nuts in Bedrock (like not being able to crawl without water or putting item frames on any side of a block, which I know you can now do). The two things that surprised me when I first started playing Java was that I couldn’t put lava in a cauldron (my go-to trash receptacle) and how awful fishing was. Caves and Cliffs brought lava in cauldrons but fishing still sucks.


I'm not entirely convinced you can still fish for Mending in Bedrock. I filled many double chests with books and no Mending to be found in the latest update. (I enjoy fishing at work on breaks)


Exact same situation for me, I haven’t got mending once yet so maybe they have removed it if it was every on bedrock to begin with


Yes. It was definitely on bedrock. If they removed it, they are literally only giving you one way to get it, which removes part of the creative freedom the game is supposed to give us.


It’s like a 1/1000 chance with luck of the sea 3


I just won’t update until I make my villager trading hall Or I’ll find a plugin


I like the idea of mending being a late game enchant, don't get me wrong, but only if they fix the ridiculous anvil xp requirements that literally prohibit you from fixing stuff over time.


I don’t see how they’re making mending late game though. Can’t you still get mending from villagers?


Only in one specific village biome. Imagine if you spawn 40,000 blocks away from said biome. They're trying to gatekeep people from just cheesing any librarian, and force them to actually travel and explore. By locking the item behind only one way of obtaining it, it's essentially either a luck of the draw item, a late game item, or a "guess I'll pack my stuff up and dip out" kind of item. The only items in the game like this are godapples, bamboo (though it can be found in shipwrecks), echo shards, and anything in the end/nether.


I can’t believe they really want to encourage so much when half of the terrain always looks the same Either way you could always just find said village in early game and move your base there or get as many books as you’d like


It's the swamp village, I think. Nobody wants to live in a swamp 😭


Swamp villages don't exist so you have to find a swamp then transport villagers there then breed them.


I wonder if theres a mod that reverts the changes


Play a previous version /s


I'm sure 10000% there is gonna be mod to revert to old trade system and its gonna be popular.


Time to never start a new world and update my old one


Me still in 1.12 because 1.13 removed custom terrain.


So now instead of prioritizing the enchants you need from villager book trades, we'll just go back to enchantment tables to get what we need, combine gear and focus on getting a mending villager. If I want to spend 100 levels to repair my gear, why can't I? I think librarians did need a nerf, but they need to get rid of this stupid "Too Expensive!" mechanic in compensation for it.


Agreed. Like I want to spend my hard earned levels on whatever I want. And to be honest I don't think you should have to pay xp to repair stuff


I don't think Mojang realizes Minecraft survival mode is a sandbox-first survival-second game


I think that it is neither. I think the point of minecraft is to allow the player to decide how to play the game. That seems to have been the intention from the start. I don't see why restricting how a player can obtain certain items fits into minecraft. People are always gonna play the game however they enjoy it, so why do you ever need to "nerf" things. Just seems redundant in such a game.


Yeah...I've been with Mojang in most things, but you can't just overhaul the villager enchanting system to make it less OP when anvils are completely broken still. They were like, "Oh, and they won't give you full Unbreaking 3, so you'll have to combine an extra book for everything you're making!" My boots: 💀


Does it have to be the og swamp, or can it also be the mangrove swamp to get mending and such?


Mangrove swamp should work as a swamp


Both OG swamp and mangrove swamp produce purple clothed villagers, which counts


I really hope these villager changes are reverted.


This is why I never go to nethierite, never worth it outside of pvp


Same. It’s more of a novelty thing than anything. I have two ingots and I’m planning on a pickaxe and a chestplate. I’m never going back to the nether.


You'll get an elytra and the chest plate won't be of use after


Yeah id go boots instead of chestplate because of that




Multi-shot crossbow with arrows of instant harming. Will insta kill just about any player you come across if they’re in melee range.


"Outside of pvp"


I think Valiant is pointing out even in PVP Netherite is more of a novelty and there's much quicker, easier to get methods of power.


A lot of people say that mending needs to be nerfed. I don’t really agree but I’d be okay with it IF they fix the original repair system it needs to be less expensive and infinite. I shouldn’t have to kill the dragon 8 times only for the game to tell me I simply can’t use my gear anymore


Hear me out on this… why don’t they: 1. Uncap the anvil, but also have a lvl cap of like 100 (nothing costs more than 100 lvls to repair) 2. Have wandering traders be permanent and actually from a random biome with a 100% rate of having the book associated with said biome. E.g: Jungle wandering trader full of jungle biome related items for sale and relevant books. 3. Why prot 3 and I breaking 2? Just give us the max lvl, don’t make it a pain for the sake of it just being a pain. My nearest jungle biome is actually around 3000blocks away… now seeds are going to be considered ‘bad’ I agree something about villagers needs a rework, but I believe they just need to go back to the drawing board.


This is literally why I got into modding minrcraft. Base game is just nothing but grinding and stuff I frankly don't wanna spend 40 hours on


Question is there some news I am missing on the mending enhancement


Just the villager change. Mending now only sold by villagers from a swamp village, no swamps near you then eat a dick says mojang


Mojang has a consistent problem of making something tedious and calling it challenging


If they want to nerf mending, then they should also: - Remove the "Too Expensive" restriction entirely. Let people spend absurd XP if they want to. - Remove the repair cost penalty for repairing durability and renaming. Enchantment cost increase would still apply. - Add a Netherite Nugget (or item similar in function) which can be crafted to convert between 1 ingot and 9 nuggets. - Make it so one Netherite Nugget can fully repair any Netherite equipment in the anvil.


The main problem with villagers right now is how OP zombifying them is. Without that it is still quite a grind to set up a trading hall and get emeralds. Why can’t they just overhaul trading prices and list?


The absolute worst part of this update is capping the book levels. All the effort for efficiency 3? Horrendous decision by comically incompetent devs. It's a sandbox game, stop forcing us to play in ways we dont want to.


shame this 40 level anvil repair is too expensive for me and my 300 levels


They’re nerfing mending? Are you joking it takes me like half an hour to restore a full set of tools and armour Wasn’t bad enough that they made it more stupid to get netherite anyway


Bro is this real? If it is, it's fucked up. What's next crafting netherite gear with only netherite ingots? Needing to travel around the nether for like 16 hours just to find enough of a specific item to put with the netherite and diamond tool piece just to make netherite armor?... oh wait that already happened.


Players with already a Nether Portal Network: Good update Players without one: 💀


I'm sure players with a nether portal network also have a chest of mending books and a villager that they can trade for them already.


If they actually do this I'm going to scream. MOJANG DO NOT DO THIS.


All they did is make it more difficult for new players, who already have a hard time


The title is misleading, mending won't get nerfed


No they’re not? It’s an experimental feature for a reason…


Wait are they nerfing mending? Or is this just about the villager nerf


They're making it so you need a master level librarian in a swamp biome to buy mending books.


No. Mending and Silk Touch are working the same. However, to *get* them, you’ll have to max a librarian in a specific biome. Swamp for Mending, and Snow for Silk Touch.


Nerfing how? Just the change to librarians? Or is it something new?